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The Semi-Weekly Telegraph from Salt Lake City, Utah • 3

Salt Lake City, Utah
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

WEBEtt COUNTY Freioiit for The Atchison Cham tW says Butterfield's Overland Dispatsli hit htnw out of the eteblo it hod neAinnt or trnm pod upon Hoi-' hod better rnn the horse PROVO LIQUOR STORE SPRINGVILLE SVRSFRt AND FRUIT GARDENS An ImmonHG Stock of Merchcimliso Eier jJirIer toM hint he ought to have way Holland replied that ploa has on the Way fTom the East 500 mates 2pO yoke of oxen find 100 to 200 wagons Qn the 5lh inst the company were loading 6000000 lbs by mule traint for Utah CEjnriE STREET BIDE OF THH MILL 8ECT jr not ipat on any more he HOME FILLMORE JOHN BOURNE Proprietor GOOD and oon expect to have for the traveler and feed stabling and corrals for hi animals ftoinff that ever itie he had been AT 0 27 the ntiftll i wonid lMda Tbl EDWIN WHITING HAS cm hand and for wile hi choice 000SK-BKKRY CURRANT ami a general assortment of firl-ela APPLE PEACH PLUM and APRICOT TTEKS Produce taken in exchange 83-tf Tinier told Holland that he did not lurnr deadhead Mc5aUSLIN OGDEN CITY ts HoKST-We meet in the city with fine honev from Sprlngville Friend Brtnghurst is doing a good work TERMS: Liberal pay Jbr liberal furnishings 86-tf rfiAKKS I hi rnvthml of nnounring to the oeoplo A of Utah and other Southern CooatiM that Uo 8PRIN GVILLE MEAT MLVIUtET SANPETE COUNTY ml that he was a Midland called Turner a liar and a wh lfl in which Holland stabbed Tur-wjt'h a knife in the aide Holland np to the Provoat Guard and turned over to the police FTL was heard yesterday afternoon Clinton and is adjourned till Afternoon at two o'clock Police Court At last Pr Clinton has got into a decent -respectable Court RANSOHOFF CO Room on the west floor of the City Hall Many ita th and many a time it was hard to get throngl tht vrj 1 wrh ifterday' ELMER TAYLOR IS jnt opening a Market for the sale of MEATS OF ALL KINDS Steak of Perk and Bvcf Mutton Chop aod Roasta always on hand Tallow Salt etc for aalo 83-tf keeps for sale the very BEST WINES EIQVORS AND CIGAHS Home' tnado and Importo1 whirh he offers RKDUCKD liATKS-Among the reat a qiumtity of old 81 tf head that was an honorable calling when it had to be looked at through all kinds of dilapidations and some queer associations We are glad to see the institution in respectable company The police TAKE pleasure in announcing to the citizens of Weber Davi and Box Elder Counties that they are prepared with SPRINGTOWN SAVV-MItoL AMASA A LUCIUS SCO VI I UMBER furnished to order and bills filled with dispatch Send down yonr logs nnd help us build up the finest set i cut in the valley 91-tf rN1 1 Governor Reed received 1 eetwra yesterday froin Maj (len Thom rose wiKfJ secul i have pleasant and comfortable apartments behind the Court Room which the richly fis Meagher dated at Atchison on that the general had been Lf -Vti i li tary of Montana and would "ijitdy lv stage for Bannock City SPRING VIU LE FLOURING MILLS MI LLS SS4 PENNY MILLER deserve $25000 Worth of Goods PHOTO TANNERY The Oldest is fnE Territory CLARK Proprietors nrer and Salt Luke rw General will no doubt he warmly re- Th -iff 8m Merrick Puffin of Franklin hare ft general assort ment of dry goods groceries boots shoos and every other useful article See their advertisement A No 1 FIjOUR fr grist customers or on nre and