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The Houston Post from Houston, Texas • Page 4

The Houston Posti
Houston, Texas
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PO i THE HOUSTON DAILY POST HOUSTON PRtNTlNO COMPANY Sfe a klft JOHNSTON Prosldcnt GvJ PALMER Vice President SV OFFICE OF PUBLICATION Nds HOI 1103 1105 1107 and 1109 Franklin Avenue Entered Texas SecondClass at the PoitofMe at Houston as llail Matter POST tHE DAILY POST THE SUNDAY 84 Columns 168 to 334 Columns SEMUWEEKLV POST Mondays and Thursdays THE 112 Columns Per Week SUBSCRIPTIONS BY MAIL In Advance One Six Three One Year Months Months Month J5 0 Daily aud Sunday ooo 500 Sunday 5 SemiAVekkly ioo 30 3 TRAVELING AGENTS CSUHolland Auditor Holland A Palmer and Throop FOREIGN OFFICES Eastern business office 43 44 45 Tribune building New York The Beckwith 48 49 47 The Western 469 The Rookery Chicago Special Agency Washington Correspondent Office of sc Beckwith Special Agency respondent Room xi Ames building street i CORRESPONDENCE of any description whoiherin tended or the Business or ditom Department addressed to Titfi Houston Poit and not to any Individual and alt checks drafts moneyaidersjtc inadc payable to Houston Printiso Company THE CITY rut POST Is delivered to any part of the city Theodore Bering has charge of the Mr by carriers cTreutatlon and collecting Messrs Theodore fieri fharle collectors of all the authorized Lott and A Palmer are city bills both advertising and subscription and no money other than those nam 1 un should be paid to any one special written authority signed by the Hit i check in should be paid uy shown All accounts of any ze favor of Tnc Houston Pmhtiko Company Subwibew to receive Tnr Post regularly wiUp EilS office promptly Every paper is expected to be delivered not later than 630 a rn HOUSTON TEXAS TUESDAY JULY 1 1902 2 PAGES TODAY CONGRESSIONAL RETROSPECT AND PROSPECT Now that the first session of tho Fiftyseventh congress Is approaching its close It la possible to tnko un Inventory of what has been accomplished The avorago citizen is first Impressed with the fnrt that this Besslou has been billiondollar session Whllo wo have had a bllllondollnr congress before wo never have had a billiondollar session until tho pros ent It 1b fair however to state that the Nicaragua nnnl appropriations have swelled the total Mr Can nons estimate of the appropriations tho other day leaving the cost of tho canal out of the count was 691141000 which by Itself Is quite a considerable Bgure without the extraordinary canal expenses The Philippine civil government bill was an Import ant measure The repeal of tho war rovenuo taxes dc Berves unqualified commendation Tho Irrigation net will prove of onormous benefit to tho West though It Is another vast reach of tho Judicial function Tho Chinese exclusion law was necessary Tho oleomargarine bill went through but it should have been killed Tho ship subBldy bill tho Fowler hill and tho omnibus Statehood bill went over till next session The first two should bo dropped or killed Tho third should have beon passed this bobsIou As to tho most Important mattor boforo congress there has been nolegislation Adequnto antitrust leg islation should hnvo been passed Tho republicans nro pledged to this by their National platform So marked has been their purpose not to lntorfere with tho trusts that the democratic caucus has oponly charged the republicans with an alllnnco with tho trusts It is for this reasnn that tho republicans nro weak or with tho country nt tho close of tho session thun thoy were at its beginning Groat hopos woro Indulged In from tho nntltruBt plank in tho republican platform and the presidents famous phruso about shuckllng cunning Tho tariff dissatisfaction has grown to bo ncuto among llfolong republicans They hoped that at leaBt the partial remedy of reciprocity would bo ap plied and tho presidents dictum in his moBsago that reciprocity is tho handmaiden of protection for sorao tlmo deceived many The Independent voters and tho great number of republicans who are not bound hand and foot by party ties havo becomo convlucod that tho hope of tho coun try is in tho democrats So mnrkod Is this conviction that many weathorwlso republican leaders admit that tho probabilities arq that tho fall elections will go for the domocrnts and thai tho next houso will bo demo cratic THE GASTRONOMIC QOOSE All gourmands and lovers of good eating In the United States should unlto In giving somo approprlato testimonial to Consul Albion Tourgoo now stationed in France Indeed thero should bo established a Legion of Gastronomy an ordor of Knights of tho Silver Fork or on Epicurean Loaguo degrees nnd promotion in which should bo tho reward of merit for now discoveries in tho flno art of good living and for any substantial servlco to this noblo cause Consul Tourgeo is located ot Dordoaux at tho mon tlon of which name cschewors of tho bluo ribbon smack tho lips npd ho has shown himself not unworthy of his parldlsiacal