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Interior Journal from Stanford, Kentucky • Page 3

Interior Journali
Stanford, Kentucky
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kv Semi-Weekly Interior Journal SrANroitu, Ai-air. 26. 1802 12 CWAtTON.BUB.MQnaRer MEANS BUSINESS. Wall and pnlnta at W. D.

Exohavinci beautifully and artistically done nt A. It. I'enny'H. lvx your booka mid school miprlles of all kinds from A. U.

I'enny. Fkesii Cinrden Seedc, in papers and in bulk, at W. IJ. IIavh your watch, clock and jeweiry repaired at A. K.

Penny's. All work warranted. ltEMKMiicit that all silverware, watche. riiiKS, Ac, boiiRhtatA. It.

Penny's will be enprnved free of charce. PERSONAL POINTS. Mit. 1). X.

Williams, of Mt. Vernon, was in town Friday. M. and Mks. Heid hnve returned from Louisville.

Josh Jones and Sam Meuu'eo nro in Pulaski on a fishing tour. Mna. Geobob Buyan, of Wllmore, la visiting Mr. Jns. P.

Bailey. Mna. T. P. Hill hj recovering from quite severe spell of sickness.

Miss La fit a McAnally la back from yislt to her mother in Knoxvlllo. Miss Alice Wiikiiit, of Hustonville, is the guest of her cousin, Mrs. P. W. LaWSrcon.

rv Mit. A. A. McKinney, left to visit his uncle, James I. McKinney, Aln.

Mil. W. J. HooANnnd wife, of have been tho guests of Mrs. John BiuRhmnn.

Mhh. Maikiie Hit van nnd daughter, of JoHonmino county, are gucsta of Mrs. J. P. llalley.

Mr. and Miih. W. E. Clelland, of Mercer, nro guest of Mr.

nnd Mrs. A. G. Eastlnnd. S.

II. Korrand wife, of Hustonville, rpent eevernl days with his father, Mr. Joe Itout, nt Rowland. Hev. 1L JJ.

Mahony, of Columbln, joined his wife and daughter at Mr. A. It. Penny's yesterday. On.

Lke F. Huitmin, of Lexlnstou, was over Sunday to few his sister, Mrs. W. P. Walton, who continue very ill.

Mu. Jok Sevkiianck, Jit, who is attending the Itililo College nt Lexington, fcpent couple of days with his homo folks, Mies Ellen Owsley, one of tho pret Vtf tiest girls in this State of pretty girls, is WW? tho guest of Misses Mngglo anil Owflev. Mnttie Mils. (Viitih, who has been visiting hersloter, Mrs. Turner, nt Mr.

A. W. Carpenter's, returned to Ixiuhsvilla yesterday. Dn. J.

A. Amon has hung out his shingle hero and can bo found Ht his olllce in the Williams More-room opposite the CofTey House. Mus. Uettik C. McKinnky and Mrs.

W. M. Bright went up to Richmond Friday to spend fow days with Mrs. James Phelps. Mica Annie Shanks joined Misses Ida nnd May Adams yesterday and went with them to their homo at Grays to re-' main few days.

Mrs. It. G. Hail is nobetter. Her hub-band is up from Somerset nnd it has been decided to send for Dr.

Johnstone, of Cincinnati, to see if nn operation la necessary. Dn. Clarence E. Tate ia back from tho Medical College at Philadelphia for the vacation. Ho paid his sister, Mrs.

C. H. Paine, of Boston, visit before returning home. The Covington Pest prints picture of Little Bettio Beddow, its "nowB girl" at Danville, who, It says, of bundle of papers as largo as she Is every day. Mus.

T. J. Fostek brought her daughter, Mrs. Tom Metcnlf, of Jessamine, home with her for better medical treatment. She has nearly lost the sight of one eye from the elfects of neuralgia nnd thu other ia so sensitive it cannot bear the slightest light.

B. F. Blakkman has fully determined to give up school teaching after thia term of tho Stanford Academy. Ho studied law a year after leaving Echool, nnd ho will tnko it up ngain in vacation, expecting to get license to practice In September. Mna.

E. T. Rochester, who with her daughters, Lula nnd Grncie, hiu been In Dallas, Texna, all winter, returned yesterday, bringing with her Mrs. John T. Gnno nnd her threo Httlo children.

