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The Hocking Sentinel from Logan, Ohio • Page 1

Logan, Ohio
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11 i'' I r. 'i -X i The Hocking -m m-WWfW J. )i rt) JLr VOL." 65. NO. 17 GOOD GOODS Fred Woyranller, oar oandidato for Commissioner Is asking for bis second term and thinks he deserves it.

His record as commissioner Is pqUio property and be invites inspection. He olaima that ho can not be held responsible for evils, if of the commissioners, nor is ho ntited to any red it for the good. He haoa Republican on his right nd a Republican on bis left, and the 'two are tho majority and necea-Mrily entitles for credit lor all the good or evil work done. Mr. Wey-mueller's reoprd speaks for itselt nd be Invites, inspection.

Fred Weymneller was born in -Wurtenburg. Germany, in the year 1847. At tho age of near 17, in 1806, he came to America and lu Zinesvllle, Ohio. He secured a position In theB. and O.

railroad shops, whore he worked faith-folly and honestly to the satisfac tion of the company and to the of himself. Jn 1868 he was married to Obrlstena Fetzer. In jl870 he moved to Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, where he was employed in the machine hops, From there he went to Cumberland, Maryland, where he was employed ad aholpor in a heating furnace. In 1874 he moved to Doras Run, on the line between Hocking and' Athens where lie engaged in mining aud farming, He joined the Miner's Union in 1874, aud lias always been And still remains, a good, staunch friend to organized labor. In 1878 was struck by an engine and sustained a broken thigh, which laid Jilra up for a year and porraennntly disabled him.

Curing this distress he was taken charge of aud provided for liv his brother minora, aud everything that hoart could wish war provided bira. Durum strike be earned -tliacaail from Nelsonvillo to Murray Citv. In 1908 he moved to Logan, whuro he resides. During his employment in the mines he was several elected president of a local, has represented the miners in national, state and district conventions. He is a member of tho Nel-sonville ot Odd Fellows and is at present one of the trustees.

He represents the order in the Nel-apnville foundry and machine shops. The stockholders eleoted him one of its directors, whioh important position he still oooupies. When it a considered that this company invoiced $76, 710." 17 the importance of hia position is bettor realised. When Fred Weyrnueller came to America be oould scarcely make himself understood, had not a friend cot a relativo, no one to go to in distress, for assistance, but bo depended npon the American fair play and by his persistent and determined efforts has succeed in procuring a little borne and a fortune nffiotont for the needs of himself nd bis loyal and faithful wife. Ho earned it all by the hardest kind of work and by the honest and faithful disoharge of his duties.

In bis official oapaoity he has been fair, honest, faithful; he baa been and economical in the expenditure of publio money; oheer-ful, jolly, accomodating. Ho is entitled to your vote, and deaervea it. Give this worthy man ypur he needa it, is entitled to it, and deserves your fair treatment. Late Beery ot Benton township, la our candidate for Infirmary Director. Almost every citizen in county knows Lafe Beery.

(He in the prime of life, aetive, ener-getio; oareful, economical aud thoroughly oompetent for the position to whioh he aspires. Lafe Beory ia especially strong In the west end' and will draw a large vote from the Republican columns. In Logan be is very popular and will get a rousr ing nere, ana wo ao not neneve he will reoeive a single aoratob in hp.oounty, Hm kind, even dispo sition raako him especially fitted for infirmary dircotor. Ho has a common school od'toation, ia honest and industrious, a gonial, whole souled man, a gentleman in every place and evory prosenco and will bo elected by a rousing majority. Ho was forced into tho race by the best men in our party, from all parta of the county, and aooepied tho nomination as a matter of party duty and publio good.

This office seeks Lafo Beory, and will get hira, and the county will got a good and efficient ofiioer. Lafo Beery has earned his little iarm by tho hardest kind of knooks, ho grubbed and hoed and plowod and reaped, and ia today ono of tho bert thought of men in tho county. He will be elected bocauso ho is fitted, is deaorving, Vote for him. James Redout, our oandidato for surveyor, is a Marion township boy, a genial gentleman, and competent, capablo surveyor and a rock-rihbod Democrat. Ho is placed on our lickot beaause hu is a man well qual ified to fill the position.