station Fqr not only la thoro wlno of Bordeaux but thero aro geese thore too and of tho gooso thoy mako patodofolesgras This alsh is tho delight of al disciples of BrlllatSavarln It comes about no closo to heavenly ambrosia as is permitted to mortals hero below For its production thla pleasant land of Franco is Justly celebrated Now thero la only one thing that has marred th iiloasuro of epicurean eaters ot this dolectnblo dainty It has long boen popularly supposed that patedefoIeB gras Is mado out otthq diseased livers of geose who it Is currently Bald aro mado to perform a dance of death upon a floor heated eevon times hot to make their Uv srs swell Since tho goose is a noblo bird nnd nt ono timo saved Rome as is chronicled in hjatory Buch a horrify ing picture as Is presented by thesepoor fowl hissing hot going through the arduous and ardent torpslchpr ean exercises of a ball In tho infornal regions haB more than once nppallod tho imaginations oven of tho hungry Consul Tourgoe however has mado an official In kvaftigailoK The patedefolesgras geese aro not dts eased buthealthy So far are they from having Mis Pr a aregood pedestrians They are llowed en encouraged he reports to ramble Ke Bordeaux jn fact thoy ft sSdle Mid a quarter a day is i Jj ra that Instead of being tortured toM a tho boneflt of a lSS SKffis HOUSTON DAILY POST TUESDAY MORNING JULY 11902 proper physical culture Hereafterono may cat pate defolesgras at least without any qualms boforo tho feast Our consuls should bo urged to emulate Mr Tourgce and servo their country by such useful Inves tigations rnthor than conflno themselves to tho compilation of tho dry statistics to which the reports must conauls are usually limited THE PRESIDENTS HARVARD SPEECH Tho president has made another speech On Wednesday night at tho Harvard alumni dinner at Cambridge Mr Roosovolt eulogized Leonard Wood Governor Taft and Bllhu Root Of tho thrco Leonard Wood 1b tho only Harvard man Governor Taft Is a Yale man Ellhu Itoot 1b a graduate of Hamilton college But tho president had predetermined to mako his oulogy a trilogy and in spite of the inappropriate noss of the occasion persisted in celebrating tho thrco graces he had picked out for tho honor Leonard Wood wont to Cuba the president said and has rendered services to that country of the kind Which If performed throo thousand years ago would havo mado him a hero mixed up with the sun god In various ways Tho president Is wrong about tho sun god Bacchus Is tho god he should havo referred to and Judging by tho prodigious wine bills in his Cuban uccounts which Governor Wood submitted to the government to pay tho reference would not havo been In Inappropriate Next wo havo Governor Taft whom tho president paints ub un all round admirable character Indeed Is not this wonderful virtue The president Bays Governor Taft said to him Mr President it has always been my dream to be In the supreme court but if you should offer me a justiceship now and at the same time congress should take off entirely my salary as governor I should go straight back to the Philip nines nevertheless for those people need me and expect me back and believe I wont desert them Without a doubt such unusual virtue dosorves the loud applause with which tho report of tho speech chronicles it was received But is not Govornor Tnfts virtue just a llttlo too good to bo true When we como to Ellhu Root howover tho doings of that worthy are known of tho people to be too truo to bo good Not so to the president To him Ellhu Root Is a man of wonderful nblltly Industry and con BCientlousness He nctunlly compares him with Abraham Lincoln If ho has not dono the best that was in him ho has done tho bent that conditions would allow of The critics of tho administration aro to blame They have hampered Root by their ignoranco and worso than ignorance While Root has only been crltlflsed affor his nets have beon performed from tho presidents point of view his critics are nllll to blame because Root was hampered by tho knowlodgo that they would bo after him Tho French hnvo a proverb nbout tho close relation between excusing and accusing The president meant to excuse Read his speech between tho lines nnd tho accusations which tho president would dearly like to si lonuo nro found written plainly bo that ho who runs may read RubsiA would have waited until England and Africa died In a clinch and then absorbed both countries The great white cznr is a great big pench Congress sees Its finish Now ir King Edward doesnt die of convalescence as McKlnley did tho English people will indeed have cause for rejoicing The king is slightly feverish flush This i a sort of a royal jAirsMiTit is on his Journey home If Texas contemplates building trocha shed better order her barbed wire now Dalias needs to do a little judicial and judicious hanging herself Jessie Morrison of Kansas appealed from a fiveyear sentence and got ten years Doubtless Jessie will now be good i Iv Wilmau cant have the races sailed to suit him he