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The Citizen from Berea, Kentucky • Page 8

The Citizeni
Berea, Kentucky
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Pane Eight. run citizen. April 24, 1913. East Kentucky Correspondence News You Get Nowhere Else Wo erter4Mtt fMliH hIm l.fd lull ly ttt ntllit. 1I rn It not for pabllcatloa, but an YldtKe of tt4 faith, Witte pUlnljr.

ANNOUNCEMENT ROCKCASTLE COUNTY For Representative hounk We are authorlied to announce W. I -t" Apr. Jonnlo Whtvl R. Reynolds of Jackson County a jcr of Nina Is lsltlng her sister. Mr, candidate for Heprcaentntlvc from tha 1 Mary Umbert, thia Car-Counties of Jackson, Owsley and Clay rol Martlu, who lias been quite sick before the Republican voters nt tho is improving slightly.

J. II. Umlwrt mia. Ymip vote nro made a business trip to Mt. Vernon AUKUIL 1 IIUIUIJ I respectfully solicited.

(ad) Withdraws from County Clerk Race To tho Voters of Jackson County. Having changed my rosldonca from Jackson County, I hereby give notice to my many friends that I have with, drawn from tho race for County Clerk and I urgently ask that my supporters ubo their influence and cast their voto for Mr. D. G. Collier.

Yours respectfully, J. E. Parsons. JACKSON COUNTY McKKK McKec, April 21. County Court was In session here today.

There was 11 largo crowd In town. Jesse Truott waa In town, tho 21st. 1. H. Hayes bought a fino saddle and buggy horse at Richmond recently.

D. G. Collier made a trip to Grccnhall, Friday. Mrs. Lou Fowler has a largo line of ladles' hats for sale J.

C. ltussvil and oon, Ed, were visiting J. It. Hayes, nn.inv. A larco fire was In tho woods near town a few days last lea hospital.

She is slowly Improving, week, but did no damage to the town. Last Saturday and Sunday were r-- j. k. Holcomb is worse than he has SUar church days at the Scaffold been for several months. Leonard Cano Baptist church.

There Is Sun-Hlgnito and Wick Lalnhnrt made 11 day school at th-j Baptist church at trip to Uerea last week. Tyra Lain- 10 a. m. Also Sunday School at th hart went to Rock Lick, Saturday. Union church at 2 p.

111. Everybody Born to Mr. and Mrs. G. W.

Rader, must come. Miss Myrtle McCollum recently, a fine boy. visited Bertha Bullen, Sunday. Mr. cloveh bottom Robert Bowman and daurih Clovr Bottom, Apr.

Smith tcr. Mary, were In Scaffold Cane. Tip Pearin and arover Hunter puss- Mattlc L.nvlllc visited on their way to New lr Mra. Etta Abney of CI. a Hope church.

tho Hays Creek, Sunday. J. R. McCollum an. Smith filled his appointment at Clo- of Scaffold Cane went to ver Bottom Baptist church.

Saturday larasburgand are now In Bcrea. Mr. and Engle's court on McCollum Is very sick and Is net tx the 19th. tho following cases were pected to live long-W. C.

Vlan. wm. continued; Shelton Brockman against Sunday, to seo his slater. James Rose and George Perry against Bculoh. who is in tho J.

A. Cain and others and tho Com- ucl Bullen of near Wlldio visit, d. monwealth of Kentucky against GeorB Wesley Bullen Saturday night. -Pern- The cause of continuance was Born to Mr. and Mrs.

Dan McCollum. tho absence of C. P. Moore, attorney hoy. His name Is Elmer Louis.

-on one side-People are very much Corn to Mr. and Mrs. Harris Durha behind with their Hayes and Mrs. John Guinn vis-went to Richmond on business the ted J- M. Bullen and family.

Sunday. Short aud other U. S. I -Next Saturday and Sunday are rcu-Marshals passed thru here the 17th 'hr church days at Macedonia. Rev.

on a moonshine Hick- Childress of Johnctta expects to nell got his and almost all Its Nancy Bullen. who has i contents destroyed by fire a few days oeen visiung uer inenos unu reia-ago. Wilson Lakes has rented from I Uvcs In Illinois, returned home last I. F. Dsan tho place lately vacated week.

Mr. and Mrs. Gartleld Gab- by Tom Purvis and haa moved Into It. A. W.

