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The Citizen from Berea, Kentucky • Page 8

The Citizeni
Berea, Kentucky
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tl a I 1 otllo East Kentucky Correspondence 1 News You Get Nowhere Else i Ho crrti i4 ca ytkUiktd galas trot to ten by ttt wetter TII mama It tot for allUcaUolI bit I v16sos of tool faith Writ plainly 0 oe oaoaoeOSe Berea College Fair for Fireside Industries Will be held Wednesday June 8 10 the College Commencement Day In Room 4 Lincoln Hall i Read tho list of premiums and prepare to mako an exhibit If you should not taken prrtnlum you will show your skill and may have an op fshow portunity to sell something i TAKE NOTICE Entries may be made at any Ume 1 from noon to 4 on Tuesday June 7 or from 7 to 10 a Wednesday June 8 1910 All goods entered for premiums must have been made since last Com meneement Day June 9 1909 and must bo tho product of the person 1 to whom the premium Is paid For 1 Instance the premium will be paid to 1 the WEAVER OF A COVERLID and not to the person owning or the material from which It was made rlmaterIal will be given two year In succession to the same person YOUNG WOMEN ATTENTION 1As we desire to encourage the younger women to weave the premIums on Rag Rugs are offered this year only to weavers under twenty yejinj of age 1ltiayweaver under twenty years oface should be awarded a premium on ira igterlid one dollar will be added to the usual premium Home products not included In our list of premiums may be exhibited and offered for sale We offer fine premiums for hickory or oaksplit baskets melonshaped i There Is quite a demand for such I baskets If well made The size should not be over that of a halfbushel and smaller ones will find a readier sale The expenses of the HomeSpun Fair are borne by the Department of Fire Side Industries and we find It necessary to charge 10 per cent commission on all sales made 1PREMIUMS OFFERED OFFEREDlit lit and home spun and home wnen Coverlids fioo Ji oo Homespun Table Spreads Coverlld Iattcrin too SO Ilnen 100 so Cotton 100 So Homespun Pillow Coven Coverlid Patterns 100 Linen 100 51 Cotton 100 SOt IJnsey 8 yards 100 50 figured Uatn 8 yards 100 so Plain Linen 8 yards j00 50 Rig Rugsfigured border ISO 75 Rag Rug earpet weave ioo So Hickory or Oak Split melon shaped Baskets 200 100 I Axhaudles homemade Jo 25 I il Handmade splitbottom Chair ISO 75 I Handmade Rustic Chair ISO 75 No premiums are offered for Linsey or Linen which contains less than eight yards Only second premiums will be given for secondclass artIcles when no firstclass dues are entered enteredBerea I Berea College can not buy Cover lids this year as heretofore as It Is already overstocked Committee on Home Spun Fair JACKSON COUNTY 1ORn UA nGreenha1 May 30John Smith oft Surgeon vlaVed Smith and wife Sunday PIerson and family visited John Pierson Sunday Hal leys comet and Caleb Powers are all tho talk Many claim It Is a token of 1Edwards defeat Unknown parties i broke Into Smiths corn crib one night the past weekJas Evans and wife visited at New Hope Saturday i and SundayDale Minter was before the board of examiners the past week and got a certificate Have not learned where ho will teach The hall and wind storm last Tuesday night did much damage to gardens and grow ing cropsJake Moore was the wel 1come visitor of Hughes Thursday night and furnished some fine guitar music musicKKIlllY KKIlllY KNOB Kerby Knob May 30 Memorial ser runday day with good attendance and an Interesting sermon delivered by the Iday I Rev Pete Moborly lift will hold SKvlces hero agair on the second Sunday In June People are very I much behind with their work on account of wet weather Mr and Mrs James Bakor of Hugh were the guests of James Williams and family Saturday night Mr Hanvey Click Is qulo poorly with rheumatism Mr Henry Garrett and wlfo visited at Jas Clicks Sunday Some of our teachers are somewhat disappointed from the ex amination Some having failed entirely and others receiving much lower grades than they had expected tfi DOWNWeak Weak and miserable It you bare Kidney or Dlad dcr trouble Bullhead Ins DIulDeslNeryouneu DlrzlnaaNerrousoeu1alnslntheback IaJnaln the back and feel tired all over pft a pack otklotherursyAUsTIiALIANLEAFtheaasutherbeure eaaant berb cure Ie never faU We bue way