griudlug done with dispatch 88-tf of the tJ Bishop ml rH roktttJ other MOUNT PLEASANT MILL McCLENAHAN A FECUSER Proprietors WIIFAT Barley and Corn ground for house merchant or home use For quality we are willing to couip-re with the best in the Territory MILLER WANT ED in Montaiuh He is young and a splen-ri trr Hi- Irish Brigade did immense eilW iig the war and covered the same SVsps Of honor: To supply every article needed by the people ol the country AMERICAN FORK GENERAL STORE READ THIS I THEATRE! GREAT SALT LAKE CITY ALWAYS on hand full supply Of our THO ROUGHLY TANjNLD snd FINISHED nrs Pkmi The Hon DeWitt 8Cyg Gojrerfror of Idaho died sud- 6 1 of heart disease on Saturday the lth js leaves Idaho without either Gov--' for the time being We or BQ-y Do not fuil to g-ive us a call and learn prices for we do not intend to be undersold To whom liberal wages will be paid Apply Immediately to FULL CITY PRICES the 9th death lvH eXJ by those UPPER) SOUK AND HARHKH LEATHERS McCLENAHAN FECHER Mount Pleasant Sanpete Co or Manager Acting nnd Stage Msnncer 91-tf r-U' -I tli-t ov lb telegraphed yes-in Seer tary Seward this intelligence AWSOS John unparalleled success top 1MIK under igned ts now selling OKNRRtL KltC AN DiSE and purchasing PRODUCE Oa Barley Wheat Flour Egga Butter etc c'ALT LAKK PRICKS 83-3m MARY Out Leather 1 in the market on Its owft merit No claim to pretervnee liecaune of it bom mans torture YVehavealsou Manti Carding 3X111 OFFERSC Proprietor the WMirrHiiu Highest Market Prices allowed for GRAIN and PRODUCE 92-tf (isT (KT Itot'sn It reader com ur office yesterday that he could yneJ in oi THE EMINENT ARTISTE itury JOLLS ot the best' quailty are turned off from ne of the beat machines in the uk- np our paper east north south oi viithoiit seeing advertise flint wa precisely a hat it was pub WATER-POWER TIIUASIIIKO MACHINE JULIA DEAN HAYNE IV II GROESBEC SPRINdVILLE UTAH CO Gooili ns Cheap ns nt Salt Lake City! and by au experienced carder 91-tf THE OGDEY BOISE xt hcJ for And will he prepnrcl for thrashing grain of kinds art he earliest moment Also a NORTH BEND TANNERY BURG Proprietor TRAVELERS to and from the Mines of Montana and Idaho and to the northern settlements oi HAVE recently replenished and wilt keep on hand a full assortment of Aug 271 rtl(r roj bington Ul he re a ft at lO a 7 every lius city rri) tyot lo I dosed IJ fl'KDXKSDAY MORNING 30 The drama of Ha Lynre WATER-POWER CANE Ml LL 1 SATURDAY EVENINC September 2nd 1805 Utah will find this HOTEL AND STABLING IIBPRAL fisnires paid for II1DKS and TAN A BARK My Leather will be fyxmd as good a GENERAL MERCHANDISE any in the country and at as reasonable a price 91 tf the Elopement was performed Iflht cv On Thurs particular re- Mr-i I lay he "ill re In hergreit cr ol Caiuiilt Those who missed YVhcre can manufacture an article of Syrnp uiiurpa-cl in the Territory We arc also pro at siiort notice to do all kinds of For which I will receive in exchange at libera rates all kinds of COUNTRY PKOUIIUK furnished with everything for the comfort and ouveuience of Man and llciuit JULIA DON HAYNE LM 1 Of Boot Shoe II artlwore Cutlery Scythes etc our 'Stock will be fooud com plote Also in: Mrs Hayiie in this piece on it- first -ciitit ion will now have an opporttuii CIRCLE SAWING DR ORMSBY Practising Physician and Surgeon Manti Suu pete Co A FULL assort men of DRUGS and MEDICINE on hand 91 tf II KU CLASSIC PKnSON'ATION OF TABLE HOT Three