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Vermont Watchman and State Journal from Montpelier, Vermont • Page 1

Montpelier, Vermont
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

mtmmt oi oO0Ooaoooaoo OUtllL PATKNT lXSIDi: i NKWSPAl'KK. Tho "WATOHMAN" IXIKS NOT CATKIt TO TIIAT OLASS. ooooaoeooeoaoo oooooooocoo Oniir KltOIIANTH II uUlflL NOT AllVHItTISIJ. 2 SD.MH 1)0, IN TIIE HKI.l. Tiiisut aoons 090oooaooooo VOL.


IJON MAIICIIE. In licnutlfiil colors; ombroldcrcil bncks. NILSON'. A very sorvkcnblo nt $1.00 jmlr. EOWLEU, LE HON TON, nml mnny othor llook Olloves, In now slinilcs nml tho Intcst stltcliIiiKS.

Moolxa Sxxoclo, MOUSqUETAIUK SUEDES nml CEXTBMEKI OLACE in Evenlng Shndes. Missos' L. P. H. C.

GLEASON, PECK BROTHERS, 60 Main Street -IIKAUQDAItTKHS OIt- Plumbing, Steam Fitting and Heaiing Large stock and completo cqulpment (or all work in our HriOB, under porBonal Buporvislon of MR JOHN PECK It will pay you to aee ub lf contemplatlng now work, repairs, or changea in your PLUMBINO, or HBATING with STEAM, HOT WATER, WARM AIR, or a oombination of WARM AIR and HOT WATER. Tho latter ia tho coming syatem for complete House-heating, and porfect ventilation with groatest economy of fuel. We have a complete line of STOVES -2L3SrX CTGOEZS inoluding tho well-lcnown Mageo, GLENWOOD, Acorn and West Shore. KITCHEN TJTENSILS in Agate, Tin, etc, eto. Have You Outgrown Your Spectacles IITT1 SO.

COKTSULT Bemis, Leading Eye Specialist! OFFICE AND RESIDENCE, No. 140 Main St Montpelier, Vermont. 4 MUNTPELIER riave aiways uorne me repuiauon oi ooing tue "iiesi in ino ona," ana are advertised tbus. Why is it so? It is because the old flrm of 0. H.

Cross and O. H. Cross Son have made them for sixty yoars. The same work- men have bakod thoin in the faotory for thlrty yoars. Thoy are Baked in Ovens with Soapstone Bottoms, whlch keeps them moist, crisp and tendor a great while longer than if 4 baked in ovona with Iron bottomB.

As good crackers cannot be baked on iron as on Boapstone. Be sure to call for MONTPELIER CKAOK- ERS," and you get the finest made. MANUFAOTURKD BY H. CROSS SON, MONTPELIER, VT, 1875 Twenty Years' Experience 1895 MN TV 'tN TN rx TN nN TS Xs iN TS Tx -s 1 mn mn 'iS'TX tn pviS mN mn THE ART WALL PAPER COMPANY You'll Hit the Nail on the Head If ynu wlll call aud seo our closliiK-uut )irlct-H on Chenp Ollts, 10 7r(ln lonu, 1) cvnts I lliiml-Mnile llnlf-iirlcn This means business, and holds good for thirty days on'y and no pie-crust promists, either. Weigh the Matter Justly 4 4 Suburban Trains Stop at Our Back Door WARNER No.

16 North Main Street, COSXKOTKO lovos. Co rner Maln and East Stato Stroots. Montpelier. m.lL-4h uRAuKERS 4 4 Extravagance niay lie in paying too much for a tiing or in paying too little. If you buy furniture for less than we ask, you'll not get as good quality.

That's poor economy. If you pay niore, you pay too much, because we sell tlie best tliere is. The same rule applies to our whole stock. 4 4 4 Barre, Vt. Jir TKI.KVIIOSR, Tiie Daily Journal l'OIt TIIK Legisiative Reunion Thk MoNTrKLiitn Daily Issuocl durtng tho sosHlong of tho LoKlBlature, wlll be rovlvod durlng the Lofilslatlvo Keiinlou.

Four Ibbuos will bo made, begtnDlng with Tuesday ovoiiIiik, Octobor 1. The last, on Krlday uaornlnK, wlll contaln a full roport of tho Dnnquet, which closes the foatlvitlea ThurBday evonlnc. tipoocheB, rocoptlons, Sonnte and IIoubo rounloiiH, legisiative Busslons, evory fuiio-tlon and Incldout in connectlon with the Rounton, wlll be fully reported. Everyex-Sonator, Hopresontatlve or Stato Ofllcer, whether he coines to the Ilounlon or not, and partlcularly lf he doos not, wlll want tho Daily Jouhnal. 1'rlco of tho four lasuos, by inall, fifteen CKNT3.

l'lease forward your Bubacrlption at once. Roralt In atampa or change. Everybody is conatltuted a apecial can-vaaser for this speclal iBatie of the Daily Jouhnal. For ten names or tnore, can vassers may deductone-fifth of the subacrip-tlons for coinponaatlon. Cash muat accom-pany ordois.

