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The Oskaloosa Independent from Oskaloosa, Kansas • Page 2

Oskaloosa, Kansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

1 ir THE INDEPENDENT: OSKALOOSA, SAIWRDAY, AUGUST 3l, i 1 tf 4 if A IO 1 il J3 i I' Cf J. W. ROBERTS, Editor. JOHM W. SAT, Associate Editor.

OSKALOOSA, KANSAS. SATURDAY, AUG 3I, 1861. 'oOTrtikucrnfa bjuLioads. lias demonstrated that in building railroads, the first object to be attained lo.kavt the track as near an air line as possible; and for these -reasons: I. They are lesa expensive to construct Vai ve me tew of 'track -a and machinery.

time. if proposed to make a road from averiworth city to Topeka, we shall vimyJ. iticao facts U) bear upon It. TWO routee are proposed one an air-line, 'the other by way of Lawrence and the 'i Raw river. The air-line will be about kQfifteen wiles the shorter of the two -i routes.

This fifteen miles is all savsd a distance ef sixty miles, the remain-0etfer of'the two' routes beinr; equal in distance ou each line. It will cost, 812.00.) per mile to eon-'- ttruct'the road on the most economical scale. Thaaverage coat of road much 'exceeds these figures. Sixty milea will Of this amount. then cost 8720,000.

A ii two-third, or will be required' to purchase the rails, spikes, cross-lies, pay freight, lay and ballast the track. Sow, if we admit that the of the two routes will be equal aUlat5 miles air-line, will equal sixty by tlie river which is allowing too adiaBacjh-against the hort route, we shall have a dear savin of fifteen miles of at 88,000 per mile, which "ets 8120,000. This much is saved cash to begin with. grading were equal mile for mile, the saving would be still greater, as follows: 60 miles 45 miles 8540,000 difference 8180.000. We believe this the correct difference but tomake the matter sure, we will accept 8120.000, as the basis to calculate w'shiBg to be within the bounds -sxifa all our estimates.

cost one thousand dollars per jniile anuually to keep the road in run- rder. The average in the United "States Is full 81.500 per mile. In this XiTPrticalar, then, we have a yearly sav- 815,000. This in thirty-six 6 years-amounts to 8540.000, the whole frd? le short 'line wad at 812.000 per mile. In 25 years the saving will be in ten years 8150,000.

It will thus be seen that this item Lrn alone will save the cost of the road in -thirty-six yean, without computing the interest on the mouey. But if we take The. half of this sum, 8270,000, and eoaut the interest at eight per cent, per irqawtiaaorwe shall have the sum of 8777, aa and a total amount of v' At the end of 25 years, "we have the net amount of 8562,500, .822,600 more tban the cost of the road (.45 miles at 812,000 per mile.) i3 At 'compound interest the saying would greater. Thus in 25 years the company saves I the ceet of the road dear, and will be worth that san and the principal and interest on 8120,000, the amount saved cash at tlie oalset.for the same period wore tban they would by the other route. The-iutaratton 8120,000 for JSears at eight per cent, per annum I'00' AA and have 358.000.

Add to this tie 8562,590 we liave 8920.500. To this '-WMMit be added tlie interest on 8358,000 i lalftlie' time for compound interest, i.wliiijli4iu a half yeara wiH double the sum, giviug as $360,020 to Hw atheT.Cwmiaga grand total of -i 273.620. Th kterMtoa Erai itm win temljr awall this to cLria oaik at the end of 2 vc. a the fraitt of makug a straight at a croaked road bin. tqiM to this mast be still added the of 'wear and tear of -machinery which will We aa item of bo inconsider abk amouat.

figures look form idabla, batjtlieyare wilbis the bounds, one will find who gives th atlenlion. By tliese 4iraas the cosapuy wul be 8 1,530, 000 richer tlM-y if ill frwrn basis Let as Jtra saosaeat look at the matter from sS oixty mites tjjjej. at, eight, per ceBt. for 9 it jy1 lue imP9 -tnieresi. wm ue f8J 440,000, and tlte amouat 52,100, nJOUQ.

