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Thomas County Cat from Colby, Kansas • Page 5

Thomas County Cati
Colby, Kansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

-Sf' "-v ris FARM LOANS! CHATTEL LOANS! HY. fife." IJ3 its jg- 1.5 5 To Whom it May Concern: My competitors will tell you that I am not making; farm loans; that my companies have withdrawn from the territory; that you must make your farm loan through them, etc. In answer to this, I have simply to tell you that I have loaned as much money on Thomas County land as all my competitors combined; that I am loaning to-day more money on land than any other loan agent in the county; that I have a direct connection with three large Western Loan Companies, who are not afraid of Kansas wind and weather, who are in the field to stay, and who Want Your Loans. I may not be able to make you as big promises as some will, because my business does not consist of promises; but I Will Loan you as much Money on as Good Terms and as Promptly as any man or firm making loans in this county. Thanking you for past libe'ral treatment, and soliciting your future business, I yours respectfully, F.


C. E. Kalb, Editor and Manager. THURSDAY. JULY 24, 1890.


No. 277 arrives at Colby No. 278 leaves Col by trains run on central time. Nos. 275 and 27B passenger exclusive: Nos.

277 and 278 mixed same as before. C. ISLAND ROUTE-APR. OOING WEST. DlSt frm Dist frm Day Ni.t Ex Ap-com STATIONS.

Colo Col Ex Sp'tr! by. a St. Joseph Kansas City. CIO 900 1000 624 900 1000 a 152 1049 1110 mla 297 7 15 GOING EAST. a 75 27 950 800 a 222 541 254 a 624 402 900 510 610 388 900 510 Denver COLBY Kansas City St.

a 9 45 Local freight trains will run ahead of timeor be annulled at the company's pleasure. Ail trains run on mountain time west of Phillipsburg. Accommodation daily except Sundays. Ail other trains run dally. D.

Wallace, Apt. Pullman sleeping and free reclining chair cars between Denver and Chicago without change viatbe Great Rock Island Route. L. E. Darrow.

Pres. R. K. Beymek, A. Cas.


AID UP CAPITAL $28,200.00 TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Farm Loans egotiatcd. PERSONALS And Other Items of Interest to Our Readers. W. G.

Weld is now holding a station at Voua, Colo. A. B. Canfield has returned from a visit to Nebraska. Dr.

E.lwards was called to Marysvi lc a few days airo, by the serious illness of liisfon. who resides there. Mrs. N. A.

Sage and daughter expect to go east next week for an extended visit wih relatives and friends Rev. R. McCaslin, of Arkansas City, will preach both morning and evening at the Presbyterian church next Sunday. C. E.

Cosby, of the Wa-Keeney World, passed through here Tuesday night from Oakley, on his way to Topeka aud Omaha. R. L. Chambers brought in from his City View farm a nice sample of his wheat. The berry is large, plump and solid.

C. V. Plott brought to this office a fine mess of roasting ears. The corn is well filled and of the early variety, and is exceedingly good for this season. All those interested in the fotmation cf a base ball club at Levant are requested to meet at the Levant school home next Saturday afternoon.

F. E. Spellman, secretary. N. A Sage has sold his interest in the hotel business, and is at present undecid ed as to what he will do or where he will go.

Mr. Dow is now running the hotel single-handed. The Murray building next to J. M. Summer's store was moved last Wednesday to a lot near the McGonigal property.

The building was formerly occupied by the Free Press. The single "men again gathered enough sand to tackle the married men at a game of base ball and for the third time were defeated, the game to-day resulting in a score of 37 to 13 in favor of the "hubbies." On July 22d an order was received from the superintendent of the Topeka insane asylum for the admission of Wm. J. Bell, who was adjudged to be insane before the probate court by J. E.

Lesh, on July 18th. 1890. Dr. I. E.

Larrick, the surgeon fdentist, of Oberlin. will be in Colby August 4, 5 ana o. xiis worn is so well Known in northwest Kansas that it is unnecessary to more than mention his coming. That he extracts teeth without pain is the ex-, perience of hundreds in this vicinity. i A bad railroad acc.dent occurred Tues-1 r.

day night near Limon, the Rock aoiuuu rouie, caused oy the washing out of a bridge. The engine and three coach es were piled into a mass of ruins, and singular to say, only two persons were killed. One was the faithful engineer. A number were injured but oaly a few seriously. NORTHWEST EDITORS.

