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The Evening Bulletin from Maysville, Kentucky • Page 4

Maysville, Kentucky
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wm urn .) U4l ft MI 1 M1 SEVEN KILLED AND SIX INJURED brewery Building Wrecked by a Holler Kxploslou. Mkndota, Jan. 20. At 8 o'clock yostorduy aftoruoou tho main buildiug of Hcnuiug's brewery, iu this city, xvat, wrecked by a boiler explosion, tho concussion being so great that ovcry building in tho city was badly shaken. The building destroyed was five stories in height, and flllod with machinery.

Tho force of the explosion completely demolished it, killing seven men and badly injuring six others. Tho killed are: C. Seifert, foroiunu. David Wells, fireman. David Qheer, engineer.

Lemuel Do Shaso, icomun. Henry Pert, laborer. John Kennedy, a well borer of Do-Kalb. Adam Brosshead. Tho injured are: James Lovo, Chicago, arm broken and head badly cut.

A. MoLeod, Chicago, head and faco cut. Goorgo Parkor, Chicago, head cut. F. M.

Carpenter, badly hurt. William Long, badly hurt. Henry Varmoro, badly hurt. Tho Chicago men and Kennedy of De-Kalb had but lately come hore and were engaged in sinking a well near the building. The explosion had an upward tendency, lifting tho building, and thou everything fell into a huge hoap in tho contor of tho structure.

All was excitement, and many were driven frantio with the thought that husband, father or son might be beneath the ruins. Women, bareheaded, and wild with four, braved the wind and cutting snow that some tidings of tho injured might be learned. Iu tho exoitement a number of peopie received injuries in removing beams and lumber. Novor before has this city sufforod such a blow, and many are the conjectures as to tho number of dead at the bottom of the great heap of brick, mortar and broken machinery. Tho work of removing tho ruins is progressing steadily, and it will be a day or moro before tho list of tho dead will be complete.

When tho explosion occurred, every building in tho city was shaken, and men rushed to every conceivable plaoe to learn the cause of the shock. The dead are men highly respected, and Bovoral of them are prominent members of secret societies. Tho loss of property amounts to over $100,000 and a large number of men are thrown out of omployment. MHVERS. STILL IN NEED.

Tho Kit nation In tho Hocking Valley la Reported Very Had. Columbus, Jan. 20. Canal Commissioner R. M.

Rownd, who has been assigned by Governor McKinley to tho general charge of tho minors' relief work, has jwst returned from a trip through the Hocking and Sunday Creek valleys. Tho reports as to the distribution, he says, have not been exaggerated. By tho closing of Rend mine 3, at Reudvillo, 225 more men will bo thrown out of employment. All the immediato needs aro supplied, but the assistance must continue or tho people will starve. The rato of wages, while tho men were working, was from $11 to $18 a month.

A car load of provisions and clothing was sent from Toledo Friday iu charge of Major Hopkins. Colonel Bunker also notified the governor that Company at Wausoon, had sent him 100 sacks of Hour and $-800 worth of clothing, which he would forward Friday evening. Major Detrick of Kenton wired that a shipment would bo ready by Saturday. It. H.

Cochran, secretary of tho Cincinnati chambor of commerce, wired that a carload of provisions was in readiness to be sent. THE ROLE OF ENOCH ARDEN. Hut Thin Old Soldier Didn't Tako I'eep ut Annio. Ogdknsuuho, N. Jan.

20. At tho beginning of tho war Oliver Lower of Do Kalb, St. Lawrence county, enlisted at Putedam in tho Ninety-seoond regiment and went to the front, leaving a wife and five children. Aftor two years, obtaining furlough, ho visited his family, but later returned to his regiment. At tho closo of the war ho went to Washington.

His wife, not hearing from him and supposing him to bo dead, at tho expiration of 10 years married Charles Suutaus, a Union veteran, with whom she has sinco lived and had five children. Friday Lower urrivod in this oity. Ho did not visit his wife, but loft for DeKalb, thinking to find his children there. Some of his children, however, are dead, and those living aro supposed to bo in Ohio. Mull Itobber Arretted.

jEFFKitsofoviLLE, Jan. 20. Fletcher Wurman, charged with cutting open a mailpouch at Underwood, a station on tho Pauhandlo railroad, Jan. 15, was arrested here by tho police yes-torday. Thoro woro 20 lottors and ono rogisterod package, containing $10, stolen.

