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Knoxville Weekly Chronicle from Knoxville, Tennessee • Page 7

Knoxville, Tennessee
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Jlnovbillc cMcchlii miulc, Mclmbton, nl;) 1875. SYMPTOMS OF IIIOLLKA. The Ktcrlcnc of nil Eminent Itnrlor In t'onlnilnrl. A medical frieinl from Ck-veluml nenils us a copy of an nrttcle of great luugth on the symptoms and treatment of cholera. For lii oho away from prompt medical old it will be valuable and interesting Ci.KVET.Axn, June 10, 187.

Editors Chronicle The cholera having made its appearance at the cnpitol of our Htate it is natural that our people will all feel anxious to know something of the proper treatment and management of this most dreadful dlseane. 15y your peru)iioi), 1 will reproduce, and give to the readers of your paper, in its columns, a letter written Saturday, March 3, lsiili, by Dr. Hamliu, who was for many years a Missionary of the American Hoard at Constantinople. His practice extended through three vit-i-tations of this dreadful disease in 1448, h-5 and 180-1. His ttuggestions are so simple, we think tbey may lie of great benelit to the people generally if the cholera should become prevalent in our country.

The Doctor says: "Having been providentially compelled to lnjve a good degree of practical acquaintance with the cholera, and to see it in all its forms and stages during each of its invasions of Constantinople, I wish to make some kuggestions which, may relieve a great deal of anxiety, and be, at the same time of practical use. 1 1 1st. On the npproaeb. of cholera, every family should be prepared to treat it without waiting for a phjBiciau. Itdoesita work so expeditiously, that while you are waiting for the doctor it is done.

id. J. you prepare- for it, it will not come. I think there is no disease which may be avoided with so much certainty as the cholera. But providential circumstances, or tho thoughtless indiscretion of Home member of a household, may invite the attack and the invitation will never be refused.

It will probably be made In the night, your physician has been called in another direction, aud you must treat the case yourself or it will prove fatal. CAUSES AND sYM PTOMS. 3d. Vauxca of attack. I have personal-' iy investigated at least a hundred casts, and not less than three-fourths could be traced to improper diet, or to intoxicating drinks, or to both united.

Of the remaining causes, suppressed perspiration would comprise a large number. A strong liealtby, temperate, laboring man had a severe attack of cholera, after the danger was 1assed. I was desirous toascertaiu thecause. ie used nothing intoxicating. He had been cautious aud prudent in his diet, and his residence was in a good locality.

Hut after some hours of hard labor and very profuse perspiration, he had lain down to take his customary nap right under and against an open window through which a very refreshing breeze uas blowing. Another (and not unfrerpient) cause, is drinking too freely of cold water when hot and thirsty. Great fatigue, great anxiety, fright, and fceir, all figure among the inciting causes. If one can avoid all these, he is as safe from cholera as the earth is from being swept away by a comet. 4th.

Symptoms of an attack. While cholera is prevalent in a place, almost every one experiences more or less disturbances of digestion. It is doubtless in part imaginary. Every one notices the slightest variation of feeling, and this gives importance to mere trilles. There are often a slight nausea, accompanied with transient pains, and rumbling sounds, when no attach follow.

'o one is entirely free from these. But when diarrlm-a commences, though painless anil slight, it t-hould at once receive attention. COURSE OF TREATMENT. 1st. For Stopping the Incipient Diarrhea.

The mixture which I used in 143 with great success, and again in IS-j-j, has during this epidemic, in lSfio. been used by thousands, and although attacks. Lave been unusually sudden and violent, it has fully sustained its already established reputation for efllciencv and nerfect safetv. It consists of equal parts, by measure, of i. ijauuanum ana spirits ot camphor.

Tincture rhubarb. Thirty drops for an adult, on a lump of sugar, will often check the diarrhea. But to prevent its return. care should always be taken to continue tne medicine every four Hours In tlimin lshing doses twenty-five, twenty, fifteen, ten, nine, when careful diet is all that will be needed. In case the first dose does not stav the diarrhea, coutinue to give in increasing uoses tuirty-nve, torty, forty-live, to six ty, ai every movement or tne bowels, targe doses will produce no injury while the diarrhea lasts.

