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The Hickman Courier from Hickman, Kentucky • Page 4

Hickman, Kentucky
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

i Ifc. i 'J eifcfc 1 4- the Kentucky dolcgatiou in Congress to support the Willis bill to appropriate 10,000,000 a year, for five years, for educational pur poses. The opinion is obtaining in the House Committee on Foreign Relations that tho IT. S. Government can not resort to retaliatory legislation against Prance and Ger many without violating treaty (Stipulations.

f'JEXATOB Hats, lins obtained i leavo in the Kentucky Senate to introduce a bill to so amend tho criminal code of tho State as to make tho misappropriation of money intrusted to a person for specific purposes, without tho consent of tho owner, a felony, pun ishable to confinement in the penitentiary. TARIFF BKFOBX. A great deal of empty talk is being employed just noir on the subjoot of reforming our tarifF. Thoro aro probably a great ma'ny who aro interested in tho subject, and a larger number would bo if they pcrfoctly understood it. Political economy is a thing that has pizzlodthe world for ages, and probably will continuo to do so as long as men's opinions are to their iutorosts.

Some of the most emiuent men in this country can be found on either side, and both the great political parties aro divided on tho matter. Whatever the result may tho tariff is allowed to romain as it is or is largely roduced, the farmer and those interested in his welfare can afford to look calmly ou. Wo have made such rapid strides in tho production of agricultural implements in this roan-try, have so far advanced beyond our European competitors in the perfection and utility of our machinery, that the manufacturer can never fear tho rivalry of our brethron; and if a roductiou in the tariff on iron and steel shall result in cheapening tho material, the profits of the manufacturer will not necessarily be diminished, while the capital needed to run his business will not roach its present magnitude, an item of great importanco whero a largo business is dono. Anything that will cheapen tho cost of his tools mil be a boon for the farmer, which he is hardly Ukely to bo chagrined about vhUo the dealer will find, in his increased sales, fall compensation for tho slight diminution in tho price of each article. Altogether, as we before taid, the agricultural interest have nothing to lose In the matter, and perhaps have much to tFkin TPsw ThI credit system seems to be on th increase instead of the decline, and there is no good reason for either.

The country it growing richer with each decade, and tho people Bhould not, therefore, ask credit as inforaier days." there is but one thing to say in faror of the people and their cred its, and that ie, too many of our rich men retire from business and lock their funds up in such a way taei tke actual wants of the act-ire basiness men are not to bo had. If our well-to-do men would aotthe part they might just as well as not, they would not retire from businoss, but would take some worthy young man into the firm, who could do tho active business and have tho ubo of tho mon ey that has boen accumulated in that special branch. Tho great trouble with American people is, that they want to retire and place tasir Money where it will mako enough -U support them without farther trouble Wo know hundreds do this every year, aud it is for this reason that the active busi ness men are always seeking cred it. Millions of money in this country can't find borrowers, even at tho extreme low rate of interest now asked, and yet thoro aro just as many men who would bo clad to borry if they oould givo the demanded. There are mil lions upon millions laying idlo in the hands of executors and trus tees which have been placed thoro by order of tho courts for tho sup port ot children and others, which cannot bo loaned, for tho reason the trustees can't find first mort gages on real estate worth double tho amount.

There should bo some way found by which these large trust funds could bo mado do service lo tho general public, as well as their immediate dependants. Jf tho present national banking system is not placed on foot again, there will bo less outlets than over for these trust funds, and consequently the general business must suffer. It is to bo hoped tho present congress will mature some plan of relief for tho banks and thus easoup mouoy mattoi's with business men, and give them a chance to pay as they go.Zr. i 1 ,1 Ifftll. JLHB American nog its uu ln fftl C10 pute in German Europe.

Lo I asavritli you ia the cry of the Indian missionary pass arouud tlie bat. A penalty of five years in the penitentiary has been provided for convicted in Texas. II He. Waltoh inis introduced in the Senate a bill making it a misdemeanor for justices of the peace nud county and police judges to compromise in cases of misdemeanors. Tjub House paBsed a resolution by a vote of 43 to 33 requesting ireoponuea to queut ma'unorW Johnson: Isf Ilou.

li. xoiii This has bciK lUir rof pxr: of which prises to mo, nthe least is this call to rftpond to a toast i aivillmms. iuV Oin- oial position in tie Houbo 1ms stilled my voice during the campaign this night closed, because I doomed it not seemly that an officer of the General Assembly should interfere in anymanncr with the momentous question which has been in process of solution for a month past. IcH on each of you to witness that I have been silent. But now the ban of silenco is removed, and yoa do mo a great honor in askisgthat I shall attempt to reBposd in fitting terms to a sentiment In bonor of grand old soldier statesman.

