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The Democrat-Sentinel from Logan, Ohio • Page 3

Logan, Ohio
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

fPr" rr-r- mawawwwi Biui ai mwi 3" IV Lis. fik Dr.M i les1 Anti-Pain Pills r-v-i I i FOR Sciatica. Rheumatism. Backache. Pain inchest.

Distress in stomach'. Sleeplessness Headache If you have Headache tui llillllllii iB Sli JTLj iJ Wr" --v 7 sz. VTii ISS lira jgfflttiBfllr jaaS iJcjrtriQ. IK iv Try One WMA They Relieve Pain Quickly, leaving no bad After-effect WWMtfStfM Take ONE of the Little Tablets and the Pain is Gone. 25 Doses 25 Cents Never Sold in Bulk CO RATES OF TAXATION FOR THE YEAR 1907.

In pursuance of law, J. W. Gabrcll. Treasurer of Hocking County, Ohio, do hereby certify that the number of mills levied on each dollar of property listed for taxation within said county, for the tax year 1007, Is as follows: FOR STATE PURPOSES: Sinking fund .10 University fund .215 State Common School fund 1.00 m. Total Stale Levy 1.315 m.

FOR COUNTY PURPOSES: County fund 3.00 County Road fund Bridge fund 1.05 Special Bridge fund, Youngs Ford 1.00 Building fund .555 Election fund .10 Judicial fund 1.20 Pike, Improved road, Bond and Interest fund 3.00 Poor fund .70 Soldiers Relief fund .10 Board of Agriculture fund .05 m. TOTAL COUNTY LEVY m. FOR LOCAL PURPOSES SEE TABLE BELOW. TOWNSHIPS, SCHOOL DISTRICTS, OOItPOKATIONS a i-l TOWNSHIP PURPOSES to i-l a 3 in CI tCOUPOUATION PURPOSES Ilonlou Kails Uroou Qood Hopo Laurel Miirion Porry Snlc Htnrr Wind 3 a a 3 a a to a 3 a 33 LE'S RACERS Washington r.ogun village I.iuu-olvlllu Vlllngo MurrnvCltv Vlllnun Haydenvlllo Special District (Green) uoro npecini nismct. GlbUoiivlllo Hpoelnl District I.ogun Special District Lnurolvlllo Hpoelnl District.

Mlllvlllu Special District Soutli Perry Special District lltichlel Special District Monday Special District Murray Ulty Special Haydenvlllo spoclul District (Starr) Now Plymouth Spec. Dlst. Union Furnace Spec. Dlst (Starr) Union Special District (Porry) Mound Uroaslng Spec. Dlst.

(Porry) Mound Crn-slng Spec Dlst. (Laurel) Attached Torrltory, Laurel to Attach'd to Colrlan Denton to 1 ill5 1 II 15 ais 1 illR 1 HI 5 ais 1J1I5 1.1)15 1,815 urn 1.315 1,311 1.315 1.SIS I1S l.fti.1 l.lM'i I. Ill 1.31 i.iin l.aiB 1.315 1.1)1") 1.815 1.315 i.3r 1.815 1.8li 1.315 lJHi 1.315 1.315 II ilSo II U55 11 0B5 055 11 G55 II U55 11.1155 I l.C 6 11.655 11.055 11.005 II -Wis I1JI55! 11. OM 1 1.0.: 1. 1155 11.05 11.05 1 1.

115, ll.l55 11.0,5) 11.055 11.053 11.055 11.055 11.055 11.055 11.05.5 ll.lMO 11.055 11.065 11.055 11.055 11! II. 7. a 8 0. II. 8.

17. 10. 10. 11.5 10.5 18. 12.

10. 10. 11.5 12. II. 2.

ia. 15.6 P. 7.5 II. 10. 10.

0. 7.1 tf. 1 0 1 'I 1. 1 2. 8.G LO 1.4 1.

1. .01) 1. .0 1. .0 1.0 1.5 1.5 -as i. l.

