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Fayetteville Observer from Fayetteville, Tennessee • Page 3

Fayetteville, Tennessee
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

-1 r- I 1 1 "I 1 1 i Favttevillc Observer i rilCItSDAV, JUSE 9 11153. Cnhdidales-lS53. TAX COLLECTOR MKCOLW COUWTlTi 1 are authorized lo announce Ira E. Dautlitt. a cat didate for Tax Collector uf Lincoln County, for 1853.

IrtT We are authorized to -announce Dauthit, the 21 disn-iet canliJte fur Tat, Collector of Lincoln Couhiy, for 1853. fcrj- A tnusi be handed into tlie bv Tuesday Morning, to insure uppen ranee in the following 1 iVeatly Printed Blanfo, Constitute, and Justice's blanks just prini-d, and fir 9aro iotir desk cheap. I fjH Xdveriiactnents are inserted in the rder in which they are handed in. llie Railroad, again-- Sincci our county court has de creed tliat the people shall deter mine by' ballot whether they are willing taxed to aid in constructing the Jlock Spring Rnilroac), the propriety of having such an outlet, wo are pleased to see, is being! canvassed very generally by the public mind. This is altogether correct.

Before rendering 1 judgment, we fshould, in5 all matters, give both sides a thorough investigation, in order that we may arrive at just and act By suchja course alone can we deter- Art I 4 flirt nrilc on1 verdioh linsfiil "on nniii table rrinciDlek Wliethcr the amount requested 'for tbffrnnt.pmr.laled Road should be thus railed, it is not our province to frrmlrip-thnr. is nupsticn w-hich we do not propose to discuss. Our i oniect is to sihv wiiat me meviLauie result oflsuch enterprises is, as shown by the statistics of every section of the nk where they are in opera-. tion. Som2 doubts aro entertained, by many, that our Roud would not payj in other' words, that the business transacted would not be sufficient to yield a-jlrofit to the -stocklioldcrji; but is conjecture alone, unsus- I tained, we think, by either facts orjor Almost the only, and or maimed, fWulcdlv the best.wiiv of determin-y of the ing that! question, after looking at the capabilities of the soil and the nmountlof the productions in tne iscction there it is proposed the; improvement shall be built, is to learn what hal been the fate of similar en-tcrprisea wherever undertaken.

jThe best way of judging of the future, is 0f by the past and the btst way judging jof an untried experiment, js by its late ektwherc. There' not; a Railrolid in the Uuited States, as by th'e-most reliable statistics, that 'ever declared a smaller dividend than six' per cent, per annunon the whole amount invested, after defray- ing all necessary expenses, save; and except the Pecatur Road in -and tha never was completed. Wre repeat, Jmd we do it on good author ity, that: with the solitary exception mentioned, a road never has jbcen built in the Union, that has failed to, i i make handsome proiu anu rfhrinUrn loratod in tracts of COUn-i i J.v,.i rvhinh mt Am nnT.Klisr And i whv whv ehould not the same state of things i.i I exist 'M re: ii nuum wu.u. nsrrofeas jny-under the Uad 'branch of business is either directly canopy of heavjn-our people are as and under- i all its varied phases, a3 well as any the face of the earth and toy 4 deserving cf, ind justly en- titled tla Portion of the wealth and 1 ILu roads are turow ingintiotber But it est numbdf. hether the county may bj asked, Ihow is Ibis wealth to Totes for agamst a tax, is to ns, beattained! We answer, by an in-1 pecuniarily of small moment! As crease the stated before, our object to have and a decrease in the the of the object con-prico coeds, Kroeeries, and other ducted on editable pnnc1Fles, and portal lions, io illustrate: lasp year salt sold in Fayetteville at 70 and SO cents per bushel now, our are selling it 'for 55 cents, and in Tullahoma it is "sold at 40 cents To what can this reduction, xvilhianvshow of reason, be attribu ted? Why, to the facilities for trans- nortitioa of the Nashville and Chat- Railroad.

Construct the Rail ed io the" Rocic Spring, and tlHWIlii Rpdms cheani here. suit muj i I cr vdryincarly So, as at Tullahoma.j The same wouild be true, of sugar, coffee, and nil other kinds of iron .1 groceries merchandises. Our una products, too, jvould-command a better price; from increased demand consequent oa -opening new inarlets. Corn and many other products, i which, as we arc now situated, 'will not bear transportation at all, could be put on the bars, sent to Georgia, South Carolina or other markets a short space lofj time, and always at' a heavy proGtl because there is always a heavv demand for them. In the 7 transportation of live, stock, too, the Railroad has been proven, by actual experience, Ito be the most economi cal plan tha cm be adopted.