Uakcr an attorney from McKeo attended S. A. Engle's court the 19th. America Dean Is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. John Smith of Shirley this week.

KN'OII Kerby Knob, April 21-Itcv. HatK-r filled his regular appointment at this place Saturday and. Sunday. Our next meeting will bo held the fourth Saturday and Sunday so tho pastor van bo present for Memorial Services. Nola demons who has been sick nblo to be out again.

The. Lizzio and Lavado Wild and brother visited their sister, Mrs. Elmer Click, Saturday night and Sunday. A baby boy haa arrived at tho home of Aaron Powell. Mr.

and Mrs. N. H. Williams wero raado happy over the arrival of a fine boy in their home, Apr. 13th.

Horn to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Turner, April 10th, a girl. We havo prospects of a good fruit crop In this vicinity. Mr.

Jake Perkins tf Ureyfus stayed over night with Jas. Click. night, on his way to Ciover Bottom. TVNKU Tyner, April 20. Farmers nro ulout ready to plant corn.

Farmer and Pearson's big moving picture fehow was well attended at our school hous Tuesday night. W. H. Reynolds said bis fino saddle horse, Jackson Hoy, for seven hundred dollars. W.

J. Junes, sold a span of young mtiUs for $340. Miss Chnrlotto Nantz, cf London, will bo visiting In this Mel nity for tho next two weeks. s. Armlnla Moon Is very sick with grippe.

Chester Jonca and slsfr, Nora, havo boon visiting in London for a few daye. Mr. and Mrs. T. Moms visited in Mildred, Saturday an Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. W. It. Kuglo cf Gray Hawk, wero tho guests tf W.

K. Jonce and wl(e, Sunday. Master Coleman Ilcynolds 1b balling his prlzo seed corn at a dollar l'r bushel. Tho farmers ought to take advantage of this to uecuro good stcck corn. It.

Itader lest good maro recently. Uncle Alfred Johnson has his mill dam put back and 'u ready to do all tho grinding that the people desire. Mrs. Charlotto Itey-nolds very sick with lagrfppc. one day last week.

Noru Wren and Miss Lydla Lcvctt wero llcrea jlsltors, Saturday. Several from attended church at Falrvlcw, Sun-I day. Mrs Julia Kldwell of Illinois. I Is visiting her sister, Mrs. D.

1.. Poyn-- tcr, at pUscnt U. I'oynter recent. ly moved to his property near Boone. Sam Abrams and II.

Levctt of Jackson County visited the family of J. Lovett, Saturday. Willie Isaacs tf Madison passed thru here, Sunday. Ceo. Lamb recently moved in tills vicinity.

Mrs. Susie Smith is visit-lug her mother, Mrs. Molllc Ryrd, near Hat Gap at present. Oscar Sims, who has been In Indiana for ssmo time, visited home folks mar Snider, last week. Mattlc Coyle of llockford recently moved to Muncy, lnd.

A. D. Levctt has been sick for a few-days. Mr. Grout visited home folks, Sunday, IIOCKPOIUI Rocklord, April 21.

Miss Uoulah Vlars, who haa been sick for the past tliroa months, is now in the lie- 1 oaru visitcu uortie and Joim stepu- ens, Sunday night. Bro. Hudson tf Berea expects to preach at the Unl- 011 church next Sunday nt 11 a. 111. 1 and 2 p.

111. Win. McCollum and sister, Mrs. Sarah Guinn, went to Bo-rea, Sunday, to ldt their sick father, (J R. HcCollum.

Bertha Bullen visited her bister, Mao Bullen, Sun. 1 day night. James Balllnger, aud family of near this place, have recently moved near the band mill at Wildie. OWSLEY COUNTY MIlITIl POHK South Fork, April 17. The lain still continues and farmers are be-bind with their work.

Cluy Griffith of Klkatawa hnj moved to histauu which ho purchased from II. C. Ever-eole, of this place. Mrs. 11.

C. Combs nnd little daughter, Ncvlyu, of spent two weeks -with hr parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. It.

Ullbert, of this place. Miss Ireno M. of Ilnonevilln flnont tu-n u-Mkn u-lth hur JUm Jant.t lllace.M11.3 ailbm anu brotlll.r( Fcx Nvho lng school at Oneida, will return home, Saturday. Clyde of Doonevillo visited his aunt, Mrs. I.

