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Fort Worth Daily Gazette from Fort Worth, Texas • Page 6

Fort Worth, Texas
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

14 A PIONEER ELECTRICIAN gJ Professor Sidney Howe Shorts Ex perimcHts With Motor STREET RAILWAYS UIS HOBBY To III Tlotcnrcticf I largely Do the 1iualnic uf the Itoritr Socs ful JCven When a Hoy ni9ctricty 1 king aaJ Michael Faraday nearly threequart ot a ctnturr bavlnar by ad experiment dlicovered ta pos AlbUltiea of tbe electric are Faraday friend declared that he had cop yetsoma of them lived toist tb fnlalment of bU prophecy Toda electricity Ij eo looter kins because li boa been brought under aubject control man and th kingship ha been transferred from th la viable yet potent fluid to the men who control It aod bava chained It subjecting It to the we of man no mora think of Michael Faraday Volta Calvanl and our Own Uaojamln Frank llo wboanatched Ughtnlnj from Heaven by tbe medium of a kit atrlng and a brasa key and a acora or more tt otber experimentalist In tba tben newly dtaoovcred field cf electrical ecknc Tbey were but Infanta playing with the greatest power of tba universe whlea they knew neither how to craap nor to put to practical um If tbor bad grasped It Tba electrician of today be fjtnolnc with th deceased Morse of magneto elacirlo telegraph fama ara men of genius to whom tho of dj cone by woro mere plgmle of learning One of theaa men tbe greatest perhapa In bU particular line that of the discoverer of the propelling power of certain ktnda of electrical machinery Is profaeaor Sidney Howe Short of Cleveland Ohio 11a li a veritable Riant In the field of electric power to wbteh bli Inventive power li tba Arid magnet and bla active and thoughtful brain to tba armature He la today to tbe electric railway ayateme of the Unltod State what Brush la to elcctrlo lighting Dell li to telephony Mor a was and Gdlam to telcsrapby and Garoewell la to lira alarm aod other electric signalling the preeminent anl la known aa tba Trolley Kins rrofeiaor Sidney Howe Short 8 et VlcFreldent and Irofessor of Chomlcs and Chemistry at tba University of Donvr Col the eminent and electrical engineer and inventor now of Cleveland wa born In Citumhua a In 180T lie la purely of luritan descent bla ancestor figulng to tble country early In tba seventeenth century Later generation Joining In tba creel tidal wave of emigration from New Kogland to tba WNt tbe Short bfcama one of the early pioneer famlll to Ohio where tba mbject of ibla sketch was born Froteisor Shorts early yeara were apent In Columbus Ma primary education being secured In tbe public achoula of that city loiter having passed through tba common schools be be camo a student In tho Capital UnlversHy at Columbus leaving that to entnr tba Ohio Slate University where bu tocaine a xtu dent tinder aud laboratory assistant In he tocbnlloglcal departtovnt to lh oraluent fro feasor Mendenhall Ujwn 1rofeaaor Meadtn hall belnj raJlMl to Iho Unlrcrelty of Toklo In Japan yotinn Short succeeded tti bla vacant profctta ablft and beoarao the laboratory director In liVt of the Ohio Stato Vnlver aty una enr beforo ba graduated as bis cradUAtlon did not occur until 1880 Wbr quito ymng the natural inclination of Prcfesur Hhnrti mind was toward ilec trtcal csrsrlrufnts and research yet It la probable that til first fat Interest lu tho ri ilemotiatraled scionte of tloctrtolty uas ftwakeuol nhen a lK bi the as ecbool he lUicuM to a lecture by lrofeuor Mendenhall Atwovs after thai be was atudimt In electricity hi whole tlraa out of school bm apont In experimenting nlllt Old baafrtce and tecondband tnaurlal tur tilihid blni by iiarlea Host at that time Colurahu UAiutLr for the Weatem Union Telecraoh umpany ltofore Ua was It yeAr of axe ha bid terome an exiwrt telegraph oncriit and bad filled tits home with all ur of idivtiical Uesices At uno time he bid all the hoiua clocks connooie4 lt Circuit aa ihty could be wound from a central uUun thiveame time A si rote liEiitrims haMly burniil out this lur nl ma device at the same Urao ruinlua ery Hclock lu the itousd lie then constructed a tyst ui ot buistar alarms tbrouRhout tbe houie with tha aUrm Ua at bo Uad of if bis bed IhU contrUanco frequently tauten ertttt vtciu ra ut in tbo family but wai i called into use by the pUia Actually bainc buiglarUtd Mla exnm iiiig the Uetl telephone ap paratus the Ceuteuuta in UTS Irofessor Short discovered that tbo principal tit ar ticulate troniiulfltlon abuna to tbe Uell InMruravnts nere practically the same ai an apparatus MbUh bad already put Into operation ta the laboratory of tbe olilu State Unlverity mrrcly for the trauatuiMlnn of sound at sua la without hla ever tutting dt atued that it would trana niit attlculata spooch lleturntnx home from Th ladrlphiA he pcrrtcted a long 4d tAuce ulo phone tratumltter which be paten tod and afterward sold to tbv Gold and Clock lelephoaa Comjwuy After traduatlnst from tha Ohio State University Ij U9 yoMng Short went on a ilatt to tha University ot Denver Colorado Bhcrs ba was offered the cbatr ofTbyslce tid Che uistry Whila holding this dual rbalr which be ocogpiod tor two years he waa elected xc prcsldent ot the unler atiy6oon 6oon after 4i arrival at Denver lro feoeor Riiort was taken Molentl It nj time nnitr dying Ha Attrlbut bialtl paua lo the poor drinking water with which rtji city was aupUad ahd Immediately upon bla rocotery mad an analgia ot tha water vthlrh roaulied in the dlacovery of yn eUch impurities of a bacterial nature as to aromo publlo Indlcnatlon to