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The Tiffin Tribune from Tiffin, Ohio • Page 3

Tiffin, Ohio
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readies, Peaches EEFOEM! Everybody is Talking Reform Wa want to talk reform, not political, bat real economy for stomach and pocket. Harln aold the "KIHINU HUN REACHES." canned In 3-pound or quart can, for the pant foar yearn, we, and scores of oar eastomera, know them to lie the beat CANNED Peaches om tha market. Tbey are grown In the tttala of Delaware and canned by th aame partlea wbo raised tbem left on the tre nntll perfectly ripe, picked and canned the aame day, right In the orchard, aweetened with white sugar ready Tor the table. Tbey will coat yon no more than the Choicest PEACH canned by yourself, saving yon all the work of canning. We wonld be pleased to take your order now for what yoa would want, aalUfied tbat It la the beat and cheapest way to liny your peac bee.

Beapectfully, MARTIN NEGELE, Ko. a flat. Dlock. TIFFIN TRIBUNE. Local and Miscellany.

IDTIITUEU- Tlsa Trlfcaaa haa larger edranlnUaa tana aaaa tinea a aaylaajaaaaerffcara to air TWS aaaara la ao naty. I iaaiilctlltn aii Oommonlcatlona moat be aeaompanled by the name of the writer, (not tor publication, but as roar ante of good fallhj or they wUI go Into tbe waate-baaket. latlm, Kttw-Birth, Marriage and Death announcement rasa, flva eenU a line will be charred for obltaarlea aecompany, Ing death announcements, and alao for the rasolaOoaa by societies of an obituary character. No deviation will be made from tela rule. tlMi.

Tiiradaj AiffMl 29, 1818. aa.Cfeaa. Faster was In thin city Ban-day. The Council did not meet Monday evening ao quorum. The Public School will commence Tue day next.

Instead of Monday. Friday Deputy Sheriff Arnold's horae ran away and broke his buggy badly. ar. Hovey amputated the loot of a HUle boy at the Infirmary Friday last. Home of tba bones bad decayed.

wlag- to th length or Mr. Foster's speech, we are obliged to leave out considerable Interesting matter. A light ahower of rain lell yesterday morning. Much more la needed. F.H.

A copious ahower fell In the afternoon. The Arcadia Club and the Tlffln nine played a game Saturday. The acore was Tiffin IS, Arcadia 4. The game was nut closely contested. The Homer aetata, altnated In Seneca township, mile north of Berwick, containing acres, will be sold by tbe heirs on Hauirday BepL 7, DCS The next regular meeting of he Heneca Count Pomona Grange will 1 haid la Tlffln.

Tuesday. September Sd at 10 o'clock A.M. A. SOHArcx, Secretary, leiMeat-An eight-month old child of Andrew on Franklin street, fell from a second story window, on Tues day last, striking upon Its head. Tbe Injuries received may prove fatal.

J. Merrill, writes us from Sandusky as follows Oliver H. Ferry, "yard master" or tbe Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Kali' road at Sandusky, was killed on Friday last In that city while coupling ears. He was highly ex lee mod, and leaves a wire and children. The base bail match between the Flndlay Mine Spots and the Tlffln Hlne took place at tbe Fair Grounds, Friday afternoon.

It was vary closely contested, the acore standing, Flndlay Tlffln S. The Clubs are very evenly matched and the game was a very One one. Some complaint was made of toe empire, bat all things considered he did about the fair thing. Friday evening last our horse met with an accident by which a gash about eight Inches In length was out across the throat, and the Jugular vein and one of the carotid arteries were severed. Dr.

Emmet Sullivan happened to be present and took up and tied tbe vela and artery. Had be not been on nnndjtopertorm the difficult operation the mare would nave died lnflve minutes, naturally ws feel under obligations The animal la getting along and will probably recover. Kelen Blye. The entertainments given by Mlaa Helea Blye and her own company In National Hall. OB last Wednesday and Thursday evenings, gave universal satisfaction, which la the verdict of the press and people In this section wherever she has appeared.

Her support is fair, though not nearly equal to herself. Her "Pauline" and "Jnliet" ware produced with tbe aklll of a connoisseur, and she was frequently applauded. Miss Blye was born In North Fairfield, Huron county, August 10th, 1882, and Is, consequently, but a little past sixteen years or age. She formerly lived with her parents at Hepublle, where she la well known. Her personal appearance and talent are such as to warrant tbe prediction of a brilliant future.

BhewlhMnakea ahort tour in Canada, be lore sailing for Europe, Sept. 18th, where alia has a three years' engagement with Augustln Daly, of New York. WATER WORKS. Kiaewbere It is stated that 8. I Wiley, for Water Works Company, has purchased Dlemer's mill and water privilege etc, for Water Works purposes.

Work began on tbe long anticipated project Monday, lorty-Cve men being engaged on widening the raoa from the mill to the dam. Tho race Is being widened some twelve feet, which will take its width about thirty-live feet. This la done to give a larger and more steady volume of water. The; tall-raee will be Widened and alao deepened. By deepening tt a bed of eighteen lnchea more of water can be secured.

Mr. Wiley calculates by these changes in the race to be enabled to get from 12s to 130 horae power. Tbe most improved pattern of a turbine water wheel will be used. The Water Works building is to be located on the plat of ground between the; race and river, a little north of the bridge. It will be of the ordinary alio, built of brick, with atone faelngs and, trimmings, and have a mansard roof.

The machinery will be the beat and latest Improved automatic direct pressure pumps, with an auxiliary pump to be need In eaaa of accident. The machinery will be connected with a 12 horse power turbine water wheel. This system willlve the Works a tieslei pumping capacity than the contract calls for, together with a much higher fire pi assure. In regard to the water for domestic purposes we think there need be no trouble borrowed as to 1U quality. Mr.

Wiley thoroughly understands the needs In that direction, and he will see that the water Is pure and healthy. This he will do. If for no other reason, than simply as a business proposition. He experts the people to use the water for domestic purposes and knows very well that unless It Is good they will not touch It. The water will be got, we understand, from large wells to be sunk west of the race.

On Tuesday there were fifty-nine men at work aad the number will be augmented as the work proceeds. Up to this time none but Tlffln men have been put to work, and none will be until this supply runs out. Excavation was commenced to carry the main pipe across the river. The pipe wll be sunk four feet below tho bed. The put ting downoftalsplpevas begun yesterday The wages palmare iljs per day, and a fair day's work Is crusted from all.

Three months will Qa tk Tit a Water wfoejts la operation. We can eongratulaWouraelveji on the fact that we are to have the worka, that labor, lug men are having needed work. when they otherwise would have bean idle, and that there are to be more prosperous times lu this city from this time on. The nights are gettiDg cool and pre ceptlbly longer. waterproofs Yingling'e.

very cheap, Hen's liats at Leiner's. neifleiocrs college win open Wednesday, Sept. 4th, The8andaky County Fair takes place October 1, 2, 3, and 4. Hat for everybody at Reiner's. The Wyandot County Fair Ukes place October 9, 10, 11, and 12.