Times a Dny and Meals prepared at any hour AND Weexpcct a rush on that Might -1 turd i evening1 Mrs llayne will ap-Lin two ch-ice the play of Medea MEDEA A LOT OF SCHOOL BOOKS lor Sale 83-3m WOOD AND IRON TURNING the comedy of the Love Chase IX TIIE BEAUTIFUL GREEK PLAY OF 81 3 tisitors from the country who wish ft treat Avail of the opyort unity oir-these eveninirg 1 WOOD Ac SOV COMFORTAULE BEDROOMS CHOICE LIQUORS This is the of the Mai! Stageito Idaho and Montana MANTI GRItT MILL A No I FLOUR for HOME or MARKET always obtainable CURISTOFFERSEN 91tr Proprietor A DEALERS IN vriRMATio- Want Goo Pronger naltjmontli county Nebraska en- GENERAL MERCHANDISE 1 this mj really Aore eent the Ka nniistukouli "ur ruw tv spocinipt' propriet Otfc by "'I tiHJt tUi ttie fi tii use vrj is as an ml irringcmej public i note the I is udvertLd od bus ami II0A0LAND Propi is tor TUG COLDUV FLEECE MBIAGLES! SIILYGLES-! Spj-ingvlilr Ulnli Comity 23-tf AND AS YYIIEEUOCK LEE Menu! PUasant Sanpete Co At STUBBS PR? GOODS AND GROCERY STORK Centre Street Provo Always on hand a choice selection of NejjtyWi of Caticopff Bfiihns SlitrtiiiKH LI A lau SUMMER CLOTHING Boots and (Shoes Tea Pogsr Candles Soap Soda TaFla Salt Sarditio Yeat Powder and Candie TIN CROCKERY A HARDWARE Superior Crackers in qnnntitie to suit A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF NOTIONS CONSTANCE STbRE-OGDEX WM PIDC0CK lhin after hi? little of 13 years of age ti heard in the service of one Ann irrison freighting between tills city anti Mnla Afontana -jo Ferret of Fairfield Solano county wants to know of thc'whcrenbouts of Stewart ho Is ulnmt 26 years of age (stive of Oliio uittl probably in the freight- bii-lnesa We Intend keeping on hand a full assortment of Dry Goods and Groceries HARDWARE BOOTS AND SHOES CLOTHING BEG to inform the citizen-' of Utah that they have just completed a first-class Shingle Ma-ctiine and are now prepared to fill orders for any amount of Cut Shingles IN SHERIDAN BRILLIANT Comedy ok AND YANKEE NOTIONS First Door South of the Ogden lions Offers to the Citizens of Weber Davis Box Elder and the Counties North and Ssutli a General Assortment of Contracts for Grain and Country Produce ih general filled on short notico Orders received by EDWARD MARTIN 83-tf East Temple Street THE LOVE CHASE Dry Goods Groceries Medicines Drugs Perfumery Srintxo This case was conchi-irwterday before Justice CHnton Hob il was held to ba'l in a one thousand dol-Jbond for his appears gee at the next reg-trierm of the Probate Conrt UTAH COUNTY PRODUCE OF ALL KINDS TAKEN FOR GOODS We will not he Undersold 83 tf The co partnership lately existing tinder rhd style of Bircli A Stubbs was dissolved on the Supported by the popular Tragedian GEO WALDRON and the POTTER DRAMATIC COMPANY American Fork Store the loth of February last The business in continued by PETER STUBBS 81 if Depot for the sale of Laths Highest Cash Prices Faid for Country Produce tbfif 8umm the wat ere has can Icari aister in ta ration ougT giel 1 uuthuiikj SPRINCIVILLB SAW MILL VAN LEUVEN R0UNDY Tickets can he obtained several days in advance IgrTTERFIELD GeNHWAL ItKMS A'C The tier papers that roach our sanctum seem immensely taken nn with the Rntter-FH Overland Pespnfeh and Express Con frg- Cotton Rags Wanted at 8 cents 34-tf per Pound JOHN CHATBURN DEALER IN Dry Good Groceries Boots A Shoes Clothing and General Notions BACIIMAN Doors cpf-n lVrf rmanceJo commence