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Fort Worth Daily Gazette from Fort Worth, Texas • Page 2

Fort Worth, Texas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ll 4 0 vj ki 2 HORRIBLE WAS THE WORD That Flew From Lip to Lip When Ciscos Desolation Was Known THE BEAUTIFUL LITTLE CITY STRICKEN SORELY While Women Wail and Strong Men Weep and Will Not be Comforted THEY MOURN FOR LOVED ONES GONE Appeals for Aid Sent Out by the Authorities of Eastland County and Cisco TOUCH THE HEAETS0F ALL GENEROUS TEXANS Who Respond Promptly Fort Worth Dallas Waco Galveston and Other Places All Send or Will Send Help The Cyclones Work Twenty Dead One Hundred or More Injured The Distressing Scenes TO TEXANS Cisco Tex May 29 To the People of Texas Cisco has been dostroyod by the most destructive cyclone that has over visited Texas More than throe fourths of the people are without homes There are many killod and wounded Help is needed to bury the dead and care for thowound od and relieve thoso doprivod of everything We appoal to Texans everywhere Davenport County Judge Gravos Mayor wiuni phoplh op tout woktji An MVaMng disasUo misfortune lit everts th town of Cisco Ou lfrtday night Ium a terrific tornado ewer the towu Iteports of the dls utter are yet meager and iudeanlto tart all aooount indicate that the entire laac has been laid waste and that the whole population are rendered home Is ami daetirat Tbo occasion appeal te th generosity of wr people who have IAsm ami am aw Id with Itfotptrtty Our imWIo spirited ami lib uml lHWrtwl iieople will not Im aiwoaled to In rain IlsJp 1 ueatlmi to bury the dsad cart for the lujuml and sustain the 1Mnk It everyone respond a God lift urospored Mm Minister of Urn oral sjiurcbes art roqueelod to iiment this appeal to their congregation toskiy Pt4 who wil aoutrlbnte to reUef of Mrir flk mm art rtqu ad to re ttpoad ft mm Tka iIwwihI li urgent II 11 PADDOCK Mayor Cisco Tex April 20S oUAt Oil last night a futiiialsUped akjwd ap peerod lit lb west In few Minutes It vinxk the towa ami la flv injutw It terrible wlMrtc over The known dead arat Otiptahi It At WliltMlilM Murtba TliontM Dave Gaiuarou Five or II Hickmans ojfftjfetti A Sir Jouos uml baby JJlcdsoe Jim JJIble 11 brakuman iMrs llortou AVut B4tn Mrs Kn ht There nre no doubt others A four badly lujtirod but not family ColHn II IHtlwolL Jan Hoys All of Owona ffliullyi 0110 or two of the objiartm probably fatally A Oaiay am about ICO othara bomo of tbo buMuon hoimw witirely deitruyinl Croochs tor Qiwupleil by Vn llaniiou Ktuolu ilniBxUU It Davla It Co oud 0 II Ituy blowu down ami burned Morris bouie blown down I1 Stkldur nnd A Illkinan all mono aiul brick and otbir bu ue biuBcn rtikitroyfil rho old llawa liousc 1flrt of tint City lotvl Aronao hotel lOrery chnrah In tewa TJi acbool booat ltoth llrary ttahloa 0 DmuMa Oaldwill ami OtllMfl About 300 dwcltlntrt nwrly wvary Iioiim In town dawagod Th ptopi frotti aurrotinillriK towna ami country comlut In It Is Ira jioaalbla aa to fitrnMt all wltlt Kt rkdona rytUuf it lu cottfnjrfou worto cow foundod Ilw otBrials arv jjrailiwlly Urlmrlnr order oat of tuao Financial lp badly td dHOW IT 0A1IB lOaaUaud Vws ApcU aOSnoef fto moat flMtrwtlYo cycloiia oh nword pa tkrtmfh ICkmIhimI county lant ulalil and uilndod out of taucaater In 1H7I aud Saroy in 1MKI NiWblnjf Init dnvaatatlwii aud rulu innrka thu pntli of thl mouatfr What wum 0110 of the moat thriving and proa roua ittUw of Wwl Texita at autiriae on Irldoy tuoralug a a1 mnaa uf ludwribaluV ruin ou Saturday uioru In In Dili city on I rlday lmppy boium fond parrota and Tliig chlldivu but on Saturday morning deaolatlou hiuI lai rat Nl hoart mt tbrir Tito fyrlono trawlad front Ilia aontu wnt to tbo iiortbwitt