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Eastern Utah Advocate from Price, Utah • Page 1

Price, Utah
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'BBj I 'ail Eastern Utah Advocate I Utah's Best Wwekly, Published In the "Biggest Little City on Earth" jf K. II TWENTIETH YKAR. PRICE, UTAH. THURSDAY, MARCH 12, IBM. NUMBML (bVbH iEWED'W BUY HIED "OKXKHAIjm KKLLY IN JAIIi AT HA.CHAMKNTO.

GnUfornla City Refuses to Allow Farther FrogreM of Idle Men Acres Stale "nil Rrltrs Tlicm Hack to Ban Francisco. Tbo army o( the unomployod tram tho Pacific coast constating of notorsl thousand men, and which, According to 1U adrortlsod schedulo would have posted Ui rough Price la a fow da) a on 1U war to Washing-! ton, D. 0., la at thla tlmo In a bad-1 ly dlaorganlted condition, and to! not probable that "tho biggest Utile city" will bo obliged to food this multitude of Idlo men. Tho latest report of Kelly's "army" la contained In the following; proas dispatch from Sacramento, Deatcn and badly djrganlzod, iti loaders In Sacramento JolU, and endowed with scanty food and shelter, tbo "unemployed army," driven out of BAoramcato, la encamped across tbo rlrcr In Yolo county, a dojected tot of men. Authorities are guarding tho bridge and will not permit any return to tho chy and Yulo county officer, heavily armed, are keeping Alio men within the now camp made yesterday after being forced beyond tbo city llmlLa.

With spokenmon and no load-era, tbo "army" hu put aaldo temporarily 1U projected trip to Washington, D. nnd turned Its attention to tho gmvor subject of subsistence. Tho men Itavo found tbenwolvoa in nn unenviable posl-i tlon. Oarred from returning to Sacramonto ovor either of the bridges ovor Uio river, and bommod in on the -south, north, north nnd wost by flood waters of tho Sacrn-monto river In the Yolo basin, they nro virtually helpless, Tbo city and county governments hAve sent enough money to provldo i two meaU. Yolo county, which on I Friday paid tho "army's" trtuwpor- tatlon from Davis to Sacramento, as yot baa taken no action to further disperse the mon.

Protection of property and Uvea, they sold, ns of paramount Importance and several residents of Uio county Informally askod Oovernor Johnson to I call out the mllltla, but Uio excou- tlvo refused. I Sacramento clUtons arc broth- Ing a sigh of relief after tho excit ing events. Tho etreoU well patrolled and tho police aay nearly all tbo men wlio scnUorod about tbo city when a portion of the "army" was routed and forced across tbo rlur, have Joined tbelr comrades In Yolo county. Logs than a thousand nro camped across the rlvor out of tho seventeen hundred men that wore originally camped on tbo Southern Pacific company's sand lot tbore. Many of tho men who deserted before tho riots boarded trains and left tho city, according to special agents of the railroad.

No one was seriously injured when tho police and special deputies routed tho mob on tho sand lots with clubs and flro hose A few scalp lacerations, brulAod bodies and broke noses represents tho toll of tbo clash botween the "array" nnd tho authorities. Applications will bo made for writs of habeas corpus In behalf of "Oenoral" Kelly and others how In Jail. The authorities sold that It the writs wore sustained the men would bo rearrested as often lis they wore released, until danger of reorgnnlraUon was passed, Tho Yolo officers deolared tlioro were 1800 nion by actual count In Uio army They accounted for the large Increase by saying tho additions had come trom Sacramento. Theso figures were questioned. Tbo army, minus leaders, was offered transportation to San Francisco by Yolo county, but refused it A proposition to lot tho army march through Sacramento under heavy on Its way to Washington was then considered.

WlUi Yolo county officers inslat- Ing that Sacramonto take its guards of! the river bridges and permit tho Industrial Workers to pass through Sacramento and wend their way outward and Sacramento officers jgJlgfri tvrjit 1 USS suB.iSKcb no- i vouto nd TnUn- DOCXlTFUt jTOO.WAS 3M6 I PA011J311D WOULD BR- rouND.oN imoit "ir i atT Ttnno 3'tfr WASTWO VL TRY TH OTi flfl flC ft- luHinVR) corn MOItl I AND riN ALLY MAHRIED MEll Il 3MOULD KVRH WRD Yoy cnN.AWOMAN' jt. rrupor no ivtcc- ytr -all refuting to do this, tho problom developed Into a clash between tho two counUo. When the dlsorgnnlusl "array" refused Uio offer of District Attorney Ilalley of Yolo county that It accept tronsportaUon back to flan Francisco bay, Ilalley aakd tho Sacramento officers that the brldgo (guards bo removed. Ho was told they would not bo and replied that he would appeal to tho courts for In restraining order to provnet Uio closing of tho bridges to traffic. I Meanwhile Uio unemployed were trying to reorgnnlio antl held ser-; oral meetings on tho river bank, at which their leaders swore vengonnco on Sacramonto.