wont play Harrison Fisher the artist says he doesnt idealize his girls that the real thing is good enough Same here Not having prayed for King Edward Ireland will no doubt be surprised If he recovers It would be Interesting to know just how much money Gomez has got salted down anyhow Timely Advice to Farmers To the Editor of The Post Taylor Texas June a8 At last the longlooked for rain has come In view of this fact it is highly Important that everybody take prompt and decisive action to overcome the Iosb of the grain crop of this country and remedy as nearly as possible the losses that may follow it In the first place our people both merchants nnd farmers want to be taught rigid rule of economy Just think of It We at least most of us do not know the first principles of economy If a few more spells such as we have gone through In the past eigh teen months overtake us we surely think we will have learned more economy and good judgment We are living in the grandest country on the face of the earth but we have never come to a point where we could ap preciate it With moderate and economy close living for a year or two our people could accumulate enough to withstand almost any kind of a disaster that might overtake them In the way of crop failures etc But of economy and close living we have not as yet learned anything but we must now take some lessons and we hope and trust every man woman and child will now go to work with a firm resolution in this direction If the people of this great State of Texas could but be thrown back twenty or thirty years aud live and work as people did then we think when they returned to present times they would bit the ground running and would not ston soonTalk Talk economy practice economy teach It to your chil dren and neighbors Dont get in debt Dont buy thines that you can do without With these things rigidly practiced will soon be on an absolute cash basis and wlllbe a happy and prosperous people Now as to the present trou bles go to work at once Dont wait till tomorrow or till next week or till our neighbor does commence now and don let up till you get on top and then swear by all thats good and bad that you will stay on top and stay out of deht and pay as you go There Is plenty of time yet to make an abundance of for age for the stock for the winter and for next year mer char8 farnl to rt I down say It has rained and he cotton crop will make us now plenty and to tide over this trouble but go to work to plant and work and we will come out flying yet You cant depend on the Ut debt nd getinR into crpp let it make ever so much We believe now we will have liberal seasons the balance of the year and with ou long season in such case ye can really make a surplus Fall gardens can be planted and many things raised In abundance and stored away for the winter Plant bean peas help to fill fellow up on many hungry occasions and then Its fine stored away for yourself and cattle in the winter Commpri cor planed 10w wjth a hj ditions from now on will make something it wttaKroTi set ater My in to dIf you must have other feed make to arrangements ett It during the fall Dont squander your moneyto buy this uff next spring en credit but get it and get it SSon Zf bte and you will have it nnd then if you need help in other directions it will be much easier to get it We sincerely hope that people will benefit by these suggestions and we further hope that every man woman and child In this drouthstricken district will make a special effort to sec that these suggestions arc lived up to as nearly as possible We feel safe In saying that all the seeds necessary for this purpose will be furnished in ample time by the merchants and without profit II Tauxy Co SOME LEADING EDITORIALS EAST AND WEST ON A TARIFF ISSUE From the Charleston News and Courier Wo have ventured on several occasions to express the confident opinion that the republican leaders in and out of congress who represent the trusts and other political interests in the East which are so desirous to establish reciprocity of trade with Cuba on the basis of a reduction of the tariff the would be THE NIGHT WIND Have you ever beird the wind go Yooooo Tis a pitiful sound to heart It seems to chill you through and through With a strange and speechless fear Tis the voice of the night that broods outside When folks should be asleep And many and manys the time Ive cried To the darkness brooding far and wide Over the land and the deep Whom do you want lonely night That you wail the long hours through And the night wpuld say in its ghostly way Vooooppp I Yooooooo I Yooooooo I My mother told me long ago When I was a little tad That when the night yent wailing so Somebody had been bad And then when I was snug in bed Whither I had been sent With the blankets pulled up around my head Id think of what my mother said And wonder what boy she meant I And Whos been bad today Id ask Of the wind that hoarsely blew And the voice would say in its meaningful way Yooooooo I Yooooooo Yooooooo I That this