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The Houston Post from Houston, Texas • Page 2

The Houston Posti
Houston, Texas
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

A WW M54 9 iWrr HOUSTON Pinal settlement of tho Sam Alton estate has been effected Two brick building collapsed last night at tho lower end of Main street Walls of i Ringing Noises In the ears how disagreeable they are become chronic and cause much uneasiness and even temporary distraction They are signs of catarrh other signs are droppings in the throat nasal sounds of the voice impaired taste smell and hearing Catarrh is a constitutional disease originating in impure blood and requires a constitutional remedy I nfforcd fro cilarrb In the head and Josa of appeilt and Bleep My blood was thin and I felt bad all over most of tho time I ficcldsd to try Hoods Samparllla nnd now have no symptoms of catarrh have food nppetllc and sleep well I heartily reecmtccntl Hoods Samparllla to nil my trlcsds A Loxa California June tlon lofva I was trooblod vrllh catarrh for over twenty years and tried various remedies Without firdlag a cars Seeing statements ot cares by Hoods Karssparllla I resolved to try it n4 lottr bottles entirely cured me 2 hjiTS njvtr been troubled with catarrh Ince and at the ago 71 yeari ajfn en Joylnr ecctlUai health WttjlAM Bhib tux imvl Bt Ullwauiee Wis floods Sarqrbarilla ts catarrh ofQe nose tlojt fcowfila tt rLoioves all Ito pt nd blrJi up the Yale by the ficrccm pin reached the niu yard line nly to the bull on ipmiiA The Orlm ons weightier line and faster backfleld wot Veil out the tmididown In the second bslf but Cutts coud not make the goal against the wind The iale team was verr despondent and took their defeat bard There were man who limped badly De Kuullea was the worst Injured lie wa kicked ou the head and It wi at first thought be had concussion of the brain ThH line up of the vinnie follows Harvard Ioaltbui Yale Campbell Capt Left end OoulrtUafterty lllagileu eft tackle Oost Iee1 I ft guard Olcott Oreen Center Holt llarnard Itlellt gimrd HarollnJohiisou tt ItUht tackle Hoga Ilodwlteb ltlghteud watj MHrwhall tjimrtci back HeHaullesMctcnlN Keman Left half back Hart 12 HUtlne night half back Cbadwlck 1 Eastfm Graydan Fullback Weyuioiith Vanderponl Umplre Iaul Dashler naval academy rtofwee A Clung Lehigh TJuPHinen A HmltU Harvard Hull Yale Touchdowns Hlapden ltUtlne llraydon leoaeaoeoovoo Is to acute that ereu the troop In many of xne provinces are unpaid The coase HOUSTON DAILY POST SUNDAY MORNING NOVEMBER 241901 A SUMMARY OFTDBNEWS HARVARD WON THE BIG GAME Xpdays Weather Fnlr waraser DOMESTIC 1K Kncamptd minora In Kentucky Ignored eourts order to dlahand and the adjutant general was preparing to enforce It ir I OnntriIl a former Texan was convicted of murder In the Ilrst degree at Butler Mo IDie eight mlalns officials of Virginia who entered a burning mine were lven op lost tSXlrciildent Cleveland lia been aerloms ly in thpUgh tbe facts were concealed until bo was out of danger There Is a fisht ou In West Virginia for SCotts seat In the senate Several millionaires desire It WASHINGTON Ibc president has directed Hear Admiral Pewcr and hi nfesoclntos to prepare a hMorr of the battle of Santiago from the testimony submitted during tbc court of Inquiry The president will prohnbly give promt neCee to his rccou ndatlons on the sub Jccl ot tmsM and Interstate commerce The Industrial commlrtlou will probably recommend that Federal charter be granted Industrial tomblnntlans In order that there may be a controlling power Secretary Hoot hag plau for establishing a war college whetent members ot hit proposed new general staff may be edo caied FOREIGN Brfilsh Kugar truit set up a wall tiii the fterman lnatltutlnn of llfee ctiaiitr because the latter reached the goal urst Joseph Cunmbarlaln Is now regarded aa the moet thoroughly hated DrltUh states rmtn Tbe lirittah war office accepted Canadas offer