The Keunlon wlll be the great event of tho soason. Everybody wlll wlsh to read aboUt lt. WATOHMAJf POD. CO. Hnslncss Mcro Mcntion, Ick-Crkam Boda every day at Terrlll'a.

0. E. Siirfauo, auctlonoor, Marahfleld.Vt. Biimis, tho oyo specialist, haa aomethlng to aay on thla page. Wantkd, a rauat cook, at the Montpelier Houao.

Applyatonce. ADAua tiie Clothikk glves chunka of seuslblo ailvlco ou this pago. The Kelaey Furnace Ib advertised tltth page by Fred Itlanchard. The celebratod Quyer Uats are sold by D. Farwoll.

See elghth page. Follow the crowd and get your soda at TerriU's. Star water on draught. New cans and Tam O'Shantera for misses and chlldren at the Miasea Fiaka'. A nB llnn nf fur canna and fur croodfl Is advertised on page elght by Nlles Pratt.

Fonu cood work-horaes for sale cheap at James Gazeley's quarriea, Graniteville, Vt. On this pago L. P. H. C.

Gleason adver- tlse fresh new gooda that are very attrac-tive. Washinos wantod by Mra. Bowen, at No. 0, Wllllams block. Will do houae-cleaning by the day.

For Salk. A flne phaeton, good as new, at a very low prlce. Inquire of B. H. Nowton, dentlat.

TnoaE lutendlug to purchase flne furni ture wlll do woll to couault W. F. Colby's advertisemont on this page. On this page wlll be found the advertise- ment oi u. u.

tiroas aon, inanutacturers of the "Montpelier Crackera." Wantkd. A rellable man to auperintend my gonoral worlc repalring water-worKs, farming, etc. J. E. Hubbard.

Iv in need of plutnbine or hot water flttlng of any deacriptlou, read what Peck lirotuors liave to say on tms pago. Mit. Gkouqk H. Byehle, piano tuner, ia In the clty. This week only.

Not agaln until December. Order at Loug book atore. TAnLE-uoAitD at Huntiugton's reetaurant, 53.5U; tlcket aysteni, 54.UUJ uinners, tuirty Uve ceuts; breakfasis and suppers, twenty tlve ceuta. The 13. M.

SUepanl Uompany glvea, ou nace eicnt. tue stronceat klnil oi etmorse' menta for tho Goodyear White Brand Kubbor Iioots. Delays aro dangerous. Uae Dr. Le Bruu's G.

G. Cure at once. One dollar, at store or by inall. li. Greene, sole agent, Montpelier, Vt.

Mns. M. E. Dickey has returned from New York with afull line of mllllnery goods for lall aud winter. Mlas J.

A. Uailey re turned with her as trimmer. SciiooL-oniLS ovor twelve yeara of aee will be admitted to Mlsi Wllls' cookiug lecture, on Thursday and Saturday aftor- noouB, lor tweuty.nve cents eacn. L. D.

IIill, East Montpelier, dealrea to arrange with sotne inan, or man and wlfe, to (urmati board for the winter ln coiishlera tlon of the taking care o( hls horaes. ICE-ciutAM boda at Torrill'a. Dellcioua Ice-cream, best of soda and plenty of both, well serveu. l'laln aoda. Irean syrups.

min eral waters. Go to Terrlll'a for lefreahlng (irinka. The Natlonal JAfe Insurance Company is a purely mutualcompany. Every dollar, less cxpense of carrylnn the rliK, lt rcturnea to the riollcv holder. S.

Eallard, Oeneral Aytnt, Barre, Vt. Fkaorant cut llowera and dealgna are made a sneclaltv ov w. u. uraper, propri etor of the Montpelier greenhouae. Funeral, weUulni: auu receptlon uesicna oi every U0' scriptiou tastefully arranged at short uotlce auu at reaaonauie prices.

PiANoa. Havlng a large atock of atrictly hlgh-grade pianos, and wiahing to reduce tlio same, I ahall offer extra bargalna for the next stzty days to cash tmyera. Call aud aee them at No. 1G, Flrst Avenuu, Mont polior, Vt. J.

F. watertnan. Stuayed from the paaturo of G. H. Denny.

In lixrlin, oue two-year-old no horned bolfer, llgl red or luwn color, brown marks. Suitable rxward wlll be pald to anv oue flmllng sncli a helfer, wiio wm uotny jir. utnuy at Montpelier. Altii6uoh inveators are plmifed with a uign rate oi lnterest. tney aro nettor prased with loau whion Is nearest to aboolute aafoty, aud that ls the point at whlch tlie Pierre Savlnga Ilauk coiiatantly alma.