Tho one of thelnttcrrecently born wna named for its deceasod father. The CouricpJournnl says: "Ono of tho latest npplica'uta for tho World's Fair lndy commisaionership, ia Mies Mary E. Varnon, of Lincoln county, daughter of Hon. Thomas W. Vamon, deceased, for 10 ar 12 yearB member of tho General Assembly.

Misa Varnon enters tho list with strong Dn. L. B. Gillette, ngeut for tho largest alien land owner in Kansas, will sail for Europe next week to coufer with his chief, nnd expects to be gone five mouths, during which timo Ida wlfo will reinnln with her slaters here. The Kansas Legislature baa been trying to pass a law for kf somo time requiring all alien land ere to dispose of their property within five years, but it has not been nblo yet to do so.

Tho doctor represents over acres of such lands. Editoii E. 1). Smith, of thu Mt. A second child eight-pound girl, non was here yesterday nnd uo was addvd to the family of Mr.

John ono for nn Instant suspected that ho was M. Stone, crazy. Wo believe Mr. Smith ia foolinK i Wool wanted ami at pounds us ou this point and if he woo be unto him hlRhest cnah market pncp. Will have Dn.

S. O. Helm returned from visit to his ulstern, Mrs. Frank Walton and MisiLettlo Helm, at Danville, yester Fine line of toilet Boaps at A. A.

War run's Model Grocery. I New link of Zeiler shoes just received nt S. 11. Shanks'. See James Fryo nt Hiihtonville nnd F.

M. Wnre at McKinney before you sell your wool. A. T. Nunnellev.

We hr.veoj)ened the finest stock of silk, Gloria, Henrietta, ratteen nnd gingham parasols ever opened in the city. J. S. Hughes. A La.masteii man cut tils throat from ear to enr Sunday night, but he and his friends nro so ashamed of it, they nsic us to withhold his name.

Mit. Sam Holman, who is in charge of tho Crab Orchard Springs grounds, tells ua that nil preparations are being inadu for tho opening of tho place as a sanitarium uext week. Mna. Nkllie Owens, daughter of the late Gomalia Drummonds, has been allowed a pension of $1,310 30. It ia tho nmount she would have drawn in monthly payment! from her Infancy to her 10th year.

CoNDfCTOit Dan O'Mallky's house at Itowlnnd caught fire from a defective Hue Saturday nnd for awhile It looked impossible to save it. The roof was bad ly burned nnd tho furniture was considerably damaged by removing it. The ltyan Comuiatidery, K. of Danville, will confer tho Ked Cross degree on several candidate Thursday evt'iiiiik', after which a bampiot will be enjoyed. All tho Stanford knights, their wives and daughters, will ntteud.

MNAOBit Kite has selected quite pretty uniform for the Inte'iuoiiJoi'unai. imso ball club. "The shirt and pnuta will bo black, the cap, stockings and belt yellow and the initials, embroidered In yellow on tho brents. Keep your eyes on the cmck amateur club in Kentucky. The pay train ran into the caboose of freight 30 in tunnel Xo.

8, Friday morning, disabling tho enitinu considerably nnd damaging tho caboose to some extent. Thu pay train was running ns the second section nnd may hnve gone little too fast. After nn hour's work the trnrk was clear nnd tho trip was resumed. Mayoii Vandeveeh made a' lengthy speech before tho county court, allowing the necessity of tho county providing for two tiro plues on the public square ami the proposition to pay $100 for them waa pvaed unanimously. The court also ordered that water pipes be laid into tho jail.

Tho county makes by tho operation, as it rfets protection from firo and largo amount of additional property to tax in the water works. Henry I -00 an, tin iityro who hns been in jail hero for a year or more for the shooting of Louis Gibson, hns just completed his term anil oeem to be bit glad of it. Ho has been "trusty" and during his time in hoc assisted Jailer Owens in his duties, frequently carrying the keys, and is mj proud of it that tiu.i otlored to work for that gentleman free of charpe. The oiler has of vouroo been accepted. Altiioi'uh the committee reported in favor of tlie seating of Xoyee, the republican in tlie contested New York beat, the House by a vote of 140 to OS contin ued the sitting member, Rockwell, in office.