to furnish WX mounted men for service Id South Africa Tbe delegates to the PanAmerica con gr returned from their excursion to Jlexleo City ilore doting occurred nt Oalttay as a result if the election of Colonel Lynch to parliament from Ireland Uertnany Is trtuch httrrwl by the remarks of ill Cbainberiafai and all flames of people ore hrdlng Indication ueullngk lTui Uerilii presB la now dlseuxKing the relations between Germany nnd the United State taking Ilaya speech as a test TEXAS The IIogg yuc syndicate lms made firtl settlement with MrH Snow for bcr claim sgalnftt ttie oil prtdoced by wells an land It Mild Whttaker was killed near San Angelo by IipIiuc thrown from his horse A Shaw of Dallas anroiiuees that he has abandoned the political field No mandamus has been filed nsalrut the land rouiinlsKlnucr to coiunet him to patent the mineral lauds of firewater county at 1 per acre as dry nra lng lands Mm Uranium fell In her home at Has trop while carrying a kettle of hot waUr fiom otic room to another She badly tcaldtd herself Northirn capitalists are fa Id to be dlck eilng fr a large tract of land near lleo IIIe Theyu111 cut It luto tmall tracts cud Kflt It for farming purposes Prospectors at AVallls propose to put inn rice canal that will water 80000 acres of land John Talman who wai stabbed In the groin at Kort Worth died without telling how it happened The Corpus Chrlttl carnival ended yeiter day It wan a great micowih and no cases of lawlesDuciss were reported Two boys 11 and 15 years of age have confessed robbing a pontofTlcc In Coral cana rounty Their parents ate prominent people Oman an Insurance man was convicted nnd given two years lit the penitentiary for attempting the county attorney of McLennan County Owncis of property In downtownf district In tialvealon will be compelled to connect with the city sewerage sygtouu The Southwestern Telegraph and Trie phono company are putting In an underground aystcm in Galrestou Tho physicians of Ban Antonio say that young Harry Hamilton died from anthrax or cbarbon Wearers of Hie Crimson Overwhelmed Those Who Wore the Bine YALE WAS LITERALLY OUTCLASSED Thirtvstx Thousand Snactators Saw the Strenuous Contest for Supremacy In the Football World Soldiers Field Cambridge Mass November S3 Vengeance more woet and victory never more decisive came to Harvard this afternoon when her eleven defeated Yale 22 to 0 Three touchdown two of which ware ooarerted Into goals and a brilliant goal from the field were Harvards portion For rale there wa nothing but whitewash Tbe Ilsrvard tncu required about five minutes In which to start tliolt auiHsrb football micblnery After that Vale was never In tbe playing In the Kcrlmmage tactics plunging hurdling and Kktrtlng punting and drop kicking tbe Ynle men were completely outclassed The Harvard players gave also a demonstration ot uniform play that was remarkable Tbirtyttx thousand spectators a greater number than has ever before been Kiiitieri at a football game watched tbe battle Three ctoarUTs of the crowd cheered Harvard while UXM sympathisers tried to en eon race the overwhelmed nearer of the blueHarvard Harvard presented a team the peraotuittl of which was unchanged from start to finish and tte players who thus won glory for the cilmsou were almost as full of dash when tbe refereeu whistle soundeo for the last time as they Were when it sottnoed for tbe optuing klckoff Vale oh tbu otiiei hand niiutred sixteen men to meet tbe onslaught of the Harvard plungers lniilc rume to lo and sympathy vent out to lui fiom iliu Harvard thousands when tut track inaitcrbiek XallcM us a result of dying tackle which prevented another Harvard score wa hurt A lilow on the head made him nuronsclous lKiti It became neevsajry tu rcimne htm fiom the field stretcher As the gtiutu luogrei Ml Weyra Mith Cbadwlck Hamlin and doubt weie compelled to retire In fuvur of substitutes The game was a cleanly played as any over withexsed on this