TLr. ElcKcnTaon, who wan injured a abort time ago, in Xajor Lewis BaiUCII ha teen ly ing very nick daring the past week. Treaiarcr-eleet Barrate takes bis place In the City Treasury Monday next. Before you go to the show, boy one of those new style bats at Leiner's. Don't forget It.

the best calicoes only CJ cents per yard, at Yin sling's. Tootbt' bats at Leiner's. rrasi Warner, County Treasurer, retires next Monday. He dm made an excellent officer. refers of a bilious and malarial type are making their annual appear ance.

Tie Market House steeple baa been refitted and painted. It looks a great deal better. CblKTren'i hats at Leiner's. C. H.

Etlng, the sewing machine dealer, has a new advertisement in this week's Tribune. Kointne is more needed now than a heavy refreshing shower of rain to lay the dust and revive things generally. A newspaper without some foolish, senseless theory on finance Is the ex cention rather than tbe rule nowa days. Cant Be Beat. Bent calf boot In tbe city at $2.50 and other goods in proportion, at J.

M. Kaull's Co. A good linen handkerchief for cents, at Yingllng's. Bois' hats at Leiner's. The bold fireman was taken off the steeple of No.

1 Engine House Thursday last to be repainted. He is in place again and Is stylish. OorFoetoria correspondent writes that a watch and $3.00 in cash were stolen from tbe residence of Jerry Nestlerode last week, which belonged to Prof. Good, of this city. Tit Water Works through B.

L. Wiley, has purchased Dlemer's Mill, Including the water privilege, and six acres of land, for Water Works purposes. A nice new line of boy's school bats, not received at Leiner's. K. W.

BkmnaB has ordered plate glass for alx rooms on Market street. The TBiBtiiai office Is one of those rooms, but then we shall put on no airs about it Tkarsflir evening last another child died at tbe Infirmary of diphthe ria. This is the sixth child that has died at tbat plac3 of this dread dis ease. Freight business on all the railroads Is Increasing. Tbe immense wheat crop is beginning to move, and large sums of money change hands dally.

This should Improve "the times" very materially. T. f. rThllen'i horses, Thursday evening, got frightened on Sandusky street, while being watered, and ran away with a nearly new buggy. At Miller's comer the carriage came in contact with a tree and was badly broken.

It Is a fact tbat Lelner is selling bats cheaper than any other firm in tbe city. far men will notice tbe advertisement of Chamberlain Beiple's Im proved Harriws elsewhere. It Is a deci ded Improvement over all other harrows and needs only to be used to prove Its exellence. Buy It and get tbe best harrow manufactured. Can be need with two or three horses.

"Olio Farmers'." Farmers of Seneca county, wbo wish to insure their farm property in a reliable Company, should address W. T. Myers, Attica, who is agent for the old Ohio Farmers' Insurance Co. Applications will receive (prompt attention. Ee-anioi at Nevada, Onlo.

A reunion of tbe surviving members of tbe 15th, 49th, 55th, lOlat, 123rd, 144th and 179th Regiments of Ohio Volunteers will take place at Nevada, on Thursday, September 19, 1S73. Among tbe many celebrities wbo will be present to participate In tbe exercises are Ex-Governor J. Lee, Gen. W. H.

Gibson, Gen. I. M. Kirby and H. H.

Sage. AU union soldiers irrespective of command or localities are respectfully Invited to attend. Fire. Friday night at about 10:30 o'clock, the residence of W. F.

Shaw, on North Greenfield street, was discovered to be on fire. Every effort was made to extinguish the fire, but as tbe bouse was outside the city limits and not within reach of water it was impoeible to bring the engines Into action. The house and most of its contents were dee troyed. The house of Mr. Slaymaker was very near and it was only by tbe greatest exettion that It was saved.

The loss was about 600 with $2, 400 Insurance. Grange Basket Picnic There will be a Grange Basket Picnlo on Saturday, September 7th, 1S73, In J. P. Holtz'a grove, one and one-half miles north-east of Egbert's Church on the Portland road. Mr.

and Mrs. Tattle will be present to address tbe people on tbe occasion, and other prominent speakers are expected to be present. All are cordially Invited to attend. BY ORDER OF COMMITTEE. List Of Lciien remaining uncalled for in the Postoffice, Tiffin, Seneca county, August 20th Bird, Jennie Brundaee.

Mieehan. Patrick fheder, Korrlck, William Rude A Hon, L. Smith, Mainias Htrlexel, Jacob Huliivan, Magglo Tally, A Thompson, John White, Fannie Borrows, Dilgard, Emma Euright, Sarah A Howe, William Ingles. Fred Kieffer, Lovlna Kesaler, Henry A Liea. Mary Myers, Mary A Persons calling for these letters please say advertised.

All letters not called for within four weeks after being advertised will be sent to the dead- L. WEIRICK. P. M. The Tlffln Philharmonic Society wUl pre-sent the opera of "Martha" at National Halloa the wu and 11th of September.

This opera has been In rehearsal for a considerable time, and wUl be produced In a superior manner. The Philharmonics are made up of good musicians, and have never failed to give a good entertainment. Edlaoa'a Phonograph, or talking machine, was exhibited in National Hail on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week, by Ait. Burnett, the humorist. "Everybody, no doubt, baa heard of this most wonderful of modern Inventions, but It must be seen to be appreciated.

It reproduces the human voice, in lta various intonations, In a modified form, apparently from a distance. Prot. Boos played several cornet solos Into the vibrator which were reproduced quite distinctlyYankee Doodle, especially. Tbe evening's entertainment Tuesday was Interspersed with a humorous dialogue between Mr. Burnett and Mlaa Nash the 'Bachelor and Old Maid," or "Morning Can," which delighted the audience.

at on Cbaoipion On the 21st a cornet contest Prof. Louis Koos, son of Trof. Boos, of this city, and Frof. Meftrezat, of West Virginia, was held at Jackson, Mich. Mr.

Mestrezat had challenged any corcr.t player in his own Btate and any in tbe world, under 21 years of age, to a content. Prof. Boos accept ed the challenge, which resulted as follows: Boos 1W points Meatrezat ST. The result of this contest Is ad Jitional evidence of the former's skill ah a and extends his al ready excellent reputation, which he bears with becoming modesty, neidelliers college. Rev.

Dr. Eph, M. of Cincinnati, who was elected In June by the Board of Trustees to the Professorship of Oerman and Hebrew In Heidelbent College and Theological Seminary, has ac cepted the position, to which he was called, and will enter upon bis duties at the opening of the fall term, on the 4th of Heptember. Dr. Epstein is man of experience and tainmects, and will be dition to tba teaching scholarly quite an force of at-ad tbe College and Seminary.

All tbe other Professors remain at their posts. Prof. C. Hornung's health having Im proved, he will resume bis labors in the College. Earnom't Greatest Show on Kartn Mr.

Barnum has fully redeemed his promise to present to tbe public an aggregation surpassing anything he has heretofore brought together. The menagerie is one of tbe beet ever seen, some of tbe cages containing very rare animals. Tbe museum la fall of novelties. Including several well-arranged automatic figures wDicn produce considerable mem men! for the little folks. The circua compares favorably with acv ever given under tbe management of tbe Prince of Showmen." One of the most interesting features in the latter is the performance of the trained stallions.