They Meet at Oakley and Organize an Association for Mutual Benefit and Protection. The Northwest Kansas Editorial association was organized last Tuesday, the meeting being held at Oakley. Lognu county. A general invitation had been ixtpnded to the editors of Northwest 'vansas. and the result that many vere present, while about twenty-five -ent letters of regret that they wcreTun-able to attend but desired their names enrolled as members.

All weie enthusi astic in having an organization and each inc expressed himself or herself as ready to do ail they could to make the association a success. At the morning session committees were appointed and then an adjournment was taken until 2.30 o'clock. Mr. Kiu-ney entertained them to a roy-al spread at his residence, and prepared by his es timable wife. It was mdred a rare treat for pushers of the faber to be so hospitably entertained, and we feel sure all deeply felt the thanks which were voted Mr.

and Mis. Kinney for the manner in whichjhey had treated the visitors. At the afternoon session a constitution and bv-laws were adopted, and the following permanent officers elected: President C. V. Kinney, of the Oakley Graphic.

Vice President G. E. Kalb, of the Colby Cat. Secretary C. E.

Cosby, of the Wa-Keeney Woild. Treasuier Mrs. K.I?. Doering, of the Sharon Spiings Times. A number of committees were appointed, but as a full report of the meeting, will be sent to each paper in the district, composed ot Clicyeiinc.Rawlins, Decatur.

Notion, I'hillip-s. Smith. Sherman, Thomas. Sheridan, Giabnm, Ronks, Osborne, Wallace, Logan, Gove, Trego. Ellis and Russell, it is unnecessary to give it in this icpott It was decided to hold the next meeting in Colby, September g.

BEGGS' FAMILY MEDICINES. One half bottle of D.arrho.i I BaKam will not only relieve, but effect a ucnu mem ami cun- im case of colic, diarrhea, or inflnu.t-tion of the bowels. Price Scents. Sold and wai ranted bv O. P.

Baujrh. 5 If on want a line gold fillinc of tcth. or teeth extracted, call at th- Opelt hotel July 00 and Att. IM. Shively's dental compiny-will be there three (lavs only.

If you want a set of teeth, come in the first day. TI-iviiiii- onoiio1 (rrict mill in th rwwth- wett parJ )f lIie cilv solic it all to call who desire chopped feed, graham Hour and corn meat 18 11 Martin Edeu. Birthday Party. A pleasant party was given for Miss Mae Donelan at her home about three miles southeast of the city, on Monday evening last. It being her birthday she was the recipient of many useful and handsome presents from a multitude of friends.

The party reached the-bouse i at 10 o'clock and took her quite by sur prise as all had been carefully kept secret from her. The surprise hower was not so great but that she entertained her guests in a very pleasing and winsome manner. A delicious lunch was 6erved at about 12 o'clock. The evening was one of merriment and hugely enjoy-ed by all present, who were the following: H. E.

Morrison and Misa Clara Beaver, F. G. Nichols and Cora Spaid, Will Troutfetter, Miss Finli. A. B.

Cn- field and Eva Bayha. P. Hovey. Miss Tulley, the Misses Carrie McKillip, Pearl 8ummers, Chamberlain, Nora and Anna Fike, Carrie Geyrez. Clara Yousse, Walker; Messrs Clias.

McKillip, J. L. Gurwell, C.E. Dedrick and C. G.

Morrison. The young people disputed at 12:30 and wended their way homeward, well pleased with the pleasure the evening had afforded them, and the many courtesies received at the bands of Miss Don-elan. All bade her a good night with expressions of their delight at the occasion. THE NEW DISCOVERY. You have heard your friends and neighbors talking about it.

You may yourself be one of the many who know from personal experience just how good a thing it is. If you have ever tried it. you are one of its si mnch friends, because the wonderful thinir about it is. that when once given a trial. Dr.

King's New Tlianntrprv PVflr liotrls fi nlnpo in th I1C1I KUlinil house. If yon have never used it and shou'd be afflicted with a cough, cold or ay throat, lung orche-t trouble, secure a bottle at once and gve it a fair trial. It 3 UT' "wL fundi Trial bottles free at Hmntn--R Hrmrstnr ft R. L. Riddle wants a few, quarters of land.

