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Bismarck Tribune from Bismarck, North Dakota • Page 7

Bismarck Tribunei
Bismarck, North Dakota
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

STAGE REALITIES. A Picture of the Honie Life of Acton and Actresses. Ken and Women Who Powder Over Tear-Stained Cheeks and Press Painted Kisses on the Lips of Dying Loved Ones. Howard in Boston The average theatre-goer has an idea that actresses have little to do beside posing before admiring multitudes, for which they draw large salaries, and having the pleasure of sniffing the ever ascending incense of adoration. The majority of girls picture an actress as a being of beauty, who sleeps nntil noon, breakfasts on a cup of chocolate and a roll in bed, drives out in the afternoon clad magnificently, is smothered in bouquets in the evening and revels in champagne pers at night.

Unfortunately such is not the fact. Even Bernhardt had her miseries. Clara Morris is a professional sufferer. Langtry, in spite of her thick hide, was sensitive to the ceaseless slight and censure and snub of the people who were willing to pay to see her attitudinize, but who under no consideration could be duced to touch her hand or invite her to their homes. Patti, with her $4,000 a night, has a carking worm not far from her heart.

Nilsson, in spite of her magnificent presence, her nomenal success and triumphant manner, is troubled four-fifths of her waking time, and groans in her sleep at night. EDWIN BOOTH'S UNHAPPINESS. Booth, to whom Henry E. Abbey would cheerfully pay $1,000 a night for 150 tive nights, is one of the most unhappy men on the face of God's earth. He has buried two wives, been through the mortifications of bankruptcy, and, so far as worldly wealth is concerned, so far as the comforts of a tled home go, has yet to make the one and secure the other.

This being the case, what do you suppose is the fate of the minor people? The fact is that they work hard are underpaid, never play the part they prefer, pay much, by far the greater proportion of their salaries, for stage costumes, invariably have a gang of hangers-on who eat the bread they earn, are out of engagements much of the time and ninety times out of one hundred die so poor that they are buried at the expense of their fellows. In the first place, it is extremely difficult for them to obtain a position, and, having a position, how few its advantages! They have to rehearse at inconvenient times they go out in all kinds of weather, regardless of their health or comfort or home desires they dress in outlandish places, either wet, damp and chilly or overheated. They are at the capricious mercy of speculative managers, and, having found by experience that there is very little sympathy for them, either before or behind the footlights, they wrap selves in a garment of mental indifference to appearances which is utterly misunderstood by a cynical and suspicious world. Actors, so far as personality is concerned, are before the public more than any other people, and yet how little is known of them. The glare of foot-lights, fictitious ings, characters and sentiments diametrically different from their own, absolutely veil them from the acutest gaze so far as their dividualities are concerned.

How often do Etars even sleep in their own homes? THE HARDSHIPS OP ACTRESSES. Daring the long nine or ten months of the season married actresses can have no comfort with their children, no intercourse with them, can take no care of them. I read a day or two ago a story of a girl who was called to a Sunday night rehearsal. Her father was very ill, but the rental of their rooms, the fees for the doctor and money for the drugs depended upon her attending to her business. It was imperative that she should be in the theatre at half-past 7.

Having arranged the room as women only can, having placed upon a table by the bedside of her father his cine, she kissed him good-by and with a ing touch promised to be back as early as possible. You know what Sunday night hearsals mean. They mean 1, 2, 3, 4 o'clock the next day. That is what this one meant. The girl hastened home.

The candlo-light bad gone, the cold gray of the early morning was in the room, the father wsis dead upon the bed. STAGE VERSUS HOME LIFE. I have known men to play while their wives were dying at home. Last season the Stage manager in one of the chief theatres of New York had a wife and daughter. The daughter married.

She was fragile, and the pains of approaching maternity compelled her, although in the profession, to throw up her work and retire to her bed. The stage manager had contracted rheumatic cold, and was likewise forced to take to his bed. The wife and mother was in the ballet of one theatre, the husband of the daughter was an actor in another theatre. Night cam'e, leaving the two invalids in the care of a young servant. The mother hurried to the ballet, and the husband, a comedian, to his fun.

and frolic. The illness of the daughter took a serious turn, tfre the husband could be summoned his motley, or the mother from Her peasant's dress, she passed from pain into unconsciousness, and before the morning dawned her spirit had gone, leaving her father racked with pain upon his bed in the adjacent room, a motherless babe crying upon the pillow, the husband crazed with disappointment and grief and the mother worn to a shadow by watching, anxiety and a divided duty. The next night came. Was the mother excused from her dance? Oh, no. She was a centralfigure.

