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The Houston Post from Houston, Texas • Page 9

The Houston Posti
Houston, Texas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

iKf ALL LADIES AND CHILDRENS TRIMMED HATS AT JUST HALF FORMER PRICE Lace Curtains Why not take advantage of our Cleaning Up Sale and buy Laco Curtains Our stock is second to none and during this Salo extremely low prices will prevail The 105 Laco Curtains now 110 The 175 Lace Curtains now 115 The 200 Laco Curtains now 120 The 250 Lace Curtains now 150 The 350 Laco Curtains now 225 The 150 Lace Curtains now 325 Tne 500 Lace Curtains now 350 Investigate our statement AH Blankets and Quilts At less than Mill Prices Do not buy until you have had our Quotations It will prove to your Interest One lot SButton Length Mos quetairc Kid Gloves both Dressed and Undressed Actual value 150 pair Cleaning up Bale price 85c Pair env nitiviTiis mlEtary band will give public irsal at li oclosk at the this morning and Mrs DJcnstan colcbratod the iVV anniversary of thulr niarrlago Yitt Auxiliary mltxJonary or Uirist church vw111 meet Thursday 1 to 5 oa lodgci tho lnrt ks lodge ot the iSl ftTiami will hoU mportant tins afternoon at Saongerbund KKular quarterly mootiiir of the 2iiDjW0 rh I will held Tuci Ent Januarj 13 at thu Taberinclc lro mans elot Corps of George rtSn campi A hold a i meetMj at their hull Motoii bloc at 3 Corinth Baptist church ut 10 in oy liKjiKl wjII Hol1 an opun at Market squaro at 2 in ea iJ a 1 loctuun on Indil lh UajMm will bo reviewed Kh SJ tho Vurnl ChrVitnii Curoltne aVpmJn Hintt ntvX Cap avenue today 11 at a in aid 7a0 wi or thP nllt0 hnllm bo irtltmi PJf80 enue comer of This a tlio 0 cW1l thuJr olficors for regular monthly meet veSlnv frendi of Mr Jacob Koch tuatm Jyf naw 11 lctuto on louaton Sni 0 Ihy inborn Jl IiJi a 5i A At 5c Yard One lot short ends 86inch Percales the regular 12Ac kind to close out Cleaning up Sale price 5c a yard At 35c Each One lot fine Knit All Wool Fascinators and Shawls the 85c and 1 00 kind Cleaning up Sale price choice 35c 10 Yards for 35c Fancy Colored Cotton Dress Crepons sold at 12Ac yard 15 pieces left Cleaning up sale price 10 Yards for 35c Choice of Wrappers 75c Entire stock of Ready Mado Wrappers the kind wo sold at 125 150 and 175 to close out Cleaning up sale price Choice for 75c Choice of Reefer Jackets 159 Our entire stock Childrens Fine Reefer Jackets the kind we sold at 250 300 and 350 Cleaning up sale price Choice 159 Black Sateen Underskirts 32c 30 Ladies Black Sateen Underskirts the kind wo sold at 60c and 7oc Cleaning up salo price 32c officers of Miriam IoiIko No Ml Knights and Lad us of Honor Monlay night Jan milt 11 lit vlll nl address iho members of tho order on that occasion upon ltnpirtant matters relating to tho fratci nlty Ipon a compHlnt sworn oat hj Meprs i er Aj Kiedcrlehi Contalilo Jim Fltzserald joitorday cxeoiiod llilrosa wairant iiy levylns upon tho clTecti of llco furnltuip etc of una lato UvcnlnB Aro to oltfy a clam for rent liflil by Mf i Sweeney Frederic the ojnor oC tho bllldlnR from uhlch tht paper was recently Issued 1KHSOXU MiMIOX I Blakoly Is In the city from Richmond Mia jibble naphncl vlstlns frlond3 in taUoloii liorlon one of Austins aldsrmen Is In Houston Incy sheriff of Houston county Is In tho ctty Allen was In tho city yesterday from Galo3lor Mr Morsin Mann was tit the city yej torday from GaUe ton Mm Alexanrir llirt left Ifist ftRlit for Giooton to visit her rftter who la III Mrs Mirlroy has rciurnc 1 from a four mouths Mt at Mlnnoanol Mlnn Mr Iouli Itxphool has retuiTol afici a two weeks lst to little luitK Ark Dr 11 Ho Ices still conlliied to his residence whero he has been lor FOcril nutlii Wlllcun Wotson wfo ornl won of Tupc lo Miss arc a opplns In tho city for a few dnyt A Kohls Wlllum Cnrptncr nnd WiUMin iiy of Atlanui Oa are reels