Every farmer, who las "drivpu is conversant 1 vith the vexations and losses attendant on driving hogs or cattle to market. The expensej of hirincr drove'rs -the corn necessary it '1 for which is always sold at an exorbitant price--the loss of flesh which a hoc sustains from traveling; the average loss to each hog of 200 lbs weight, in going 225 miles, is, we are -editaoly intormeu, not less than 20 lbs; and more even than that on hogs of, a larger growth -the ones breaking down, dying, and es capingall, talien together consti tute expense; so large, in some instances, as to preclude 1 all possibility pi a In the North, and elscwherte, where Railroads aro iu successful operation, matters managed differently. There a far mer places his stock in the! "cars, takes them, to jmarket, sells, and is home again in la1 week. The reason I why he adapts! this mode is this experience, ajid, by the way, that is id ways thejbtesti teacher, has proven to him, that the expense for trans portation and food on the Railroad, dpe3 not extjeedj that for food alone iri driving-drovers, the thus saving the cost of loss of flesh from each hiving none die from hog, besides exhaustion, none lost by breakdown, for if an animal is killed hrough' the negligence of tigents of the Railroad, the company Is responsible, to the owner for amnges. But we must close -this article is growing lencrtln'.

3efore closing, however, we have on? request to prefer, and i i i the discussion oi tne tax matter be conducted in a fair mad- ner, and wit an e3re to the welfare of the couu Ly. Whether our reaa- ers vote fo against taxation, is business with that we none of oud have nothii to sec thing; gto do; but we do like done' "on the square." We arc led to this remark by the recollection (f we 'have heard lately from or mere consumers. lney urged mat II 1 1 .1 all of the bemefits would accrue to the farmer. 'uXor" say, they, iCwe jean purchase cW at SI 50 to per barrel, thcrl it will be; from $3 to hickens are $1 per dozen, then they vill be 2 to eggs at 5 penta per lozen, their they will be worth 15 or lb cents, and every thing else in pro- I I To a I great extent, these poruon i ipjcctions oi tne consumer aro true; jM doesn ever); man know that as Cirmet prospers every other or.indirect benefited, and as He is depressed we all feel it more orjess! Such is undoubtedly the fact. Then in considering: this matter, whether we be for cjr against it, let us, as far as practicably jdivest ourselves of selfishness and consider it with an lJf in.

ihn rrnri nl fnf flTPflf- bs -e-- to have the people understand it thoroughly, so that they may form a correct conclusion before voting. Again, many persons of moderate means we mean, pou me advocate the tax, the major iportion of he expense of construc ing the Road will tnen borne by toose mosi awe, i ui- i mi ii tary viewH-a Road wul le urge, which will greatly enhance the f'mall farmer's interest, mainly by --u the means; obtained of tht ncn. The man of limited capital will have his tax increased some but1 not a great deal, they say, while the man of riches will be compelled "fork over" largely. To hi sure, this is all true; but is it a fair Way of electioneering for your side of the" question? I Isn't such a course well cal- culated to engender animosities, heart-burnings, strifej and jealousy? It seems to us that every one will (answer yes, unhesitatingly A Pleasant Residence By inference to aA advertisement in nnntlir p'ftlnmtl thnSft desilinff a pleasant residence iit the suburbs of Fayetteville, will learn that an opportunity! is now "offered to obtain such. Perhaps there is not, a more com manding Jind desirable place near the "town we live in," than that offered for sale by Mr.

J'okn T. Morgan. It is situated on the Fishiiig Ford Capt. Iiinjjo's. Coppersmith Those desiring the services of an experienced! aijtd reliable Tin or Cop persmith, 11 do well to call on Mr.

J. W. Form prepared to wait, of pur town, who is manufacture everything in his line of business; besides doingj all kinds ofj No need to go elslswhere for hecan do your work as vell flnd as prompt as any man, Shop near Norris' Creek, on the road leading out to Winches ter, i Barbecce Al the ente'rtaintnent itb which Col.D. S. Nolls favored the citizens of our town, at his brick kiln ofT last Ti ursday night, the ladies and giintlenjen present had the" opportunity c-f listening to an address on the subject of the Railroad: bv our vou'nc friend.