Full particulars of 0. Gummlna, vice-presl uent, Aiontpeuer. Ihvino W. LAitiMOitn, plijslcal dlrector oi tue xoung Aieu'a uuriatiau Asaoclatlou, ues iMoines, lowa, says lio cau couacleu tloualy recummeud Chaiuberlain'a Pain Balm to athletea, gymnaata, blcyclisti. foot liall nlnyera and tue profoaalon in L'eneral for brulaes, apralns aud ill.Hlocatious; alao lor aoreues4 auu auuueaa oi tiie muaciea When applied beforn the parts become swolleu it wlll effuct a cure In one lialf the timo uaually required.

For Hale by 0 lllakoiy, urugRiat, JMontpeiior, vt. MoiiiuaoN poweriul dramatlo company will uroauce an uianoraie auenlo ami (ira mfttio verslon o( Goethe's immortul "Fauat" at lilauchnrd opera houae uext Monday eveiilnc. Tlie plece wlll Do mounteil wltli inagiilllco naconlOHmbolllahnienH. "Kauat" Ia a wortliy inoral leaaon as woll as a gor-geous proiluclioii of dramatlo and scnulo urt. I ii obtaiuing the line aciiuio elTecta tlie power ol nli'o rlclty ls tukeu ailvautage ol, Tliere aro iuanv electrlo aurprises auu tuo clmnlcal uovt'flies, makliig lt.

ua a whole one of the most elaborate and brllllant nro ductlons ever witnussod, Tho productlon liero wlll be completo ln every uetall. MONTPELIER AND YICINITY. TjIOIITH ASlt SllAltOWS AT Tlll! OAV1TAL, 0. F. Lowit ia 111 with typhold fovor.

Dknibon Drwry ls vlaltlng relatives ln Bostou. Ukv. Fathru Cukiiy wont to Bostou laat Monday. Miss Inkz Hayfoiid roturned from Bostou last week. T.

S. Brophy returned from New York last Sttturday. Miss Maky McGluhe has returned from Connecticut. Mtt. and Mns.

IT. A. Dowman wore ln Now York last woek. A dauohtku was born last Sunday to Mr. and Mrs.

Fred Collins. Miss Nellib Pond of Boston vlaitod Miss Nellle Ilunt laat week. The Brand lurv will probably complete ita labors on Thuraday of this weok. Mns C. A.

Bkst wlll entortaln the King's Daughtors next Monday ovonlng. 0. II. Lord of New York spent last Sun day with W. A.

Lord, hls brother. Harry Batcheldrr haa re-entored Wes- loyan Unlverslty, Middletown, Conn. Thk O.ueen Esthor Glrla wlll meot ThurB day afteruoon with Miss Elten Young. Mns. Volnky Vauoiian recelved a serlous lnjury to one knoe laat woek by falling.

Will Blanchaud waa In Montreal. laat week, to attond tho funeral of hls father. S. L. IIowe waB the euoat of J.

W. Ho- bart at St. Albaus several days last weok. Miss Ella Clakk of Rutland was the guest of Mrs. G.

B. B. Denny last Monday. Mr. and Mns.

A. W. FKnniN returned from Llttleton, N. laat Thuraday alter-noon. Rkhrarsal for Trlol by Jury this ovenlng at half past seveu in the Unltarlan vestry.

Tiie Unitod States Clothea Pln Company ia tllllng a largo order from Amaterdam, Holland. IlAnnY Scovillr of Chicago was in town last Friday. He left the next day for New Haven, Conn. Mu. and Mks.

Georqe Atkins and Mr. and Mra. M. F. Atklna were at Camp Wat-son laat week.

H. 0. Wbbsteii ia travoling in the inter- eata of the Co-operatlve Granlte Company or Holyoko, wasa. Little Miss May Demino was civen a surprise party laat Saturday evenlng at her uome on Maln atreet. Mrs.

W. S. Shannon of Manchester, N. haa been the guest of Mrs. E.

E. Towner durlng tlie past weeK. Gboroe H. Holdkn and family of Swomp scott, arevialtlug relatives in Mont- peller anu Miiiuiesex. Joel Foster was ln Watorbury, laat week, mklng a aurvoy for tho propoaed ayatem oi water-works.

Miss Minnie Moulton of Randolph waa in town, laat weok, to attend tho wedding of her brotuer Ularonce. Washinqton county court took a recesa yesti'rday afternoon during the hour of the fuueral of Mr. Langdou. Miss Charlotte Ronts has returned from a vacfttlon of alx weeks, spent in Glouceater, Bnaton and (Jlinton, Maaa. Rev.

Father W. J. 0 Sullivan waa at Underhill on lueaday to attend the dedica- tion of St. Tliomaa' Uuurcli. Mits.

