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The Evening Bulletin from Maysville, Kentucky • Page 4

Maysville, Kentucky
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

I i 1 1 i I ff7I d4" 1 II t3l2 Immense! More so tlian ever before Is tlic enormous stock cf goods I carry, but you can ouly gel a full conception of tboimoRiiltuilu by comlue and seeing or yourself, which all are specially Invited to do. Being encouraged by my largely lncreaed business of the lnt year my purchases for the season now at hand have been enormously heavy In or er to meet the rapidly growing de-mauds of my trade, which Is not now confined to retailing exclusively, but I have a large and steadily growing WHOLESALE TRADE, Which has to be supplied with the better class of goods, tlmUare not to be found In many of tho jobbing houses, I was early In the market, which enabled me to make my purchases exclusively forash before the advance in prices of many of the leading articles. Therefore. 1 am prepared to Miccosfully meet any and all competition. I handle nothing but the best goods, all of uhlub.

I buy directly from the producers In large quantities at prices as low as any Jobbing house In the State. lam always in position to sell the very best goods at prices as low, or even lower, than you pay for common, stale and trashy stuff" at other places; besides I cajry In stock many articles that can't be found1 In any other store in our city. Special attention is called to my very large and superior stock of New Crop Plantation Molasses, Pure Lewis County Sorghum, flreen and roatcd Coffees, Sugars and flue Teas, immense stock of canned goods of all kinds, pure Maple Syrup and Sugar, the finest brands of Hams, Breakfast Bacon and Leaf Lard, put up Kpeclally for my trade. Pine Buckwheat Flour. 1'ancalc Whole Wheat Flour, Graham Flour, Cereals of all kinds.

Poultry. Games Oysters, Cranberries Apples, Oranges, Lemons, Banannas, Fies, Date, Raisins, Citron, mon and Orange IVcl, Olives, finest Cream Cheese, Edam Cheese, I'ine Apule Cheese. Mince Meat, Preserves, Catsup, tine Pickles sour and sweet in fact everything to eat of the very best. In addition, and specially for the holiday trade, I have laid In an Immense supply of Candies, Nuts, Fireworks, which will be sold at net cost to mv customers as a Christmas treat. And don't forget the Perfection Flour Is the best and that my flue blended codec has no equal.

Peoplu from the country are invited to make my bouse headquarters when in our city. I run two delivery wagous regularly aud all goods will ueaeuverea 10 any pari 01 city promptly, enmp if you can, but if you can't eoniu call up PHONE Pinoapplfs at Traxol's. Comb nnri brush ects at Ray's. Seo Ray's line of Xmas perfumes. Supper served this eveninp at the bazar from 5 to 9 o'clock.

Rtfreeh merits alone 10 cents. The party who mailed thp Bulletin 25 cents in poitnge stamps some days ago will pleaBe send his or her name to this ofike. A barn filled with tobarco belonging to H. B. Hutchcraft, near Ruddles Millp, Bourbon County, burned with its contents Wednesday.

Insurance on crop. $900. Dr. John Frtzee and Mr. Frank Goodwin are home after spending the liret of the wtck at Frank fort and attend ing the inauguration of Governor Btck-ham.

The mains of the late Elder Ben Herr, who died the first of tho week at Colorado Springs, will reach Lexington this evening, and the funeral will probably take place tomorrow. Lucas Combs, little son of Pension Agent Leslie Combs, suffered a fracture of tho left leg, below tho knee, Wednesday afternoon in Louisville. He Was playing at a neighbor's and fell off a fence. Mrs.Dr. Molloy and Miss Lucy Lee, of this city, and Mrs.

Nelson, of Washington, attended the annual meeting, at Augusta, of the PreBbytcrial Union of Ebenezer Presbytery. Some very fine papers were rend. The next meeting will be held at Carlisle. The venerable Dr. Alfred Pollock died this week at Germanfown, aged ninety-two.

He had been totally blind for thirty years or more, but, notwithstanding his sore affliction, was one of the most pleasant and agreeable gentlemen the tditor of this paper ever knew. The stockholders of the Dover, Minerva, Tuckahoe and Maysville Telephone Co. held their annual meeting at Minerva this week. The old officers were elected as follows: J. E.

Bouldin, President; Dr. S. E. Pollitt, Secretary; Georg C. Laden-bin fr, Treasurer.