The debate took in Cleveland and Hill, nnd Chairman O'Farrell, of Virginia, got so hot in the collar that lie -compared the former to a lion and the latter to fox, adding that he never did have any particular love or admiration for the latter animal. Piiop. Huniivnu tells us that the commencement exercises of Stanford Female College will be held June 2 nnd 3 nnd as usual at Walton's Opern House. The profeehor is making an effort to have Dr. Rivera, tho noted Louisville prencher, who was his preceptor, come and deliver the addrer.3 to the graduating class, which will bo as follows, if they succeed in passing the examinations: Misses Ophelia Lackey, Siibie Lasley, Ella Wright, Essie liurch and Annie Mene-fee Thk Spriso.

Before leaving for his home Mr. B. J. O. Howe agreed with Col.

Welch, who is representing his sister, Mrs. E. T. Rochester, on a price for the Logan Fort Spring, from which tho supply for the water works is to bo obtained. The figures aro $1,500 for the perpetual use of the spring and about 1 acres of land, the compauy in addition agreeing to put water in the residence and barn.

Ten days wero given Mr. Howe to take it at that figure, but it is likely that ho will not requiro ao long. agents at rami uck, Kinney and Hustonville. See them before you sell. A.

T. Xunnelley. day, nml tells ua that the report hero I 8Kveiial davs of cessation from rain that bursars had tapped the banks Jnnj bemitifursunahlno have made the there is without tho sliRhtcbt whole earth smile in mmmmmmmmmmmwmmmmmmm day and Siiudav were na lovely as ever CITY AND VICINITY. came In spnnR, even if the wind was set from the east. The Lancaster court wa3 a dull one for business yesterday, but Judge Saufley made speech announcing his candidacy that awnkened tho nntives and put them to thinking that ho ia a mighty good man for tho nlaro he seeks.

"JOFI.V Iji In-big, bold letters, appeared on the Coffey House register one day Inst week. It certainly was not the big bruiser or we should have heard of his getting on a biling drunk and mnking the usual hoggish fiend of himself. 9 Writino from Buffalo, Wyoming, Miss Mnttie Paxton says the whole country is undergoing a reign of terror. The "rustlers" nnd thu cattlemen's war is waged with a ferocity that can hardly bo imagined by one not on the ground and business of till kinds is at a standstill. The Kentucky State Weather Service in connection, with tho S.

Department of Agriculture, reporta that Inst week rains were the Heaviest ever recorded, the nvenuie fall being A inches. Fnrm work hns been greatly hindered and veiretation retarded. The serious results of tho recent frosts nro more apparent and reports indicate that all fruits except apples are badly damaged. The Ladies Exchange proved a pleasant nnd a much more profitable undertaking than its originators expected. All of the edioles were disponed of and nnd some of the beautiful specimens of needle and other handiwork found willing A neat little sum was realized and the ladies are greatly encouraged.

It will be open again next Saturdny nt the same place, the rear of the post-office, for which even larger pif partitions will bo made. The negro, Hendeison Perkins, who liis puis in the shooting of Jomes L. Yautis, says thnt while Green Mullins and tho other negro were pulling off the plank of the smoke-house, Mr. Yantis appeared and thnt he, Per- Pklns, fired up in the air to scare him. Green Mullins immediately fired at Mr, Yantis nnd It waa his shots that took efiect.

As usual it is the meanest rascal that turns Mate's evidence nud he and the whole kit in this business deserve the most condign punishment. We are told thnt there is considerable dissatisfaction with Judge Stephens for puttlug tho bail so low, as it is eaid they can cuily give it, after th6 excitement over the crime has in measure subsided. Mr. Yantis is doing well and il lockjaw does not supervene, he will bo out in few weeks. Tub justices met with the, county judgo Saturday and after full discussion of the question fixed the poll tax at $1.50, same as last year, and the ad at cents, an increase of 2J cents.

The latter is to be divided as followK 2Jc to pay interest on bonds, V2 for ordinary expenses and 7 for a sinking fund. The object of the increase is to get the county on a cash basis, that is to pay tho claims against it as soon as they are allowed, instead of requiring its creditors to wait two years as at present. It is said that it will only require the increase this year and next to provide a fund euflicient to meet all demands, after which the old rate of taxation can be resumed. It will save the county many a dollar to pay its debts when they are due and the court acted beusibly in the matter. The delinquent list was sold to Sheriff Menefee for 550.

Tlie court also voted $50 a year for two fire plugs to be placed on court square. 1 1 Jailed. Capt. Ritchey, proprietor of the Fifth Avenue Hotel, hnd Brooking T. Harding and his bride arrested for obtaining board at his hotel on false pre tenses and lodged in jail, but after remaining in all night the city court dismissed the case with the remark that it was not a debt collector.