They must be cheap. 18-2t Tkemas Cenaty Kermal. Conductor E. M. Wood, professor of of mathematics in the Baker University, is just the man to fill a long felt want in our county, as you all know his chosen specialty mathematics is the rock on which so many, otherwise secure, crafts go down.

CHe comes highly recommended as an able, enthusiastic educator, possessing broad views with high intellectual attainments. Wc may consider ourselves very fortunate in securing his ser vices. Instructors. Prof. H.

M. Worley, of the State University of Nebraska, is personally known by me to be a man of urirked ability united with perseycr-ence and energy. He comes to us with years experience in all grades of school work, competent sense to fill his chosen vocation. Prof. J.

W. Mc-Dougal and N. E. Pratt, need no recommendation, as they are well and favor ably known throughout the county and their work speaks for itself. SCHOOL BOARDS' DAT.

The morning session on Thursday, August 21st, will be devoted to the interest of the school boards. In the afternoon the reading circle will give their closing exercises of the year. At the close of the institute the school boards will receive the names of those attending, and it is hoped, -in securing teachers th'-y will be guided accordingly. All those who expect to teach in Thomas county must be present. No means will be spared to make this the most successful institute of the season.

W. P. SULLTKAK, County Superintendent. Martin Hampton, the druggists, wish to remind their patrons that it is a dang erous policy to wait until taken sick before buying a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Every family should be provided with some reliable remedy for bowel com-pliiints, ready for immediate use when ever required, during the summer months, and his nmedy is unquestionably far superior to any other.

Dr. L. L. Shively. the magetic tooth extractor, will be in Colby with his dental company Wednesday.

Thursday and Friday. July 30. 31 and AHgust 1 three days only. This will positively be his visit to Colby until late in the fall. Call at the Opelt hotel.

Lamont's barber shop in old Thos. Co bank building for a clean shave or artistic hair cut. Death's Doings. Buschow On Fiida3 July 18. of convulsions.

Frank Albert, son of Charles and Cnristiauna Buschow, aged 1 month and 10 days. The funeral took place Saturday morning July 19 at 10 o'clock from the residence. Rev. T. Shnckleford conducting the service.

The parents have the sympathy of the entire community in this, their sad hour of affliction. CARD OF THANKS. We desire to return our most sincere thanks to the friends who so generously assisted us our recent bereavement caused by the death of our loved one. Mb, and Mils Ciias. Buschow.

BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. The best 6alve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands. Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles or no pay required. It is guarantcedto give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box.

For sale by Martin Hampton. The last chance for you to have the boss dentists, Dr. L. L. Shively and Dr.

G. H. Collins, to do your dental work July 80, 31 and Aug. 1st. Three days only at the Opelt hotel.

Final Proof written, and satisfaction assured by Probate Judge J. E. Lesk, at Colby. Kansas. Give him your proofs.

W.P. Moon will sell flour cheaper thaifanvbody else. He handles thecbest patent Biakeman flour, feeds, and ADVERTISED LETTERS. Letters remaining in the Colby post office for the weekending July 32, 18M: H. E.

Case, Minnie Shoemaker, Hethey Stearnes, John B. Wells, R. W. Wylie, Mary E. Jones, Parties calling for the above letters will please say ''advertised." Daniel Bradbury, P.

M. BEGGS FAMILY MEDICINES. We are introducing Beggs' Little Liver Pills, which are giving wonderful satisfaction for indigestion, co stipation or anv derangement of the bowels, liver or kidneys. Any one desiring a perfect pill should not fail to try them. Each bottle contains 35 pills, and a dose requires only from one to three pills, so one bottle will last any ordinary family six months.

Price 25 cents. Sold and warranted by O. P. Baugh. 6 Chopped feed at W.

P. Moon's. Try his flour. Better and cheaper than any where else in the City. Plenty of money at Thomas County Bank at lowest rates on chattels.

A FELINE'S FATE. Some Young Zadles play a Joke oh CautesHlm. to Break out in Rhyme. The other day some young ladies who reside in Colby not over a mile from theU. P.

depot, conceived the idea of playing a great joke on F. G. Nichols, the popular U. P. agent, and accordingly proceeded to devise a plan which would work successfully without their identity becoming known.