COUllt it OT10 Of tho proudest'nleinories of my life that, as Imv soldier, I rode down to tho battlVfiperilous edge by the side of GeBVilliams. There, whero men Wercomcntarily giving their livos tSTtlieir country, ho did his dutv uoNr, honorably, and Importlu rap Labor. Chicago Uerald There is no protection for laoor. It is governed by tho inexorablo laws of supply anu demand. The tariff novor put a dollar in a pocket, and never will.

Employers buy their labor where they can got it cheapest. If tho mechanics of Pennsylvania will not work for tho wages which aro offered their places are supplied by foreign importations. Tho and ges ofierea tnem are never in ex- ueas ui mw iwuuum iiicu it profitable to import labor. Vhile tho workingman must submit to this world-wide competition, his employer is not similarly troubled. By the terms of tho tariff laws tbo consumer who may Mt ii uio "otouy abroad i at a cneaper rate, ior tno auties aro an effectual barrier to transactions of that kind.

Tho home produoer makes his prices a shade lower than those of foreign wares plus the freight and duty, and, by taking advantage of an unrestricted labor market, reaps profitB which in a few years enrich him. This is only ono of tho beauties of protection, but it ia interesting. It shows that whilo trade in everything else is restricted labor may bo had anywhero and everywhere as freo as air. Thoro aro no laws to protect it. Tho recont importation of Hungarians into Pennsylvania is a caso in point.

They take tho places of American la borers who refused to work for tho wagos offered. Tnese Hungarians aro not sottlors. Thoy como undor contract to work a certain number of years, at tho ingman would theso wholesale importations of pauper labor bo possible or profitablo True good is like the glow-worm, it shines moat when no eyes save those of Heaven are upon it. Fuller. i i ni lni iTiru a A BBl B.

B. fgl ffiCHM. At the Bbnra banquet, 1 roliUc8aBdofinedandpraclicod x'niniviort, a tlinrivPrn.rnrmrtiKim of thn ilnv AVU aillS. It. e-i nm ilincn rrinfitilfa "inil flnntrinnc by which nations and govorments are controlled.

It is a well known fact that people aro governed by laws, but politics rcprcsont the policy and the principles of the partieB who strive for place and power, and of those politics there are two kinds, viz: Tho politics of tho party in powor aro always different from tho politics of tho nartv not in power. For instance, my pontics aro uiway mc u. and tho safest, and always takes in more money aud pays out less. My politics makoB inoro honest men, has more honost officials, and has lower taxation than yours. Your politics takes in less money, pays out more, has meaner officials, aud lays heavior burdous of taxation than mine.

Tho party in power aro always (to tho party not in power) a mean, selfish set, who work only for their and hold all tho offices, while the party out of power are just tho same and a little samer, and they want those goon tilings and can't get them unless they can out voto tho party in power likoa Keiitnn.kiin. When this lslat public elections. snid Mb fjamjBWDomagoguos aro a clatnat S2Si. BncWftSfclTdlife to both parties, like fleas udou tbfl field but in tho quiet long to a dog, and tbey go over civil lifo, on tho floor of 1 the country on the evo of Tftflslatnro of our State, and tions telling the good people what intheoenateoi mo uiiiieu ouuuh, has le reflected honor upon the pecplo whom ho represented. 7n the contest just closed, which will go into history as tho most remarkable of its kind, tho warmth of a close and devoted friendship, extending through many years, has placed mo by the sido of Mr.

Blackburn, whoso election I havo most earnestly desired, but I wub uono the less the friend, tho of my gallant old commandor. Though ho meets defeat to-night, ho is every foot a man, every inch a Democrat, and his past political course justifies mo in saying for him that, in tho future nB in tho past, ho will stand ready to fight tho baUlos of his party. Going now to his mountain homo he carries an unstained banner, a Bhield uutaruished, and the respect and good wishes of all men who know him. WES DELL The death of this man removos one of tho most distinguished and picturesquo characters in affairs. Tho Brooklyn Kngh says: "Wbatever may havo been thought of Wendell Phillips as a theorist and thinker, no man will havo tho hardihood to deny him tho foremost rank ia American oratory, or refuse him a place Webster.

