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Shiner Gazette from Shiner, Texas • Page 6

Shiner Gazettei
Shiner, Texas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

iWifci 1 The Shineit Gazcttet A jl ii JT HABErtMAGHER PublUher SHINER TEXAS EVENTS OF feVERYVUHEREf Kmperor Nicholas has ccjnfmejl upon Lieut Gen Saltharotf andfcfcuTE Gen Bllderllng gold swords of honor set with brilliants and nsprlDcuf dr valor John HcoJ a prominent citizen ot HoneyGrove who was klfcked bjr his horso Tuesday aftirnoop died Thursday nlEt and waVburleNl hetfeifFrU1 day John Keeling who fellfrdn ftUntl road culvert at Roxton Monday inlgiit and sustalpod ahroken thlgh JIedJBrl day night fro mlhAMec1s o7thcFln Juries The dead body of Alfred Barry Whoso home was at Hamilton was oufidjbadly decomposed andwlth his eluillcriishcd seed itibatiat at tho Dublln oilmill jtto ii Several PinkertonmenlateIy went Westlooking out for theman who robbed tho iargo Expre ss and mfirt dejed the messenger at Daggett Cal a few days since A Fred Odcll a prominent youn farmer died Wednesday of hy drophc bla at Preston Grayson County tQdell was bitten two weeks ngo Hlsjlpafn was a most horrible one Ho pleaded with tho peopla toklU him Construction work on tho nockefel ler Institute for tho Investigation of heMause of disease In NeW York blfj na3 begun The buHdlngs wlth tiie lr equipment will cost Vii206o6o i AnnouncementIs madethat tho Itock Island road will 6n December 25 Inaugurate a service of two passenger trains each day between Fort Worth and Dallas It 4s stated that several changes In time will also be effected which will enable the trains to shorten the tlmo of the thrpugh run Tho first pile a fortyfoot one was driven Wednesday at 0 I ango byC Hunt at th6 sits ot jibe sfilp syard selected by Contractofi al tlrThompsdnwhp fs th er oJ orgamS Vo begin active brk on thojblgTOry docicB The Daughtersfot then Confederacy fn session at Waxahachle on Frld aynle clded to establish a home at Austin for Indigent widows of Confederates The movement has been well received und a grand success Is predicted Former Postmaster General James Tyner dled Monday ll Tyhe was Postmaster General urlng fljanti adminlstrattort His last official duty s1HhatOt ssIstantAttrn Pl fal for tho PosfoulceiDep artmenl Tho Scottish Itlte Masons ot South McAlestorJ have purchaseda building site and completed the arrangements for thoerection of a 100000 Masonic temple Work on the new building will be commenced at onc Th Grand American Handicap chief of the American trap shooting events will be held In Indianapolis next year Thishas Veen decided at a special meeting ot the Interstate association at New York John Taylor president of the yau Alstyno Cotton Mill and Oil Company and director of the First National banl died Friday morning of heartfailure God mad the countryyet a lot of people sell their farms and movq to tqwn Forbes whohasiIie contrac for the Carnegie LibraryBuilding Is at Corslcana to bcglrpwOrk The preliminary work of deartng thajlot on which tho building will standis now being done Its tto use Talking about loving God when your phlldren are afraid of yoti Henry spell was shot at Bryan Thursday njfgh and dledJFriday inorn lng Upon his dying statement Wll Ham Mcftuorquodalo waVarrestel but 1 tho latter says hcuan prove an alibi In reviewing building operations in twentyfive principal citiea of the United States for the month of November 1904 as compared with the sarao month In 1003 thero has been a total Increase of about 25 per cent The State Treasurer made a call for registered warrants Saturday up 10087 which aggregates 542GS reducing the net deficit to Gi3714 