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The San Angelo Press from San Angelo, Texas • Page 7

San Angelo, Texas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

-iM S-jlr vmwt THE SAN ANGELO PRE39, SAN ANGELO, TEXAS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 0, 10e. 1 JW- BUILDING NOTES. The insido work and finishing touches nre this week being put on the two-story Hendoison and Jlobortson building on the east nido of Oliadboiiriie street, where the old Catholic church stood. Snyder Myer, the contractors who are to build the new Odd Fellows hull on East Beauregard avunuu, will begin the foundation work ol Hie handsome, two-story structure ns soi'm ub material can be gotten upon the ground. Matmi.Hr Ogle, of the San An-golo Mills, had about complet-d ill shelving for the Proband Ruphuel new department storo on West Beauregard avonuo, and artisuuH are putting in tho San Angnlo made shelving and other appointments for the spacious A.

S. Gautt Son have changed tho awning in front of their big store on Beaurogurd avenue from a frame affair to a sloping, rounded corriguted iron roofed front, that is great improvement. "That'a the way they do it in Dallas ami Ft. Worth." said Col. Gantt, so in keeping with the firms'progrosBive spirit, that's tho way it goes The beautiful electro reproduction of tho new San Auglu Santa Fo depot, uppeuring in another column of thit issue, was furnished Tho Press by Architect Chas.

II. Pago, of Austin, who designed tho building. The picture in The Press is a photo of a finished architect's design, and is a facsimile of the depot when completed, even to tho arrangement of tho little park of trees and tho pretty flower garden that will be kept in order by a man hired for the purpose. This is the first reproduction of tho big depot, now under construction, that has been shown in San An-Kolo. "Foil Sale oh Tiiadk A hand-somo, blooded llamiltouian and Norman mixed stallion, iron gray, lOi hands high, woigliB 1,400 pounds.

For information address or phono owner, W. A. Cox, Miles, Toxas tf Wanted: To trade sorghum for town cows or calves Address G. W. Waller, San Angelo, Eola route.

47-lt The Joys of And wo have made special preparations for this time of stock is up to the usual murk. We have on hand a collection any price. The list below will give you an idea of tho good 1 mmMmmswmmmmmsmwffixmBwmmmwmmmMtmm HAPPY RESULTS. Have Mndo Many Snn Angelo Residents Enthusiastic. No wonder scorn of Sun AnKcIo cltlctn Brow cnthuMnillc It enough tn make anyone hnppy to Unci relief nfler jrciinof sufer-liu.

IMltillo rtntctnenti lllio the following lire tmt iMtthM representation' of the dully ork done In H.ui Amtelo by'n Kldnev I'llli. Mrs. J. Hoberts of Anirclo Texas, Kor three or four yenrs sintered a uoihIiIciiI from whnt I thought wns rheutim-thin but since rending the sjmptimsof Uld-nav troube und from the relief 1 derived through the mo of IMnn's Kidney I'l'ln 1 lie-Hkw It win kidney trouble The puln was in Htly in tny lined nnd under my Mioulder hlndes ut llmcH going clear to the ton of mv hend ThukMnoT accretion were nliotery Irrcguliir Seeing I'oiii" Knlnev Pills mlvcr Used lit W. llurrls drug more tin hu-bnnd proo ircil box nnd used some They did him no much cood Hint I concluded try them the result wu f' hc.iotid ourexpectn-tlimsln both cases.

In vlntr our views In ibis inunnsr wo hope to be th menus of nolo others who nre sufTeritg the hi 'no wiiy." For sale by nil denlor. 1 'rice SO cents. I ler-Mllburn lluflnlo. New York, cole ugctit for the United Stutci. Ucmerubcr the name Uoan nnd take no other.

fc J. Morgan, of Miles, paid a business visit to the city Saturday. Miss Robortson visited Mrs. W. R.

Hondrickson, of Miles, Saturday and Sunday. J. A. Kellor, of Hamilton, visited Otis Lilloy and family in San Angelo several days last week. R.