Harding was originally from Campbellsville, where the lepublican party held him in high enough esteem to instruct for him for Congress. He afterwards removed to Williamsburg and a few mouths ago married a who claims to be a uieco of Congressman Wilson. Some time after his marriage Harding went to Louisville to establish himself in his profession, he says, and put up at tho Fifth Avenue, where his board bill had run to $100. Ho gave a draft on the congressman and it was returned protested, hence tho legal proceedings. The couple are both stylish looking people and their presence in jail and at court created quite a sensation.

Harding issaid to be pretty slick with cards, but his luck may have deserted him antl put him in the strait of drawing for money whero he b(d no claim. That wna rut awkward incident in the United States Senate chamber tho He Is expected other day, when a distinpuished senator Inmhirnln timft in Mia cnnlrnot rg n.irranilnL' his COat taU3 and let with tho town weunesuay nigut. lau a pint flask filled with familiar liquid. A nimble paga sprung to the rescue, picked up the pieces and mopped the floor, IJut the eceutof tho rosea hung round it still. ear.

MATRIMONIAL MATTERS. Frank A. Chandler obtnined license yebterdny to marry Miss Ludema Johnson, on the 27th. Thev live in the East End. Blanche King, aged 15, was married in St.

last week, for the second time, having ben nnrried nnd divorced in lsyo, when she whs but 13 years old. Senator Martinez deltodn, a Spanish nobleman, and Mmc. Francisca Do Barrels, widow of the lata president of the Republic of Guatemala, were married in Xew.Ynrk. I). F.

Priehnrd, -17, was nnrried nt Los Angeles, last week, his ninth time. His other wives nil got divorces on the grounds of cruelty, but it was easy enough for him nlwnys to find fresh dupes. Mr. Cook Hnmline, Montgomery county widower, was so enthused nt the prospect of getting married that ho imbibed too much ou the morning of the day of his nuptials. fiance, Miss Brown, heard of it nnd refused to become his wife, showing what a sensible woman she is.

Cincinnnti girls are doing themselves proud th's year. One of them hna refused to marry count; aud by sitting In a chair over a hole in her father'a sidewalk, has prevented the planting of a hideous pole for electric wires in front of her home. A couple, who loved in youth, but were parted by cruel parent', has just been united at Washington, nged 74 and 73 respectively. Both found o'her partnera in early life and raised large families, but true love never dies and finally conqueis, though in this case it was mighty long in doing so. XKW ADVEKTISEMENT.

Turnpike Election. The nnnua! iPfftinj; of tlie trv'hMlers of th 1UII Gap turnpike Rd Ct. for the rlectlon 'f a 1'rMiilcnt nd Hoard Plrectnrs fer thr enyns rear Trill held .11 Vandeieer Jlnre in MAnfcrd aturda in Msv, ifuJ. ntip 17 J. Ji LYNN, Prei.

Turnpike Election. i The Hneleholder ol th Stanford Hnonvllle Turnpike wi.l hold their arm tat election for a I'tRMiiPtit and Iwwrd of Wrrt'r at at Turnmvillp at a a 1-it vaturdar In Mav, 17 J. CASH, Pre Turnpike Election. Thp ltrwVholdrri oi the Itush Rranch Turnpike arnitified rrt at llubo.e Saturday in iSj, tit eject a Hoard o( Diriitcn I'oi the ua 17 G. C.

GIVLNb, Prvs Turnpike Election. TV it.KrWhi.tderseltho Huitonvllle A Cnffey't Mil. lurnpik Road Co. will mtvt at Dr. ltrown' office In HuUunvllle first Saturday in May.

1(92, at a p. in to elect a President nnd Hoard of Directors fur entuitis yeai 17 ti. MON.Pre. Stockholders' fleeting. A mettincof the of the Manford ft Turnpike for the election if a PreMtleut and llxtrd -if Directors for etnuing year ill be he.d at McCormack Hay 7.

ify, at 9 a. U. W. McKITl KICK, Pre. Turnpike Election.