He is graduate of alio Athens University, mndo a special study of tho branches that especially quality him for tho office of county surveyor, and ia very careful and prudent man. He is always a gentleman and is dosor ving. His opponent, Eph Shaw, has bad several whirls at tho office, never landed. lie tried it on the Democratic ticket and failed. Ho then tackled it from a Republican standpoint and was given the nomi nation over Silver Bill Gaffnoy.

It was a fight between two Democrats for a Republican crabapple, and Eph got there. When Mr. Bebout gets through with Mr. Shaw, Mr. Shaw will not be able to survey his way out of an open town lot.

Vote for Bebout, A vote for Bebout is a voto for a aompeteut, able and do serving man. Tho great hue and cry of Allen R. McBroora's political enemies, and especially that jealous trio of "four flushers," of "just wait until the Circuit Court convenes and you'll seo what they'll do to MoBroorn," has went up in smoke. Consider ing that theso "threo graces" had nineteen oharges against him and that "any one of those was suffi cient to disbar him," and that the oourt was of tho opinion that Allen bad not violated any of the lawa of Ohio, ia conclusive ovidonce that even these three great legal minds may err. Their unprofessional and uncharitablo efforts to injure bim has only addod to hia strength, and may be construed bv even their friends aa discourtooua and unpro fessional, a bit of professional jealousy, and convinces the tax payers that now is a good time to "lot well enough alone," Tho political fungus growth that has been fastened upon the people of this tiounty by the boodle ring can only be removed by heroic treatment.

It has beoomo so rot ten that a poultice will do no good, but an ax or corn cutter will do the business. The defeat of a single candidate on the so called Repuhli can ticket will not abash tho boo dlors but the defeat of the whole bunoh will forever kill the practioo that ia degrading and demoralizing our people. Voto the straight Dem-ooratio ticket. "There are thousands upon thousands of Republicans in Ohio who will not support Mr. Horriok," saya the Sandusky Register, one of tho ablest and most prominont Re publican papers in the state.

It de-olareB that "if half the reports 'Which are given out in tho news papers from time to time about tho condition of things in the various countiea of the statu aro true, Mr. Herrick will lose 100,000 Republi can votes at least in tho state." You might possibly get a man equally us competent as George THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1905 Williamson for sheriff, but it is simply impossible to find a better ono in this county. Ho has about him all the elements that ia necessary to mako a man, a good, man. Hu Ih a deseaving man, a good citizen and ia entitled to your support. Ho will bo the next sheriff.

Our senatorial ticket is a good ono, good men, honest men, statesmen, just such men aa Bos Cox don't want, A voto for tho Repub lican senators and the Republican representative is threo votes for Boss Cox for United Slates Senator. Boar this in miud Mr. Voter. There is no question as to the honesty, ability and Democracy of -Tames Bebout. He will plant Eph Shaw and his ''flold notes" so deep in tho political gravoyard that the sound of Gabriel's horn will novor reach him.

It will bo Surveyor Bebout. Allen R. MoBroorn has no peer asalawyonn Southern Ohio and his election as Prosecuting Attorney moans tho saving of hundreds of dollars to tho tax payers. Judge Martin has mado an able probato Judgo and should be re-elected. Tho good people ot tho court-ty aro back of Frank Martin and will boo that he is olected.

Tho wholo Democratic tickot from top to bottom nro good moiij oarned their nomination by fair and squaro contest. Tberoaro no bosses; in tho Democratic party. Boss Cox docs not want mon liko John C. Pettit elected to tho state legislature becauso it means tho defeat of hia schema to steal tbe canals of tho state Everybod knows that Lafo, Beerv is as honest a tho day ia long und that ho would attend to the interests of the county if olected Infirmary Director. You can't Kill a enake by striking it on tho tail.

Hit the boodle tho head and kill tho roptilo that Is dobai-ing tho citizenship of Hocking county. Fred Weymuollor an honorable experienced business man and would bring ability of a higli order to tbe Board of County Commissioners. The New Auditor. The now auditor began bia second term last Monday. Jimmy Martin is an all around good fellow and has mado a good officer.

His wife, who is his deputy, aud who is just as effiuiont as she is kind and accommodating, has dono much toward perfecting and making his first term of office a oomplete success, will continue as hia deputy. This happy couple have tho best wishes ot their logion of friends, regardless of party, for just as pleaeant and as ofiloient a second torm as the first. A Square Dealer. Mr. Sam Longly of Nolsonville, who umpired the ball gamo between Logan and Nelsonvillo last Sunday, has won muoh comment for IiIb fair and squaro decisions.