This money was being sent by Wurman's fathor to his son, William M. Warman, at Yorkville, Tonn. War-man was takon boforo United States Commissioner Harribou and held to answer. For Daruugo. MoRiusTOWN, Jan.

26. John L. Fry and Charles Gibbs, two prominent businoBa mon of Groonfield, got into an altercation Wednesday after-1 noon iu which Fry, who is an old man, got the worst of it, aud now Fry has iilod suit against Gibbs for $10,000 damages. Tho trouble took place in tho hardware store of Gibbs Thomas. Maps of All Country ItoaiU, Washington, Jan.

26. Tho maps is-mod by tho United States geological survey showing all country roads, have been adopted by the poatofllco department. I'orgor Sentenced. Nkw York, Jan. 20.

Edwin O. Quig-ley, tho munioipal bond forger, was, Friday, sentenced to 10 years and six months' imprisonment by Records! Goff. husuii iu nia-uia aiiisvijuii'. ta JK Mild pcTnK.Fiic ire AMMiun uiuco tmmt skkssor. MHf OWN UBA.

ABSOLUTELY PURE THE OLD RELIABLE SWEET CAPORAL CIGARETTE Has stood the Test of Time MORE: SOLD THAN ALL OTHER BRANDS COMBINED Men's gospel meeting to-morrow afternoon at 3 o'clock at Y. M. C. A. hall, to which all men and boys in the city are invited.

Professor J. II. Rowland will lead. Room open all day. Let every man, old and young, come out to tho gospel meeting.

Augusta Chronicle: "The protracted meeting at Trinity M. E. Church is Btill in progress. Rev. D.

P. Holt, of Mays- ville, preaches a plain, practical gospel sermon every evening. His1 afternoon Bible readings are very instructive. Thirty-six have been converted and twelve have joined the church." Thk following services will bo held at tho M. E.

Church, South, to-morrow: Sunday school at 9:15 a. preaching at 10:30 a. Young people's meeting at 0 o'clock p. m. No preacliing at night.

All the members of the church so far as possible are urged to attend the morning service. The public also invited. T. W. Watts, Pastor.

J. D. Luttiiell, of Spokane, has received news, accompanied by proofs, that he has fallen heir to a quarter of in Ireland, left, by his uncle, John Luttrell. J. D.

Luttrell is working at his trade as a cigarmaker, and is in moderate circumstances. Tho other heirs, Mrs. Z. Luttrell, Alexander Luttrell and Mrs. Mary Dunlap, reside at Kincardin, Canada.

i First Baitist Church Services tomorrow as follows: Preaching at 10:30 a. m. and 7 p. m. Tho subject of the morning sermon will be: "The Paramount and Permanent Authority of the Bible." Sunday school at 9:15 a.

m. Young People's Union at 0 p. m. Visitors in tho city and the public generally aro invited to worship with us. Rorkrt G.

Patrick, Pastor. Services in the First Presbyterian Church to-morrow morning and to-mor row evening at the usual hours, conducted by the pastor. The morning service will be a Bible reading on tho interesting topic of The Inspiration of tho Bible," and the public generally are invited to be present. Let everybody bring their Bibles that they may mark what the Bible has to say of itself. Church Sabbath school at 9:15 a.

m. Mission Sabbath school at 2:30 p. m. Westminster Society of Christian Endeavor at 6:15 p. m.

Church or the Disciples. Tho usual services to-morrow. Junior Endeavor at a. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m.

preaching at 10:45 a. m. and 7 p. Senior Endeavor 0 p. in.

Subject of morning sermon, "A Phase in the Evolution of the Kingdom of Heaven." Subject at night, the beginning of a series of short lectures on the Bible. R. Heber Newton says, "Wo cannot read tho Bible as our fathers read it. Sorao way must bo found to read it sincerely. Wo must exorcise a superstition to save a faith." E.