A state organization ot the granite nd martiie dealers ot Texas fTREifTV ALARM POSIBLE COMPULSORY PAYMENT OF SOUTHERN BOHD SPECtlLTrORS REPORTED BUSY These Bends Wero Repudiated Oveil JTvkqntyfjve Years Ago Treaties My Not Be Acted Upon Washington Dec lit rSonator Fos fcr of Louisiana has taken afarm at typl rfjbltrattyn treaties wjitch novo bden Igncd wltli fcogtand Germany Italy Franco and Switzerland jfle fears li eyraay bo tho means by which tho Southern slates will bo compqf bondsIn a letter written io the Nw Orlesjns Btfardot Trade Senator Fos ter says will call the attentlbn of the Board of Trade to the well denned Jre liort that there lurks in the treaties underit1ie Jalr guiseofuiieaCe slider bltratlon a groat menace to tlie South more particularly our own ate AS you probably knowa few Now York speculators under the pvetgnso fjPSTfginiIngffcKHlile Set recent ly donated to the Btato of Southjpa aafew bonds of the stato of North iCapllna lasliea urlSg theTeconstcuc Tlon4daygjin5s6lbsequently repudt ed by that state when the people galnfed controlpt their government Mil Foster also says It is said that a cpterio of American and nro pean capitalists haVo acquired obligations which the Southern stalesre pudiated more than twentyfive years ago and with accumulated Interest novamounlsfo mor tiffin 2 5StSb ZJ 000 Fourteen letters have boen received by the foreign affaJ ommltlcapt the senate protesting ogalhstllvo rati1 Ilcatlon of tho treaty withprcat Drlt ainj The 0utjiernyjondaqu6ilon figures In some of them If much doubt Is provoked or tneTSduthe rn senators seem disposed toj taker fright atthe Southern bbndsquesllonj it not tin SUate stAitieWJo cpo A UrV es 0C Scata 32LZTfOB7 JSVJxozt i May Bridge the Mississippi tf Orleans Las A prominent of ficial ot tbo Southern Paclfie is authority for the statement that tho om pany Is now working on a bigproject that Includes building a line from Lafayette to BatonRougef spanning tho Mississippi river at that poln wltha great bridge ahd then bulldlngr deep water outlets to GulfpbrJ Mlss uHd Pensacola JIa I Is sTated tliat the plan includes traffic arrangements for the Texas Pacific the Frisco and the Missouri KaSaas Si Texas to util ise thebrdge aCtiatbn Jlonge tu erbby cutting out ferry transferring lower down flew Epflland Bllzrard iBoston Mass Tbo sto rnfyjester daywasbf bllzzajfd sovertty aloug the Southern Now Kngland coast AlI wires on Capo Cfld ly ra prostrated and there baa been no communication south of Wareham by land since early yesterday morning The wind blew a hurricane at Newport I At 7j30 last night the only wreck reported was at Fishers island where the crews of a tug and three barges were saved Jury to Have a Good Time Marlln Texas The Jury for next week In the county court has been discharged on account of fnat being car plval weqh In MarJIu LESS CQT5TJ Colonel Pete pa Waco Shrevepovi vert cars over tttO retiut Mi lo BI1 shguld dfovety jf MtlT ttMSED Advocates atDtVeralfl 1 it Crops ki If turirjfsiint i his Jiomon Jal fU tc e3 i SB0u Sgtoah hdi ltlfe ati3e03 took In tho Srcoij tonvqn lieskuiOSMirQff adoptod vyuuofr ft Slireveport lniraMriSiy 0 the hands aryWpfclfngKMtt VS trf follow tllla go i the cotton Blntes It haa beff irJhiOrfBtfated Uw last tWot giili that heavycrdps of cotton arp lnlfltloiis Instead of bene tjfcfaVftgrp of lho staple Redua flou ollproduclgi tbrpush crop diversification ttntTsby all other ratl6nal mdnns should jjud Jhe rulq everywhere among cOttdn Woge ilnffltlgaisitp brand nlVja nWwliisA fllmatlc iA ndl tlons will aggravate the bolt weevil UltHHre ami fflf Uacan not Tfe Bured ntter It rM0 tho prospect Is less cQutygJngjfhan 1 