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The Houston Post from Houston, Texas • Page 8

The Houston Posti
Houston, Texas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

yCTy fl 1 ffl it Hft i service maklne direct tonatctlonat New Or feans for all sr alnts NOfttir OUR NEW DOTOtTKNOW lUl display 1b onequaled Extension and StepLadders iT do BOt froetry gl ne at our stock will glr vm yilMWelnforouaion To lire wall It a ftJc Joty aa4 food llilnf I a matter of flretolus ftJsC tf Ofl earry weh mods as claim an IZWtt eIa tTe place on year table Have the boat HKr ji whatever thp coat and get It eTenrtHlBK 4T CVli Wi mf Itb WA a hkm Bat rcnonable Wo rv wtarwtoe price are moat ak your patronage on the double ground ol top qualltle and bottom figures HENKE PILLOT Houston of all sizes for Painters Paper Hangers and Electricians Made of tiie best Norway Pine and Hickory with self acting gravity hooks Strong and durable Call or writs lor prices NRandolph Sons Houston Texas OUR HODERN ALL STEEL Corn and Cotton Planters Arc the best made I 110 ami 412 TruvU Street Between Preston unit Prulrlc Av CATALOGUE lf TVf lBJISJ jl I Sweeney ft Coombs Opera House Three Nights commencing Tonight Matinees Tuesday and Wednesday THE BIG SHOW The Monarch of all Popular Priced Attraction Wiedemanns Comedians Opening bill the act America Comedy A KLONDIKE GIRL COMPANY OP TWENTY PEOPLEl MAGNIFICENT BRASS BAKOI 90L0 0PDRATIC ORCHESTRA LADIKil FREE MONDAY NIGHT Everj ldy urrompRnlcd by an escort lady or Rcntlemaii holding ono 30c Reserved Beat ticket will rocelvc one freo admission Beats must be reclTved before 7 oclock Tonlitht New and uptodate specialties Nothing cheap but the prices 10c 20e 30c Boston Ideal Club TURNER HALL MONDAY MARCH 21 Admission Wlicents A Star Entertainment Course This company was organized in ISPS They Imvo no rlvalB llnvo on scleral occasions playod with Sousas Hand and Reeves Bhnd DR ES HEISIQ Physician and Surgeon Specialty Ejyc liar Nose nnd Thront Office Rooras 7 and Telephone Bulldlnu corner Prnlrlo uvonuo and Tannin strcot Houston Texas Telephone 794 DRFGEIDMAN Physician and Surgeon Office 303 and in Hlnz building Telephone 435 Hours to 1 and to 6 Residence Gipllol Hotel I ol every description wltolesalo and retail at competitive prices Bering Fanufacttiring Co IHONB 304 SUAM1SM DIP NnBDLBS for locating Gold or Sliver orek or Hidden ucasures Circulars anl tmonl ls free Clem Novelty Co Ho A Palmyra Pa CREAM SNOW FLAKE and SCOTCH DIU AD tbo purist clean st and mast wholesome bread produced Delivered to any pitrt of tha city Country jrderu solicited TAUIi FLOECK 1210 Congress The String Band of the Wrecked Maine enlivened many owintngs that would have en monotonous but for tbolr awcot mu sical Instrument that possibly tunom panlcd their swan oonrj Every ono has nn Innate lore ofmusic and thero la none so sweet as that which emanates from a Knnbo Mehllu or Fischor 1inno It Is a sympathetic accompaniment for ono of our Ann violins mandolins cultara or banjos Grunewald 810 MAIN 8YRUET a i Tt MtiT ua iAx na wwur ioubie Daily Southern Pacific Sunset Route I ifi The best lino to Atlanta Washington New York Chicago Cincinnati and other id important centers StinSCt Limited find AnnCX S1 andDmlnrCar Servicesemlweeklybelwttn uu Miunvu auu nuiiLA NewOrljns and ban lranclsco ps lne Houston