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The Bienville Democrat Ringgold Record du lieu suivant : Arcadia, Louisiana • Page 3

Arcadia, Louisiana
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4WW of toaudlhMaglohofBDien. known, that on this day be. ethe onderulgued Notary Pub. ei.and for the P'arish of Blenville, uSIoautlly came Land appeared the whose nmems are hereunto sub. steIed who declares tahr of the provisions of the laws of this State relative to corporatsthey have formed a corporation le the name an datyle and with the and privilege hereinafter stlpu.

ARTICLE I. Name name of this corporation shall RigNTelephone ARTICLE IL Object and Purpose TRhe object and purpose for which this corporation ia organised is to consignet, maintain and operate a telephoue plant lin the town of Ringgold. Louisiana with connecting lines ARTICLE III. l1lie espital stock of this corporation1 44a41 be fixed at the sum of Five Dollars, divid4.4 Cnto one hundred shares of the par vebme of fifty dollars per share, all of before the publication of these, acles of incorporation, as 1 hrs 0. Thomas, 6 shares, L.

IL, 6 shares, C. 'Romms 6 shares, $8060W0; E. F. 5 shares, W. B.

Allums, 4 Mrs. S. I1. Tome, 4 shares, C. C.

Allums, 4 Wimberly A Allums 4 shares, S. P. Stewatr, 3 shares, B. P. Stewart, 3 F.

F. Wimberly, 2 E. C. $100; E. Page, 2sars "'L.

ens, 1 I seum E. ols 2 R. R. S. M.

Tomme, 2 T. It Page, 2 shares, I Tooke, 2shares, Thmaas, 2 shares, L. 0 L. C. 2iur Page-Grav0? C.

H. Scott; 1 shares, ICorley, 1share, $6000 J.H.Cok 1 share, E. C. Cook, 1 II. B.

Scott, 1 share C. Wiliams, lishare, 1 share, Tom ,1 share, H. C. Cook, $6000; Jas. B.

Reagan, I B. W. Lawson, 1 share. Total entire capital stock shall be' stock and there shall be no Y. IV.

apitl stck ths coportio the presence of tie undersigned cor petent witnesses on this the 4th day of December, 1920. C. E. TOMME, E. F.



in It. R. SMITH. b. Attest: )g D.


a- B. F. AIILUMS, Notary )n State of Louisiana, Parish of Welt ie ville, J. Smelley, Dy. Clerk Distric: Court in and for envie Parish, du hereby certify that the above and fore going is a true and correct copy of the original on file and of record Book 11 Page 89, Charter Records of F' Blenville Parish, La 3.

N. SMEI, EY, Dy. Clerk District Court. 0--------h ORDINANCE othe us No. 2ar e- An odinance prohibiting the burning I of trash, paper, waste, boxes or any other useless articles or rubbish of any kind within the Corporate Limits within the Town of Arcadia, ex.

cept under certain condlitions and pro viding a penalty for the violation of the provisions of said Ordinance. Section 1. BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the Town of Arcadia, Louisiana, in special session convened, that it shall be unlawful for any person, corporation or association of persons to any trash, paper, waste, boxes or any other useless articles or rubbish of any kind, within, the Corporate Limits of the Town of Arcadia, without first obtaining permission to burn said 3 trash or rubbish from Chief of the 4 Fire Department, provided that noj trash, paper, waste, boxes or any use, less articles or rubbish of any kind be burned within the Corporate Limits of said town between the hours c. 2 5:00 o'clock P. M.

and 6:00 o'cloc, 2A. M. S' Section 2. BE IT FURTHER OR. DAINED that any person, firm or corporation, violating any of th' provisions of this ordinance shall deemed guilty of misdemeanor and up 2 on conviction in the Mayor's court, 3' shall be fined in a sum of not less than $1.00 and not more than $25.00, or imprisoned in the Town Lock Ul and worked on the streets of sae Town for a period of not less thain 2 one nor more than thirty days, or 1, both in the discretion of the court.

i BERTRAM F. BARNETTE, Mayor of Arcadia, La. J. S. McCONATHY, Clerk.