the die luJoxas succfssmlly subM wJUere alalf i be stuutod as a triion Crop ana wliere tho dry weathGr and hot sun becomo fJrj Waye alihM In Jh b6lf edvll war belngwa gfd all along the line 4 I fM 1J1 ltl mdvingjoTCas to escaperth6boll weevil Colonel Pete rji said In conclusion that GovcrriorVartlaman of Mississip pi und GiJyernorBIuncharct of Ldul al USWill ib3Km Sflan ifcurWoS of eottpn pfanteVs from the1 two states hamedf hlchwly travelalljdver jTfejds axl year studying boll weevil and tho methods grow cotton in Poters says ana Arkansa dlan Terrifo ploi cdln this staj fplleottUem Colonel ipt ia parts ot Loulsk Jflo otKAc rBpbf tSf present year ha srVeeh genoral nd that it tslahjojy Jnniie ha nl ol too 4 juisedlt the grd wcrs having been generously assisted by tile bankers and therebyen ble wait for bettet f3 prices Bryan Owns Jeffercoft Punch Bowl Jjlncolii Neb Jelferspns giant punch bowlf weTghmg something ovei io 6 ourias finKMfteniiipurchasedrhy tWIlllam arid rndw CMlp pryan fer nWen Sfi afeilv4 an recelyed tevelarday aBo atid ag Pllrchasedfrom Dr Scott ot Cu popper Va and carried with It a cer tlilcato ot authenticitymade out years ago by Mrs Agnes Tmirman of Albe marle who stfttesthatlt was purchased by hor husband M7 Monticello afterf Jeffersons dijath The bowlIs a monster one hoIdln glh bouttengaI lons of liquid Dodgo to jel lt All YorlU Itils rdmpred In New MorsfiVdtvorce mktter in connection with whlch ii Wf indicted for perjury pdgehas sriilefiffomfGalYeB ton for eVl York Threaten tOj CahceKRIsk f1 SanAntonio TcxdSg Sovordl lnur aoco Qpmpanies avo notified local ngcndes heroHiatulricsB inuchdefect lvo electric wiring iifcorrocted bdsts hesS bouse here Ihesii risks wlfl bd Immediately canceled A recent In spcctlori of electrtqw ring here duv closed lhafact that he wiring In per of the business houses was defective 5 1 Merchant iapd FarmerTraded XullngToxas dSlMtlAlUstw Mo lng aTgeneralmerchandise business here hassoJd hlstocko gCjodsaud residency i ropeftyii MHam til Rock Jsland and 1 lnJstUjrn puirshaS9d Jrom MUam fiVAiircjfa rm ami fruit orchard near Hack Island lfr MJlam ha3miived t34 Winns and MrJ McAllister will moV 16 hfrtrew homo in Colorado county iSrfie 1b000000 Cqto Co mpanyv MontreaY i ftbn company witha capital pf ijfctl06ha be formed here The Wv company will take over tho mills four of tho largest Canadian poropanlfts tho poniln Ion the Merchant thb Montmorencl and the Colonial Bleaching ombau Japs Lost Tw Boats Toklo Tha Japa asW have lost two torpedo boats during all the operations against the batUeahtp Sevastopol which was reported yesterday In a dispatch front Tort Arfhur to be completely disabled LUCK Agetlt Shiner Texas Thlafirie beer Is for sale Jil Sliine by I 1 Wnngcmann Joe Maclia and 9 ij Hlldcbrnudt api at Drcyer by Adolpli Schulze BismarcK dlbon JjHi22SJ 1 Ii YflPBEST WHISKIES INES Ti AND LIQUORSALWAYSlNsfock 7 We sell the favorite PJIBST BEER i i i FINE OIQARSs i Pollto and Courteous Treatmont IJNEXpf OOR TO ALTERS BROS 4 oi 4 t0 46 4W 666 AND Sell your seed to the HOME MILL and patronize a HOME INSTITUTION Th DANIEL Manager navlnu parcliaBed thls SalobtijI Invite all my Frlend andthe Old Customers tCkLL ND SEE ME1 i awlll keep a full atoob of the Bcot WHiefileB Wlnea i Beer and Cigars and will always treat yqu right i AtlBERT BEKCKENHOTF FEHHENKAMP Koi only carries Full Stock of the Tery Best LUMBER SHINGLES SJSH JtND DOORS Bnths can rUo supply yon with Brick Paints OllsaBullders Hardware Barb Wire Poultry Nolllnfj Purrip Pipe Fitting anj DANDY WINDMILLS jj Prompt asd eloas attention given to all order Moulton 7 Toxaa i.

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