The racked their brains from forehead to cabbage neck and at last the dark tragedy, had materialized in their brilliant minds. The? procured the remnant of a Cleveland campaign an old white hat with democratic proclivities and within its ancient walls enclosed a feline. With this menagerie and three special trains they proceeded to the depot for the purpose of presenting Mr. Nichols with the present. He was out rustling business for the freight and passenger department, and some time after returned to his office to figure up the number of cars it would take to export the Thomas county wheat and corn crop to the gulf.

His hilarity at finding a present awaiting him might be more gigantically imagined than the real fact portrayed. "Nick," as the boys call him is naturally witty without trying to be so, and can return a compliment about as quick as the next one. He concluded that as a feline had been considered by the ladies as a present of great value, he could do less than pay them back in the same coin. Now, while everyone knows that "Nick" is a clever musici in, an apt conversationalist, no one probably ever dreamed that he was a poet. But he is, and the delight which he felt upon this occasion caused his sentiments te explode in the following poetic style.

Here is a poor cat put iu a box. With all the cuteness to a fox, Left for Nichols at the U. For a Joke on him, don't you sec. Of course 'twas done fair and straight. Not thinking' of the poor cat's sad fate: But reflect for a moment of this way Of being closely hemmed up for a whole day.

The thermometer standing at 10(1, The cat as dumb as dumb brute conld be. Must this poor cat die, here, in despair Just for tho want ot a little fresh uir? No! friend appears at the very last minute And goes to work "for all there is iu it." He saves this ever precious life ltegardless of all forthcoming strife; And with due respect to all concerned That valuable cat is herewith returned And if you have any crows to pick Just cry, ltevcngc! aud go tor Nick. Having been well patronized by the citizens of Colby and surrounding coun try. and not completing all work while in vour rity. wc will visit Colby three da only.

July 30 and Au.j. 1st, the last lime for several momlw 'Shively Dental Co. or the Magnetic Tooth Extractors. Surprised. On last Friday evening a large number of our young people gathered at the residence of Mr.

Fike and proceeded in a body to the home of Miss Cora Spaid, who was completely, though agreeably, surprised thereat. A few hours were very pleasantly passed with numerous games and amusements when refreshments were served. Miss Cora proved herself a most courteous and charming hostess and entertained her young friends In a delightful manner. Those present were as follows: Roll Johnson, Carrie McKillip, F. G.

Nichols and Annie Fike, Phil Troutfetter E. P. Hovey. Misses Bayha and Tulley, Chas. Morrison and Pearl Summers and Carrie Gevrez, Charlie McKillip, Miss Chamber-Iain and Nora Fike, Henry Morrison, C.

E. Dedrick and Jim Gurwell. CATARRH CURED, health and sweet breath secured by Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. Nasal injector free.

For sale bv Martin Hampton. 4 Call at the Opelt hotel July 30, 31 and Aug. 1st and have your teeth extracted by Shively. Go to J. M.

Summers postofflce book store for fresh bananoas, oranges, lemons, cocoannts and hickory nuts. Scattering ShMVM. Dr. Lougnlin, of Blount, S. Dakota, is visiting Dr.

Patterson. Mrs, Fisk is on the sick list. A little child of Samuel Hunt is very sick. Born. July 14th, to Mr.

and Mrs. Wm. Glenn, a son, usual weight, and the old veteran is happy. Last week Ed Gilbert lost a fine mare. Corn in this locality is looking remarkably fine.

Wheat is not all cut, shere not being machines enaugh to harvest the. While some are talking of leaving, we will say do not ont of the frying pan into the fire." Vox Populi. SHILOH-SViTALIZER is" what you need for constipation, loss of appetite, dizziness, and all symptosas of dyspepsia. Price 10 and 75 cents per bottle. For sale by Martin Hampton.

7 McConaick have opened a pro-dace conuBjssioB novae at Colorado Swings, and will pay yon store for all kinds of country produce thaa any other tarMintaecosutty. It will pay yon to trade with tka. Sunday School Convention. Programme of the Summers township Sunday School convention, Sunday, July 27th, 1890: Song Congregation. Prayer Mr.