F. N. Field of Springfield, formerly Mias Eula Eaton, waa the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J.

11. beaver last week. S. E. Williams, clork ln the B.

M. Shep ard Company's ahoe-atore, haa gone to hls home lu Fair liavou to resldo. In the absetice of Rev. A. H.

Webb, last Sunday, Rev. II. A. Spencer preached at Trlnlty Church ln the morning. Thr cymnaalnm claaaes at the rooms of the Youug Meu'a Chrlatian Assoclatlon will be formod Mondiy, uctober 's.

Miss Dora B. Mitchell of Brattleboro liaa beeu the guest of Mr. and Mra. F. II Wlnalow during the paat week.

Aftkr October 1, the Sunday eveniuc meetlngs at Uetuany Uliurcli wlll be Uelu lu tue cbapel untll lurtlier notlco. The holy communion was admluistered at Chriat Church last Saturday morning in obaervance oi at. Mattuew day. W. S.

Strncrr returned to the New York last woek to resume his atudlea ln the Uuion Tbeological Seminary of that clty. Edward H. Deavitt returned last Fri day from the White Mountalna, where he has been for tho past tlireo months. Crude petroleum oll, instead of coal, will be uaed at the electrio light statlon as soon as theneceaaary changes can be made. The onerotta "Trlal by Jury" wlll be produced bv local talent ln Blanchard opera house on Tuesday ovenlng, October 22.

Miss Nkllie Troudlry and Mlas Dorothy Pike of Piko Stath.n. N. have been vlait- iug Mias Mamle Trombley during the paat weeK. The ofllce of the clty treaaurer wlll be open every nlght tlils week, Irom aeveu to elght o'clock, for the purpoae of receiving taxea. Enoinkkrs wiirlan and Bowers are back on thelr old run between Montpelier Junction and Barre, after vacatlona of some length.

Miss L. A. Ross of Middlebury, slater of E. Rorts, a former proprietor of the Ex change Ilotel, ls the gueat of and Mra E. A.

Nutt. Miss Maud Portkr returned laat week to her home lu Brldgf port, after a vlait of aeveral weeka with Mra, Dr. 0. E. Ctiand ler, her aiater, M.

S. Davis. caterer for tho bannuet at tlie Uoli on Flieci) bulltlliii! uext weelc Tliuraday eveuing, has eugaged aixty glrla to wait on tauies. Mu, and Mua. R.

K. Pkck attended the fuueral of Lenla Peltengtll, at Eaat Barre, laat Tliurailar altornoon, Uoceaaeu was an unclo ol Mra. IVck. The advauced Chautaiuiua clasa haa pre seuted to the Kclloce-IIubbard Ltbrary bouud volumes of tho Lhautauquan, dating back to ita tlrat lsaue. Funeral servlcea for Mra, Erneat 0.

Wells were held laat Saturday tuornliig at North Montpelier from tue uome ol M. v. 11. llolllster, her father. The ladlea of Trlnlty Church wlll hold a Harvest Suppor'Mu Trinltv veatry next Friday eveulng, to be followod by a Iltorary auu muaicai euieriainmeui.

Mrs. Jubtice Harlan aud daughtera left the Pavlllon laat Monday morning, They exnoct to stay ln Bolton for weok or more betore going to wasiiingtou. A REroitT of the State Christlan Eudeavor conventlon was glven In Bethany clmpel, laat suinlav evenlng, by Mrs. ueorge l'ratt aud Miss Mary Uarleton. Thr llrst meetlug of tho Chautauqua olaaa for the acaaou wlll bo held next l'rl day afternoon with Mra.

E. A. Nutt, tho preslilont, at tlie Kxcliauge ilotel. Amono thoao from Montpelier who euter tlie univeraity oi vermont, at iiiiriiiigion, thla week are Robert Eniery, Ray Huae, ueorge U4goou and wiu wnnian, Thk Golden Fleeue bulldiiig haa been equlpped wltli electrio llghts to enable an extra eang of workmen to labor nights. The contractor promlses that the bulld.

lng ahall be ready for occupanoy a weok from to-day. II, A. Cummins. cashlnr of tho Flrst Na tlonal liank of I'lerre, 8. arrlved In town last Monday and wlll remaln untll aftor hls alster's weddlug, noxt weok.

1'kck BiioTiiEua havo the contract for nlumblng and hoatlng tho Heaton Hoapltal. Tlio lieatlr heatlna wlll bo uono bv dlrect and ln- dlreot ateam from a thlrty horse-powor boller. Miss Amy Fiskr. Mra. G.

B. B. Donnv. Mra. E.

D. I'utnam and Mr. Ellza Itubleo are attendlng the Woman'a Chrlatian Tem-perance Unlon conventlon, now in aeaslon at Rutland. A forty-iiours' devotlon bectns thla morning at nino o'clock In St. Augustlne'a Dliurcli.