NO EXTRA CHARGE ljtT 0V ND7iJS Thursday and Sundays aax iVaw WIJST a 0 is Wednesdays and Sundays Second Class Tourist Sleepers East and West four times a week running between San Francisco and Wa ltliirtoii scmlwcckly Chicago weekly Pittsburg via Cincinnati weekly BD DROTJBTT City Ticket Agent WY 8tMMONS Depot Ticket Ajent A UKIN Tralflo Manajer PARKS Asst Gen pass A Ticket Alt aa a a fiaa A1AILEOPREE TSarnplespf Straw Mattings sent on application Cheapest and Most address Reliable House in the State WADDELLS WffiSS Mammoth Furniture and Carpet House Corner Prairie Avenue and Fannin Street Houston Texas rirwrwwwiw9mim iwwf II Houston East and West Texas Railway srs a HOUSTON AND SMBBVBPORT 1 flneat PullBUJi Drawing Room Bleeping cars dally from Ualveston and Houston Clqrt Uryport 3 Kaasa OltyflttaburFind oil illroad tkla Itae fcetween Sareyport and Kansas City meals on 11 i atreasonable prices I4NKaUlCKK8TTIM TO KANBAa CITY CHICAGO the Cafo plan ST LOUIS OANAAlIVIIlJB ClNCINNAT and all polnU NOIITH KAST AnU TPJMSJI fcljJL61 tt 0Ta Plt purchased pt any agent ot the Aayou yol 6ni rry fc 8 pWv fCaVes Any style plain or mmnttl cw tkm ipd savejyou much trouble tUDES 810812 PrMtott Avnue fat A SALT RHEUM Most iorliirlnp and lUngtirlnr of itctilns burning fccaly fktu nnd scnln Ittmors In suntly relieved by a warm bath velth Ctrn cuia Soap a slnjtlo application of CtmcunA ointment the creatskin rurc and a full rtojo of CuntunA ItiSOtvLNT prcatcst of blood purlftoM anil linm6rcure vfhcn all clso falls uticura ft nil ihrifi Ih wntVt PTT Httft rr Thi Cor Pri lofl Carf flU RlnMm fr TALLING HAIR trcJKMV ANNOUNCEMENT lOll MAYOR I hereby nnnounco mjself as a iandldate for rcelcctlon ns ninyor ot Houston subject to the action of tho day prinur sunder tbo democratic executive committee My official career Is known to the peojo of Houston nnd I respectfully Invito tbo closest scrutiny of nil my official actB Re apccUully It KICK Tho Post Is authorized to announce SAM II URASHEAn as a candid ito tor Mayor of the city ot Houston subject to action of the demo emtio day primaries Toil CITY ATTOIIMTV I hereby announce myself as 11 candldao for City Attorney rubjet to tho action of tho democratic day militaries ns callod by tho executive committee nnd respectfully hullclt your support Geo Griggs The Post Is mithorlzpd to announce JOHN STCWA11T ns a candidate for reclcctlon to tho offlco of city nttorni subject to tho action ot tho democratic day primaries as called by the city democratic cxccutlvo committee IOIl ASiMlSHOR AMI COIM CTOH AUSTIN WH1TD candlUato for roclcctlon to tho offlco of city assessor and collector subject to the action of tho ion ocratlo day primaries nn called by tlio city democratic executivo committee respectfully Eollclts your support KOIl CITY MA It 311AI The Post Is nuthorlred to announce C1IAS HKIM an rnndldato for reelection to the offlco ot Clt Mnrnhal subject to tho uitlon of the dtmocrntlo day primaries as called by tho cltv democratic cxcuitlvn committee Tho Post Is authorised to anao tnco AltCIIIH ANDBUSON an condldato for city inarshul EUlslecl 0 tho action ot tho democratic day piliuarlci roil STItniST Ci MMlSMOMCIl I hereby announce 1115 self ns cnndldato for strict commissioner subject to tlui action ot tho democratic dny prlmailes as cnlled by tho city democratic executho