lfe hlcheai pitch led ultimately caused th tater worka to be abut down The flual Tesuit of Professor Shorts an alyiis was bat Dcaer set uew wat works with pure drinklns water brought from a cMislderabla distance During tha iSpext two cr tbre ars ha was called upon many times to aniljia itomacbe ror eMdflncia ot polwitlng so4 to determine whether contained muirals which led to hai discovery in 1SS3 of the material near Morrison Colorado from tihich tbo CelebrAted Cnlorado cement called aunerlor Id nuallty to tha celebrated itoriund laaoade Tba ccucct works hich were ft Immediately erected to manufacture tba product are row th property of tbe Den Ter and Ulo Orauda Railroad blla ta da Denver Dnivewty rrofcator Short bad devlied hfe double reduction motor for street care and built bla Crst raid an experimfutal nrnr la the baaornent of the university building llavlnr realgned bla prafeMOrsblp In 1S93 bo gavo bis entiro time to perfecting hie wonderful motors and la 1S5 bla Intereat In practical railway work aod hie confldenca 10 bla own ability to gueceed la what ha undertook Induced him to sever bla connection entirely from tba unlverelty Ilia railway motae vera then put at work upon roada in Denver Cct fit IjiUa Mo Columbus 0 and other Weatern cltlea both the underground conduit and ha overhead troltey systems bfrloj used In June 1185 TrofessorBhort went to Cleveland where Intrrceted hat eminent electrician Charlea Francis Brush In his Inventions and a cortpjny waa formed of which the Brush niectrie Company la a Itrra abaroholder to manu fartura tba machiwry and cara for hla elec trio railway Kino 1SS3 scores of eUctrlc atrect rail waya bate been laid la Western cities on which rrofeiaor fihorti motors art used tboie of the latter typo oeiug of tha single reduction class Irofessor Short ta known to every one Interested la electric motors and eo great has boen the success of bis appliances tbil bis friends and even competitors In tbe OelJ of etectrlo traction call him Tbe Trolley Klntf Ilia pathway has been strewn with roses tn comparison to I tat of many in ventora and be baa been fortunate In bav ins early devoted bis talent to a branch of electrical rcaearch In which so few rcsulta had been attained yet which ea tpen to such creat accomplishments He bad no rrcat adverse Interests to combat Ilka bis friend and business associate Charles Drush and wfart once bla banner a hoisted to tbo masthead It remained there ITo festnr Short a career as an Inventor baa been ona of progrosaiwi ha being a worker of tbo moit pronounced and aggressive type patient and careful In the Held of research to which bis gcat success can ascribed In his manner ba Is unossumlne and of a kindly disposition hlcb has etool Mm In pwd stead during tba annoyancea and dlt appointments which always accompany the Inventor tn the field of primary research Irofessor Short lives In Cleveland where bit Is a member of tbo Cleveland Klec trio Lnlort and Country Club Ha la also a Tellow of the American Society for the Advancement of Science and bfta the degree of It from bla Alma Hater He was alio a member of the electrical Commla aloa of tbo Worlds Columbian Cxpoiltfoo THE HORSE BREEDING INDUSTRY It Is Lnncrr Ontrrftl moui Oriitic Lntinly There waa a time vhn Orange County If was the great horaehreeding center of the United States It waa from the Oranga County farms that the Kentucky and California breeders obtained their original slock and ao ell did they select animal for shipment that the dory of tha old breelintf ceUbllshmenta baa abaut paeied a ft ay Time was when Gosben mi the Erie railroad woe tba objective point of all horae buyers anl owner ot stock farma Stony Ford which h4 proluecd mora extreme apeed ttuu any other farm In tha tountry with tha exception possibly of 1alo Alto but alx miles ana You hire a bii gy at tbo elation arid you ara drhlng to the famous old farm over aplendld roads through as Cne a farm country as man ever laid bla eyoa upon Everybody talka horso In Orange County and everybody onns a trotter or thinks he owns one Borne weeks ago I visited Stony rord My KUtde aa old man who bad lived in Orange County from childhood said It waa not now aa It uaod to be In tha old day boraemen from all over tha country wefe coin tint ncoutlog about looking for choioe articles of licrsefleah It was a Rrcat mistake said he ta let Oeorge Wilkes go to Kentucky Just think what Orauga County ould be now it trat cran old aire bad not beta taken away Wi have nothing much here now Kentucky and California have got eveiy thing worth halng Ono day Senator Stanford came along and bought 1100000 worth of stork Wo didnt tblnk be got enyUitnK much fer bU money Hut be krew bettrr than we did for be took Oa tloneer now tho itreatest eiro ot trotters according ta he record Oh those Call tornlana and Kenturklans havo cleaned out Arriving at Stony Ford was shonn abcut the famous farm In tha pastures tindred ot aero tn extent cotta by tamrua titros were pointed out and niauy old race maroa that were renowned In their day At tba top of the Mil standi the monument elected In honor of Orit Mountain Maid the mother of the great IMectloneer and other famous trottim In one of tha paddocks old Loland son of tho ursatest tall slrea ot trotters Uambletonlan waa frisking about bis 0 odd yean not seeming to Uar heavily upon bint There are only a few sous And daugbtcra of Ham bletMtlan left Then I took a look at Kentucky Irlnee the aire of many famous trotters He and Lei and are nearly of an ape Tho 1rluca was In food health and with A good appetite He 1s