C. C. -j 4 fj McKinney, Esq. Sail they Come- Our best than ks are herewith tendered to the many noble friends', who have recently used their influ ence to enlarge the circulation ol the Observer. Quite a revival has taken1 place withili the last two or three weeks many new names have been added list, embracing: our subscription some of the most influential 'and solvent; citizens of the county.

For this, we are pro foundly grateful. Roll on the ball, friends it lias beguo. most en couragingly and we will do. our best to continue the Observer "the best paper ever published in Lin coln County." Vc are under ob ligations especially to John M. Bearden, tlie genllemanly Pust MasT tcr at Chesnut Ridge, for the names he has recently sen usj.

Officers At mpptinrr of ibis "Lincoln Coun -r- ty "Bible Society held on last Mon-fliv. the following crcntlemen were 7 I elected officers tor the ensuing year: Rev. A. S. Sloan, President; Rev.

Al A. Bell and jWm. Rhea, Vice A A- Bell and Presidents; IrbyJ 5 Morgan, J. R. I Bright, Sec; E.

M. Ringo, Depos itary; Wm. Stewart, Thos. U. uood-' rich, and A.

McMulleo, Managers; Buchanan and John j. Soliciting Comniittee. Education-- 1 The school oc Rev. A. A.

'Bell re opens in this place, on the 21st inst. Mr. B. i known is so well and favorably lo our citizens as a teacher, as to render any commendation from us superfluous. Blew Up- We recret lo learn that a boiler at the.

Steam Saw Mill of Mr. JleKen zie, on Korris' preek, I exploded last week, tearing up fixtures generally. No one, webelive, was injured. Rev. Mr.

Sloan---, On last Sabiatji, Rev. Mr. Sloan, of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church, delivered, in the Methodist Church hit place, a thrilling and highly interesting sermon, to a large: and attentive congregationit beint the anhi I'ersary of the Lincoln County Bible! Society, also preached at oight. The authorities of Lowell, Mas4 have Dppropjriatetl $2,000 for celebrating tlie 4tb of July. i Tlie Harkels-fLatcst NAsnTiLtE, TennJ Tli river is gradu- UiiiriT shallow.

There ure now about ul thirty! Inches water ot Ilarpeth Shoa'sand ndnelbut the smaller cluss of steamers can gtn oft-r them. (There has been no change in the cn-rfiiint inf hnsinpss. wliich is suflorins from 'the usual inactivity end torpor peculiar td the summer months. Cu ton- There hns been but liula doing in cotton. The fluctuating udvicos frrm Livei poof have, deprjesaed prices' slightly, but ll cauee of the lightness of.

the sales Is ttttifibutable to 4he tact that iho supply is nearly exhausted, We quote prices at Q3Ac, i rrt :1 Ul xiaCS' 1 Here 11 cona'jictauic uoumuu for mjts. Whiteman is paying 2Jr cash Jor all that he can gel. pJjciNSATi.O. hiskfat l5c. ut9Jc.

Lard New Orleans, Cotton 2900 bales sold, prices very irregular. Rio Coffee, ii 4aOO sacks soldi ni Sj I- Flour firm 'Shoulders 7i; 800 bblssold ut 17c. Sides 9J-Whisky 1411211 1.I. iln this county, on Tuesday. 22d Mr.

Riley W. Pitts anU MU Susan Fi- NETtA C. George. li ll'MI: L. O.L Tj.

a ll! IIJiHiriSDII CUUI1IJ, OlIl fl. jj. 4 Hall, of this courny, and Pliss Nancy M. riSKEUTON, OI the fornyer county iln Maury county, William J. Wilkes andj Miss Sabah F.

Foster. In Williamson countv. Webs and Miss Makgarf.t itir.i. In Henderson," Rtibk Texas, on the ol consummion.Mlr. Isaac Jsh- Holman, nc' 30 years-ffor merly a resident of this sTU A cosvembnt Family Kcsi-deuce, adjoining the; town Fy-etierille, with the grcuiid on which the house stanJs, beinthe tame tha! the subscriber purchased ot Sanmel E.