Umonlali from grateful people who have need this wonderful remedy At a regulator It baa no equal Ask for Mother acereAuatrallanLeaf at Urogclata or Pent by mall for 60 eta Sample FHEE Addre TlieMoUieraray CoLeItoyNy I ni I A I oslvao ISAACS Isaacs May 28There was a Bale at Hiram Johnsons today In order to dispose of a portion of Mr Gar I tenons estate Ho died last win tClDled May 26th Mrs Molllo Cas teel She loaves a husband a son ama host of relatives and friends to mourn her loss She was a pious Christian woman One of John IX Rlleys children died May 19thMr Charlie Punet Is sick ANNVIIIK Annvllle May 30The Sunday school at Uilr place Is doing fine work There were 90 answered the roll call Sunday besldo a number of visitors PleootA Christian Endeavor Society was organized at the now school building Sunday night with 10 active members to begin I with We hopo to soon have others join us In the workThe Rev and Mrs Zwemer are visiting their daughter Mrs A WorthIngton this weck1lr and Mrs II Short visited Miss Mattie Medlock last Monday Mr Walter Medlock has gone on a drumming trip this week through Jackson County Mrs Polly Ackmon and Mrs Robt Johneon hart gone to Berea Horn to Mr and Mrs Watson a boy May 30 Mother and baby are doing ell1lIs9 Laura Isaacs visited In Annvllle the last week1rrs Frank Penning is thought to be improving but continues very I lowMm Rader was first to I see the comet that Is showing in the evening here Frank King who has been very sick Is able to be outI ncnln There Is church service every Sunday after Sunday school at the new school house Died at her home on Moores Creek May 27 Mrs Mollle Casteel of that dreadful disease consumption She was a Christian woman and loved by all who know her She leaves a husband and I one child besides a host of friends I and relative to mourn her death I PAIIHOT I Parrot May 29ooe of the heaviest iest rains and halls we have had for a long Ume visited this part of tl country last Tuesday evening doing much damage to the peoples corn I and vegetables Mr Buck CunoSln had a working last Friday Much world was done Misses Nora and Minnie Rice of this place took the teachers examination at McKee Mr Frank I Gabbard has received a pension cf six dollars per month He Is now In Hamilton OhioMr Arnold and family will start Monday mornI Inc for Jelllco Tenn where they expect to stay this summer Mrs Susan I Hellard who has been visiting relatives at tills place for several months has returned to Oklahoma A large crowd attended the Holiness meeting at Letter Box Saturday night Mrs Nancy Tlncher who has been staying with her son Grant of this place left Sunday to stay with her daughter Mrs Margaret Farmer of near Annvllle this summer Hur rah for Edwards our successful Congressman ROCKCASTLE COUNTY I GOOCIILAND I Goochland May 25The Rev Floyd Taylor filled his regular appointment I at Sycamore Sunday Talmadge Phil I lips has typhoid feverour drummer i Bill Farmer of Berea was In Gooch I land the first of the weekJackson Jcnes is In Knox County grading lum ber Jasper Bowman will begin theI merchandise business In Goochland I very scon Abo Griffin of Roblnot passed thru Tuesday on his way to parts unknownJ Rlchardcoir toI Big Hill was In Goochland Thursday Jones and Ella Dooley of this place attended the examination at Mt Version last week Both made good grades Prof NorrIs of Brass field Is In tLls part buying sheep and cattle Joseph Martin has bought Mrs Saulmons farm of this place and will move soon Sunday school at this place is getting along nicely CONWAY Conway May 301rs Haye came back from Richmond Sunday but Is not doing welllMr John Baker and family of Barea vlstcd I A Bowman Saturday and Sunday Mr and Mrs Harden Sparkman went to Berea Sunday for Memorial day Mr Sam McIIargue and Mr Hame Bowman and their families were pleasant guests of Chas Bowman Sun daMr Ben Dalton Is back from 100 Reward 100 The readers of this paper will be leased to learn that there la at least one dread disease that aclence hat been able to cure In all Its ata tes and that Is Catarrh Haifa Catarrh Cure la the only ponitlve cure now known to the medical fraternity Catarrh Wing a constitutional ills calC require a constitutional treatment Haifa Catarrh Cure la taken Internally acting direct ly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the