The clUtcnt commllbee of Sacramento sent tbo "army" a load of provisions cooked meat, ooffee and broad Yolo county having refused to feed them. DYNAMlTintH HKUVK I'KNITKNTIAIIY HKNTKNCKH WASHINGTON, D. Mar 0. Tho final chapter In tho Iron workers' campaign to destroy the "opon shop" with dynamite and nitroglycerin was wrlUen today by tho supremo court in refusing to revlow Uio penitentiary sontcnoes Imposed 'upon Frank M. Ryan, prcsldont ol the IntoronUouol Association of Hrldge and Structural Iron Work-era, and twenty-three of the asao-claUon's mombers.

8enalor Kora, leading counsel for the iron workers at their trial at Indianapolis, statod after the bu-premo court's action that bo djd ndt contomplate appealing to tho president for a pardon tor the convicted mon. A pardon alone stands between them and tho penltenUary. Solicitor aonoral Davis probably will rqueost the court tomorrow to certify Its acUon to tho United States circuit court of nppoals at Chicago. Of Uio men who appealed to tho supreme court for a review, Ryan was given the longest senteuco, seven years. The lower oaurt held that loiters produced In evidence showod Ula management In destroying "open shop" structures.

Mrs. J. R. MatUngly, proprietress of the Oak rooming house, died, nt an early hour ycterday morning. It was at first reported Uiat death wan caused from a kick tho deceased bad received tho Sunday night preceding A coroner's Jury Vf0 lmpauolod vesterday attornoon, and acting upon auUiority trom Justice Mlddleton, Drs.

Flsk and Clownrd performed an autopsy. Roth physicians stato that there Is absolutoly no evidence showing Uiat deceased dlod from any such cause A thorough oxamlnaUon Internally and externally did not reveal any bruluos or-abraalons, Tho stomach was removed nnd will probably bo sent to Salt Lako City to determine whether or not doath was caused by poisoning. PRESIDENT IHV WANTS (KM DKMVKIW TOWKIIPUIj ADHRI-SS TO CROWDKI) HOUHI'm Thinks Time Is IUpe to Call ICIec- Uon For "Wet" or "Dry" Policy In PricoRellevcs Clonlnfc of Saloons Would Settle All tlio Social Uvlla. A. W.

Horaloy, president of tlie Carbon Btako of 7.lon, took fall out ot nearly everything that oanio within oratorical reach at tho mooting of tho KducaUon association Monday night In tho Mothodltt church. Tho subject notlgnod tho president was, "What Stops Should He Taken to Free Price From Saloon Control?" Mr. Horaley took a rap not only at conditions prevailing at Price, out also elsowhero In tho county, "I never was so embarrassed," said the speakor, "as recently when I was called to Helper and at a houso three miles this aide of that town in Uio presence ot ladles I saw itho moat deplorable depravity I saw men on tho Sabbath day lying around in a drunken condition, iotri ot them even showing their person. "Conditions In Price may not be ot tho best, but In Iho language of tho street Holper has us 'sklnnod seven However, I do not believe In decrying our mlsfortuno trom tho housetops, as lias been done. J'So much unfavorable notoriety has boon published from this town that when I go Into Salt Lake and people ask one whore I am from and I say they exclaim, 'Oh, for Lord's i In his remarks tho speaker sta-'ted that he believed the time was ripe tor an absolutely closed town and Uiat It Uio people would circulate a petition for voting the town dry Juno ho could almost guar-nnteo that they would win, that there were onocgh fathers and mothers who would aid tho cause to put Price In tho dry list once and tor all, The closing ot the saloons I bo believed was tho solution ot all social evil problems.

I Tho speaker raenUoned the coming of Chief ot Police U. F. a rant I to make a reform speech In Price jThe president stated that he thought Orant lnd a very good field to work If he used his efforts In Salt Lako. Mr. Horaloy thought that Salt Lko has many ot tho moil demoralizing resorts la tho United States and Uiat the ofilolal could well employ hia time in reforming Klon Instead of coming to Price, whero conditions nro by no means a bod At In the cspitnl of the stole I'rcildctit Horaley Isld particular itroM ctt cloning up the saloons and aatd that If bod buitlneea ronultcVl from the effects ot closing, he for one wm willing to take a pick nnd ahovel nnd go out to work that tho city might be freed from the opon laloon.