-Tlw iaterest on, the half of this V'a! compound interest gives us the Add cwtiitti-le tost of, a principal expended ba to the amount of 1 8U5W.OO0, wliiclu on interest as above will doable iiself, making 83,000,000, ora tolaltiof 87,320,000, the eompaay expend oa the road at the end of 25 years. Forty-five miles of road cost interest 25 years amount, doubled for compound interest $3,240,000. Cost of running 25 years, $1,125,000, doubled for compound interest, total, difference in favor of short line $1,930,000. Thus it will be seen that at the end of 25 years, the company will be better off by making an air-line than a curved one. Add to this the wear and tear, and we may put the amount dowu is round numbers at too millions of dollars or enough to build the road (45 miles) more than three times.

These three phases will show the saving in every In principal alone the cost of the road is saved in 36 years. A million and a half is saved in 25 years on the inside basis of savings alone. On a square basis of contrast juf expense, ibe saving in S3-years is two millions of dollars. Half this amount wooW be handsome fortune for the It may be claimed that the toad would do enough more business by taking the circuit to balance the amount saved in distance. This is a mistake.

Business seeks the road. It is therefore, fully for the road to go out of the way for the business that will come to it ay, hunt after it on a straight line. It -experience has proved any thing, it is the. lolly ot having through, or trunk lines of railroad to go out of the way to gain a local point. All that the company saves is, consequently clcau GAIJJ.

But there is yet another point. Greater speed can be attained with safety on straight than on curved lines, which is no small item. But if we take merely the distance, we shall find a great econ omy of time. If two passenger trains run dnily each way, we have four trains passing the road. If the 60 miles are ran in three will be ran in two hours and a quarter.

Three hours will be saved every day by the four traius, or, excluding Sundays, over serenty-eight days of twelve hours to the day 'will be saved to each hand ou the train for study or personal ase. Then suppose that each train carried fifty passengers.or two hundred during the day, and each lost three-quarter of an hour this will make 150 hours lost lime daily.or during the year, San- days excepted, 46,750 hours, or 3,896 days of 12 hours in length, which is over twelve years of time No small item. We shall refer to this subject again. That "Secesh" Letter. the benefit of his constitents, as well as those who may say he did aol represent them in the late State Legislate we to-day publish a letter written by the Bon.

Andrew Jackson Francis, who claims the honor of having voted for Mathias and Siringfellow for United States Senators. We have been informed that the Hon. Andrew Jack-sou's friend and fraterntl brother, Leb-bent fitidall, is at present in the rebel ranks in Missouri, endeavoring to reinstate C. Fox Jackson as Gov ernor of that State. While the Hon.

Andrew Jackson Francis claims at borne to be a Union man, when writing to his fraternal friend, Lebbeus Pindall, he puts himself down as a "Southern man ami a secessionist." Hot tliea tins is in perfect keeping with the well known character ot the Rev. Andrew Francis, M. for he pretends to be a preacher, a doctor, a lawyer, a printer, a Master Mson and a member of the State Legislature. And within our knowledge of the Hon. Andrew Jackson Francis he has been pro-slavery maa.

and in 1856. testifi ed before the Congressional luvesliga ing Committee against the free State party; tiaae Umb he represented biamli aa a fraa-ttata aun; then a Democrat, and on the tth of April last he was a "aoalhern man aud a secessionist." He dated his letter in the "Lsgisla live Hall, Topeka, Kansas," on the 9th day of April, 1861, and was notgoiBg to rc-tnrn to Osawkee till "to-morrow," which would have been the 10th; but some way or other, the post mark on the envolopejhows that the letter was mailed at Osawkee on the 9th of April, the Hon. Andrew Jaek-oa wrote: ilia seat in the Legislative Hall ia Topeka. This is bat' sKght discrepancy, however, which, doubt, the Hon. Andrew Jackson can very eisily explain, We know but little about LA.

Town-send, bat bald him- responsible for the assertions he. ha seen fit to make about the Hon; Mr. Fraud; but we have the original letter written by Ho; Andrew Jackson Francis, to his fraternal friend, Lebbeae Piudali, we hare the-assurance front-the Post Master at Osawkee Uwt the registry in'hia offiee coincido-v with, the postmark on the envelope. Any resjioiisible. person wishing to examine the original letter can do so by calling at our office aiid making his desire known.

