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The Mt Sterling Advocate from Mount Sterling, Kentucky • Page 6

Mount Sterling, Kentucky
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mm J) mm SYSTEMATIZE Your household expenses by opening a bank account for your wife. Glte her check book ond tench her the use of It. 1'ny the butcher, the grocer, the baker, with a check. Then tit the end of the mouth you'll firtd out jiwt how much it costs you to run the home. When payment by check is made there never is any doubt as to whether or not a bill is paid.

The check is a receipt Besidei, a checking account will give your wife a business education. The number of ordinarily bright women who know absolutely nothing of banking is surprising. Ifycu nrc a husband, brother, you cannot tell when deatli may overtake you, and it is well that your wife, daughter and sister know something of banking. Make Up Ycur Mind Today To Give Your Wife a Check Book Exchange SRanc of JCentucc? TTCSC-S- a-ST. ss.zzzx'.

H. R. PREWITT, Prosldont B. FRANK PERRY, Cashlor I I i 1 LEONARD Cleanable One-Piece Porcelain-Lined Refrigerator You can wash it like a clean China dish. No cracks or crevices, but round corners instead.

CHENAULT OREAR STREET CONTRACT AWARDED The City Council la-t Tuesday awarded tlie contract for improving Richmond avenue from Main to the city limits to James Kichards. The street will be reconstructed with macadam on the Government model road plan, and work will be immediately. Little other husincn of importuncc was transacted by the Council. Tho Council will meet tonight to hear the report of the committee investigating the practicabil ity of a municipal lighting plant, i This conflict between the railroads and their employee has served at least one good purpose. It has convinced the ultimate goats (the public at large) that laws must be enacted to prevent a recurrence of conllicts in the future which have the possibility of a paralysis of the commercial interests of the country.

Those laws should be so drsatio in their nature as to force a course of moderation on both sides to the controversy. The people have rights, as well as the railroads and their employes. BOURBON HOG CHOLERA REMEDY Prevents and Cures CHOLERA, WORMS, COUGH, THUMPS. It destroys disease cerms. reculates the hourls.

an! riire.tinn anrl causes hoes to fatten quickly. Use it in the feed and drink and your hogs will never have cholera. Costs only 5c. a month for each hog. IWi 1 ni.

utuu H.cjr fcCb BkK. UC1.1U KliUf. yOUf HOgS IU1S IHCUICIDC now and keep them free from worms and disease. At All Druggists. BOUBBON REMEDY COMPANY, tcxlniton.

Ky. Sold in frit. Sterling by Bassett Drug Co. wttssomsmtii KlK'iM "Telephone as You'd Be Telephoned To" t. .1,1 I 4 trpS CUMBERLAND TELEPHONE TELEGRAPH CO.

Incorporated TELEPHONE courtesy is just a bit of ordinary politeness and everyday kindness that we put into our conversation when we talk by telephone. Its the face to face brand of politeness and kindness used when we're voice to voice. It's the same politeness and kindness that we like to receive from the other end of the wire. Giving a little thought to telephone courtesy and practicing its simple rules will make the telephone an even more efficient aid for you. "Telephone as You'd he Telephoned To," always.

BOX 400, FRANKFORT, KY. ESIAY OH HAIIT 31. Lincoln Schuster, junior in tho Pulitzer School of Journalism, won the fifty-dollar prize offered by Arthur Brisbane, editor-of the Now York Evening Journal, for the host editorial written by a member of the school ojn "Habit." Schuster, who is nineteen years of age, hns done literary work for the Indepen dent, nnd is college correspondent for several New York newspaper. Until recently bo was connected with the literary department of the CohiT.bin Spectator. Eighty-seven editorials were sub mitted during the competition.

The editorinl which was adjudged best by Geddes Smith, of the Independent; William Lahcy and Blnncho Bates, of the New York Tribune, nil graduates of the School of Journalism, follows: Habit Your Slave Or Master? Ilobit is the greatest friend and the greatest enemy of mankind. Habit is life the very life of life. Habit is the backbone of your character. Habit is tho basis of ninety-nine per cent, of what you do. Habit is not second nature; rather as the Duke of Wellington said, "it is ten times nature." Habits are of two kinds: good nnd bad.