Ho exhorted lite audlonco to do everything possible to promote statewide and nationwide prohibition. "Lot ua as a an Uon go out tho saloon business" was Uio keynoto of his talk. John Potter wna tho flrot ipeaker of the evening and ho delivered a splendid talk on tho co-ooeraUon ot parent to prevent tho uso ot clgareUea among boya. Ho preiontcd atartllng facts to show how tho youUia of Uio land wore injured by Uio cigarette habit Mr. PoUor was followed by Rev.

Ferris, to whom had alio been assigned tho subject ot freeing Price from saloon control. Mr Ferris spoke along tho lines of paronis eliminating the Idea of ono tttondard for men and anothor for tho boys, Thla double standard is very eron-neoua, the speaker stated, and when father and son agreo on ono standard there will be lltUe room for on eatrangoment. Ono standard for Uio boy and Uio some for tho father was the thought expressed by Mr. Ferris. K.

Uernardl, Uio popular Oardon Storo man, Is back from his visit to California. Ho was in the midst ot tho floods that inundated tho Los Angeles seotlon, Having heard so much about Mexico, while visiting In tho extreme southern part of tho state, Mr, Dernardl took a Jaunt over Into Uio southern republic. Nothing looked good to him there and he mode up his mind to return to "lb blggost little city on oarth" forthwith. Miss Rllen Mulronoy Is back Jrom i a trip to Salt Lake City, where she accompanied hor mother, Mrs. Anna Mulroney ot Ft.

Dodge, Iowa, from this placo loot week, Mrs. Mulroney stopped off hero about ten dnjs ago for a abort visit wlUi her daughtor. She Is on her way for a vlflt in Montana. B. D.

Johnstone, ono of the Prico old timers and who lias long been connected with Uio police survlco ot tho Consolidated Fuel company, left Monday to assumo bis now poslUon I with the Tennessee Iron Railway company. There is a now laundry In Price It I located in tho stand formerly occupied by the Oak bar and Is operated by Chinese. Material Is on tho, ground tor tbo erection of Uio Sllvagni building at the MethodUt church corner. ADVOCATE "SUBSCRIBER" I ALSO STATESMiHE VIEWS I "Biggest Little City" Cannot Afford To Enter- I tain Measures For Drastic Reforms Exptr- ience of Other Towns Should Be Taken Into Consideration. Whenever a town or vllUgo he-i gins to show signs ot metropolitan llfo, nnd tho prowpects nppesr favorable for making nn attracUvo city out ot a country village, certain problems present themselves to tho peoplo for solution.

Ono particular problom is now occupying the minds ot the people ot Price, nnd tho agltaUon has taken on auch proportions In connecUon therewith, that it demands exercise of tho best Judgment and careful attention of all those" who have tho wolfaro and progreM of our llUIe city at heart. There appears to be a conflict between those who assume to have tho moral well being of tho peoplo In mind and thoso who aro looking to tho material progress ot Uio city This same conflict has arisen sphlnxllko in evory city ot notable proportions in the United States as well as In all civilised naUons. A hundred years of strugglo In tbo history of our Urgent clUos, where every conceivable method lias been put Into operation, has failed to effect a final adjustment or soluUoti of tho liquor problom, or the entire ellmlnnUon of that clans usually I designated as tho undorworld. All people look upon tho accomplishment of these purposes as a do-slderatum to be highly prised Regardless of this noblo sentiment It la idlo for any person or set ot Individuals to assume Uiat these problems ot aocloty can be nottlod at ono sweep. Radical action and prematura InlUatho has been tho means of bringing about a vast amount of troublo and has blocked tho wheels of progress in tho development of many ot our municipalities Tho city ot Price la peculiarly located, tho environments being dissimilar to thoso of most ot our Utah towns.

In tho various mining camps which form clrclo around us there is a largo foreign population; many of Utelr number cannot speak English, and thoro Is hardly a possibility for reformers to Instill Into their minds tho moral philosophies that tho reformers do-dro to disseminate. Tho money paid to theso peoplo aggregates hundreds of thousands of dollars per month Soroo of Uiclr minds aro not keyed to a high moral tension, posiwalng as they do certain habits nnd prno-Uoes that lwo becomo a port ot Uielr nature. Tho samo can be said of all human bolnjgs, there being a dofference In degree. Ono has a vory shallow idea of mental nnd moral development who acts upon tho principle that with one Mist moral wave Uioy will bavo swept from their mlnda all but that which la pure and holy. It Is a fact weU established lu Uio inlcds of all men and women poa-eoHalng an ordinary amount of business sense that a portion ot tho money received by thoso employes i comes to Price, because it la throwing oft the swaddling clothes of village, and Is Uio natural point tor tho distribution ot material wealth and a desirable placo In which to make a homo.