nnd mtired ICaatland ouoty went of Clw it Hty of UOO InbabitanU when th Hitlro bu IttwM portion of thf city waa ruuipWtvly dtiuoMakwI uml all llta roald ni a tfllif liletely awf from tbo of tba rarth itxivpl tboa looalwl In tlm anutb rn part of be dty and tb ae wbll not bttlug tMiiipl ly deatroyotli i all mora ur Ic dumaifiMl It la iuiHMabli to iWrilm tin itiiiaa of mlna wfilcb tWa city primvula for tin rvaaou tnat I ho aamt preocnta rautll Don of till 11 which would apjHwr lu un dulouH to I1kmh acvuatnwed to cyclone uuImw tbvy liad an ot rtuulty oba rvtt tbut 01m iieraonally TWKNTY lMItSONS WKUK ICUiUCD outright ntid tho nuwlH wlio ar danavr unaly woumtrd Is oot 111 tWs tlra kanwu Ilnwo an th doatba in Ciaco uloiw aud do not lurliidc tbo number killod who llro lu tlu country but from reiwrta now It aeottw the city uf Claco fared woraa Uian that iMrtloN of Um oouutry tra varaod by tlrfa cyckw Everybody raapondetl to tbo coll of tbo city of the ad and iblug ami thia tumruliur tba rellot Utmimlitcca lwgan tbair work and the sinirw ititouaiiT tuaui to nmny manly hcarta 11a work of dlaoorarlng tba daad waa alow for tho reaaou that atono building aa well aa wooden ro onu Uaap of ruinThe The diamagtt to Ohco i na cant be lews tlun H00000 juid way reurh RUU000 It la not noeeaeary to atate the boalueaa doatroyed tba Idea le oouveyed by the ateteuieiit that the entire city leveled to the oartli Ulie named of T11OS10 KTUI3D lu Oleeo are ao far aa learned at this report Captain WlilteaWei Siuifiigt railroad man Jaa Ileoly railroad man ye Oameron railroad wan A brakeman on tlu llouatou and Tex a Central name iiukuowu Mm ii Kulgbl Mrs I Tlmtias Mm Jonce Children of 11 Owens Mr Jont A HlcknmnH Are cbiblren There ere a number of other deed but llioir uiunea are not known and It i lui ponklblc at tbU uriling to give uuiiiom nml ilio imfill tliK injurUM If it la poMlblu tor Uir Htutx of nITiiiiM wbi exIktiHl in CI co thU iwuruim to udmlt of degrojs the Uilllui of TUW HICKMAX CIllIjDIUIN UKJn dr tiiriptlou A Illckmoii mra gazette fa woara texas sunday apkil ao 1m tltb bin wlfo and live hiMren ocrupleil a it iu lmildiiig formerly ocTtiplwl by Duck lWteraon nnd woe cnjra In the avncjal nolkm lntfiiuw The family occnpled a reeidenco the back part of the bulldlnav On FrWar nlplit the Ike children ranging in aros from 14 to I hud retired and tile father and mother were yet up Oft the approach of the storm the father went to the back door opened ft ami at the wmre Instant the front part ofthe lmlldlng waa blown In Ttm father nnd tiraUiee were blown mil at the ck door and carried by the forco of the wind aereral yanla nway nnd then aleo came the croah of tin pondetou atones upon tin children aome of whoul were MASIIKD niOVOND HHCOaNlTIOK In tlie country erery firm bouee In the pa of the atom was destroyed VS Darls ami elilhl Wi Ave miles north of hem are both dangerously hurtMm Mm II Iatdd 4tl further 011 was killed Tills completes the doath Hot so far a known lint it Is not all by any means The work of repair is going oif night and day Tlie word Itorrible la tlie word used by all to oouvey iden of tint cydoue A OTIIIOIt ltlfilOItT ISHRtland Tes April StOfMpecral What yeetenlay conntltiited the city nf plaeo jiro jieron olty of eome SIOOO eoulu today nlmuet oompletely wljted out of etltence I Mt night at 0ns without nl muet the leaet wanting whatever the inoet terrible cyolono recordeil In the ait Hale of hiKtitry awoojieil down upon the city carrying death and derastatlon In Its path It lasted only two minute but that wne ample time lu which to dcttroy nil of Cisco and her every inlpnwt The scene that here presented the tinman eye Is beyond all power of conception by the liumati mind ami It