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The Evening Bulletin from Maysville, Kentucky • Page 3

Maysville, Kentucky
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

-t vr i7f Her Majesty's Corsets. We take pleasure In announcing that we have obtained the exclusive agency, (or this section of Kentucky, for the sale of HER MAJESTY'S CORSETS. This Corset is so extensively advertised, is so highly endorsed by thousands of properly dressed, well-formed women that it requires no further commendation on our part Youll find it is made of the very best of materials and is guaranteed to retain its shape as long as you wear it. We have in stock four different styles in black and white, and in two qualities. Prices $2.75 and $3.25.

We also carry at all times a very large stock of R. Armorside, Warner's P. P. C. Ferris Waists, in all their different shapes and colorsV at 75c and Our Corset business is done with a view to satisfy whatever you may need in the Corset line.

Drives in Dress Goods. The activity in our Dress Goods department has been continuous. With an immense and select stock to choose from. Dress Goods buyers have found it a pleasure and a profit to purchase here. We are still selling 50c and 75c wool novelties at 39c and 50c.

respectively. Plaids from JOc to $1.95. The 50c arid 59c goods are worth fully 75c. Henriettas from 29c to $1.25. Besides, there are Venetians, Golf Cloths and Serges at exceedingly low prices.

35c. Eiderdowns at 25c. We bought this lot long before the advance in prices. This timely purchase saves you just ten cents on every yard, judging how others sell the same kind of goods. The colors arc pink, blue, tan, white, cardinal.

The price 25c instead of 35c ROSENAU PROPRIETORS OF THE BEE HIVE, BRINGS OF LOW PRICES MARRIAGE IN THEATRICAL CIRCLES. Jlr. Lauranco I). McOill and Miss Gertrado Sliipman of the Keystone Company Wed Today. Marriage license waa issued this morning to Mr.

Laurance B. McGill and Misa Gertrado Shipman. The happy couple are leading members of the Keystone Dramatic Company that has been playing at the opera house this week, and have won many admirers among theater-goers. The bride ia but twenty years of age. Her father ia with her, being interested in the company financially.

The wedding took place at 10 o'clock this morning at the Central Presbyterian Church, Rev. J. O. Molloyofflciating. It is the groom's second marriage.

Opposed to "Elections by Injunction." At Democratic masa meetings in Calloway and Owen counties resolutions were adopted strongly denouncing Gov. Bradley and Judge Sterling Toney, of Louisville, as uraurpers of authority and as military despots, for the use of soldiers on the day of election for the purpose of intimidating Democratic voters. The Legislature ia urged to mete out i I some puniuuiuuui lur uruv. uu to remove Judge Toney from office "for exceeding his authority and bringing the judiciary into contempt and reproach by forcing election ofOcors to sign certificates which they knew and asserted to be false and fraudulent." They express their opposition to "elections by injunction." Bourbon News: "Judge W. M.

Pur-nell Wednesday sent to Col. W. W. Baldwin, of Maysville, a check for $8,471, the sum being tho second payment on the turnpikes which tho Bourbon Fiscal Court purchasod from Col. Baldwin and made free for travel." Th.6 Rackets Store Keeps the best Underwear for Men, Women and children at the lowest prices.

Gloves of all kinds. A nice Jersey Glove leather fingered, at J9c.i Kid Gloves at The best unlaundered White Shirt on earth sor 49c. others 24c and up. Fine Crash 5c a yard. We keep a line of China, Glass and Tinware; Laces, Ribbons and Men's Furnishings.

You can find everything here Call and see us. Opposite Barkley's shoe store. Mho. Martin Minton ia improving. Rev.

Oaiitwricjht, of Foster, will preach Sunday at the Christian Church at Dover. Rev. J. W. Porter will preach" at Aberdeen Baptist Church Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock.

The turnpike bond proposition in Fleming County was defeated by a majority of 890. At the First Presbyterian Church tomorrow tho pastor will preach at 10:30 a. m. and 7 p. m.

Rev. H. T. Cree left this morning for Louisville, where he will preach to-morrow at the First Christian Church. What Thomas A.

Edison Says. "Why, after years of watching tho pn -cesses of nature, I can no more doubt the ex stence of an Intelligence that is running things than I do of tho existence cf myself. Take, for example, the substance water that forma the crystal known as ice. Now, there are hundreds of combinations that form crystals, and every one of them save that of ice sinks in water. Ice, I say, doesn't.