When that is checked. then is the time forcaution. I have never been a case of diarrhea, taken in season. which was not thus controlled, but some cases of advanced diarrhea, and especially or reiapse, paiu no need to it wnat ever. As soon as this becomes apparent, i nave always resorted to this course, i're pare a teacup of starch boiled as for use in starching linen, and stir into it a full teaspooumior laudanum, for an iniection give one-third at each movement of the bowels.

In one desperate case, abandoned as nopeless by a physician, I could not arrest the diarrhira until the seventh iniec tion, which contained nearly a teaspoon ful of laudanum. The patient recovered, and is now enjoying perfect health. At the same time I used prepared chalk in ten- grain doses, with a lew drops or laudanum aud camphor to each. But whatever course is pursued, it must be followed up. aud the diarrhea controlled or the patient is lost.

poultices. These should be applied to the stomach and bowels aud kept on till the surface is well reddened. 3d. The patient, however well be may feel, should riuidlv observe perfect rest. To lie quietly on the back is one-hair the battle, in that position the enemy iires over you.

isut tne moment you rise you are hit. When the attack comes on in the form of diarrhea, these directions will enable every one to meet, aud treat itsin-ctssfully 4Ui. But when the attack is more vio lent, and there is vomiting, or vomiting and purging, perhaps, also, cramp and cone pains, the following mixture is lar Inore tiled ive, Mid should ulwnvs 1 re ported to. The Missiunaries, Messrs. Lon 1 rowbriile, and usliburii have used it in very many casi with wonderful siie-i tss.

i consists of equal ii iri of laudanum, tincture capsicum, tincture of ginger and tincture of cardamou needs; dose, thirty to forty drop-, or dalf a tea-hpoonlul in a little water, and to be in-ii'-jistd umrUiin; to the urgency of the T. 8. Bell, M. li. 1' orce, W.

T. Leach man, W. H. tialt. W.

II. Boiling, Douglas Morton, case. In case the first dose should be, ejected the second which should stand ready, should be given immediately after the paroxyum of vomiting has ceased. During the late cholera siege no one who used this mixture, failed of controlling the vomitinir. aiwI nlnn by at most the third dose.

We have, however, in varably made use of large mustard ti-s n.incu iu me siomacu ana bowels, calves of the lean, foot r. aa case seemed to require. LOUISVILLE CHOLERA PRESCRIPTION. One of tllfl lenilincr ilrmr I lsville, Kentucky, after consultation wfth the leading physicians of the city, publish that they will furnish free to those unablo to pay for It, the followingprescrip-tion. As will be seen, it Is endorsed by the leading and ablest physicians of tll' city.

Thev onlv advise tlml It good medical aid can be secured. This should always be secured as promptly as possible. They claim that the medicine can oe rcneu upon lor elhcaey in ordinary diarrlneas, with painful disturbances of the stomach anil hnvrola Alan ef fective in relief, it Is free from anything of an injurious tendency. The following is the prescription ft l'ul'v. camphora drachma.

'hloroforml ss. mentluc ncniritz Tinct. opil tlvccrlnii 4 ii Aqua distillata M. S. Dose liouid stool.

To au article setting forth the above facts, the following recommendation is ap-nended. and it is cordo.llv n.rroo.f In l.x- many others of the profession We cordially recommend the above as perfectly adapted to the objects named at head of these remarks Teaspoon ful after each Lewis Ropers, Coleman liogers, D. W. Yandell, D. P.

Yondcll, John E. Crowe, J. M. Bodine. Financial.

JOHN BAXTER, President. I E. P. BAILEY, Cashier. EXCHANGE and DEPOSIT BANS, Knoxville, Tennessee.

ESTABLISHED Is OO. TE are prepared to purchase, at Best Rates, Gold, Silver, Gov ernment, State, County, City, and Railroad Bonds and coupons, Bank of Tennessee Notes, New and Old Issue, Uncurrent Southern Bank Notes, and East Va. and Ga. R. R.

Stock. We transact a General Bankintj Business, buy and sell Eastern and Southern Exchange at current rates, receive deposits and make collections upon the most favorable terms. Interest paid on Deposits in Sav Lngrs Bank Department. Tickets by lnman, Anchor and Nallona Lines of Ocean Steamers, and Exchange on all the principal titles of Europe for kale. E.

P. BAILEY, Cashier. R. 51. McCLUNG, Pres.



COCK B. i. 1, BOYNTON. OEo. W.