la doubtful If the ftttnmit Inlinatowu dlanNtcr ex ceedeil It horrors Of the forty lm neas bottaee lit the city today ouly one that of II Pee Co remains lu lacU while out of abont 100 rvsldunce only one stands uninjured that ledtig the reeidenco of 1 II Hppler the city marshal MVees were entirely uprooted and hurletl through the air for mil I tone were lifted from their found Uous In one imrllon of town and putdown iHttslde of the corporate limit in the aha 1 of kindling wood their content lieicjg acaitcred to the four points of the compass A freight train on the Texas Central railway while waiting nt the depot for order consisting of fourteen cars wbloh were wearily louded with freight was hurled completely from the track some being carried for distance at eighty feet being cumifetely ahlrered Into splinters The engine of the tralu weighing orer Mi tone was derailed The brake mau was killed outright on the aud Iho conductor weired wound from which he died this afternoon Che most conserrslive picm the loss at nearly 1000000 When the cyclone hail passed people rushed out of their houses praying and shrieking with freoey To add to the borror nf this terrible scene flame Here dlweoreretl to ht Issuing from some hualneas houes aa well a realdeuces Tlie volnultHT Are detartuietit rendered heroic service In rescuing rhe dead aud dying a well as lu extinguishing the Hames Tlielr efforts seemeil to be more than buuinn while they rushed Into Immlneut duugcr uumludful of Its results TU clone was Hit 11 IT 1IIIKK IN WIHTII st thl place It path extending for a distance of live mile on the west and three on the east Xot telegraph pole was left Mtaudlug lu all nf this breadth Tree and fences wore rased to the ground On arrival here of your special cor reaiamdent from Abilene a distance ou the west of fortysix miles the streets were found to he ao full of debris lu aome parts of the city as to make it Impossible for a wagon in pas Hie death list foots mi flfteen while fuNy MO are more or less Injured The pbyalulau say that the death list will aggregate nearly If not AM OK KOKTV by morning Immediately after tho eataatroplia ast night runner were started to Usstiand where telegrathlc cmmuunlcatluu could Imi hud with the ontelde world The Tcxaa and Pnelue railway rau a special tralu from Italrd at mi early hour this morning loaded with phyalctaos and ei perleneed uunies All of the pbyaleiaua from the towns pf Cisco Hanger Italrd and Albany are on the ground caring for the wounded aud dying KIITBRN MOW OUAVB8 were dug lu the cemetery teday by the Imude of sorrowlug friends lu which bi ry the deail Tm street hi afternoon Br irowdod with jHHiple who talk nothing Imt of the horrors of night Keller nimt aoou bo Iwd as th vupply of growrlca that was not destroyed will exhausted 1h fi re morulng Thorn cltlsons who har enough of tholr redd tee ft lutact or keeping them open to all sharing wlUi them their ehelter aud last vestige of food WKATIUBllFOIU his rendered great aid In this hour of need lur wealthy ritiseue arrived on tho noon train ami hare opened their purses to all lu need It I learned that a relief train will arrive here tonight from that iwiut landed with groceries For a di tnuoe of two mile eiut of the town the prairies are literally covered with debrl in the ahupc of tlmbcry ioii chold xkmI piritoual eirt and frjKineut of tin isof Hie 10 and britk bu lue houxc are 1 far the most coinptete wrv ks and mrrud by fur more death aud devastation lu their ruin It I liopowlble even at this late hour to secure a lUt of thoe who ore wounded and It In doubtful If eveu the following consulate the total Ittl of the dead taptum it Wltiteeides merolmnt children of A Hickutun it bcius his tintin fondly