And it is rather lucky for va mortals, for if it had done so wo would all be dead. Why? Simply because if ice sank to the bottom of rivers, lakea and oceans as fast as it froze, tho90 places would bo frozen up and there would be no water left. That is only one example out of thousanda that to me prove beyond the possibility of a doubt that some vast Intelligence is governing this and other planets." A FEW EYE-OPENERS IN lop Evangelist Aluiia Mosiiek is preaching at Lexington. He stayed two days with the Methodist minister at Millers-burg. A motion is pending at Georgetown, to dismiss the indictment against Al Scholter for shooting Thomas Thomson, of Ripley.

Usual services at the Baptist Church to-morrow. Preaching at 10:45 a. ra. and 7 p. m.

by the pastor. Baptism after the evening service. TnE statement sent out from Frankfoitj that W. B. Pell, sent up from this county for forgery, had been pardoned by the Gov-j ornor is not true.

Racket Store C.n(TOLE, Manager. TriK revival meeting at the Flemings-burg M. E. Church, South, is still in' progress with six additions at last accounts, three of them Wednesday night. The Christian Endeavor Society of the1 Washington Presbyterian Church will' give an entertainment next Tuesday! evening at the home of Rev.

W.T. Spears. I Miss Bertha Estelle Nbider and Mr.i Isaac Reynolds were married JWednes-l day at Augusta. The bride ia a daughter of F. A.

Neidor, of Augusta, while thej groom is a son of T. G. Reynolds, of' Bracken. One afternoon this week, a special train, over the O. and O.

averaged a mile a minute between Cincinnati and Ironton and the run from Russell to Huntington was made in twenty minutes. The train was1 on route to Hot Springs, with the' father of young Mrs. George Ingalls, who waa thought to be critically ill. Everything that goes to make nice' bridal presents can bo found)at Murphy's. Cut glass, the newest sterling silver, tho finest bronzo lamps.

clockB. silver-plated ware, tables, fino art goods, toilet articles, in fact tho finest stock city from which to make selections. Murphy, the jewoler. IHsinark'sIronNervo Was tho result of his splendid health, Indomitablo will and tremendous energy are not found where stoniach, liver, kid-noys and bowels are out of order. If you want these qualities and the success th'oy bring, use Dr.

King's Now Life Pills. Thoir (Invnlnn nvftrv nowflr of brain and body. Only 25 ceirtfla't J. J. Wood I Son's, druggists.

ON WEDNESDAY MORNING we fire the first gun of the season to kill the theory of the tremendous advances in Clothing some alarmists want you to believe. ON WEDNESDAY MORNING we place on sale one lot of Top Coats (72) cut and made in the extreme height of fashion the material in them is the celebrated Dickey Cheviot, "every fibre wool." They come in three shades. The price, ci $5.75 SPOT CASH. ON WEDNESDAY MORNING we will place on sale one lot of Covert Top Coats (J 20) that are far superior in style, trim ming and making to any $10 garment sold elsewhere. We have them in four shades and all sizes.

The price, $7.50 SPOT CASH. These two lots will not last? long. We advise you to call early if you want to secure the best Overcoat at the price ever offered in Maysville. Our Boys' Chinchilla Reefers at $2.50 are the very best values in the market. HECHINGER Nothing Like It! Hns ever been known in this town before.

$2,000 WORTH OF DRESS GOODS to bo sold much less than original cost. Reason for it, our buyer overreached himself while East a fow months ago. All Wool Fancy Dress Goods, 38 inches wide, 17c, worth 39c black All Wool Fancies 27c, worth 50c All Wool very llnest Figured Henriettas and suitable for ten styles to pick from, sold everywhere at 75c, our.prico 45c. Elegant Creponnes worth Si 50. our price 79c.

Fine black Serges, Henriettas, less than original cost. Our Jacket and jCape business had been immense. New goods rp-reived daily by ox press. See our elegant Covert Jacket, S3.98, worth S7. Our Plush Cape at SI 98 is a beauty.

S10 Jacketsnow $7.50. All our Furs reduced; they got to go. Don't buy a Jacket, Cape or Collarette before seeing ours. Money in your pocket by doing so. mmnur HAYS CO.

Co P. A few dozen Boys' Reefers, regular price S4.50: our mice 5. Shoes cheaper than ever. Rag Carpets 19c, worth 25c. AlwaysintheLead The biggest stock, the best stock, the cleanest stock, the most varied assortment.

The only retail house in the city that buys in large quantities directly from the producers, thereby saving the jobbers' profit. If you want to buy a big supply of goods, I can furnish them to you. If you are not able to buy in large and can only buy in small quantities, I am always pleased to accommodate you. Every one knows that all classes of goods have for some time been steadily advancing. My long experience in business enabled me to foresee this, and my contracts for fall delivery, made early in the season were uncommonly large.