field Hanard oitil setentveu of hpr twenty two poiuts In the ilrst half in the second half Harvard reaorud to punting Yale pluycd mimh bettor football in the ecioud half and Harvard bad to be satisfied with a touchdown which failed of a goal Hirvard after tho llrnt five udu oles of tbe game had pimkckMoii of tbe ball the greater portion of the time IIiv goal Hue was ichIIj never In danger Once In the first half Yale lauded the ball on Harvards tneiityjard line where Iluivad forced He aullc i to try for a goal from tbe Held lie failed In the second half tioal1 from field Marshall Total acore Ilarrard 22 Vale 0 Time Thirtylive minutes halves 1AMKS ia SWHEltn IthscaCnrncll CS Vermont Chicago Minnesota 10 Northwestern 0 Arbor MlchMlehlgan 80 Ilrtolt 0 KnoxTlIle TMinrUalverslty of Teiines tie Kentucky St te college 0 ISethlohetii raPnywte 1 Jehlgh 0 llttsburg Ia lnjtoti nnd Jefferson 0 Carlisle Indians 0 BAYLOR DEFEATED ADDRAN Score Was a Verv Looslded One from the Benlnnlng WJW Texas November 28 Aft nearly three inonth of hard practice and pnitnr Hon tbe football teams of Itajlor and Add run universities met this afurnoon on the Ilnylor gridiron to contest for the local chitmpbnifhlp Tlia Bujlor team tliped ths ab at 158 while the Addrau rrnithed the welgbt ont to 158 ana both were In tae til condition Tbc Addrar hoym eame on the field escorted by Utr beaullfnl lalie and aeii onfi lent of vie triy but before ten minute had gone It wu ctIIv awn that liulur mitclassed their oppmiintH In plating Tbe ilrtt half ended wlb a Hfti of 22 tc I in fnvor of lliylor lbnlor tin I nine Kiibs on the field nnu put all of thin In during the Mcnnd Imlf yet this half culted In Ba tors fnvor by IV to 0 Th tinnl scere wns Baylor IK Add un 0 King and Uoree officiate lialvea Mi mlnttrs The llneup Addran rosllion Itavtor 18at Center Moore Quoit Ittjtht guard Wita Llater ltlght taikle Vo i Herring Itlglit rnd Airlnglm CorVe Ixlft guard Meiirf iarrelt Left tackle i enny Hogerx Left end ArmHtrnnj Ileree Quarterback kiiiwm KHHt Right half IiaAiugh IlKher Left half Itinleil Johnson full back Shumate KANSAS bOVVNED TEXAS It Was an Uphill Struggle but They nally Won the Game Special to The Port Kansas City Mo November 23 Texas met dfeat at tbe banda of the ICnusas Ittlverslty this afternoon by a corc of 1 to During the flrst half neltner bldn eornl and tbe play na tlghtly In favor or rexo although both Miles made Innumerable fallible nnd flu km It was sot until nineteen minutes after the beginning of the weotid half that Kansas seared Jenkins started with a forty yrifi rttli and then teidy liiimmciiiig of tbe TeniH line ndinnced the ball siHilly for a touchdown The weeond tour hdnwn made liy Kama In six minute In much the same manner I tho visitor Hyde plived a great can He punted wonilrrfullv II and bcekeil the line In great form Uuikmiinn and Iit bc plnrd cunslsteut games hilf et CnptUn MeMnhon wa exceptionally strong at tackle Crowds Braved the Elements Washington November 23 Notwithstanding a steady downpour of rafn today which made the track at llennlngs sea of mud an exceedingly large crowd turned out lp wltnoit the sport Three favorite Self Protection Carbuncle and McMeekln all of which were mlrtson won Seven tnrlone Oue swork Jerry Hunt Lofter Time 130 1 Ilve end a half furlongsSwamplands Lady Tcnxle slle Time 110 2 About four nfllex steeplechase Self Pro tection Yellow Jacket Illgbce Time C1H Mile and a half Carbuncle Itaffaello Surmise Time 2It Klx furlong Colonel mil Anak Trump Timo 110 8o Mile and a hundred yards McMeekln llnrouche idy of the Valley Time lb Han wiiwiwwuia IIII i iT Oakland Results rranclseo Xovembcr 23 Six fur longs selling Dnrlene Time Qulz II Censor Ilve and a half furlongs selling Sir Icwl Quadni Mnrmchlno Time 110 Mile uurse Uucfcuy lireyfeld Uangor Tlnie lHllJ SIi and a half furlongs Crocker handicap Ilernotn Honlc Janlie Time Ida SU fin longs pur Ordnung Autnllght Klank Hell Time 110 Mile