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Aberdeen Herald from Aberdeen, Washington • Page 8

Aberdeen Heraldi
Aberdeen, Washington
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8 'N CHEWS COUNTY WERINQ3 iN ALL PARTS OF THE COUNTY. terns of Interest from all Sections of Cheliulis County, Gathered by Aberdeen Herald Correspondents ar-J From Our County i tIOQUIAM. F. Smile returned last week from a wo weeks' trip through California. Otis tiaskill fir Anaconda.

Montasx.a, ili Ic, lias accepted a position. AVin. Jacka and wife who have been j-pen liiii! oral days at the Lewis fair, returned home Wednesday. S. A.

Hung is repairing and repainting tie hmw ii the corner of Ninth anil giving it a very neat appearance. 't'l it we.i'ern I.uinber Co has sev.rure.l quite an addition to their office in if anew Hnrrows adding ma The defunct independent plant ban eon oons-olidated with that of the DaiK the latter having puraliased the Tiie band boys are making preparations jo give a minisirel show under the of l'leau. It will be a hummer, is Hoquiani'ri best ta'ent will take pai'. Superintendent Bulkhead returned evening from an extended visit the East, the principal part of which lime was spent at liis old home in Michigan, W. E.

Rockwell returned from a visit ro Oregon lust week. While away he syisited friend' at Battleground, Wash a lister in Brownsville, more friends a Roaeburg, and on the return he tnok the fair at Portland. Mr. Rockwell exports a fine trip, saying that the expoartion is "out of sight." MONTESANO J. J.

Johnson and family left Tuesday or tli3 Portland fair. Commissioners meet Wednesday on of being a holiday. Mrs. J. A.

Perkins and children are atHiie from a two-week's visit to relatives Toledo, Oregon. The valve at the outlet of railrsad comamy's water tank gave way Monday and of water went to waste. Robert P.ittison has secured the conmet for the hnilding of a school house at The contract price is $70:5.35. Patrick Murphy has resigned as director district 41, east of 'Henry Fos'er has been appointed to fill Me vacancy. This district wants a good I.

J. McDowell on Monday traded his "residence property on Third street with N'liemire for the Utters old residence "ty corner of Second and Vynooche streets. Twelve Indians working for railroad on the Peninsular extension, had refused to pay poll tax, settled week throatened with suit Dv 'jounty Attorney Boner. Mr 3. Geo.

II Wartman entertained a lumber of lady friends Tuesday afternoon at a "Good Luck" party in honor rtt Mrs. Goss, who leaves soon for an visit in the east. Following marriage licenses were is last week J. K. Adamson, Alice Ooehraii; A.

Marshall, Effie Clogson; .1 P. Morgan, Annabel Nethery; Parker siskew, Margaret Keinkeus; J. G. Fletcher, Nettie G. Brewer.

Mr. and Mrs. K. Crist visited Sunday. While at the reservation Mr.

Crist secured from Willie Mason an sld fashioned Colt's revolver which old chief Mason at one threatened to kill Sam lienn and cite Indian agent when they put the unde' irrest. before Judge Irwin in the superior out Monday William Gordon pleaded to charge of hurglarly and was to a year in state's prison. lon was for years a trusted for the Wood Lumber company, during his service robbed the store of groceries and other ELM A Mr. and C. (J.

Ilasmuseen have returned from heir trip to the fair. Mrs. IVarl-Coinbes Gordon is visiting on parents, Mr. and Mrs. 0.

C. Couihes. Knapp, of who has been ting Mrs. A. D.

Fish, returned home 'iday. eybold lias plans for a granary which he is going to have iwnilt very soon. Wise Belle Melvin, of arrived arsdav evening fjr a visit with Mrs. Callow. hiiss Vet a llerren, of Aberdeen, came Saturday for a visit with her friend, JMmk Edna Grain.

Johnson, of Lafayette, jornved Monday and is visiting with Mr. jwso Mrs. M. K. Grain.