seldom taken out of stall or peddoclt now spending bis days peacefully and quietly lteturnlng the station my cicerone pointed out many placne of Interest Otrr there Is Judge Pulltitona home and what a grand horse Judge rullerton waal said the old man TUbTJICYCLB HI EUROPE Ihe CiHte llni prt ad I Iko Alldrire Alt Oirr 1 rnne It la iult naturtl that Trance and PcUlly laris with their eptcndld rotli thould be a tavorlta hablut of the bicyclist Yet tbe bicycle baa had some enemies The late Trealdent Carnot who was not rcnirlt Able for the elaatlctty of hla muiolae said to have deapa It Ou the contrary the ICIER of Dolgluni admire tha lanchlns pjyl lu the rnco IaiisIliuieels offered a rwld witch to the viator Tbo little King ct CpAla a little blcyde roaja for htm to iranoe Several ot the rarla Joui tullsts ara excellent ycliju Tbe bglfnlo value of the cycle i a means of exercise has baea dlacuoaed by he Tar caJeray cf Medlolne a celebrated phyildatt declarlns that It waa a frcQUent cause or heart diaeaa owln1 to the prolonged ef fort and tn the tear cf belnir run over or of running oxer sow body Ouer dictors who ara known to have a weakneaa far the machine mbattsd the theory attlrmlng that the pajtlme was extremely healthy exercJied with reason Hut when a practice htcomea a miala It Is excejdlntly difficult to keen wlthia reasonable bounda The bicycle and lu devotees rurnlah abundant matter to the caricaturist who dses not fall to use It llbirally aud tha advertisements of rl al makers preiont feature that Are really amusing As ta the champions ot dif ferent nitioiulltlM it hard to tell which ltaa tbe beat record eo many conalderaUona ntcr Into the question Tha American Klmmerman met with po etiuit for a Ahort dletance though be was beaten by a taudeu at Bordeaux 11nvrN4i Mn11tte Mini It Ja an odd fact that tba Inhabitants cf po two nations salute each other alike Aa KiiRliahmau salutea hla friend with How do you do Ooodby Farewell Similarly tha Dutchman Varr we and the Swede I 1 AJnch mJm i Donijurl Au llalalrr 1 de voua revclr Aa Italian Dunn gloruol Addlal A rive dcrclP A Spaniard Duenoa dlasl Adlos tlwuJ ur ranch lAU evolrr Ihe Turk folds hla arms across hi breast ttad bow hla bead toward the parson whom ha salute The common Arab fays Salsni alelkum Peace be with you He then laya his band on bis treat In ordar to show that tha wlah proceeds from his bearL THE GAZETTEJFOUTWOItTir TEXAS SUXPAY yoVEMUER 11 1891 SKILL OF TEA TASTERS By the Odor Alone They Can Tell the Quality NO CUESSW011K IH THE SYSTEM Each Rnmple le Carefully Weighed and the llrewtr IvAlna Alll Very Little of ll Is Tested Iti not ao much a cultivated tate as tt la a cultivated smelt sold a leading iea expert when I asked hi to to tell me eome thing about hla profession Of course we sometimes taste but tba fumes from a cup ot tea generally enable us to Judge ot the value of the aample from which It la brewed The export waa seated at a round table around tho edcu ot which were ran gad a circle ot ordinary lea cups Beslda each cup waa a email box containing a aample of tea An assistant stood at one side of the table and took from each ot th little boxea a amall quantity of lea which ba welghod carefully on on apothecary scale and placed It In the cup eppoafte the box from which he bad taken tha aample Tha top ot the table revolved and when the first of the cups had com around to bis aide again ba stopped tha weighing procees Then betook up a big brass kettle anl filled each cup with boiling water After allowing tbe cups to atand for a minute or two the expert began bla work He held bla bead dawn over ha cup4 ao aa to allow him to Inhale the fumes from the cup He brought up th leaves from tba bottom of the cup with a epoon and smelled those also Then ho took up the aampio bas and pourod soma of tho dry leave Into his hand Ilo turned the sample over carefuly and then said to the aastatant 387 very choppy XA The aaalsUnt mado an entry to that effect In a book he beld In ble hand and tha expert explained to mo that thoao hieroglyphic Indicate 1 that the eample numbered 21 was Imperfect so far as the leave were concerned and that Its aelllnc value waa Indicated by the letter XA Tbe procota continued til the samples had been disposed of Not once did tbe expert find It ueccaaary to taato tho de coctbn In order to give bU Judgment as to the valuo of tha sample from which It bad been brewed Hut do expert nev taste teas In making up their Judgment I asked for although I had beard of expert teateat ere this was my Aral acquaintance with a tea smeller English cxperta always taste but Amer I cam find that they can judge as nicely by the smell aa by the taste and we claim that we have Just as good Judges on tbl aide as there are on tbe otber aide and when It cornea to certain kinds of teas we ore sure that our judgment la better than tbclra They know mora about tha In dlan and Ceylon products aud of Congous and Souchona hut Americana can give tbera pointa In tbo valuation ot Oolongs Japans and In fact all groen teas for our markets consuno more of them The expert from whom I obtained my Information Is a graduate of both tba taat Inc and cmellliit schools Ho lea mod the tea bus Incus In Dublin where ho was apprenticed to an expert for a term of five years aud paid fCOt for the privilege of learning Tho American expert does not serve an apprentlceahlp but roc Into a ten merchants sen lea Juat as ha would eng Kaga In any other buslneaa and learns aa he gooa Aud be always Judges by smell If bts nose la not ot tho proper kind be anon discovers its