Manager Nick Shorr of our homo team, and Louio Wend of tho Nolsonville team aro very profuBo in their prnlso for him. Ho is fair, he 1b squaro, and is ono of the most pleasant gentlemon of our Volley, and has a warm Bpot in tho hearts of the base ball boys of Logan, and the Hooking Valley. Methodist Church Rev. T. B.

White, pastor, Sabbath Sohool at 0 a. m. "Great strength for Kmnll Tin. ties," will bo tho subject for tho ouunay morning sermon, tho Standard." will hn tlm evoning subject, John McLaughlin's Rabbit On last Friday John McLaughlin seeing that it would bo a dull day for business, owing to tho largo number of our citUens going to tho Lancaster fair, concluded tbat ho would go hunting for bunnios. About tho only dead gamo sport be found that was ablo bodied onough to oirry gamo, was Luther Polmg, and ho drafted hira into tho service.

Ho sent Luther after tho rig and looked after his gun and ammunition, telling Sol Unkle to seo that there was a nico lunch and abottloortwo of "preventative," aa Adam Funk, who bad lecently been bitten by a copperhead, had told hira that snakes wore "mighty numerous" this year, and that ho didn't want Luthor to run any unnecessary dangor. Sol did as requested, and by tho tinio John had his gun and shells in readiness Luther appeared in front with tho Tin. It did. not take them long to reach good hunting grounds. As tho air was cool it was thought that it would bo a good idea to take a littlo of the proventa-tivoj -to be on tho safe side, and warm up their blood, besides who knew but what they'd step right Into a nest ot copperheads.

So thoy touched up tho preventative pretty freely and Btepped fearlessly into tho rabbit grounds. John had good luck, bagged 7 or 8 bunnies aa many minutes, never missing a shot. Ho had ins hunting blouso about as full a was convenient to carry and concluded to get one moro and suit for home. It no more than a iniuuto before up jumped a bunnlo ns big as a Newfoundland dog. Ring, went the gun aud down carao the cotton tail, Kicking and struggling- John stalled to pick it up and kicked up another.

Ho told Luther to fasten on the struggling bunuio while lio'd try for the other one. Ho misted the last shot, turned around, picked up tho bia buunie and uiammcd it in lus blouse, Ho turned urouud for Luthor, and ho was now hero to be found. Ho hunted and hunted and hunted, but could (iud no trace of him whatever, and concluded lie had ooiuo to town, so ho jumped in the bufgy and drove home. was just dusk when ho dropped into tho bar rind throw his blousa down on the counter, inquiring ol Sol if ho had seen Luther, telling him he had lost In in on the hunting grounds and presumed ho had come home, but anyhow ho lud tho big-gent rabbit that had over been killed in Hooking county, Sol began to drag out the bunnios one at a time, and finally came to tho big ono, Hu made a grab and caught hold of cowhide brogans. "Why, John," said Sol, "this rabbit has on overalls!" Another Sam Patcli drag and out came Luthor, all covered with rabbit fur, sputtering and spitting bunches of tur and burrs from his mouth, Bat up ou the counter, nibbed bia eyes and said, '-I think I Hiii oil a copporhoad, givo mo some more of that preventative." In John's excitement ovor missing his last shot, and being in hasto to get home, bo reached down and grabbed up Luthor by tho left hind leg and crammed him into tho hunting jacket, instead of the big rabbit.

Seriously 111, Dr. John W. Murphy, ono of tho leading specialists of tho city, and a morabor of tho City Hospital staff, 1b seriously ill at his homo on East Walnut Hills. Ho Is suffering oxcruciating pain in his head, whioh will not yiold to opiates unci which leads his attonding physicians to beiiovo that his affliction is an abscess of tho frontal sinus in which event a hazardous operation will bo necessary. As Boon as possiblo ho will bo removod to a privato hospital.

Cincinnati Enquirer, A Good Pair. C. C. Smith of tho East End MonarchB, Clovcland, and by tho way ono of tho strongest ball toums in tho state, und J. R.

Livingston of Hutudcn, aro recolving many compliments from tho general base ball publio for thoir creditable way in which thoy disported themselves in recent games. Young Livingston has In him tho making of ono of the beet piohors in tho state. Besides boing a safo batter, ho is a clean, fast bull player. "Mastor Hurry Juergonsmoier, left last weok for an oxtonod visit with rolatlves at Homor, Illinois. A Great day in Town.