wtcept his vife lloth he nnd his wife rc badly Injured Mr Jones ntid child Murtr Owons Jr Ilub Hum Iave liiniTdii Inliorcr Mra Kiiialtt milliner Wade Kledsoe bnikemati on Texas Central Mr Jim Thoiins Mr llortou Tami Itihlcn ilrin Not church building remains In the I own Not even a portion of both school house i left Several were taken from the rnlns lmth lend and djing and in some few Instances tint remnius were mangled be ytMMl all recognition It Is Impoeslblc ro go a block In any direction of the bnalneea i rtlon of the dty Wlrbfut encountering the walla and sltrlebs of women In nonees ivhefs loved ones have Jnst passed awsty All the spare time of every person old and youno male and female lass lOtbV boen devotwl to burying the dead raring for the wounded and cooking for those who were uninjured Everyone has something to do and no piece It the wide world has person to sttrpam those of ikes town on an vccnidon like this Jferal hate Improvised tents to sleep In tonight but hundred who were mat itlglit housed Ly nappy flrel le nt bonie will tonight have only the blue sky of lieaTeti for abetter The jiresent iiopulation of Cisco will not be able to replace the ilamage done for yearn and the work of rebuilding will lie left to newcomers Lsurge portions of house were carried for block only to completely demolish the house of another It Is aald by all that white the cyclone only lasted two minnlos It seemed as tltough It were ages KATIIICII8 OK FAMIMHS called them all togtber and prepared to die thinking that ench tweond would be the last of their earthly exl Uincc Details of Individual hwse cannot now be made snilloe to soy tho i In very few luitancM tlie loss lo all Is almost total Tim Texi and Padfle railway has noted In noble way furnishing special train whe 1 leedml and by picking up with tralu nil of Its section hands In Iwrera netr here nil along the line and bringing them here to nld In the rciwnie Telegrams offering relief nre pouring In by the score priuHpslly from imtyors and cahiers of Imnk In Tcxna town Tliey offer aid In iim from 100 up to any amount ell uicllcol aid and provisions THuk there are enough phystdaus here now to attend all ufferen DAMjAK AIDS Oallas Tex April JOSpecial Mayor Oeo Iraves of Tlsct wlreil Mayor Connor thl evening thut all stores la town were eximseil to ralu and atdtlng tli tt tsrpstdlns be sent by flrt train Mayor Connor called a meeting of cltlseus Philip Sanger Alfred Oar of Schneider A Divls and a few others ticlng preseut and laid the matter fore them Prompt action was taken and Mayor Connor answered Hon 0 drove Mayor Cisco Itlseos of Dallas ety aympatblae with you in your deep iHstress Tents and tnrjs ulln will lie sent on flnt train If needed draw on me for 1000 C0Xs0tt or KKOM MAIKD Ibilnt Tex April iit 8peolaIWe had a light ruin here lust night with heavy rnlu ns by Iteport hare Jitat been roceived Mere of a very destructive cyclone nt Cisco Ust night Iloreu per oiSj ri iorted kllletl and nearly every house blown down or wrecked A kmIu1 train has Juat leff here with our doctors aud other nld Our people re greatly excited orer the affair aud staud ready to give suy as sitsuce mrassiary KltOM PCTNAM Putnam April aOHpcclnl A terrible oydone visited Cisco at TT in April iiS completely doraolUhlug It and causing stent loss of lire aud property Tlie ncu at this writing beggars description Over sixty business luinm Inwide many Residences are 11 total wreck It I luiuotujllile to obtain full list uf the dead wnil wimnilml but there are kuowu to be killed and from thirty to forty wouuded aome mortally aud many seriously Those kuowik to be killed are Captain It Whiteside A Cameron licrt OwensV Mr ThouHUl A brakeawit on tlie Central rood