LEO DANIEL, Absent. ORDINANCE An ord No. 271 An ordinance defining what is conmmnonly known as a False Fire Alarm and prohibiting any person or persons from turning in a False Fire Alarnk to the Fire Department and providing a penalty for the violation of same. Section 1. BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen the Town of Arcadia, Louisiana, in a.

special session convened, that. a calling out of the Fire Departmenlt, by any person without a building or some valuable property is actually bunifng there is great probabllit3 of said building or other valuable Sproperty catching on fire, is declaredl to be ivhat is comumolil IJ known as a False Fire Alrin, and th( tunming in of said False Efire Alarmn 4 by any person or persons ts hereby die clatJ to be unlawful. ection 2. BE IT FURTHCERC Oft DAINEiD that any person or sons violating any of the provisions of this: Ordinance shall be deemed guiltyr of misdemeanor and upon co' vioction in the Mayor's court, shall inaed in a sum of not less than $10.00 and not more than $50.00, or imprisonl ed in the town Lock Up and worked o1n the streets of the town for a period of not less than ten days nor thirty days, or both, at the dis Scretion of the BERTRAM F. BARNETVTE, Mayorr of Arcadia, La 3.

S. MeCONATHY, Clerk. LEOO DANIEL, Absent. 273. Anordinance prohibiting' the driving of automobiles, buggies, wagour or any other vehicle over the fire hose within the town of Arcadia, whfie same ii being used for fighting fires, fire drills or any other purpose giid ptoviding a penalty for the violation this ordinance.

Section 1. BEI IT ORDAINED I the Mdayor and Board of Al(Iermen of the Town Of Arctadia, in special sesu slon convened that it shall be unlawfhi1 for anyi person to drive an automo bibs, wargon, or or any otherI vehicle over the fire hose of the Ar. cadia Fire Department same Is lying in, or across the street of the Town. of Arcadia. 2.

BE IT ORDAINIED etc. that any person or persons violating any provision of this ordinance shal bedeeeda eguityt of. misdemeanor and upon conviction in the Mayor's court sbidl be fined in sum of not less $aoo nor more than $2.00, or Iin the towu LockUp an oh the streets of said ar if not less than ten days 3 nft more than thirty days, Ct the' discretion of the Mayor. Mayer of. Arcadia, La.

3, Ba McCONATHy, Cl1erk. LO1)ANDLIBIIh1 Absent. Ihrsb Cimatoa EikVs Brewer. ml 11 vktu. of'6 a of he bove tgs idder' for "t6sn at SPROCEEDINGS OF REGULAR MEETING OF SCHOOL BOARD Arcadia, Jun.

4, 1921 The Bienville Parish Schu Boardl liLe on the above date and at the above place with tile following menl ilrs preselnt: W. Sutton, Ward one: T. A. Shiermana, War d(wo; W. W.

Poole. Ward three 8. J. Hurkhalter r. f.1.

Mostiller. ardl six; i'. F. hite, seven. al present and a Itofl uI.

on motion of II. A. Sherman, second: cil by W. Suttoi. P.

F. White w'a' (ilect'tld President of the Bienville Par IH: School Board for a periodl of two beginning 1, 1921 and continuing until alan. 1. 1123. fH.

A. Sherman was elected Vice' I'President of thie BIardl for the sanlk time. Oni roll call thle vo'te was as follows For P. F. White as President and II.

A. SlrmnI as ice President: J.1. W. Nut tolln, II. A.

Sherman, Poole, S. J. Burhalter. H. N.

Hays, R. J. MosItiller, P. F. White, Against: none.

OIIn Ilmotion of J. W. Sutton, seconldedl Iby 11, A. Sherman, E. H.

Fisher was i elected Secretary-Treasurer of the Bieni Ville Parish School Ioard and Superin tendent of the Schools of Bienvil( Parish, for a term of fojir said term of othvte to begin July 1, 1921 a(nd to continue four years until July 1, 1925. The salary to be the same as I at present, three thousand dollars ple I year. The bIard is to pay the oflice 1and1 traveling expenses incident to tho Soitie. Those voting for saitl motiop Swere: J. W.

Sutton, H. A. Sherman 1. W. Poole.

S. J. Burkhalter, H. N. Hays, J.

Mostiller, P. F. White. Against the mnotion, none and the sain I E. i-I.

Fisher was unanimously elected On motion the sum of thirty-five (1ollmrs per month iWas grlanted to thi (ibsland Coleman (College to assist in paying a said teacher in said school. The following named comnmitte was ilapploilntedl to make settlement with the Belt, Light Product W. W. ii. A.

Sherman and tha Superintendent. On motion the secretary was orderto make settlement with the BienVille Abstfact Co. for the Platt Book Ihought by the School Board on Janl. 1, 1920. On motioni the President appointe; the following committee to see about an thice foi the School Board and make thel necessarry arrangenments: IR.

M'0stiler. P. F'. White and E. H.

Fish and S. J. Burkhalter. On motlion W. B.