was true I must allow Youll not believe it thought Yes though Im quite a model now I was not always so And if you doubt what things I say Suppose you make the test Suppose when youve been bad some day And up to bed are sent away From mother and the rest Suppose you ask Who has been bad And then youll hear whats true For the wind will moan in its ruefulest tone Yooooooo YoooooooI Yooooooo Eugene Field REMARKS ABOUT THE POST The Houston Post says Mr Bryan and Mr Cleveland are scrapping over dead issues that the silver question is no longer an issue That shows how much an editorial poet may know of facts The money question is a vital Issue We will either have to have free coinage or asset bank The needs of currency commerce require one or the other Democrats like Hill and Bryan will favor free coinage Mugwumps like Cleveland will stand with republic ans fo asset bank currency bonds and bank control Waco Telephone If the Houston Post Isnt levelheaded in this statement hm a ard nfer 0 ll0 that article constituted Ihe Post says Mr Cleveland should brag that he was the man who brought dfcmocraty into not power for it is an uncontrovertible fact that he also took it out But what Mr Cleveland and all deniocrats do is to forget the past and pull together for a harmonious future Gainesville Register The TCn TrancriP TheHouston Post sunds today for Bryan is taking up his cry oppose all efforts fMr fr SjM 1 WJmi toward harmony and Is seeking to draw to Its follow ng all the disgruntled elements In the party which have their real resting plate with the populists The Post Is one of those democratic papers that not ready to adopt the policies of the republican party on the money question and does not believe that a Small squad of two hundred thousand men should dictate the future policy of the six million democrats who Voted for Bryan Greenville Morning Herald EDITORIAL PICKUPS Somebody has figured out that the average boy who Is dependent upon his parents for a livelihood until he reaches the age of at costs thetn 4000 On this basis of calculation a brood for instance of six boys will represent an outlay of 34000 by the time they get away from the hontc roost The question naturallyarises docs it pay to raise boys and are there not qthcr crops that would prove more profitabler If a boy turns out to be a cigarette fiend with a breath like a Urkcy buzzard and a laugh that would make the wild un tutored donkey feel perfectly at home in his society and with at the expense of Western beet farmers able to carry their hopeful scheme into clTcct and the news an untrammeled and unconquerable desire to avoid work it from congress yesterday Indicates that the opinion was hood with the lesson well learned that wealth and success The republican senators says a dispatch from Washing grow onl on Pushes that arc watered by the Bweat of ones ton held a conference another conference on the subject trow the parents need not begrudge whatever they spend of Cuban reciprocity and after a flood of short speeches ad on him for he will be a source of increasing pride and joy journcd without actioh of any sort Senators Piatt of Con to their hearts and when they grow old and their hands nccticut and Spooner of Wisconsin took the lead in behalf of tremble and their legs wabble and their step is slow and fal lean1 the proposed measure Senator Piatt representing tobacco I tering they will have two strong arms to uponand help lhe that Hc ln their tWght path growers whose product is protected by a tariff tax of as UP rou placcs high as 175 a pound insisted that the proposed reduction would not harm the beet sugar interests which arc protected by a tariff tax of 2 or 3 cents a pound but his argument failed to convince the beet men Senator Burrows replied that while the ostensible purpose of the measure was to benefit the Cubans its real purpose was to benefit the sugar trust Senator Spooner followed Senator Piatts lead but their speeches made no impression on the beet men Seventeen senators announced unalterable opposition to the measure and it was stated that two ethers who were absent stood with them Instructed by the proceedings Senator Quay of Pennsylvania moved an adjournment which motion was adopted and the general opinion of the conference was expressed that this session of congress would close without two from Nevada the two from West Virginia and one each from Washington Michigan Kansas Illinois and Maryland Fifteen of the nineteen insurgents it is seen represent the great republican nnd doubtful States of the transMissis sippi section of the country It Is a combination nnd an array that is calculated to command the respect of the Eastern leaders of the party in a congressional election year with suggestions of a general reform of the tariff in the air It would not be good policy in the circumstances to force the issue of a reduction of duties on our transMississippi product alone And the general opinion among the republican senators is that it will not be forced at this