3.5 1. 0 l.o .5 2 25 .1 .25 1.0 .2 .0 1.0 .2 1.0 .1 .1 1.0 1.0 1.0 .26 3r 4.1 4 8 0 1 70 30 8 8. 0 1.5 I. 3. 3.5 1.

3.5 3' 1 75 8. I. i. 4. 1.6 3.

1.6 3. 3. 3.5 3.6 .6 4.4 1. .6 .11 .0 II ni jT 1. 1.

1. 1. .4 1. .0 .3 .3 1. 7 0 00 0 (K) 4 00 0 0 7 on o.oo 1.00 3.U0 8.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 .00 0.0) 6.00 0.60 o.oo 1.00 o.oo H.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 in 8.00 0.00 0.00 5.00 0.00 4.00 7.00 1.

.3 0.7 0. 3. 7.0 7. 10.00 5.00 18.00 82.110 25 00 20 00 25 00 30 00 23 00 28.110 20.00 21.00 f8.00 28.f0 10 00 31.0( 42.00 31.00 81.60 28.00 10.60 80.601 20.00 28.00 41.00 iU.OO 80.60 28.00 23.00 23.60 25.00 85.00 31.00:: 21.0') 21.10 2D.00 For the benefit of numerous Logan people, the will give a brief sketch of the racing career of the five Logan horses raced by our home man, S. S.

Rublo, who left Logan immediately after our homo fair August 10, returning home Saturday, October 10, with all the horso3 except the favoito Kid Logan, which wo regret to say, was badly hurt at Lancaster in his of aR much success, 'ns'Kld Logan. Kid lias started in his life, last eon eon and this seventeen timos out of soventeen starts for the for the money, tho Kid has won cloven first moneys and two second, two third moneys aud was twice out of tho money and one of them occurert only by getting hurt. Tho Kid will rotiro from duty very early next spring to bo pre pared for early racing as fast record is expected to be given him, barring accidonts, and any one wishing to communicate with tho owner is behalf of Kid Logan for next season, will have to hurry as his duration at the breeding barn in Logan will bo short. Tho following ore the summaries AND SAVE IT. Says Many Persons Here Can be Made Happy Again.

KID LOGAN READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS The entire Delinguencies, and one-half of all other taxes charged on tho duplicate of 1U07 are required to be paid on or before the 20th day of December, 1907, and the remainder on or before the 20th day of June, 1908. All persons having failed to pay their taxes last June should see that they are paid before the 20th day of December, so that they may not be advertised as delinquent and offered for sale on the Third Tuesday of January next, and thereby save expense. When you ask by letter or by postal card for the amount of your taxes, designate your propeity clearly. State in whose name it appears on the duplicate, Township, Section and number of acres; If in town, name and number of lot, and in whose addition. SEND STAMP FOR REPLY.

Send money by certificate of deposit, postolllco money order or registered letter. When checks given for taxes are not paid on presentation at bank, tax will be restored to duplicate without notice, and receipt given considered null and void. DOG TAX In addition to the foregoing tax there is levied a per capita tax of one dollar on male and two dollars on female dogs, payable in one installment at December collection. THE SCHOOL LEVY given opposite each township applies to all property of the Township School District Including the attached territory, formerly joint sub-districts, of other civil townships. OFFICE IIOURS-Otllco open from 8 o'clock a.

m. to 4 o'clock p. of each day, during the period of collection, and the olllce will be promptly closed at the last named hour. The balance of the day is absolutely necessary to enable the treasurer to close his accounts. Olllce closed on legal holidays.

Tax-Payers are earnestly requested to bring last tax receipt. BRINU YOUR LAST TAX RECEIPT. J. W. GABRIEL, Treasurer Hocking County.

LOUAN, OHIO, OCTOBER loth, 1907 Sheriffs Sale OF OIIATTEL l'KOPKKTY. Dnnlol Gold and Ooorgo ICvmiH, partners, plulntllTH, vs The Korlln llros. Co. and tho Hooking Vul ley ana Uofomlnnts, enoli or whloli nro oorriorutlonu duly organized under ttiu laws of Ohio. HiUd dofondants nru hereby notllled that on tho 22nd duy of August, A.