Hanson was up pointedl a member (of Local Board and as a member of the Building Com. mit tee for the Bryceland High School On moqtion the Board adjournedl to meetl at 7:30 A. Jan. 5, 1921. E.

H. Fisher, Sec-Treas. P. F. White, Pres.

Arcadia, Jan. 5, 1921. The Buenville Parish School Board met pursuant to adjournment with a quorum present. On motion the Superintendent wa: authorized to pay R. C.

Moore the sum of $40.00 per month for transferring children to the Ringgold High School. On motion it is the sense of the Board that no addtional money be paid out on transefers or per diem due to the fact that the amount of money now being paid for transfers is all that the funds will justify the Boart in paying. The Board is trying tc conserve the funds as far as possibl and feels that enough money is now being paid for transportation, and it is their purpose to cut down this pense rather than increase it. Oni motion the Board asks that all public games in schools to be played on Saturdays or on days on which no Nchool is taught. It is the sense of the Board that too much time has been lost in the past, that games were played during school hours.

It Is ordered that the superintendent deduct from the salary or cehek of any teacher who loses time out of school playing games. This resolution does not mean that they are opposed to a reasonabir amomnt of athletics and games. On motion the minutes were read and adopted. E. H.

Fisher, P. F. White, Pres. "Cold in the Head" 1g mn acute attack of Nasal Catarrh. Those subject to frequent "colds in the head" will find that the use of HALLi'S CATARJU MEDICINE will build up the System, cleanse the Blood and render them less liable to colds.

Repeated attacks of Acute Catarrh may lead to Chronic Catarrh. HALL'I CATARRH MEDICINE is taken internally and acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System, thus reduclng the Inflammation and restoring normal condcdons. All Drugglats, Circulars free. F. J.

Cheney Toledo, Ohio, MORTOAGE' BLANES AND NOTES Chattel Mortgage Blanks, contain. ing homistead waiver clause. Also Mortgage Notes, Plain Notes and Con. fession of Judgement Notes in pads. We also have straight Mortgage blanks.

We can supply these in stock form, or print them to order. BIENVILLE DEMOCRAT, Louisiana. I TUE "OLD RELIAtBLE' BLACKORK AUGHT W-iY 'rJ MAlmaa Idy USp Say siedieinm Cas co rd T1he aOld Risah" Thedlord's ackDraht SCas ead Straed. recommending Thedford's llcbDraught to her friends and neighbers here, Mrs. F.

Parks, a wellJoja fSonCounty lady, said: "I eari; my head is prey Ithvtseeimnar cIn remn dil eoe and go 'btt the old ielHabl faikncf I'' 4'g r.g: HAD IT EVER OCCURRED TO YOU? )i Iltd it ever occurred to you tlhat you 1 had as well try to ie a successful pllysician with it a ttenlding it m11t: 5(1101l. or a snecestul i1l attending a schI ol. or ia .1 Uniits er with attlleuling Ii' ouli, as to try to ie i I Ii baud ci' or blisiness hall aly -i hwihtt it first hue'g raijeit flO I-i 14'5 in I'' Tyler o(''lun il 1 I (1 I.Ititl attend' a u1 iversity a re'pu if ji waiited to ualirst lasstd lawyer or uiuinh (r. Ihy not use hll same Oglod juI0gu. I in selet ilug ia btsiiess sehol inl Wi seemre '1 tolu al of Trt'ial io "1 ell 't 1.

the tusines 1university the SIouth lit enrolls nud1 students annuaillllly I tII aty other Similar school in 1. Its stutdeInts have conwi Iimm a -i fterent stiates aind sevei foreign co mutri(s; its grauluates 'u0e 11.1 'in t' very blest of lintions in the leaid eitiet of the fulled Stales. If you will spend front to $250.00 for tuiition, bouard antd bo.s I for a course of Shorthand, Bookkevp' wig, Telegraphy, Cotton Classing, or Business Finance, or fetter still, spi nd $200.11 to0o and coIplletfe inry three of these co1rsesC yI llw ill lht inle the best investment of your life. What young man oIr womant with detelrin atioi te'ltlnot raise tamnouuttt? Iluntdredls of students who lorrl'owed every cent of the 111o01e0 to attend this school. or gave their ii.

te for part of their tuition, will readily tell you it w'y the heost venture of their lives were sooll able, thu their good positions seeured them Iby the college, to pay what they owed and u(1((itinul' to hold their god 11 tiilns or go into business for thmieselves and suecees. Tliitk this stivemeet (Ige seriously. More than new studentt before this month clos.s, wil be added to the tiftoen hunorhd I are now here. 'Why not you be miong the autmber You can enter lday and take up the work. For large free catalogue, verifying the abovl clilus and more, till in and mail.