B. Cake, Pastor. Specimen Oasos. S. H.

Clifford, Now Cassel, was troubled with neuralgia and rheumatism, his stomach was disordered, Ills liver waB affected to an alarming degree, appetite fell away, and he was terribly reduced in flesh and strengtli. Three bottles of Electric Bitters cured him. Edward Shepherd, Harrisburg, 111., had a running soro on his leg of eight years'; standing. Used three bottles of Electric Bitters and seven boxes of Bucklen's Arnica Salvo, and his leg is sound and well. John Speaker, Catawba, had fivo fovor sores on his leg, doctors said ho was incurable.

Ono bottle of Electric Bitters and ono box Bucklen's Arnica Salvo cured him entirely. Sold by J. James Wood. Lightning Hot Drops What a Funnv Namel Very True, but It Kills All Pal.n. Sold Everywhere, Every Day Without Relief, There Is No Pavl County Court.

Tho account of John O. Everett, Assessor, for making assessment this year was produced, proved and ordered certified to tho State Auditor for payment. Ellen Driscoll qualified as guardian of Luella, James, Charles, Thomas and Nicholas Driscoll. George T. Wood was granted a renewal of his certificate as a registered pharmacist.

Tho account of the Board of Tax Supervisors was presented and ordered certified to tho State Auditor for payment. Also the account of William D. Cochran as Clerk of said Board. John W. Maynard qualified as guardian of Gracio Hill.

Dr. S. Pangburn was allowed $10 ior tho support of William Travis and also $10 for tho support of Sarah A. Ratcliffe, pauper idiots. How about that cough? Do you want to get rid of it? Then use Chenowoth's cough syrup.

No euro, no pay. IN MEMORIAM. Died, Ida M. Donovan, January 13tb, 1893, at the home of her parents near Miucrva. When mature age is summoned licnco as the rlpo sheaf is garnered, It Is well their mission Is fulfilled.

But when bright and budding youth Is taken from tho fond embraces of parents and friends, the stricken heart Is riven and seems to cry out in anguish. For months past despite the tender care of friends sbo has drooped and faded dally. Her sufferings though great and long protracted, were borne with a patience and fortitude rarely witnessed in one so young. At last tho summons came which bade her comoup higher, to tho untried realities of eternity, and her pure Npirit winged 1U flight to a brighter clime above. She possessed an amiable and affectionate disposition which attracted to her many warmly attached friends who now Badly miss her gentlo presenro and loving voice.

Though good and lovely she is gone, but tho Influence of her pure life will not die as has her mortal body. Ah I no, the green turf rests lightly above, that can not cover her virtues they will long wield an inilucnco for good iu tho lives of those whose hearts will hold her memory dear. With tho bereaved parents and friends wo drop the sacred tear of sympathy and indulge in the hope that like her, they may bo prepared to meet tho summons which found her, only waiting. Farewell, dear friend, we loved theo In life, wo mourn thee in death. a prikkd.

"This Picture and that" For a longtime fir. John Barbce, of 117 Main Durham, N. C. was a victim to Dyspepsia He was advised to take Brown's Iron Bitters. On July 10, 1891, ho wrote a grateful letter in which he said: "I lm used Brown's Iron Bitters fortwo months for Dyspepsia and ithaa cvredme." He does not mind it's being known perhaps his letter may help YOU to a cure! This remedy has helped thous-andsduringthepast 20 yrs.

Will you try it? It does not constipate and it WON'T INJURE THE TEETH. Drown Chem.Co. Balto. rid. TAKE NOTICE.