It. Gilbert, Sunday. The measles aro raging in Hoonevllle now. Herbert Marshall of Wolf Creek has typhoid fever. CONKI.INO Conkllng, April IS.

Miss Faiiulo liowlcs was calUd home from Llcrta lust week to seo hur sick brother. Ho Is elowly Improving. Wm. Park- tir, a merchant, of this place, went to Iouisvlllo recently to purchase his spring ttccl; of goods. Mlts Do cla Stajifleld of Clay County pass3d thru hero a fow days ago on her way to Massachusetts to visit her mother.

J. W. Anderson returned home last night from a short visit with his con, Claude, at Ilcrca. John S. Wilson Is Blck.

Jasper Andersen of Uoonevlllo visited relatives here, Friday. Miss Suslo Parker wus thu guest of her sister, Mrs. Tom Hoi comb, Saturday nnd Sunday. A number of folks from this placo uttend-td church at Walnut drove, Sunday. Servlco was conducted by Ilov.

Albert Howman. Mrs. Dcsslo Holcomb lsltcd her aunt, Mrs. Matilda 1'arkcr, Mondny and Tuesday. MUs Maude Anderson visited nt tho home other giandinother, Mrs.

Emily McCnilum, Sunday. Tho Doctor wns called, Thursday, to seo Klmhci Shepherd, who has Indications of pneutnonla. Win. McCollum and John Wilson got their partnership raft off on tho Into tide. Tho nv.w story is real good and owwa we nro anxious for tho arrival of The Citizen each week.

Posey, April 13. Miss Efflo Hyden visited her sister, Calllo tex-ton, last week. Miss Pearl Mclntlre visited her sister, Mrs. C. 11.

Rowland, last Saturday night and Sunday. Fred Malnous Is very low with splnnl meningitis. Robert Uonds and Jcuac Herd havo been trading Misses Winnie and Clarice Rowland spent Inst Sunday with Miss Rebn Williams. Meosrs. Kinory Flnnery and Quluton Wilson went to Ivondale, Inst Monday.

Mrs. Emerson Hoi- comb and Mlsa Lcnnlo Malnous of Conkllng spent last Saturday night and Sunday with relatives near here. Thos. Rowland end Chnrllc Peters nre hauling logs to the river. Horn to Mr.

and Mrs. Wm. Ilowmnn. a boy. April 13Ui.

ISLAND CITY Island City, April 17. W. S. Peters Is visiting friends In this neighbor hood. Terry Gentry left, Monday, with his team to drive a drummer thru various parts of the mountains.

Stave work is still a success at Island City. F. Bowman who has been working nt the Kings Mills returned home a few days ago. Wm. Mays, U.

S. left. Sunday, for his hindquarters at Richmond. G. J.

Gentry Just returned Beattyvlllc, where he conveyed two moonshiners before J. M. Beatty, U. S. CENTRAL With a cl.imp on her head like a cage lor her hair She sits all the day on a stiff little chair And answers the calls that come over the wire From people of patience and people of ire, And N'umbei 1" she queries of noble or churl, A wonderful voice has the telephone girl.

She has to be pleasant and hustling and keen, With a temper-unruffled and ever serene, There are forty-five things she must think of at once, Or some rough subscriber will call her a dunce, Since it seems a general custom to huil The blame for your grouch on the telephone gitl 1 It's wearisome work on the nerves and the brain, Continual hurry, continual strain, And Central gets tirtd as other folks do And needs to be thoughtfully treated by you 1 So think of her doing her best 'mid the whirl. And try to be white to the telephone girl I lltrlon lit it -Ity. largo tide Is In South Ftrk Itlver. Thcro Is a large number of office seekers In this county. It will go Re publican by a largo W.

A.J Hosklns Is sick. Revenue officers captured Broncr Gabbard and his partner in a moonshine distillery last I-rlday and took them to London. GARRARD COUNTY I.ICK.. Paint Lick. April 20 Mr.

and Mrs. Oscar Gabbard buent Saturday night nnd Sunday with friends in nnd attended church at the Uaptlst church, Sunday. Wo aro having spl -ndld weather for farming now, and the farmers aro taking advantage of it. William lllcamxtliam who has been seriously ill is thougat to be some better at tnls writing. Mra.

Nellie Gabbard of Ueiea v.slted with her con. Will, and fumlly lat week. Charles Drawn, our merchant, and family havo moved into Mrs. Mc'Jol-lum'B house. Frtd Parker, 21 years of age, died at his homo near Paint Lick, April 10th, of tuberculcsls, after an Illness cf three mouths.