The management were sorry, but if cared to retain her place she must form her duty, so she left her dead daughter in one room and her husband in the next, and did her devoir like a woman. The husband, a man of rience, twice the age of his child wife, was the life and soul and humorous helm of a side-splitting play. Was he excused? Not at all. He had no under-study. It the second week of the performance, and it was really essential that he should attend to his part, so he left his dead wife in one room and his suffering father-in-law in the other, and his little babe in the care of a wet nurse, rowed for the occasion from a sympathizing neighbor, and never played so well in his life as he did that night.

The Discer Indians and Their Devil. (Cal.) On Saturday the country around Bloomer Hill, just across the river opposite Cherokee, was made hideous by the recurrence of that savage custom among the Indians known as their burning. To observe this ancient tom, which they regard with superstitious sanctity, about fifty dusky sons and ters of the forest prepared their soup, ered their wood, and made all arrangements for the burning, which took place about 12 o'clock Saturday. This place, Bloomer Hill, has been for years the Indian buryingground, and it is estimated that thousands have been buried there. At sunset on onlay they sprinkled the graves with flour ind yelled as none but an Indian can until DM naxt eroding, after being refrwhatl with grasshopper, angle-worm and acori soap, they manufactured their deviL The materials nsed in constructing his satanic majesty were feathers promiscuously gathered.

He was about four feet high, and looked as much like the "devil before day" as can be imagined. About dark they built a large fire, and kept it burning until midn ght with wood gathered the purpose. Then commenced the sacrificial ferings, which consisted of wearing apparel and provisions, which they suppose will be wafted by something like "presto change" to their friends in the "happy hunting grounds." After burning about 500 pounds of flour, several squaw-loads of bacon, numerous red handkerchiefs, breeches and shirts, they listened to a long, and, of course, eloquent, harangue from a venerable "buck." They then appointed a committee to escort their improvised devil in the circle, where he was given a warm reception. He was brought within reach of the fire, and amid the most terrific howling unceremoniously precipitated into the flames. This was the signal for the most unearthly mingling of groans, female shrieks and general uproar, which closed the barbaric scene.

A Conple of Tame One summer I watched the larvae of the swallow-tailed butterfly through their ent. stages, and reserved two chrysalides to develop into the perfect insect. In due time one of these fairy-like creatures came out. I placed it in a small Indian cage made of fine threads of bamboo. A carpet of soft moss and a vase of flowers in the centre made a pleasant home for my tiny "Psyche." I found that she greatly enjoyed a repast of honey when some was placed on a leaf within her reach she would uncoil her long proboscis and draw up the sweet food with great parent enjoyment.

She was so tame that it became my habit, once or twice a day, to take her on my finger and while I walked in the garden she would take short flights hither and thither, but was always content to mount upon my hand again. She would come on my finger of her own accord, and, if the day was bright, would remain there as long as I had patience to carry her, with her wings spread, basking in the sunbeams, which peared to convey exquisite delight to the icate little creature. I never touched her beautiful wings. She never fluttered or showed any wish to escape, but lived three weeks of tranquil life in her tiny home and then having, as I suppose, reached the limit of butterfly existence, she quietly ceased to live. On the day of her death the other butterfly emerged, and lived for the same length of time.

Both were equally tame, but the ond showed more intelligence, for she covered that by folding her wings together she could easily walk between the slender bars of the cage and having done so, she would fly to a window and remain there, basking in the sun, folding and unfolding her wings with evident enjoyment, until I sented my finger, when she would ately step upon it and be carried back to her cage. AH Honest Girl's Reward. In the year 1869 there died in Paris a rich old bachelor, who left his entire fortune to a poor girl, a seamstress, who was, moreover, almost unknown to him. The secret of the old man ignoring his friends and relatives puzzled everybody very much. The deceased was what might be called an original.