1). 1V07, In tho court of I). 11. Luppen, Juatlco of the 1'oaco. a JnJKoniont wan tiiken hy tliu plalntlirn, the siiltl Dnnlol Gold und Oucirgo Kvaus, raid dofouditutH, tho said Tho Karllu lirou, Co and tho Hnclclng Valloy Gas Co, for Three Hundred and Thirty-Throo Dollars and Forty Cents and thecostof tho suit, whloli Judgomont up-nohrsby the transcript of mid judgement, tiled aud entered upon tho Kxecutlou doolc-it of the Common Pleas Court of unld Hacking county, on the Oth day of October, A.

1007, with Interest thoroou at tho rate of 0 per centum pernnuum from the find day of August, 1U07, and costs accruing thoreuu. Notice Is hereby given that the uupor-signed Hliorlir of Hooking countv, by virtue of au order Issued out of sulci court In the above entitled cause, will oiror fur talo on Monday, November 4, 1907, atlOo'u a.m., (ho followlngchattols, to-witi 103 ptocesof (ilnoli gas plpa ostlmatod at 1600 feet, Bltuuted in I.uurel township, lot In village of GlbUoiivlllo, appraised at Also the following chatleli situated on the 1), fluid and Ooo. Kvnns (arms, Heollon township of Laurel, Hocking county, Olilo, about 2100 feet of Inch tubing Also about 1HO0 feot of tl Inoli pliio np-praised ut 150.00. Levied upon by mo ns tho property of tho defendants, Terms of Halo Cash. CI! von uudor my huud at r.ogumOhlo, this 22nd duy of October, 1U07.

uEonai: wir.i.iAMBON, Oct, 21, 2-w. Hherlll. Falls Township Election. School Notico is hereby given that there will be an olootion for members of the eohool board of Fulls-township at the tho polling pluoe on November 1007, from 5:30 u. in, to 5 p.

Two members to elect for four years each, V. Bihqht, Clerk, Probate Court. MAItHIAQi: LICENSES. Joseph L. Duplei, aged 21, occupation farming, of Rookbridgo, to Goldie Miller, aged 10, of Rook-bridge.

James II. Bright, aged 22, occupation potter, of Logan, to Gustn Disbonnot, aged 18, of Logan. "William M. Htighos, aged 21, occupation miner of New Pittsburg, to Lulu Christian, aged 18, of Now Pittsburg. John Hoidlobaugh, aged 81, barber, of Adelphus, to Mary R.

Shoots, of Logan. John Graham, aged 27, occupa tion cabinet maker, oT Logan, to ColcBte S. Ilof oged 20, of Logan. Mori Carpenter, aged 22, laborer, of Groen Township, to Mary Williams, aged of Green Township. John Rariok, of Marion, aged 25, fanuor, to Emma Loorono, aged 23, of Marion Township, William II.

Millor, of Rook-bride, aged 10, lumborman, to Llda F. Shanks, aged 40, Rookbridgo. Charles Howell aged 25, of Monday, telegraph operator, to Clara Krb, 91, of Monday. James A. Evans, aged 21, minor, of New Pittsburg, to Oordolia Lanning, 21, of Goro.

Pearl Milligan, carpenter, of Clroleville, aged 25, to Delia II. Cady, aged 20, of Logon. Vernon Watts, aged 20, of Lo-gan, to Clara Huffman, agod 91, of Logan, Jceeph Wolfz, agod 22, pfpo liner, of Rookbridgo, to Yirgie Fauble, aged 18, of Ropkbildge, Silas Reed, miner, aged 31, of New Straitsville, to Dora KieiTor, aged 23, of Lost Run. Clinton Moravy, aged 20, farmer, of Fairfield County, to Minnie Carrol, 18, of Buenavista. Otis Eveland, laborer, aged 23, of Po.

Bloomingville, to Myrtle Huffman, aged 18, of So, Bloomingville. George L. Frnnce, aged 25, minor, of Nolsonvillo, to Mary Bryon, aged 24, of Kaoholraaohor, Pearl J. Poling, farmor, 22, of Galloway, to Ida B. Ashbaugh, nged 10, of Logan.