IJfiss Lulu By lea has returned from ttsaching a very successful teim of school ml Artie, Chehalis county. The BOSTON'S Monday and Tuesday Silks 19c Yard Men's Fur-100 bolts of the nicest soft- niSnIHCJS 50c Jap Silks all colors est Mellow Finished Men's dress hats, all shapes 4.3 Taffeta ribbons in wide and new shades in black, o-n widths 22, 40, 60 and 80 brown, a ack tC Taffeta Silk Glace and Onr tegular b2.00 for this size. I liese ribbons sell wash all colors in- for 3 5o( only eluding black and 00c. For this sale Tfk Black hide Twill work lyC shirts, Double Bosom. 1.00 Black Taffeta 36 in.

i This is not a broken lot. y. We have your size. wide, ilns sale QS ig $1.27 I 51.2" and $1.50 wrappers. I Men's soft Bosom shirts all made lip in fine Percale in new patterns, all sizes, ce AAfle Black, Red, Blue; all We have your size.

Good UICSS vJUUU vvcli made, good washing values at $1.00. Our black Sicilian colors. Your choice jncc 98c 95c Fancy Tricot flannel 42c Notions 6 calicos Hoc black Cheviot Serge J1 Hed spreads 69c I 10c Agate Buttons 5c I 98c 10c Best Eagle Pins 5c 60c cotton blankets full size 75c black Bill lantine Safety Pins 5c 48c 59c 10c Curling Irons 5c 12 i-2c towels 1 10c Turkish Bath Soap 5c $1.00 colored Eiderdown of 9 0 $1 OOZ. 36 in. wide Soap 9c 25c sun bonnets 79c I 10c Vaseline 5c I 15c 15c Talcum Powder He IjC I 3rd 'yj 15 doz.

kid gloves to select 1 from. 15 doz. of sample A handsome line of flannel waistings white with dots. Ladies' shirt waists in all Zi Many other pretty desir- colors and sizes, Regard- ret ail to the trade at $1.25, able colors. Goods sold less of what they sold, $1.75, $2.00, All colors everywhere for 16 2-3 values from 75c to $2.00, black and white including and your choice your choice all sizes, we can fit you.

While they last 15c 27c 97c rr-- THE BOSTON xszr Mrs. E. Blair and daughter Mildred, of Mnrysville, are visiting Mre. Blaii's parents, Mr. and Mrs.

J. li. Brewer. OAKVILLE. li.

J. Stoner went toOlympia Wednesday. Cap. lloenbarger lias sold his threshing macliiiie, engine etc. to Albert Smith and Allen Hall.

Joseph Mauermann sold a steer to Buzzard Paiin Monday, which tipped the scales at 1190 His. Miss iry Davidson, of Seattle, who has been visiting Miss Nellie Stayt went to Elina Saturday for a tew days visit to friends of that place. Mrs. Rasmussen, of Cedarville, was baptized at Black livev Sunday, and Mr. Rasmussen Monday, according to the rites of the Christian church, Rev.

I'oole officiating. David Provoe, while feeding Hoenbarger's thresher Monday unfortunately placed his hand too near the revolving cylinder, result, a badly lacerated hand, necessitating a call on Van Winkle. Attacked by a Mob and beaten, in a labor riot, until covered with sores, a Chicago street car conductor applied Biicklen's Arnica Salve, and was som siiun i and well. "1 used it in my family," writes (1. J.

Welch, of Tekonsha, "and find it perfect." Simply great for cuts and burns. Only 25c at Red Cross Pharmacy. in Notice to Stockholders. To the stockholders of the Union Mill You and each of you are hereby notified that a stockholders meeting of the Union Mill company will be held at the mill office of the said company in the City ol Aberdeen, Countv of Chehalis, State of Washington, at the boui of 8 o'clock p. m.

on the 16th day of October, A. D. 1905, for the purpose of voting upon the question of increasing the capital stock from $40,01.0,00 to and signed at Aberdeen, Washington, this day of 9th of August A. 1), 1905, by the undersigned, being a majoritv of the trustees of said Union Mill Union Mill Co. By T.

L. Douglas, AI EB Trustees. J. B. Karshnkr, J.

G. Lewis, Last publication October 15. All the news that's fit to print. Aberdeen Semi-Weekly Herald, $2.00 a year, $1.50 in advance. ABERDEEN HERALD, MONDAY.