To the latter belonged more dignity, perhaps, aud a relation to more large and important questions, but in point of fire, illustrative felicity, aptness of phraso and a capacity for moving the popular htart Wendell occupies th6 first placo among modern Anglo Saxon orators. lit was easily and without question the orator of tho Anti-slavery movement, as Garrison was its practical director, as Whittier was it poet, Beeohor its theologian, and John Brown tho incarnation of its fanaticism. Of lato years his growing infirmitios have kept Mm out of public view to a largo extent; hia latest appearance was in a characteristically phrased and extreme lettor in which he denounced the corrup tion wlyoh lias made shipwreck of the Republican party, and which contained enough of the firo of old days to create a commotion. To tho youngor generation he mado himself known and forever memorable in his capacity as a lecturer. His one discourse on the "Lost Arts" is a memory which those who havo onco heard it would not willingly part with upon any consideration." they can and will do aud tho man who tells the biggest tales and can spin the most yarns, and promise moro favors and reduce taxation, is the man to win, whilst tho other fellow rotircs to the shades of private life and nnrsos his wrath until his successful opponent conies home from office, and noxt olection comos off, whon out he comes from his retirod shades and tells that fellow ho is a humbug, a fraud, and instead of reducing taxation he has increased it one-fourth of ono per cent, which is a great burden upon tho toiling yeomanry of the country, and theroupon raises a howl of indignation aud declares to tho people that if ho could be elected to tho high and responsible office, and so on, ho would undoubtedly reduce tho burden of taxation.

Thereupon he is elected aud up goes taxation again to one-fourth of ono per and he cornea home, when thore is nnothor howl, and Uiub it goes from generation to generation, history ropeating itself, and tho burdens of taxation are kept on tho increase with always the promiso of tho new man to cut them down, and this is politics. Ul'UIEDAMVE. TbTcrrlfol Ilciory Jfnilc by the FrlcuuHofHn Eutombtsl Mnldon. A Rneciitl from 3)nvton. to facts narrated.

Why He Didn't Cnre ITcr. A doctor obligated himself to euro a man's wife but failed. "You said that you would euro her," oxclaimed the indignant husband. "Yes I said so." "Well why didn't youF "Why, my dear sir, becauso sho died. If she hadn't died tho chances aro that she would havo lived." E-'U- The longest Jine of fence i ivxicu in the nrrACc tia nvnc A Now Mexico.

If protection protected tho work xi ia oaiu null IllllUb OI this fence is already under contract. Its course will be in the line of the Canadian river, and its purpose is to stop the drift of the northern cattle. It is a bold and splendid enterprise and will pay a lare percentage on the investment. The fence will be over two hundred wiles long. A Kontftna Frsm the Monuoa Int Wiimnn'i.

A woman living near' Glendivo! ono day last week playing, was when it gave a yelp of alniU Jor tal terror, as a largo Jrfe. th wings larger than a biaJksinitU's apron, swooped down and picked up the little cur ia hi8 muscular tulons. With the true, vcstern woman, brought up amid a tho dangers of a rough border life, and with no tight fitting to pre vent the free morim of her limbs, to think is to act On the instant this noblo representative i ujjuiu box now into tho whero her husband kept his shot-gun, with which, in the early days whon bloodthirety Indians woro rampant on the plains ho had often gone out and shot fool hens. She bounced out of tho front door, gun in hand. In an instant sho directed her onria co into tho air, where soaring abont ten feet distant, 6he di6cerued the emblem of our Kationah liberties with her yellow poodle grasped coiivulsiely but firmly i i8 claws.

For a moment she ran her trained eye alone: tho bnfrel of tho gun in tho direction of the bird, closed her liquid orbs with a shudder, and banged away. Yliensho oponcd them tho earlo pros pecting interstellar spaco and the dog lay scattered, arouud fmg ntcnts nil over tho yard. She wept bitter tears, and, as Bhe picked up tho pieces aad told her youngest boy to greaso the sausage machine, Bhc swore in broken Missouri, and Mth many ft Hbi everlasting war on tho policy. The Dnstucai At the opening if a now year, moro than at any otfior time, tho quostion as to tho probablo business to bo dono in tbo coming season is tho one uppermost in tho minds of our peojle. As a factor in tho good or ill fortune of tho future, probably tho chances of tho next harvest are of paramount importance.