William J. Grinor, aged 28, railroader of, Logan, to Flossie Unklo, nged 17, of Logan. Jesso Moo, laborer, aged 21, of Logan, to Kato Applogate, aged 18, of Logan. Boiler Blows Up at Kim-berly, Athens Connty. A boiler in tho power house at Sunday Creek Mino No.

84, noar Kimborly, Athens county, Mow up at 0,80 yesterday morning Two men, Clifford Wolfe and Elmer Boggs woro almost instantly killed. Sovoral others wero Injured, among them being Charles Kettle, David Peters and Orn West. Tho power houso, tipples and adjacent buildings were badly wrecked, and many mon will bo out of employment for sovoral weeks. In most caBos consumption results from a uegleoted or improperly treated cold. Foley's Honey and Tar cures tho most obstinato coughs and prevents serious ro-suits.

It costs you no more than tho unknown preparations and you should insist upon having tho genuine Jn the yellow paokago, Bort fc Co. race and is yet unable to move from and stall on the fair ground on ac count of a badly sprained ankle whioh was caught in another sulky wheel while in a race. It is hoped he will be able to walk to tho depot for shipment homo this week. The veterinary don't think tho injury is serious, but is very sore and painful while it lasts, that being the second accident that occurod to Kid Logan in his raoing this season, being laid away from his racing five weeks, right in the heart of the season. Although ho won live good races out of seven starts and got tho money in the sixth race, to como second, only being out of tho money ono race, that being at Lancaster, where ho received his injury; otherwise ho would surely havo been good for second money and that was all he was expected to do.

His owner did not want to got him out his of class this late in tho eoason, as tho doings are expected to bo done next year, if nothing happens and ho stuys sound aB wo hope ho will, as old Logan is entitled to ono good race horse in a life-timo, nt least. Although Kid Logan's racing record to date is not at all a bad one, and in fuctfow young liorses can boast of tho races in which S. S. Ruble raced his fast horses, the horses being: Kid Logan, Eleotric Bow, Jessie Frasure, Peter Chimes, Harry Al- raont. Tho abovo five liorses started thirty-eight races, winning first money, 18 timos, second money, 11 times; third money, 10 times; fourth money, 4 times, unplaced 7 times and bohind the Hag once with Harry Aliuont.

In tho 38 races tho 5 liorses raced 144 heats and tho 144 boats, they were 58 times first; 45 times second; 18 times third; 15 times, fourth 8 times unplaced. The 58 heats that woro won ranged in time any place from 2:11 to 2:40, owing to condition of track. Hud Kid Logan not been laid up five weeks out of nine, the winnings now would have been muoh longer and we aro proud to say that wo raced against lots of good horses and good places. Tho fiold of horseB was generally largo and hard-fought and at different times and placoB was lucky enough to carry off the honors and win tho money from grand circuit liorses, and wo hope Hocking county and old Logan will still be hotter next year. Thoro is so much Rheumatism hero in our neighborhood now that tho following ndvico by an eminent authority, who writes for readers of a largo Eastern daily papor, will bo highly appreciated by those who suffer: Got from any good pharmacy one-half ounco Fluid Extract Dandelion, ono ounco Compound Kar- gon, threo ounces of Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla.

Shako these well in a bottle and take in tea-spoonful doses nfter each meal and at bedtime; bIbo drink plenty of good water. It is claimed that thoro are few victims of this dreud and tortur ous disease who will tail to Una ready roliof in this simple homemade mixture, and in most cases a permanent cure is the result. This simple recipe is said to strengthen and cleanse the cliinina-tivo tissues of tho Kidneys so that they can filter nnd strain from the blood and system the poisons, acids and waeto matter, which cause not only Rheumatism, but numerous other disenses. Every man or woman here who feels that their kidneys aro not healthy and active, or who suffers from any urinary trouble whatever, should not hesitate to make up this mixture, as it is certain to do much good, and may save you from much misery and suffering after while. Our home druggists say they will either supply the ingredionts or mix tho prescription ready to take if our readers ask them.

togotohr for a political flglit in the city, Woro It not only for this Inigo corruption fund thoro would not bo oven shadow of doubt of Democratic siiccoss, nnd it may bo that the boodlo will not cut tho figure hoped by tho blowers and feared by tho Democrats. Social Concert Tho ladles of tho PrcBbytcrian church will glvo social concert at tho church on Frldny evening November nt 7:30. Every, body inylted. Tho following program will be presented, the ladles being assisted by Mrs. G.