It is perhaps proper.for the informal tion of those who are not acquainted With the fact, we should state that Andrew, Jackson Francis has. never been a member of the Stale -Territorial Legislature, and the probability is that he ouly wrote so to curry favor with "tfie ii The Mass Meeting. The Mass Meeting last Thursday was mucu oetier atienueu man our township meetings usually are. Democrat and Republicans, pro-slavery and free-state men the -people, without distinction of party, came up together, and their action was harmonious and unanimous. A report of the proceedings of the" meeting, with the resolu tions adopted, appear in another column of this paper.

Let traitors read, and govern themselves accordingly. The mass of the people of towusbip are unconditional Union men, and from such, rebels need expect no particular favors. All persons who wish to be understood as being in favor of sustaining the government in its efforts to suppress rebellion, should come forward and enroll their names on or before, the lOilt day of September. This gives every mun sufficient time to show to the people what posi-'ion he occupies, and it is to be hoped no oue will full to demonstrate, that lie is. unconditionally for the niniiiienance of the government.

Tnc Atiaxtic Moktiilt for September has been received. This number contains an elaborate paper entitled "TheShakspeare which will bo found exceedingly interesting. The Atlantic is a valuable literary publication, and JiS'rves a generous and lib eral support. 83 a year. Ticknor Fields, Boston, Mass.

R. L. Young, who came home last week, on furlough pay his family and friends a visit, left here on ThuisJny to report himself to the officets cf his regiment at Jefferson barracks, near St. Louis. He is the bearer of many letters and good wishes to the Oska-loosa boys in camp.

A bkioJy batllewas fought in Western Virginia on the 26th which the Federal loss is estimated at 23d in all, while that of tho rebels is much greater. The Federal forces, 900 strong were suirounJoJ at breakfast by the enemy who had 3300 iufantry and 400 cavalry. The cut thro' the rebel lines, formed again and Gred on them, but received no reply, and saw no more of the enemy. W. Allks returned home on Thursday of this week.after an absence in Illinois of several weeks.

had the pleasure of meeting John Campbell the other day, who Iiai just arrived here from Iowa. We understand he had considerable difficulty in passing through. Missouri, having been interrupted by Br Experiment, Morgan have found that the Chinese Sugar enne will produce a much larirer quantity of molasses, nnd of a better qunlity, than the African cane. Farmers should make a note of this. We intend to notice, this subject at greater length soon.

W. C. Ball will accept our thanks for a fine, large AppleTie Mellon. The 2d regiment of Kansas Yolun-teers have hieti ordered to Fort Leavenworth to test and recruit. They were expected to arrive at Le.ivcnwdnh" to-day.

In another column will be found a couple of interesting letters fiom Camp Rolla, one from Abram Newell, and the oilier from Ca'pt. A. P. Russell, to Dr. Newell, of this place.

MASS MEETING! -000- OsKALoodA, Aug. 29, 1861. Pursuant to previous announcement. a mass meeting of the citizens of Os kaloosa Township convened in Oskaloosa; on tha 29th day of August, 1861, which was organized by electing Jacob Boucher Chairman, and John W. day Secretary.

i On motion ot McMurray; John W. Day was requested to state the object of the meeting, which he did in a brief address, and men movea mat a committee of five be appointed by the 'chair to draft resolutions expressive of the sense of the meeting. The motion earried, and the following gentlemen were appointed as said Joha W. Day, Joseph til Downing, J. BHullinirswoftW, RFul-jer, and W.

CgBalK 3 On Learerton sod Ifel-son Chapman were appointed a committee to wait upon Hon. John, A. Mar tin, of Atchison, who, it was under stood, was at the Dulton House, and invito him to address the meeting. Mr. Martin appeared before the assera-bly and asked to be excused-'from attempting to speak, for the reasons that, having been traveling for four or five days succession he was very fatigued.and was then on a hasty trip to Fort Scott, and had no time for further The meeiiug was then addressed by W.