SEPTFMBER 4 IQQS TO AVOID PNEUMONIA. 1 Jinn to Ksnnpp rhln Ulnrniu by lain Hull of Living. 1 During the winter nmnj persons become victims ol' pneumonia. Nobodj i is Jnmiune from the summons of (death It is served upon tlifc Strong its well upon the weak. Hut there re certain rules of living which will reduce one's liability to the disease, says lie Chicago Tribune.

From the bulletins of the health department and from other authoritative sources the following rules may be sel down for observance: Do no' overheat the house. Most people habitually dwell in apartments the temperature of which is from 3 tc 10 degrees too high. Wear light underwear and heavy i overcoats rather than heavy under wear and light overcoats. Avoid mingling with crowds when extremely tired or when food has nol been taken for a longer interval than usual. Avoid becoming chilled when overtired.

Admit Into all rooms where you live and work planty of sunlight and freslij air. Keep warm when Indoors even if 11 is necessary to build fires in seasons when it is unusual to do so. Avolu Indoor chill and dampness as much as possible. For this reason be careful to remove the chill before moving into; apartments freshly papered or ealclmined. He careful during variable weather Where there is continual cold or constant warmth the disease Is little known.

If you an attack of the grip be unusually careful about your diet and about exposing yourself to the weather. Neglected colds develop into pneumonia with startling rapidity. Take plenty of exercise in the sun light and fresh air. As good nursing Is practically the only cure for pneu monla, so good living is practically the only preventive. How to Cure Bltlnff.

Nail biting Is not always a willful habit to bo cured by some little punishment. but sometimes an indication of the first stnue of nervous degeneration. The habit should be treated as a disease. It affects the general health, as the pieces of sharp nail are swallowed anil may cause appendicitis. A little bitter aloes rubbed on the finger tips will cure it In children.

How Improve Your oilcloth will be improved If rubbed over with skim milk after washing well with warm water and wiping dry. Hon- tu Make nil Orange Souffle. An orange sou We is delicious. To make It grate the rind of one lnrgq orange into a howl, add three tablet spoonfuls of powdered sugar, sifted, and the yolks of four eggs; beat aty well together till perfectly blended, then add the juice of the orange. Beat the mixture again with an egg beater for Ave minutes, then stir in gently the whites of the eggs, which must previously have been ben ten to a very stiff froth.

When all is smoothly mixed together, pour it into a well buttered mold. Stand It In a very hot oven, bake twelve minutes and serve at once. Iloir to Keep Ciller Sweet. To keep ckler sweet allow It to work until it has reaclieil tlie state most desirable to the taste, then add one and a luilf tumblers of prated horseradish to each barrel and shake well. This arrests further fermentation.

After remaining a few weeks, rack oil and bung up closely in clean casks. How to Clean Copper. Clean with hot vinegar in which little salt lias been dissolved. Brass is cleaned in the same way, using either vinegar and salt, lemon Juice and salt or oxalic acid. But with both brass and copper the treatment must not end thus or verdigris will appear and the article be ruined.

A thorough washing with soap and water should follow and every trace of the acid removed, and then the article must be given a thorough polishing. The appearance of bronze is much Improved by rubbing I the entire surface with a cloth wet with sweet oil. How to Make a Ilcfri-HliiuK Perfume. To make a refreshing homemade cologne take half a fluid ounce each of oils of lavender and rosemary, a fluid ounce of oil of lemon, twenty drops of oil of cinnamon and a gallon of alcohol. Mix these ingredients well together and bottle.

How to Mnlce Walnut Salad. Shell and blanch one-half pound of' nuts, cover with boiling water, add a bit of mace and bay leaf and the roots of a bunch of celery and boil until tender; drain and when cool cut them in slices. Prepare an equal amount of sliced celery and when ready to serve cut two tart apples, pared and cored, Into eighths and then in thin slices. Mix the three and add sufficient mayonnaise to unite them. How to Cat Batter.

A secret learned from a hotel cook is to cover the knife with a piece of oiled paper when cutting butter. This makes the clean, smooth cut which delights the heart of a housekeeper who values appearances. ABE RDEEN STEAM J. M. Lupton, Mgr.

Aberdeen Steam l.aundry is equipped with latest improved laundry machinery made, and does hs wood woi as can be turned out tnvwhere. Prices Reasonable. Telephone 864. Cor. nnrt Hume Sts EDWARD K.