C. Weitzel with her phonograph. Refreshments Borvod. Adults 25o and children 15c. Selection Malo Quartette "Tho Lord is Mindful of His Own," (Elijah) Mdmo Schumann Heink "Merry WiveB of Windsor," Melnotto MisB Mnmo Campbell, Miss Nell McManigal Flower of All tho World," Snider: Daisy Watkins Ferguson "Anvil Chorus," (II Trovotoro) Victor Malo Chorus Violin Solo, selected, Weaver Selection Male Quartetto Celestia Aida, Carnso "Hark I Hark My Soul" Male Quartette, Miss Rochester Violin Solo, selected, Weaver Waltz (Faust) Marine Band Notice to Tax Payers.

Politics of Ohio. Notice is hereby given that the books will open for the payment of the December Tax, on Wednesday, November 11, 1907. J. W. GABRIEL, Treasurer.

Times For A VARIETY OF 0 Required for November Election. Many New Officials to be Eleoted, Tho tickets for the olootion this fall will havo a groator variety than ever before in tho history of tho board of elections, ns this your candidates for local ollloos aro largely eleoted. The ticket in nearly overy product will bo dif-foront. For the general olootious, outside of tho board of eduoution, tho tiokets will differ in some manner, so that they havo to bo printed eeperatoly, The ticket, exoept for council-man aud assessor in each preoinot, will of course be tho same, but through the townships eaoh ticket will be different. For tho board of education thoro will bo tho usual number, plus tho now precincts, having different ballots, On eaoh tiokot thoro will be at loast four candidates, and on eomo as mnny as six or moro.

These are arrangod nlphabotioally without any recognition of party, undor tho piovision of the now law and a certain number of tho tiokots in each preoinot must bo printed with tho name of each candidate hoading tho tiokot. For example, if there is a precenot with four candidates for tho board of eduoa tion, there will bo four seperate sots of tiokets, oaoh man's name being placed at tho head of oaoh list. NotloG to Our Customors. Wo aro plouBod to announce that Foley's Honey and Tar for ooughs, colds and lung troubles is not affected by tho National Puro Food and Drug law as it contains no opiates or other harmful drugs, and wo recommend it as a safe remedy for children and adults, Bort is Co, A prominent Republican, holding an important state office, in conversation with a number of friends a few days ago, expressed the opinion that four of the five large Ohio cities would elect Democratic or independent mayors at the approaching elections, adding that this was the belief of nearly all Republican politicians who keep an eye on state and national politics. It is his opinion, and theirs as well, that Cox will win at Cincinnati, and that the Republicans will lose Cleveland, Toledo, Columbus and Dayton.

The big meetings and aggressive campaigning of the Citj Party, as the third ticket is known, and al6o of the Democrats, may change this view of the Cincinnati situation, but there is no doubt that Republican prospects in the other cities mentioned aro far from flattering. Burton is making a game fight at Cleveland, but ho has a handicap in the support of tho street car monopoly which is difficult to overcome. Besides lie is clearly outclassed as a campaigner by Johnson and is afraid to meet him in a joint debate, having declined tho mayor's challenge for a joint discussion of tho issues. At Toledo tho fight for mayor has virtually been abandoned by the Republicans, who aro now devoting all their time, onergy and money to tho council in tho hope that majority of that body can bo land-od and thus block all measures proposed by Mayor Whltlock. As in Cleveland tho Republican ma-ohino is financed by the street car company, the donations being mado with tho view of getting liberal franchises in return.