syfttem thereby destroying the foundation of the disease and giving the patient strength by ImlUlliiK up the constitution and asalstlng nature in doing ita work The proprietors hate so much faith in ita curative poweratbat they offer One Hundred Dollar for any cane that It falls tore Send for Hat of testimonials Address CHKNNY CO Toledo 0 Sold by all Druggists 7jc Take Haifa Family rills for cdnitlpatlon Hamilton Oblo Mr Leonard Ballard was up from Berea Saturday and Sun dayltr Ben Gabbard the drummer Is with home folks for a few days 1 A Bowman was in Jackson last week on buelness Conway is not going to have any operator Will mOE It to SnldJr this weekC Bowman health Is some bettor Mrs Belle Dalley continues aboui the same Mr Elmer Williams Is In very pool health IIOONK Boone May lOThe Rev Wm Durham failed to fill an appointment at Fairview SundaySabbath school li progressing nicely at Fairview with a good attendance Mrs Wm Vat kips returned to her home In Illinois a few days agoJohn Wren mad a business trip to heron one day lost week1lr Harry Woodall of Berea was In this vicinity Sunday Mlsa Jennlo Chasteen Is visiting1 her i tcr Mrs Mag Coffee near Berea Mr John Gadd of Rockford was In this vicinity last Sunday Farmed are hustling this fine weather Miss Ida Trewltt of Conway visited Sunday school hero SundayMr A 11 Levett was a Berea visitor Satur 111he Rev Lambert ol ended church at Macedonia Sunday Mr Marlon Chasteen Is erecting a new house on his farm near this place Mr and Mrs James Lambert visited Mr and Mrs Wm Gadd near Rockford SundayMrs Ida and Mary Wren visited Mrs Susan Wren Sun dayMr and Mrs II Chasteen I visited relatives In Berea Sunday i SNIDER Snider May 30 Almount Arthur and family and Robert Sparks and family moved to Llvengood last week Mrs Margaret SIms Is slck1r Solomon Knuckles who has been quit sick Is somo batter Mr Bill Ans Inn and sister Cliessle vlsVcd Misses Bottle and Hattlo Poynter Sunday Miss HaUle Poyhor and Mrs Jessie Quinn made a business trip to Berea last Wednesday Mr Marlon Poyn ter has gone to Morgan Ky to work on the railroad Miss Rena Smith and Edna McClure attended Sunday school a Conway Sunday AVI Mil i IInI Wildle May 311Irs Nannie Grlf fen visited Mr and Mrs Samuel Cof fey Saturday night Hugh CorfeI the little son of Mr and Mrs I Coffey was badly hurt by a log which II rolled over hlm1Ir II Wood was up at Conway Sunday to see his sister Mrs Hayes who Is very 10w1r and Mrs Rance Coffey and Mr and Mrs Harry Chastfen were guests of Mr and Mrs Branna man SundayMiss Mary Bronnoman Is visiting friends at Berea The IIt le child of Mr and Mrs Jess Hold man Is not Improving any in health Mr Martin Jones was down from DorM MondayMr Brannaman 1s telegraph operaor at night for this plnce1r A Chostwm and family left Tuesday for Snider where they will make their future home Mrs lohn Crawford visited her parents Mr and Mrs Brannaman last weekTh3 Ihtle child of Mr and Mrs Fronton Cater Is slck1r Albert Reynolds was In Berea Saturday Miss BUtle Reynolds is visiting her sister Mrs A Coffey Miss Kettle Fish left Tuesday for Mt1 Ver lon to visit Monde LESLIE COUNTY illIEN HYDEN CITIZENS BANK Hyden Ky We do i general banking business and solicit accounts of firms and IndIvIduals thruout eastern Kentucky kVo are seeking new business and wo ire prepared to take care of it A Eversole Proa Lewis Wee Pros Thos Gabbard CaShier CLAY COUNTY I am In position to give you better Aces and quality on general mer ikandlso than you have been expect hg You ore invited to come and seer yourself yourselfJ Stewart Spring Creek Ky OWSLEY CCUNTV ISIAXI CITY Island City May 26W Short Wm Mays chief deputy marshal of Richmond Gentry ind Arthur Bryant employees made one of the most successful raids ever fade in the mountains Thoy captured a moonshlro still on Logs Island Branch thrso miles from Bcakyvlllo Five hundred gallons of beer nine rallons whiskey thirty gallons of IngllngJ Gentry purchaso a pair of mules from i Palmer for four hundred dollajli i Home Baked Bread iI Biscuit Cake Pastry FreshTasteful Healthful and Economical when made with i BAKING 4 No Alum No LIme LimeRoyal Royal is the only baking powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar I I Joe Moore Is quite 111 with fever Gen ry ro urned from Beaoy vllle Monday Barney McQueens