commlltco nnd rcBpcctfully solicit jour Btipport LOUIS SCHMID I auuounce my self as cnndldnte for Street Commissioner of the City ot Houston subject to tho notion ot tho day primaries ns ordered by tho democratic cx ccutlvo committee and solicit tho support ot mv frlonds MATTHEWS Tlio Po3t Is nuthorUed to nnnounco JACK KENNEDY as a candidate for reelectlan to tho office of Street Commissioner subject to tho action of tho democratic day pimarles as called by tho cilv demon ulc cxeoiUia committee Ho respectfully solicits your mpport lOll CITY III3AITII oriICKH Tho Post la authorised tn annoonca Oil Jt RUTHBrtFOHD ns a cnndidntu for election to tho office of Health Officer subject to the action of tho democratic day primaries ns called by tho city democratic executive committee I horoby announce mytelf ns a candidate for City Hcnlth Offlctr sublect to the ac tion ot the nil day primaries ns called by tho cltv domocratlc evcutUe commit tee HOnT MELROY I hereby nnnounce mykelt as a candl late tor city hcnlth officer subject to tho notion of the nilday primaries as cnlled by iho city democratic executUo oommlttee DR CHRISTIAN I hereby nnnounce myfnlf ns a cnndllale for city health ofllcor subject to the nctl of tho nilday primaries ns called hv tho city dcmociyitlo ecciitlo commtto WAUiACB SHAW Tho Post Is authorized to announca DR 0 PAKKRR ns a cnndldnto for election to the offlco of llenlth Ortleer subject to tho action of tho denocrntlo day primaries as called by tUq city democratla executive commltte lOll CITY THrA mit Tho Post Is nuthorlied to nnnnunca ALEXANDUK A MAIIO as a candidate for reelection to tho office of city treasurer subject to tho nctlon of tlit a primaries ordered by the demoerate exeeutlie committee nnd respectfully solicits jour sun port koh iiKctmnnn The Tost la authorized to announce KOHLHAUH as cnndldato for election to the offin of City Recorder subject to the Rl tion ot tho democratic day prli8nru as cnlled by tho city democratic ex ceuttvo committee Ho respectfully so Helta your support The Tost Is authorized to nnnounce CRAY as a cnndldato for election to the office ot City Recorder subject to the action of th deinoirallo dny primaries ns called by tho city dcmocrallo exccullio committee Ho apectfully solicits your support 1OU AMKKMi I hereby aunouneo mjsoir as a candidate for Alderman of tho Fourth ward subject nU dl Plimnrlea as called by the City Democratic Executho Committee MAJOROWITZ The Tost is authorUed to nnnounce II CORTES as a randldato for Alderman for the Fourth tard aubjpet to tho action of the Dem ocratlo Dny Primaries as arranscd for bv tho City Democratic Executive Commute The Post Is aulharlzcd to aimounco THFFLY as a candidate for Aldernnn from th Fourth ward subject to the action of th Dempcratlo Day Primtirltw ns provide for by the Oily Democratic Executive Com mlttco Tho Post Is authorized to announca HENRY II DICKSON ns a candidate for Alderman from tho Third ward subject to tho notion of tho Domocratio Day Primaries as provided for by tho City Demoeratio Exccutlv Com wlltee Thp Iat ls iuthovlzcil to announco THEO DREYUNQ as i candidate for Aldnuliai from tho Third ward subject tb tho action of thn Demoeratio Day Irimsrloji provided lor by the City Democrat Executive Con mltteo Tbo rost authorized to aauounca mm a lano a a candidate for Aldermm