He was quite eccentric. In order to test the honesty of his fellow-creatures he was in the habit of resorting to many curious ments, which as a general thing, did not prove the bad opinion he already had of the human race. One of his plans to ascertain how many honest people there were traveling in omnibuses was to occupy the seat nearest the conductor and hand the fare of passengers to that official. Instead of handing the exact fare to the conductor he would give the ductor a coin of larger value. When the passenger received back his excessive change, in fifteen consecutive instances, be quietly pocketed the money.

The sixteenth person who received back cessive change was a young, poorly dressed girl who had pity for the poor conductor, who only got three francs a day, and would have to make good the loss. She immediately exclaimed: "Conductor, you have given me too much change," and returned him the plus money. The eccentric was agreeably surprised. When the girl left the 'bus, he followed her, and having made further quiry about her, satisfied himself that she was respectable. The small coin that the girl returned to the conductor made her the heiress of half a million francs.

The Paris Journals. All the Paris journals publish more or less faits divers, but some half-dozen of them keep one or two "reporters a l'Americaine." with a staff of subalterns under them. The "reporter a l'Americaine" has a specialty of interviewing the celebrity of the hour, of wresting secrets from diplomatists and men, and of bribing the valets of kings en voyage to tell him what the monarchs eat for breakfast. The ''reporter a l'Americaine" doubtless arrives at a certain number of teresting facts, but his prpse is utterly trustworthy and too full of his own ality to be practical. The whole system of reporting and neys-gathering is trivial.

There is not a single Parisian journal that gives an adequate and thoroughly unbiased report of a political meeting. As for rapidity in publishing news, it is out of the A catastrophe- happens at Lyons, say on Monday morning, the Havas Telegraphic agency receives a dispatch of ten lines, Figaro sends "down its "reporter a caine," and in The Figaro Tuesday we read: 'Terrible Catastrophe at Lyons. By telegraph. I arrived here to find the whole city in desolation. The latest reports mention twenty killed and three hundred wounded.

Full details to-morrow. Pierre Giffard." Buying mountain "Moonshine." Hunting moonshiners is not considered a picnic by revenue officers. The gay taineer is a first rate fellow, at a good tance. It appears that his whisky is not a frhinfl to hauker after, being a common corn, clear as water and burning as fire. The ner of selling it is in true primitive style, the purchaser putting bis jug or bottle in the low or stump of a tree with the price of the liquor.

On calling back the jug is full and the money gone. Then they have what is dubbed the "bom rackets" Alongside the road a big Horn is hung to the tree. If you want to buy the corn juice yon blow a blast. Soon a girl comes out of the bushes and tells you to put your hand hand in her pocket. You obey, drop some mouey in the pocket, and take out your' bottle and go.

Flirting under the circumstance is at one's peril, as a six foot moonshiner is in point blank range with his finger on the trigger of his favorite persuader. Luther's Anger. In Prof. Fisher's paper on "Martin Luther," in The Century, is quoted from Luther: "I never work better than when I am inspired by anger when I am angry I can write, pray, and preach well, for then my whole frfwpMHttmant iflqniriwnwrt, my THE BISMARCK "WEEKLY TRIBUNE. WHY WE BLUSH.

Bill Nye Discusses the Theory ci The British Medical Journal. The physiology of blushing has long sented a difficult problem to solve. Many nnsatisfactory explanations have been given of the causes of that interesting non. The British Medical Journal lately ceived an inquiry as to the measures to be taken for the cure of a chronic tendency to blush, and one of its correspondents takes up the matter in a very practical way, indeed. Among other causes of blushing he gives prominence "to the wearing cf too thick derclothing, and especially of too thick socks." He adds that longsleeved woolen sacks or jerseys are often a cause of blushing, and, in fact, warm clothing in general.

He does not fail to mark that the blusher must choose in this matter between the risk of rheumatism and the annoyance of blushing. As collateral evidence in support of his views he says: 'An aunt of mine had habitually a red nose from this cause alone, which disappeared when she took to thinner stockings." The ological explanation of blushing given by the writer just quoted is that it is due to paralysis cf the sympathetic circles of nerves surrounding the arteries, which, not tracting properly, allow a freer flow of blood to the surface. This is anew deal, so to speak, in which heavy socks and red flannels are trumps. From time immemorial it has been accepted without question the theory that blushing was caused by an impression, either pleasant or otherwise, upon the moral impression being invariably conveyed either by the sense of sound or sight. But now this blasted Britisher boldly attempts to knock all the sentiment out of the blush by declaring that it owes its birth solely "to the wearing of too thick underclothing, and especially of too thick socks." That clincher, too, ing the ancient maiden the crushed strawberry nose, is certainly a difficult thing to controvert.