Kev W. J. Sullivan, the paator, wlll be asalattd by several clorgymen from out of town. Fiunic Kelto.v of Eaat Montpollor has had on oxhlbltion in the wlndow o( W. O.

Standlah'a meat-markot, during the past week, a yellow winter squaah that wolghed aoventytwo pounda. Rev. J. Edward Wmani addresaed tho mlnlaterlal unlon of Unlveraallat and Unltarlan mlnlaters, held laat Monday ovonlng at Burlington. Illa theino was What Is Josus Chriat to Us Thr lloral fair now In procress In Trlnlty Church veatry under the auaplces of Ivy Lodge, Daughtors of Robekab, ls provlng a strong attractlon.

A mualcal programmo wlll be rondered tlils ovonlng. Last week's Ibsuo of tho Ntios and Ctttzen tells of a shower that occurred ln Morris ville, last week, when barrels of water oame down ln chunks." Such storms must be pecullar to Lamoille county. Rrv. W. R.

Davenfort of Barre led the meeting for young men held last Saturday afternoon at tho rooms of the Young Men'a Christlan Assoclatlon. Hls subject was A Young Man with a Largo Ueart." Since the death of Mr. Langdon. tho Central Vermont paasenger statlon and platform and the locomotlvea on the Montpelier White Rlver dtvlMon have been heavily draped in black and whlto. Mr and Mrs.

Clarencb B. Moulton left last Thuraday aftornoon for a trip to New York throunh the lakea. On thelr re- turn, they aro to havo rooma ln tho F. R. Stevens house, No.

Terrace street. M. Lecat, from Paris, an instructor in the Bchool of languageB at Burlington, will be ln Montpelier noxt Friday to taKO ju. cie Plerpont's place ln the French clasaes. The latter goes to Troy, N.

for the wintor Piiofessor 0. H. Frrnch nave on illus- trated lecture before the High School, laat Weuneaday aiternoon. on Alaaka," and oue on Ublcago beioro tue stuuents oi the Montpelier Seminary tho same evenlng. E.

W. TnosirsoN leaveB next week for Baltimore to enter upon the duties of hls new posltion. Hls family wlll go to St. Al bans. to remaln several weeks.

Mr. Thomp- sou's succesaor at Montpelier has not yet been appointed. Intitations have been sent out by Mr. and Mrs. A.

O. Cummins to tho wedding reception of thelr daughter, Flora May, to Mr. Frank Edmond Howe, whlch is to occur on Weuneaday evenlng, October irom elght to ten ciock. Henry Bolton wob arreatedlaatWednea day morning by Sherlff Bancroft for the larceny ot local nowspapers irom tne uoor steps of private resldences. He waa taken lnto clty court, laat aaturiiay, atui ma east) was continued ono week.

Mrs. n. S. Caswell, the secrotary of the woman'a denartment of tuo Natlonal gregatlonal Home Miaalonary Society, will givo an audresa at liotliany Uliurcu on Thuraday afternoon, October 10th. Mrs.

Cas woll is a very able apeaKer. The leas sald the better about such al leged playa, or dramas, as Lost ln New York," and "AuutSally," with whioh the theater-goers of Montpelier were atillctod two evenings last week. The firat waa bad enough; the latter was worse. Professor S. J.

Blantied waa in Bur lington, last Friday, where he met other membera of the executive connuittee of the State Teachera' Asaoclatlou to make ar-raugements for the annual meetlug, to be held at St. Johnsbury, December li and 7. Twice wlthin a week havo the plaeea of bualneaa ln Montpelier been closed from two to four o'clock in the afternoon, during the houra of the funeral of proiiilnent bust-ness men Thursday afternoon laat for E. M. Irlah, and yesterday for Jamea R.

Laug- dou. Durinq the paat few weeks, James R. Langdon hail beeu altting for a portrait in the studio of T. W. Wood.

At tho time ot hla audden death tho portrait waa not tin- lshed, but it was ao far advanced that tho artiat ls conudenl tuat no can succesaiuuy complete it. Mrs. Fred E. Smith, MrB. 0.

H. Heaton and Mrs. A. N. Lewla are dolegates from tho Ladies' Gulld of Christ Church to tho annual meeting of the Vermont Branch of the Woinan's Auxlllary to the American Board of Episcopal Mlsalons, to le held to- day and to-morrow at Bennington.

A ciianqb of time on the Central Ver mont railroad goes intoeffeot next Monday, September 30. The only chauge at Mont pelier ia in tho local passenger south and the Chicago expresa north, that meet at Montpelier Jiinctlon. Thoy wlll leave Montpelier at r. lnatoad of as now. Miaa Inez M.