Gil- iiUDi), cof taming 2a acres, if oi jiarticu ars a pply oo the premises 10 I JOHN T. MORGAN I June 24. 1852 if FAYETj'EVtLLE, TIN. DEALEKS IN I TIedlciiics, Taints, Dyc-Slulfs, Pcrfiinieryj Brashes, Oils, Surgical Iiisliufnients, I I raucy Ai'licics, tracts, Ac. LOOK TO VOLIS I5TERESTI ii iLn Lf vu.Mfc.aii )c luiiuwci ui 4-3-uiiii and the public generf lly, to Diemer St Hampton's! Medical Depot, where fori will rind a snlendid assorlmtht of I and vLieuuiuc Medicines, select ed wiih great care the Cistern markets.

Special atiention given to ailing rhysicians bills. Call and exauiiue out stock and prices, "aad you sbail juitej in! price and quality. -J; pri 29, lio2. (hcciirals Pure. April 29.

DIEMER HAMPTON UKlilCiAL ol irare D1EMER fii HAMPTON liquors. Brandies, tVines and hoi medicinal, lor sale cy U1LMLH Si HAMPTON. April 29. Minis and Oils. PAINTS by April 29.

LJd OILS of al kinds, for slle U1EMER fit HAMPTON. Glass. TIN DO GLASS of -al sizes.Jfor sale bv -I ApriK29. POT HI OA KYI'S FURNITURE, and VIALS assorted, for sale by I April 29 Dlli.Al,t ot HAMl'lUi. rf- To the Ladies.

Wt funo rooivnl a snlpndid Bisnrt ment of Perfiinteries; also, a ruag-nificiMif hf Hards. I Alotioes. Enve lopes, Note and Latter PapeX to which we to Uely invite Hour special jtiecnon. viive us a call, and we endeavr to please yoti. DIEMER HAMPION April 29.

IJOOIiM JcT Opened, alt uf BOOKS, uiUoli Lfrsl nnvJ vr lirnlirrlif In this market, among whiclji are to he lound, Historicaf, Pbencal. Blank and School Books, that are generally used. DIE.MER Anril29 I i "BlTE naven land a tine assortment of Post, Note Ud Cap PAPER; ENVE LOPES of alt kinds; PENS bf every descrip tn. I 'V' I. I i il.ocl rtit'ililtf April 29.

DIE.MER HAM illUiN TO-CHARGlIu lor Prescription, or COSOLTATiilS li RELATION TO 1)13 tASE. plEMEIi HAWrlOiM. April 29V. i 1 i Circnlaimg Library, be continued as heretoiore Hintieit as iirrciuiui DIEMER HAMPTON, April 29. jTIONSTANTLiV on hand, a supplf of ihe n.M popoiaf Patent irienicmes.

April 4J. IJlilllt Mhhi ivn IJ. W. Formtvalt Co IIlVEi st received from Philadel r.hia.a sple lid.d of Copper which thetl frltl'maUe Ut to oidpr ort ihor notice. A iwo setts of Stills orJ hand, ready for sa Call! and see BepairlnCo nil kinds well and 7.

I rompt ly docit payctttrilla.June 10 Ij. i i Special Notice to Afflicted. MITCHELL'S Indian Rhenmatic Extract and Blood Pnrifier; a ceitaia Cure for either lattammatort (Acute) or Chronic Rheumatism, Necralgia. and Goct. This valuable remedy stands without a rival in the history of discoveries in this or any other country, in curing, those painlul and paralysing; diseases in their various forms.

The vast number who have. been cured by thd use of this Extract an- Blood Purifiei, during their discoveiy, demqnsirates this lad. Not only recent I acute, chronic, or innaratna-tory rases, butold chronic cases of ten, twen: ty.and even forty years standing, when they had not only tried eveiy ottier internair aud external reined of which they could Jiofcr, but at great expeuse had visited, the various watering places without obtaining relief some who ere reduced to a nere skeleton, Without and limbs paralysed: iese have been permanepily cuied, are now enjoying excellent health, are able to follow their farmer avocations with, their agil ity from the use of these These facts are fully substantiated by published testimony that cannot be gainsayed; but can be touched lor by Ihousana Also, MITCHELL'S Indian Iiar-' rheca Cordis land Couli Drops stand unrivaled ciiriug pulmonary diseases any affection of thp! Lungs, as Coughs Colds, and everything of tha naiare of Diarrhea by the use of the Diaihcea can be speedily slopped, whether chronic or acute long or short standing. To be bad: of G. B.