That all license granted by the Mayor as required by the ordinances of the city of Maysville, snail become duo on tho first day of January in each year, and shall be considered delinquent if not paid by the first day of February thereafter. That If any person shall operate or carry on any business, occupation or calling, or do any act for which a license is required, without first obtaining a license, such person or persons shall bo lined not less than $20 nor moro than 8100 for each oiienso. That tho addition of any penalty to a llcenso snail not exempt tno person, irom wuom earn llcenso may be collected, from any penalty to which he or she may be liable for violation of any 01 tno provisions 01 tno ordinances 01 tno city iu regard to licenses. The following occupations and articles aro subject to license at the rates named Coffee houses $300 00 Merchants and grocers ISO 00 Wholesale beer. 60 00 Druggists, medical purposes 50 00 Coal oil peddli'rs (one horso) 50 00 Coal oil peddlers (two horse) TO 00 Opticians 100 00 Billiard and pool tables 30 00 Insurance agents 30 00 Coal scales 25 00 Livery stables 25 00 Hotels and restaurants 10 00 Victualing houses 10 00 Boarding houses 2 00 Four-horso wagons 0 00 Two-horse wagons 6 00 Onc-horso wagons 3 00 Baggago and express wagons (two fi 00 Baggago and express wagons (one 3 00 Buggy or sulky, used in business or calling 2 00 Cart or dray 3 00 Dogs (each) 1 00 WILLIAM H.

COX, Mayor. Notice. Kotico Is hereby given that the undersigned bos lost a certificate, No. 2521, for four snares of stock in tho Loulsvlllo Savings, Loan and Building Company; said ccrtiflcato is dated Hth day of July, 1691, and was lost as follows: Docs not know when or where. Has looked everywhere Sosslblo that she might havo left it and It cannot 0 found, I havo mado application for a now certificate for said shares, and all persons aro cnllcdjupon to show causo to said company on or before fourjweeks from this date why a now ccrtiflcato shall not issue in lieu of tho ono lost.

January 22, 1895. KATIK O'BRIEN. Mil I jJKlHi 1 WBBSggBKk viP KNOWLEDGE Bring3 comfort and improvement ni tends to pergonal enjoyment win rightly used. The many, who live better than others and enjoy life inoie, with less expenditure, by moie promptly adapting tho world's best products tho needs of physical being, will nttivt the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the remedy, Syrup of Figa. Its excellence is due to its presenting in the form most acceptable and plea, ant to tho taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax-ativo effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers and permanently curing constipation.

It has given satisfaction to millions and met with tho approval of tho medical profession, because, it acts the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels without weakening them and it is perfectly freo from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs is for salo by all druggists in 50c and $1 bottles, but it is manufactured by tho California Fig Syrup Co. only, whoso name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will not accept any substitute if oflereJ. XIMIIMIIEILsrSHE! Was my trade during the past year, but I am determined to surpass It during the coming, and in order to accomplish my purpose, 1 have laid in a huge stock of every article belonging to tho Staple and Fancy Grocery and CANNED GOODS line, bought from first hands at surprisingly low prices for cash. Every article Is fresh, clean and of the very best quality, and the prices well, you never heard of tho like before.

Just glance down tho lino and you will be convinced 1 cans Big Tomatoes 25c 4 cans Purple King Tomatoes 25c 2 cans Van Camp's Corn- 15c 2 cans best String Beans 15c 2 cans best Blackberries 15c 2 cans best Gooseberries. 16c 1 can Yarmouth Corn 10c 1 can best Reserve Corn 12c 1 can Honey Drop Corn 13c 1 can bestl'lo lcachcs 8c 1 can best California Peaches 17c 1 can Lemon Cling Teaches 18c 1 ran best Whiro Heath Cling Peaches 18o 1 can best Bartlett Tears 17c 1 can best Apricots lCc 1 can best White Cherries 19o 1 can best three-pound Apples 8c 1 can best one-gallou Apples 21c 2 cans best Baltimore Teaches 25c Theso prices for CA8H only. My house will be, as usual, headquarters for all kinds of Fruits, Vegetables, Poultry, Game, Oysters, I am in shape to meet any and all competition, aud will not be undersold. And don't look over tho fact that PERFECTION FLOUR Is tho best, and that my Blended Coffee has no equal. Z3- B- LOVE j.