HAWKINS Ex-Receiver United States Land Office Attorney at Law Land Office Practice References Capital National Hank, Olympla; Washington National Bank, Seattle: Peoples Savings Dank, Seattle. 415 Pacific Block Seattle. Wash "NEVER IDLE" FISH MARKET W. G. CULLKN, Prop.

Fresh and Salt Fish, Clams, Crabs, Game and Poultry. Fresh Eggs, 310 South St, Phone 201 Aberdeen. Wash. J. BRADLEY, C.

MILLER, President. cashier ABERDEEN STATE BANK N. E. Cor. Heron and St.

SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES POK KENT L. L. Judson Second Hand Store UPHOLSTERING and Furniture Repaired. 106 E. Heron St.

WM. ZIEGLER. Boot and Shoemakep. The repair shop at JEFF'S SHOE STORE is once more in my charge. I am the pioneer shofnmker, my work is flrat class and the prices are right.

WILLIAM ZIEGLER, Postoflice Block. Call anil K. P. Porter Choice brands of CICIIiS TOBACCO. Freeh Candies, Fruits and 213 St.

Aueid-ei', Waih CREECH BROS. CONTRACTORS, CARPENTERS and BUILDERS. Estimates, Plans and Specifications Furnished. HOUSE MOVINU PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO Aberdeen. WasbiMtOD SPECIAL RATE Lewis and Clark Centennial Exposition.

Beginning with September Ist, the Northern Pacific will reduce rates to Portlund and return from $5.95 to $4.90, Tickets on sale daily, good to return 30 days from date of Rule. R9oi Portland and return 90 ti. B. Elder, Agent. EIiEGTRIG BATHS Come all yp Malt and Altlu'ted with rheumatic nain.

All such should come and ste The wonders Electricity Edison is at Bv Mrs. Kaatz' Eeetiie The nick relieved of a 1 then nain, The well feel better ad II tig.tin. Mrs. Milium K.miz 106 Corner Hums Street and Broadway A. MC GEE UPHOLSTERER and CABINET MAKER AH kinds of material for tvnrk.

107 IMOR 5 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF WA3HINGton for Chehftlis Coutify. I). McLafforty, fico. McLaflerty' and K. L.

McLaflerty, co-partners us fferty Sous Plaintiffs. vs. Joseph Dabney and Louise E. Dabney, husband wife.Aber- deen Manufacturing corporation, Thomas E. L.

Keohler, Carrie Horton and 0. E. Weaverton, Defendants. The State of Washington to the said Joseph Dabney and Louise Dabnev. husband and wife, Thomas iy s.

Horton Mini (i. E. Weaverton, defeudints. Von are hereby summoned to appear within sixty (60) days after date of thv first publication of this summons, to-wit: within sixty (CO) days after the 81st day of July, mid defend tin- above entitled action in the above entitled court, and answer the complaint of the plaintiffs, and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned attorney for plaintitls. at Ins office below stated; ami in case of your failure so to do judgment will be render agains' you according to the demand of the complaint which has been filed with the Clerk of Court.

That the object and purpose of the said action is to and foreclose a claim of lien for work and labor performed and materials furnished by the said plaintiffs iu ilie construction and erection of certain buildings, to-wit: One of said buildings on Lot 7, Block 42, and the other building on Lot Block 45, original plat of the own, now City of Aberdeen, Chehalis County, Washington, for the principal sum of One Thousand Six Hundred and Seventy-five and K4-iOO i $1,075.84) Dollars, with interest, cost and. attorney's fee, against said lots and each there and the buildings and improvements thereon situated and the appurtenances appertaining 'o the said property; and to have the said claim of lien declared a first an-' prior lien upon the said property; and to have the said property, or so much thereof as may be necessary, sol in satisfaction of the said iudebteaness, interest, cost and attorney's fee. Date of first publication July 31, 19C5. I C. Cross, Plaintiff's Attorney.

P. O. Aberdeen, Chehaiis County. Washington. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHIXGton for Chehalis County.

Maguesia Asbestos Supply Com-1 pany, a corporation, I Plaintiffs, vs. 1 O. J. Lawrence mid C. Lawrence, his wife, William L.