from the Third wrd ubject to tho action of the DeraoeraHo Day PrlmarM as provided Jprbrthe City Democratic Executive CoBaaslttM 4 JsVl 4 4 1fr ittfe LttTTHlt list The followlnn Is a list ot letters remaining In the Houston postofflco tor the week cndlna Mnnli 20 A clnrsf of 1 tint Is made on rath piece of mall ndvertised When cnlllna for these letters plcnso say udterllsed gHlnfi date 1HRb DELIVERY OF MAIL MAY 1U SKCURKI RY HAVINO YOUII IKTTEI18 ADDRESflRI TO STRUCT AND NUMI1KH lliform your correspondents of jour correct nddrcss and rpquest thera to ad drcts jour letters accnrdlnely Dan Smith Postmaster GENTLEMENS LIST Duo Adams Allen UleSIo Alnrls George Andnrron Gentle Andeuon Jas Atlftln Averltl A Daekenrtln CnpL llalby lleinatd Ilnnnan Rev II Ben ford Irnnk 8 nink Cotls Iltotner AtiRutt Ilorl lliftokltis Jtuier llrilcs Dradley lien llrown Ira Ilm Hej Candell Jno Calliltm Matliew Carter Colin CHin A Caldwell A Chambers Willis Chappie liflimrd Cbambelln Chlboiiskl Henry Clurj Clnilt Inito Cltmmcna lltiuth Cllncs Lone Ccslelln Cooper Hob CnMtt Ucn II Colbert DOeker Daniels Henry Daniel DeVry Emory Delano Cnpt Devcny 10 rider Ian Donnelly Attorney Wowns I A Duncan rlnlliibn riemlnes A Tolford I Ko in lain Fostrr Inllcj Joe trailer It Fiarlcr Andrew 1tiftin 0 Lirrrr Onhan Jesus Garcia Giilnes Gllmore Kflwtirda Gillmoi rtilro Consoles Hy Goolwln A Onulri Emll Grlcder Wtide Grayes Gtcen HJno llnKcrnun A Hnrey 15 Hojcs It Leo Harris Harper II Hammvns Henry 1 Harris II lltuWon Honry Hurley Arthur Harding 0 Hall niilo lUniHiidc Hrdprs Horn Henry jlolland How nrd Hornn HurIics Co I Ino ItiKrnm 1 Johnson I Joseph Jortson Cur lld Jones Kno KiiiB ChnE Kouhlcr Jl Knlsht Krumnel Dlskcrson Robt A Lnndij Paiitnltm AT Leman Flank tlnsnv Al Locin A Mayers Jno Majrr 11 Mnrlt wlu Mnskawltz Geo Mm tin A McU tel Paul Meynr Apolonln Mfdonlu Mitchell 3 I Mills 0 1 Miller II Morrill Moirell Dr 3 A Muifc Oto Mojcr Milliard Murphy Jno Mutphj McAllied Minrlde Snm McGce Mc Olnnls McPiicrrou A Melcr boii leandro Nuiichn 0 OUrlcn IlordnRcs OBrien Isaac Oliver Pastor of Mount Zlon Ilaptlat Rhkirii Chas Patterson It Pectc II Penncfntlier 1 A Peacock Dr PhenK II A Pllts II Pluald 1 Powells fliarley Rnen Joe Randel Jno II Hi Id James Roll Chas Itclyea A Rebut Ram Rlcbnrdson Cerlla Ue Lt Rrsoe lames Robertson T011I0 Roberts Lewis Robesln Henry Rose Frank Rob Inrcn ltoiiinnit Snndmnn Mr Sapp Jose Silnjar GeoM hears 11 Sony besslms 11 Smith Smith A Sumervlllc Stokes Sterrod Pink Sugpft Sulphcn Sweeney Taj lor A Tdllbicb Fred Tor row Henry Thornton Foraen Van Vanhorn Co A ViURhnn WW 1 Watson WnllT Wllllnms Spurgcon Williams Will ins Wm Wylcy Andrus Zepeda LADIB3i LlST A Mrs Josslo Allen Da lo Auncar Mrs Atkinson 2 Miss Nettlo Ilalrd MnKglc Birnrj Lucy Rattle Miss Julia I lley Mrs 15 llar inour Mra Joslc Rcll Mrs Clin Rensley Mrs Rettlo Detta Mrs Rrowti Mrs Josephine Rroussard Rcna ltrysen Mlsa Nellie Rurke Miss Victoria Cambell Mrs 13 Carr Ltllle II Carson Carrie 3110 Clay Mr Rolsy Cheeks Miss loseiihlne Clemlus Jlra Mary Coleman Kntlo Colllse Miss Cornelia Cooke Mrs Lena Croford Mrs Ellen Dnls Mrs DeFreeic MrH Emily Douelnss Mrs 11 Donahue Mrs Fnnny Edmutidson Miss Auu Fills Miss Lntlo Fisher Dolores FIJernla Miss IIole Fletcher Miss Harriet Iollei Fthel Forrcstor Miss Annlo Flick Jllnnlo Franklin Mtb Minnie Tullcr Mrs