McKENZlE, Fayetteville, Tenn. Thesubscriber also has an Infirmary in the city ol Nashville, on the corner of Vine and Demuinbrane sireets, for the recepl.ou and accommodation of invalid, wishing to come under his immediate and personal care. He will, moreover. cort the lollowing diseases: Dyspepsia, Ulcers, Colds, Cr-ughs, Canceis, Piles, Sore Eires, Scrofula, Diseases ot the Skin, Dianhoa, Gravel, and Asiluna. Females suffering irom irregularines, nervousness and debility can le permanently, cured.

Diseases of a peculiar characiei I guarantee to remove in Tew days, without olfensiva cr deleterious medicines. Invalids from any section of the country, by addressing a letter, (post paid) statinff the symptoms ot their dis eases, and enclosing a fee of least Irom $3 to $5, as a compensation lor ccc, cao have medicine and full direction forwarded to them, in any war they may direct. I J. MITCHELL, Indian Botanic Doctor, Office, Market-street. three doors from the Puo.ic q'iare, siga ot the Indian, Nashtille, Tekh.

Lincoln Cocntv.Tesk. May 2. '52. To all afflicted with Rheumatism, the most painful and annoying of diseases in ihe whole catalogue of human sufferings, I would say, apply to Dr. Mitchell, or his Agents, for some ol his invaluable Indian Rheumatic Extract; anJ I ventuie 10 assert you will not be buscsed but find teliel Irom your sufferings There is a great aversion to Patent Medicines Red, Spanish Brown, Lamp-by the public generally, as they have been so I black, tted Lead, White do.

Litharge, often deceived; but this invaluable remedy is Crome Yellow and Green, Paris Green, rtorlhy a 1 rial, and has, so far, proved efleti- ual whenever tried. I will give a briet statement of my case, that those who have' been long afflicted may not yet despond while Di. Mitchell saivives, Having been afflicted wirh this worst of inaladie for more than six years, being con-lined to my room a great poriion of the time, and unable lo lie by day or night my joinis stiffened, my miiscles partially ossified, and so much enunciated as to seem more line an inhabitant ol another worldoiian this. Having tried every physician ol any' note ol whom I could bear, all proved unsuccessful. I bad entir-Iy despaired of recovery, expecting lo spend (not enjoy) the life of the invalid, when I chanced to see nn account of the wonderful cures eflecied by Dr.

Mitchell's Indian Kbeu-matic Extrici. 1 resolved to give it a fair trial as 1 had ail other Physicians who tried my case, notwithstanding it was a patent medi-1 cine, in which I could not exercise very .1 strong lann: wnen 10 my greai surprise bi.u satislacuon. be ore usins it nore man tne iiainn it I li a 1 tK i4iort space of -one mouth, it has been so lar arrested in its ravages upon my system, ibat I can alaiost venture to assert though of long that it is entirely expelled from its stronghold, though apparently so well forti- hed. i L.ess than one month is a snort time to oute an enemy hicli has Deen soieiy en gaged in erecting fortifications jfor near seven vears. I can sav to ihe afflicted.

try tor your selves, if you wish to he in the vigor and lull bloom of health again. Yours truly. F. M. Hcblev.

June 10, 1852 ly i i AT COST. A DTI FUL Muslin de Laines, Embroi dered. Printed and Solid Colors; Plaid, Black, Alpacca, Bombazine, English and French Merinos, at i J. L. THOMSON'S, South East Corner of the Public Square.

Apr.I 22, 1852. Circuit Court for Lincoln County, Marcli Term, 1852. David C. Hall and otheBi jor Bale of vl' Slaves Jefferson Wilson Jt others. ON motion of complainants' counsel, and i.j appearing to the satisfaction of the Clerk thai the delendants, Jefferson Wilson anil wife Clarence, Mary, Sarah, and Aaron McKinney, Josephine Wilson, Miles Nes bell and wife Adaline, and three minor heirs of Caroline Edmislon whose nstiiM are not known, Samuel D.

Pinson and' Richard A. Pinsoa are non-residents of the State of It is, thetelore, ordered that publication be made lour weeks in succession in the Foyetltvile Observer, a news paper published in the town ot Fayetteville. Tennessee, commanding said defendants to appear before the next Circuit Court to be be holden at the court-house in the town ol Faveitevnte, onjhe first Monday in July next, to answer complainants' bill; otherwise, ihe same will be taken or conlesseo, and set down for hearing ex parte as to them. JAMES i. CHILCOAT, Clerk'.