Five children of Mr ami Mrs A Ulckmuii and ll la feared several others Some of thaH who are iujurod will die Hrldge meoJ bare worked nil night doing all In human power to render aid to the sufferer The heartrending cries of mothers and wles for their loved ones was enough to make the atrutijtest heart quiver Men worked UUtll completely vxhsnst ed to extricate those who were Imprisoned The woutWsil are being caretl for with all the klmiassM that lovlug friends can bestow It Is fartml tlwt wliew the full ac conm are known the disaster will be much greater Uian now stated Dont lusjtp of any dauwge around Putnam VAUtHV VI laws cycroxa Oulnesvllta 4 April liO tSpw Valley View fifteen miles south of here was vhtited by terrible cycloue at fl ocltHk this evoulng The wiud eume from the southwest nnd for are minute blew with terriblo fury blowing down several houses but lujurylng no one It I Impossible to particular at thl lute hour Tlie damage to property I placed ut I0U WACO J112LP8 Waco Tvx April UlSpocian Xew of the destruction of No lait nuiht by a terrible cyclone wu iccelrcd here etly I hi moriiinir Ke ort cume iu coimtaotly nt the xu Vmrul gen erul office aud ooti Hircad tliroiitchoiit the city and became the uolo topiu of oouveratlon mid dUcustlon The great loss of life and the destruction follow iug the eveiosje coujihI prompt action to be taken to offer and eend relief to the etricken town A tclegmm from fl Davenport county Judge and Iravea mayor wa recelveil by Mayor McCii1ImIi at noon and he nt once leaned a call for a mn meeting of citl sen at die city hall at 7W clock tonight to respond to the appeal for aid Tlie meeting tonight was large crowding to Its full capacity the bine room of the dty hall Mayor McCulIoch presided aftd speeches were made by the lead lug banker nnd buslnees men Over 1400 was raised nwl more pledged CloUitng wm offered and laige ipmiitl ties Will he sertired at once Dr II aidwell dty health physician waa Instructed to proceed to Cisco tomorrow and report ttpon the necessity of laborers ntid nurses which will be furnished nt ence upon bis onJpre Collections will be taken at all tho ctiurdiea of Vie tiky tomorrow and canvassing committees are now at work A telegram was sent to the mayor of Cisco tonight authorising him to draw on the CHIsens National Istnk of Waco for 1400 Supplies provisions ami clothing will leave here tomorrow motw tug iritoATcisco Cisco April 20Sped lAt 0K nf a funnel ahaped cloud Mrnck Cisco In ten minutes the town was wrecked about twenty killed ami ever 100 badly Injured Threefourths of our people are out of homes workmen and nrorlstoiM are badly needed Kellef must be had st once Darls Co aud li IUy were burned ISrerytblng Is In oonfnslon T1119 SAD 8TOKY Naatland Tex April 2l 8pedaly Tlie pity of It last night Cisco one the roost prosperous cities in western Texa wns entirely destroyed ami a number of people sre killed It cam almost without warning about half pa nine oclock when but few people hud gone lo bwl had It occurred three hours later the death IK would have reached up Into the hundred As ll Is It will he Impossible to determine the exact hiss of life for several days It was a well built little city and but on building now stand In mark Its site The scene from the depot to what was once the business portion of town beggars descriptlou The street nre covered with debrl and the living are hunting through the ruins for the bodies of their friends nnd relative A train upon the Texas and Pad tic track eottolatlhg of an engine and stxtessi freight cars was Itlowit from the track ami turned upside tlown in the ditefc When the storm first cauie up msn and women fled in terror to the atreete or hid beneath lied In some