Tsoso who profit b3 the lessens oft tho past are not slow to trim thex sails for coining storm or suueliue, and which over rosults, ara usually well, prepared to meet it, At tho present time we feel that wo can congratulate our readers on tho ovidont sigus of prosperity on every hand. Unless some very calamity should mar tho prospects, tho summer of 1SS1 will be ono which will prove- largely remunerative to both faimer and agricultural implement dealer, in that tho snow upon the ground has thus far fully protected tho wheat from frost," and Mill leave such land as i9 not already under cultivation in first-class shapo for tho spring plowing and sowing. Last season was a poor one for fruit in many sections of the country, and, as we do not usmlly have two such in succession, iho crop tins year should bo a good ono. The various manufacturing indiiB the Chicago Times says: A tries of thn fount om div me mto i. lion nas ueen crcaieu nero oy a licalthier cntwlifinn.

wiiinh discovery of tlio fact tbat Miss moans an increase in tho employ-1 a young woman ofhigh ment Of artisans, and oonscqnout' bociaiuoiinuuiiuMB, who i'- largo audition to tho purolmst posou io iiavo uiu Hiiuuoiiiy un- capac ty of IIiobo who cons uary 10, was buriou auve. ino horriblo truth was discovered a few days ago, and sinco then it has been tho talk of the city. Tlio oircumstjiuces of Miss Uockwalt's death were peculiar. It occured tho morning of tho marriage of her brother to Miss Emma Schwind at Emanuel's church. Shortly before 6 o'clock tho young lady was dressing for tho nuptials and had gone into tho kitchen.

A fow moments afterward sho was found sitting on a chair with hor head leaning against the wall and apparently lifeless. Medical aid was summoned. Dr. Jewett after examination, pronounced her dead. Mass was being read at tho time in Emanuel church, and it was pro- nnonil irt 4Tn TTwl ll in ct juauu iu iiuoLjruitV iuu niuutug) the products of tbo farm; while largo increase in tho popuVuio our mochanical ceulroa will afft profitable markets for grain produce.

Kentucky lifts counties in which no newspaper is published. The Ohio Legislature appropriated 650,000 to the relief of Ohio Hood sufl'ercrs. The railroads pay tax in New Jersey sufficient to run the State government. The Mexican Central Railway will be completed to the United States bv the middle of March. A magistrate of flickman countv.

i.i 1 l.i I. ra ouirauier iiuuiioiuougut uuat tu Kentucky, recently received three conunue, anu mo wcuuiiir wb i ,,1.. uli3 ,0, L- consummated in cloom by low mass. An examination suowou that Anna was of excitable temperament, nervous and afflicted with sympathetic palpitation of the heart. Dr.

Jowett thought this tho causo of death. The following day tho girl was interred in Woodland. Tho friends of Miss Hockwalt wore unablo to forgot the terrible impression, and several ladies observed that her ears boro a remarkably natural color, and could not dispel the idea that sho was not dead. They convey ed their opinion to Anna's parents, tho thought preyed upon them so that tho body was taken from tho grave. It is stated that whon tho coffin was oponed it was discovered nn i i ii iii.i rw ki ii i i Hovnfpn 1 It is said that citizens if Christian county have lost with two years speculating in Chicago gram and Wall street stocks.

Capt. Mary Miller, New leans, is the only female steamship captain Folger mission Corn A 1. 4am a a sa nu nla A I A rm A ub icu uuuia per uusukj, it uciug tU wnrlhlpcs nnil immntiirn that it will not keep, and is of little value for feed. A bill is pending in the Kentucky Legislature which provides for that the supposed inanimate body JC3 twenty-one years of age to vote had turned upon its richt side. in any city, county, town or precinct Tho hair of tho head had boon torn out in hand fulls and tho flesh of tho fingers had been bit ten from tho bones.