Blanchard and Mr. Clar- ence E. Moulton were niarrled last Wednes-day ovening, September 18, ln the presence of Immedlate relatives at the home of the bilde, 23 Terrace street. Mr. and Mrs.

Moulton will be at home to their frlonda, af ter October 18, at No. 5 Terrace Btroot. No cards. Hon Georor Runnels. ox-inayor of the clty of Lowell, haa been the gueat of M.

Davis at tha Kxcliange Uotel dur lng the past week. Mr. Runntla waa for merly a realdeut of Waterbury. Accom. pauied tiy Mra.

Uavls aud mra. rrno, ne ilrove to Rochester laat Sunday to vlslt relatives. A fihst class company, magniflceut acen. erv. calcium 1 chta.

eloctrlcal eltects, anu wonderful meclianicai contnvances, au go to uuke up the magnlllceut pertormunce ol "Fauat," aa clveu by the Mor'ison crm- pau.v. It wlll be glven in lts entlrety at Hloncbard opera houae ou Monday eveulug, September Mrs. Georoe C. Aliier, Mra. George N.

Gourley, Mra. Georgo Braiuard, Mra. A. E. Laue and Mra F.

A. AUams aro delegatea from the local clrcle of the Kinc'a Dauchtors to the aunual stato rmiv.intlnn to bo held at Rutlaud on Octo ber 2 and 3. Mlases Ella Balley, Ellza George, Ollve Stout and Mrs, George Morso are alternutea. Thk Industrlal School opena with aevim. teen little cirla.

Pillow caaes, aproua and patchwork occupy thelr eagor attentlou. Papera and little tnagazlues are glven to all Slxtv nonnles wore uoutrlbuted to tho Ver niout Blble Societv by thoao little glrla last lear. and flfty thla year. Tlicco who hhd no TeHtaineuts have been supplled by Rev L. II.

Elllot, agent. Dr. A. Ricb heard a nolao in hla cellar laat Saturday eveulug und atarted to Inveati gate, Ile reachod the foot of the cellar stalrs iuat In time to see a would-be burplar vaulHhtnc tlie cellar wlndow, Th lutruder lift an arutlo ovorahou behind. for ulilcli thn doctor would like to havehlm call, or aend Ita luate to lilui.

It'a iuat -i (lt lor tlie surgeoirs iriinys." The establlahment of Heury Talbot, tho colored barber, ou Malu atroet, waa ralded laat Friday afternoou by Sherllf Collins and Deputy-Sherlffa Ohaae and White, AJug of whlakey and a bottlo of whiskoy woio aecurod. Talbot, who was hlmsolf In an Intoxlcated oindttlon, was arrested and takon to clty court, whero ho was flncd 312. Tho whlBkoy was condemned aud spllled. John II. Sentbr, Unitod States dlstrlct attornoy, represontod the govornment at Newport, last Friday, at a lioarlng pgalnat two Chlnamen charged with vlolatiug tho Chlneso oxcluslon act.

Ono of thom was sentenced to thren months at hanl labor In tho house of corrcction at Rutland, and tho caso of tho othor waa continued. They re-lolced In tho names of Gum Lup and Guui liam Lep. Tiie Orantte Cltv Leadcr of laat week has thla to say Either tho Argus reporter or tho types ln tho ofllco of our Montpelier contotnporary must havo gotten badly tnlsted'laat week. The well-knowu ac- tross, Rhea, Ia toappoar at tho opera-houso Octobor 2, undor the monagement of Rlch Medor. Accordlng to tho Arnus, tho attractlon for that ovenlng ls Rlch Moder'a Tiie Ladirs, don't miss Miss Wllls' lectures at tho Churcli of tho Meaaiah.

Sho has a brlght, vlvaclous manner, and glves clear and careful lnatructlon aa to tne prepara-tlon of the moat deliclous dalntlea. Thoao who wero preaent yesterday wero euthu-slaatloover both the cooklng and tho cook. Tho ladlea of Montpelier wlll lnako a mls-take lf they fall to attond the lectures, Thursday and Saturday of this week, Officer Dbmrritt arrested A. C. Spar- row.

for Intoxlcatlon. laat Fridav evenlnz. Sparrow, who waa one of the workmen on the Golden Fleoce bullding, had been In altercatlon wltli auother work man and threw a brlck at hirn, cutting a bad gaah over hls eye. Sparrow pleaded notguilty in city court, but waa adjudgod so by a Jury, and was flnod S19. He took the alternotive sentence of ten days in the county jall.

Of the servlcea of C. F. Dudley of Eaat Montpelier at tho recent choir festival at Randolph, the Ilerald and Newi says: Too much cannot be sald in praise of Mr. Dud-ley's efllclency as a dlrector, or of tho excel-leut drlll whlch he gave the stngers under hls lnatructlon. Thoao having the matter In charge felt much gratllled at bolng able to secure the servlcea of a conductor so woll Srounded in musio and ao competent to ren-er the featlval a success." James W.