instance the roof of the house were blowu off In other eases Hie houses were lifted clear froui their foundation and nothing remains to show that they existed excepts pile of atone bricks ami timlwrs A IXlfl HOU8M au ok lamlmnrk was blown away so entirely that no trace of It can be fouud In una case woman was killed while a Isjbe she held 1u her arms earaiied unhurt Timbers were blown through frame buildings and bricks nnd hoanl onu be found near on the prairies There were several social parties of youngpoopie and ou place a table turned upskte dowu wa eeu wbllo the deck of card was all together not having lieeit scattered by the wiud One man took refuge under a bed hi house blew away from him when the storm pained he was still under the bed but had no roof orer him Karlv his morning the new wa unit out ami Texas and Pacific railroad rau a uumiier of special trains carrying surgeous newspaper correspondents and the friends uml relatives of the dead nnd Injured Thousaud of teople from outside towu came In to tUlt tho ruins today They came on horse back In buggies on tlie train on fool ami any way to get thero Seven miles of wires are down ou the Texas and Pacific railroad Women are iTyltuj for their fatUsrn their husband tholr sons their brothers uud their lover awl walk up and down tlie at root wringingjlbclu bauds and looking through the crowd a If they hoped tbut they would Uud their loved oues Wtronjr men WHKP 11 KB OIIILDKIBN and when another body Is found there are renewed tears and heartrendlug emotions uud sobs CI co was one of the most wealthy beautiful and prosperous cities of Its slsu lu the state aud growing rapidly One man who wns walking along the street when the cydoue struck the town and who did not have time to And shelter reports that It seemed Imt a minute from the time the cloud cume to the earth until the air was tilled with fly ing timbers bricks atones and article of meroltandlse taken from the stores when the buildings fell and scattered over the street The special from Port Worth carrying surgeons and nowsimper correspondent arrived too late to get fall iwrtlcnlsrs as amid tlie din aud confusion the crowd of spectators and anxious teacher for tlie dead but little Information emild lie obtained Snrranwlhuc towns ware called upon for assistance as hundreds of people are not only homel but penaUses nnd there Is ao provisions lu the town to be bought The governor of the state was also called uitou for assistance aud prompt responses nre being recelted Oue womau was seen who retltwl awl wh had escaped in her night ciothea without a stitch of clothing or a pair of shoes to protect her So great was the scarcity of covering for human Uml iut It wo some time before she could 1 provided with anything wuntotw There were a number of Njiuilsxr in sea though not so extreme hut xif tta Aoa twople are to be met every whore PKOII CAHKOX Carbon Tex AprU yy SkvI The death angering aud awful caused CUo by cclone which htm ut PI clock lrtt ii description The whole business portion of tlm tow totally destroyed 0ut fortyUv bunine huM fory blow ntonw nmllurce otbcM were bndly wrecked Twentyfive residence were blown to splinters and scarcely limine In tbo town escaped lieing more or less dnin ngnl 1iftcen people are dead and over 100 more or les Injured nnd fow still missing Cars were blown iu piles ootton bales enrred htitnlmli of ynrds nnd the once lieandflil llttlo town Is a muse of mine Tlie dead ro Mrs Clinrlwt Jones and child Ouptuln It Whltesldos five children of II Jliokinnn Mrs lliomns Will SlimtioiiH Mrs Whnr ton Mrs II Knight Wndo DledSoe Dave Cairjoron two chlklroit of 1J Owens Xlne of the wottifdod cant live The wires have been down ntid this Is the nearest point