Tlio bodv was reinterrcd and offorts mado to on the local option question. An appropriation of 825,000 for tho roll!" of tho flood Sllffercra has passed tho lower house of tho Legislature. A bill those Twli state thai tliev saw tho S3T for the sa PrP0S0 bodv and know thn tmtl. nf "B1' Biymcninj.niii wi uniH i mm in ml snuBB Kin nnaw ha ianm. K3B3S3T utt IDC L.n Tl Ihe centennial anniversary of Methodism in the United States will be celebrated in Baltimore this year.

Ihe first Methodist church in America was organized in 1784, and that den ornination in the United States embraces now four million communicants. Fred Douglass is writing letters to newspapers and friends praising his own moral courace in mrrvim? awhite woman, and many sapheads are agreeing with him. It may occur to some people that moral world will be tho wire fence extend- ion rested lag the Territory SE? 0 ux pure scdness on both sides. When workpeople all over tho country aro having thoir rcdnced, and meager mealg are tho rule rather than the exception, these descriptions of Vanderbilt and Astor balls and suppers do not exactly chime in with one's reflections. Oneis apt to think unkindly of Aiuorica's new-born and unpot igrccd aristocracy.

4 BBI bbHHbH i S- IS- bbbbbbbbbbbIHbbbbbI bbbbb99H Vn BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB a ic mp bj Tho old, popular and always reliabl6 Hardware house of Sea DRUGS, HBH 5 HP ncAtrrt A Colored Xftn'B Kioqaeacc. From the Fort Worth Qaiette. The most thoroughly eloquent a nd effective spoechos ever mado in tho legislature of Tosaa wero prououncod by two negroes, and both of much the same general import. Both rocountod tho story of negro devotion to "old marster and mistiss," when ono of these natural orators, himsolfan old man, extoudod his black horny ha nd and said, "Tliero can be no groat race enmity botwoon us. This cannot como whilo my old marster and mistiss live.

Iso, not whilo their children and mine survive. Thoy wero kind and generous to me. I SVAEMB Has a splendid stock of the very best makes of all kinds of Hardware, which are offered at and that the very lowest the market justifies. All goods guaranteed to be exactly as represented. The best roof for the least money.

Experienced workmen employed, ic attention of buildors especially desired, as this house will give cial inducements. Correepoudcnce solici ed. E. B. BREVARD.

THE OLD RELIABLE OHAS. A. HOLCOMBE, GINffi, FMN AND TISl CD 3S3T, rD '8 CA i co xrovNi'EDi BBfcj I J. W. COWG1LL, DBALSE I3T DRUGS, ft Trusses PATENT SSHC mmk Imim AHcaiss! MEDiCIHESLBlgaisMpea -JL MEN vn.t ht.pi ro 3C SL 5S.

3. r. hn olco ti' null btt" ii inirriiiin in i ii i iiiMiBli ii ii I in i Hirrr ii eSTPrtscnptiorw any hour, or night. brll ahr 10 o'clok M. nmc tho KgSSJSfecs 4 WK22ivwv, "KNTJO VI 01 ks nvneMTFA.

Miuir 11 ian.v'iT2 tl fJH I iB" ii I fllll ii al.l it 1 VAW.y.JiS&GSfiXlCJ cai ri JS i wl v.vjj.'v vt" pi iu mmmmmsmwwmmmmsmM lY.v.ui tiwftwv. mmmmmmmmmm ss in i a 1 wmwsmwmmmmmmm iw in the world. Secretary Wfi.VfiMHmWffmimmmmMfm' is selling in cental niinois US I mAAV.W it 7 i rroBic7Kjr4K0rKiiarjaf4iHimv jk I ta'a IVVJf K'ajrIH'i9 I'll I'ltLKT, ri BI tmmmwmmmsimimm lgffigSH know no want of to-day or care for the morrow when I was their property. Look at these wrinkled, rough hands. They tell tho talo.

They toll how I toiled for them. And tho story is not ended. Thoy aro old and helploss now, and live as I ouco did, in a little cabin, and I still toil for them. I send them half of every dollar I draw from tho state treasury, and when thoir daughter, a beautiful aud good girl, whom I used to carry when she was a child in these strong arms, was married not long ago, I sent horn cheek for 1000. Have I uot the right to ask you, gentlemen of the majority, to deal generously with my race!" L.