Bad habits are vices; good habits are virtues. Bad habits destroy; good habits build. Bad habits enslave you; good habits make you the master oi yourself. Bad habits tie you to the great monkey god you see on this page. You whirl round and round, tied to bad habits.

You go fast, but not far. You are powerless. The smoking-habit, the drinking-habit. tho swearing-habit all these are chains of slavery. A mental slave to bad habits is far worse to a physical slave, for the little string that binds him cannot be cut with the sharpest knife that man can devise.

It can only be broken by the power of will. Bad habits keep you from getting anywhere in life except in the nar-iow circle around the stone monkey. The little thin string that ties you to bad habits grows stronger and stronger every day. If you want to free, you must determine to brenk that string now. Don't postpone postponing is another bad habit.

Cut that string now! But don't be afraid of all habits. Good habits are to bo prized. Good habits are the greatest time-savers in your life. You get up in the morning, you wash, you dress, you eat, you go to sleep all by habit. You do these necessary things automatically good habits give you the power.

If you didn't develop these simple hnbit, if you had to think every time before you got up, before you dressed, before you nte, you would havo no time for anything else. Thinking about things you can do by habits is a waste of time. Habit is the great short-cut to action. Don't be the slave of habit. Let habit bo your slave.

Let habit do the routine things of life for y6u. Let habit give you daily efficiency, punctuality, exactness and neatness. Let habit give you healthy exercise every day, deep breathing, wholesome food nnd regular hours. Let habit give you pleasant smile, a warm greeting, and joy in your work. This will save you time, worry and energy.

Then you will linvo room for the greater tilings of life thinking, reading nnd character-building. Full line women's hose at thi right kind of prices, from 15 cents to $1.50. (51-tf) The Bruaaer Shoo Co. If there nro any nations that are not fighting thore is still room for imothor splash or two. Residence for Sale.

Jiy residence on lfichinond avenue. Largo garden and grounds. (8-4t) II. J. Porter.

RAIN or shine, winter or summer, each Uneeda Biscuit is crisp, flaky, full of nutriment, fresh and tempting as the minute it left the oven. From each opened box of Uneeda Biscuit there comes that wonderfully appetizing oaor or iresn-baked biscuit. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY SCHOOL DAYS AGAIN Again tho youin or cj: commim- ity are back in school and preparing themselves for tho duties of life. A few years hence they will be benring the burdens" of the community that are borne by us today, and jt is incumbent upon us to see that they are in every way fitted to cope with the many and intricate problems that will confront them. Education is a modern necessity.

It is no longer a luxury reserved principally for tho rich. It is just ns ossentinl that the mind of the farmer be developed to the utmost capacity as it is for the merchant oi the doctor or the lawyer. Each branch of industry is dependent in great measure of tho success attained by other branches. No longer can we "go it alone" as our forefathers did in the good old days. Hence, if we would have our children successful in life it is necessary that we afford them every opportunity to acquire the education thnt is the first requisite to such acluevement.

Keep the public schools in mind, encourage the teachers by your personal interest and support, and commend the children in their efforts to meet your expectations. Speak the good word that breeds ambition in tho 1 breast of teacher and pupil alike, nnd begin the speaking today. Highest Market Price Paid for Poultry and Produce G.D. Sullivan W. Locust Street Fbooe: Office.

fU 13-iyr ait. Sterling, Ky 131 MENEFEE CONVICTION At a special term of tho Menefeo Circuit Court last week, the jury in the case of Reese Bryant, charged with killing Courtney Dennis some time ngo, rendered a verdict of guilty and fixed tho punishment at five years and one day in tho penitentiary. The case was tried before Circuit Judge Cisco, ond Bryant was defended by Judge W. A. Young.

Tho case will not bo nppealed and Bryant will begin his sentence at once. The Department of Agriculture announces that there ore few farmers who nre good judges of calves. That' no joke. It takes a City Feller to know what's what about them things. There- hain't no street cars on the farms.

The 'Advocate for printing. IGI YEARS OLD "Uncle Johnny" Helton, of this county, celebrated the one hundred nnd first anniversary of his birth Saturday, September 0th. "Uncle Johnnv" makes his home with his nephew, Mr. Matt Ford, near Sideview, and enjoys perfect health. Ho was born in Virginia in 1815 and came to Kentucky at the close of the Civil War.