These animals ars superb ly beautiful antf the perfection of grace, and under tbe signaling of their trainer.aMr. Carl Amony, exe cute many difficult movements with a promptness which is really aston ishing. Among the equestrian performers Mr. Charles Fish snows great skill as a bareback rider with apparent ease and grace. The leaping of Bacbelder is one or the greatest feats, be going over me decks or six eiepnants ar ranged side by side, turning two com nlete summersaults in the air.

Tbe Japanese balancing act, together wltb tbe performance of "tbe woman with tne iron jaw," cans iorw great ap plause, i ne ciowns are gooa, their entertainment being out of the stereotyped performance of circus clowns. Capt Uosteotenus is the most won derful living curiosity in tbe world. ills skin is tattooed from bead to foot with over 700 curious pictures of Birds, Beasts and Heathen Gods, nro- duced by over 7,000,000 blood produc ing punoiures. Tbe great show will be here on Monday, Sept. Tickets and re served seats can be had on the day of exhibition at Hubbard's Drug Store, at a slight advance on the price asked at the crowded ticket wagon.

Tree Of Cost. The most wonderful remedy of the age is now placed with in the reach of all. "Be he rich or be he poor," It costs nothing to give this great remedy a trial. Dr. Kino's California Golden Compound, for Dyspepsia, Sick Headacbe, Low Spirits, Loss of Appetite, Sour Stomach, Coming op of Food, Yellow Complexion, General Debility, Inactivity and Drowsiness, Liver Complaint, Jaundice and Biliousness, for which it is a certain and speedy cure.

No person should be without it In order to prove that it wilt do all we claim for it you are given a trial bottle free of cost, which will convince, you of Its truly wonderful merits, and show yoa what a regular one dollar size bottle will do. For sale by E. B. Hubbard, Tlffln, Ohio. a ADVERTISE.

Merchants should begin to advertise at once for the fall trade. Try the TRIBUNE with Its bona fide circulation of 2520. Rates hut little htehci than papers circulating from 150 copies up. Suklen'i Arnica Salve. The best salve in tbe world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all kinds of skin eruptions.

This salve is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction in every case or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by E. B. Hubbard.

Local Correspondence WEST LODI NEWS. Miss Ida Thatcher, of Republic, began a fall term of school at Bush Seminary on Monday of last week. J. W. Paine is preparing to build a brick house on one of his farms.

U. M. Harps ter arrived in town on Monday last with his photograph car. It is very dry and dusty here now so dry that farmers can hardly plow. A great deal of sickness prevails at present, mostly lever, with some ague.

Peaches are plenty In the orchards north of here so plenty that they were sold for twenty-five cents per bushel on Saturday last. Dendlnger Bros, are repairing their hotel. Cisterns are getting empty and wells are getting low. J. Windnagle, was at Bucyrus, on Saturday last, attending tho Congressional convention.

Mr. Brown, of Cardington, Morrow county, received the nomination. Home of our farmers talk of sowing wheat next week. Hoover A Love have repaired D. Neiklrk'a cider mill and are now prepared to make elder for all that may come.

Business is dull with our merchants at present. John Fall's housekeeper lea him last week. Our blacksmiths are kept busy now-plenty of wagon tires to set. The Democrats are to have a rally here this evening. Sites, Van fleet and Bunn are billed to speak.

J. II. Hull is preparing to take a trip to Kansas with a view to settle there. LOCAL. FLAT ROCK NEWS.

Farmers are busily engaged In plowing and preparing for fall sowing. The Evangelical society held a quarterly meeting last Saturday and Sunday. Bev. Hoy, P. officiated.

There are quite a number of cases of scarlet fever in this vicinity. The Evangelical Sanday school, of this place, will attend the picnic to be held under the auspices of tbe Reformed Sunday school, on Saturday, the 31st Inst. Misses Hosier and Bowers, and Charles Schock, are attending tbe Teachers' Institute at BloomvUIe. Ellas Weikert, of Sterling, Kansas, has returned to visit several weeks an attend to some business matters. Charles and Edwin Hammer, of Philadelphia, were here several days last week, tne guests of Mr, Feese.

Robert Courtney has been engaged to teach our winter school. miss victoria sawyer, formerly a teacher In our school, but lately of Tiffin Union school, has been visiting friends at this place. THETA. ATTICA NEWS. Tbe excursion to Put-In-Bay on the 21st, was quite well attended from this place, but it is was not as enjoy able an affair as last year.

The lake was quite rough, and consequently tbe boat rocked and pitched fearfully, making the majority of the excursionists very sick. Quite a number of Attica people went to Tiffin lest Thursday evening to attend Shakespeare's tragedy of Ro meo and Juliet, played by Miss Blye, formerly of tola place, and her com pany. They pronounced It perfectly charming. L.Bl week's issue of the Attica Journal seemed to purrae the even tenor of Its ways with Its new editor. We wish him success, and hope he will be as well liked as Mr.

Clougb. We are all sorry to see Mr. Clnugh and family leave. They have made many friends since they have res'ied in this place. Oar well wishes go with them to their far off home in Kansas.

Messrs. Laird Young have been papering and calcimlnlng tbe Universal 1st Church, and with the addition of new a chandelier and carpet, the chureh presents a very handsome appearance. It Is a specimen of the firm's work, and speaks very well for them, both being splendid workmen. The chandelier was presented to tbe church by tbe pastor, Bev. Bice.

The members appreciate bis kindness. Public schools open Monday, September 20. Parents shonld see tbat their children are there the first day. so as not to be a drawback to EM. EM.

GREEN SPRING NEWS. There are about forty guests at the Water Care. The sidewalk to tba cemetery Is be ing pushed rapidly. Mr. O.

Wonder, of Forest City, Missouri, la visiting friends here. The H. W. Church Hose of this place attended tbe tournament held at FJyria, on the 22J Inst. and earns home with tbe $30, first prize.

Distance ran, 521 rods time 38 seconds. The boys feel Jubilant Largo quantities of wheat are be ing marketed here. Mr. Overmeyer, an aged citizen of this place, bad a stroke of palsy last week. He la very low.

Frank Gordon died at the residence of his brother-in-law, on Monday, tbe 19th. Tbs deceased had been a suf ferer from consumption for some time, and his death was not unex pected. Funeral services were held at the M. E. Church on the Wednes day following, Rsv.

Palmer officia ting. Tbe remains of the deceased were Interred In tbe cemetery at this HERNDON. KANSAS NEWS. A little two-year-old son of Samuel Crawford la quite sick. Maggie, the little daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Msrebead, was buried on Thursday last The afflict ed parents have the sympathy of the entire community. On the 19th Mr. Whitney went over to Bettsvilie, and on Friday afternoon his son Joseph received word that his father needed attention. He started after him Immediately and placed him in a wagon and brought blm home, arriving here about nine o'clock in the evening.

About two hours thereafter, tbe old gentleman breathed his last. The funeral took place on 8unday forenoon. Miss Ella Long returned to her home In Fremont last Saturday, after two weeks' visit here. Miss Emma Carney, of Fostorla, has been In this place for the past few weeks, visiting. Miss Ella Lynn, sister of Mrs.

Dr. Gibbon, returned to her home In Mansfield last Friday. J. Newbouse and family were rusti cating at Green Spring, last Sunday. In regard to the conduct of onr Sabbath school children, on passing through Bettsvilie a week ago last Sunday, spoken of by your correspondent In bis (last week's communication, I wish to state tbat they were not boisterous in the least, though they did engage in a little innocent laughing.