U. Green. Song Congregation. Address Chris Jasperson, township president. Response Dr.

M. Beaver, county president. Song Congregation. Essay Mrs. Thomas Crawford.

Song Congregation Recitation Miss Jasperson Essay Miss Short. Song Congregation. KOOX BASKET DDiXER. Song Congregation. Recitation By the children.

Song Antelope school. Address James L. Loar. Song Thurford School. Essay E.

A. Morris. Soug By Dane school. Declamation George Burns. Recitation Danna Morris.

Song Mrs. J. W. Smith. Report from the different schools.

Song Miss Crawford. Election of officers. Selection of delegates to attend the county S. S. Convention.

Let every school in the township be' present. Everyone invited to be present. James L. Loar, County Attorney. SHILOH'S COUGH and consumption cure is sold by us on agurantee.

It cures consumption. For sale by Martin Hampton. Any one wishing to take boarders during the Normal, will please let me know immediately how many you can accommodate, and your price. W. P.

Sullivan. NOTICE Members of farmers alliance are here by informed that a nominating convention will be held at hitch school building, Colby, July 26th, 1890. By order committee. L.N.Hitchcock, Chairman. Normal Institute.

The Normal Institute of Thomas County begins July 28, and closes August 22. 1893. Conductor, E. M. Wood.

Instructors, Prof. H. M. Worley, Prof. J.

W. McDougal, Mrs. N. E. Pratt.

W. P. Sullivan-Co. Sup't. For lame back, side or chest, use Shiloh's porous plaster.

Price 2o cents For sale by Martin Hampton. 5 An Old Soldier's Stoky In the late" war I was a soldier in the First Maryland Volunteers, Company G. During my term of service I contracted chronic diarrhoea. Since then I have used a great amount of medicine, but when I found any that would give me relief they would iniure mv stomach, until Chamberlain's Uolic, unoiera, ana uiarrnoea nemeay was brougat to my notice I use it, and will say it is the only remedy that gave me permanent relief and no bad results follow. I takf pleasure in recommend-in it this Dreoaration to all of my old com rades, who.

while giving their services to their country, contracted this awful disease as I did, from eating unwholesome and uncooked food. Yours truly. A. E. Bendino, Halsey, Ore.

For sale by Martin Hampton. luparlntandant'a Quarterly Report. Besiaaitur April 1, 1880. Ends Jutu 30, 1890. 1 No.

of schools visited Number of ooasultatlons with district boards JO 3 No. days oSce been kept opea SB 4 No. examination district clerk's records 5 (a) No.foand as kept by law 3 (b) No. ioc rtcetiykeet 3 5 No. examinations Diit.

treasurer's records 3 (a) No. correctly kept (b)No. iBoorrectly kept 1 No. teacher meetings attended 1 No.of lectures delivered 3 8 Ne'. of oertileates granted.

i 9 No. of meetings of school boards 2 W. P. 8DLUVAK, YVUib XUU sutrtfJiiKwitb Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint? Shiloh's Vitalizer is guaranteed to cure you. Martin Hhmpton.

For sale by 2 Hihgeot Market PrUo. Paid in cash for all kinds of country produce. Bring your poultry, butter and eggs to us, and we will pay you the bard cash. 18 Gakdkkb Cutler. IHotoluUon of Partnership.

Notice is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing between N. A. Sage and F. L. Dow is this day dissolved by mutual consent.

Mr. Dow will continue the business, collecting all bills and assuming all indebtedness against said frm of sage ft Dow. N. A. Sags, F.

L. Dow. FULLER'S ELECTRIC BELT Is perforating remarkable cares all over tke coaatrv. It is a ceasine battery aad gives a bs current of electricity. For foil particalars call oa or address H.

Can-ran, Agent, 17-tf Colby. Kansas. THAT HACKING COUGH-eaa. be so qaickly cared by Shiloh's Care. We gaaraataa it.

For sale by MartiaJkHaaip- Gam Items. Everything quiet around Gem. We got a good rain on the 15th which we badly needed. Our early corn is going to be a failure. It is badly injured Mr.

Sterling Keck has been out from Gage looking after his tree claim. He has his trees in fine shape. He owns the E.i of 23-7-32. He says thinks he will move out and rough it with us next spring. He has J25 acres of corn in Nebraska which he says looks well but was needing rain.