N. Allen, Noah Leaverton, and Hon. H. Buckmastcr. At the close of Dr.

Buekmastcr's speech the committee, jthrough their chairman, reported the following preamble and resolutions, which were'sev-crally unanimously adopted: Wiiebeas, that portion of the American: -people bow in rebelliou agaiait the United States Government are traitors, perjured persons, covenant breakers and murderers, not only destroying constitutional liberty, but with hellish malice and diabolical hate are killing and destroying their brotheis; nnd Whereas, All our fellow arc equally interested in the. preservation of good government and constitutional liberty; therefore'. Be it Resolved, 1st, That it is the duty of all our male citizens to publicly pledge themselves to sustain the present administration at Washington, 111 i8 efforts to suppress the iufainou. and wicked rebellion now existing against the United States Government in various stales and-territories of thtsr nation. 2nd, That a persistant, refusal on, the part of any of our citizens to -make such a pledge, will be deemed prima facie evidence against such persons as being in sympathy with the traitors against the United States Government; and they should not be permitted to carry or possess fire-aims of any kind, or other deadly weapons.

3d, That friendiy or intimate correspondence, cither written or vibal, with traitors, or persons known to be disloy al to the United States Government, or in sympathy with traitors, tlie same bhall be regarded as evidence of evil intent against the United States Government and the peace of Knnsas; and any person or persons so offending shall be deemed guilty of misdemeanor, and should forfeit their citizenship in the Stale of Kansas; unless tltey shall be able to prove their cotrespon-deuce favorable to the United Stales Government nnd the peace of Kansas. That any aud all persons convicted of acting as spies for the rebels, or aiding the enemy of the United States Government, or of committing overt acts of treason or rebellion, either in this Slate, or any other Slate or Territory of this nation, being a citizen of Kansas, or otherwise, but owning property in this State, such persons should not only forfeit their entire property and personal, which they. my claim to own this State, to inure to the benefit of the'U. but also forfeit their citizenship within this State. 5th, That the civil and military powers of Kansas and the Uuited States should promptly enforce the laws against treason and rebellion, and speedily and summarily punish the guilty: Gil), That it is the duty of every loyal citizen of Oskaloosa Township over the age of sixteen, to enrojl his mime in some military company, for home protection, thus lending his influence for me support oi me uovernment 01 tlie Uuited States, and of the government of the Stale of Kansas, even thouh ho physically unable to do aciive4mon-riii where lie can get belter treat- duty.

7th, That all loyal citizens 'of this township should consider themselves Committee of Safety, and that each member of that committee report in writing to a Central Committee of live, hereafter to be appointed by this meeting, any disloyal act or ids that may come within his observation or knowledge. Alter the preamble and resolution were adopted, on motion of J. W. Day, the chair appointed a committee of five, consisting of W. C.

Ball, Noah Leaver- ton, Henry Crabbs, William Butler and Terry Trapp, to present to theBwting the names of five persons constitute a Towusbip Central Committee of Safely. After a brief absence the committee reported the of HeBry Crabbs, M. R. Dutton. HeBry Buckmastcr, N.

Hall and John W. Day, aad recommended that they be appointed said central committee. vOn motion of C. A. Buck, the report of the committee was adopted.

On motion of C. B. MeCktllan; it was recommended lbatail loyal citizens enroll their names, as set forth in l.l September, 18'6f i On Motion of Resolved Fuller, it was ordered that the proceedings of this meeting b'e ptrblfehed in the Imbe- FEMEERT. the meeting then adjourned. Jacob Boucnza, CbairmaB.

John W. Dav, LETtR8 FROM CAMP HOLLA. Camp Rolla, Aug. it, f86i. JTkab PaiVi 4FjtiiBDii I seat myself this morning to write you a few lines.

I am not any wayt indisposed only wjth my wound, which, 1 received on the day of Battle. suppose you would like, kuowaomethiag about this Battle On tlie 9th dav-of August we packed up every tiling to start from camp at Springnehl on, the on tlie 9th we earraled our wagons and struck out about UBset for a camp ot. secessionists, tdistant about 1 5 miles. Ve. traveled all night exeepi about (wo that, we ptopped.aad slept.

At day break wa sUrled from camp: and proceeded to the esemy's camp. Wa attacked them, and. had aa awful har.4, battle, and killed! 6,000 of them; and wa lost about 400 killed and wounded. Among: the. sum-ber killed, Bob's name occurad.