at 8 jp UMBER of every description furnished to order and kept on hand lor Sale Bring on your How inanv millions of pounds of PT log Rfi-3ra 88-tf DEALER IN BOX ELDER COUNTY MUSIC duties ai iresent ail hey are glj ie TIIE WEARY TRAVELER GENERAL MERCHANDISE BRIGHAM CITY HOUSE WILL find FIRST GLASS ACCOMMODATION for himself and animals at A GRKKS 30 miles south of Salt Lake City and 1 mile West of American Fork on the Main Road 8fi-tf A Remarkably Fine Collection of Music fbr the Pianoforte I 1000 PIECES FOR $1250 Provo TJtali Co GEO BEAN A8STSTANT ASSESSOR Internal RcVnnue Fourth Division District of Utah Office POST OFFICE BU1LDTNO CITY opposite the Meeting House Also Assessor and Chtlectofr Utah County nt same place Attendance Mondays and Saturdays oi each Week 82-tF WML THOMAS Proprietor Having opened at the head of Main Street my NEW AND CAPACIOUS HOTEL irrii vk iu llJ her an itj ill tame oteiuparied all ladies hrr circMml Hvelp btl I r'IIE following Books are of uniform si7e and INFORMS the citizen of the Settlement tn Utah Juab Sanpete and the entire South that he has on hand a i cjht has left the Missouri rlv-r tins spring i rammer for Colorado Utah and Xortheni Waries by these freighter is not given: Ithe frequent mention of the receiving at isrin of Goods and their starting for the to thjrophfhifi com any lead us to an-bste an Inter mi nb'e line of trains up to time of our merchants and commission ehants who used to do a latge Amount of themseves this year are doing it 'h Unt'erti Most of those have vome home alreadw and suit on the frontiers pre do'ng it gh We -ve nl-llv lnd trpe an A large amount of other matters to come rear through Butterfield From a pt from Young Esq dated St Jo Aug wr learn that nnr esteemed sl 11 Clawson Ksq of the firbi of ted go A- flaw -on was at Atchison at that nd was sending a large amount of and besides wrre large onaiititiec of freight marked I hereby make the announcement that visitors from abroad transient residents and travelers may he furnished with accommodations of the First Order I am also prepared to provide com foi able STEWART Co SPRINGVILLE CARDING MILL HAVING associated ourselves together and put our machine in first-rate working order we are able to turn out WOOL ROLLS inferior to none in the country STEWART BULKLEY 84-tf A NOE SPLENDID STOCK Provo Saddle Harness nn(l Whip Factory STABLING AND 'CORRALS 29 iiled oirSa version OF A TWEDE st vlr and form th tt collection of Choice Muic Tor the Pianoforte ever publislted Tlitf Home Circle a colh-etion of Marches Waltzes Polkas Schot fisc lies RePo vv (Quadrilles Contra llances Fonr-Ha tut Pieces ami Plano Gems Vols The Shower "of Pearls a collection of choice Vocal Duct- with Piano Accbmpaoi ments The Silver Chord a collection of Songs Bali ini i-'Qmirfettos Duets etc with Piano Accompaiiinn nts Operatic Pearls a of the Voc il Utilities of the best Operas with Piano Accompaniments All of the above eot post paid tor $12 or-iogl at the following prices: Plain $2 5 f'hith Jo 0 full Gilt $100 OLIVER iSC(iPiiMlihcn Washington Street Boston aMGNwly Which it is designed the donili''g BCaSon t'o great enlarge and improve To the traveler northward bound this is the last hotel on the frontiers of Utah and to the returning adventurer this is the first that greets him IS prepared to furnish any article in the above line on short notico 82 -3m DRY GOOD DRY GOODS GROCERIES etc so innnens ot char