tcied at tho Capitol Miss Kale Harrcll of Burnet In tho city vIMtlnt lolatlvts Mr and Jlrj ai liatu 811 Main street lr It Kvanfl and nobert West prwl dnt atid kcpct I Rltorney for the Ntw In tlio rooni3 yectorday afternoon anl tho following are the officers for tho cn suing year President Crawford vice president Dcaly icsordlug secretary 11 Epronu treasurer II Breaker Tho fo lowlne composo tho beard or dl teetoro for tho cnsulns year It dribble 12 Tailor I Campbell A Nclnis Junto I Myer a Napier 0 Crawford II Sprong Dcaly II Urcaktr Tho following comroltteo was appointed by tho president for tbo ensulni year as committee on tlnanee II Sprons chairman I Campbell It I dribble VII Jrncs i Taylor A Ncims Iho president then uald that no wits the chairmen would atk two or thrro business men to aid tho committee and report at tho mxt mooting Curslderable busl ncss ct Imporlance was thin Jransacted after which Iho board adjourned to meet at lis regular time In February Tho Ladles auxiliary held their annual elrctltn on tVodnesday afternoon vitb th HOUSTON DAILY POST SPNDAY MORNING JANtTABY 10 1807 ZjEVV BROTHERS wimwwn Black Corsets 52c One lot of tho regular 100 13 Black Corsots nothing like it over sold for less than 100 Cleaning up salo price black only 52c Ladies Union Suits 38c 15 dozen Ladies Onota Union Suits elegantly finished and tho regular 85c kind too many on hand Cleaning up sale price 38c Suit Ladies Heavy Ribbed Vests 10c 30 dozen Ladies Heavy Ribbed Vests the regular 20c kind Cleaning up salo price 10c Each Ladies Black Silk Underskirts 250 15 Ladies Black Silk Underskirts sold formerly at 500 Cleaning up sale price now 250 Each Don miss this item Ladies Moreen Underskirts 75c Ono lot Ladies Black Moreen and Sateen Underskirts tho regular 150 and 175 kind Cleaning up sale price now 75c At 79c One lot oxtra fine All Wool Knit Underskirts in fancy colors tho regular 150 kind Cleaning up Salo price 79c At 98c Ladies ready made Black Crepon Top Skirts the regular 150 kind Cleaning up Salo price now 98c All Wool Fancy Dress Goods 15c Yard Ono lot Fancy All Wool Dress Goods some solid colors Sold always at from 30c to 10c yard Cleaning up sale prico 15c Yard Broadcloths 75c Yard 15 pieces of oxtra wido and extra lino quality Broadcloths leading shades tho regular 125 kind Cleaning up salo price now 75c Yard French Flannels 35c Yard All of our Fine French Flannels formerly sold at 50c 55c and 60c yard Ohoico during cleaning up salo 35c Yard Ladies Sweaters 69c One lot Ladies Sweaters neat patterns sold formerly at 150 Cleaning up salo price now 69c for anything not as represented following as tho olflecrs for the ensuing year 1rcsldent Mrs Belle Blandln first ilco piesldcnt llaptlst tburch Mrs Barber flist vice president llist Pros byttrlan church Mrs Wllloy first Ito president Shearn McthodUt Bplscopal church Mrs II Bering McAshan chapel Mrs Williams other vice president to bo elected recording accic tary MIbs Mary Swopc treasurer Mrs Atwo corrcsrondlng secretary to Le elected Tbo ladles by unanimous lote tendered thanlio to thoso who so generously contributed the refreshments for tbo Now Years reception to tbo joung ladles who estlsted In receiving and thereby greatly enhanced the pleasure of tho evening and Insured tho success of the entertainment to all who assisted In rendering a very de lightful programme highly enjoyed by an appreciative audience The auxiliary sin cerely thanks each and all and duly ap preciates their klndnees as well as tbtir talents On Tuesday night ot this week tho young mens congress will meet Tbo meeting will open nt oclock sharp All men de sirous of entering tto congress aro cordially Invllfd to Uils cxceUng Visitors ero1 alto Invite I Tbo cholco af States will then tako place Not one who has entered i the rongress knowi what State he will tino tho honor In representing A bat