Tlie. annual meeting of the itockholdera oi the Turners i.le, McKinney Coffey's Mill Turnpike Road Co will be held at McKinney nrat Saturday In May, 1801, at 2 p. m. fur the purpose of electing a President and Hard of Directors for the eniuinp 11. r.

ouuufc. rre. Turnpike Election. The shareholders of the lUnsinc Fork Green River Turnpike Itoad Co. will meet at Ware's store at McKinney on the firt Saturday In May, 1891, Icr the purpose of electing a President and Hoard 11I D.rectutl for the ensuing rear ,7 J.

W. i.IVENS Tres. Turnpike Election. The annual mtetinp for the election ef a President and Hoard of Directors for Krcb Licit urn-pike Co will be held at the Fim National Uank in Stanford the first Saturday in May, 1652, and stockholders are hereb notified i7 CLIFTON FOU'LER, Pre. DiuYoo Notice It? out the Jewelry Hand ot IJ.

McKoberts, the drucsist, I am seUInc out- Mock nt reduced ratif to make rouin for an entire new line. All souls nrtistlcally Engraved FreeofCharge Watches, Clocks Jewelry Thoroughly Repaired on Shortest Notice. B. H. DANKS.

S33 3 VJXMMMMa Dealer In Foreign and Domestic Fruits, Confectioneries, Ax. Hat with him a first class baUer and can lurntsh read, Cakes and tho like on short notice. S7 Falb Branch Jellico Coal Oo. Miners and shippers of the GENUINE Original Jellico Coal. Try It.

We are the sole agents for Stanford ttnd Rowland, Olhce corner ot Depot street nd rail- rocrossinu. HIGGINS SWATTS. 3 ATTENTION, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: If you would dress well and for little money, read the list of things now in stock at the new store under the Coffey House. have JBUJM IL Shanton Pongcs, Satin Chenna, Ever Seen tv mm mi y. in All Styles and Colors of B.9Sf) new Wc Mulls, Mulhousc Indias, Printed Indias, Challics, Percales, French and Zcphvr Ginghams, Henriettas in Silk Warp, All-Wool and Wool-Killing, 'Whip Cords, Armenian Serge, Mohairs, Scotch Homespuns, Camel's Hair Bedford Cords in cotton and wool; Crepons in Black and Colors, China Silks and every new weave that is out.

In Laces We Have Everything New Irish Point, Point de Paris. French Vals, Torchons in hand and machine made. Big stock of Embroideries, Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Gloves, White Goods, Our Clothing, Shirts, Shoes And Gents' Furnishing Goods are all complete and first-class. We have the largest stock of Parasols and Umbrellas ever in the city. Come and see the immense stock before it is broken.

JT. S. HUGHES. SPRING CLOTHING OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE And we can show as nice an assortment as the people have tanford. Cassimeres, Worsteds and Please Examine and Price Them.

M'ROBERTS HIGGINS. ROBT. FENZEL -DEALER IN- WATCHES, CLOCKS JEWELRY REPAIRING NEATLY AND PROMPTLY BONE. 7A11 work warranted. Fine Watches a Specialty I will take old gold or silver in exchange for goods 1 The Vulcan Chilled Plow, The best Chilled Plow made.

Braced Mold-Board, Patent Point. No strain on point-bolt; made of the best material. Has Latest Improvements. Satisfaction guaranteed, References: J. H.

McAlister, D. B. Stagg, J. B. McKinney, Wm.

Beck, Chas. Dawes, Jeff Hill, Bowcn Givens, Frank Hayden, Mollis Carrier, John Cash, E. H. Jones, Jas. Bibb, A.

C. Cowan, H. C. Drye, Bowen Gover, Geo. Benedict, etc.

For sale by JBo IK Wo Mo WJESAM1ESKT. "WE ARE RIGHT IN IT" ON QAffllEN SEEDS In bulk and package. Northern Seed Potatoes, Onion Sets; Brand New Stoch of Steel Goods, Hoes, Hakes, Spading Forks, Shovels, Picks, Mattocks, Grub and Sprouting Hoes, See our guaranteed solid steel Hoe for 25c. Most anything you want in Shelf Hardware. Large stock ot Buggy, Wagon, Stock and Riding Whips, bought direct from factory.

BROS. JUST DECEIVED, One of the largest and most complete stocks of Men's, Boys'and Children's OILOTI BONG. Ever broughtto the Hast End of the county. Also assorted stock of Custom-Made and Eastern 1istfiifrfai'ifrrV tf iftjAff a large and well For both ladies and gentlemen. Call and examine our 'stock before purchasing your Spring Goods.

W. E. PERKINS, Crab Orchard..

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