ROSS. K. R. BEARDEN. Receives IsvposiUe).

Buys unit Kells EXCHANGE, GOLD, SILVER, Comptroller's Warrants and Uncurrent Barfk BANK OF TENNESSEE MONET Far Taxes on hand. vill TIU'STEE'S SALE. WHEREAS. R. n.

BROWN, OP THE COUNTY of Knox and State of Tennessee, did. on the let day of November, A. i)-1872, make, execute and deliver tome, the undersigned, hi trust deed, the same appears of record in the Reg-inter's office, Biate and county aforesaid, in Trust Book B. vol. 1, pages 314 15, and noted in Note Book page 12.

to secure Cowan, MoClung Co. in a promissory note and intereit thereon, due them from the said Brown, drawn November lHh, A. 1. 1871. payable one day after daie, and calling forveM-n hundred (TfPOdollara, whereon are thefollow-inc credit, to-wit: January 1st, 1872, 1100 00; March 22d, 1872, 5 00; Aprill 2tli, 1872, 9-hO 00.

And. whereas, tho time within which said note, together with tho interest, was to have been paid has expired, by the terms and conditions of raid deed of trust; Now. then-tore. in view of the premises and the powers in mo vested. I will proceed to sell, bar of the equity of redemption, to the highest bidder, for cash in bund, at tho court house door in Knoxville, Tenoesoee, on the 12th day of July next, ut 10 o'clock, a.

tho following described lot, situu'e on Crozicr Knuxville. Tennessee, bounded and described as fol-luws, to wit: Being lot No, 2i. purchased by Thomas E. Oldham at a sale made under a decree of the Chancery Court, frontinit fifty feet and running back one hundred and fifty feet, more or less, and by xaid Oldham conveyed to said Brown on the 2Ttn of August, lSti-l. The proceed arising nut of ii sale will be applied, first, to the payment of the costs of the same; secondly, to the satisfaction of said nore, amounting on dato of sale, including interest, to five hundred xnd forty (S)U) dollars and eirfhty-eitfht SS) cents; and lastly, tho balance, if any, will be paid to said It.

II Brown. Immediately alter the sule a deed in fee simp'e will be given, mi also YV. li. 1RENCI1, viTthjuly. Trustee.

KCHOK LINE NTEAMERS. Snil troui I'ier 2o North hiver. New York, EVERY WEDNESDAY AND (SATURDAY. The passenger accommodations on steamers of this line are ut surpassed lor and comfort. Cabin suite rooms are nil ou upl edeck, thus securing BOtd light and ventilation.

KAILS 01? PASSAGE (If.Af HOW, LIVERPOOL Orl it. steamers. Wed. steamers, Gold. Currency.

C.ibir.' 875 andi3. t7j aud iui. C.ii:n return dations Si 0. (Sleemge, currtln 0. C.

tfi -atet ir ff oni nuj-teiport or railway station in tiri.i- lirituin, lre'an I cr tile nt as loiv as by any oilier line l-'or ias-s i-e a to liK.iiiiiiiMi.s Bki, ri.i.7 wling Jren, N. or I'Lil (if US, t'r. i'ha H. Bai w.v, Exchange Bank. iMi3a COWAN, McCLUNG CO.

KNOXVILLE, TENNESSEE, Are now otTcriug to the Trede the largest and most desirable stock of AND NOTIONS ever brought to the Southern country. All kinds of Job Wcrk At the C11R0MCLE STEAM J0B0FFICE- COWAN, McCLUNG CO. Hare received direct from tho manufacturers, an immense stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, made to order, of the best material, and ns their large purchases secure to them extremely low figures, they are enabled to guarantee their prices against any market in the Luited States. COWAN, McCLUNG CO. Have the handsomest line of HATS, Including Ladies' Trimmed Goods, the; ever purchased, and at lower prices.

COWAN, McCLUNG CO. Have in store a Fresh Stock of CLOT 11 I Adapted to the season. COWAN, McCLUNG CO. Are In rsceipt of Full Linesof HARDWARE AND CUTLEBYi COWAN, McCLUNG CO. Also have a Special Department for GROCERIES.