weakness through the losses Buffcrel by his employer and the lule tn that case la to find eouio nun who can smell to better advuntago Tho fact that this work can be properly done without tasting la ttnaily to tbo advantage of the health of tha expert Tho fund nit that Is contaluel In the tea does not effect him as the same Ingredient ot whisky effects tin drunkard and tho tannin doe not ro into his interior anatomy tj play havoc with tbe delicate membranes of bis stomach Hie nos may In tlma take on a sunset tint but that doe not Indicate that the other parts ot hi phjslcal organism are not In good order An American expert I was Informed ran accomplish almost double the work ot an lnKllsiiman at the same business The revolting uhi has never oome Into uio on be other ldo anl tbe Hngllah Uiter has hla toa brewed In little pota that bold about a cupful auC which are ranged along a blya bench He must stand oa his feet and mora hrre aad there till he gets to the end of the tow on the bench Ha has not yet learned that by tbo use of the revolving table ho can alt at bla etso and accomplish more In the cojns of the day and ha will not give up his little toapot any more than ho will acknowledge that American smell can Lu rultlvato1 to Just as a nlco a degree as can English taste He Is wedded to hi idols and he la not ta be persuaded that mlnht gle them up with advantage to hla physical wellbeing It le only after beComes to America as was the est with the expert I have quoted that he le oonvinocd cf the error of his waya and may be pro ailed upon to depart therefrom In New York City tbero are hundreds of expert tenspellers end In San Francisco there are fully as many mora connected with tha Importing bouses there Tbey are pild well tor their knowledge If It is worth anything and tho nlcny with which they perform their work Is marvelous An pood expert la aupposed to be ahlo to che the price ot a sample ot tea within wo ornl on tho pound and when It Is conelJered that the range of price Is from Icn rents up to mora than a dollar they waud appear to batQ full scope for tb east cite of good Judgment twins iFpoutIcs A CitllfoniU Convention Makes a Decided MixUp The Vroblbltlonlsta of Alameda County CalifcrnU never mix anj thing If ihty can help It but they hso succeeded in so thoroughly mixing Herbert and Albert Waters ot Oakland that tiey nominated Herbert for County Clerk in mlstaka for Albert ICvcry one In Oakland was amused by tbo odd error that 1 every cna but Albert Tha brothers are twins wrho look so murh alike that their mother cannot tell them apart and when Albert and Herbert lock In the mirror each wondera which one of the twin no Is Not long ago Albert who la an ambitious young politician concluded ibit be would enjoy running tar County Clerk on the Prohibition ticket Ha placed himself In the hands ot hla friends and waa assured that the nomination would be hi when he County Convention tart Thau Albert did a very foolish thing Unmindful ot tba tact that hla twin brother was at large In Oakland went to Fresno on buslffss leaving his friends to look after bla political fencea When coavea tioii day cam Albert waa still la Fresno and Herbert who was Ignorant ot hi brother political aspiration airollod Into tho convention hall whet ta his surprise he ami with a prise very euthuilastle reception Albert friends wer out mas and they wsre looking atttr his fences In loyal fashion but Herbert knew nohlue et this and silently congratulated himself on bale more popular with his fellow townsmen than be had dreama lie waa sttll more agreeably surprised a tew momenta later when th convention nominated hirn for County Clerk without a dissenting rote He waa called upon for a pe and greatly surprised hi brother frieudc by earnestly declaring that the honor waa a great surprise to him The convention adjourned without dlacov erlnc that Herbert was not Albert and two daya passed before Herbert learned that be bad captured a nomination Intended for Albert will run for County Clerk however and expocta to profit by Albert a popularity on ElccUon Day On cf tha greatest jokes connected with tha affair occurred when one of Alberts frlenda made profuse apologies to Albert aa be supposed only to learn later that tbe apologies had been made to Herbert IN THE FOREST Pr HUSRILAVCDAS It dr nlicbt and tha sky was a black oa cassock wb Abb Lain after passing tba Croasways ot Itoussy found himself on the bolmleres Koad which almost cuts the Orleans Torest In two At this moment HoIopbern tbI was the name of the little that waa drawing the carriage In which the Abbe waa seated made a motion a though be would stopt some exhortations addressed to him from tba carriage with a swevtness which was almost paternal tha animal continued bis short and choppy trot which aa could be easily seen by daylight shook bis long ears nearly orf blra With this little trot a trot of the Don DIeu a the urchin ot tbo country aida said dlsdalcfully Holopherne was nevertheless capable ot covering a great deal of cround HI little boots pointed and tenacious would travel untiringly tor hour ho was it th same lime strong and docile like assc that are necr beaten hi master had never beaten blm for tha excellent reason that be had no whip and contented himself with a kind word or a pull on tha reins when ha dealrad to hasten bis pace Dut this evening a depressing stormy night In June without stars or moon the Abbe wisbeJ as they say In poetry that bis atecd bad tba wings of Alcyon found blm slow1 and was mindful to urge blm onward as they bad several teaguea