He had been married only mouths. Ho leuM-H a father, elster, two broth-ois aud a wifo to mourn his d'ath. The remains wore burled in tho Lick cemetery. Mr. and Mrs.

Jam 0 Wilson atu wearing big smiles ovc.r the two uddltlonj at their home 0:1 April 13th. They wero named Edgar uiid Edna. M.s. Fannlo Drockman canio over from I)well, Filday, tObce her mother, Mra. Mary Gabbard.

Doss Parsons and family of Uerca havo moved to tho Henry Wyllo property now owned by Prof. Dinsmoio of Horea. Saturday aud Sunday were regular preaching days heie. William Collins and MHs Amanda Weaver wero united In marriage, Saturday night, April 10th, at tho Ifllll n' tlw. hmm Iho brldo.

Tho brldo Is the daughter of Mr. nnd Mra. Alten weaver 01 this place and tho bridegroom ton if Mr. Horry Collins of Rockcastlo County. LAUREL COUNTY riTTHIIIIIU! Pittsburg, April 12.

Tho Red Men Hall, tho grocery store of Ott and Jones, tho barber chop and oMco of tho Acmo Coal Co. wero burned, Fat urday night. Tho storo of George Vard waa robbed, Tuesday night. Bloodhounds wen brought but they failed to find tho thief. Nosh Murray I died, April 10th, nfter a lingering Illness of consumption.

Ho was a member of the Kast Pittsburg Baptist church. Ho leaves a wife, three sons and two daughters behind, Tim re-mnlns were Interred 'In the Southnrd grave yard on Friday, Tho Infant of 1 Joo Ilnziott was burned to denth ami 1 I .1.1 1 1 1 1 tho remains were brought iw Jill burg to bo burled In thu Ittsburg 1 uill IAJ Kill IV III IIIU I IHCiMllf, cemetery, Wednesday. School Is iro grossing nicely. Albert Fleehtrr 1 very poorly with erysipelas. I INTUTOWN STATE Contlnuril (mm Flril rt latter pult of last week.

Tho drceas'd was nineteen years cf age. He Is Bald to havo been one cf a rcscuo party whose boat capsized In the streets of Hamilton. STUCKY HOLDS CLINIC Dr. J. A.

Stucky was In Hlndman 14 the W. C. T. U. Industrial School at end of U15 week, accompanied by three trained nurses mid Miss Linda Neville.

Dr. Stucky Is nn eyo specialist and Miss Ncvlllo is the President of the Kentucky Society for the prevention of blindness. These eye clinics have been held for two or three yearn under tho direction of tho Society and have proved gnat blessing to sufferers from Trachoma mid oth eyo diseases. STREET WAR In a street war at a cnrnlwil, being held In Franklin, two men wero killed outright nnd others will possibly dlo. Trouble came up over r1-buko by tho sheriff to a boy for the use of piofano Innguage.

The sheriff In a large crowd was later aecosted by tho boy's brother and father nnd In self defense killed one and mortal' ly Injured tho other, and In the final lade of shots tlie Killce Judge re- Ul ceivea a wounu ironi ue ui twenty-four hours later. The sheriff In exonerated from blame, It scms UNITED STATES NEWS Iroin p-gr one CltANE TO ST. PKTEKSDUKi; CharlvH It. Crane of Chicago, appointed by President Tuft Mlnnlsfr to China and recalled before he sallied, has been offered the ost at St. Petersburg by President Wilson.

He will likely accept REPRESENTATIVE EXPELLED Tho New Hampshire last week, expell-d Repros ntalhu Clifford L. Snow of Muuchestf'r for offering to sell his vote. Snow was elected as a Republican, then Joined the Progressives, but during the last few weekB voted with tho Democrats. JHIEF MOORE DISMISSED Willis L. Mocre, chief of thu Weather Bureau at Washington, was summurily dismissed by 1'rts.

Wilson last wek. has held the office clnec tlie Cleveland ndiiilnlstratlon. Ho offored hla resignation to Uienew administration, but, after It was submitted, charges wero preferred ugalnst him by tho Socrotary of Agriculture and the President dismissed him bite ro tho charges w-iro mado imlille. Somthlng llko s-nsutlon is expec! ed to develop. thu WORLD NEWS Cuiitinurd Iroin I'lrit Vtt grant tho changis demanded in suffriigo liiwe.