Therefore I am in shape to successfully meet any and all competition, no matter from what source it it may come, and save you money. Nothing But the Very Best Goods Country Aff or ds No shoddy, stale, impure or unwholesome goods offered. In fact my house is always headquarters for everything good to eat, and always of the very best. POULTRY, OYSTERS and GAME in season, 'i run two delivery wagons and all goods sold will be delivered to any part of the city promptly. A STREET CAR TICKET given with every CASH purchase of one dollar or over.

People from the country are requested to make my house headquarters when in our city. You are always welcome. My BLENDED COFFEE is the best. PERFECTION FLOUR has no equal. Phono 83.

B. LOVEL THE LEADING GROCER 5 AT PARIS, TOO. Harry Harvey Implicated in Several Cases of Thievery-Some of" the Goods Hccovered. Bourbon News. Harry Harvey, who was arrested at Lexington on the charge of committing robberies in various Kentucky towns, was identified by Dr.

Frank Campbell, of this city, as the man who stole his sister's jacket and furs from tho hall of their home. He found his sister's missing property in the man's possession. A cape which had also been stolen from Mrs. George Crosdalo was also identified and recovered by Dr. Campbell.

Harvey was taken to Maysville Wednesday to answer to similar charges. He is charged with taking a capo and a coat from tho house of Dr. G. M. Williams and a fino dress from Mrs.

Mary Boyd's residence, in Maysville. It is thought that Harvey shipped his plunder to Louisville. notice ra wm Iu the matter of the assignment 1 of Rout. Wbipps. The undersigned hereby glvo notice that they will, auy day nfter this date, and up to and Including tho 3rd day of December, 1899, at the First National Bank lu Maysville, recelvo claims against tho estate of Root.

Whlpps, as-signed, T. T. WORTH1NGTON, W.W.BALL, Nov. 1th, 1899, Assignees. FOR RENT.

EOR RENT Two large, handsorao front rooms, centrally located, nultable for biislncssror housekeeping. Owner will rent together or op-arately. Inqnlre'at Hulietin oillce. 16-dtf "ITIOH UKNT fwo frout rooms over Mitchell, JLj Fluch Bank. Steam heat.

Will rent ono or both. Suitable for olllco or bed-rooms. I'os-scsslou given 1st of November. Inquire at the bank. 7.dtf FOR SALE.

171 lilt SALE A now two story frame dwelling 2 In CulberUon; live rooms, kitchen aud cellar. Houso storm sided, papered and weather uuaiucu. vuui UUU3U UUU UUlUOUSes. Will Sell with either one, two, threo or four lots, each 82x 112 feet In size. AppWtoB.B.CHUNN.

t. -ins Naysviiie ioot nan team wm piay the1 Milleraburgs another game Thanksgiving day at that place. As heretofore 6tated the cape and part of tho dreBB stolon here were recovered, and both were readily identified by their owners. Volcanic Eruptions Are grand, but skin eruptions rob lifo of joy. Bucklen's Arnica Salve cures them.

Also old running and fover sores, ulcere, boils, felons, corns, warts, cuts, bruises, burns, scalds, chapped hands, chilblains, bost pile cure on earth. Drives out pains aud aches. Only 25c. a box. Guro guaranteed.

Sold by J. J. Wood Sonj druggists. Church op the Navivity Services tomorrow, Sunday school at 0:30, litany, sermon and holy communion at 10:30. Evening prayer at 7.

The Pastor's Union will meet on Mon day at 10 a. m. at the usual place. Bowling at Ort's alleys 5 cents per man. Geo.

Ort. T7A0R 8ALEMy dwelling house -49 West 'Inlrd street, all In good repair; seven rooms, ai-tic. bath room and cellar. Gas and water. 8.

B. uuuatt. 4 25-tUw. lilOUSALK Southdown bucks and mountain JU ewes. Call on oraddrcss JOHN B.TKTER8.

mmutuu, jiiwuu umiuy, 11QU lit OH HALK Mr rival ri mi pn Ifimivn aa ii)i. JL5 stdo." located half mile outstdo city limlta ou the river siilo below Maysville, Ky. A bar- bain, jl uMCoaiuu KrVU at UUCO, A. JUCJJUUUUt, LOST. L0iST7NV.e.(1,,u;.8.d,d?,ft.?,.a,n, eoW rlngTontain'-lug Initials G.

G. K. Flutter will please re-turn It to this olllco and recelvo reward. FOUND. EOL'ND A pair of steel-frame spectacles.

Ono glass gono. Call at this olllco. Il-d3t Miss Sallib S. Wood has been exonerated from an erroneous assessment' on $500 in monoy. tfotlce.

tersona dealrWto subscribe or renow subscriptions for tho coming year for Tho Ladles' Home Journal will please call upon Miss Lucy Lee, who will attend to it East Third..

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