The Coconino Sun from Flagstaff, Arizona • Page 6
- Publication:
- The Coconino Suni
- Location:
- Flagstaff, Arizona
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 6
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
5i? 7 sy, Vj Page Six THE COCONINO SUN FRIDAY, JANUARY 17, 1910 BRIEF HISTORY OF CAPT. HANCE The following brief and most interesting history of the life of the famous old guide, Captain John Hance of Grand Canyon, was kindly furnished us by Judge George Hance of Camp Vcide. Captain Hance died at Flagstaff on January Gth, 1919, and was buried on the inn of the Grand Canyon with due ceremony, by many pioneer friends. Captain John Hance was born at Cowan's Ferry on French Broad river, Sevier county, Tennessee, September 11, 1838, and came to what was afterwards known as Phelps county, Missouri, in 1852. and lived there un til the commencement of the war of the Rebellion.
In 1862 he joined the rebel army and was south in several battles. Surrendered in Virginia in 18G5. He was taken prisoner at the battle of Helena. July 4. 1863.
Was confined at Alton, Illinois for several months then transferred to Fort Delaware, Del. From there he went on exchange of prisoners to his own regiment somewhere in the south He came back to Rolla, Missouri, at the close of the war. 1 was at that time field messenger, carrying dispatches for Major E. B. Grimes, chief depot quartermaster, district of Kollu.
Missouri. John hired to L. is Hickok, a brother to Wild Bill Hickok, scout during the war later on the plains, and came to Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, in September, 1865. berved on the plains as teamster and also as dispatch carrier for over two years, then came to New Mexico in November, 1867. In 1868 he was on the Navajo Indian expedition from Fort Sumner on the Pecos river, N.
to Fort Defiance, Arizona. In the spring and summer of 1868. We left Fort Union, N. the first of November, 1868, and arrived at Prescott December 4, 18G8. He was therefore a citizen of Yavapai county and that part of it made into Coconino county, 50 years and 2 days at the time of his death.
He was here in early Indian times and was slightly wouned skin deep on one side in the center of ribs under one arm, on the other about same depth of wound on opposite arm and may have been in other fights in other parts of Arizona or New Mexico, as he was on the go or run-about in early days. He went to the Grand Canyon of the Colorado about 30 years ago. There was in our party 17 men, one woman and two boys. Hon. Jerry W.
Sullivan drove team for me when I was government wagonmastcr, also my brother John; they were both in the crowd that came here at that time. The Indians killed 8 and wounded 4 of the lot the first year. That white spot on J. W. Sullivan's neck is an Indian souvenir.
Jerry and I are all that are alive of the 20, and Jerry is getting old too. But I hope the two of us live a long time yet. He is the only witness to testify to my early day experiences. As to the life and time of my brother in Arizona I shall not attempt to say anything. I only have his statement as to his age.
I was 70 years old the 7th day of October, 1918, and my opinion is that John Hance must have been over 85 years old at the time of his death. He is the third child in three sets of children in a family of fifteen, 13 and 2 girls. John Hance was a man full grown ever since I can remember, and went to Pike's Peak in 1859. Outside of the times he was not in this country, the above to the best of my recolletcion is substantially correct. I had a bad case of influenza set iMaBBnnMt 11 The I Pirate Sh! What would happen to mo if I were your kid? Well, if you're not acquainted with Calumet Bakings you don't know what a good excuse I have.
Can't Help Helping Myself they're 60 good! Good for me too, because Calumet Baking9 are wholesome and easily digested. Millions of mothers use CALUMET BIKING POWDER because of its purity because it always gives best results and 1 economical in cost and use." Calumit contain only tucn Intriditntt a hav bttn on. ptovd officially by tho U. S. Food Authoritlti.
You mave when you buy It. You Mtw when you uta If. WGKESTp in on me Dec. 24th, and have only been out of the house four times since. Otherwise I would go to Flagstaff to attend the funeral.