CHINA ASKS FOR PRAYERS As showing the piogre.B t)wanl Christian thought In China, tho new Government appealed last week to all tho Christian org.iulzatlons thru ut tho country to Bet aside Sunday, the 157.1, ''Z DVIIIIIUII UI l. i. r. This action fs very phasing in all inlsslou circles, ns it Is said that thcro Is no euch oxamplo in tlio history of the world. It la but leu years sluco tho Uoxor outmgtB und tin contrasts In conditions nro marked as to bo ulinott uubellevnlile.

THE POPE UET1ER 'Ilio Popo has rallied during tho week from his serlouc lllneca and ia reported to bo able to bjo visitors. He Is still troubled with pains In the chest and serlou3 cough nt night. Absolutely pure The only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar Makes delicious home-baked foods of maximum quality at minimum cost Makes home baking pleasant and profitable KENTUCKY DUEL RESULTS IN, TWO DEATHS AND WOUNDING OF FIVE STRAY BULLET KILLS CITY JUDGE. Rcw Over Woman With a Carnival Company Starts Trouble Crowd It Stampeded. Wf-lfrn NnpT t'ntim Nf Brvlc Franklin.

Ky. In a plmol duel here City Judge II. (loodnlght nnd Will T.iylor, 45 years old. ere ulnln, nnd James Taylor, 25 )enrs old. son of Will Tuyior.

fatally wounded, while four others were allghtly wounded Tho Cllflon Kelly -hows, or Carnival have been, -how lug at the fair grounds here for a week, nnd It wns nt the conclusion of performance when the shooting began. James Tnylor had an nltercatlou with ont of the showmen over a woman, who appealed to Sheriff Robert (lomiett for piotectlon, The sheriff threatened young Tnylor with nrrest nnd fjulcted him for the time. Young Taylor, how-ercr. found his father nnd related to him his experience wlih the sheriff, whereupon the elder Taylor went gunning and nt sight of Cornett opened fire with a big revolver PUBLIC TIRED OF MILITANT TACTICS London. The tide was turned on the suffragette, and Hyde park, heretofore a popular meeting plnco for tho followers of Emuiellne Pnnk-hurst, probably will not be a Mecca for advocates for the ballot for some time to fMimc.

At tli anlYrn. gcttes had plenty of evidence that the' public has tired of tho militancy, and, m- iniii.iiii.-, uU nl Protection otlereil by larRfi 11 11 bodies of police saved the women from, 'lie nanus or uie angry mons. At iiriguion me simraReites were chased off the esplanade nnd took refuge In a nelRhborliiK house. This wns surrounded by bowling thousands, who bombarded tho place with stones and smashed every window. In defiance of the ban on meeting at Hyd6 park the Women's Social and Political union attempted to carry on Its prop.iRand.i there.

Londoner had nntlclpateil that I such attempts would be made and 000 nsxembled at the suctomary meet-' lng place. MAYOR SENTENCED TO 15 YEARS. Paris. Eugene Prnxper lirou, mayor of Gentilly. who was charged with an attempt to murder aged women near Chantllly some time aRO, has been sentenced to 15 years' linprls oumeiit.

The motive alleged whb robbery, it being claimed that lirou had loht heavily in speculation on th bourse. THEJ.ASTJALL There will bo plenty of elbow room at the annual mcetlnz of tho Kon- I LMMnnnl A kwvI.iMi.ti will bo held In ho City of Louisville 011 April 30, May 1, 2 ami 3. It Is ox iM-cled that at least 5,000 teachers will bo present. Tho Association bus been growing In popularity, more teachers havo been attending, nnd I greater Interest been manifest 'd I -'--ch yeir for tho iwst tight years, until it has become a difficult matter to entertain th Association In the (umaller towns of tho State. Many i nli.i.u l.nwn Itwul luiwitii'i, cultnble accommodations could not always bo secured.

Hy goli.g Louis-vlllo nil who dcslio to attend can obtain suitable nccomiiuda-tioiie. THE SAN DIEGO EXPOSITION San Diego, Cal Apr. 28. Six h'at have made appropriation for Tho Sun Diego Ex08ltlou amounting to and two county organizations havo appropriated a total of $300,000, with a right to Increusu this If necessary, tn $100,000. Other states and goveriumntH have, through their legislative bodies, taken necessary action to appropriate a total of $2,330,000 mor.