liaraet he original -ny clt-ardH CIRCULAR SAW nt Spritiffville YVT HUNTINGTON and CLARK are pre-M pared to saw to order SASH MATERIAL LATH PICKKTS and LUMBER of al: Jescriptlons with despatch We have also in operation a TURNING LATHE and will turn MEETING HOUSE COLUMNS and VERANDAH PILLARS according to pattern M1LNRTVS TAXXKKY PHOTO CITY ne Needham ('lift Ib-own The south-west room of the Brigham City House I have opened for the sale of CiENEUAL SlKKCH-AND1SE and intend keeping always on hand a AV -o llty and Milo A Son all ready Jr westward Mr Yoqng av l'Tdie Pr-'-s -E Rpyu and Pqffvrfidd the rtenden(ir flic eomrogv sr go: tie 23 Ret! Pine Bark 84 -3m WHO WANTS WHEAT AT BEAVER? GROCERIES in ererv respfy-t and are domg every -i Dixie Cotton on the Lead! -o- waxtf For which I will nv the highest market prices in tilth and Leather 82-1 MILNER embra-irg thoe fabrfo mt6 In demand for horn cunsuoiption TFIB will exchange Wheat nt Beaver for Wheat i delivered at Sat! Lake City CRONY A CLAYTON tieipc sr imperso ot by th re re by sketches fsfe awfr render im ed in ii taie mil i acker be take eh? iff au bu Vi AVjlo haT CHOICE AND COMPLETE STOCK encli Goods ns the demands of the country re-pure and at the Lowest Cash Prices! The highest market rates paid fir Wlieat Barley Oats Com Bntter Cheese Efrgs And every description of Country Produce Also PAPER taken in exchange for fh ids tf WM THOM AS SPRINGVILLE COTTON FACTORY Provo Valley Tan Of Boots and Shoes Is turning out from homo-grown Staple an article of CACHE COUNTY in their nqsyer to get onr goods aff a and they ill do it I am confidin' 'rjng and ft number of of pnrpow- wing tVbison abent he l-'h i n- lrsi-ted no ian of the Tn them The road -v me to be st innas-- tbb on The frfvnf from i T' Him Ituvl tsml St Joe Rail Road lVnji i dtv 1 bridges 1 iwmanv ibe rails were tom no train ed been able to nre-s over ver il days The rain is oi 1 have for w-'-k three or daysr's-tior! during that time -o- SMITH THOMPSON I have imputed a very complete Ft of the heat Kaiterti iinnf ictnre V'e foive aluo on hand a fine Selection of TS YY-O ootls Fl'nnkllu PFOPKIFT0RB -0- COTTON YARN Superior in quality to anything of the kind ever imported to this Territory Also We have in connection with otu Cotton Factory a WOOL-C ARDfV MVYlIIN Our Rglis are unsurpassed DRY GOOnSbROC EllY A- TRADING STORE Brigham City Fancy Goods i wav Sfr bo doub au! a- t'm qjf ALWAYS on hand and ftr or Cash or to excl change for Wheat or Cattle jfn For LadlW wear is evidfet it A iwfm PlflST-RATE SEND ON TOUR NO STRYCHNINE PACKER First door north and opposite the Post Office MERRICK PUFFIN AVE opened and will keep eonstafttiy on Lund at the EW STORB general ass rtmentof C3(-OOX GROCERIES BOOTS AND SIIOKS of every Style Hats (New Styles) FAXCV GOODS AXD NOTIONS BriiiBlmrst Sc Co 1 83 tf TRIMMINGS GIMPS FRINGES LACKS etc SELLING AT COST AND PROFIT ksT rv ttie A small prarty gentlemen out boating nnAli- lake the ay found themselves caught in a 3 upset nnd succeeded in getlin" on imavrale of the boat and safely reached Mkw atul thus saved thamselves from a 1 of pickle nouUj isterntml 1 ciL Sit 1 itsr fttxl lht Vtnrick at COTTON YARN always on hand 37 -tf The Manuftbary under fho eupervision 11 WHITNEY a liVe Yankee from the State of line 82-tf IbBStDKft A SCREED OF Clieap Groods at Springvillo JUAB COUNTY YANKEE NOTIONS creditable! the gen-1 ill well by entriciticA pRoyo Cotton Yarn Dve