On last Saturday afternoon and ovonlng tho Women's Relief Corps uolobrated thoir 18th anniversary with a big chlokon supper, and.nt tho samo time ontertained "Phil Kearny" Corps of Nolsonvlllo, 80 in numbor. It was ono of tho most jolly, affuirs of tho seaeon, and everybody onjoyod tliomsclvos thoroughly. Tho aftornoon and evening program consisted of lodgo work, recitations, songs und social intercourse. Tho Phil Kearuoy Vocal Choir, tho Mesdnmes Poston, Shop-hard and Woodurd, ontortalncd tho company with eentmental and comic song, nnd woro decidedly tho lifo of tho colobration. At six o'clock tho supper wub sorved, a chicken suppor and ono of tho most delightful in point of culinary clll-cicnoy, that has over boon served In our oity.

Tho visiting ladies woro vory profuso in thoir praise of tho suppor nnd tho very pleasant wuy thoy woro entertained. Mrs. Clmrlos Speolman, of Columbus, and Mrs. Spahr of Ponncsy-Ivnnin, woro guests of honor. It waa a vory delightful affair.

"Carve That Possum." "Happy Hooligan," and the "Professor," Ivan Howdyshcll and Jcsso Cohagan captured a "possum" that had lost its way among tho numerous brick kilns at tho Kcrlin brick plant Sunduy. It was "crnoker jnok," a "corkor," and "Tho Professor" claimant dressed 05 pounds, They dressed It and roasted it, nnd hud a regular feast. Thoy had us their guest ot honor Mr. Erank Adcock of tho I'ottoiy, und Ivan Howdyshcll informs us that his first cousin, Mr. Ben Brew wus there also.

A Pleasant Anniversary, Miss Tlielnia, tho handsome littlo daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Stullsrdith, hid nioro than thirty of her littlo friends to coma in Monday ovoniug to holp her colobinto hor 11th birthday anni versary. Tho evening wns spontin playing rill kinds of games, vocal and instrumental music, A vory olaborato suppor was served, a supper that especially appealed to tho youngsters appitito nnd whioh made them in a very jolly mood. Mies Thelma was roraombor-od with sovoral usoittl and ormna-nicntal presents.

Twice Five Tho Twice Five club had a pleasant meeting at Judgo Bright's rcsidonco Inst Monday evening. Subject, I'anmna Uanal Messors. Lowery and Pettit read interesting papers. Tho club gonorally discussed tho question, Rov, Wilson was elected a member in place of Dr. Steward, resigned.

Tho company was sorved by tho hostess with excellent refreshments. Next regular meeting to bo at tho homo of II, it. Harrington. "Merits and Demerito of So called Mailing Politics." Papers by J. F.

White and II. J. Woodworth. Sheridan's Monument Tho Shoridinn monument in Somerset will bo uuvoilcd on November 1 and 3. Many of tho most prominent civil and military dignitaries of tho country will bo present.

Tho indications nro that tho meeting will bo a most notable gathering botli in mombers present nnd dignitaries taking part, ovor bold in Ohio, A number of our old soldiers ahd oitizens of Logan aro arranging to attend. Mrs. Paul Fox, was called to Now Straltsvillo to attend tho funeral of hor brother, Michael Goodwin, who was killed at Nowark Tuesday ovonlng about 5 p. in. Mr.

Goodwin ia a union guard at tho Aarao Stovo Works, during tho strike and wns shot by an Italian, Mr. Goodwin leaves a wlfo and many relatives to mourn his unthnoly death. Mr. J. W.

Prlndle, of Murray, first lieutenant to Col. Colored Lowis of tho "Regulars" diBcovoied several panols of political fonco down in tho ranks of tho Chatfield "Squaro Dealors" and camo to Logan Saturday, to "corkus" with tho committee and doviso ways and "means" whereby the fenco oould bo repaired by olootlon day. Ho completed arangemonts In limo to take in the Lancaster fair intho after noon. $1 A liiiAJCi, lidlng.ud j. and General Baclceja Note.

fllickejrr New. Ia Brief. Michael Well of ono of the best known sporting men In the state, was found dead In his bed at tho lliurman hotel In Upper Sandusky. Nicholas Schlel, aged 12, of 021 Jluckcjo street, Toledo, fell through a trostlo on tho Wheeling Lako and had both of his arms broken. The boy fell distance of about twcnty-flo feet.