Mnry 11 Oagf Mrs 11 Gcirj Mrs I Gorden II Miss llllle Hnjiies Miss Any Merlca Hall Mrs A Hanln Mrs lilsm Mis Maggie Hollln Mr Ruby Holland Miss Annie Ilognns Miss Mnry Illicit Dot Huff Mrs Marj Jiued Miss Jessie Joynes Mrs Jennie Johnson Emma Jones Miss Nellie Kennedy Miss May KlnR Miss Corenc Lee Miss Leroj Mrs Mnry Lenlou MMrs Ella Mason Mrs Willie Mftlone Mnttie Milam Mrs Massle Mrs Mnry Mfjers Mrs Willie Mollne Mngglo Moore Mrs Moore Mrs AIIcm Miller Mc Mrs Cora McAllister Mrs LIjzIo Mc Cnitt Mrs McMillan OMIss Carrie Old Mrs Thereso Palmei Phenls Palmer Miss Annlo Formes Miss Stella Percy Mrs 1 Pennington Ml Grace Perkins Elony Pettereon Mlai Ruhj Tope Mrs Mary Tond Lucy Pollard Mrs Emma Porter Miss Emily Ranllups Mrs Rnn kln Mrs A Ray Miss Mnttlo May Rcd dliiK Mrs Faniilo Rennu Mth rtosn Richardson Mnpglo Rivers Mrs 11 Rlehej Mrs Oneen Robinson Mrs Lllllo Ross Miss rnnnlo Roscoe Mrs Ella Russey 1 Mrs Ella Siunders Mrs Laura Sehmelzer Miss Lizzie Seolt Miss Mattle Scolt Miss Mirmniln Scott Mrs Irenmo Simpson Hnlllp Sluss Miss Lula Smith MIrh Lilian Smith Mrs Nora Smith Mrs kpoycr Mrs Tliomna Tnjlor Mary I Taylor Miss Mildred Thatcher Mrs Thompson Mnrjon Todd Mlrs Mutllo Wardell Miss Lelar Wil lie Mrs Kaltey Waders Mm Effle Wal lace Mrs Colla Wccras Mrs It II Whiting Mrs Whltikcr Mrs White Mrs Lllllo Willi ims flell Wilson Ajinle Williams FOREIGN LETTERS A Citinen Ageulnr Alex Edward HEdward Herntl 1 Frederick Lias IrnHc sek Pelnsskl Gouimonn Sehaefer Tellpe Soils Helener Sbrcltmuller Dr Israel Vorsanger PACKAGES DMrs Martha Bella lVrry EPaul Edwards Mra II Foster Hr Hall Carl Moers SrLlonel Stewart WHAT THEY WANT To the Editor of Tim Post puston Texas jJdaich 20 The people oiisiaa knojftRhat they wnut and want thrjfotlth Siivvnco thoj have their it ot wliatTpc do not want real not sham piogresa push impcov ements and nt see that tha tnxpajor3 Mielr money of tho city acrupu not Impaired hv Httle eivveen major and health choice of measures is to forced tho oplc will take the ques st to keep tho schoot svs lltlcs nnd to hnv eScapsr children tha city will jlnlfnrm text book law It nds of dollars annually tn i 111 afford the pivsent cx Jhat direction Tstfy vvJTht no mor fees nnd commis sions to bo lUcnved officials and will seo that the picscnt salary ordinnnco is not repealed tho anu may bo sal of tho labor ordinance An stlinlulstrallon will bo elected to lq these two rafotms full Tiwy demand that tho scrip system bo abolished and rash paid for current debts to Preservei the honor of the city and toilet to those whom tho city may key tnslut that tha enormou fee now charged for scavenger service be so re duced as to make that department only fclfiustainlnR and not a Eourco of proat lo the clt They want Sara Braihew for mayoi became they know he will carry these zneMurta Into etttet Democrat IIlKlnlllKMl IllllUKfS List of pacltigcs rcmalnlns uncalled for at Amerlean Express toinpany for weekending March 19 1R0S A A Adams Bittlestclu Brashcvir Brown II Bailey Commercial National bank Crager Dr A Fuller Houston Heights Fnjle A Herd Oreenborg Bros Hirseh Hele Chnrlpa Kidder A Lumrn Lane VI Ltmmrkcr Mlll un Smlloy Mrs Hillendahl Stewart Stnry Trier SoJs obrt Ttlpl Robert Tlmme Mrs Wood Geo A Webster I A dinger Mrs Sarah Walters Lenten Orutin Rritnl The organ recitals to be given at Christ cnitrch