Tbe first scene 2iat excited the mirth of the little folks was the exhibition of a colored menagerie and the second was. one of the citizens of that place, who had taken so much benzine aboard, that It required all the sidewalk and half the street to make him a foot path. I hope that "Citizen" will accept tho explanation, and believe that the young folks intended no disrespect to the quiet and peaceful village of Bettsvilie. On Mo nday afternoon last, oar new miller, Lon. Leonard, bad a close call.

He was working at the middlings in the third story while the machinery was in motion and his coat caught in the gearing. Fortunately Mr. Sprout saw It In time to pull him out, thus saving his life. The M. E.

Sabbath School, of this place, attended the Sanday school pic nlo at Bettsvilie, last Friday. report a pleasant time. Your correspondent bad the pleas-are of attending the "National" plo- nicnorth of Bettsvilie, last Saturday afternoon. And we must say It was the best disorganized political meet ing that we ever attended. We got there about half past one o'clock and found Col.

Rhodes, of Clyde, occupy ing the stand, discoursing on the fl nancial affairs of the country to a lot of empty seats, and tbe people stroll' Ing through the grove, bent on enjoy Ing the picnic, and not tbe least interested in the political affairs of the country. The speaker occupied a considerable portion of bis time in trying to persuade the people to come around the stand and bear the good things be had to tell them, but with out avail. Then the President of tbe meeting, Mr. B. Lewis, came forward and In his most charming manner In vited them to come, telling them tbat there was ample room provided with comfortable seats to accommo date all present, but they refused to be comfortably seated, and tbe Colonel nad to nnisa nis address to some or 30 devoted ones who seemed de termined to bold the position at all hazards.

Daring the discourse the speaker told ns the new and very origi nal story of knowing a community where the men were still voting for Old "Hickory" Jackson. We don't think the meeting on that day add ed many converts to the new faith. NED. NED. BLOOMVILLE NEWS.

Oar town has been quite lively dar ing tbe past week and trade has been good. A little child of William Warner, who lives north-west of town, died on Saturday last. The funeral took place at tbe Reformed Church, In this place on Sanday. Rev. B.

B. Beebe conducted the services. Our Street commisioner has about completed the work on Marlon street, Mr. Watson is getting oar streets in good shape. Quite a number of onr citizens at tended tbe Bacyrns horse races last week.

There will be a Sabbath School pic nlo held at this place on Thursday September 6th. We understand that 20 schools have been Invited. A good time Is anticipated. Noah Elnsel, who lives south-west of town, fell from a tree on last Batar day, and broke a rib. Dr.

F. P. Klahr was called and dressed tbe wound He is now doing as well as can be expected. Dr. Griffin, of Lykins, was in town Monday.

When you come to town, and want a dish of Ice cream, go to Mart. Dud ley's. Rev. S. Shaw is at Fostorla attending the Tiffin Classis.

The public schools of this place will commence on Monday next. Tbe following are the teachers employed for tbe coming year High School, J. K. Hamilton Grammar, Mr. Muore Primary, Miss Hattie Patterson.

"Tbe Seneca County Teach era' In stitute 'passed off very quietly last week about 80 teacher were In atten dance. Tbe attendance tbis week about one hundred. Prof. KIdd gave an entertainment at Sheerer Einsei's Hall, on last Friday evening Tbe attendance was large. He will give another en tertainment in tbe Hall this Thurs day evening, Aug.

20th. J. J. Burns, tbe State School Com misBioner, leciurea at this place on last Monday evening. Mr.

Burns a very good speaker. is There will be a reunion in 8heerer Einsei's Hall on next Friday even Ing. All are Invited to attend. ROYAL. ROYAL.

FOSTORIA NEWS. Tbe apple crop in this section will be Immense. There is a great deal of sickness In this community, mostly bilious fever. Dr. Hale baa moved Into bis splen did new residence In west Fostorla A grand home concert was given at Liberty Hall last Friday and Bator-day evenings, nnder tbe auspices of the Methodist Church, the net pro ceeds of which amounted to Miss L.

Asire assisted in tbe enter tainment They call "Fatty" Bender, tbe tailor, "daddy" now, since that auburn-haired son of his arrived. Tbe Commissioners of Wood county lately let tbe contract for a ditch which Is to cost $47,000. John W. Kelley, of this city, has filed a suit for divorce from Josephine Kelley, whom be married In 1S76. He charges ber with adultery.

Misses Annie and Jessie Foster will return from Europe in Ootober. Joseph Doke sold his wagon shop to Dick Ersig. At tbe last meeting of the Town Council, the committee on fire de partment recommended that a team of horses be purchased for tbe use of tbe corporation as soon as its flnan cial condition will permit On last Thursday afternoon a week ago, as Mrs. Van Fossen, an old lady of this city, was walking on tbe track of tbe CAT. railroad, her foot got caught In a cattle guard, and being unable to extricate It, she was struck by an engine, throwing ber about ten feet and breaking ber leg.

At first it was thought her Injuries would prove fatal, but she is Improving and will recover. Foster, Olmsted Co. have purchased, so far this season, 100,000 bushels of new wheat, for which they paid out tbe snog sum of $90,000. The Fostorla select school will be re-opened September 3d, In the old school building by Prof. D.

W. Parks. Mr. Parka comes highly recommend ed by Prof. Bargers.who laid the foundation of this enterprise last year.

John Long, who lives near Kansas station, was severely Injured recently, by a kick of a horse. Workmen are "busily engaged In repairing tbe Central Hotel, recently damaged by fire. It will be re-opened to the public in a few weeks. Tbe Democrats of Wood county held tbeir Convention last Thursday at Bowling Green, and placed in nomination the following ticket: Probate Judge, Jerome McCutcben Treasurer, J. H.

BchneJer Auditor, A. J. Manville Sheriff, James Hays; Commissioner, Joseph Darliatt Infirmary Director, Murray Brown Coroner, Joel Foote. Tbe second story of the new Opera House Is up. Mrs.

McFerren, a very old lady living north of here In Wood County, was takenjrith an acute pain while in bed a lew mornings since, and on attempting to rise, fell upon tbe floor, breaking her limb just below the hip. She cannot survive. We learn that James Myers, wbo nsed to live In Wood county, north of here, was recently murdered by the Indiana In Oregon. Tbe work of macadamizing Main street, from the Township line to Fos ter's warehouse, a distance of half a mile, is going on lively, and when completed will be a substantial and well constructed thoroughfare. New wheat was quoted at 90 cents In this market, Tuesday.

lion, unaries oster delivered an address at tbe Veteran Soldiers' Re union at Gallon, on Friday last. Tbe corn crop over in Hancock county, we are informed, will be a failure, owing to the want of rain. ijast monaay tne onckiayers on tbe new Opera House had some trouble in regard to their pay and quit work. On Tuesday morning Henry Konkle took charge of the work, with a new gang of bands, and the building will be pushed for ward to an early completion. Rev.