The Camp Verde and Jerome telephone wire is out of commission and the telegrains were 50 hours old when they Lamp Verde. It takes a letter 4 days and nights close connection to get a letter to Jerome or Clarkdale or Cottonwood, and an answer, that is if the party addressed happens to be at the post-office when the mail arrives and before it departs. A connecting link of 6 miles between Aultman and Corn-ville would give three mails a week instead of via Prescott, Jerome Junc tion and Cedar Glade or Jerome, i ride of over 100 miles, Very truly and sincerely, JOHN HANCE. Every Inch American BUSY SESSION OF THE LEGISLATURE (Continued from Page 1) tion of the adjutant general with the governor will not be made more secure by legislation that is proposed. In fact, it is expected that the laws bearing upon the adjutant general and the state militia will be so amended as to cause consternation ii the office of the adjutant general.
War Legislation. It is also understood that considerable of the war legislation enacted at the special session will be reconsidered and there will be other war legislation, necessary through peace and demobilization. As stated at the outset, it promises to be a busy session. TUn cnnnti nftnv hinf envcinn in which it was partially organized by lllv cicxwuii ui -n. rt.
uuuiia, jjicbiui-iu, F. L. Sweeting of Greenlee county, as secretary, Ed. O'Hagan of Pinnl, as sergeant at arms, and Rev. Bertram Cocks, chaplain.
The house went a little farther. After electing A. C. Peterson of Graham speaker, and Sam P. Bradncr, chief clerk, it appointed a patronage committee which in a cVinrf nftrrnnnn epesinn Kllhmittpd II report containing the names of a dozen or more attaches.
The attaches, or those of them present, were sworn Thnnirh thp plpption nf President Johns was conceded days before the ODeriintr session, the caucus of the ennntn ilnmnirats wns mnrh morn pro longed than that of the house, chief ly over me oiiicc oi secretary, uiny two candidates had been announced, J. Farley of Prescott and H. A. Davis of Phoenix. The election of Mr.
Johns militated against bat- ley, and the record of Maricopa in the late election was not conducive to the success of Mr. Davis. The caucus agreed finally upon L. r. Sweeting of Clifton.
Mr. Sweeting -n chipf plprk of the house of the second legislature and incurred the enmity of the radical uemocraiic members. Af mwlnicrVit Sunilnv. three-eor- nercd fight for the speakership of the house was in progress unwcui n. C.
Peterson of Graham, T. P. Howard of Globe, and William Delbndge of Bisbee. But early in the morning, the differences of the factions were adjusted and an agreement vas rnnxVind nn Ppterson. so that he be came the unanimous choice of the caucus.
No other name was mention ed. Likewise the choice oi darn i fn- nTilof rlork of the house was made without division. The cau cus also agreed upon A. A. tnppcii for assistant chief clerk.
Mr. Trippell was assistant secretary of the senate in the third. WASHINGTON, Jan. 1G. The ie publican publicity association, through its president, Hon.
Jonathan Bourne,) today gave out the following1 statement from its Washington head-, quarters: i "The passing of Col. Roosevelt' leaves a void in the life of the nation that cannot filled. His per-' sonahty was unique, hfs direct method of obtaining results may be said to I be characteristic of no other oi his time, and his originality of thought i and action stamped him as a man quite apart from his fellows. It is not too much to say that no citizen of the United States since the time of Lincoln has left his impression upon the country as has Roosevelt. He was typically American.
His advocacy of what he himself termed "the strenuous life," and his practical application of that mode of living to himself, made him the idol of the millions of American who believe that the application of enthusiasm and confidence will overcome most obstacles. "Col. Roosevelt cloried in his cit izenship. He not only offered his best abilities to the civil life of the Republic, but he was always at the front when danger threatened. In the Spanish war none was more energetic than he in organizing and leading the men who brought about early victory in Cuba.
He clearly discerned the danger to our country if Germany was successful in her contest with the allies, and urged that the United States throw the weight of her power into the balance long before we actually entered the conflict. Who can say that America and the world would not have profited had his advice been followed? "When war with German was actually upon us Col. Roosevelt was anions the first to offer his services to hU country. He wanted no desk at Washington, but begged to be assigned to our combat forces overseas. Not only did he tender his own life to his coun-, try but he organized an entire brigade of men outside of draft age eager to follow him into the thick of the fight.
The fact that his proffer was not accepted by those in power at Washington docs not detract in the least degree from the patriotism and sacrifice that inspired him in the making it "But although unable to go to Europe himself Col. Roosevelt was quick to give his enthusiastic assent to his four sons engaging in the fight. One or them met tragic death at the hands of the enemy, and the others have received wounds that testify to their personal suffering. His grief over their sufferings was intensified by the thought that he was not permitted to share their dangers. Although Col.