Asa Welch talks of going to Nebraska. Byron Ward is in Colsrado, he reports work plenty and wages good. John Smith got a fine mare killed by lighMiing last Monday. Miss Icy Welch is coming back to attend normal. Farmers are trj ing to saye their wheat.

It is short picking. John Houston has about 500 bushels in the stack. R. W. Bowman is getting ready to thresh.

Mary Ward is busy catching flies. She says she thinks they are so scarce the county will pay a bounty on their scalps. Fox, Mitchell Spalding are doing a driving business heading, grain. They can't cut near all the have contracted between now and frost. There will be lots of wheat lost around here waiting for someone to cut it.

Next Saturday the alliance puts r. ticket in the field. It is likely they pick on good men and elect them. If there is not a change one way there will be another. The farmero can't pa interest and taxes and nothing to pay with.

The sooner we do something the better. The way the thing is and ha- been going on this country will change hands But I think it will take a turn for the better about next November if we vote as wc talk and I am sure we will. A Subsckiber. BEGGS FAMILY MEDICINES. Beggs' Blood Puriderand Blood Maker is working wonders as a blood nuiitlcr.

No medicine has been found its equal. It inorouguiy cleanses tue uioou. mereoy purifying the whole system. It can be given to children a well as adults, with equal bafety. It is purely a family inedt cine, and no family cm afford to he without it.

Sold and warr.inu-d by O. P. Baugh. 4 A Remarkable Case from Illinois. "I suffered for five years with Mercurial Uheiim.itism, which the result of potash and mercurial Ireatm nt by physicians, for B.ood l'oisoii.

They not only failed to cure inu butm ide me a physical wreck my life a burden. I then omniucuccd t.iUin Swill's Specific (S. S.S.). and after Using a few bottles was entirely cured of the iheu-malixin. which the doctors brought on by their remedies, and the blood poison wnich they failed to cure.

I cheerfully commend S. S. S. to anyone similarly afflicted." Jonx H. Lyles, Sorento, Id.

NO TRACE LEFT. Mr. and Mrs. Litell, of Huntingburg. say: "That about one year ago, their little girl was entirely cured of an annoying eruption of the skin nd a local blood di.iorder, by the use of three bottles of S.

There is no trace of the skin disease left, and the blood has been in perfect order ever since, and the general health of the child was never at good as now. They will take pleasure in answering any letters regarding the child's case." Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. Atlanta, Ga LITERARY NOTE. The July number of the Cosmopolitan Magazine departs from its usual make-up and devotes itself largely to fiction and spo.t8.

A new southern writer, Robert Yulee Toombs, of Georgia, comes to the front with one of the most spirited sketches of Southern life yet published. Julian Hawthorne presents a curious study of the Boston girl, asking of her iu his title page. Was It Typical?" Eleanor Sherman Thackara. a daughter of General W. T.

Sherman, appears for the first time in the literary world in a discussion of Three Or-at Philadelpha Training Schools; and Mrs. Roger A. Pryor considers the constitution of American Society an interesting Trout Fishing in Lake Edward and the actual experiences of "Trapping interest the hunter who proposes to roam the mountain ridges during the summer. Arthur Sherburne Hardy, one of the most distinguished graduates of the Military Academy, apd the author of "Passe Kose." which received Iat year such favorable criticism in all English speaking countries, will start this month for Japan with the intention of preparing for The Cosmopolitan, some articles on the military forces of that country, to be completely illustrated by photographs and sketches. lOB BEST OFFER TEX! A.

Hem Departure. 'Beginning with Ihe issue of January 2d. 1889. The Topeka Weekly Capital will be enlarged from 8 to 12 pages, and be otherwise strengthened in every feature. It is a Kansas paper for Kansas people all the lime and worthy, of patronage.

Having made special arrangements with the publisher, we are enabled to offer the Cat and the Topeka Weekly Capital both one year for Every Kaasas awn should have his local paper for home news, and a paper from tke capital of tke state. Give this Maatkmatrial. -i 1 e5 i nit" WSS Y- -'i -o 3 S.Tt- I 13V3 2v --TV- SJM? A- VA-r' JS. vSti vrV 4i, r't-kr TiJi'-i -SJtt Jv-KS I'flgiiT 111 LL'i TT 'n i 11 fcJ-iX trf TtttAJB:.

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