June 3, Selfitiff Out: Iktendisg tu retire from the Dbt Goods business. I will sell my pres ent stock al -reduced prices for cash. ofio punctual dealers on time. If you wish to purchase I call and see. They Must, they shall go no mistake! 1 i GROCCUY BL'SOESS Into it asuinl 1 have a W5-, -ZIP' hdavv slock ct iirown Crushed and Loat is gar; Government Java Cnffeeh Extra Good Rio Coffee; Extra Fine Golden Syrdp; Reboi eu Molasses; Barrel Salt: Fine aek Salt; Coarse Sack Casiirjgs; All of Jhich dill be sold a reduced prices for cash.

For money in hand, I will sell IRON, by the qu ces, with ca price on tune. Entity, at shvillepri-rriaCel The same old ll. IS52, SHAPARD. Bitriel tit, At 55 "cents cash. Ju'oa 10.

i SHAPARD, i rtrt Havk recently received lhe' Dru Storei North side of the Public Sqoare, Fayetteville, fresh Ironi Fhrl ad-lphia and New xorrn uuru-jeaij uiuuer, lu, afuDPlv of etHDias Mdicineir! Dtugs, charges on1 lands lying Oils. Varnishes. Dve Stuffy Window P-trninrv. fine Soaps. Teas, Sni.fT.

rtruars: tiae. com- lllliw -ir-B Tohacca. Siirffica Instru" fee. which makes then stock uo- surnassed if eaualed ty an esiablishmeotifl; Uerk'sleel outride of a cuv They have on hand, and are daily receiving, an extensive collection of the best Patent Medicines extant. Their stock of thii kind ol Medicines embraces most of the popular pieparations ol the day Haying obiained our Drugs and Medicines in lact.

every thing we hava in store Irom the most reliable Druggists we leel no hesitancy tn recommending ihem to the public, physicians, and merchants generally, as pure and genuine. Being resolved to continue a permanent, reliable Drug business iln Fayetteville, onr customers and the community generally, may rely upon our statements won most implicit confidence all articles' shall cme UV represeoiattons giveni. i The ladies in particular, auo pn. I inilfali ffk Iltir neoualeJ se- lection ot i'criumery. decidedly tasty.

Coine tha first opportunity and view them. Farmers, Merchants, and other business men. will be supplied with Castor Oil Sweet do. Spirits Turpentine, Paregoric, Uioaanum Essences, Pateul Medicines, Sic. 6tc.

by the duzeo if desired. I The orders of local physicians and all others promptly attended to. and thd 1 pre scriptions carefully compounded liberal trade we ftave neremior eu-ioved. encourages the belief that with our extensive and well selected supplies. can meet all demands in our line, to increase of our business.

I May 20, 1852. ILinimcnts. A LARGE and useful collection! the best Liuitnciits, for sM of all cheap by McKLKUV CRAWFORD. EXTAT OF COFl'Ml. cELROY 81: CRAWFORD have just received a reh supply of tXtruct of Coffee, which they offer low.

i May 20, Pi'RE White Lad in any quan tity desired may be had by applying to May 2'K McELROY CRAWFORD. Indigo and Madder. very best article ot ludlgo iou ITIadder constantly on hand. 1 May 20. McELROY CRA WFORD.

FAINTS! Prussian Blue, Just received, and for sale bf McELROY tr CRAWFORD. 1 i i -I LINSEED, Sperm. Fih, Neatroot, Lar.d, Castor, Sweet, Olive,) Cod Liter Oils, for sale by McELROY CRAWFORD. May 20. 1 Tullahoma Lots.

fTlTlE undersigned ha? laid off block! of JL LOTS of several acrea in each, for pri vate residence and is jnowi prepared to sell ihem at private saie io inps4 win ucsire 10 have summer residences, in the beautiful and healthy Itown of Tullahoma. We have in the Town Site, bes-idrs te most healthy atmosphere and pure freestone wa- a ciost: ex-elleni Chalybeate, Spring, 1 1 whicn supposeu to oe mixeu wiin wane i sulphur. vy May iW. 1852 if. MOORE, Agent, New Arrangement.

SflHE subscriber has bought the interest of H. W. II. Mooaes. in Ihe Store Ho us, Goods, Books, Noies, and Accounts, of Moobes Thomsow.

and the sulcnbef is alone authorized rto collect. the amounts due the firm, and is responsible, for us dlt. Being permanently located in the mercantile business, I respectfully' ask a call from the purchasing puMic. My Goods are offered as low as those ol anv House in Fayetteville. Try me.