on Monday and Tueaany March 2S and 2n will bo occasions of much enjoyment to all lovers of beautiful music Dr Minor Baldwin ot New Yotk the noted organist whose svvcot and beautiful musio is an well known to the citizens of Hous ton has bepn engaged to render the muse nt thesn iccitals Tho grand old organ will bo thoroughly renovated and adapted for these events Tho programmes will he announced later Knnt ri locnl For tn i The storm wives will leach this meridian and the other changes will occur at and within 100 mllej of Houston within twentyfour hours of ot the dates given below March 20 Ihteatonlug March 21 Changeable March 22 Cooler March Moderate March 21 Warmer March 25 Warm March 26 Threatening IF THE BABY IS CUTTING TEETH bo sure and use that old and well trlert remedy Mrs WlnBlowa Soothing Pyrin for children teething It roothes the chtla softena he gums allays pain cures wind collo and Is the best remedy for diarrhoea HOUSTON OAS LIGHT COMPANY Reduction in Prlco of qJ After June 8 1S37 the rata for llluminaiin will bo 12 per 1000 cubic feet SpeclTu for fuel Gas cooking store hot plate acta and general assortment ot sas appliances i Sen5MNl Wt Ho ui Only ono cent a word for Poit Ada and still let If hey rin four ffi or over Havo you tritdthem NotiSJi cheaper or mora nire tpbrlng resuHiT Oat conktns stove a br Houston Ou anj bat nil ciatM lor salt 4s vv su HOUSTON DAILY POSTt MONDAY MOVING MARdH 21 1898 SOAPS SPECIAL SALE OF Extra Values Violctte de Parma imported 3 cakes Iris Blanc imported cakes Dr Stuarts Antiseptic and Buttermilk 3 cakes Transparent Rose Glycerine halfpound bars Kremo Floating Bath per cake Geo Apollo NervjTablets rofliWo curs for taint nnnac or oldl affsrtiicl nerroai dlMW threatened ltf 5 SSi a and other nealnsssMcausMl of man rowers or an ndab of the vital fore Ajurers 50c 25c 25c IOC 5c Heyers Druggist Corner Main and Capitol MAKE A MAN plMnreorsacredmMttntMAMOltOfJinT IIXITS lonro where all othsr socaUednarTo and brain rsnyidtes fall Ihjjr har restored thSsands ol inii to tb pink floshof manhood and thtV lUurevo A written anarnnle to do or monar refunded la Terr oa Dont delar Buy nnJ hni AIOLLO JftiltllTA BLESS Pr co within reach at all ch ipackM tall treetrrent Hi pseksEasI tot Kin Sent PCHTC or OUuCillo mitlplslnlrwrapiedrroorM iptof pric Addrots ATOIiLiTMEDIOIHn CO 00O niiAltUOKN CIHEEr OU10AOO OL or our ajonta A KJESrNa Druggist 502 Main at rcct Houston Texas THXAS KAIllY 11WS A Cnmiillntloii of tin Enrlj Lnwn ofT xii from ISUS to 1R1S Through tho courtesy of Mr Ingham Roberta Tho Peat has been presented with volume 1 ot Gammels reprint ot the caily laws ot Texas tho volume embracing tho laws froii 3S22 to 1SJS It contains all tho rcmlcal documents in any way relating to Texas fiom tlio bc ginlng of the Mexican republic to tbo es tablishment ot tho Republic of Texas Among these aro Austins colonization conttucts tho Mexican constitution uf 1S2J the constitution ot the joint State of Coahtilla Texas tho laws and decrees of the tame including colonization laws together with the colonization law ot tho State ot Tamaullpas then extending to tho Nucctfc Next In ord6r como the polltloal documents of the AngloAmerlcart such as tho journals of tho convention of 18J2 of the consultation of the provisional govcni meut and of the convention ot 1SJ6 with the