Roosevelt did not doa a uniform it is hardly too much to say that he is a victim of the war. No citizen of the country has been more active than he in urging every man to do do his bit for victory. Criticised by some for calling the administration to task for manifest failures, it must be admitted that his efforts and those of his friends have been productive of much good through the reforms in our military organization that were secured. His devotion to war work entailed exertions on his part that undoubtedly 'hastened his death, and it may be justly said of him that he gave his life for his county as truly as if he had died on the battlefield. "Col.
Roosevelt made strong friends. He likewise incurred violent enmities. But every antagonist must concede that Mr. Roosevelt was a worthy opponent. He never resorted to unfair means to discomfit his adversary.
Treachery was unknown to him, and his fights were won by straight blows from the shoulder. As an example of virile American manhood the memory of Theodore Roosevelt will live in the minds of all, to be emulated by those of our citizens who wish to preserve the United States from mental and physical decadence." MILTON STORE CLOSES. Atiltnr, cirtro nn pntpmriSP. of the Arizona Lumber Timber closed its doors last Saturday night for an in.lnfinitp Tiorinil The netion on the part of the company was not necessi tated by any iacK oi Dusmess, out iui-lowing the general plan of the coni-nanv to cut its onerations to a min imum until spring. Mr.
I. P. Mc- Conkey, manager oi tne store, win uc busy for some time winding up the affairs of the enterprise and possibly in disposing oi tne stocK. STILL AFTER BOOTLEGGERS. net 3nfiirlnr nftprnnon Officers Neil, Parsons and Poston made a raid on another place in iMexican town ai-letred to be the scene of bootlegging operations.
A Spanish woman, Cucs- ta Soto, and a fioy, rcrnanno ooio, were placed under arrest. The offi- nra nmtrntpfl nn nttemnt on the 'part of the two to dispose of two pint bottles of whiskey which were in the house at the time. The whiskey bottles bore the date 1917. FOOD ADMINISTRATION HELPS THE RED CROSS rtTTfltrrv SV" OA NSftPE 9W UY2SS5 fjx lrifflA PHOENIX, Jan. 16.
Contribu-tinns to thp Rpd Cross and other war 'charities aggregating have been made to date through the operation of the enforcement division of the food administration in Arizon-i, according to an announcement made I today at state headquarters. Of this was in cash, I $525 in bakery products and the bal-1 ance consisted of 398 pounds of sugar. donations were made from time time by concerns and individuals had violated the food regulations and were allowed to take tnis means of demonstrating their loyalty and of proving good faith in their promise to follow out instructions in the future. Thoufh nrneticallv nil of the former restrictions in, the handling of food have Deen removed tne eniorcemeni, work is being continued as a check against profiteering and all rules pertaining to margins of profits are still being retained. Just now thp work of the enforce ment division is being centered in an investigation of meat prices at uioDe and Miami.
Eight other towns of the state have effected a reduction in meat prices to the consumer amounting to from three to five cents a nnitnd nnri it. in nlrnpd to establish a similar reduction in tne uioDe copper dletript or at nnv rate cut down the margins of profit with the aim of giving the producer, tne dealer and the consumer a square Legal Records Appointment of Deputy Sheriff J. O. Harrington to J. S.
Clawson. Appointment of Deunty Sheriff J. O. Harrington to J. M.
Showalter. Release of Mortgage Continental Casualty company to A. W. Bikker. Quit Claim Deed Helen Robinson et al to E.
B. Perrin. Notice of Intention M. W. Dudley.
Chattel Mortgage John Sinclair to W. H. Judson. Release" of Realty Mortgage Arizona Central Bank to John Lukus. Warranty Deed A.
Sanford and wife to Ash Creek Cattle company. Assignment of Lease George Babbitt and wife to J. S. Amundson. Quit Claim Deed George Babbitt and wife to J.
S. Amundson. Realty Mortgage J. S. Amundson and wife to the Citizens Bank.
Warranty Deed David Babbitt to Lewis Benedict. Chattel Mortgage Purcell, Bab bitt and Vcrkamp to Union Cattle Loan company. Appointment of Deputy Sheriff J. O. Harrington to Walter Hubbell.