will hold tho names of the States and each repra Foqtallve will drew and this election will be ono of ureal Interest and everybody will mjoy tho occasion The mens gospel meeting this afternoon will bo one of great Interest and all men ar cordially Invited Hqv Horn will glio a short talk After which a lively rrceilriK will ho bad All men are tor dhlly Invited This mealing will be held at 4 oclock sharp The quartetto Is requested to meet for practlco at 330 A converts meeting will bs held rooms at 3 oclock All men are cordially Invited to thin meeting In Oia oat We shall continue our SemiAnnual CleaniiiR Sale promising the trade that they will as usual find our advertising statements to be ABSOLUTELY TRUTHFUL IN EVERY INSTANCE Hundreds of useful articles not mentioned in this list will be found throughout our establishment having been marked away down in order to sell quickly Mail Orders Will Receive Our Prompt and Ciireful Attention to iMtovini roil tiii roort Mr Cliurle IonlH itroreiilH Grand Concert mill Iliimur Tho musical people of Houston aro so frequently called upon to coatrlbuto their talents In tho Interest of arlous charities that It has occmrcd to pie said Mr Chas Low Is lender of Lewis Military band that it would be good Idea to givo a big charity entertainment evciy year for tho benefit of tho ixor rf tho city similar to tlio charity balls that are given annually tn tho largor cities for thh purpo I dont know that a ball In Houston would bo as profitable us a grand contort and bazaar and In this behalf I am willing to take tho Initiative by otferlng tho pratl tultnus services ot my band and orchostra and will even go farther by taking charge nr tho musical feature ot thu entertain cient I think all musicians In tho city would bo willing to coatrlbuto their talent to such an undertaking My Idea of the plan Is Ibis Let all who aru wtlllig to contribute to raich an enter prico send tn tJlr names to Tho Post and I will call upon them In tbo Interest arranging a programme When the enter tainment Is arranged for I would thon suggest tho appointment of a committee ot well known cltlrens to take charge ot tho llnajiclal fnaturo nt the enterprise In the way of tbo sals ot tickets tho Handling and subsequent distribution ot tho funds that might he raised 1 would not favor putting Iho enterprise under tho auspice or patronage ot any ct tbo organlsod charitable Institutions of tbo city My plan would bo to make It for tbo poor generally If The Post will receive the names ot those wbo vlll agree to assist I will undertake to arrange the programme and pledge ALL LADIES AND tbo services of my band and orchestra for tbo occasion Tho Post will willingly rccelvo and turnover to Mr Ixiwls tbo names ot anyone desiring to aid In this very laudable under taking Murtmiry Itrimrt The official mortuary report for tho city of Houston for tho week ending Yi oclock ci January January Napoll white 6 months bronchitis Mra Hocnlga baby white 1 day asphyxia January 4 Charles Webber white 40 years roorphlno poisoning Inquest Marian Murphy black 35 years poisoned Inquest Mrs Heard black 05 years Intlucuza Clarks Infant white 9 dojs bronchitis Maiy Lousllller white 19 days convulsions Alt Moore black 13 iais pneumonia Januaiy 13 Stephens white Z3 jears pneumonia Mary drill white I years septlctemla Jsnuary 0 Bcsslo Nobbs black dayi enteritis Mrs dross Infant black 3 days Inanition Janowtkl white 41 years pneumonia Sasum black 40 jcars congestion Inquest January 7 James Collins black years prtumonli January 8 Mrs It Tbcm black FO years pneumonia Death rato 118 Kobt Mcniroy City Physician Work of the Kpvortli IrnRiie At the business meeting ot the Kpivortll Leaguo ot Fhearn Methodist Episcopal ihurch last briday evening tho following Wfio elected officers for tbo ensuing six months Tracy president duy Jones first vice president In