Socks vs. sentiment 1 This is iconoclasm with a vengeance. If the position can be sustained it promises to work a decided lution in our social life, and explode many cherished sentiments. For instance, the new theory will necessitate the revision of the old rules governing the standard of modesty. The woman whose cheek refuses to color in the presence of glaring indecency may, instead of being a "shameless hussy," merely be a chronic victim of cold feet, or have neglected to put on her flannels.

Then, too, the lover who now fondly supposes that the blush which suffuses the beautiful phiz of his duxey-Ann at his coming is a sign of pleasure, will know, when this new theory is proven, that the blush heretofore mentioned is simply a tribute to the thickness of her "socks or her "too heavy underclothing." And when his arm encircles her waist and he is shoveling a steady stream of solidified charine' matter into her willing ear, the blush may come and the blush may go but instead of its proving a sort of heart barometer by which the watchful eye of the lover may guide his conduct, it registering the temperature of her pedal extremities. Uentility in the Coach. York In the ranks of the operatives who live on the east side it is curious to know that a coach is the sign of gentility. To be able to hire a coach is the weakness of hundreds oi giris who work by the week down town, and it is for this reason, perhaps, that in the poorer classes funerals have become a sort of evidence of gentility, the condition of the family being rated by the number of coaches. There are scores of girls who give music sons who spend nearly all they make at the livery stable.

They are driven to their pils' houses in coupes, and they are very ticular about the livery. The superintendent of a large envelope tory in this city said that some years ago a fainting epidemic broke out among his girls. Without any premonition whatever an ative would suddenly fall over as if dead, and he was in the habit sometimes of calling a carriage and sending the invalid home. But when the thing grew to affect the whole tory he turned one of his rooms into a hospi tal and he hired a doctor to apply restora tives, from which moment not a girl fainted. It was not till some time after that he ered by accident that it was the ride home in the coach that had brought on the epidemic.

How to Treat Bashful Hen. Boston Manners you must manage for yourself. I have found the best rule perfect mean, of course, kindness of manner. Most men area little bashful with women. Young men get over it by men with a kind of silent, superior, condescending air.

Now, if you study never to take advantage of this shyness, which makes men doubly that many a clever man is scious of being a perfect fool with if you never wound them by a look, or word, or insinuation, or implication, and never seem in league with any one man against any a little judicious flattery of ner only, not of words, does the whole man is yours. Woman in Journalism. The nature of the work to be done is not changed by the fact chat it is a woman that undertakes it. It may be done better, more delicately, more shrewdly, more honestly, but it is the same work, and requires the same qualities, whether the worker be a man or a woman. There are, indeed, some special branches of labor upon a newspaper, such a that which relates to the dress of women, to needle and other work of the kind, with which women are naturally more familiar than men, and women will therefore treat them more satisfactorily and intelligently.

But "a woman's duty upon a newspaper" is stantially the same with that of a man. Danger jn understanding riiarpened, and all mundane tanptatfeoa Cracked Dishes. York Cracked earthenware should never be used for domestic purposes. It is a safe rule in good housekeeping to break any fractured stoneware to pieces and render them quite unfitted for any employment as utensils. In a paper read before the Academy of Sciences, Paris, M.

E. Peyrusson demonstrated very clearly bow the germs of cholera, typhoid fever, and similar diseases may be preserved and communicated by even the slightest crack or fissure which may be caused by very trifling accidents to crockery and faience. Ivy on the Walls. The English ivy, growing over the walls of a building, instead of promoting dampness, as most persons would suppose, is said to be a remedy for it and it is mentioned as a fact that in a room where dampness had prevailed for a length of time, the affected parts inside bad become dry when ivy had grown up to cover the opposite exterior side. The close, over-hanging pendant leaves prevent the rain or moisture from penetrating the wall.