Bulger, of Greenville, a former resident of this place, is in town. A little child of Henry Murlick died last Monday, and was burled Toes day. Your correspondent learns tbat the barn and granary of Solomon Shaffer, living la Hancock county, noar Mt Blanchard, was totally destroyed by fire last Saturday night. It contain ed 700 bushels of wheat, ten tons of bay, and farming utensils. The loss is estimated at $1,500.

An Incendl ary is supposed to have caused tbe fire. David Youngker, a former resident or Foetoria, now living In Henry county, Is In town visiting his old friends. Thieves attempted to gain an en trance Into Mr. Cadwallader's reel dence, Wednesday night of last week, bat were frightened away. Last Friday, a man named Forrer, north of here, bad bis foot cot off above bis toes, in a steam threshing machine.

A large number of our people will go to Tiffin, next Monday, to get a squint at Barnum'a show. Wm. Artz, a saloon keeper, of Per- rysburg, Wood county, dropped dead Saturday afternoon, as be was In tbe act of walking across a room in bis dwelling. He bad been afflicted a day or two with biliousness, or chills and fever. A thief "went through" Jacob Sbireman's kitchen, last Friday night, stealing a pair of boots.

The Sixteenth Regiment, O. N. G. to which the Foster Light Guards be long, will go Into camp at Toledo daring the week ending September 18th. Tbe Wood County Common Pleas Court convenes Monday, Sept 9th.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Habn are both confined to tbe bouse wltb sickness. WUI.

Bonnell, an old Foetoria boy, now located at Camp Verde, Texas, has gone In tbe sheep bnslness. He recently bought a flock of twelve ban dred. A. Richards, of this place, con nected wltb Cole's circus and menag erie, was recently presented by Mr. John Evans, at Qoincy, 111., on behalf of a number of employes, with a handsome bronze clock and a pair of bronze statutes, valued at $100.

An attempt was made to wreck a freight train on tbe L. E. L. R. R-, on Monday night of last week, near Celina, by placing heavy timbers on tbs track.

The engineer noticed the obstruction in tims to check up his engine, otherwise the whole train would, no doubt, have Leea thrown from tbe track. Tbe road will ran their annual excursion to the Soldiers' Home, at Dayton, on Thursday, Hept Tbe grounds of the new school building are being graded. Jacob Jones has been appointed by tbe Council as night watchman. A large freight business is now teingdone on tbe LE.iL railroad. Several heavy extra trains were run over the road last week.

J. F. Bunn, Democratic candidate for Probate Judge, was in town last Thursday. Tue residence of Jerry Nestlerode In this city, was entered by burglars last Thursday night, who carried off two watches, one belonging to Rsv G. W.

Bothwell. and the other tn Prof. Good, of Heidelberg, who was a guest in the bouse. Ten dollars ins money was also taken, eight of which belonged to Mr. Good.

No olue to the thieves. It is reported that the Directors cf tbe E. 4 L. road have determined to build the road from Celina to Fort Recovery, this fall. A subscription paper was circulated here last week for the relief of the yellow fever sufferers In tbe South It was headed by a subscription of $-50 from Hon.

Charles Foster. J.J.Balrd, a former resident of this city, Is studying law at Char lotte), Mich. The City Council baa ordered two new fire cisterns to be built In the north part of town. The Catholics are making extensive preparations for tbeir Fair, which commences on tbe 11th of September, and continues nntll tbe 14tb. The Powell family had a reunion over In Hancock County, near Ben ion, a lew aays ago, about 1,500 peo ple being present most of whom were family connections.

Tbe history of tbis remarkable family, for almost mm years was given, besides numer ous addresses and toasts. The Foster Light Guards are talk ing about giving an excursion to To ledo, while In camp there. Reuben Lott and family, of Jack son township, started for Michigan last Friday morning, Tbey intend to locate near Ithlca. Rev. U.

W. Bothwell, of the "Little Church around tbe Corner," will leave here in about two weeks. Several members of the Foetoria Fire Department will attend tbe National Firemen's Tournament, at Chicago, the first week in September Farlee Carlln recently sold to David Long, 960 acres of land In Liberty township, Wood county, for being a trifle over $50 per acre. The Lake Erie A Louisville Rail road has been very unfortunate re cently and suffered several accidents, which will cost them nearly $3,000. J.

J. Baird, of Charlotte, Michigan, former resident of this city, was vIsitiBg friends bere last week. Martin Lecbtlee, of this township, has returned from Germany after a sojourn of three months, much Im proved In health. B. Leonard, of this city, has pur.

chased the Kansas flooring mills. Oar Public Sobools will open on the 9th of September. Tbe following teachers have been engaged James Hays, Tina Thomas, N. Becker, Mary Clark, Emma May, Lola French, Mlna Brown, Nathan Hays Emma Shaw and Miss Jennings. Miss Clara Jones Is visiting friends In Indiana.

Tbe M. P. Church in this city is itbout a pastor. On Thursday last, Joel Hale, of this city, wbo was at work on Scbarf building, west of town, met with a serious accident by tbe falling of a ladder. While carrying a hod of brick up tbe ladder, it fell with him distance of about thirty feet, break ing bis leg just below the knee.

Dr. Hoege gave tbe necessary attention. It la a very painful wound, and will lay blm np for some time. The members of tbe Eagleville Sanday school will give a basket pic nic at tbat place, on Saturday, Sept. 7th.

Twelve schools and two brass bands will be present, and a good time is anticipated. PEDRO. Business Locals. West's Liver Pills Cure Liver Com plaint Btnr your baggies of Lease Angene. Salt fish at and below cost at Brindle Egelkrant's.

Ladies' scissors and shears, war ranted of good quality for casb, at Sting's. Ths best buggy for the money tbat has ever been sold in tbe city at Lease An gene's. Wanted, bnlter and eggs at House holder's, for which the highest mar ket price will be paid. New prints and ginghams just an rived at R. W.

Shawban's. A Nw line of goods Just received, Scheie's, for cash and others arriving at P. which will be sold cheap only. Maiden Blush apples wanted, at Householder's. A fuix line of Jamestown Alpaca ust received at R.

W. Shawban's. Fall styles bats and caps at tbe Star Clothing and Furnishing House. Call and see tbem and get prices. Fob your fall and winter boots and shoes go to Wolfs'.

They have a full line on band, and sell at prices to suit tbe times. Give tbem a call, and get bargain. P. 8CHMB has received bis new stock of bats, which be is selling at low nrices for cash. Call and see tbem.

Brrr few dbodIo know what every body should know tbat Carter's Com- Douud extract or umartweea cures every pain. A kbw lot of meerschaum and brier pipes, and a fine stock of cigars can now be found at the tobacco store of B. Bchinnees. When you come to the show call and see tbe buggies of Lease Angene oDDoaite tbe Sbawban House. All work warranted.

Fresh arrival of Key West cigars at Schlnness'. Also tbe best 6-cent clrars In the cltv. the American and Trabasoos. Try them. These Is no medicine that will re lieve as many pains as Carter's Compound Extract of Smartweed, a sure relief lor dlDDtneria.

cougns, com. cholera, colic, diarrhoea, rheumatism, asthma, phthisic, croup, xever anu ague, and baa no equal as a liniment for man and beast For sale by J. F. Maroaardt and I. L.