I JAS. L. THOMSON. Jan. 291952J Staple and Fancy Goods.

A rri.Li supply, bf everj variety, quality, and i Come and ses. Jan. 29.1 J.L.THOMSON. cioths. I Brown, blue, black, and green, of every quality tine, super-1 fine, aod common.

I J.L.THOMSON. Jan. 29. Silks and AYorsted Goods, A For Ladies' Dresses, very low come sojn, if you want a gdod article Jan. 29.

I L. THOMSON. qtteenswarc and Hardware. A general assoriment ol Igoou anc common qualities which we ara of frin? astonisninglv low. 29.

i J.L.THOMHON Jan. Sugar and Coffee As good an article, as can found in Fayetleyille, andj as uuv unr can aiioro to sen. A Shoes and Boots, Cheap. T. A DIES Kid, Calf, n-l Kip Snoes and; Ji Gaiieis iupetfine article; Men's Calf.

Goatee and Kip Shoes; do line and extra fine Calf VVir Proof. Call! and 44.1D do do heavy Kip and Mud Boje and Youths' extra iUe Xorrn nroTan wood article. do do Come in soon, and let me see what can be done for vo'i. Come come and see. April 22.

THOMSON. Always on Hand. rr? ProAR. CoflVet. CastincsJ Nails, UZSM Iron.

Steel; ifih. Trace, Stay, tireast, and Tongue Chains; Stretcher, and Cross Cut Saws. Tell all come and see. it'ti. i MUAiaUii.

ChcoB Cash br Credit Corner. April 22. 1 852. Dr. W.

W. 5rNELLEkr, FAYETTEVILLE, TENS. WILL continue to devote hi exclusive In iKn 1 4 I 'if ft ltflfi(ITie in iis various blanches. jHe hopes by close atienunn lo his rrofossionj to men! a couunuauce Cl: um niiiiut i I Ofilce.ona door North of Ross' Law Office. Hoy 27, 1X1 II.

1 1 Sundries. Hats and Caps. Boots and Slices. Thread; To- fine and common, 8tc. Jan, 29 J.L.

THOMSON. Mosdat ihe 5iH day ol Jut.T, 1852. jV at the court hoose Fayetteville, 1 wilUffei Lloor in the itown or or sale to the high-- t4 satisfy tnMS and 0 Lincoln County, he taits there, n'r for the year I muio due aod unpaid 0 wit: 1 Julio Williams' heirs one tract of Lar.dV' ,20 acres. Iv in? til District No. 2d.

tents; Collector's te valued al $100; taxes Z'l rioter's fee I W- David Push, one tract of land, 300 -re. ivinrin Civil District ,10. valued at t3 9 le Clerk's far taxes r.enis; Collecioi s)l 50: Printer's pO. Sarah Mo ore. one tract of land, 2UO ictts.

Jyinj ia Civil District No. 24. valuei at 75; tass It Clerk's fee 5i; cents: Collector's lee Printers f-p kl Jaiies Mcore. one tract of land, 204 acres andorje pole. If ing in Civil District No.

24. valued at $7t taxe.i Clrik's feejl ar cents; Collector's fee Printer's fee 1 land, 200 acres, lying ftis Ront. one tract in Civil District No-55 cents; Coliecior' 24 valued a 250; taxes fee SI: Clerk'a fee SI 5C Printer's Je $1 5i. auies Shellon.ooe trail tind, 50 acrt-s. lying in Civil District 25, valued at fee Cleik's ft taxes 33 cents; Collector! 5(1; Printer's tee $1 one tract of land, 14 Sutlivan.

acres. I in? in iri District No. 6, valued at $70; laxts IGceuls; Collector's fee Clerk lee 51 50; Pnntff 50. Faulkenberijy. oue trad of land.

100 acres, lyiog in Civ.i District No. 0, val- ied at $300; taxes bo i fl; Clerk'jt fee1 50; William Davidson, one uis: ColieciorV lee rinler's lee $1 50 ilaciof land, 70 acp lyingr in Civil District 10w valued at $500; taxes $1 10; Collector' tee Clerk's lee 5 1 50; Pnnter'afee $1 50. one tract of laud, 40 District No. 3, valued Alexander Crawford. acrrs, iyitig tu uivu $300; taxes (X cents; Collector's fee $1 Clerk js fee 50; Punier 5U.

WM. DY ER, Tjx ColUctor. April 22. 1852. Spring Circular.