charge ot department ot worship Miss Clara Ilaupt man second vicepresident In chargeja 5W ift aJB CHILDRENS TRIMMED HATS AT JUST HALF FORMER PRICE Choice of Dress Patterns 785 50 oxtremoly handsome Imported Dress Patterns nothing in tho lot which formerly sold for less than 1250 14 15 and 17 A clean swoop will bo mado during cleaning up salo at 785 for Choice Dont miss this item 10 Yards for 45c Fine grado Bleached Domestic tho regular 8c kind Cleaning up Salo price ton yards for 45c Ladies Embroidery Handkerchiefs 5c 50 dozen Ladies Hemstitch and JSmbroidary Handkerchiefs Tho kind you buy at 12jc Cleaning up salo price 5c Only 6 to a customer Ladies Embroidery Handkerchiefs 12 25 dozen Ladies Fine Embroidery Linen Handkerchiefs Tho regular 25okind Cleaning up salo prico now 12jc Fancy Outing Cloth 5c Yard 26 pieces oxtra lino quality Outing Cloth Tho regular 15c kind Cleaning up salo prico 5c Yard Bargains in Hamburg Embroideries 1000 yards Hamburg Embrold ory worth 10c at 5c yd 1000 yards Hamburg Embroidery worth 15c at 8ic yd 1000 yards Hamburg Embroidery worth 20c at 10c yd 1000 yards Hamburg Embroidery worth 25c at 12 yd 3000 yards bhort EikIb Embroidery at half value 300 Short Ends of Table Linens 2 2J and 8 yard lengths You can use them and especially at tho low prices during our Cleaning Up Sale Ono lot of Odds and Ends in Towels Manufacturers samples Wo havo put them up 6 in a bundle and they will go fast at our Cleaning Up Salo Pricoa 2000 Remnants of Wool Fabrics Suitable for Waists Skirts or Childs Drosses at Half Value 2000 Remnants of Cotton Fabrics Which include Percales Outings Crepons and other Fabrics You can uso thorn for thoy go at exactly Half Value LEVY BROS LEVY BROTHERS IlevyIrosj Who never misrepresent I I and who only sell first class Merchandise 2 Who never practice Fake Sales and who will cheerfully refund money who have not built up their I business by overcharging but by using honest methods every day of the year 2 York nnd Texas land company lJnlteJ aro at tho lirlMlol Dr CI Turner wat called yesterday to Sandy Innt Urasnrla counly to seu Mrs Hill who Is very 111 II Ca tlcbornr a mcrelnnt of Crock ett Is at the Bristol and will rurum In the city a few dass buyjitr eools Colonel Charlea McCafferty a well kinwii turtmm of New Orleans Is visit nc his 3tw Mrs Hosa Olive 1109 Caroline street Cliarlts lluebner private teeretnry to Maracer Van Vlnek of tho Southorn Pa illlc loft last night to apsnd Sunday Inv Orleans 11 A JIATTIIIIS tlcclliii of OflUcrs of Hie Aanoula lo it ami tVmiiiinN Auxiliary Tlio annual election of olfleers was hold department of charity and heln Mr nii 1 brougb treasurer Mrs A Shoarn Kpworth Leaguo Is one of tha ymm SS fctymm I carBa miotic In Mate thero being about 125 active mem A dovon meeting Is hold every i Sunday evening ono lour precodln the 1 ehurch rvlceTand tklt meeting is open to ttrangera and vlsliri who always recilvo wclcoaSv a eonllnl Tho department of oulte charity and nelnli active In tho tboM a no 1 ot sitanw nncuS and otherivlse Tho dcnartmentV literary and there a social on the fourth FrldirtW ThU Leaguo contributed U3 to KaWW ence Cnttonton rescue homo fund a A Cliolr neunloa otW It Is the purposo ot the member Christ church choir to hold a rouuonortitfel all its membcis past and preaont ivtiH fW tbo coming month It la desired Mi to fomV complete list of all who havo at ami bc Idcnllfled with alMaSifT1 tbq choir beginning about twentytwo years ago If who any were moiubers ot tho tholiiT previous to 1SS6 win toUrM aend Pred Dcxtpr cholrmaatortheir namaa and addrewca together with the nana 1 and addressee of such other former weaU as together with dates of membershJp be aid a great In maklni out the UvJ Uon list for the reunion jj on orTHi DtDlfM In oaJea4arata jdMH taeaa belBjtjiwaajaat.

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