HANDLE ATTORNEY IAW Collector, Real Estate Agenl HICKMAN, KY. Jgy Will attend promptly to nil bns! ncss entrusted him in Soutbwosteri Kenluoiy and NorthweBtcm Tennessee SpecialattentloftgiTentotheinvestiga lion of Land titles, and tho purchase sale ef Koal Eatato. Uan8 ale and Livery Stable. Earis Parker, KENTUCKY STREET, constantly on hand Tor hire KEEPS and sale HOUSES, BUGGIES and HACKS. Having purchased tho ctable, horseF and entire outfit of W.

B. Flumraer we propose to continne tho business, and solicit patrcnage groceries. 25cts Lower than the Lowest have no clerk oxponsas no store rent and pay trash for all my Groceries, and, thcreforo oan sell as cheap as tho cheapest. Beat brands of Wittcnberp and Lon' Star Flour, 2o cents cheaper than he low-St. JOHN WITTING.

A LECTURE TO YOUNG MEN DEPOT FOR DR. FRIS, PHYSICAN AND SURGEON, flICKMAN, KEMTOCKY hla Profeisionftl Serleea to tho cltixens of Hiekman and violulljr GROCERIES courteously: A3ID nl I i33 TP8PP A I.octnroon llto Nnluro.Troiiliiipul jjnil Ilixllrnl rur of mlimJ or SprrmaturrlKiea, Induced ly Ntlf Abu, Involuntary Euiiuiont, liupottncT, Nttouj Debility, anil to MarrUgc gnnTally Consumption, EphVpaj and Vtu, MVnUl luCHtuxity, CULVEKWELL, M. of the "Cretn Itjk," Ac The nutlior. In this clmrty pruTcn from hia own that tliiKfnlcuniiiqariici'i may taociiMUy removed without uanx'ron inrpMl bouii, iuntrunifDts, ring or corJUU, poiutlnfont a mode of cure at onco certain at! wblrh Tery snffrrer. no matter what hit CbUtSittin way be.

may cute lilniielf cheaply rndically. CdTAu Itctmrt vtlt yrott a bocn lo IIokkmk! otnl Xtnt unJer seal. In a plain enTclopc, to any ad-Ann, on rrempt of four cuti, or twu potg taniU. Adilr TIE CULVERWELL MEDICAL 4 1 inn Xew YorV, Y. Pott OCit Box, 0.

Professional CardSi P. O'DANIEL, M. HIS PROFESSIONAL SER- xices to the citizens of Hick nan and Tiontty. tntcc Corner room in LacltJj House. Liau ORS.

HKSRY W. KNOERR A BerenJes buiWlnj, Clinton gtreel, koep in store ft good expply of FAMILY GROCERIES und ho finest brands or LIQUORS. Good toJs and low pricos. CJ, HuMetio Wilson ATTORNEY AT LAV? HICKMAN, KY. promptly realttt CAbslracts ot lines a eveciawj.

BEER SALOON H. F. FETHS, fresh beer on tap. all the limo Keeps serve customers promptly and JAMES HOG Kit. HICK3IAX, KKXTUCKT, UErEESESTIXC RE3A 8i or Nashvillo, Tennessee, PKatEKS 15 5E Jl.

2C XJ 65 mvKJS'MllARBLE WORK IIICIt.MAH, EY. DEAtSU 13 Italian and American Mabblb MONOMENTa, TOMB AHP GRAVE 5TON28. received a fine lot of SAVING Italian Marble, I a prepared to fill all orders. Call and exaiains nr work Ordera from the couctry promptly may It LOWER and LOWER. All kinds of Grocerie hairs, "ides, a cheap as the cheapest.

I will not be undersold. JOHK WITTiXO. IAMILY iMEQCIEY AVIS' OLD STAND.) All kinds of STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES kept in a first-class Loose, al bet torn prices. FkNCY CANDIES, TEAS, PICKLES HRXNEERRIES. II 0211 NT, OBITS Sugar, Coffees, Soaps, fcc rgfWill not be nndersold.

Will pay full price for Butter, JJggfl, THE BARTER GROCERY- MR. M. MONTGOMERY, to his friends and the public tl at has opened new and fresh supply of all kinds of Familt Groceriks, which he will sell as low as the lowest. He is ready tl all times to exchange Groceries at cash prices for Bntter, Eggs, Chickens. 'cr any kind of marketing that the farming friends may bring in.

The highest justs ket jrice always paid. J. M. MONTGOMERY BRO. TTT i.EEP3 all kinds of staple and faery GROCEEIES, and ConrectionerieB.