Bob. wa killed while, we were; on llie retreat. A bombshell bursted.Bnd killed bimV and wounded several others. We did not have time to step and bary him then; but he was decently buried after wards. I was wounded jis ibe right hand; the bill shot through my knuckle and fore tinker.

aoc auieritiir very much pain Lreceived one shot, across tiie.back of my lieckbut sliht. Lyon 'was killed right' to our rear. I am disabled from' service ap.w. I don't -UiiBk. I shall be ery ilong.

think I shall try to get 'home imahqut one moatlu I.witb all th other beys, am going to qui then. I aa going to get some money, I do col know what we shall do aa yet We have retreated from Springfield to Holla 120 miles.) I am tired of aohliaiing. We may go to St. Louis from heretauii ap to Kansas. I in apt certain where we will go.

I must close. My love to you all. I am with true regard Your son, Abbam. Nbwbll. Camp Near Holla, Aag.

18, '61. Dear Doctor: It is with feelings of extreme, melancholy that I address you upon tliis occasion. The terrible battle at Springfield, fought on the 10th deprived you of a very promising son, and me of a brave Lieutenant, and, highly chtrUhed friend. He. was killed almost by my side, at the close of tb day.

when we were retiring from the field, by the bursting of a shell. The missiles entered the back part of his head, and he fell a corpse never moved or spoke after falling. He had taken a very active nnd effi cient part through the day, manifesting a coolness and perfect self almost unexampled in one so young and inexperienced tlie field was con tinually in the front of tbeliatlle doing noble execution himself, and irivinr 0 courage to the whole company by his intrepid example. Our first engagement was opened by Mhe- enemy in lhetrJ first volly Gen. Lyon, who was at our bead, immediately, by-our company dead.

Col. Mitchell fell severely wounded; also Lieut. Wiggin. several of oar boys were wounded; among1 them your son Abram was shot' through tlie knuckle of the fore fiiitrerof his risiht hand, aud slightly ou the neck. 1 think the bones of his band were not broken, and that he will have the perfect use of his hand in' due time.

I hall send him to bt. Louis to morrow me tit than is possible here in camp. He has borne bis sufferings on the march here. miles) like a true soldier and philosopher. You havo.of course, seen aa.

account of the battle and bur withdrawals from Springfield. Wo arrived, here last evening, this" i my first possible opportunity of writing Mr. Barnes, the correspondent of the Mo. Democrat, is a bnse, infamouse liar, and tries 'to discredit the Kansas brigade, in whoa Gen. Lyon said on tlie fiqld, he placed bis principle dependence, ami Who' fought- and heldnhe field' two hoars aftor all others were whipped; dweosi-aged and in ha majortty left tho (UU- Wth less lhau mun we them inch by inch a distance of 'nboal two miles; whero they possessed all the strongholds.

had commenced their retreat from the field an and a half before we retired bat wa were so much exhausted that' Wa were, compelled retire having no support. The official report of the. battle will soon be pablished, wheasyoH. will taa Kansas properly mentioned. Where our next point of destination is I can tie 6tlrjwsoluiioTt, by the 10th day oipBotjMtv I.may rf yotf you wHIbewBfiseii.orntfr hemoats, glad to heat frasstyou.

oince leaving rbbsw Uity, We have been so rnceasantly oa the march that 1 have bed no opporttfsity of riltBg you. If you! coald have beea' with as on the memorable fOth, and since, yoa would have made many hearts glad. Ia your aad bereatmeat I aa a true sympathizer, aad with you a sincere moa'raer. With many wishes for yowr, wsJlftre' and happrneu, I aa yoar obedieat friend. A P.

RSssxxc u. "IICISI" iutix BrroB iBBxnBBBKt: For the benefit of the cilizeds of Jefersoa Coanty, yoa by pah-lishiBg the follpVing, letter, Jor the aa-tbenticity of which I bold myself responsible: Lxoislative HaliV Tjpekai kaatae, April 9ih, 1861. L'kbsecs PiSBAu, Paris, Jh: Sir: I arrived, hare on the 5th, and have beea here ever since, not 'even taking tiae suScieat to stop at home except for oar night. a on are aoaoiiess aware or ine circaa-stances under which1 1 -'left'' 8bbU Fe. 1 have Tow nscnd'a horse here, which he can get by sending for it, or coming tier nsu we-uesirv or wueaiiOB take his 'horse UBl.wfally.