Brock has been appointed speclal adminiatrator of the eatate of the late E. M. Iriah, pending the probate of the wlll. Among tho proviaioua of Mr. IrlBh's will are a sum, not to exceed 81,000, for the purchase of a monument to be placed on the family lot in Green Mount Cemetery the sum of $4,000 in truat for Mrs.

Lucy Iriah McClintock, hls mother to Mrs. Ann Irlah, and for the equlpment of the Heaton Hoapltal the sum of 81,000. To Helen Har- low, hls grandchild, he leaves In trmt and also rnakes her residuary legateo after tue aoove legacies are pald. Thr anuual excursion through the famous Whlto Mountaln Notch to Upper Bartlett and return will bo run by the Montpelier Wells Rlver railroad next Saturday, September 23. Speclal train will leave Montpelier at 8: 10 A.

Barre at 7: CO, arrlvlng at Woodavillo at So and at Upper liart- lett at 1:00 p. returnlng, wlll leave Uuner Bartlett at 1: 30, arriving at Mont pelier at 7: 00 p. and Barre at 7: 30. The follage of thia reglon ia now at ita finest, aud the trin ia thorouchly enloyable. Fare from all statlons on the Montpelier Wells Rlver and Barre Branch railroada, $1.50 for the routiil-trlp.

Take your lunch-basket and enjoy the day. On Fridav of laat week. the body of Fred. erick J. Prontias, who was born and llved to manhood in Montpelier, aud who died in New York city June 25 last, was removed from Woodlawn Cemeterv.

uear that clty. to our beautiful Green Mount Cemetery, for lta ttnal reating place in tho family lot, where are laid the bodiea of hls father, Judge Samuel Prentlsa, and hla mother. Had Mr. I'rentlaa llveu, lt was uis lntontion to sneud the naat summer ln Montpelier, and it ls not improbable that he would have made Montpelier hia home. Thero wore no servicea at tho ttme of tho Interment here, aa the burial service was read at tuo time of the funsral in New York.

Frederlck Prentlas. Mrs. Frederlck J. Prentiaa and Mra. Hathaway accompanled tuo remalua to Montpelier from New York.

Thr musical and llterarv entertalnment civen in Blanchard opera houBe, laat Thurs day eveulng, ln aid oi uev. atuer m. uurrv miasion to Amorica. atiracieu eood alzed audlence. The Montpelier Or cliestra renuered severai aeiectiona, anu W.

Bancroft aane Ir ah soncs tuat roused the enthusiasm of the audience to a high pitch. The Harp That Once Thro' Tara's Halla." Father O'Flynn," and "The Wearlnrr ol tbe ureen." were so louuiy an plauded that Mr. Bancroft was obliged to respond with au encore. Father Curry is an eloqueut speaker, and for nearly an hour he held the clostst attention of his hearers he Kave them Glimpses ol Erin at Home aud Abroad." The stace was dec- orated with the Green Flag of Ireland and tho Stars and Strines, to botu of wmcn tue speaker made happy alluslous. Thr Des Motnes papers contaln notlces of the death, iu that city, 8eptember 10, of the wifo of Le Roy H.

Alnsworth. Mr. Alnaworth lived in Calala boforo he went to lowa, and has atill ln that locallty many friends who will griave at his loaa. Mra. Alnaworth waa born lu Dea Moines.

Sho ia the subject of warni tributes of love aud eateem. The lowa State Uegister saya: "A lovlng wlfe, a fond mother, a true frleud, most appreciated by those who best knew her genulne worth, has thus early gone to the reward that awaita thoae who build for the future as well aa for the preaent Her llmltnd Htrnneth waa untirlnclv eiveu ln a self.forgetful way to the comfort of others near and dear to uer, auu to me cioniug uy of life, with a calmuess and a deliberation born only of luward peace, she plauned for tho welUbelug of those for whose sake she had llved." With her husband are left two dougbters, aged fourteen nine years re-spectlvely, A vhry va uable and moat acceptablo gltt haa come to tho Kellogg.IIubbard Llbrary through the kinduess of Mra. Barau r. Heath. It compriaes 500 volumes from her late husband'H library.

Mr. Ueatb was a lover of booka, with speclal antlquarlau tuati-a. and the cullectlon clvon compriaes some old and raro booka, together wltli the standard poets, a good proporlion oi ius. tory, blography and tlctlon, and such ut-tractlve worka Turner Gallory," "TheArt Journal," Picturesque Europe and Amerlca," Cary'a Dante'a Inferuo," lllustrated by Doro, Spofford's Library of Cholce Llteraturo," eto. The truateea deeply appreclato the generoalty of Mrs.