declaration ot independento nnd tho constitution of the Republic of Texas It also contains the proceedings of the convention of 1S32 the earliest ot any in Texas called to devise tho proper methol of becking bcpaintlon from Coahulli and pi raided over Austin antedating tho arrival of Sam Houston thus pmctlcal ly rescuing thlr document from oblivion as but two copies aie known to be in existence It also contains a reprint ot the printed Journal of the convention of lS3f from an authenticated copy taken fiom tie department of itnti nf the republic in 1811 In eluding tbo fcrtnoua eolemn decree in behalf of tho Chcrokees Inspired by Sam Houston The reprint of tho laws proper bcglui in the latter pait of this volume nnd includes tho acts of the first congress of tha republic held at Columbia October to Do ctmbor lS3fi and ot the adjoin ned iHS3lon of the same at Houston Maj and June 1S17 together with the nets of tho several sefsloiiB of the second congress extending to tho close ot Houstons first administration tionTho public are undor many obligations to Gammd for tills reproduction tu convenient and enduring form these rire and valuable documpnts bo little known yet so necessary to tbo intelligent under standing ot the political fabilc of Texas I mlolls creil Hxprcsi Mntter Following Is a list of packages remaining on hand at Wells Fargo Co express offlco for the week ending Saturday March ID Anderson Anderson Avery A Blackburn Ballagllo Beneon Brown Brock Chandler A Carcj Chase Chosen Friends 11 Churchhlll May fody Daniel Wm Davis Altx Dn Rasln Estcs Edvaids Titzgerald Mollio Field Mrs Friedman A Fenvvick Glover Gr 3 gean Gibson Holden Hill Gus Jaske James 0 Johnson Kllpatrick Robert Lanks Lange Otty McLaughlin McCoy Mttnlln McGlnls Orkln OConnor Primacia Lizzie Parker Fred Pitchman Rasch Leo Rial Schuster States Henry Singleton Schwartz II Sapp Sam Tajlor Wiggins Ljnchburg A Wltbrovv William Cove Geo Voilot CCrHVD7 Detlcr In Cnrrlijei Buj OLIlVVAK RIC3 Spring iVarJtuanl lioness Agent for tw celebrate StuJjjtksr ail Tennessee warons Cot Pr25 i win Ladies arc you Listless and Languid and altogether unfitted for llfos high pu rposes because of some Female Disca that is sapping your vitillty You can be quickly re lleved and restored to health uy using Dr Mary A Rrannons Tc niala Uilm a Scientific Local Ticatmcnt forall Disposes of the Wombandltsappciidages Ithas effected hundreds of marvelous cures after all other treatments had failed and saved many suffering women fiom the sitr knife It is easily used by the patient Scons thus saving largo doctors bills and much suffering Price 5100 Recommended and sold by Tlic Houston Drug Company Houston Tex Eggs Wanted Am still busing eggs and will contract for tho next two weeks shipping station Have In stock No 1 and No 2 cases and fillers JONES 202 and 201 Milam Street Houston SEEDS SEEDS SEEDS Finest variety of Field and Oar den Seodi Call and examine my stock Is onlj Harveit 18D7 A REICHARDT SEEDMAN 501 603 Travis stiect Houston Texas QUEEN CRESCENT ROUTE Now Orleaus and Northeastern Railroad Company Alabama and Vltksburg Railway Company Vlcksburg Shrcveport nnd Pacific Railroad Cornpanj Best tlmo via Now Or leans or Shrevenort to Chattanooga Cincinnati Ashcvllle Washington Philadelphia New York Vestlbuled trains HUNT Dallas Texas STOMS A A New Orleans