IE have been tecetkiug scrrLies froui the Easte Cities lor several weeks and now have the pleasure ol an- nounciug that, we have store a verv ex- TF.HSltE, EE AUTlFl'L BOf VARIED Stock Ol whtcoj we would le mlith ased to hava our old customers antl i the trading public generally to call soon an examine. buy our UnoJi nil thel best markets in the United States, on the must lavorabis terms, aud being wiilin to- sell at a very email advance on cos will bUVr induc- roents which cannot la to suit purehnseit. We trust by keepiug a riur to none, and an Mock ol Goods i te creased eudeavur to please, lo merit and receive a continuation of the very liberal pairooa le extended us stneo- our commencement nil and lor return outiacer which we beg Itave id thanks. Very renptcilully. GOODRICH, BCCHA.WN BEAVCKt.

April 15. 1852. New Beaulifu and (hcJp I DUES GODS. 5Ti; The attention the Ladies is rar- 032 ticularly called to one of the mosi XS- hnndsoiue stocus ol' Dress Good ever displayed in Faye teville, cumpf isirg Rich i brocade Uress bilks; superb Damask soiendid Embroid do Rule do mazn liceni Flouuqed do Ilk Gto Rhine ahd Watered do do Brocade and Dkiuak do fine Eoibruidered tan Striped Betaxtai elegant Printed Clip lleyr; beautiful Plaid Poplins; handsome Figured Grenadines; Paris Printed Ueraj i Je Lamrs; Lawns, Tarlatans knd Prints; While Goods, Ginghams, These Goods are vei i select, embracinj all tae latest are much finer out. Some of llit STILES than any heretofore brought to this market, and we rely oa the hue lasin -of the Ladies of Lincoln 'o ensure their sale.

GOODRICH, BUCHANAN BEAVER. April 15. Lace liod, etc. LACE3, Edgings atid lnserungs; CaJ)es, Collars anjl Hudertileeves.Chernizeltesand Mantillas; Linen Caruo Handkerchiefs Neck Ribbcnai Berags and Crape, Shajwts and Lace VeiU; Bontsei and Sash I llbuns and TrimmiDgv Wreaihs. Flowers andjTabs; Mm.

Gloves and Hosiery; Parasols, Fane, Jtc.Stc. For sale very cheap by OOODSICH, BUCHANAN 4 BEAVEaS. April IS. La. I- 530 Bonnets omprising every va- 2L riety ol the laical ana most fceuutiful styles just received and for aaic low by GOODRICH, BCCHANA5 Jc BEAVEKS.

April 15: Clatlis, etc. i GENTLEMEN would do well to call at the" store ol Goodrich, Buchanan Bea--vert where they will find an unusually Urge amf very superior assortment of Cloth, assinieres in great variety, and which they are anxious to sell at lawer prices than' Goods ol the same qualities have ever bten told in this-markit. Givn them a call beforv buying. April 15. I Hats We have jut received cheap I Kossuth, Magyar, Plm, Leghorn, Niar-I iciibo and Panama ilats.

uraking our asori- inent decidedly the largest and most couj- plete have ver GOODRtCH, Bt'CHANAN BEATEUI. April 15. Boots and Shoes. SI cisES Boots Shoes BroJ gans and Ciaiterw, comprising every style and quality h-r Men's, Boys'. ouilis Uadies'.

wear received acu for sale ai remarkably low nces by GOODRICH, BUCHANAN A BEATSRS. April l5. The Subscriber KEEPS CONSTANTLY on hand at hi old stand, the Tau-jYard, an kxcet-lent supply of BOOTS and SHOES, HARNESS and SADDLES of ail kinds; togeihcr with UPPER, HARNESS and SADDLE LEATHER, of a superior qual- ityj all or which will be sold low lor casn. or exchanged lor barter. Apr.I 1, 1853.

JAMES II. COBS. Turnpike Notice. TOTICE that A per oeuioo eaeli tha" uf slock subscribed in money tv "he Fav-etieville Mulbetry Turnpike Road, is! required to be paid to 'Jumti Drizht. Treasurer of said Board, on 01 beiore ihe.

hist tiVhrunrv il. A i.d ueieuy cirio ijinck cf 5 per tent, io I paid on the 6rst of eadi an eve I a until th-r whole amount is pM tu.J 111 liU 1' W. 1 iW itie uoaiu. Vf LE Srel'ij. Jao.l 1652.

1 I i i.

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