St Jobn, Tlffln, Ohio, and druggists generally. Ws are surprised to see so many still snf- ferlac wltb nearalfta aud Kneoraatism, when they can De eared. know tne feeling which exists among very many "that any -neulclne which la advertiaed must be a numDuf rnia may oe uu iu bot when we know of a remedy watch has become so popular as Lawson's Cvunvt, and we have aach conclusive evidence of the good it has aecompllabed, it Is more than folly not to make a trial of It, and satisfy yourselves that aii tbe proprietors claim for It la true. Id such diseases as Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Helatica, Headache, ttora Throat, Lame Back, and Toothache, we can safely say that no remedy. either in physician prescription or In pr Erietary rorm, has enecieu more euro, ma awsoa's Curative.

AM rXDaUIIABLB TBVTH. You deserve to suffer, and If you lead a miserable, unsatisfactory life in this beau-Uinl world. It la entirely yoor own lauit and there is only one excuse for yon, your unreasonable prejudice and skepticism, which haa killed thousands. Personal knowledge and common sense reasoning will soon show you that UaaaiCs august Fxowaa win cure yoa of Liver Complaint, or Dyspepsia, with alliia miserable eflwu, aach as aick headache, palpitation of tbe heart, soar stomach, habitual cuHtiveneas, dizalness of the head, nervous prostration, low spirits, etc Its aa le now reaches every town on the Western Continent and not nmnuthntvlll lell vou of lta wonJerlul earea. Yoa eaa buy a ha tuple Bottle for lu ceata.

ThreadOSM wui relieve vuu. Neighborhood News. WOOD COUNTY. The editor of the R-iwline SaiHntl was deluged, last weeK, with "peaches sweet "corn, flowers, plums and apples," and besides, "some very nice vegetable specimens," for which be overflows with occupying one third of a column of that rPer. We congratulate him on bis good fortune, but are apprehensive of hearing of a sick editor Wheat this year holds out in weight unusually well.

Andrua Weaver, of Bowling Green.says that he threshed last week. and 224 bushels of bis wheat "struck'' measure as it ran from the machine, made by weight 279 bushels. His wheat Is of the Gypsy variety Last week, while the threshers were at work over on Whitney Island in tbe Maumee river, a dog "holed" a woodebuck under one the grain stacks, and when tbe pitchers got o.the bottom of the stack, tbe dog bad made quite an excavation in tbe soft earth in the pursuit of his game. Among the debris thrown out by tbe dog, was almost an entire skeleton of a human being. The skull and teeth were in quite a perfect state, also many of tbe larger bones, but most remarkable of all was tbe finding of long tresses of braided coal black hair, which was ornamented with silver brooches.

A rist clasp or bracelet of silver was also found, which, with some other indications, gives ground for the bei lief tbat the exhumed skeleton is tbat of a female, acd, if so, she must have been of a somewhat aristocratic lin eage, perhaps a sort of queen or princess In ber tribe, at least tbe silver ware in this unmarked grave would indicate tbat tbe wearer was a per son of some consideration. This of course Is mere conjecture. Tbe place referred to on tbe Maumee river was, forty or fifty years ago, tbe borne of a number of fragmentary tribes and bands of red men, and it was with great reluctance tbat tbey bade a last farewell to tbe banks and pretty is lands of tbe river, containing as it did, the sacred ashes of many of tbeir people, and moved to the far West. It Is a little remarkable to find a skeleton tbat has been so long in the earth in as good a state of preserva tion as this one. WYANDOT COUNTY.

Tbe reunion of the 49th, 55th and 101st O. V. will be held at Nevada, on the Ft W. C. railroad, on September 19th, 1578.

Tbe most am ple and entensive preparations have been made for tbe occasion, and every thing bids fair for a fine time. Saturday last D. Straw Son, of Carey, took in 8,000 bushels of wbeat, the largest amount ever taken in In one day by all the wheat buyers of any town in Wyandot county The HepuWican siys of heavy loads of wbeat, that R. N. Taylor hauled to town with two borses, the largest, be ing 125 bushels.

8. R- Houser reports tbat one day last week be hauled, to Lovell, with two horses 137 bushels 6f wbeat Who can beat tbat HANCOCK COUNTY. During the spring thousands of blackbirds roosted in Findlay, but a mouth or more ago they deserted the town. Tbey now are coming back in larger numbers than ever- A. Teatsorth, of Union township, threshed last week 32S dozen of bearded wheat, ordinary binding after a Champion reaper, and got 300 bushels of clean wheat.

Another lot of 102 dozen of smooth wheat yielded 101 forenoon of last week, tbe wife, four step-eons and a step-daughter of Marshall J. Hanna, living near Benton Bidge, assaulted blm and beat, bruised and scratched him up in a manner fearful to contemplate. They were arrested. The matter was settled by the as-sau'ters paying Hanna $2 a day while disabled, and paying all eosta. The Couriei of last week eays of tbe railroad survey Tbe surveyors of tbe proposed Narrow Ullage railroad bich is to pass through Findlay to Toledo, reached bere last week, en tering on tbe east side of town.

Tbey will cross the Biancbard on tbe proposed line just tbe other side of Eagle creek, and then make a "straight shoot" for Bowling Green. Tbe road will be built some day Last Sun day evening, Samuel Hhoup, of Pleas ant township, near McComb, while milking, was attacked by an infuriated bull which struck and threw him to the ground. After prostrating Mr, Sboup tbe bull made a dart at him, striking blm full In tbe chest, bat fortunately tbe animal's horns passed by on each side of the Intended victim, so that tbe only injury sustained was by tbe pressure of tbe heavy animal upon Mr. Hboup's chest. Had it not been tbat two young men chanced to be In tbe yard at the time, and immediately came to tbe rescue, Mr.

Sboup would certainly have been killed as It was, he was seriously In jured, and unconscious when tbe bull was driven off. SANDUSKY COUNTY. I The Fremont Messenger says of a vegetable curiosity We have before us a curiosity grown in the garden of Ci. L. Dickinson, in this city.

It Is a cucumber-squash, or, In other words, Is half squash and half cucumber. Cacumber seeds were planted, and in due time bloomed, and then small cu cumbers made tbeir appearance. There were also some squash vines in tbe garden, and the cucumber and squash vines Intermingled. This cacumber, or squash, or both, grew in close proximity to a squash, and the half farthest from the stem turned bright yellow, and is as smooth as the squash near which It grew, while tbe other half Is bright green, and is covered with little pimples like any oth er cucumber. Tbe squash part, which we have just cut open contains no seeds, while the cucumber portion Is fall of tbem.

Tbe rind of tbe squash portion la hard, and tbat or tbe other, or tbe cucumber half, la softer. Who ever saw the like night the residence of Ben. Bartson, of Fremont, was burglarized. Tbe thief gained admission by tbe. front door.

He entered tbe bed-room of Mr. and Mrs. Bartson, and took from a bureau drawer some fifteen dollars In money, and departed. Mr. Bartson's pants were on a chair near tbe bureau, and In one of tbe pockets were eighteen dollars In silver, which tbe "faker" did not touch.