Beauty and utility in this caw go hand ia THE SPEECH OF SILENCE. Wheeler's "Poems of The solemn sea of Silence lies between us I know thou livest, and thou lovest me And yet I wish some white ship would Bailing Across the ocean, word from thee. The dead calm awes me with its awful ness No anxious doubts, or fears disturb my breast I only ask some little wave of language To stir this vast infinitude of rest. I am oppressed with great sense of ing, So much I give, so much receive from thee Like subtle incense rising from a censer, So floats the fragrance of thy love 'round me. All speech is poor, and written words meaning.

Yet such I ask, blown hither by some wind, To give relief to this too perfect knowledge The silence so impresses on my mind. How poor the love that needeth word or message. To banish doubt or nourish tenderness I ask them but to temper love's convictions The silence all too fully doth express. Too deep the language which the spirit Too vast the knowledge which my soul hath stirred! Send some white ship across the sea of Silence. And interrupt its utterance with a word.

BELLES WHO BET. Young Lsdies from the Blue Grass Belt Who Bisk their Cash on Bacers. Cor. Philadelphia Neither the vast dining salon nor Congress park offers so fine an opportunity for ing the varied scenes indicative of the mental life here as the grand stand at the race-course. Foremost among the women who bet recklessly, often losing $100 in an afternoon, and oftener winning double this amount, are the Kentuckians.

They inhale in their native ozone the fever for gambling, in its ous phases, as they do the miasm of malaria. Turf slang is the familiar vocabulary of the nursery they read from their betting tablets at an age when our little girls sing Mother Goose's melodies and quote from Christmas Tales for the Uninitiated they discuss flesh and lotteries when the well-ordered child of the north talks to her doll and botches baby clothes as a primary course in dressmaking. The blue grass belle usually takes her place immediately back of the reporters' gallery, where she can receive all information in gard to the favorite, high stakes and the price of pools as it is handed to the chroniclers of each day's proceedings. She is handsome and, attired in a modest white gown, presents no meretricious tions. She is accompanied by a companion, whom she is heard to address by the title of mother and who is only slightly older and slightly less attractive than herself, but who is more conspicuous in the general brilliant make-up of her face and personal nalia.

She hands her money to a mongrel type of masculine nature, the offspring of a combined dude and jockey, who is soon in the whirling current of the quarter-stretch and drifting straight to the pool section. While he is taking stock for her in the fast flyers of the turf she has turned her tion to another market, where speculation is equally intoxicating and hazardous. She has allowed a noted beau to perceive her languishing dark eyes resting interestedly upon him. Her gaze has been purposely fastened upon him, until he, by a well known physical and psychological law, turns as naturally toward her as the sunflower to the sun or the willow to the water her soft, velvety lids drops as unconsciously conscious as if the fascinating artifice had not been practiced hundreds of times and has been brought to the present state of artificial perfection through courses of carefully-attended tion. Accustomed to success in the adroit movement, she continues to repeat it until she is satisfied it is effective.

She rises and with a swift glance toward him she ascends tier by tier of the grand stand until she has reached the topmost rail, over which she leans, looking down on the great dusty entrance park to the course. If the gentleman does not follow immediately there are evidences of impatience in her frequent nervous backward glance. He approaches her locality and, suming a similar attitude, is also deeply terested in the arid, dusty stretch beneath. Several covert and fleeting looks are changed as he draws nearer and nearer, and without alteration of position they fall into conversation and talk weather, the inadvisability of sowing marketable crops where only tares will grow, and topics of equal interest. She returns to her seat in time to receive her winnings from her lating envoy and soon the wooing satyr is at her side with the bold and confidential ing of a life-long counselor.

Various Divorce Laws, There is a great variety in the divorce laws of the country. In Maine it is said to be easier to get a divorce than to get a drink. The law reads: "Divorces may be decreed when the judge deems it reasonable and proper, conducive to domestic harmony, and consistent with the welfare of society." In North Carolina the law says "any just cause at the discretion of the judge" may dissolve the marriage tie. In Virginia if a woman is discovered after marriage to have borne a bad character before marriage, without the knowledge of the man who married her, he may be divorced. In West Virgini the shoe goes upon the other foot, and if woman discovers that her husband was a genuine rake before marriage she may unmarry.