Plans for betteiing the condition of the line were dtscuseed, but nothing definite materialized. Young Man Have you seen Aiurphy, the jewelet'a, stock? If not, don't buy until ou do, or you will regret it. He is showing the handsomest goods suitable for yonng ladies' presents. Don't fail to call and see his stock. Hon.

John W. Yerkes was Thursday appointed Commiesibnorof Internal Revenue. Mr. Geo. W.

WelBb. dt Danville. father of Mrs. W. Cochran, is pnkeu of for Collector of the Eight district to succeed Mr.

Yerkes. Owenton News: "Tho revival at the Baptist Ohuich which has been in progress for over three weeks still con'tinut with much interest. Rev. who is doing the preaching, returned from Maysville Monday, where bo went to preach to his own congregation Sunday, and will remitiu the rest of the wet fiSftA V.iiBJHrTsfl KM R.B.L0VEL THE LEADING GROCER! uHnt fsai AND RETAIL BOSS Steel Ranges! Attractive, durable and perfectly constructed. Beautiful fnish, elegant design and perfect in operation.

LEONARD ALLEY MAYSVILLE, KY. IE CURB A New and Comnfoto Treatment, consisting of BUPP0S1T0IUK8, Capaulcs of Ointment tod twa lloxos of Ointment. A never ailing Cure for Plica of orery nature and It makes an operation with tho knlf or lnjoctlons of carbolic acid, which are painful and seldom a permanent cure, andof tcu rcsultlDj In death, unnecessary. Why endure this terrible disease? We Pack a Written Quarantoe In each I Box. Ton only par for benefits rewired.

40c and II box, 6 fur 15. Sent by mall. JAPANESE PILE OINTMENT. 25c a Box. CONSTIPATION tho great LIVER and 8TOMACU REQOXATOB and BLOOD FOHIFIKR.

Small, mild and pleasant to take, especially adapted for children's use. CO Poses 24 cents. ttuxxvws xne uemiinc iroa Japanese l'ile Cure for sale only by TIIOS, J. CHKNOWKTII, DniKCltt. Miss Euphemia Hanford, daughter of Rev.

Dr. Thomas. Hanford, formerly pastor of the M. E. Church, this city, waa mariied laBt Tuesday at the residence of her parents in Augusta, to Mr.

E. 0. Go'-dard, a popular young engineer of Co-ington. Rev. E.

L. Shepaid officiated. After a wedding feast the bappy pair took the evening train for Covington, and have gone to housekeeping at 1237 Rub-sell avenue, that city. Mr. Ed.

F. Hill, who is a member of Troop Eighth U. S. Cavalry, now stationed at Ciego de Avilla, Cuba, sends his parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Edward L. Hill of this city, a copy of the bill of fare for the troop's Thanksgiving dinner. The troopers fared better than if they had been in the' homeland, as tbey were served not only with roast turkey along with other meats, but also bad fresh greeu corn, peas and lettuce. Mr. Hill is the cook in charge.

The marriage of Mr. W. Perrine Osborne and Mike Maud Downing is announced to take place at the Lawrence Creek Christian Church at 7:30 o'clock Wednesday evening, December 19. Mr. Osborne is a son of Mr.

and Mrs. Daniel Osborne, of Tuckaboe, and iB a prosperous young farmer. Mies Downing is a daughter of 'Squire and Mrs. Thomas who reside near Washington, and is one of the county's most estimable young ladies. All friends are invited.

Mr1. Osborne Iibb just completed a new and cosy cottage near the home of his father, where they will reside. Tho Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in uso for over 30 years, has borne tho sinatnro or and Jias ueon mauo under ins personal supervision since its infancy. Allow no ono to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Oust-ns-jroocl" are but? Experiments that trifle with and endanger tho health off Infants and Children BKpcricncO against Experiment What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups.

Jt is Pleasant. Ip contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms' and allays Fovcrishness. It cures Diarrhcua and Wind Colic.

It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Sears the Signature of The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THE CCNTAUR COMPANY. TT MURRAY STRICT.

NCW VORH CITY. Tortured a Witness. TRY B0ULDEN PARKER'S FIRE INSURANCE AGENCY. Offlce, First National BanV. Only first-class reliable companies represented.

All losses promptly settled. We respectfully solicit your patronage James N.Kehoe, ATTORNEY AT LAY. Office: Court East Side. L. H.