Mr. Bartson and his wife knew nothing of tbe robbery nntll tbey arose in tbe morning and found the front door open, and a ten pin standing on tbe porcb, which tbe burglar probably had in his band while going through tbe drawer, in order to tap Ben on tbe bead In case be awoke and made a fuss. Bartson says he is glad he slept so sound ERIE COUNTY. Oliver H. Perry, the day yard-master at the Lake Shore Michigan Southern railway paenger depot In Sandusky, was run over last rriday by a train of cars and instantly killed.

He was making a coupling, when bis foot caught between the rails. He was thrown upon the track, with the result as stated. He bad been yard Blaster there for years and was well known and liked by men all alone the road, ne leaves a wife aud family- CRAWFORD COUNTY. a The Bepubllcans of Crawfor county held their convention at Deal's Block, in Bucyrus, last week, and nominated tbe following ticket Probate Judge, Jacob 8crogg9, Bucyrus Recorder, F. E.

Coo rod, the Gallon E' view Comml.looer, Samuel S. Blowers, of Liberty town- sl.ip Infirmary Dirrect-ir. John Ta.1-b of Cretline; Coroner, Jnlin Dellinfjer, of Ljkeii. The following gentlemen were appointed tn act as a Central Committee O. W.

Lowe aud T. r' of Crestline (. C. Gormly and F. E.

Frey, of Bucy rus H. D. Lee, F. E. Coon rod and William Hsyes, of Galion.

MATTERS IN GENERAL. Four inches of tue Queen's speech contain twenty -one "IV and "myV My Va I English egotinm. Thare no mistake about the Dlez- I znres ov weItQ the mistake ix tnat plezzure is not hat pine-w. Joxh 7'7- Vturji. Tbe latest came suggested for Mayor of New York is Robert Bonner, the successful publisher of the New York Ledger.

Johnny Steel (Coal Oil Johnny) is now clerking in a grocery store in Dennison, la. He is now but thirty years old. "How much was this butter, did you say?" "Seventeen centa, sir." "Where on earth has the other two gone I can only smell fifteen." The Union Pacific Railroad Company has doubled the freight rates over its road, so that the cost amounts to $2,400 for a through freight car load of goods from San Francisco to New York. Since Genera Butler baa left tbe Republican party, he reminds tbe Indianapolis Journal of tbat chromo, "Out in the Cold World" a jackass standing in the snow before a closed- stable-door. Peacb pits must be deadly, as a boy has just died in Paris from eating a quantity of tbem.

Tbey are known to contain a greater proportion of prussic acid than ths stones of other fruits. The following correspondence explains itseir "Dear Mrs. Jones-Please let me have half a dozen tomatoes If you can Sal lie Smith." "Dear Mrs. Smith We are not going to can we propose to pickle Hannah Jones." Keolcule Constitution She was a graduate of an Eastern seminary for young ladies, and two months after marrying a young farm er hub suggestea tnat ne purchase a lot or cashmere goats, in order tbat tbey might raise their own pas mere shawls and cashmere dresses. Mark Twain, describing tbe beauty of a certain evening in tbe Bermudas, said It was sufficient to have directed his thoughts heavenward bad there not been juat enough of amateur piano music to keep him remind ed of the otber place.

There will be a total eclipse cf the sun on May 2Stb, 1900. The moon's shadow will traverse tbe Southern part of the United States territory, entering it near New Orleans and pass off in Chesapeake Bay. At New Orleans the eclipse will be total for about twenty-five seconds. The London Times, In a two col umn review of American machinery at Paris, frankly admits the pre-emi nence of the mechanical genius of tbe United States. Pre-eminence In ma chinery means, ultimately, pre-emi nence in manufactures, and our Eng lish cousins are beginning to find it out Oact(e.

Would you be famous? Go about tbe country, prate about tbe wrongs of tbe laborer, be coarse and brutal, use much profane language, and re ceive guests In your shirt and draw ers. All these things will demon strate tbat yoa are a wonderful man, and a great reformer. Inter-Ocean. A slap at Kearney. The New York World fiendishly suggests tbat "organ-grinders make from $14 to $16 a day at Grenada, Miss.

Book agents are In great de mand at New Orleans. A hundred able-bodied lightnlcg-rod men are needed at once In Memphis." Is not Yellow Jack sufficient affliction Levy, tbe cornet player, made an ass of himself recently by replying in person to an anonymous ote in a lady's band requesting a private in terview. He found himself In the clutches of a bailiff" who a dopted this method of serving a surnm one to an swer for a debt. A Springfield, physician has an arrangement wbereby be is paid forgiving hygienic advice and suggesting preventives for disease. He has fifty patients to keep well, at $3 a year each.

II he is required to visit tbem half tbe usual fees are charged The understanding has existed two years. A young man made bis appearance at Dead wood last week In a pair of white cants. He was promptly es corted to the ears, put on board of them, and an Injunction placed on blm never to revisit the place. "We can stand a biled shirt, you know," a miner explained, "but when it comes to wearin' bi'ed drawers we just make tbem git up and git." We publish tbis for tbe benefit of our readers that tbey may get tbeir smoked glasj ready In time for tbe event. Total wbeat crop of this country 407,000,000 bushels, or 82,000,000 bush- els more than last year, giving a surplus for export of 187,000,000.

This is the estimate of W. L. Fawcett, of tbe Chicago Tribune Brothers in Texas bavs a neat way of indicating tbat tbey do not allow their sisters to be trilled with. Oc casionally tbe "young feller" wbo Is courting a girl Is asked to step outside the house and hold an apple or potato for tbe girl's brothers to shoot at, and it is considered highly unsociable not to com ply. It is equally noteworthy that tbe well-to-do young suitors never get bit.

The largest safe in tbe world Is now In progress of const ruction in New York for the Sub-Treenury Department, It will be placed inside a vault forty-seven by twenty-eight, and twelve feet hUb. Tbe safe will cost 22,000, and the vault 4O.0OO. Tbe accumulation of silver made this work necessary. Leader. One of Edmund Yates' belongings is said to be a remarkably clever and agreeable cat, which always eats bis meals with bis master.

He eita on the table beside Mr. Yates, and refreshes the inner cat with the utmost grace and decorum. An old man was on bis knees at tbe roadside breaking stones. Tbe minister, wbo was considered not over devout, addressed biro "Ab, Jobn, I wish I could break the stony hearts of my bearers as easily a you break those atones "Ye should try Plan, sir," sai Jobn, gang to your knees." A LEETLE 700 MODEST. of of A lady on Ihp north wishing to test tbe merit of Bull's Cougli hyrap thought It would n--r do to ask tbe la tbe nime "Bull." me.

ne couiiln'l Huy Ball to save her life, and eall-d at last on a neighbor woman for ug-Kntloiis on die matu-r. lr. tr. Calf's. Ir.

Buffalo' and Ir. Oxen's Hyrup were all Tne latu-r suited. -Yea. tbat will do-Dr. Oxen me thing, tue drulat will ubdemiand A waik or two siiuarta i.juou counter of lr.

H-'sstore, wben tne following dialogue occurred I wteli a ouule of Dr. Oxen a cough -iJr! Oxen, Oien, why. msra. I don't be-lleva lki that. oo mean Uox a Hive Dr.

and then wme-l wrapped In solemn thonjbt tor a moment, wben a brwht idea aneraed lo beam forth, ur. oxen jo a von mean Pr. Boll' Cough The ladv sat down a uio- im-nl aud ail van A rtt'ln'jt. 'I Have That Within Which Passe P. T.