session We did not think that it would be It must be remembered that it was these same republican senators and those intercsta wlnph they represent whose influence obtained the passage of the Piatt amendment by which Cuba was allowed autonomy only on condition that she granted the United States certain rights the reciprocal promise being made that as soon as the Cuban convention had adopted a constitution guaranteeing these special privileges to the United States the latter would grant Cuba a reduction of duties on her products and thus give her an advantage in our markets These schemers expected to be able to force the country to fulfill the pledges they had made on its behalf They pledged the faith of the country and if the countrys faith is broken the responsibility is on them and their party For their own mercenary purposes they sought to open a market for United States manufactured goods at the expense of the agricultural interests of the country It is true the proposed measure for the reduction of the tariff docs not make any distinction in wfirds between agricultural and manufactured products but the discrimination 1 in fact as great as If it said the reduction of 20 per cent shall extend only to products of the farm and present duties shall be maintained on manufactured products for Cubas only products of any consequence arc her agricultural products do not believe that President Roosevelt was privy to this scheme He was finxjojis to see our pledge of independence for Cuba fulfiUcdf but in gfrdcr to give Cuba any inde pendent form of government he was obliged to make terms with the controlling clement in his party and now that clement has gone back on him and will not or can not carry out the terms it agreed on The skirts of the democratic party are clear That party opposed the Piatt amendment to the Cuban bill On the republican party jlonc lies the responsibility of having made a contract unjust to the agriculturists of this country and then tailing to keep faith with Cuba Navasota Reylczv Cuban reciprocity of any sort The case of Virgil Gallaher who is charged with killing The explanation of the situation is not far to seek nor his mother in Galveston several years ago was changed to hard to understand The nineteen senators who are un DeWitt county for trial and now has been continued and alterably opposed to the measure it is explained are the two wil1 be tried Bexar county Here is another 50000 mur from California the twofrom Oregon the to from South I rMF njVrt burdened Dakota the two from Minnesota the two from Nebraska the I taxpayersCada After Lewis Quad had made the name Arizona Kicker famous a fellow actually started a paper out in that territory which he called the Arizona Kicker and which he tried to make funny on the order of Quads articles We may expect soon to see a paper started in Texas called the Alkali Eye Orange Daily Tribune The Galveston Tribune says 1 The agricultural department has imported a couple of lady bugs from China and will turq them loose on the San Jose scale the idea being that they will multiply and ultimately wipe out the fruit tree pest It is presumed that one of the lady bugs is a gentleman bug McGregor Herald The unmatched and unmatchable Nat Henderson of Texas and the United States has made his usual quadrennial announcement as an independent candidate for the State senate in the Austin district When last assorted Nat was a republican but that was several days ago Paris Advocate It is said that General Jacob Smith the gentleman of howling wilderness fame in Samar will be brought home and sent to Texas Well we will reserve our fire until we see the whites of his eyes Lovclady Neves Virgil Gallaher will now have to go to San Antonio to get his case continued Yoakum Heiald It is harder to keep tip a bad newspaper than it Is to keep down a good one La Porte Chronicle SOME POLITICAL NOTE8 John McLean declines to concede that Tom Johnson is the biggest democrat in the State of Ohio But if is possible that John thinks as much of Tom as Tom does of John Knoxville Journal and Tribune Harriet Lane Johnston who as the beautiful Harriet Lane was first lady of the land during the administration of her uncle President Buchanan has been invited by King Edward to go to England for the coronation The king evidently has a fine sense of reciprocity Richard Olney has saved himself much annoyance by promptly crushing the first serious movement made toward nominating him for president His letter to the Olney club of Memphis is so strong and direct as to be an effectual preventive of any further Olney booming Philadelphia Ledger Advices from the Eighth Alabama district do not report the populace as standing on its hind legs and roaring for Richmond Pearson Hobson to represent it in congress Thus it appears that there is appssibility of Richmond Pearson bcihg able to devote quite a little more time to kissing matches and shipbuilding before he is called to legislate for his countrymen Chicago Chronicle In a