Should Price lose the features that bring this money constantly Into tbo city It Is a nat-' ural soquonco Uiat It will go elsewhere, and wo will dwindle back to tbo primitive condition in which wo existed a tew yoara ago. In such au event could it bo sold that the moral standard had been raised, and groatcr happiness been vouchsafed to the pooploT At Uio loot elootlon the peoplo voted their policy and tho prcoont Incumbents are mon ot moral character who are exorUng their best etfofts to maintain a well regulated oity and make condlUoni euch that It will have a healthy growth and Uiat prosperity can bo enjoyed by all. If they aro handicapped by over agltaUon nnd radicalism there Is no doubt but that progress will bo greatly retarded. There nro men and women In Prlco who bavo Invested every 4 dollar that they pomojts In p.wneHj hero. They are people ot valo te tho city nnd they aro people ef ged moral character.

Is It cunssMw that certain agitators who do et own a dollar's worth of real estt and perhspa owo for tbe clothes their bocks ahall outline ths pM- clea of this municipality? It Is tr from tho Intention of the wcltr plead tor any conditio that wawM compromise the moral coHUUen of any individual, but the meUv 1 jH that whloh la in harmony with many solid cktsens who have pressed themselves, vis: That a consistent, common sees eorse pursued in the xoguktUo et ah K- quor traffic and the tttgprowlea ef( vice. BUWSCRIBKR. HK.VATOR HMOOT H1IOWH UP THK NKW TARIFF LAW Injures Worker nnd IkiBSpt Hw rflt to Consumer, WASHINGTON, D. Mar. Tbo glowing pkuiro of the hettetftaT 'H conferred upon Uio country by the now tariff law, which had be tH- jH dloualy painted in Iho senate hy Senator Simmons, was rudely skat- tered in a cotwitsr speech FrMsy hy Reed Bmoot ot Utah.

Alter' jM Senator Simmons had finished Ms piece of oratory, quotlHC tveres- iH ly from nowsfisper eUtiplnfM to at-. tM tain his points, Senator Mmsot an- swored lilm Ho said in part: "There Is no need of deceiving ourselves and taking port Us a wsws- iiH papeV reports as tostimoHy. Ws havo tho treasury department as- IsibI counts of the vnluo of good tan- fM ported Into tho country nnd vry fM dollar ot customs duties, collected. "During November and DecesnUer JM of 1012 and January, 1913, the hn- portnUons wero 1470,000,600 In fH value. During th coorrejOFi4in months under tho new tariff law Importations wero valued at 000,000, an Increase ot $17, 666,699.

"Tlio revenue collected by th fM government In the first Instawte was and under tk dew- ocratlc tariff law $80,000,060, a do- crease of $13,000,000. "So Uio American workman hava been proventcd from making 000,000 worth ot good and ihe TJ treasury has lost $13,060,068. "The reveniw derived, however, from the sale nnd consumption beer, whisky, increased 000,000 over tbo corresponding three months of 1912-1913, and thin jH wbon all industries ot the oevntry aro suffer lug, Bj "The revonue for Fobraary, 1914 is $10,000,000 less than that tor Ifffl February, 1913. HSsi "If the ultimate consumer w- Hfl celved tho benefit of the domocrmtls Ifl tariff uot there would be eomo sens ILbVJ to It. Hut I doubt whether Umrs bKbbibI Is senator who can point to nn iTCI item which the ulUnmte conavnier SkQ purchased for lees on account of kBI tho reduotlon in duties.

And mm liVal foreign manufacturer told me he BaB had not begun to fight for the Aan- iHH erlcan market, and would not until HsTaal bo saw wheihtr Uio people npprevsd HSa 1 of tho tariff law after lite fall iie; BiTal tlon." TOO MUCH HKFORM HH KIMii OllKGON TOWX iH DAKER, March 9, -The vl. i lage ot Copporfleld, put on the wmp by Oovernor West In January, whW sent his secretary. Miss i BVa Hobbs, to close the salocom thors ll has been taken off by the Mrcti! oorarany. Tim Oregon (Utort Utm i has closod Its Copporfield ttla) BBh T. E.

McMcar'4, former staUon naMt BBa at yiat place, arrived toay BBB kor. BsBBJ "About fifty people cewain Ik BJBfl Copperfleld," Mr. McMeana ntt, "and they are prejrlag ta leav sat BiavJ quickly as possible," BmBh Mr. McMeass looking fr a Hsl o' ffflfffi BBBs!.

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