Capt. Carlos il. Allen of Newark, former Insuector of rillo practice in tho Ohio National Guard, committed rulcldo by shooting himself with a rifle, lie was lIng In bed nnd pulled tho trigger with his toe. Miss J.lzzloSncclmaii, 3ij, employed In tho laundry at tho Hotel Sterling, Colum- uus, nan uoiii nanus caught In a mangier. When onu hand was caught slio thrust tho olher to its aid.

Both may ha to bo amputated. The cooperago factory at tho Craig oil refinery In Innvillo was completely do-strojedby lire. Tho origin of tho lira Is not known. Loss on tho building ns 1(I0 nnd $5)0 on the contents, p-irtially coercd by Insurance. ISurglars entered the district ofllco of tho Prudential Insuranco Company nt Sandtisk) during tho noon hour and slolo $150 from tho wife.

Tho police claim to haothocasu worked out, but no arrest has been in.idc. A subbing affair occurred at Tiffin bc-tw cen ttigcuo ecnej and John 1 1 ler, rl-al proprietors of tho Umpire und bhawan hotels, respccthcly. Miller was terlously Habbed Sweeney in tho legion of tho heart. Jljth have been placed underarrest. Miss Gertrude Searfoss of Upper Sandusky, remoeil the lid from a bucket of boiling water.

Tho escaping steam threw a stream of water in tier face, scalding It so that all tho skin lias peeled off. Her c)cslglit is bellecd to be lost, and her life. Is despaired of. Kllzahclll PeillllnCtOn llenr-Slnnr. In.

dieted for bigamy by the grand jurj having wedded Georgo Hear in i-'mdlay and John btantr a jear later in l.lnn, was arraigned at Lima and pleaded gulltj fei will be tenlcneed lo the penitentiary. She Is 22 ears old. Umce Llojd of-OxfordiwasUerinnti-' dndrtli Mr, James McLin, of Knystono, Indiana, who camo Jioro soino ten days ago to visit relatives and old comrades, and whilo visiting his brothoriulaw Jcromo Shaw, last Tuesday, sustained a slight stroko of paralysis. Tho paralysis only partially disables him and he has tho best wishes of his many old time friends and comrades for an curly recovery. MtJrt Daveyv Columbus, woro guests of Grand-' mothor Davey, Sunday.

"Mort" is etorootypor In tho Columbus Citizen oillco, the best independent newspaper in the State, and commands a first class salary, and is happy. Hu mado tho Scntinol a pleasant call, whoro ho is always welcome C. C. Norton, aud wifo of Greenfield, after an nbsonco of 37 years, aro visiting roliitivcs and friends in Logan. Mr.

Norton, was years ngo, associated with J. W. Crooks, in tho drug business. Ho nnd his wifo aro receiving a vory warm, woloomo from their friends of moro than a third of a century. Mrs.

Hiram Lanning, of near Now Pittsburg, dropped dead of heart (llseaso, last Friday evening. Tho funeral wns Sunday. Mr. Lanning and his family has tho heart felt symathy of many close friends all over tho county, and especially in Logan, in their distress and great loss. Mrs.

Charles Spoolman of Columbus, was tho guest of W. R. C. No. 320, at their anniversary celebration, last Saturday afternoon und ovonlng, nnd as usual, materially addod to tho program.

Tho Corps would liko to keep hor if thoy could got hor husbands consent. She Is always welcome. Mr. Charley Larimor, has taken the management of tho Houston Tonsorial parlors, near the Hompol Hotel. Mr.

Larimor is an artist in his business, a pleasant social, accommodating gentleman, and his patrons aro assured satisfactory work and courtoous treatment. Ex-Commisslonor Rufus Karsh-nor, one of tho prominent farmer's and leading Democrats of tho West End, is hero for a ton dayB visit with his grandson, Landlord Harley Karshnor, of tho Warner Houao Col. Isaao Miller, ono of the lending Republicans in that Democratic stronghold, Marion town Bliip, was circulating In our oity Saturday. IIo roceived a vory hearty welcomo rogardless of party, Mr. Frank Goodman, and Miss Allio Eberst, both of Monday, were married by Justice 'of tho Peace David Newman laBt Saturday immediately after tho noun hour, They will looato at Monday.

Gold Label Sardines, COMLY'S, a yis.

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