COWAN, McCLUNG SELL ONLY TO MEH CHANTS. (V) $500,000 CASH OUT TO HI HID in rCM Third Grand Gift Concer IX AID OF THK Will be given in the great hall of Library ftnilriing. at l.miisvillp. on TttHhv. Julv 8, at which time TKN TIIOI'SAND lilFIS, amounting to a grand total of alloahm.

will be distributed by lot ti, ticket-holders. No reduction la amount ol gifts at this distribution, but eieh gift will be paid IN I I LL. Orxicg or asd Driivkrs' Bank, l.ot tsvii.i.i!, April 7, iTX I This to certify that thre is in the t'ursjtorV nl IrcrV Hank, to tbe crmlit of the Third Grand i-ilt O-nrert for the Lem-fit of the Public Library of Ky. Ilnnilrt '1 houoniMl hivs been set apart br tbe Managers to pay the gifts in lull, and will be held by the Bank and paid out lor this purpose, und this purpose only. (Signed.) h.

3. VEECII. Csshler. LIST GIFTS, One Orand Cash Oift finn.nno line itranu v-iwa mil tine Grand Cash Gift tine Grand Cash Gitt One Grand Cash Gift One tirand Gift 1:4 Cash Gifts of' each Cash Gifts of each ft) Cash Gifts of 4o0each Imi Cash Gifts of SO leach I'll Cash Gifts of 2o0 fWOnsh Gifts of -h O.iXM Cash Gifts of It) each 2S.I-W) jji.ijihi ln.ittifl 5,) ill Bo.bmi SO.bciO PV.OcK) 90.0(10 I.LNXJ Total, 10.000 Gifts, all Cash. Only a few ticket remnin unsold, and they will be furnished to the first applicants nt the following prices Whole ticket, $lt): halves, S5; quarters, til.50: 11 whok-s for Ni for 01.

U3 for il.UOO. For tickets nd full information, apply to v20cUwlwJ TllOS. K. BKAMLETTE. Louisville.

Ky. MAUCK'S HERALD Is a large Elght-patte, Forty-Eight Column Literary Weekly. Each number is complete. In lui column will he fo choice variety of Gxiia In every dcpait-ment of LDernture, of interest to the general reader. 12 a year.

More Agents wanted. Send 25 cents far a pair of benutiful Chromos and a specimen copy. Value and satisfaction guaranteed. Address L. W.

Mauck. Cheshire. O. zii21ylw Legal Advertisement. Chancery Sale or Small Farm 1 Good Land.

No.2,H. 7l'RSVAXT TO A DECREE PRONOUNCED BY 1 the Chancery Court at Knoxville. at April bpecial Terra, 1S73, in the case of V. D. L.

Scott, Administrator of M. L. Scott, dee'd, vs. John R. 11.

S-vitt and others, I will sell, in front of the court house door iu Knoxville, on Saturday, the oth day of July, tit 11 o'clock. A. to tho hisrhest bidder, a sufficient quantity of the tract of land M. L. Scott, died, seired and possessed, to raise the sum $275.1 selling ofTof that portion which lie nearest Campbell's Station, in Knox county.

adjoioinK the lands of Hatche Mrs. Led-siugur and others. The land will be sold by tbe acre, TERMS Ten per cent, of the purchase money will be require in band, and a credit of six und nine months alloire on the balance, iking notes lor the sime, with securi ty. June 14th, 187J. M.


In Chancer) al lliiutsvllle. JUNE Bt'LES. 1S73. Original Bill to foreclose Mortgage, Villhui E. Smith, vs.

Laura J. Haines. TN THIS CAUSE. IT PATISFACTOKILY AP-I pearing to the Clerk and Master from the original bill, wuich is sworn to, that tho respondent, Laura J. Haines, is a non-resident of the State of Tennessee It is therefore ordered tort publication be madu for four successive weeks in the Knoxville Chronicle, a newspaper published in the city of Knoxville, Tennessee, requiring the respondent to appear before the Chancellor presiding in Chancery, at liuntsville, for the county of Scott, on the fourth Monday of July, N7o, then and there to plead, answer or demur to complainant 's bill, or the same ill be taken as confessed, aud set for hearing ex (arte as to her.

Witness, J. M. Newport. Clerk and Ma'ter of onr Chancry Court, at office in liuntsville. the fourth Monday of May being the tb.


M. Cordcll Gibson, SoVrs for compl'ts. vilswu Iii Cliitiiccry nt Dnuliilre. Original and Amended Bill. Thomas K- Eckel William H.