Will be pleased oe hu old customers, and will both snit "em in price and quality. Call and si "Qnick Sales and Snail Profit Is. on't be undersold Tjaaitf K. A. E.

T. Tyler Attorneys at KENTUCKY, WILL ATTEND TO ALL BUSINEFS entrusted to their care. OfficeMinet Block. mm F. E.

CASE CO. Ifet', Sfcinw, Une, Hocfct, and all kjda of wishing Taokle and Supplies, at a bargain. Oroccriw and Funiii Suppliat iw crally. IILsT ADDITION TO J. H.

BHOWN Co'S Immense stock of Groceries of oil and Li quo: i of 'JO difierent kkdi en 's Struct, J. R. BROWN has a brand new stock of OKOCEK1ES, Confectioncric. Tobi cw, Cigar, ic, aud opened ou CLINTON STREET, the nicest houe of the kind thai hes rsr iu Hiekman, and at Iorr ixix thoc ever offered befora. IleadijuarterK, opj gite riaut rod Co Qintou SUmu JBondurant Conjnjission ercljaU, B1CKXAN, Keep always on band, Fresh LIME, CEMENT, SALT, PLASTER GRASS SEEDS, CLOVER, Will matte liberal adrancj on CoKta Corn, for sW or etiprosnU moH4 Caldwell's Higlj Siool.

THE FIFTH YEAR will ocamenoa 5Soudu, Aug. 27th, and csatinue nine taonths. The course of aradj, In idfilon to through Primary TToik, wiU Lnclnde Kig-H-ff Mithcusuts, Katcxa! Latin nd Orosk, Book Keeping. Xlctcticr. nnd YcrJ Cuitate.

TtrmoK pea sto. Primary. CO IntrtuodiaK, 4 50 Advaaci, 6 6u Payable nxctUT la Adrcea. "23 It. C.CALDWBLL, MARY CALDWEl.L,PrtnoIPBla' Hickman, Angnpl 3,1832.

W. DIESTELBRmK Family rceeriss. spaco to name all erUoIs, bcl do NO trocbls to stow andoras and ee, at the voraer of Trey and Moscow Avenue Gael Sickctr, Ky MBRCBANTTAl It Capt. Tom a. EETURNED'TO UICSiiAy, HAYIKG reipcetfully asacuscs i ta pji lie and ate eld cuttorue that he waU found over Cowgill's lru b'ors, Sy And is tecdy lo ctrve the jcblta In Vtv linr.

FULL L1XS OF yPI.Si JUST THE LEADING PAPER OF THE SOUTH. THE LAiiGEST CIRCULATION Tho Best AdcrtUit 3IUuia. THE AMERICAN, KASUVILLE, TKJfif. Tk only vhoIt of the Wtttrr JcwtMituf J'reu in Naihnlte, uai tht otsXff fzfrtr ii rue Vry Day. SDaily and A cplendid frtaily peptr bi'jn fall of newe.

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Tuk Cuildekm want it for its short stories and sketehes and general information, furnishing a liberal education. Evekybodt wauls it becauso tbere is no better paper and no cheaper paper ia the south, and it can gel to you quicker with the latest news than any other paper, if your post-office ia in Tenncssse, Southern Kentucky, Alabama or Georgia, TERMS: Daily American, 1 year Except Sanday Weekly lyear 6 months Smooths $I2 0O 10 GO 1W 0 0 40 An extra copy sent free with every slab of ten snbscnbe oers A ililvaaa THE AUER1CAI7, Nashville, Tenn. TM3 ORBAT Throjig Trunk Lino dsife'rf SfJOnTEST AXD QUICKEST REITS 7re aoaphia, XiUn, tnJ SaalcMt fre ttu ffS? i a j'jj'X' a $3 rocalvc 'ctt rates. mi K5MJ5.3H TSD5? Wlllicmt Char. tTm I I bLUilnii v1iiO aeoraettlcs to Lau Tlllo.and oc ntnpj Jo principal HORTHERK AND EASTERN QTiES.

THR2S TSAIK8 DAILY buis corrzonoas ajid quickebt tttb ckmanrn vna A'vra home on the thl road will aco Jbj of ihH CrrmoT for re3. or wttra C9) res tat C. P. G. P.

T. A. Ky. mrmi.

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