I only Wisbad to save ay ioaght wot to have went there ia- the first place, bat having done nothing to aead aay one, aad a abb after uvs, I wished of coarse to get. home awdTbe -asfel The. horse is ready for: deli very" to' any one authorized toreeeive it Raclbced' I send a letter for Towasead, which I wieh yoa to ba a kind: to: fbraard tohia if he aol, to. his wife, as it will go aakker tbaa it woald by Will yea, aa a brother Jsfcs-Ur-Mason, oblige ae thia aa swa as possible? On Friday last I was swora ia, and took my -seat ta uae to vote for 'M. S.

Senators. The Repeblicans of course elected their men. The DeaoeraU made a united effort oa the first ballot, and after tlmt they five of tie, vko are Southern nun and Secessionists, voting for Matthias aad String-fellow; the Douglas Dems. voting with the Repablicaaa for Laae, aad Pome-roy and Porrott. Laae and Pomeroy were elected.

We have adjourned for fifteen days, aad I will go home tomorrow morning. Will you please write to ia regard to tbe Late of Towasead, and let me kaow how matters stand. Direct to aa at "Otawkev, Jeff. Kansas. Yours fraternally.

A. J. Fbabcis. P. S.

If (bey have hasg Town give the eacleeed letter to bui wife." -As the above letter does aol explain under what riroiaefaacse lirl Fraack left Saata Fe, deaying 'the coi mwsioa.of aay cnaw, it' is, perhaps. proper to state that he was is the habit of the aasi sbaaefal iatiaadr with some of oar eelored which coaduct oar citixeas revolted, aad be was obliged to fiee for his life, taking with him a very valaable horse belong ing to bm without the leave of. aay one. Mr. Francis seeas very solicitous ia regard ta ay persoaal safety, but for what caase I aa usable to say, anless it be that, having' beea aalawJidly as saulted with.

a deadly weapon, having two of, ay ribs broken, I waSi arrested for Ii 1 have oosa- milled aay criae, I hold aysalf re- poBsible to the, laws of aji coaatry I-am still living at the saae plaee that I did when Fraacis took ay hone, aad have not received, aordo fear. aBy molestation, from any Other circuaalaaoes aight be revealed which woald addaolaetre to the apea viable i repautioa which Fraacis, bears, jhwt the foregoiag Ldcea.suScieat tecaviace your eitizeas that thiFiraacia iaaa ia-famous scouadret daserviag the aa-qualified coaumpt of- all good citiieas. Years truly, L. A. Towmbjv.

A Variation or tbb olb Tom. As the Soalhf raers alterly refuse to joia as in the irbod old tune of Hait'Colum- bis, wearegiviflgtbuaHail Cota'abiad tasteaa. Th() Jonrnml des PtinO. om of the aost influeau-il papera ia France, says of the proposed "Southern Coutsde tsyt" 'Let it partus itsowa way; hat oace more mtfst it be proaouaeed that there is, not vpon earth when it u4U find sympathy audt assistance." Dr. Johnson was one day diniag at the house of an English lady when she aska him jf he did nat think, her pudding yery ginid? replied the r' eat moralisC'good for hogi -Shall help oa to awotker ptatefal, askeci the polita hostess.

Rami Clkvelabb. Ausr. 9 Detective aolicemaa King, of York, assisted by tailed Sume Deaa. tv Marshal Archer, of Ohio. amd Daniel S.

Lowber. uf New Orleans, at Crestliae, last Bht. Leahtr aCkBoWlfdges himself a bearer of dis- CtcBes ifoa.BgiaM to Jeff. Davis I 'prokesset etttre rgaeirace ef thtir contents: Tbe dispatches' are' hr bis trank, which was seised some days go7 Tkaoaeers, with the Mcva lametimtely: tor Wash jagtia.Ti Aamst of Co uktebi TW wetoctiTcPelica harearrtdaad prisoned at Baffalo, N. eae frit-of Arxa's Catbabtic Pilu Their deb etion was aceoapliahed at iLa Atxit A Co, rf comsaeadarMe eBergy aad firoafniitada im-pTtecUg'tktfnhnt treei aiposH Wtaiieas of their' lavalaable mediemas.