Landman, Or 547 West Ninth Street, CINCINNATI, Will bo at the Central Hotel, MaysTilla, Thursday, JANIUUY 1U01, returning every flrstThursdav In eacb mouth. Intense suffering was endunil by witness T. L. Martin, of Dixie, before ho gave this evidence "I couched every night until my throat was nearly raw; thtn tried Dr. King's New Discovery which gave instant relief.

I have ustri it in my family for four years and commend it as the greatest remedy for coughs, colds and all throat, cheat and lung troublee. It will stop the worst cough, and not only prevents but absolutely cures consumption. Price 50c. and SI. Every bottle guaranteed.

Trial bottles free at J. Jas. Wood fc Son's drugstore. PUBLIC SALE! I will offer tho farm on which I now reside for sale at public auction on Saturday, December 15, 1000. Tho frm contains 132 acres and Is located on tho Mt.Cllead pike; one mile from the Lcwisburg has on It a mime dwelling house of six rooms, with cellar and also Kood cistern at tho door; all necessary out bnlldlngs.

Feed barn forty by sixty feet, clsicm In the barn, Uibucco bam forty by sixty feet; small orchard of nice bearing trees; Rood pond and pool mid seven never falling springs. All in gram except filteeu acres which Is In wheat. Terms; Olio third cash, balance in one and two years, note for diferri'd payments required with lien on land to secure, their payment. Sale will take place at the residence- at 2 p. m.

J-w3t fSEOKGK W. URAMEL. Dr.AnnaB.Hewins, THE LADY DENTIST, lias located permanently In Maysville whert she has opened a dental parlor. All kinds ol high class painless deutlstry done in the most artistic and sclentiao mauuer. PRICES RIGHT Gold crowns and bridge work 85 to 10.

Best sets of teeth on rubber 5 to $15. Gold flllliig fl and tip. wofflc': No. 2.y7 West oonrt treet ISISEK'S Stt MASON' ClhCL'IT COURT. Martha A.

Reynold' Against Equity George D. Reynolds et In obedience to a judgment and order of of the MdMin ClreitltCourtrendcreil In the above mentioned cause, at tho November term, l'JOO, 1 shall, on MONDAY, Dtcember 17, 1900, at 2 o'clock p. on the premises, proceed sell at public auction to the highest bidder, on i cred of six aud twelve months, the following real property, to-wlt: Those two eerialn lor. designated on plat of Chester, recorded In deeil book 75, pace St as lots No. 20 and 27.

Kach lor fronts about thirty-two feet on the north sldu of Forest avenue In the Sixth ward of the City of Maysville, Ma-on County, and runs bac-k about 150 feet to Vine street, and aro bounded on the east by Main street: being same lots convey ed Martha A. Gillespie by J. F. IUrbour aud wife October 10, 1877, by deed recorded In I). B.

7J. page 654 There Is a flve-room Frame Dwelling lliMise and other Improvements on said lot. Tho purunaser must be "prepared to promptly execute bond, with approved security, for.tbt-purchssrtprlce, whlclrbond shall bear legal it tcrest from day of sale until paid. JA8. N.

KKHOK, dtd Master CnmmlMnnrr. REMOVAL SALE The Greatest Bargains Ever Offered Xmas Buyers. I now have he finest Collection of Diamonds, Watches, g-, "rOFr Jewelry, Silverware, Clocks, Bric-a-Brac and Fancy Goods OFF 5 West of New York. Our Entire Stock will be offered at 5 20 PER CENT DISCOUNT! ALL GOODS MARKED BN PLAIN FIGURES. We move January ist to Mail Orders will receive prompt attention.

19, 21, 23, 25 West Fourth Street. Credit cheerfully given to responsible parties. THE DUHME JEWELRY COMPANY. COR. FOURTH AND WALNUT ST.

CINCINNATI, OHIO. i A Peep in Our Show Windows Will tell the tale better than anything we can say in cold type. Those who are seeking useful articles for Holiday Gifts are invited to inspect our stock. We think we are shoeing the handsomest line of such goods ever shown here. BEAUTIFUL DECORATED COAL VASES, CARVING SETS, Triple-plated and Pearl-handle Knives and Forks, fine Pearl and Stag Pocket Knives and Scissors in re 1 1 i T- cases oner suggestions ior jsensioie cnristmas rres--ents, wherein is combined both beauty and usefulness.


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