Mr. Helton every year raises a small crop of tobacco and corn which he works himself, cutting and housing his to-bacco and cutting and shocking his corn. He says he never took a dose of medicine in his life and attributes his long life to regular habits an inveterate user of tobacco. He is probably the oldest white man in the State. No heart irmmnihto to wwd Of praiso or the kinyy fwnile of p-probation, and nono aro utterly above being affected by censure or blame.

Children aro particularly (sensitive in this respect. Kofcn can discourage child more than ftpirit of incessant fault-finding, nnd perhaps nothing can exert a more painful influence upon both parent nnd child. If your little" one, through tho day, lias been pleasant nnd obedient, nhd you say to him, "My son, you have been good today, and it makes mo very happy," and if, with more than ft usually affectionate embrace, you say, "Good night, my' dear child," a tbrob of suppressed feelings fills his breast, and ho resolves on nlways earning such approval. When a girl doesn't like tho man who persists in calling onherJ. she doesn't have to lie word thnt she is not nt home' when he calls.

All she has to do" is to cat a nice big raw down nnd meet him. back. Mr id onion nnd go Ho won't come' Possibly that doctor who described love ns a disease is ambitious to perform the impossible by living on love. i EARL W. SENFF, Attornoy-at-Law, Mt.

Sterling, Ky. While Couuty Attorney, will accept employment in civil matters only. DR. C. W.

COMPTON Mt. Sterling National Bant Bldg. 'Phone 525 A brother editor isays that when a man has $1,000,000 he has to be careful how he spends it or his brain may be investigated. And coming from an editor, too! Milk Milk DR. H.

M. WRIGHT DENTAL SURGEON Mt. Sterling Kentucky Office over Geiger's Pharmacy, Court and Mnysvillo Sts. Formerly occupied by Dr. F.

A. Millard. Office Phone 237. Fees rcnsonable, work guaranteed. (27-lyr)' Our Dairy is Conducted on the Most Sanitary Lines YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED John Blount 35-tJ E.

STAIfl LER Architect 708 Fayette Nat'l Bank Bldg. Lexington, Kv. 27tf S. P. M0HNEY Chiropractor Office on Wc3t Main.

7:30 to 11 a. m. on Monday, Wednesday and Friday of each week. (43-tf) 1 PREPAREDNESS Having moved into a more HfSacious building we are better prepared to do Dry Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing than ever before. We have installed tils verv latest machinery for cleaning and pressing and invite the public to call and inspect our plant and fee our sanitary method of cleaning and pressing and we will convince you that we can clean and renovate the most delicate fabric without injury by scientific methods We only employ skilled and competent workmen in every department.

Ours is the best equipped and only up-to-date plant in the city. We are now located in the First Floor Schlegel Building, 23 North Maysville Street between the Delicious Cafe aud Couroy's Saddle and Harness Shop, All work must be satisfactory or no pay. We earnestly solicit your patronsge. Stockton's Electric Dry Cleaning E. W.

Stockton Prop. TELEPHONE 223 MT. STERLING. KY. Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local a they cannot reach the dliiaird portion of the ear.

There li only one way to cure deafneet, and that by constitutional rmll Is cauiea by an Inflamed condition of the mu-cou lining of the Uuitachlan Tube. When tills tube Inflamed you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing-, and when It Is entirely slosed. Deafness Is the result, and unless the Inflammation can be taken out and this tub stored to Its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever) nine cuses out of ten ore caused by Catarrh, which la nothing but an Inflamed condition of the mucouo surfaces. Wa urlll .1.. Hii.

Ifiitij4vi4 rinllar fir anv rut of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that I i-jnnot be oured by Mali's Catarrh Cure. I Au4 for circulars, free. 7. OlIKXttY A CO. Toledo.

Ohio. I 1'4 by Druggists. Tie Come In and see the new addition to the Oliver Tauiily, This plow will work miyvthere an ordinary breaking pkw will, and "jf you have a field you want to break deep or it you nave any nituy ground tiiri you want turned tms is juit tlie plow you wont. It cuts jj inches and with three horses you can plow almost twice as much as an ordinary plow can in ilday. Let us show it to you, or what is better, 1ft us demonstrate it in your fiejd, Donjt fail to look over our line of Buggies, Harness aud Work Gear be fore you buy.

Sim mil's I'amlly l'llls for constipation. Frewitt Howell 'Sot i.F ti r. t. I..

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