to go and tbough they had been on the road for an hour they wore atill not halt way on their Journey Lesprlt tba messenger of Chauvlgny it was at this placo that Abba Lalne bad fulfilled the function of Cure for the last ten arsj returning that evening from bis dally Journey hd about 9 oclock carried the news to tha priest that tha Good Wlfo Doradoux the flag woman at the Thiezy crossing would probably not live through the night and aha was very much exercised about dying without confessing her rtns and rocelvlns communion The Abbe had dressed himself at once and bad awkened Holo pherne who was in tho midst of a dellgatful dream of thistles but who was accustomed however to these night Jaurne which the administering ot th last sacraments ao often Imposed upon hlra As soon aa his carriage was harnessed Abb Lalne bad gone straight to tho church and standing on tiptoes by tho dim light ot a solitary candle ba had taken the consecrated host from tha white painted wooden tabernacle with everything that waa necessary for administering tho Mat leu in At this lite Lour SSO all the vlllase children were In bed and asleep Although Lacabasso the beadle had offered with a generous 1 nil stance to accompany him to hold the boly oils for him and assist In hla duties Abbe Lalne would not consent to iUcabassea touching proposition Ho wa not Icsa than 71 yeara old and notwithstanding tho old mans exclamations joined to tbe most sinister predictions of his servant ho decided he would go alone all alone to Doradoux and that ha ran no danger ai tha forest had not a bad reputation llasldes would not the Don DIeu accompany him on bla journey Consequently thero was nothing to tear He had tbo little stiver box which enclosed tie I lost carefully wrapped up and safely buttoned lu tna Inside pocket ot his coat and a rein la each hand he drove Holo pbarna out Into the night his lips moving In prayer A lantern bad been tied before ho set out to ona of the wagon shafts and gave blm Just light enough to prevent him from lng upset In one ot the dltthes on Vie elde of tbe road and tha Abba thought that without tha faint light of this beacon he would never have been able to escape them the night was so dark a real dood Friday Tetteure service He bad passed tho FoupPendu woods when ba thought be heard tho noise of steps a little In advance of hlin At that moment llolopberno stopped short The Abba had nover known fear having the Idea ot death always before him anl being In tho habit of saying without knowing IIwith Hamlet A eparrow falUth not without permission ot tbe Almtght Ha bad always considered that the moat redoubtable assassin were our own vice and that there was no treatr danger than sin Doing a very sltnptomtnded man ha did not get nervous and be asked quietly and In a loud voice Is there any one tbm Ye thero Is soma one replied a mans volco out ct the darkness Soma one ha rioubtless lost their way Interrogated tho priest Some ona wl ba lost hi way and Is galna ttiThlcty replied tbe voice In that case ordered the Abbe get In quickly That la whore I am going AlSO A few seconds passed tbe carriage swerved and then creaked under the weight of heavy leap and the prlcat fell a man It down beslda him A man whom ha alsa pueseeJ to be tall and strong As soon as was seated tho Abbe could vaguely dlstlrrulsh tha feature of bis faco In the cbutirlty anlch enveloped them It was tbo face of a laborer of a man of tha people accustomed to heavy and rude labor upon which was Imprinted a ferocious and resolute expression He on his part bad fixed a Meady gate upon the Abbe Weill Hell ho observed so ou are ona of those prints Move oa ha clucked and the little carriage started During a moment or two each was alUnt Tbe Abba spoke nrst This Is uot a good time for walking In th forest No replied the man without counting tnit It is not prudent Why my friend On account ot robbers Do you not believe In robbers your Not at all but nevertheless there are some It I sad to say Yes titer ar some Araln silence rtiered between them And without seeming too curious Monsieur la Cure where are you going at this hour Instead ot napping asked th man I am varying the sacrament to a dying wonao I auiplcloned It la aha far away your dying woman Just a Utile before you come to Thlexy She Is ths flagwonan Dama doradoux Do you know her No Yoj art ct om these part No Nor av rons You i passing by A you ay Maleu la Cur I am passing by They were silent once more After pass ing eng th right lhe nillaude Food which they could not but which the Abbe to whom every foot of forest was familiar kuew the location ot they had taken th road tn ChUleur tho lucllna ot which and the as every nerve trained teP Ud settled In for a cood pul Ihtfl suddTniy with a rapidity ot Incredi laJasery the man threw maelt upon thl irteiU And upsetting him oft he wood eat without a back upon which they bad been fitting threw bltn upon hi bck in tha bottom ot the cart where bibid iSrn down There was cat the Thadow of a amiggle tha old man bad uttered no cry or exclamation It waa a sllenrnute tumble In the intense darkness the stamping of fet was hardly heard on the boards And then nothing more than the terrible and grave sllenco of art don of crime committed a silence which almost aeemed regretful The Aggressor armed with a knife had not yet struck hie victim be held blm under his knee he hesitated however to kill this inoffensive pnn who without fear bad met him in the darknesa on hla road whon suddenly but two feet away burst out the most frlfihttul bowlings a tempest of great sobs which