The Leading Grocer Everything reduced to rock-bottom prices for ensh. 1 can Big D. Tomatoes 7c 1 can Peeled Baltimore Teaches 12c 1 can best California Peaches 15c 1 can California Long Chief 1 can best California Apricots 15c 1 can best California Pears 17c 1 can best Tie Peaches- 8c 1 can best 3-pound Apples 8c 1 can best gallon Apples 21c 1 can best String Beans 7c 1 can best Gibs Peas 10c 1 can best Pumpkin 7c 1 can best Sugar Corn 8c 1 can best new Yarmouth Corn 1 can best Whyman Corn 12c 1 can best Red Salmon 12c 1 can best Kidney Beans 8c 3 pounds Evaporated Peaches 25c 3 pouudsiCallforuia 25c Headquarters for Game, Dressed Poultry, Oysters ana Celery. The People's Cheap Grocery, CUMMINS REDMOND, Successors to Hill Co. WE HAVE THE BEST SE LECTED LINE OF XMAS GOODS IN OUR EXPERIENCE.

Wl NOVELTIES in Celluloid, Plush, Wood and Metal Goods. Handsomoassortmentof Stand and Triplicate Mirrors. CUT G-LASS BOTTLES AND PERFUMES. THEO. C.POWER School Supplies! (SPOT CASH.) 100-pago Ink Tablet, with blotter.

4c Composition Book, sliffback, formerly 15c 5c Twelve-Inch Brass Ruler 4o Good steel Pens, assorted, twelve for. 5o Elrawood Mills, per qulro -lo Slato cleanera 40 Sponges i0 4 ounces Black Ink, with Pen Rack 60 25 XXX Envelopes, white 5o Try a packngo of Ky. Mills Writing Paper 5o Seo our memorandum Books 60 J. T. KACKLEY Wholcsalo Book and Stationery Dealers, Toys Picturo Frames and Notions.

WANTED. WANTED Position on a farm as tenant. large cnouga 10 assist in raising tobacco. Apply --------w p.tvM. UJIVU UVlfl Appl; 17-dtf av iuio uiuuu WANThD By a competent lady teacher, a school.

Tho best of references given as to character and compotency, Apply or address this ofllco. 3-tf 1 J. BALLENGER. Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, JEWELRY 9 STERLING SILVER KNIVES, FORKS, SPOONS. BRONZES, BRONZES, BRONZES.

ART POTTERY, 2. fr 4 W. Douglas V4 HOEn0 $5. CORDOVAN, 5mEommm o.y soles. 2 A7J BoYs'ScaooiiHOES.

LADIES SM. oLnu ruK WMAUXiUb WI.09OUGLAS. BROCKTON. MASS. Ion can lave moner by purohailns W.

It, Douglas Shoes, Because, we are the largest manufacturers of advertised shoes in the world, and guarantee the value by statnclnc the name and nri on the bottom, which protects you against high prices and the middleman's profits. Our shoes equal custom work in style, easy fitting and wearing qualities. We have them sold every, where at lower prices for the value given than any other make. Take no substitute. If your dealer cannot supply you, we can.

Sold by Dealer, whoso name will shortly appear hero Agents wanted. Apply at once. LaGrippe Can Be Cured If you have La Grlppo or "that tired feeling" which attends it, get DR. BERRY'S LAGRIPPE CUBE. IT WILL CURE YOU IN TEN DKYS WITHOUT FAIL.

Testimonial. I had tho La Grippe and was given up to die. 1 took Dr. Berry's Cure and was on my feet In two weeks. I regard it as a specific.

A. W. SMITH, Agent for John P. Morton Louisville, Ky. This medicine can bo had only at tho Drug 8tore of J.

J. WOOD, Second and Market streets, Maysville, Ky. NORTHEASTERN Telephone Company. Maysville, Maysllck, Helena, Helena Station and Flcmlngsburg. Messages promptly delivered.

Rates reasonable. Maysville ofllco at tho office of Wells Anderson's livery stable, on Market street. H. G. WELLS, General Manager.

K. aiLMORE, Granito, Marblo and FREESTONE WORKS. All kinds of Monumentalworkdonoin thoboit manner. Second street, above opera houso. c.F- ZWEIOABT, DAILY MEAT MARKET.

ornor of Booond and Button Streeti. 1 SOItRIES, Second Street, Near Limcstono, LOCK AND GUNSMITH. Repairing of all klndj dene promptly and oa rwwnablo terns. Mf A A kh ts 4k Bff jaMl tj ill fl CO pi Jja rt 1 Qu ti 'ro 1 1' i 'v-i j. 1.


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