wife Is very low Said to bo consump UonJ Gentry has Just iccclvcd I a new supply of goodtA fow night I ago some parties broko Into the store of Robert Hale and took three I bolts dress goods nine pair shoos twenty barlow knives and other goods to the amount of one hundred dollars I Hfi offers 25 cash for one piece of the goods Some one broke Into the I store of Gentry about one week ago and took six sacks of flour some 1ago lard and other things to about the amount of 25 No trace has been dJs covered Wm Mays our marshal left Monday to attend Federal Court at Catlottsburff William Hacker has located himself near Gentrys store with a complete outfit of blacksmith toolaJ Gentry sold his entire land and property to John Huff and has gone to West Virglna to make his future home Tho body of Sieve Fields who was drowned In Sexton Creek Thursday has not yet been found He was thrown from a I raft near Feb Nantzs walk log I Samuel Peters escaped death by some parties pulling him out of the watu on the same tide Harry Eversole of Boonevllle passed thru this neighborhood I Thursday There ft largo largoI lido In South Fork river Married at the brides home Andy BcckncJl to i Miss Grace Campbell Bright wishes for the couples tutureJ Gentry I i will start for Louisville in fow days to buy goods TIIAT1LLERS lUST Travelers Rest May 24Tho recent rains havo swollen Sturgeon Creek until it overflowed Its banks doing doingI ed in tho bottoms Under the able management of Supt Frye Garrett and It Abshear examiners no one can say they didnt get a fair test In the County examina lion held last Friday and Saturday May 20 and 21s ThlriyUiroo applicants i Six First class certificates were Issued to the following Caudell Palmer Scott Leo Clark Mack Strong Henry Icnncs and Silas Moore Tho New Hope baseball team teamI played an Interesting game with tho Karnestvilb team Sunday May 2 Score 19 to 13 In favor of New Iope Sam Peters had two raC break loose by the high tide and were badly wrecked Hiram Botner and AleC Splvy will likely continue with their business at this place for another arC Gabbard was a business caller In town Thursday 11ICKTOV Rlcetown May 28lrult Is almost a failure In this section of the county We agree with the Island City correspondent there Is lots of liquor and plenty of drunken people Its a shame for the rising generation John Neace of Booneville who has been teaching at Rochester Ky for the past nine months Is home on a va OHIO COLLEGE DENTAL SURGERY I Central Avenue and Court Street Cincinnati This College wins organized In 1845 and the CStli Annual SoHslon begins October 4 1910 Three sessions of BOTCH months each are requires for graduation This Is the first dental college established In the West It Is coeducational and has a teaching corps of twenty In structorH Its buildings am modern and well adapted to tho require ments of modnrn dental education and Us clinics are unsurpassed Optional Spring nnd Fall Courses In clinical Instruction are also given For further Information and announcementaddreKs A SM JTH DS Jlean 110 Gnrfleld Place Cincinnati Ohio I I POWDER cation A Huff of LeI Couiuy was here recently sharpening his grist and sotting up mill for Mr Bishop Henry Gnbbard std wife vtslad relatives at South Hoonevlllo Satur day and Sunday Some of our clU zens are going Into the eng bust ness Blain Gabbard of Berea In visiting relative It this place and Wolf Creek Hazel Gabbard Is visiting Mac Wilson of Cow crock I his week There is going to bo preaching at Grassy Branch tho first Sunday In June Whooping cough Is rowing In our vlclniy nt present 0 Moore children have iThera arc las of Ichlldnm gasoline mills being brought Into our neighborhood Four were brought In ourInClghlJorhOOlI Gabbard brother of the firm of I Gabbard and Bros of Cow Creek Is very poorly with typhoid and his recovery Is doubtful Misses Brown lee and McGafflck of Cow creek spent Saturday and Sunday May 14 and IS with Misses Pearl and Lucy Gabbard Our friend Howl tt of Trav clera Rent was In our midst last week Elmer Gabbard who has been teaching at Buckhorn spent last week with home folks at this placo The como has pasbed and can now bo seen In the west but not so plain as it was In the ClUItlt seems that Mr Powers Is going to make general landslide In this section What few there were for Edwards