seemed to try out for help end to call tbe eighteen leagues of forest to witness this terrible deed Holcpherna bad commenced to bray Upon bearing these sinister clamors cutting Into th silence of tbe night and which were not Immedlstely explainable tb aiiauln bad dropped the knife and bounded to hi feet The asa atopped And tbe man was still lstenlng tilled with fright when a calm voice coming from the bottom of ths cart asked blm Have you any matches Yes bu why replied th man startle Light one or two said ths priest 1 went to find something I have lost Shaking like a drunken man and disarmed by the heroism of tba Cure the assassin having some halfbroken matches In his pocket struck one upon hi trousers the flame flickered and by Its light he aaw Ihe Abbe on all fours In tbo battoni of the cart picking up an object fusing tha latter seated himself and holding hla band to the glass of tbe lantern ha lighted up a little crucifix of common wood Tben in a voice without the slightest trace ot emotion he said lhl Is a crucifix which I alwaye carry In my belt I heard It drop and It would have vexed me very much to have lost it for I tblnk a crat deal of It a great deal Come got along laxy bone And the ass trotted on Vhr do you hold ao much to your plaything asked the man after a few seconds with Illconcealed vexation Why my friend I will tell you Thl llttlo crucifix which you see here and he approaebvj it again to tbe lantern has been kissed by seventeen persons at tbe moment of their daath and by men who have ifeod a radder death thou you could over gusss What Ily flro or by cholera Much worse Worse thsu cholera Yes I assure you They were guillotined Oulllctlned Ttougre and some moments sped by In sllenco The night was brighter In a square patch of clear aky a half dozen stars looking lost In the surrounding blackness trembled And the priest slowly and gravely commenced to talk In hi confosalonal voice Ithout seeming to directly address hla companion Yoj my friend seventeen died as I told jou a few moments ago One does not forget those things when one has been comp lain at La Hoquette Your You were at the Grande Flaule tbe Flaute de Carcon Yes for eleven years Ob what have I dona What have I don Pardon rue my dear chaplain I ama calt to have dared But tbe Abbo continued without aeemlog to have beard him I remember them all Oamaze Adrlamat Chaulot Cbaulot who killed the dentists cook Yes I knew him we were together In 78 He confessed Ho died a good death flefore he scaffold ha humbly arked pardon of all the world Yea Cbaulot behaved well In that moment And tben all tha othors IoUt 1au Saujiolne alt of them kissed thl crucifix I coil It my crucifix of a liond dfalh Tbl la why I prlxo It Tho man breathed heavily for a few moments Finally gathering up hi courage ho Midi I do not know Maleu Abbe If It was by tesch that that you vvero chaplain of La Grande Fiaul or it I am dreaming but It renins to me that I owe you a rigret for not behaving properly Tho cure did nut permit blm to continue That good do not let ua talk ot It anymore Wlthiut doubt sou wcro not nice a little while ago but that la past What alls ycu my pour fellow Weary of lit Ufa goa hard with you no work I can ae that and tben one nlht jou lose your bnad ell because It la ntght Foolishness no thine more Leave three thing to rogues to csltornoblugs Dut you have bi brought up welt you bavo learned your catechism Vet but it Is so long ago I can seo that And tben you were a soldier by my faith that la such a good calling 1 myself Ilk soldiering a much that If I had not gone to the seminary I woull have gone to tbo barracks No all this I not so bad as It might be You have had things go wrong with ou We kuow what that Is we have bad them ourselves You will tell ma aU about them tomorrow as we drink a glass of currant wine and wo will arrange matter better Just now I am CoJng to Thiezy to take the blessed sacrament to Dame Doradoux an ou know You are willing to accompany me aro you not Tha man groaned You may bo aure that I am not going to refuse jou I wilt go where you lead me All right When wo have finished we will both return to Chauvlgny you wilt pas tha night In tbe presbytory and tomorrow morning we will talk matter over after I bave said my mass Do ou agree Yes I agree replied the roan because I will Uj all that you wish ma to A quarter of an hour later when they entered tb only room of tha flag womans borne there was co need to approach th bed upon which motionless and white lay Dame Doradoux to se that tho was dylnc Upon the dosr sill the man muttcrad be tween lil teeth She will not com to There I miniy hire sure The Ahhe innudl ly tct ow0k a alital byandgh bor who had come to watch wUn the dy ing woman make preparation for her ccmmunlon While took off bis overcoat and laid upon the bureau between two lighted candloi the little silver gilt box which Inclosed th Host th man standing lo the doorway gated In astonishment on the bar walls ot the room on th inodett furnishings on th alcove In which lay tho djlng womap her features lighted with an Inexpressible serenltj In a corner on a draw chair had been thrown ber tAr paulln hat with the red woolen fla tight ly rolkd in Its leather cover Neither on nor the other would over serve tbe poor woman again And the sight ot thl fl a corner of which escapod from Ua neath Impressed and rrowd tbo miserable man It recall the cttwr th true flax of 7S under which he bad mad so many marcbea when tad been honeL In the meantime tb priest after having recited the cutomry hai prayer 11 on hi mil gold box The