In Connecticut the law provides that "such mischief or misbehavior as manently destroys happiness and defeats the purposes of marriage" shall constitute a legal ground for divorce. In Alabama adultery or immorality committed before marriage as well as after dissolves the riage tie. In Delaware adultery itself is not in all cases counted a sufficient cause for vorce. In Nevada a failure to provide the necessaries of life is sufficient grounds. Kentucsy is said to permit divorce for one of a larger number of causes than any of the other states.

The Better Way for Cabbage. As many persons are very fond of cabbage who cannot digest them cooked in the ary way, I will give the way in which they meet with the most favor upon our table: Boil a firm head of cabbage, and when half done drain off the water and pour on more from the boiling tea-kettle and slightly salt it. When tender, set aside until thoroughly eold chop up fine, and add one-half teaspoonful butter, pepper, two eggs, well beaten. Mix all well together, and bake until brown in a pudding dish. Serve hot.

They Were "Pull do mi your umbrellas. YouH scarf this engine off the line," screamed the neer on the Western North Carolina road tc a crowd of country people who bad gathered to see the first twin ooaaa to. Ibqrm lowered at onoa St. Louis Dakota Bailroad. 'I he following extract from the St.

Louis Republican of the 35th is another tion of the interest being manifested in the northwest by capitalists and men of enterprise. The names mentioned are well known out the business and moneyed circles of the country, and if they enter into a compact for the building of tbe road, the people of Dakota may feel assured of its sncoess. As the object of the fathers of the enterprise is to penetrate the new northwest, intersect the North Pacific and eventually cross the Missouri, Bismarck will evidently be their objective point The follow ing is what the St. Louis Republican says: A number of prominent citizens of St. Louis were invited yesterday atternoon to meet parties from Iowa, in the gentlemen's parlor of the Southern hotel.

The object of the ference was simply to call the attention of the St. Louis gentlemen to the promotion of a survey and tbe securing ot the right of way for a company, which has been organized under the laws of Iowa, for a railroad from 8t. Louis to some point on the North cific railway in Dakota. The Iowa gentlemen present representing the projected road were Wm. Green of Cedar Rapids, vice president of tbe road W.

W. Walker, also of Cedar Bapids, chief engineer Mr. Maginnis of Belleview, who is largely interested in the coal lands, ing 10,000 acres in Putnam county, this state, and J. E. Lyman, civil engineer, of Iowa.

The 8t. Louis gentlemen present were Messrs. John Jackson, Web M. Samuel, Miles Sells, John Larimore, D. B.

Francis, Gen. D. P. Grier, der Smith, Jerome Hill, R. P.

Slattery, George Bain, George W. Wright, and several others. It was explained that in tbe proposed line it was intended to utilize the St. Louis, Hannibal and Keokuk line, or as muoh of that road as is already in operation from Gilmore above St. Charles, about forty miles from St.

Louis. Tte line is in operatien now through New don, Bowling Green and Troy, all county seats. The proposed extension north would start out near New London, in Balls county, and follow a direct northwest direction through Shelby, Adair and Putnam counties, in souri, and continue in the same general tion across tbe state of Iowa and the southwest corner of Minnesota into Dakota, to the North Pacific railroad. The line is said to be a markably cheap one for construction, on account of following the divide between the Missouri river and the Des Moines river in Iowa and the Minnesota river in Minnesota. The line is markably free from streams requiring bridges.

There would be one required over Salt river, and eventually one across the Missouri, but ing, as it does in the main, tbe great divide tween the riven above mentioned, the erection of bridpeB would be a small part of the cost. The Iowa gentlemen explained the object of the conference. They said all that was asked of St. Louis now was to take some interest in ing the surveys and securing the right of way of the projected line. Tbe line will be known as tbe St.

Lonis and Dakota railroad. There are temporary officers named in Iowa, Dr. John F. Ely of Cedar Rapids, president: William Green, vicetresident! W. W.

Walker, chief engineer. Tbe St. Louis gentlemen listened with tion to the representations made, and doubtless bore away an impression that the line would be of great advantage to St. Louis, as it would open np a rich and magnificent portion of the great northwest that would naturally become tributary to St. Louis in event of the tion of this entirely practicable and feasible route.