StulT Crockery Glass Ware Tinware etc ec Tht liighctl Market Price paid for Flour lira in Butter Eggs etc S3-FLOCK BUTTER EGGS efc FOR SALE at Market Prices 94-ff Cite i i vr kn Ebb Widorbortr to Elder Win Clayton July 12 that z-lho preceding six months 700 pr-Ybd Wen baptized 55 had emigrated ScandMria The elders from this 'ry were all well GOOD NEWS TO TRAVELERS! Large enough upply a m-U Yankee Kation and part of the of it WM BRING IIURST Offers for sale a select assortment of Merchandise consisting of czd CJ DAVIS COUNTY PERSONS traveling to and from the southern part of the Territory or to Southern California will find good entertainmet on reasonable terms at the Nepbi House Salt Creek Meals at all hours Good stabling and corrals and a good supply of Hay and Grain always on hand HEXRY GOLDSBROCOH 40- tf Proprietor CUTLERY and other Articles of Hardware of superior quality the ehoico ted '4t the bc company of fitsP re underclear and mpressive is repre-imniense Nxt Govkr' or Durkce was Mkkisony'n the 5th the guest of senator Jtov anticipating coming to this city Overland DispafTHi Prints Sheetings Delaines Flannels Home-made Linicy Jeans Cotton Tarn etc Together with an Asaortment of UiIOi IIOTJEL FARMINGTON DAVS Five Dollars per Bushel for Wheat and Goods at low rates 60-tf CLUFF jun Proprietor MILLS ihxASANT Chasgk On Monday night sit surprise w3s prepared for heavy ia the shape of a heavy shower of Wl ere rooming flHieUfuHy cooled br and rejidered yesterday one of the intest dy on the score of weather a long time HiiC HAIGHT Proprietor HAVING excellent water-power fariiitie I am now prepar-! tr hit crd rs tor TTOTJSKHOfD OKKTCE AND SCIKIObRWM ORMTORF to any extent deeired and in a prompt natiafactory manner AH work warrant ih JOHNT HAGUE PROPRIETOR- WM TAYLOR Lclii Store some ex a stab migration stables of Boise by a fel DRESS GOODS and TRIKKUIGS Also CLOTHING BOOT3 AND SHOES TINWARE HARDWARE And a complete Stock of THIS hmse is now jjpen for the reception of visitors and the aoc an laf ion of the traveling pnblic and I scarcely need assure my friends that they will find here very Turning and Hawing done to Order MY facilities for MERCHANT AND GRIST MILLING enable me to pnvlucs aa article or FLOUR unexcelled in this country LUMBER STOCK or PRODUCE taken In exchange 82-tf et We were pleased onSun- Professor Thomas hack to place yritli the Tabernacle choir after UJere iodisposition- The Professor gave choice music in the afternoon ICrO- persons no doubt noticed the va-lace in the choir filled bat one week HAS OS HAND A GENERAL AS OF STAPLE COMFORTABLE QUARTERS for themselves and their animals My house will be fitted up ia style especially adapted to meet the demand for a HORSE FEED ilway on Hand PROVO MILL GOODS AT RETAIL FIRST-CLASS MOTEL TANNER Proprietor rs of age-formerly icy and that city Holland that j-ee- Turner Embracing Teas Coffee Sugars Spkw Candle etc etc Always to be had of the heat quality at my MEAT MARKET ember ailer of the swe rnnsic rs during the lectures in theSeven- Grist and Merchant Milling to order- and true to agreement 81-1 1 Stabling Corrals Hay and Grain always fur-nishable and the utmost attention paid to the wdiare of guests 70-Cm Which he offer at reasonable price and solicit the patronage of the citizen of Utah Couaty SO-tt JOBS HAGUE WOOL ROLLS at $lDO per ID 83-tf 1 fur the last fe 93-tf winters.

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