hardly scorned to hold ahonl to Du white from th tip et bl fln8c and it room Turning he faced with intintil pity In his eye th unbarpJ man who limbs troubled under him who tell oJ hi knee bowed to th earth labUtira Thn he approached th bed and at moment of depositing the blessed br i nn tba lips which no longer hadThe str to receive It Dm DorXx ffil5 flagwoman extended ber balBakSi VOn Kiaton I nappreelathr ir1 to Mr Ilor4 ihcmtd Mr brtCKl 5r ttrlot ot iluvrloi bfZj rIowa litTwui SAD ACCIDENT A JU3TINA MOO In tiny boudoir All pink And blue bang a Jncf od decorated with aa many pink roses a Osonebvera famous Tempadour Mr Vanalttart waa sat Mrs yaniltUrt a widow and young Sh waa exceedingly pretty In a petite stile and won a ctoud llke arrangement of chiffon and lace that waa a vcriuote masterpiece of Douceta arL She should have been the happiest woman In Londop And yet on that hot July afternton when the bum ot tba long day throbbed on tha hot air Ilka tbe roar of waves tho llttlo lady was by way of posing aa tho meat wretchbd of her box Her golden hair was ruffled about her low white forehead her email mouth waa drawn Into a dlmal droop hr slender berlnged flngere twisted and untwisted themselves amid the ribbons and lace ot ber lap while her blue eyes which ber nonad mlrer alwaya said were a thought hard and calculating were brlmmlne with angry tears Ita too bad cf tba man to threaten mIlk this sh cried to the pink roaes and paletinted draperies about her To dare to hint that If I leavo town without making some arrangement to pay he wtll maka mo a bankrupt her restless fingers twitched up a letter that lay bselde her yes a bankrupt It I dont pay Moss 8000 before the end of the month Where am I to get It and besides I must go to Goodwood and Cowes Society would guess that something was wrens If 1 didnt turn up there Ohi why did I ever get mixed up with these horrid moneylenders It all seemed so eny at first and ao nice to be able to settle with the tradespeople and Lydla Mordaunt who alwaya get her ready cash that way vowed that tbay wouldnt bother me Of course abe has a floe allowance from her husband aod can pay back what aha baa borrowed but I She flung her handa out with a despairing gesture a bankrupt if I dont pay Heavens what a scandal there would be though Im sur I dont kuow why All the smart nan go broke as they call It and nobody minds but Ita bad form for a woman look ax though hed no friends or something She sprang to ber feet and began to pace the little room A dozon time she passed to and fro and the awlsh and swirl ot ber snowy gown filled all the perfumed air Suddenly he paused caught up a silver framed mirror from a table and running to tbo window pulled uck tho heavy draperlss and bllndi and let tb fierce rays of the setting sun flood tho room She blinked ber blue eyes In tbe strong light then braved the searching beams and raised the dainty mirror With merciless flnjer she crushed down th fluffy laces at ber throat and pushed back the jetlow hair from her forehead and with every aoftenlng medium drawn from tho outline ot ber face and throat abe fell to a severe eelfecrutiny Youre two and thirty next month Marian Vanalttart aho aald to her reflected likeness lets mo it you look it She stared herself straight in tha eyes Your complexion Is good Btlll my dear and by candlollgfit wilt pass muster tor another ten jears Your teeth aro sound a great thing that most men like pretty teeth and jour throat fall and white enough to brave a Toby frill In tba morning Cut thero a strained look about your mouth Marian and a tendency to look discontented which Is a setoff to tho teeth And your eyes she paused anxiously peering at herself and drawing flngcrtlp slowly benoath her lower laibee she shook her head our eyes are th telltale They tell of la to hours and hot rooms and little worrits in the past and big fears for tho future Thoy ate anxious and tired and not very Innocent or trusting She laid down the cruel llttlo glaai with a sigh and aa sbe did so caught sight ot the mooeylundcrs letter Ijlng where har gown had whisked It at her feet Tho sight gave her courage Dut Im not beaten yet In three daya Ill have an unnouil taent of my engagement to a wealthy man in every paper la England 1 believe I halt promised poor Tom Id nvor marry again Out theres no help for It now Clydesdale been after ros for three season 1 really like him he loves mo he shall propose to me at his mothers dance tonight Ah ah Mr Moneylending Moss I dont fancy youll be so keen on dragging the namo of Lady Clydesdale and future Dutchess of Stan more through the mire of the Bankruptcy Court And Mra VansltUrt swept Into her dress ing room there to array herself for a dinner and half a dozen subiequeni rout and dancea It was past midnight when Mrs Vanaltt art sallsd up the great marble atalrcnso ot Stanmore House Sh had been home before going on there and fresh waxen petaled flower nestled In the whiteness of her bosom and Ler face was as fresh a a rose The desire fir conquest lent fire to her cold cyca and a fascination to ber smile and ho overheard a score cf men say how lovely she looked phe threw unusual cmprensment Into ber greeting to the Ducheos In wboaa stead she already saw herself reigning Onca within th ballroom her eyes quickly eoucht Lord Clydesdale who came to her side almost directly Give me a coupl ot ltxes after sup per be whispered with his blond mous tache almost brushing ber cheek and his brown eyes seekng hem Fva so much to say to you Watt tor rue In the conserv atory under th aloe tree In an hour