Tho Republican troubles at Dayton are of tho factional kind, with whisperings of graft on tho sido, The Dayton Journal praatloally admits dofeat at this time and owing to tho brief period remain ing fours thoro is small probability of a change of sentimont. At Co lumbus, wlulo tho Republloins not aotively engaged in the campaign freely predict a Domocratio victory, it will bo well to go slow in baoking their Judgment in the pool rooms, Party lines aro ob litoratod in tho Columbus fight and predictions are more guesswork, Enthusiasm and industry alone aro baok of tho Domooratio ticket, whilo baok of the Republican ticket is the biggest buuoh of money, contributed by the brewery and liquor interests, ever gathered In the Seventh Judi cial District of Ohio, A. D- 1908. It is ordored thnt tho day of tho commencement of encli term of tho Common PIohh Courts In onch County In tho Seventh Judicial District or Ohio, for A. 1).

100S, shall bo as follows, to-wlt: ADAMS COUXTY On the 17th dny of February, nnd the 8th dny of lune, nnd the ICth day of November. ATHENS COUNTY On tho i7th day of February, and tho lltK day of May, and the 20th day of October FAIRFIELD COUNTY On the 13th dny of January, nnd tho 20th day of April, and tho "dth duy of October. GALLIA COUNTY On the 0th dny of January nnd tho 13th day of April, nnd the 23th any of fcJeptom-bor. HOCKINQ COUNTY On the 0th dny of January, nnd thoHOthdny of March, und tho 5th dny of October. JACKSON COUNTY OntboSTth day of January, nnd tho 4th day of May, and the 21st day of September.

LAWRENCE COUNTY On tho Uth dny of Jnnunry.and thoBthday of April, and Mie 7th duy of September. MEIGS COUNTY On tho 3rd day of February, nnd tho Uth dy of May, nud the 12th day of Ooto-bor. MONROE COUNTY On thoGthday of January, and IhoSth day of May, and the Slat day of boptom-bor, PERRY COUNTY On tho 3rd dny of Fobruary, nnd tho nth day of May, and tho vth day of November. PIKE COUNTY On tho 10 tl day of March, nnd tho 1st dny of June, and the lilth day of November. SCIOTO COUNTY On the 7tU dny of January, and tho 0th day of April, nnd tho 7th day of September.

VINTON COUNTY- On tho 21th day of Fobrunry, nnd tho llth lUth day of May, and tho vemuor. day of No- WASHINGTON COUNTY On the 7th day of January, and the 7th day of April, nud tho 13th day of October. It li further ordorod that tho courts of the lstnulwiivlslon behold by tho Judges ofbuld suu-dlvUton as follow: Judge Jones the throo terms In Washington mid the term lieylniiliiy May 6th In Monroe; Wood the threo tonus In Athens County and the torm beginning January Uth In Monroe; Judge i'j lo tho three terms In Perry County nud tho term beginning September 2lst in Monroe, Thnt tho conusor tho 2nd suh-dlvUlon bo held by judges Dradbury, Martin nnd iteoven. That tho courts of tho 3rd sub-dlvlslon bo hold by judges Mlddloton, Illnlr and Corn. It Is further ordered that thoiton.

Ooorgo Martin be designated ns supervising Judge, and thatthebiild terms of court begin nt 1U o'clock n. in, W.U.Minm.ETON, J. 1'. llltADllUIlY. i i waIiukn JONES, J.C1.HK13VKS, AliiUUn IlljAlll, OBO.

K.MA11T1N, JOIINT. KDWAUU 1J COHN, Judges7thJudlulul District, Dated nt Columbus, Ohio, this 15th dny of October, A. I) I'M. TheHtiitoorOhlo. HocUIng County, 8S M.

Holiday, Clerk of tho Court of Common l'lias within and for Hooking County, Ohio Jo hereby certify Iho foregoing lo hen triiounit correct copy of tho original order "Times for holding Courts in the Seventh Judicial District of Ohio, 1WW." now on Itiu in my olllce, Witnossmy hand nud tho Heal of said Court, ut Lognn, Ohio, thU2ith duy of October, A. W7, ISKAI.) U.M.HOMDAY, uo Jot. Clerk. F0LEYSIT0NElfTTAR uras OoJdsj Prevent Pneumonia.

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