silling Ontambus Merops Itonnle Uosiik Time 1 I31 oooaoooa9woaooooooae a oeocs ooooo sooooaeoa tho fonverse building fell and crushed the building next to It The present htulus of tbe street paving cou tracts Thu Chrysanthemum Rhow realized fWO for the Ialth Home association A bench abow lms been suggested for the XoTMiOh carnival Committees have been appointed for the AngloSaxon smoker on November 30 Prank Mcdleuka dilver of No 8 lire engine wag thrown from bis engine and received Injuries which caused his doath Dr Hrumbys lawyers secured an Injunction to restrain Dr lloyd from acting a city health officer SPOHT Harvard defeated Yale at footbnll en a score of 122 to 0 Tho University of Kanwa won the game from the University of Texna eleren by a Bcore of 12 to 0 The University of Virginia won the Southern football championship from tho University of North Carolina COMMERCIAL Cotton closed slightly tower but bull and boar plajed even mo of Die dny Strength In the coarse grains helped othfr cereals corn advancing 1 cats 114c ad whent Vie Provisions gained 2Vic to lV4c Speculative activity was very great on the New York stock exchange The week closed with a quiet demand for all classes of cotton goods ante Loadon stock niwkyt was dull and featureless Coffee futures closed barely steady ntt unchanged to pointy higher RAILROADS It Is doubtful lf the coinDiItstan will ratify tho agreement between the millers and the rallroafti rolatlvc to grain milling In transit Monday ws fixed no the day for the commencenent of tho work of broadening tho gaugeof the Mexican National The PUeo oxtenslon from Sherman to Kort rth reached CNIua TheISock Island Is to Iticrwje Its shop fuelililes ut Cblrkakn I Tbe reconstruction work ot the Uulf and Interstate wns practically completed Tho Southern Pacific created the office of general Immigration agent for Texas and Louisiana at Chicago TURKEY WELL NIGH BANKRUPT The Ottoman Bank Utterly Refuses to Make Any More Advances Constantinople Novombar 28 Never has the Turkish government been In such financial straits as at the present time It IinposKlble to see how tbe expenses of tho Hamazan nnd llalram due in December ana January and Involving sanoOOo can bo 4t The Ottoman bank utterly refuses to make any more advance and the penury quenlc tbnt there have been mutinies In several dlMtrlets Huxtlle lUuiuus rations here recently have only been quieted the authorities hastily raping together a few thousand plaftlre as aumethlug on account Tbe discontent In the army forms the real danger of tho situation FOOTBALL CHAMPIONSHIP University of Vlrainia Wrested Honors from Its Neiahboring State Norfolk Va November 23 The Univer sity of Virginia capturod the football championship of tho South bore todiy by defeating the University of North Carolina by thu lieore of 23 tl Carolina Hcored her first and only touchdown wlthlu five minute of the start of the game Iaust went er tho line following tirave long punt which Vliglula fumbled Virginia iiswl tackle hack formation througiout tho game and plnyed havoc with Carolinas line Captain Colcninr of the Virginias bad to get out of th game Ui the second half HU place was taken bv Church who made the only really iensatronrtl run of the game for forty yards and touched down Tbc game was played in a steady ruin and wa wltnetsed by futKj pejplo who were equally dlrldod In tlAir fcymna thlcs I in THE OLD WAY Of Treating Stomach Trouble and Indi gestion a Barbarous and Useless One We say the old way but really It Is the common and usual one at the present time and many dyspeptics ami physicians as well consider the first step In attempting to cure Indigestion fa to diet either by selecting eertaiu food and rejecting other or to greatl dlmlnlMi the quantity of food usually taken In other words the starvation plan Is by many supposed to be tho first essential In tho cure ot weak digestion The almost certain failure of the starva tion cure for Htomarh