Eckel et al. It uppenring from the allegations of the bills, which are sworn to. that the defendants. Alexander 1'. Eckel and Elizabeth Eckel, are non-residents: It is therefore ordered by the Clerk and Master that publication be made for tour successive weeks in the Knoxville Weekly Chronicle, notifying Faid defendant to appear before the Chancery urt at Dandridge, on the fourth Monday of October next, und make defense to complainant's bill, or the same will betaken for confessed and the cause set down for bearing ex parte as to them.

June l7 A copv of the order. Attest villwl D. R. X. BLACKBURN.

C. i M. NOTICE. TO AXDEKSOX tOl HTT BONDHOLDERS IT having been suggested to tbe County Court of Anderson county that a large amount of blank bonds were taken from the office of the County Court Clerk, in the year because the Court are not satisfied whether any of laid blank bonds have been signed: It is ordered by the Court that publication be made in the Knoxville Weekly Chronicle and in the Frees and Messenger, notifying all bondholders to til the number and amount of the same with the County Court Clerk, at hi office in Clinton, on or before tbe tint Monday of July next and no interest will be paid on any bands unless the holders of the same aomply with this order. Witness, R.

C. Dew, Clerk of said Court, at office in Clinton tho first Monday of January; A.D. 1K73. R. C.

DHW. I23wtf Clerk County Court. Chancery Court nt Maynardvllle. i i uua OUlw, Vll AA vnv A. William B.

lluncock vs. Rachel M. liuncock. TN T1I1S CAUSE, IT APPEARING FROM THE bill of ooniplainant, which is sworn to, that the defendant, Ractae M. Hancock is a non-resident of the btate ol Tennessee, so that the ordinary prooess of law eannot be served upon her: It is ordered that publication be made for four successive weeks in the Knoxville Chronicle, a newspaper published in the eity of Knoxville, notifying said defendant to appear on or before the Rule Day rtet preceding the nevt regulur torra of the Chancery Court forth county of Union, to be held at the eourt house in Maynardville, on the third Monday of October next, to plead, answer or otherwise make defense to complainant's bill, or the same will betaken tor confessed, aud set for hearing ex parte.

Juue 3th, 1S7.4. A true copy of the order. Test vivwl' BRANSON. A M. In Chancery at IlutleUge.

auiuel Jarnagin and others vs. II. G. Lea and Che-ley Jariiagin. bx'rs, Ac, and othets.

IN THIS CAUSE. THE RESIDENCE OF. THE 1 children and heirs at law of Eliza Christian is unknown, aud th ir name unknown, except Joseph B. und Itutus Kutillions Christian, all of whuu are sued as such eiiildr and heirs at law. and as legatees under the will nf Jeremiah Jarna'in, dee'd.

as charged in the lull I It therefore i rder.d by tke Clerk aud Master that publication tie made tor four successive weeks in the Knoxville Cnrotncle, requiring said defendants to appear before the Chancery Court at Kutiedge, on or Letoio the fi.urih Monday of July. 1873. to make their defense to tho bill hie 1 against thi ui and others, or the fame wi 1 be taken confessed, and set down tor hearing ex part me H'lh, 17J. vilowlt C.C. SMITH, C.i M.

lu lliauiei) at 11 nil edge. Jatues Bull vs. Spencer Harvey et al. IS Til IS CAUSE THE DEFENDANTS, 6PE5CER i iy, Jobn Kans au 1 wi'c. Daniel Bull uud Bull, uiinors.

ure n-'ti resid-nts of tho Slate of Te.i.u-i-tfe, u.sappH-irb triou the bill, which is sworn tot It is therefore otdorea itut pjbl. cation. Le mde for tour Hicee-sive week-; in Kuoxviile Weekly Cbrou roi.nyii mu.I de'en lauts to appeir lo'f ae 'he Ciiam-ery at Rutledge, on or Pefore the lour Momlur of Juy next, then and there to uiiiko ilieir Ueforise to oaid bill, or the same will be takeu for contestil to them, and he.iring ex parte. Juie 1 'tti 1 -7 Al No. Pursuant to decree Pronounced bv the Chancery,,h, AP'i' Special Term.

in the rase of John M. Harris, Guardian of Jo. seph Morrow, a man of unsound aind, vs. William Morrow et I will sell. On Nalnrdny.

the 2Htri Day nl tine at II o'clock. A. n.t In front of the court house door In knoxville at public auction, to the highest bidder, tho land mentioned and described in the pleadings, lying in the 1 'th civil district of Knox county, Tennessee! If -acre tract adjoins Metier, Mrs. S. M.