DocVATeSASAriMLLA? Pbctosui. aad Pius havecoae bi staple aeessities with the eoaaaiitv. Laad.the.iBspeaiimB, ajtoa the. sick, of fab-' ncations of ihem. iain fact tbe ebasasi-Bsatiqaofvilliaay.

We hope the scoaa-' will get their due, nd ia the pry fi wtrxt oyn7 ySHjhfAS Cos- iroa.Unio, ctoaea liu spetstr ib Congress as follws: some years'heace -I woald fa'ia hope, some preseat gB4hatioa-will deatuid to" kaow the' caue ot au, iuis aaq soaw.ages aeresi-tec, the graad'aad iaaartail tribaaal of history will make solemn and dilumt inqaest of the aathors of this ternsls revolutioicaiqg 'Traeliisteiy wiM haad' dawn te pas-tritylh aathoreM'Ahuteiriele rtv-oluti'aadhifh-ea lAeroll ofiafc- theaaae of. sympathy withaid eBcowrageacat of treasua, hw eeatris-aled ta ariag oa this ruthless sad as-JBStifiahlfksaiBsC'tbe Repablk. -'Swb'Rkbxttbb If: "Aa elderly allies ftU Fust Veraoat regiment, arose, tallofeatas- swam, aao ssaa sawtaaaaea teaiBi she was able to do-seaaetbiag tot ktr country; her two sons, all she posssst-ed ia the world, were ia the regtsMt; aad the only thing she bad to rtgrti was; that she coald have knows it wojtld barefar-nished more." THE INDEPENDENT. rCDUSIIED XVEBT WXOSESOAT, Otkllfl, Jefrcrset fMltf, lUtH. TERMSIOF SUBSCRIPTION.

Siagle copy oae iaasvsnee eopiM oaa vsar to oae addnw Twenw Ftfiy IMS Vtim saos TERMS OF ADVERTISING. Oae squar. lilina or iattriiua Mi caca aaoKKxiai two inoitlh, A twelT iw VIIW OacyurUeala ia tweWa" CEaagraUi qawterty OacaaltofacolaSM- ilria a -six twt Chaaccftbl oa afteriy- saw 2Jl 4W MM 3flH ii MN TiOtt Uae ralauia jana, saoasas. 0 WW.M..'IV Editorial aotieaase cants ar list: LoesI cats Fgcaaswaadac mi of csnUiiitft focufire. oaa dollar aLa ball ia awraace.

Veariy aovWUMr wiirW itnd wfar naartariy.fiaastaat a4wtissiwu oHt be pail ia aaVaac. Csamnalsatiaaffa ft-oaal wilt ba ebaifW oaa dollar pr taare, to be Mt ia nonpareil. OtXALMfA ftldt CHIHT. COKRKCTKOBKBT.WiCB&ar -i Fioar, prr 10 as 150 GetaVsar Tw X.W lw ii Cara ileal- eSatoaa Beaas Dried Feacaea per Graca perita. XaftTwABaVBa JMtttCf 3aee-aaH sar 'A ffi.ullJ Sides 7 .1 MK SawCawstas Tallow --to Rica RieCoaW- aa 3 BrowaSacar Sugar HaaeadyraB par 1.

MasieMol; m. t--nts aryd Browa abretlac Mas Brogaa Sheas ll.7J- ioetvi. aatSi.iw.U Dry, Hidw Or4a 8 A a i Mil ii.jE.- Cweac-TBtia -1 I- Rfca. Str-viea ia ibe Si K. Churah ia O.kat-oa oa Saad) follow 1 Siiaday Schoetaad WMe Class at a.

h. PrasehtagatlOl A.M. aad PrayMatK at BMui- Jsah Than.wiUaCeaMal ftarHasu 1' ow THaJaJajB-aS If isv vCiuseaa inn atraatataara waaeetfally infill araBBstawasf i.iW arVX TT Isaac IWor. IRaeraw Caeaea-Tsaa ragaUriyuia l'1? wtaa1aa-adlaaBSaaaja erermg a. g--it, TpVr.

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