famous letter of Samuel Tildcn he said I know that society is sometimes troubled with Ispeak mymind nuisances who seem to think it a virtue to violate the comities of social intercourse and always to sacrifice the feelings of others to their own caprice or ill nature He evidently read with prophetic vision some of the comments made at this time on the ceremonies speeches and persons connected with delivered at and who participated in the recent installation of the New York club rooms to which his name is given Chicago Chronicle Unfortunately Mr Cleveland never appears as a party adviser without his broad phylactery and his holierthan thou speeches He does not appear to feel that in the casting up of its accounts the democracy has quite a score of proven errors charged to his account It is what hc lost to the party that it has been seeking ever since to regain The National democracy has neither room nor time for recriminations In the restoration of the government to the true lines of democratic equality justice and prosperity for poor and rich alike the party has place and work for both Mr Cleveland and Mr Bryan But the work they are needed to aid is the work of the future and not an arbitration of the past Atlanta Constitution wirt1 POINTS ABOUT PEOPLE Van Clevc of Oklahoma City is running for congressional delegate on the prohibition ticket the first nominee of that party in the Territory The civil court in St Petersburg hy awarded 50000 damages to Mile Sarkisowa who sued the Transcaucasian railway because five of her front teeth were knocked out in a railway accident Henry Callen of Newark has returned home after spending fifteen years in South America bringing with him one of the finest collections of tropical butterflies ever collected by an individual Second Assistant Secretary of State Alvin A Adee has returned to Washington from Europe where he has spent about six weeks in a bicycle tour through Southern France It Is the fate of greatness to be misrepresented President Palma gave 15 to some poor people in Havana and by the time the story reached the United States it made him contribute 1000 from his private purse to avert a bread riot Prophet Dowie has been bearded in his own den of Zion 111 by one of its oldest residents one Clark Coarser aged 85 Rather than stop smoking at the prophets request he is willing to submit to arrest though he has not yet been molested William Smiley of Cowgill Mo was married after a threemonths acquaintance to Miss Carrie Bqison who was one of the printers on the Cowgill Enquirer when he bought it The groom has leased the Kidder Dispatch He will manage the paper and his bride will have charge of the Enquirer SOME POSTSCRIPTS Information respecting the new antiseptic called benzeyl acetyl perodlde discovered by Dr Freer of Michigan has been asked for by the British government It is said to bean absolute specific for cholera and all intestinal diseases Cocoanut trees grow in large plantations close to the shore all over the Philippine islands Within tlte last twelve years the trade has increased tremendously The product is period ically affected by heavy typhoons but it requires only a few year 1 to pick up again Palestine Is a small country not more than 150 miles in length from Dan to Beersheba and an average breadth of not more than fifty miles The area of all Syria including Palestine is officially calculated at 108000 square miles and the population is between 3000000 and 3500000 A factory inspector at Halifax says that when he became inspector he made a point of endeavoring to discover an attendant of a joiners planing machine who was in possession of all his fingers He wasfvve years before he came across such a man By Lewis GOOD NIGHT The big hibiscus blooms have gone to sleep And the four oelocks are shut up for the night And where the purple morningglorles creep The blossoms are closed up dear closed so tight That a hummingbird belated In his quest Finds evry door to sweetness tightly closed And quickly hies him homeward to his nest The where his mate and babies long have dozed And here we two are rocking you and dad One moment youve half dozed away to sleep Another and some thought has made you glad And you are all awake your wee arms creep About my neck and you all wondereyed Look up at me then chuckling snuggle down And nestle close and closer to my side Dads barefoot girl in her white slumber gown Dads sleepy girl your tiny finger tips Grope in the dusk move softly to and fro Until they find and rest against my lips And there they pause I wonder if you know Half of the joy their tender touch imparts That you do hold my life In that wee fist You are our queen our whiterobed queen of hearts Back come the tender fingers to be kissed Now mamma crooning low a lullabye Come softly to my side and bending low Low till she catches sleeps contented sigh Then takes you in her arms and walking alow We two escort you to your downy nest Tuck you therein and turning down the light With one last look do