trouble has been proyeu time nnd again but still the usual advice when dyspepnln makes its appearance Is eourse of dieting AX this radically wrong It Is foolish nnd unscientific to recommend dieting or starvation to i person suffering from dys pepsia hecause Indigestion lt elf starve every organ and every nerve and fibre In the body What Is needed 1 abundant nutrition not less apd this mean plenty of good vhole Gme well cooked food and some natural digestive to assist the neafc stomach to digest It ThU In exactly the purpose for which Stuart nyspepals Tablet are adapted and this Is the way they cure the worst case of Ktomach trouble The patient eats plenty of wholesome food and Stuart Dyspepsia Tablets digest It tor him And this Is In accordance with nature and common sense because In this way Hie whole system Is nourished and the overworked stomach rented because the tablets will digest the food whether the stomach works or not One of Stuarts Dyspepsia TableU will dlge 1500 grains of meat eggs and similar food Any druggist will tell you that Stuarts Dyspepsia Tablet Is a remedy of extraordinary vatui and probably Is the purest and safest remedy for stomach troubles No person suffering from poor digestion and lack of nppetlto can fall to ho Immediately and permanently benefited If they would make It a practice to take one or two of Htnarts Dyspepsia Tablets after earh meal Probabilities Washington November S3 strrii Texan Jttlr Sunday warmer In Hantern portion Monday fair ft sh southerly winds xp 4 WAS APPARENTLY UNCONCERNED WHEN VERDICT WAS READ The Verdict of the Jury Was to the Effect that He Was Guilty of Murder in the First Degree Butler Mo November 23 Dr I Gautrtll on trial for hilling I Done gan a Colorado miner was today found guilty of murder in the first degree The prisoner who is 70 years of age listened with indifference to the reading of the verdict Dr Gantrell his son Gantrell and Donegal were traveling overland to OKlahotna last inarch when Donegal was killed near Amoret Mo The motive was apparently robbery Donegans body was found in a creek with his head mashed in and later the Gantrclts were arrested in Kansas City while frying to sell the miners wagon and horses Dr Gantrell who was tried first took the stand and said that he had killed Donegal with an ax In selfdefense while Donegan was in the act of braining him with monkey wrench They had quarreled he said His son the prisoner declared was asleep when Done gan was killed and had nothing to do with the fight Dr Gantreil testified that he had lived in Texas California and Missouri tint he had held the offices of State legislator and sheriff in Texas and was once in business in Texas Young Gan trell will now be tried on the charge of complicity in the murder It is the theory of the prosecution that the Gantrells conspired to kill Donegan for his money ancj outfit GERMANY AND PROTECTION Necessity of Replaclno Extstinu Tariff Set Foith by the Government rlln Ntrember 23 The governments preamblo to tho now tariff bill Issued to the membets of the relchstag today sets forth tht necessity of replsclng the eiUV log tariff bs an eutlrely new one that shal not be Inferior to that ot any other conn try In delicacy of arrangement Protective taxitti la added have contributed I i uxury Made possible for modest pocket books by These shoes arc famous for their exquisite fit their stylish shapeliness their absolute comfort and their serviceable qualities An unequalled combination of EASE ELEGANCE and ECON OMY The latest styles and newest and handsomest leathers Ail Styles 300 PP TUFFLY i3 r4r r32ttj sfc jyj FIGHT FOR SENATE SEAT WEST VIRGINIA MILLIONAIRES ANXIOUS TO GET INTO SELECT CLUB Scotts Successor Will Not Be Elected for Two Years Yet but Candidates Are Already Numerous Special to The Post Washington November as The fight in West Virginia for a scat in the senate is already attracting attention though the actual election of a