from whJoh telegram can be sent out KKOM EASTLAND lVstlaml Tex April 20 ii clal I am Just In from the trace of he cyclone where it passed northwest of Hast land about two nnd half miles After leaving the hilly country near Cisco It seemed to light In tho alley tear Charlie Jtuklus where It utterly demollHhed his dwelling Iiouhc barns and all otitboutfe Xot fouce mil wns left III Its place Mjr and Mrs Jenkins nnd little Johnnie Townsend were all seriously If not fnially hurt It look Klbvrt Townsend and Mr Nor tons Intit white aud Will Diitlus houses and farms clean bnt doing little damage among the famlllee It next cbed II Davis Hero It swept ever thing dean his entire farmhouse ami all total wreck and hi tittle daughter probably fatally Injured It next renched Davis Ileie It lHthama Mr A I ithninV Mr Da rklsons aud Lathis whero everything was laid wnslo Xot it rail or bnrdly anything ebtc that bud once marked the place of their happy home could be found ou tlm ground Xo Injury done to tiny of tho famlUei ex vein Mr Ladds Mrs Imid was killed and Mr Utihl serioiisly hurt I tdd seriously hurl TIIM XHWS IIUKl At OMffFriday night a cyclone strurk the llttk dty of Cisco wild almost completely annihilated it ISyewltuesses of the storm ay Its apimmch win heralded by a dull roaring sound us of the mik ing of many waters nnd nlmmt mIiiiiiI taueotisly tttnu the crash of falling buildings It lasted 1 half or tliree timrtcr of a minute and passed to the northwest Tlie majority of thu eople of the town which has a itopnhttlou nf alwnit 1000 liad retired and the awful storm of destruction and dearh came tiiHin the without uu Instants wunilug aud fifteen hh pie re hurled Into eternity without a moments wanting Tlie utorni wns evidently a twister for trees were snniMioil like pl stems anil huge stone biilhlliigs melted before the blast like Mtigar Imfore a stream of water Krame buildings were twisted torn to irfectM and the hattonil fragments scattered nil along the lmth of the storm Nothing can exceed the violence of these whlrliug winds lieforo which in a si slve buildings ylohl as easily as the niore frnll ones of frame They come swift an the lightning Hpsh ami depart 11 suildeu ly lit thl case a storm of ralu nnd hall followed the hull falling like a Ntorm of bullets iin the tiniirotectetl survivors who were striving to rescue the dead and wouuiletl M1 pUght of the survivor Is pitiful us can well be luiuglued Kootl Is scarce and no means of preparing It remain of which the hulk of tho survivors can avail themselves The most pressing need 1 for medical attendants there Mug over one hundred people Injured mauy of whom will die If not given proper surgical attention Passengers ou the ettstliound TexeJ and Paclllu tralu la night wore tpie tionetl as to the effects of the cyclone One gentleman eng route to Dallas puss ed through the cydouo In hml been III for some time at tho City liotul In Cisco and was In IiIh room nt tho time the storm Ktruek Tho west 0111I of the building was ruxed to the trotind nnd the room in which he wum sitting escaped destruction but the windows were shattered hi light extiugulsliod nud the doors wedged so llriuly thut It was some time before be could get out When he Anally did so 11 eceue of hor ror met lite gate Women wuro frantic and meu were tlased but noon rallied nud set to work In the effort to rescue tho wounded ami extricate the dend When the tralu left at 1111 yesterday afternoon fifteen dead liodles bad been recovered Six were dying ami over hundred were more or less Injured Twothird If wit threefourths of the town was leveled by the storm nud tli renniiiiiug bulldlugs were more or less shattered and Iu many itistuuesti roofless Trainmen say the scene