leave you to your rest Then come to look again and say Good night OF THE SAME FEATHER What do you think of that story of the English pam which lived fifty years without water It was a bird I replied the colonel emphatically A VILLAIN STILL Her lover smiled and though shed sworn Shed constant be till death She turned him down because he smiled She knew it by his breath 1 1 There is still time despite the drouth to sow and matur a crop of wild oats TEMPTING It is my great desire said the missionary that you should learn to love me How could one help it replied the cannibal chief when you look so good THE ONLY WAY SantosDumont should form an airship trust Why That would be sure to make airships go up EXCHANGE INTERVIEWS can assist criminals to escape It is an absolute fact that no man possessed of moderate means need be convicted of any Oom Paul we judge was too far nway from the fighting to properly appreciate the blessings of peace Brenham Press So was Chamberlain One A Batson who premeditatcdly and with mallcoj aforethought vilely murdered six members of the Earl family near Welsh La some months ago was recently convicted and given the death penalty From what little of the evi dence which was published it appeared that he deserved the verdict and when we read it the thought occurred that there was one miscreant who would not go unwhipt of justice But presto change I The superior court has given Batson anew trial I A witness has doubtless been suborned who will swear that at the time of the commission of the offense the defendant was fighting valiantly in the Boer armylvor pme thing else just as good Is it any wonder that vCr Aiften the services of Judge Lynch are invoked and that hc prompt the ly renders a decision cost to people without reversals or new trjals Colorado Citizen The same travesty of justice appears in Texas If lynch ings are to be done away with our legislatures must enact laws without loopholes through which jacklegged shysters crime in Texas Had Preacher who recently murdered two officers in Houston not been killed by one of his victims the1 law would have acquitted him because the officers tried to arrest him without a warrant What Texas needs is a seiBj of laws devised for the protection of her people not for th support of her lawyers and her lawbreakers of the government Roosevelt admires Wood and Wood ad mires Roosevelt and no one down Sputh objects to the aforeJf said mutual admiration society Floresville Chronicle Wood will doubtless outclass Teddy as a drinking marif It Isnt every one who could step into Booker Washlngtoni place at the White House Lewis of The Post wouldnt be quite so peart if the local brewery should deny him desk room Waco TimesHerald Let him who is without thirst pass the first stein ji i The barbed wire from British block house and trocha lines will be distributed among the Boer farmers for fencei of peace Kmgsland Rustler SAnd of fence pieces I Mr Cook of Atlanta down in Cass county oversized his capacity for booze the other day smole a smile of a littje too much extent and petered out Here is a solemn warninj to the Eye of Alkali Paris Advocate 1 Warnin nothinl Air we an amatoor We haint gi nothin ter say agin Cook he died like a boozer an a ge tleman But we aint never yit oversized our capacity an we dont believe thar is a limit ter th thing Alkali Eye IV The anent Houston Post of Tuesday contains a gushing editorialH the wonderful prosperity now raging over Texas has probably not heard ofthe drouth which has in itsj editor clutches nearly the whole of Central Texas Rockdale Rtfe porter Drouth What drouth 41 The Houston Post pave Nacogdoches a threedeck heai over an unfortunate killing but it could scarcely raise a heal at all for the Karnival which was the biggest thing evW happened in East Texas No wonder thepeople are disgusted with metropolitan journalism Nacogdoches Sentinel I The Post is sorry There is no town toward which feels more friendly nor whose spirit of progress it admirttj more than it docs that of Nacogdoches Would it be attacking the bar to call attention to tbi shysters Bretiham Press Certainly not it would be doing it a good turn Wn were you going to say George The only way to get rid of those pesky trusU Is to gi That will make them mo democratic harmony after them out Sierman to get Imperialism and the tar That is also a good way on the run interferes with ourdelightful ellmsl The only thing that and dust Lockhart Post now Is the heat that the only drawback about our Why dont you say mate is the weather we have i The Houston Post publishes a rumor to the effect th because Senator Jones of Arkansas voted with tllV riP ans on the isthmian canal question he is to be given of the seven overseers provided for in berth as one senate canal bill This it is stated would keep him fat office for fifteen years Senator Jones docs not neeoj office He has enough trust stock to keep bis feet getting wet Dcnison Herald 4 It.

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