are consld rIng the matter of coming over with the Powers gang We are confident that old Owslcy will give Mr Powers a handsome majority ESTILL COUNTY STATION CUII Station Camp May 30J Kelley of Wagorsvlllo was the guest of Turner Kelley Friday II Click and I family spent the day Sunday at Kelleys Cleveland DIxon was tho guest of Lewis Hlnior SUl1Ilay1lrs i Susie Scrlvncr has purchased an In cubator and is planning to go Into I the poultry business on a largo scale I Turner Kelley was the guest tf Win Isaacs Friday night A Mr Flanery and two of Mr Leo Conglo tons sons paused thru our town on I their way to Dayton Ky with three mules that they had purohafcd of Mi George Williams of West Irvine A great many farmers are having to furrow out their corn land and plant It the second time Duo to 10 I much cold raliy weather Goo and Lakes of Jackson County were on Station Camp last week buying corn Messrs A and Kelloy got the remainder of their logs out oc the tide last week and sold thorn Cox was the guest of Turner Kelley the 22nd Inst Mr Cox expects to return to Illinois soon i Ii Mrs Lucy Warford and daughter MUM Annie oC Wagcrsvlllo are sick 11Scnales are pretty thickly Ca ten i thru this section Mrs Tom WIN I i son of Wagcrsvllle was operated on i 1 Jot Richmond last week by tho Glb I son brothers for appcndlcsls Tho 18ti year old son of Mr Aw WLt of West tInto Into the river last Tuesday has not yet recovered Tho parent and ramllyt have our greatest sympathy I LOCUST lIKAflCII I Il1tANCIIf Iocust Branch May 30The singing at this place was well attended Sun I daIrof French has been asked to I sing at White Oak church next Sunday and will not bo leek to Beaver Pond until Saturday week Tho wet 1 111ilISon community behind with their work IcommunIty The Ituascll Stave Co have bought jioveral boundrlra of Umber In this i i vicinity and are now cuUIng the Urn IxrSties Boacle Rlckncll who has been 111 II getting betterI Gentry who was ill a few days ago Is ut again Miss Jeanotto and Maggie Allen of Wleemantown were vlsllng relatives at this placo lat week Jibe A Blcknell and wife were In Richmond last week on business Dr Harrison la getting a large practice On account of so much rain 1ho roods are very bad at present Tho road overseers will need to get busy pretty noon Tine Wysbrood Lumbar I Co havo closed down buslncssa for a few days IIONIIAM I Bonham May The farmers are very much behind with their CrollsI owing to the wet weather Old preacher William Templeton 58 years old la very low at this time and Is not expected to recover Mr Hiram Hicks from Jackson Couiuy was tho guest of Dcnham Thursday night Mr Dan Heed and wIfe and Mr Denham wont to Lily Friday night to nee old preacher Tcmpleton MADISON COUNTY It1Sfl COUNTYt lI Kingston May 30Miss Martha I Powell and little sister Mollie spent Wednesday with their brother Cp Powell at Big Hill Misses Eva Lewis Jessie Young and Ella Ballard were BorcA vial oro Saturday evening Julia Maupln wont to Richmond Sat urday Chester Parks and Tom Ballard havo returned from a 3 weeks stay In Cincinnati 0Miss ItwsJo Powell went to Borea Sunday to stay with Mrs Englo several days Tho Rev Combs filled his regular appointment at the Hall So urday and I Sunday Mr Davis Muuday and Frank Bentley went to Cincinnati 0 on business last week Mrs Joe I II Continued on fifth page 1 ISAVE YOUR FOWLS IBourbon Poultry Cure In recognized Uiaitandarri poultry remedy of tho world It III the one remedy that can depended OD with nbttoluto certalaly CO cure Bud prercnt Gapes Cholera Iloup I timber neck Diarrhoea and nil existing forma of poultry dill nSCL A few drop Ira the drinking water keeps fowlll healthy and free from dlscane A too bottle mate 13 gallon of medicine For the treatment of Blackhead and other diseases In turkey I Bourbon Poultry Cure I HAS NO EQUAL Mr Raltten Hopklnivlllr Kr aaya I I hart been raiting chkkena lorneailr MIn II I lloutbon Poultry Cuit li ih moat iititlicioty remedy 1 have ncr ural for Cholera and Gape ficbyTd Bourbon Remedy CoAt All Leading DruaaUt OOo par Bottle I Mr FrarritKyi Laatycar I railed hundred el chlckcna free hoe epes I byeivinttheta KULatyrI I I II II sure CUll for Choleus sad UmtJemeck 100101I i Trial Vial Fr For sale by Porter Drug Company Inc Berea Ky rr.

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