A. King and J. Wall, of Brady, wero in tho city Friday and Saturday on a busineBB visit. 0 Li cashior of rho First National bank of Sonora, was a business visitor to San Angelo Saturday. The Spooner Dramat'c company left Sunday afternoon for Stophonville, where they arohold-iug the boardB this week.

Mrs. Shrewsbury and little duughtcr, left Thursday afternoon for Stephouville, in advance of the Spooner Dramatic company which is playing that town this week. Miss Sadio Millspaugh returned from a lengthy visit to Miss Margaret Russell, at Bonham, Sunday afternoon, accompanied by MisB Russell, who will spend several weeks visiting friends in San -'T ''Ta Williams, a well-to-do racket and notion storo proprietor of Lima, Ohio, was in San Angelo several days last week looking at tho cnuntrv. Mr. Williams is very much interested in the farming productions of West Toxob und may decide to buy property and locato horn.

Whiskies in Bulk Mellow Blossom Dripping SpringB Planters Pride Dougherty Rye Cose Goods Mellow Blossom Old Crow Bottled in Bond Hill Hill Old Forrester Bonnie Lros Pretoria Rye Newport Martin's Best Haddim Hull Baltimore Rye Wines Imported Port Imported Sherry Imported White Wines Imported White Soal and G. II. ilium's Arc LigKt Corner Saloon T. H. McCLOSKEY, Proprietor BIG RANCIKATTLE DEAL MADE HERE II.

W. aillls Co. lluy Sections and 4,000 Cnttlo in 01 1'aso County For $75 000. The live stock firm'- of H. Gillis it Co, of Sun Angelo, bought a few days ago from IIn.ll it Cannon, of Van Horn, Texas, a lino 150 section ranch and about Van Horn, for a not total of S75.000 No commission man had anything to do with this big transaction, the contracting parties consummating the deal themselves.

Tho ranch comprises a flue body of laud lying in tho southeastern part of El Paso county, on tho Texas it Pacific railway. Tho 4 000 hoad of cattle. rro good averago rango stuff that brought $14 50 around, or $58,000. Mr. Gillis Bout a man to Van Horn Sunday afternoon to recoivo tho cattle This important deal has been closed for several days but wub not given out till Saturday.

Mr. Gillis. who is otio of our best known and influential stockmen, will give much of his time to this new ranch, and the improving of tho stock. Tho live stock in the transaction wero received at Van Horn WoJnesdftv by representative of II. W.

GilliBvv Co. Impure blood runs you down makes nil eiisj ilctliu for organic. dleiiis. Ilurdoek lllood Hitters purines I lie blood cure tli cause builds you up llucnn Vista Items. Editor of The Tress Wo are having somouwfullybad weather this week und some bad winter weather lust week.

It is not very fuvoroble for tho farmers and cotton pic.jrs, but take things us they come as near as possible, but, of course, there are 11 lew things that come that wo don't got to take, because they don't belong to us, and we are not the kind to take anything that don't belong to us (in daytime). Oscar Butt is still very sick with typhoid fever. Citton picking would be over in few days if we could got some protty weather. TIub morning it is dark and rainy. Cotton is above 10c and the Christmas Tide good cheer.

Wo have built a reputation for handling the best Liquors that can bo bought in any market, and our of Rare Old Whiskies that we bought for the Holiday season and we ami recommend them as the bett that can be purcliahod at things that are hero for you. .1 i i I prico of picking away up yonder, but no one should ho" blamod for enjoying tho good prices. Messrs. Bates and Babb. from the Pecos, camo in last week with i 11 bunch of nice saddle and stock horses to sell.

reiix nas neen Keeping a bunch of good horses out hero in Dr Lynn's pasturo .1. F. Cain has started West on a prospecting tour Best wishoB tn tho Press and rouders. Lazy Lawue.wk. Special Attention.

My business is to fix bikes. The very best of work at reuBonablo prices. Avoid all worry by sending your work to mo. I represent the peoplo who manufacture tho Hartford bicycle tires, the beston earth. They are peculiarly adapted to this clitNiito anil "pizon" to grusB burrs Noah Smith, Onkes Street bridge.