Heath, and wolcome her douatlon as a pre. cursor of like glfts, which, lt ls Intlmated, may aoon como from othor Bources. Tho library proper wlll not be ready for uso for several months, but October 1 is.ltho date deslguated for tho opening of the roadlng-room. On that day and thereafter, after-uoona and ovenlnga, a largo aaaortmeut of perlodicala aud papers will be spread upon the tahlea, and all aro invlted to come aud read. Thr followlng data, compiled from the weather bureau records at Northfield, cover tho mouth of October for tho past elght years, and wlll prove of servlco in anticl-patlng the varlatlona of the weather for tho coming month of October! Tempera-ture uieau, or norinal.

41 warmost Octobor, that of 1894, with an average of 48i coldeat October, that of 1888, with an average of 39; hlgheat temperature, 83, on October 3, 1891; lowest temperature, 12, on October 21, 1889; average date of flrst klllincr froat In aututnn. September 21: in Hnrlni'. Mav 1G. Precipltatiuu (ruln and mfilted snowj Average for tho month, 2.50 Inches; average number of days with .01 of CCOHTIMOKD ON 70UBTII PAOB.J HOW TO FEED BABIES. Easy to Keep Them Well in This r.

They Take to Lactated Food as to Their Mother's Milk, Tccthlng nml Wcniiliit'Neltlicr Dlfllcnlt Nor Dnngcroiis. A baby'a appetite Ib tho aurest lndlcator of lts health, When a chlld rejecta lta food, is restleas, constantly crylng, and shows no galn ln weight, the food Is at fault. The little one ls aufferlng from ludlgestlon and rapidly loslug groundr Strength muat necesaarlly decllne, and lt ia lucky If a sudden rise or fall In temperature, such as September al-waya brlugs with it, does not cause a fatal attack of dlarrhcca or cholera lnfantum. Overloadlng tho uhlld's stomach with poorly nourlshlng food, aggravated by the changes ln the weather, ls the cause of nearly every caso of cholera lnfantum Suddon changes In temperature, with lm-proper feedlng, brtng dlarrhcca and con-vulalons. But with the uso of proper food, and there Is nothing so abaolutoly good as lactated food, thla danger may be entlrely avoided.

Statlatlca show that bablea thrlve beat on lactated food. It la worth more aa a pre-ventlve ot cholera infautum than all the medlclnes over made. The Buperlative lmportance of pure, nu- trlttous Infant food, and the loug study of Infant dlsordera caused by mlstakes lu dlet, led to the preparatlon of lactated food. Next to pure mother's inllk, it is the most nourlshlng, streugthenlng, readily digested and palatable food that can be glven a baby. It more closely resembles mother's milk han any other food known.

Its basis ia augar of milk, which ia the basis of mother's milk. With it ia comblned tbe nutrltlvo elements of wheat, barley and oats ln auch pronortlon aa beat meets the reqnlremente of the growlng chlld. ln all casos wuere nurstng ls lnadviaauie or imposalble, the Infant's health ls beat protected by weaning and uslng lactated food altogother. Thousauds of bables fed from a very early aee on lactated food have never known a slck day. And aa many more little oues have been aaved by this beat of infant nu-trlments lactated food.

AUUAUAAAAAUAAA4A4AAM4 DONT BE FOOLEDf by the warni weather of the last few days into thinking that you will not need a fall ovcrcoat. The days are warm, but the eveninsjB arecool; just the rijjht kind of weather for taking a eud-den cold. A winter ovcrcoat is too warm, aud no overcoat at all is not warm enough. A light-weight overcoat is just what you ueed. It is not only a very graceful article of dress, but nleo the best health preserver a man can buy.

Five dollars will buy of us a very comfortable ovcrcoat, but for 87.50, S8.50, or S10.00, jou can get as nice a coat as any man needs. lt costs nothing to our assortmcnt. THE CLOTHIER, lVo. JO State Street BLANCHARD OPERA HOUSE Monday, September 30. MORRISON'S Origlnal Famous Scenlo and Dramatlo Productlon of FAUST Wltli Ita WuniUrfnl Klectrlc and Calcium Kffects.

The Marvelous "Brocken" Scene! With aenulue Vlanhea of Llchtnlne und tlio Mnclo Italn if Flre. I'roduced licre In lta entlrety. The entlre productlon enttrelr new thlt ieHon. Sale of ent oreni Wedneiday, September at Lonu't llookjtore. l'rlces 35c, bvc, 75c aud gl.10.

Enorgotlo ladlea and Bentlemen to eanvaaa for tho INTEHNATIONAL PUBLISHING CO ou anlary or com-mlsBion, na desirod. Forty dollars per month Bttnranteed. Tor further ln. formation nddress tho State Agent, J. BERTON PIKE, Marshfield Vermont..

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