Tobey and Summons. Jane Doe Tobey, husband and wife; and Krank L. Tobey hid Jane Doe Tobey, husband and wife, Defendnnts, The State of Washington to the said William L. Tobey and Jane Doe Tobey, husband and wife; and Frank L. Tobey and Jane Doe Tobey, husband and wife, defendants.

You are hereby summoned to appear within sixtv days after date of the first publication of this summons, to-witr within sixty days after the Slst day of July. 1905, and defend the above entitled action in the above entitled court, and answer the complaint of the plaintiffs, and seive a ropy of yobr answer upon the undersigned attorney for plaintiffs, at his office below stated, and in case of your failure so to do judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint which has been filed with the Clerk of said Court. That the said action is brought to foreclose a or lien upon certain property situated in Chehalis County, WasMv. of which the following a description, to wit: Westerly 20 feet of the northerly 81 feet of lot 1, and the easterly one-half of lot 2, in 37 of the original plat of the Town (now City) of Aberdeen. as the same appears upon nc recorded plat of the said Town city) of Aberdeen, in the offli of the Auditor of Chehails County, Washington and the building ard appurtenances thereon situate or belonging; that the said claim or lien is wha is known in the Statute us mechanic's lien for materials furnished in tee construction of iuinrvements upon the said al estate upon which there is now due the sum of Fifty 00) Dollars and upward, and for costs and attorney's fees, and to have the said claim of lien declared a first and prior lien the said property; and to have the said property, or so much thereof as may be necessary, sold iu sa Isfaetlon of the said indebtedness, interest, attorney's fees.

Date of first publication July 31, lUOS. J. C. CROSS. Plaintiff's Attorney.

P. O. Aberdeen, Chehalis County, Washington. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGtoti for Chehalis County. In the matter of thei Estate of Robert Notice to Creditors, ry, deceased.

i Notice is hereby Riven by the ndersigned, Catherine Lowry, and 11 arr N. Hook, executors of the estate of Rcbert Lowry, leeeased, to the creditors of, and Mil rsons having claims against said deceased, to exhibit them, with the necessary vouchers, within Tw lve Months after the first publication of this notice to the said executors at the sidence of the said Catherine I.owrv in the City of Aberdeen, Chehalis County, Washington, same being the plaee for the transaction of business of the said Estate in the County of Chehalis and the State of Washinuton. Date of First publication August 81, A.D. lUOo. Catiikkink Fxt rll tors Hakky N.

Hook, executors, J. Cross. Attorneys for Executors. 4w IN THE SUPERIOR COURT THE STATE of Washington for Chehalis County. Jeau 11.

Stewart, 1 Plaintiff, vs. William F. McGregor. George Notice of sale of P. Kellrnan, Jessie Kcllman.

Heal Estate, by Elizabeth Wilson. Elizabeth Referee. Parker, Carlotta Parker, I.u- Parker and Zola Parker, Defendants. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an order issued out of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for Chehalis County, in the above entitled cause, on the 27'h day of August, wherein I am directed to sell the real estate described in siid Order, I shall sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand, at the front door of the Court House, in the City of Montesano. in County, on the 29th day of September, at Ten O'clock in the forenoon the following described real estate, to-wit: Tract No.

3. beginning at a point on the South side of a Slough 1380 feet West from the corner of Sections la-PMtt and 24, on the line between 13 nnd 24, and 145 feet South from said ection line; Thence South 1175 feet, thence feet, thence North 9-jo feet to the South Bank of said Slough, thence along the Rank of said Slough to the place of beginning, containing 7.94 Acres more or less, atid located in the N.E, the N.E. of Section 24, in Township 17 North of Range 8, West, iu Chehalis County, Washington. Also Lota 10-11 ami 12, of Block Seven (7) of Highland Home, now a nart of he City of Aberdeen, Chehalis County, Waf-hinuton. Also Lots 7 MMO-ll and 12.

of Block of "Btewart's First Addition to Highland Home." Lots 10-11 and 12, of Block and Lots 1 and 2 of Block 10, and Hud 12, of Block 11, of Stewart's First Addition to Highland Home, all now being a part of the City of Aberdeen, aforesaid. Said sale being subject to approval and con. fir ma'ion by said Superior Court, Dated August 28, 1905. F. E.

JONE3, Date o' publication Nugnst 31, 1905. Date of last publication Sept. 21,1905..

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