No definite action was taken and the meeting adjourned. Another conference will be held in a few days on the same subject at the Southern hotel. It is derstood that the object is to form a syndicate to provide for the survey. When the reports, maps of the ronte, and a careful repreesntation of its unbounded resources, are presented it is considered there will be no difficulty in ing capitalists in the enterprise as a safe and profitableginvestment. WATER is scarce in New Orleans and beer dealers are supremely happy.

OSCAR WILDE, whoever he may be, vows that he will never have his hair cnt short again. MB. BEECHEB is back in Brooklyn again ing some of the funny stories he heard ont west. THE King of Siam has finger nails half a yard long. What mortal show would the itch stand with that fellow? COLORADO has four feet of snow.

Will our dear friends please send their poems ont there for the present. THE Indians are rapidly closing the season's entertainment and going into winter quarters on the reservations. His many friends will be pleased to learn that Juan Ballen has been elected chief of police at Guayaquil, Ecuador. A NEW YOBK paper publishes church notices under the head of "Amusements." This is tingly appropriate in New Yoife. SANKEY says he will have only Christian ers in his choirs.

Mr. Sankey will therefore be obliged to worry along without choirs. THE president of Girard College is very ful. The president of Vassar College could perhaps give him a few points of value. TOM OCHILTBEE went to sfeap fish stories with President Arthur tbe other day and left the White House looking real sad and dejected.

DB. MARY WALKER is going to England soon. Tbe English will now see that we can send baautiei across the ocean as well as HENBY WARD BEECHEB says that Governor Butler is "an apocalyptic vision, with ten horns and as many eyes." Let us hope that Henry is mistaken. A PENNSYLVANIA jury has decided that a kiss is worth only one cent. Have we, then, been swindled all our lives on the value of this ful product.

I No, I WILL- take no part in the coming bicycle tournament. I will be kept too busy practicing for the Caledonian J. Titden in adelphia Call. MB. DEMERDJIKENLJHI is a Turkish gentleman visiting this country.

He brought along a guistic expert to introduce him to those whom he may meet. MM. FRANCES HODGSON BUBNRT says the first word a baby utters is "agoo," bnt Mrs. Burnett talks like a novice in the baby ness. A married friend who has been in the business for years tenders the information that the first word uttered by a baby is "Wahwah, wa-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-ahf' and then the old man has to turn ont, take it in his arms and scud around the room under bare poles for the mainder of the night.

AMEBICUS, Record: A-gentleman of this city has a rooster that is a phenomenon. One night last week tbe gentleman happened to retire late, and just before going to sleep the roosters began to crow. When they had finished, rooster opened np and crowed just twelve times. The next moment the clock struck tbe hoar of twelve. The same performance was peated the next night following, and now the owner thlnfa the rooster must have swallowed a look.

A LIVE TOWN Such is Washburn, locate 40 miles north of marck, on a level plateau overlooking the Missouri river, and surrounded by a vast district of farming lands of unsurpassed tility. There is every dication that Washhurn is to experience in the mediate future a tial BOOM I Among the other tant institutions which have been established there is a $10,000 ing Mill, a Hotel, a ing Office, a Livery ble and an Agricultural Warehouse.Every day land seekers are pouring into the country and catching on while yet there are opportunities. Many ever are hovering on the ragged edge of ty and indecision, and will not act on their portunity until the ed time is gone and it is everlastingly 11 is anticipated, and with abundant reason, that the Washburn try will be penetrated by a railroad within the present year, with which the Missouri river ineh navigation season will be a competitor. No point in many miles of burn has so excellent a landing, and at uo point on the entire Missouri is there a more cent river view. burn is the Gateway to the renowned Mouse river country, and the commercial center of an immense extent of valed farming lands, which are already pied to considerable tent by hardy, intelligent and industrious people.

The soil is rich black loam, ble of producing enormous crops It is the belief of shrewd servers that Washburn is bound to be GOOD POINT Its remoteneoo from Bismarck makes it the bast of supplies for a large extent of country. It is the only point of importance in the newly created county of McLean, and will be the county seat. It has abundance of timber for fuel and building purposes, and plenty of ure water. Parties wishing to more particularly about the town should ress VEEDEH SATTEBLUSD T. Or CARL PETERSON, BIB BCB, T..

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