Appointment of Deputy Sheriff J. O. Harrington to John H. Paddock. Appointment of Deputy Treasurer M.
A. Murphy to T. E. Pulliam. Bond M.
A. Murphy, County Treasurer. I Notice of Water Location Prong Lake, W. Babbitt. Notice of Water Location Sec.
27, Tp. 25 R. 5 W. Babbitt, i Oath of Office M. A.
Murphy, i County Treasurer. i Bill of Sale George Roberts to T. E. Dye. Chattel Mortgage J.
H. Fuller Sheep company to Arizona State Bank. I Satisfaction of Mortgage Arizona I State Bank to J. H. Fuller.
Certificate of Co-partnership J. H. Fuller Sheep company. Agreement of Co-partnership J. H.
Fuller Sheep company. JOE O'REILEY COMES TO TOWN. Joe OReiley, the life insurance man, and one of the best in his Jine of work that ever stepped out in the open, was in Flagstaff the last of the week from Albuquerque. Joe went back to Missouri several years ago and they "showed him," he came back. He has pulled some big things in his time and is still on the job with more to come.
He was mighty well pleased to think that two of his boys would soon be home from France, where they have been for a ear or helping to feed the Huns lead. DEPUTY ASSESSOR APIIOLD. Tax Assessor Dunn has been fortunate enough to retain the services of Mr. Henry Anhold in his office in the court house. Mr.
Aphold will be deputy assessor during Mr. Dunn's term of office. He has been in the assessor's office since last Aumist. while Mr. Pulliam has been engaged in iieiu worK.
Mr. Aphold came to Flagstaff from Williams where he was a resident for many years? He was connected there with the White garage and with the firms of Poison Brothers and Babbitt Poison. By his appointment the public is assured of continued square and pleasant relationship in all its dealings with the assessor's office. Give to the Armenian Relief Campaign, February 3-10. Four million starving war victims in western Asia.
Help them out February 3-10, the week of the Armenian Relief Campaign for the southwest. I "They shall not perish." Give to the Armenian Relief Campaign. Ford The Universal Car Just received, a car of Ford Touring Cars. Now is your chance to get that car if you act promptly. It is no longer necessary to go into details describing the practical merits of the Ford Car Everybody knows all about "The Universal How it goes and comes day after day and year after year at an operating expense so small that it's wonderful.
This advertisement is to urge prospective buyers to place orders without delay as the war has produced 'conditions which will interfere with normal production for some time to come. Buy a Ford Car when you can get one. We can take care of your order NOW, but you'll have to act at once and we'll give the best in "after-service" when required. Babbitt Brothers' Trading Co. rnilIMIllltllllllllllMIIMIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIMIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIMIMIMIMIIII(lll(lllllll((IIIHttllllMMHMIMItHltMMIIMIIIIIIIIIHI IllltllMIIMMItllltlIIIIIMIMIIttlltllltllllMlllMtlllMIIIllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllltMiMIIIIIIIIMln The Northern Arizona Normal Offers courses that lead to a Life Diploma for Teachers in the State of Arizona.
These diplomas are ac-' cepted by all other States as a license to teach in those States. Courses, taught by specialists, are also offered in Agriculture, Manual Arts, Domestic Arts, Commercial Work, Instrumental and vocal Music, Drawing, etc. Second Semester opens on Monday, the 20th of January, 1919. There has not beema single new case of influenza on the N. A.
N. S. Campus since the 19th of October, 1918. Students who have missed a great deal of their Senior year work through the closing of schools during the epidemic can make arrangements to do' their work from this date until the end of the summer school, thereby not losing a school year1. Rates $20.00 per Month for Board and Room Catalogue on Request G.
E. CORNELIUS, President plaiMIIIIUIMimHIMIIIIIIMIIItll HIIIMIMM imimiMMMMIMtltMMIIMIIimMMIMIIMIMmiMIIMMIMIMMIMI tlMttllHIIMItlllMlltllMtllttlllllMHMIMlHlllltMIMtlMUtlltllHHIHMHHIMtnillUMUHIHHHHf -MdisiitSSm i "fa UiS4 0V3k-4m temrtjtfl 1 1 jii WsxwagB; 9kmt3tS -l rtf. -w-- '3 1 -Tf. tt-iMKil Tw vT- .0 ii irrrflrTWHI iMT i ttt.
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