In all of CINCINNATI MARKETS Cum No. 2 whit No. I white CI fi 62c. No. 4 white r.Sd'COHc.

No. 2 yellow No. 3 yellow 61 fffilHc. No, 4 yellow RSfffiOc. No.

1 mixed Gift 2c. Nn. 3 mlied fiOCfCOUr. No. 4 mixed white ear 60O1 2c.

yellow ear COIJtMr, mined ear 60 J62c. May-No. 1 timothy $17.60011, standard timothy $16.5017. No. 2 timothy 1fi.

No. 3 timothy 113.50 ft 14. No. 1 clorer mixed ttC.C0(fl7, No. 2 clover mixed No.

1 Hover $12.50013.60. No, 2 clorei Oats- No. 2 while- 3Sc, standard whltn 37ft37'4c. No. 3 3Ci73CHc.

N. 4 white 34r36Hc. No, 2 mixed 35 3S--C. No. 3 mixed .14 'ifi 35e, No.

4 mixed 33ft 34e, Wheat -No. 2 red No. red $1.0441 1.62, No. 4 red Sfirftll. Kkks 1'rlme firsts 16ic, lints 15-ic ordinary firsts M'-Je, second! I34P.

Poultry-- Hem, heavy (over 4 lbs) 13c, (4 lbs and under) 16c, youiiR tnjr-py rooster 12c. old roontera 10c, springers (1 to 1 lb) 30ft 4oe. (2 Ibi ami over) 20ft25c; ducks (4 lbs and over) lfie. while (under 4 His) 13c; turkeys (S lbs nnd over) 17c, young 16c. Cattle--Shipper $7.3508.26.

extra JS. 0ftK.4O. butcher steers, extra $Sft S.25. Kood to choice 7.90, common to fair heifers, extra $8.:5, Kood to choice $7. 50ft S.

15, common lo fnlr cows, extra $6.78 47, Rood to choice common to fair rannera $3.50 ft 4.25. Hulls IloloKna $7 ft 7 60, fat bull $7.257.75. Cnlves-Kxtra fnlr to rooi! common nnd large $507.25. Hoks Selected heavy Kood to cholcn packers and butcher mixed packer st.iRs $6 5( (17.60, common to cholc heavy fat sow common tn choice heavy fat sows extra V'-50' "Kh- -nippers pig (100 J.V'lr rn .7.1. fU.WU, fiUVU l(J fuitiMVt luiiiiuuti (i lair 11 ip 4.7c, woo, J4.5o6o.

CilpKd Lambs Extra $7,60. Rood to cjiolce $7 ti 7.40. common to fair 6.75; wool lamb JSftSSO; prlng In nil FIRE IN JEWELRY STORE. Term Haute, lnd. Fire In the rt Swopo-Nchf Jewelry Co.

caused a loss of $25,000 nnd for a time threatened an entire squaro In the business section. Firemen wer hampered becauso of the intense hcit. but finally succeeded In confining th biazo to tho three-story building. Tha damage was wrought In a largo stock of fine china, heavy silver plat and art goods. Tho inorchandlso In th front part of tho store wni not damaged except by water.

thesis tho appropriation nets ha vi pnsbrd either tho uper or lower houses cr havo. boon brought to a point wliero th'sy aro practically iui- mired. To meet these overtures nnd offers of exhibits, tho exiioslllun organization Is bending eveiy nJrgy to bo la Kf Ulmi when tlie tlmoconifa 1 to furnish tlu necessary Information us to rules ami regulations of thu I S. customs, railroad routes mid rates, facilities for transKirtatlun, wiirchous lng and multitudinous things that must bo ready when thu first com mission comes hero In May to stnit actual construction woik and nrrango (for assembling tho exhibits. NUGGETS "If bolld hiipplness we prize, That jewel within our bosoms lies.

And they are tools who roam; Tlio woild haa nttlilng to bestow; From our own uelvee our Joys must flaw And tlmt dour hut our "It Is posslblo to sprout an acrou In a groenhouuo, but it Is not posslblo to mako an oak grow" "A man's diary a record In youth of his sentiments. In middle age of his actions, In old ago of his reflections." "Who then Is freeT Tho wise who can command himself." man "Every 0110 can tamo a shrew but him who hath her." "Contempt of a uan Is the tAai-p-tst roprof.M.

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