presouts picture of as complete dosolutlnn as cnu well Imi iutttgiutHl CUhki Ilea in it busln between the hills The storm struck the high procliJtou bill weat of the city first dipped dowu Into the vnlley enough to wipe out the own and after traveling a few miles to tho nortlioust apparently raised Into the upper atmosphere aguiiA Kellef trains nre bolni run from various points poor The farmers In the surroundlug country are not well to do ami thongk they nre bringing In supplies as rapidly as possible tbo uuiouut will soon lie exhausted Mayor Paddock vrlred the mnyor of Cixeo to draw for 500 also nrrntiRed with the TaclBo lxpr company to transjiort auy supplies that were sent to that utile Quito nnuilwr of the lns chaute reepoudstl to lita call for nld nud sent supplies for the uoedy by this mom lugs train An effort was made to solid a relief train and twentytlve men vol ttnteered to go and render such nsalst anoe as wae neeled but the Inubllity to reach Mr Thoruo uml sacuro train yrecluded the muyor from carrying this purpose into effect Contributions scut to uny pf tho banks to The laxettu business otilec or to the mayors office will Ik promptly forwarded nnd acknowledgod throuKb tbo prm of the dty CALL OX GALVKSTOX aalvefMi Tex April S0 Snoeal The teleieraplilo npWal for aid i from the tnnTsi the foll aJW I extend to mi ui oni Si itt Ji your a ond cromty A Iublii ji Abilene rpr vblUfoP por fM ens of tUtVi them prorhtiorn comnritteea atv wllcctlng ami tomorrow a trau complete th bs M0 house tlore tt slstaue waspadfc HOnAO07jJf Colorado iZfi Tx Quitnpauu rV ft stating 110 townM lyclotu thfwuu Me hero iw B1 At oa Kg 11 tvuu IS tileguiph Wlr ins i Ktor bwn iy hut niKit here biiw and iic picicnt lsZsif Will be a big rum Alti Kltninil iiiiiii myt Mar imn ivx itj tele Uu nsir ir ffif Ailnlr uiiitur auJ inii work nf tho TIumI the nrm nitrs of tVoaf tull rillllnlll Tf licit and turj JffX rcllec til suffrmilk cleai aiul nadtiSl wsuo or raliL DALU 4 REPORT ON TKtl COURtHOvil Whal II CoslArolhtffiE Dull Trade Mdltr id The ProhlblllOBisltri Dallas 1 Aj i report to show Jan wluit It liiiiviulii Mt urt lllelillatl Ml uf IJlliJ i iiiIihI Kivih uud ocr in ImeLi iot of tti iurT the coui iu ill lillll tlMl DUI1 It fliivs 1 otlit olturri oriKimtl contra 1 to ost htiiHI0 time tin imuiitl tluit iln Miirtd oMl theiUHiIti ii tnded Cohxul lib Jnisri A tlrloiai ilie nrAl dent ln limit cost Juuutur Ali tint tin IJUlf pnti hi 11 sail mji iicinllUK in tli lout 10 If If the Mitmty lowf tl Will I I cost tl tj 0 0 1 11 IXtl i Ulid lib in vim ty the emu eit illip peJtaai sllghth ft ftfj outI in ii rendu ll taw incnili I tie the I 1 iv1Llu IlllUHliin lie tJJ swru lv Hid 1UIMM llg to I lie lit J111 tiled UUIIV VMiTHWU 1iatil HSi I tropotitan Nil ts tin iwslirttttient Sliniiion IvilltW colic lions auJ Ulillwwa uh the munc riiAwD OSi KtoHJ Pole Milh throiiKh Uiot Kcinharlt wih hIW Ilmk tsliij in siid to luu lou aj TUP HALMS K11 JobiHti of rilyfnulit JJr liiiru i TO1 joi dAi lii Dalian 1 iM Lel Drift 1 a Sii 1 debris and lu hc IuiukI l5J3 fifteen eirs 73 11ft will I iZ Will me ihuUKU care CtlLP WATf Mr li Kb1 Orr will rtJrJ Dallas nt will met a 1 I rl TlinoDtiltB TJI 1 S10V i Chicago ThomiK PIjv ot 1 ti iiP JLfl xt lie coii 1lll jii of what him llerotof Si Arttk the hrc Spl to be posnl Mr Thuuiaj hss wj aud ir he ha to reiwrt to n1 The I fcir Trva vorte the ni vyfaj liberal art dePt intendeiit apix renolllii Tin il Jo Thomas nn jTigsff he made km If sTABnrJ Wjfj enter IVx eon of Il wyX vouug I nbout rrJ the table ta and stmV jpj hliu ustiiiH not nnd has 4 TIlT PAN rana VVW continue l1 i sV tliat i M15 SSj nndthobo sj wonted bT nnd prluclplo Te fvfl.

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