A. 0. Benton, of Wall, was visitor in tho city Thursday and Friday. Mrs. .1.

E. DougluB loft Friday afternoon for Houston on a visit to two sick sisters. J. W. Henderson and Chas.

E. Davidson, of Ozona, wero business visitors in San Angelo last Thursday. Frank Meadows and Grove Mid-dleton, tf Miles, were in San Angelo Thursday and Friday visiting and sight-seoing. lion. Wendell Sponco returned to his homo in Dallas Saturday, after visiting his brother, Sponco, and family.

Robert S. HorniBh loft Friday for Brownville and San Antonic. 011 a business trip, expecting to return to San Angelo this week. John II ltyburn and J. U.

Thorpe wore in the city several days last week from their big ranch southwest of Knickerbocker. Mrs. J. I). Croat und Mrs.

J. 0. Grundy, of Balliinror. after a two weeks' viBit to Mr. and Mrs.1 T.

W. Conerly, returned to their homo Friday. Samuel A. Kendig, colonization agent of the Santa Fo, left Fridav afternoon for his home in Temple, after brief business trip to this end of the line. News.

Cdltor of The N. S. JonoB left last Snturdnv for his home in Ellis county after few days visit to his old friend, B. Reeves. ijoril(J nI1(! of mver county, nave recently 'moved to tho John Robertson place near Wall, where they will reside the coming year.

Ase Roberts went to RiiihihIh county Thursday on a visit. James Wall, Jr. bought lost wei-k from W. II. Littlo, a one-half aero lot on Main street for $75.

Mr. Wall contemn 1 a building on his lot and moving there by January 1. Rov. J. T.

Lassiter, of ChriBto-val, was on tho Flat last week. Joe Long, who moved last week to his now homo on the Flat, roturned to Runnels county aftor the remainder of his household goods. Henry Chufin, from Pearl, is on the Flat visiting. Dr. F.

E. Poole is visiting his children urar Wall. Ho will move to his now location at Truitt, Texus, booh. Little MisB Lizzie Hemphill has been quite bick for several days but is improving. Mesdames J.

E. Parks and Florence Stryker wore in San An-golo lust Monday shopping. School started last Monday with a small attendance owing to tho latoness of the cotton crop. Edwin Deats, of Bed River county, after spending a few days with friends on the Flat, left hiBt Monday. New I'ack.

Richelieu and Club Hon bo Conned Goods, Preserves, Jams and Jellies, Imported German Preserves, Leggott's Fancy Jams, Richelieu Fancy Olives in bottles and in bulk, Hoinz's Famous Pickles, Sauces and Condiments, Crosse and Blackw ell's Pickles, Sauces, Vinegar and Marmalades, Marosquin Cherries und all kinds of imported delicacies in Btock at Taylor's, Two phones, 21 and Mi). Aloven Furniture Store. Lynn Brothers, the new and second hand furniture dealers, have moved their stock of goods from Becond door south of tho Wells Wnll Prcs, Are Com Domestic Wines Sherry Port Port Madeira Wine Ebciippornong Sweet Catuwbk, Rhine Wine Virginia Daro Imported Scoto" Whiskey Import-d Irish Whiskey Ale and Porter Cordials Mi'liedietine Vermouth, French nnd Italian Anisette Curuco Maraschino Beers MdHrleiu und other boors GOODS DELIVERED To Any Part of City THE BEST THE CHLAPEST Fargo express oflice bowling alloy buil door north of tl church. Bofore you your household good them in their now Ituorge Himolst Antonio Saturdu ness trip. Goorgo B.

Ft. Worth, business visit Mrs. Cum to her lion unlay afto Tom Wyliu linger M. nursor itor i 01 of WUf lop j'1 nut. Strati Mesi Lingo, Burtoi visit Burtoi city, i( homes Cm8 Ecicms, klndn)D.

Pimples worm, Eruption ped Facet Hands, Sweatty, I Blistered Cotton Pli Pick 14 More Cotton by Using I Ko Wm'Co. Dallas! I JlLfl ffltliTTm hT" vwwtlrt Tl sJjl.

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