La GEO II SMITH A New Orleans La TR THD a Our success In this Hue Is dte to our close attention to qverj detail ot scientific adjust nunt of lenses and a guaiautio of our nrk TITRNER Optician at Lcchengers 01 per Dealer in Sash Doors and Blinds Lumber and Shingles uH HOUSE Office 612 Travis Str PRVCE TO HIS AbHI Uc iilut HCBCI ie jiLnl orj of Gunttiil SiijetH Brjan Texas Murrh 20 Tho following resolutions passed by Camp Robertson United Confederate Vetcians ot Mils city upon the death of tho late Sajcrs were adopted Colonel Chatham Commander Camp II Robertson No 124 United Confed eiate Veterans We jour committee submit the follow ing resolutions upon the death ot Major General II Sajers commanding dlvl United Iexns anmlf8is3lppl department Confederate Vetornns Whereas by the decree ot Divine rioyi dence Comrade Sayois has been removed from tho field pt his earthly use fulness be it Resolved by Camp Robertson That while bowing submissively to tho Omnipotent wisdom of an nllvvlso Owl in our human weakneaa we deeply innarn the loss of our comrade aid efficient com mander De it fuither Resolved That in the death ot General bayers Texas has loci ono of her moat Pioralnont patilotlc ttd useful citlzeiiR the United Confederate Votenns one of l1rnis tth0 wl HW0 1 of flirt dipped in tiie blood of tho invaders of his country has written the name Confedciato Soldlor preeminently above all oiheis llPon tbe scroll of Unto Thermopjlae had onidas and hla Spar tana Waterloo Cambronno and the Guard Bentonvllo had Sayers and Tcirys Rangeis A native of that glorjous State Mississippi whnEo UBeful sons nnd aged res poured without stint their patrlotlo ood a free libation upon their countrya altar An adopted jqn ot tho Stato that UJd pr dUQ a Voas brKlB yrrya Rangers Wluu the tqcslu of vyara ilfat reverbtratlpnBsmote the startled air ho Blnlcd hla Ipfns aipLvvjent forth to bat tio for his native land As a nrlvate lu TcrryaTexas Ranger whero In 250 eni gagemonta during four years coutlnuea service ho rose though beardless youth by meritortouaact ops to tho runk ot adju tant general Be also Resolved That thl cump tender the pro found condolence and sympathy to our Znjrd av a cony of IC1UVv 0nB bf 8cnt lhwu a copy Adam Chairman Parker Blortdard i Mitchell Commute mthti si i5 CuMommroV ttffih town do not Bin clothes tvo sell ono certainly VfiVi hnd bettor sooot the 6ocallcd dTtitn tho Alfred Denjantia top notch of BneJ3 which da you vltZiA custommade of tfc In town Suits frail 756t Send us jour maii 0 RS ADl IMORRIS SOTMaln VkM4X aainiutVMitJ Double Daiili Short and Quick North and bouth Tui Tuijjy jjy JhortndQalckUBTtal North and South Tmii 7 wow AXDpBfflT VlaEiultiSi 0MV1 VUHcuskoitt tduvaai aso iV bflr Via Homes Ems HOUSTW A 3AljJTl 3AljJTlM Tbe reachuQunM Brenhnru Austin Wks CMk ahodilc Port WortiFMM Kinney Sherman nd DmU i flrstciass service 5i BEIN MiiItOI Traffic Mamrer Gttlhal NDROUET HrWda Tkt Ast m7 Miln SI MS 1 SOLID TR WAGNER BUFFET US ST LOM chicaIs KANSAS ta east mim First Class ATOUROWg DINING STAp SCHEDSf Santa Leuvo Cential DCP and WW Leave Santa Fe 205 a MAIN UNB TnAlhf a iu and C55 i iivi Passenger Agent Jjs fREMOPf tanQwrehtt 4 9j furaair rooms ultu noy 1 CTTorryH GE KORST DRsT CKJiAi phone 8 AIM GALVESTOffl LEAVE HOW 540aITl 10N Depots A.

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