BAEJSTUM'S -OWN AND ONLY- -WILL EXHIBIT AT- Tiffin, Monday, Sept. 2d In Mrs. Hunter'B Addition, befireen Elver and X'jlSe S-'reefs. Taeanovt NacslSnat asnl Altrartlv Evhlaitla-w ver Im isi any iber city. AlllueEW A ratal' rlo.VH received witsi wildest delight everywhere.

THE UNIVERSAL VERDICT THAT BARNUM HAS THE Grainiest King Pageant, the Moat Marvelous Museum, the Most Li ring Curiosities, the Largest Menagerie, the Best Circus; the Best Eiders in the World. the mil mm tomitn stub. "At sight of the magnificent Mtalliona, all Introduced at onetime In the ring, the Immense aodlenee roe as with one accord, the uea cheering, the ladies elapplug their bands and waiving their handkerchiefs. Such a seen has uever keen witnessed lu Philadelphia before." Jfula. Time.

The moat ttoryeous Appointments, the Rlebest Costumes, tbe most Novel Properties the Newest and Best.Acta, the Funniest Clowns, including JACK HOLLOWAY, The ORKAT ENGLISH CLOWN, to whom vhora intry THE GREATEST SHOW ON EAZITH. The daily expenses of which are larger than the entire gross receipts or any otber show that ever traveled or was ever seen In this or any other country. THE TROUPE OF ROYAL STALLIONS The Most BeantltuI and Intelligent animals ever seen, are Tweaty la Naiabtr, and were imported at a cost of Owe Hasdrml mm rtfty ThaaaaiMt Dollar, iron their royal master, the Emperors of ituHHla and Uermany. the late Victor Kium- nuel, Kln oi Italy, and Hie Grand Khan of Iifr. They appear under the of tbeir traine 4'aatl.

ASJTOA T. at each performance. In various acta, concluding wltb tbe Introduction of the eatira aaaker la the rlag at sat tlaae. flTT I 17TCTT Tn champion Bareback Klder of the World. A salary of liflAO' loll, will cbeeriully be paid lor the enualoft.ilsarllat.

WM. MORGAN The Lightning MISS KATIE STOKES, SIX PERFORMING ELEPHANTS, TCISS ekr performs but wonderful leap, turning a TK1PLE HoM trt-SAULT. CAPT. COSTENTENTJS. T- fGl-tigg -Nil The Tattooed Oreek Nobleman, tattooed from head to loot.

The arealest llvlna- curl. OHlty in the world On tbe ruprnlng of the day of exhibition a (IB AMD STREET PAGEANT, of unusual extent and great magnificence, will paw throauli tbe principal nlreuu. One of tbe fea tures or this scene ot proceiwiouai splendor will in procession, led by their foreign grooms, lioors open at 1 and P. M. Performances a half to view the Menagerie and Museum, auPor tbe accoinoilatioD or ladles, chiiuren.

tbe ticket wagons on tbe show nce lor tne sale oi ickets anu iteservea beau advance. ladles, children and others wishing to avoid attend the afternoon JCibibitlou. Exhibition. A VreeTlrket alvea ta all aareaaaeraerTne Life ar Baraaae." ar his lat est atary sfLlsa Jack." SEWING MACHINES! THIRTEEN YEARS' EXPERIENCE. Thirteen years' experience in the Sewing Machine bnslness In Tlffln lias been the means of giving 11.

Htlng such experience as to select the Hewing machine, whlcb do tbe most perfect work arid are Ihe Moat Duraole, Kasy Konnlnx, and Nolaeleaa Machines In the market, and It la to his Interest to make such selections, bis business be-in firmly established daring his thirteen year's career In this elty. True, If he waa louae-rooted and could pull up tttakes at any time, by going abroad as a great many have done that weak In the Hewing Mac-bine business bere, be would not need be so eboley la his selections of tbe SewSnns: MacM sues He sella, lot as this is his established home he la obliged to be particular and ker the bast machines to sell, whereas If the goods he sold did not bold out the customers i oid to would have come back on blm and he could not have continued in tbe buaineu 'String tbe time be haa wltb poor goods. Thousands of good references can be given fxoju customers in tbis county whom be sold machines to. A LAEGE STOCK CONSTANTLY ON HAND from which rnstnnien can have a good MT1M TlSsa, Ofcla if yon want Uood No. II LARGE SUPPLY OF FINE STEEL SCISSORS AND SHEARS.

Warranted to be C. H. STING, Tiffin Carriage Works! ESTABLISHED IN 1848. P. Van NEST'S SONS, Proprietors, MANLKACTUKKIM OK Fins Carriages.

Fiiaslons, light Road Wagons and Sleighs. We- Manufacture only First-class Work. All Work Warranted. WK MAKK A Hfr-fctlALTY OP THE RUBBER CUSHIONED AXLE. It Secures Safety, Comfort and Economy I Lf IT PRKVEITH CryHalizationof thr ItHal Pari: IT HJtLIKVKHlhe VtnucUJrvm undut Otram ozrr Rouj Road AW WW mr CALL AXD EXAHISK THE AXLM.

REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. FSt5Tim-. Corner Jefferson and East Market Sts. P. VAN NKBT'h SON3.

th (every otherj Show." Ilamtft. I Mr. Barnum pays the and. to sum up, matttui Mr. Barnum pays the Unrest salary ever paid Hurdle Rider.

The Ureal Lady Bareback Rider, nae backs UalcU- be the appearance of lu oi the Hlallloua at 2 and P. M. thus alvlnc an boor and before tbe night performance begin. and all wbo desire to avoid tbe erowda ground, Mr. Barnum haa opened a ticket of- at uubbant Urug etor at the usual slight the crowds In theevenlnc.

are advised to tralna on all railroads on the dar of the OP MACHINES selection. Fin call on or address C. If. 1 Hewing Machine. In connection be baa Good or No Sale.

Tiffin, 0. JT RKftl'rKS and Tar lo a minimum, j-p Ythralvm. Joiting uwi Jfruntttntj. IT Ml rH.t-1 -Vuus. IT HTfjM UiAUttnii bl Jjfb and Spoken, and Brwkig of Jtimt avi Xlr-a.

IT VKO TrCTJt Mil and Hpokrm from Oitand flrratt. IT AtHI'JiKH w-i trmmum Im Mur-mrnt of CA SM Kuti TrarJu. IT imCMKAHK Weight Of tlt ljad. and IT ADDS lo the DurafjUUp of the Hitmen, by derreaeimg the Mtrtun upon tr. JTHlrtfUKfiMH Ihe Itrvmminy" suuiuf Panelled ltmagen.

IT IMPAHTH Hate of M'Atun, fry pmenttna tmUnt dilution uf the tpnw. IT PIUU-XMES Npeeiid Advantage fur Intalid or Delicate PTnn. IT HI VILX, in a aeenlrr degree, to Plearmre or Freight Vthtetet, the tame reeuil obtained by the time of Rubber Mprtny or OuAkhu ajrptxrd txnrni-r or freight RaUwa Lir. IT MAR KM a HI rule, the greuleU ever made. Imrunl Itreting Wheeled WhKlet..

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