successor to Senator Nathaniel Scott docs not take place for two years The race for the senate is a contest between millionaires Senator Scott will make a strong effort to fill a second term in the senate in pite of the understanding that he is not on the best footing with the president Resides a fortuitous Ftrike in the gold fields of Colorado he has of lale nfhs dabbled very extensively in West VirgisA coal and oil and has made a sucofss of It His first real opponent in the field was Henry Schmulliach a brewer of Wheeling who owns an interest in almost everything in the State Schmulbachs announcement of his candidacy amused the opposition but this feeling has grven way to apprehension for the brewer is contributing to all the charities any quarter of the State suggests and is doing things he would not do were his senatorial aspirations mere side play The announcement of the candidacy of Caldwell of the Second district also a wealthy man fuither complicates the field and to cap it all Judge Kathan GofF oLllie United States bench is alleged to i have informed his friends that if the pco pie wanted him he is willing to run for the senate Goff is popular and if he really I gets into the fight it will likely mean the I defeat of all the others Judge Goff was rated to be a millionaire long ago but since his big farms in Harrison county began to produce oil and coal his wealth has soared ii i i DR GANTRELL CONVICTED teilally to the prcspeilty of German Industry aud coiiiineicc In coliucctlou with thl pruspcilty dislocation iu the distribution of the wage earning class has taken place to the detriment of agriculture The Increase In the wiises of agricultural laborer caused by jlit Increase of tbe wages of the Industrial classes hai resulted Iu an nlmont intolerable Increase In the working expenses of the agrleuiturallfls On the other hand there has recently been a aethai In the upward movement of Herman Industrv Whether this setback has reached Its lowest ebb or bow long It will last can not be enciilated to a certalntv Ill order to avert the illxiistions consequences whMi thit dl 0Ml i will eventually have not on agriculturalists alone run upon tbe whole community the odoprlon of effective miinter inenHures can no longer be dcla I One of the isreiiilil hiiih is 10 plate home ncilerliure In more favorable rltloti hy nfTiiirt ne It icti crcitei cus toms protection i 111 nilcilntc ie dlsnd vintnccs The IMIIty of fecillni tli people Is lieliij icnlered more and mon I POSITIVEY CURE up Pome and See TtoS Only 2300 THE LINWOOD BICYCLE The prettiest bicycle in Houston for the money Guaranteed and sold on time MARCH CULMORE Bicycle Tires 450 a pair Cleveland Crawford and Crescent Ulcycles for everybody 1 he best Oas Lamp 011 earth for 5a 50 irblde 23c a can Ulcyclc Railroad Attachments Loudon November 23 The war office this afternoon announced that It has accepted anada offer of 000 mounted men for service In South Afilca COUBTESV MAHER STANDS SECOND He Has a Higher Percentage Than Madden the Winner Manchester November 23 This years spoit under the Jockey club rules was concluded with todays meeting at Manchester where the races were run In men dense fog that the Judges bad difficulty iu dWtlnvuiMmig tbe winners The Americans fsilci to Rcnre but Matnr ends Pie xnsnn ircoml on the list of winning loi cys with ninetyfour wins against unl ili loO Vlhcr nercontagi however Is 23 to Mnddens li Itcilt Is fouiih on the list with elsjhty nine lteltr lu iJrtefte ftasa mm BLOOD DISEASES CONTRACTED DISORDERS VARICOCELE STRICTURE WEAKNESS KIDNEY TROUBLES LOSS OF MEMORY NERVOUSNESS And all Forms of Diseases Peculiar to Men MY TREATMENT IS Thorough Scientific and Permanent HOME TREATMENT Write me fully In confidence and I will senJ you free in plain envelope full particulars of my successful home treatment which enables me to cure you at borne I will also give whatever special advice your case may require Correspondence