Nante Ad(dress Course interested in ESTRAY SALE Estrayed before me by E. J. Collinsworth, one red male yearling marks about 1iS months old. Appraised by II. S.

Rhinehart and E. 1. Collinsworth at $10.00. Unless owner comes forward and proves property and pays cost and keepers fees or same will be. sold according to law.

SATURDAY, Jan 15th, 1921 at my home. This Dcc. 10th, 1920. JNO. F.

WOODS, J. P. SHERIFF'S SALE No. 5375, Third Judicial District Court, Bienville Parish, Union Merchanttile Co. Vs.

J. F. Spurlocki. Under and by virtue of a writ of execution issued out of the above 1am. ed Honorable Court and to me directed, I have seized and will offer for sale to the last and highest bidder fot cash, with benefit of appraisement, at the principle front 'door Of the Court house in Arcadia, Bienville Parish within legal sale' hours on Saturday, January 15th, 1921 the following described property, tc wit: SW of SE and 5 1-2 of NW of 80 Sec.

35, Tp. 16 RI 60 acres more or less, and all improvements. The above desclrbed property' s0el ed as belonging to the defendant, 3. P. Spurlock, and will be sold to satIsfy said writ of execution and all costs.

This the 9th day of December, A 1920. J. E. OURRIJE, Sheriff. U.

WILLIAMS Attorney at Law Areadia, Louisiana Will practice in all the courtM 0o a 0 W. D. Goff Bertram Barnette GOOF BARNETTE Attorneys at Law Oli0ec near Court House Arcadia, Louiiana a Practice in lStz.k and SFederaJ Courts 0 J. S. WILLIAMS 0 Notary Public Offile in ii J.

S. Store 41 ArcadIa, La. 0 IFoster R. Taylor Sam'h Batrkadale TAYLOR BARKiSDALE Attorneys at Law Office on Court House Hill Arcadia, Louisiana I. I feeling after meals.

Sour tomach anid sick headache can be relieved by taking Black-Draught It aids digestion, also stsIststb JIV In tho rowing off ri. ties; I am to uac. drasu ihtd, friend and eTbedords dulet mdover pars'f succe usef s. Everogyllon needs. somethig LOHUISANA ELECTORS MEET AND) CAST THEIR BALLOT FOR I)EMOCRATb Sn Roe.

Jai. 10 --Louisi0iua' a nu prsilential electors met in the vCeionsr's ((lice today, 1(11, and I the vote of Louisiana for ('ox 111111 lcosevelt, and elected V. A. KenS ntaglhnt, membiier of tile New (Orleans dtIck board, aS ilnesenger, to (airy tha te To W1ashiigion. Six eleetoi's were re'icscintat hy proxy sent to T.

I aitis, plv111date s'r etiary to ovienor iatrker. wee John P. SulliCal1, if ho missed his f1 L1. 1'. St.

in. of Houman A. E. of lot ie i 1). BaUrksdale, of it'iu W.

B. Williamsoln, of Allen I A. W. Waiuiit of ait'lhittches, proxy 'v It. P.

Flo wer. Electors present were I ha nor 1treazeale, Natihitoehess J. IBairkdunll anid 1hoas Killeen, Orleans 11. T. Morley, t0 Batoii Rouge.

i evel ort Titmes. DIED On Friday afternoon at 1:20 o'clock, Del. 31, 1920, Death Angel came 1into the hone of MI" and Mrs. II. M.

Pierce, of sear i and took awiy the sweet little hay girl, Rule, Little Rule was playing out in t1e rd onei afternoon when she caught afire. As sheit was hiirned very deep, she was seriously ill from the time of the accident until the endit came which was two weeks later. Ruie was three years mand six months old. She was a very bright and attractive little girl, havi ng ways much like a grown up person. All that knew her loved.

her and will miss her much. h' remains were carried to the Pi nsant Hill ('emitery near Goldonini Wheire the funeral services were held and interment took place later. Little Ruie leaves her parents, three little brothers, Wilhet Lloyd and Floy( Iand a of relatives and friends to grieve for her. The entire conununity extends to the family their deepest sympathy. B.

W. Crow, of Sailes, a resident of Brycela itdu lit i two years ago. (lied at his home last Thursday, Jail. 7th, 1921, with pneumonia. He leaves a wife and several children to mourn him.

Pay up your subscription before January the 1st. Please. Mules For Sale! Plenfy of Mules of all grades on hand. See me before Luying elsewhere J. R.