She amllcd a mute amt and be was gone Through Ihe tender green alley of the conservatory he came to her at the ap pointed time and as be drew near and flung himself beside her Marian Vansittart felt that she really loved thl goodIooklnc young man even mora than hi thouaanda ot pouqda and of acre How good jou are Lord Clydesdale crtdycu have the mot unfemlnlno virtu of punctuality to perfection And na others In your eye Mr Vansittart aald toftly letting an iJlurtnc smile play round the dimpled corners of her mouth and1 faint blush stain her fair skin For an he took her alendSr cool hand Into hla broad palm Mrs YanslttaHUarlanyoii know that la mv eyes you art all that a woman should be My frUudsbl with you has tauiht ro what to look for what In a true lady Yju have shown inVihat expect a woman should who may ho Vft to All a high suihn and to sba sertoua rwponalbliic ot great ih In short your consent i mpwioashlp helped In fcarch my for a wife so It Is now to yo Il4omtlf Yf paused and absontl plyd vth hand nestled In hlafcwn pu And jouve cime to me Marian Vansittart wen iL a frhoae heart wu ng fast beneath the dlamoni i a PP Ire that glittered ol ber bodice Tv come to you tell btTv you Fv found UveTy a word tent The sweetest darlftr thatev to bo a manNvife fad fuT1 go th through the world with him looked Mra down Vansittart blUbed dl tni and Wnr SfcrV prttr moutfi to kUj rata uukutf ffi Sff fif i ssJiym hmiit a Uut ifc ha wro jte Iwimuu And who I wi wormdurum SS1 las to icTrl tiM uh only teen la toVS Uh Hrittau And th next motnetitMri bo lnctoAyoungjiriS face dark tuny eye mouth and with le 1 of her charm tt frock and a wDJir Before Marian Vanal night abe endured the death to ber social earwr 2 tatlon Dishonor indS her pi low and kepi her She looked old and almw into her habit nutmorflToT bar usual ride lo th J5 to face the Inevitable gaarj concenilng Lord Clyd 4ak but she felt ck w4 pjjjf taered Into th park gates i of lover trotting town tht Him do you think of cee queried a doaen of he end of the Row Sh a very pretty but brod sbe repl ed while Iciam was toesi from eng to A lovely frtsh skin Hut what a way of dolus Her flgura promise wt ulbBr wwn Uat night ball Such a sack ot a tal Like her habit this man Ob yea plpod a prr fourteen And did you seat Shsa out of her sad A touch would end her fly The party separated to le by and Mr VansltUrt rtf Tha Idle chat bum in A fresh complexion a A bad aeat A touch woi Inff How plowing that been A touch would sen Sh put her mare a i brute Into a canter A her flying The mar persistent words from th Two men trotted quickly i dLsctuslnfr an accident wh In the Fark the previous we Dy Jove bawled one wa a mere touch but It if They trotted on and Int of the ladys mile crept boraebaok That child was right Vansittart a she caught Mlaa Field Is more out of she Is In It A touch woi InarThen Then the demon of Jeoh that lurk In every human grew within her till It fill her brain every pulsa of eyes grew red her pass dragged at tbe reins goaded tbe chestnut mare A runawayl A runs people as tba mare thut row with a score of bar her beela Women screamed and with horror as tbe flying whitefaced woman sitting die tora by Riders fled like chaff I leaving tho wide row a br of eraptlneea Only Clrd came slowly on too abio other to bear the cries1 alarm which grew nearer i Out of the way the mounted policeman paundl He pointed ahead and Ito where tbo chestnut wi and bleeding mouth waa towatd them My OodI Ita Marian cried Full down the Ill try and etop that br hlniselt from his back whi ly built to aland any sboU meet tbe nconifcg ruoaw Ills band was almost on Mrs Vansittart saw him grow of a more ghastly strained lips burst a sraoth Not you Clydesdale With a wrench from which the split gloves hi ribbons iho pulled ths reach and sweeping past to vvbera Daisy spellbound pulled up ber pony Tha dust flung from th borfa baltbllnded ClydM a slow awful smile contra art livid feature a sh be victim That told him all It he now pursued but a ed the lust of murder in her I In her bloodshot eye A moment later there crash aa the mare burl DaUys pony Only at th Instinct make the small aside and turn the shock I Momentarily only Daisy saddle but the other on of tho blow With a itrani Vanslttart tel and HU mar dripping flank wen tbe ground with ber fast Shell be dragged 81 cried a hundred voices hand wero stretched to who atood for one brief mIn Bveryllmb with her wI all about her Shes off burst like a crowd as tho animal stc gallop with lu living clor side Bump Bump Ilor bat two blows then the ela rolled from her head One waa trotthed to catch It and tbe roar tore on Bump Bump Th gold the ground and a long tre trailed through the un Bump She wa flung ur amid the mire that marrt blood began to Cow Crackl Crunchl Tbecrue struck fiercely out again a Bight to the end of tM less moi ot cloth and once a woman was traueo The accident waa cotui that bad taken place season Only Lord Clydesdale linear of an inexorable jus ft vise man and held AFTER SEVfiHTJWjU Death Separate JP Married Nearly MaUJ Law ton Sherman who die other day sied the wife who survive blffl markabl couple In res their mariul relations jf nfaode island Mrs Sb health old and her couple toULofJhem married in thia ploct remored year later they Mr Sherman JSV They tad Widre boynd fuur tin ltsi th ventraoie iuma MJfiffi id lull rniT ll comln rem Pu Mr sbenr a rTM twntr i A iii iu rroYiaenM mj Hf art II oi in hfr Jlli tl bn ltl iriMa SUM Mr ArUurl la Frotldinc Tn eblldMO BU JUS 10k.

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