confidential oxci their uccca About hunting QrhavinP th old Suit ccane ihfd Come around here and we wilt sell yot one so cheap yoWk forget you ever had any old clothes and they be so warm and comforts ble youll wonder its spring hcre the time come see for yourself UtCAWTriONcj FINANCIAL 512514 MAIN STREET PROMPTNESS WITH ABUNDANT MEANS AND UNSURPASSED FACILITIES UBEtUUn THE MEROHfiKTS NATIONAL BANK OF HQUSTOl EXTENDS TO DEPOSITORS EVERY PROPER ACCOMMODATION AND SOLICITS NEW ACCOUNTS difficult and this necessity certainly Imposes tbc obligation to exercise the grimiest caution Nevertheless nhoahl It bo found that this burden Is laid on the con sunilng public tbe burden must be borne lit rder that dangers far more serious to the state shall be avoided Kopocilne commercial treaties with othT countries the ROvernrrnt lb ready after Hie tii Hit bill disposed of to enter iu due conree Into negotiation to these ends with tlios countries dcdrlini to do Ibc recasting of the tnriff bill nlll nil preient I he lountry fnm ejecting lien commercial trcntlM Nevertheless In view of the uncertainty of politics and of the commercial future the tariff bill provides for more severe compensatory mnasures It Is desired that tbc new tailff become effective January 1 1P0I Good for Bad Teeth Not Bad for Good Teeth Sozodont 25c Sozodont Tooth Powder 25c Large Liquid ed Powder 75c HALL RUCKEL Ktw York spite sif his suspension Is ttmii ft rcvenlyBve Martin fortrtSffil Jenkins fortytwo antT liorjeifoSt 1 Groesbeeck Team Won Oioesbcocl Tciai Novctnbu 22 fttS foitball game played here tbli I ik bMween Orocsl pck and Meilt ths kr sleod 10 to 0 In favor of GrocjSwA ll fnrd was the stjr player of tie Oie team I SOME PLAIN TALK I wish that I could impress upon every man the serious conditions which are sure to result from neglet to have properly treated the slightest indication of a loss of manly vigor The symptoms are plain but are so often unheeded Spots before the eyes dizziness failing memory emissions weak back bijjfctriness etc etc should warn every man the danger which is imminent The wrong treatment is always worse than no treatment at all and I want to warn you against the folly of expecting the slightest relief from the free sample and free treatment and other fraudulent methods resorted to by unscrupulous socalled doctors and medical institutes in different parts of the country I am constantly receiving patients from whom these schemers have extorted money and have injured instead of benefiting their case You can not afford to experiment upon the human system I have devoted twenty years to the close study of these diseases and have cured ninetynine out of every hundred cases I have cured such stubborn cases which had baffled the skill of others and had been declared incurable that I am acknowledged the most skilled specialist in the United States In fact so successful have been my original methods of treatment that I acknowledge no superior anywhere 1 do not say this boastfully but it is only natural that my treatment should succeed because 1 have studied closely every phase of this evil and understand it thoroughly It is foolish to expect the same treatment to cure every case 1 carefully diagnose and study each case and prepare treatment to meet every requirement My methods are strictly upto date and I am always the first in the South to introduce the latest discoveries of science for the relief of the afflicted Consultation invited either at my office or by mail for which I make no charge NEWTON HATHAWAY 210 Alamo Plaza SAN ANTONIO TEXAS tjSfiUf Afe 0 ti Ai sec itit Liw kt et lit It dti inOf Ofd 131US UScr tiAt tie kit ot it hrt hrti So JP tiJo Jo JoSf Sfu isrtr iJO iJObh bhr ji I I iit lie lieto to tte a ti 11tii tii Miiti itiy 1i i to lui jhi ict hiEl El 111 this Is the flr trame the honiriahJto played nnd th are very muci uosfc fti it It it IB 5t 5 1A A 1.

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