JORDAN Arcadia, La. A THE UNIVERSAL CAR About Ford Cars---Solid Logic The Ford car has been fundamentally right from the beginning. That Sfact made it "The Universal Car." It has always lead in lowest first cost 'as well as in lowest cost to maintain and operate. Runabout, Touring Car, Coupe, Sedan, Truck and Fordson Tractorwe have them all and will make reasonable prompt delivery. Simplicity has ever marked the designing and building of Ford sars, trucks and tractors, Henry Ford and his engineers have always striven Sfor simplicity with strength.

The success of teh Model Ford car and a great part of the Ford Motor Company's success has come from an early understanding and appreciation of that principle in motor car construction. The fewer the parts in a car, fewer the parts to go wrong. When that simple truth is carried out in poducing a car, as it is in Ford cars, trucks and tractors, the result is bound to be a simplicity of design and building that means simplicity, durability and economy of operation. this simplicity of construction proves itself in the ease with whch Ford Sp-, ttieks and. tactors are driven.

"Four million five hundred Ford cars daily service proves every claim' we make. More than ever we are sure the Ford car is your necessity-let's havey your order today. The Arcadia Motor Inc. A are die Li id' A' GIDDENS-WOMACK On Wednesday evening, Dec. 29th, while we(dding bells were heard softly tinkling on the breeze, quite a few rela tives 1n1l intimate friends assembled at thlie 1hom of Mr.

and Mrs Joe Regan to witness the marriage of Mr. Oliver (iddens and Miss Lillian Womack. Rev. ''lThomas Martin of Itinggold, spoke the few solemni words that rendered themi tO each other for life. '1 he Ibride is thle daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. J. 1I. XWomack, of C'astor. She is well known and is a very popular young lady, and for several years has Ibeen teaching in the schools of Ilienitiville Parish.

She possesses that enviable trait of acquiring friends everywhere. She was gowned In a I r'ss of brownI serge coibinled with blue satin, with hat, gloves, etc. tcell. Mir. (Giddens is the son of Mr.

aad Mrs. IH. J. (Giddens, of Rinaggold. iHe is a prominent young matt and is well known.

He wore a suit of dark blue. On aeount of the ilInes of the sister, they didn't make the trip Is plalnned, but returned to his home that evening where the bride was stricken with appendicitis and has been abed since. It is hoped that she 11 bIe able to resume her school work soon, at Jamestown. They have tle best wishes for a long lhappy and prosperous life from all their friends and may their sea of matrimony ever be calm, peaceful, andl sweet, is the wish of the writer. A Friend.

The Electric Fish. Certain fishes exhibit peculiar elec. triel Iphenomena of muscles, nerves and heart which have given them the name of electric fishes. These have the power of giving electrical shocks from specially constructed and living eloctrical hbatteries. ooo0oooo000 0 C.H.HILL,M.D.

Reetal Diseases (Piles given special attention) 0 Postoflice: West Monroe, Loutsiana 0 Office over Julius Lemle's build- ing, Monroe. Hours: 11 to 12:30 a 4 to 5 p. m. Phone oilce 1360. oobooci0ooo Ford Coupe ANEW Ford Coupe for sale at bargain Equi ped with SSelf Starter, Electric Lights, Timken Roller Bearings.

Car nas been run less than 1,000 mies. No de fects SEE S.A. COOK At DEMOCRAT OFFICE ARCADIA, LA CABBAGE AND 01081 PLAIS! Charleston Wakefield Cabbage Plants and Crystal Wax Onion Plants, grown in the open. $2.00 per thousand by express; $2.25 per thousand by parcel post, 500 each in same basket at 1000 rate. Po' tatoe Slips in Season.

J. G. Chandler JAMESTOWN, LOJISIANAA NOTICE Succession of Mrs. Nancy M. Lockett.

No. 821, Probate Dosket, ThlirdI Judicial District Court, Bienville Parish. Notice is hereby given to the creditors of this estate and ali other per. sons herein interested to show cause within ten days from the present niotifiention, if any they have, why tha fiinail accout presented by J. B.

Mauiden, ladmlinistrator of said succession should not be approved, homologated and the funds distributed in accorda nce therewith. Thus done and signed officially, on this the third day of January, 19'1. W. J. MUtRPHlY, Clerk of' District Court.

For Sale! ONE or TWO Houses in the heart of Arcadia. Price on request. BOX 67 ARCADIA, LA. The Bienvifle Faish Mutual re. tective Amacitie A Substantial eine CsuayR $3.5 to el 65 cents at the deat ate Member OUR RATES HAVE NEVER CHANGED P.

E. BROWN, Seeretary, ARCADIA. LA..

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