Churchwell, and northeast of the Knoxville and Ohio Railroad, about two-thirds in timber; and also 4-acre tract, adjoining Alfred Sharp, William Morrow, and lying west of the Jacks-borough road, all timber, with a creek running through tho same. The Innd has been surveyed anil plated, and will be sold in lots and as a whole, and that sale adopted that brings the largest sum. Tr.nnfti Four hundred dollars will be required to bo rnid down on day of sale, and the remainder in one, two and three years, eiual installments. Notes with good security, bearing 10 per cent, interest, will be required (if the purchaser and lien retained lor further security. June 1st, iblo.

ivldlwl M. L. PATTERSON. C. A M.

IVoii-ItcMideiit IVotiee. Petition to set asidd Probate of Will. Omen Col-jit Court Curi, Scott CntTirrr, HfSTSviLbE. June 2, lijTd. Joel Ryan.

Daniel Strunk. Thomas Joseph Ryan, Jack.on Ryan, James Ryn, Martin Ryan, Richmond Taylor, Sally Taylor, Wm Hays, Elizabeth Hays, Ryan, Dorcas Ryan, Moses Ryan, Wm Anderson, Elizabeth Andersen, John Huys, Lourana Hays, Jacob Litton, l'ollv Campbell Anderson, Lavicia Anderson and David Ryan, pluiulills, versus Eliitabeth Ryan, Martha Ryan, Ilenry Rtnn. Alvin Ryan, jYrank Kvun, Marion Kyan, Moses Ryan and Laurana Kyan, defendants. In this cause, it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that Martha Ryan, Henry Ryan. Alvin Kyaa, I rank Kyan, Marion Ryan, Moses Kyan and Laurana Ryan are non-residents of tho State of Tennessee It is ordered that publication be made for four successive week, in the Knoxville Chronicle, a weekly newspaper f'ubli-hed in Knoxville, Tennessee, requiring said ue-endants to appear before this Court at its next term, to plead, answer or demur to said petition, or the same will be taken lor confessed, and set tor heating ex parte as to them.

A copy. Attest B. STRUNK, Clerk villwtt Scott Cout-ty Court, Tenn. CHANCERY SALE HOUSE AAJ) LOT In East Knoxville. No.

i.m. TO A DECREE PRONOUNCED BY the Chancery 'urt at Knoxville, at March Term, K). in the case of W. H. Bolcn vs.

11. S. Young. I will sell, in front of the court houso door in Knoxville, On Saturday, the day of July, 1873, at 11 o'clock, a. to the highest bidder, tbe houso and lot mentioned and described in the pleadings, lying in East Knoxville, at the junction of Main and Cumberland streets, fronting 'i feet on Cumberland street, and running back with Sanfurd Mason's line 40 feet to Main street, TERMS: Said suit- will he male in bar of the right of redemption.

Ten per cent, of the purchase money required in hand, and the balance on a credit of six months, taking a not bearing interest from date, with good security lor the sauio. Juno Hth, 1873. M. L. PATTERSON.

C. II. Sale. pY VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION ISSUED FROM I) the Circuit Court of the United States for the Eastern of Tenntssee, 1 will sell lor carh at the courthouse, in the city ot Knoxville, on the J2th day of July.lSTIJ, all the riuht, tillo, interest, claim und demand that James Prater has in and to a tract of land containing (4ii.ii lour hundred acres, more or le lying on liolston river, Blount county. Tennessee, udioining tho lands of James Henry, Willinm Henderson, Mrs.

Matlock and others, including an island in tho Holstort river, containing one hundred acres, more or less, occupied by sud Prater, lying iu front of the main body of the tract, aud oppusi'e to the lands of S. W. Low. James Smith's heirs and F. Keller, and being the land on which said Prater now lives; to satisfy a Judgment obtained nirainst said Prater al tho July Term, li7; of the United States Circuit Court for the Eastern District of Tennessee, in favor of the United States I will ulso sell at the same time and place nil the right, tit'e, in ere-t, claim and demand that S.

M. Keeper, dee'd, had in and to a tract of land containing five hundred acres, more or less, lying ar being iu Loudon county, '1 adjoining the lands ot 11. Mathews, J. 11. Donaldson.

James Griffith, John Griffith and tho llolston river, and known us the Show Ferry tract, und being the tract of laud that said Leep er lived on at the time of his death to sutisfy a judgment obtained against sai 1 Leeper at the July Term, 1S72, nf the United Slates Circuit Court for the Eastern District of Tennessee, in favor of the United States. Jutiei-tb. K3, H. P. EVANS.

vil'dltwlt United States Marshal. Ijji'hIhiI'h I will sell for cash, at the court house in Knoxville, Tennessee, on th. 12th day of July, H7.i, all tho right, title, interest, claim and demand that James Jilesnasin and to three hundred and twenty acres of land, more or less, situated on Ball Play Creek, l'itU civil district of Monroe county, Tennessee, adjoining the lands of J. Wiley, Dotson Roberson, Joseph Humphries i.nd others, to satisfy two judgments for ost lately obtained in U.S. Circuit Court al Knoxville, against John Hawkins and James Jiles.

I will sell at same time and place, all the right, title, Interest, claim and demand that Martha White has in and to three hundred acres of land, more or less, situated in tbe 15th civil district of Monroe county, Tennessee, adjoining tbe lauds of Wm. Hunt, Wm. Green and others, to sutisfy thre judgments tor cost, lately obtained against John White und others. This June 6tb. 1173.

L. T. WALKER. vi7dltwl A Deputy U. ri.

Marshal. Cliaiicer-y Sulo of Laud. In obedience to a decree of the Chancery Court at Clinton, prononnced at the June Term, 1873. in the case ol K. C.

Cuaimings. guardian, ic, and in his own right, vs. A. A. Cuuitnuige et will Bull to the highest bidder, at publlo auction.

On the 19lh day of July, 1873, a tract of land lying in the on tie Knoxville and Ohio Railroad, containing one hundred and seventy -five acre, of exuellunt River Bottom jLwxtd. A considerable portion of thefarm is under cultivation, the remainder well timbered, good spring water, Ac. TERMS: Ten per cant, of the amount bid will be paid in hand, the balunoe on one and two years' time, equal installments, with interest from date at the rate of six per cent, per annum. Note with approved security will be required of the purchaser, und a lien retained until the purchas money is fully paid. Said will be made upon the premises, at 1 p.

u. villwtt W. H. WHIT.SON.C. AM.

Chancer' Court at Knoxville. No. 2.K0. C. A.

Piper, next friend of M.A. C.C. Nichols uui li P. Stacy.

It appearing from the bill filed in this cause, which is sworn to. that the defendant, B. P. Stacy, is a non-resident of the State of Tennessee It is ordered that the defendant above named appear before the Chancery Court at Knoxville, Tennessee, on th- first Monday in July next, lo7.t, and make detente to the bill hied iu this cause, or the sums will betaken for conlesj- d. A true copy.

Attest: Junef, M. L. PATTERSON, C. i. M.

In the Comity Court nt Maynardville, I'nlon lounty, 'renntsee. Original Bid or Petition for Sale ofLand fur the Payment of Dcbt. L. C. Ley.

Administrator of William Lay, dee'dj vi Sarah et als. TN THIS CAUSE. IT APPEARING FROM OOM-1 pUiini.ut's bill, which is sworn that Luster Lrun-son (foruifrlv Ljv) is a non-ren lent of this State, si that the urdiuury i cannot be serve on her It ia therei re ordered by the Cbrk that publication bo nuilo lur four succ fr ive wetks in ihe Knoxvi leWeek-Iv Chronic 'e. a -iv-P'Per published in the city of Knoxville, Mute ol 1 eioo ce. notifying said uon-resi-ilentde endant to appear bi fore the County Court of Union eoUhly.

'1 eiiLeSf-ce, at the court house in Aii'y-nurdville, on the tint Monday iu An fist next. 18,3, and uoike deb use to suid petition, or toe same will be ttken tor coules-ed. and iboouusa as to her set tor hear-in'-1 I Tins loth of June. 17.1 H.N Vi TlUlNER. Clerk..

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