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The Democrat-Sentinel du lieu suivant : Logan, Ohio • Page 8

Logan, Ohio
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wnrnmwW-'11 H. Ill I JC-l r- ti I i I i If TO BSS1 Jitifry? Ml -firv sfs XV. ti ill I W-3 I fife, i Rontls--PursGll Ah was announced in these onl- iniiH iml week anticipation, wedding of Air. Conrad Roads of Ilillsboro, to Miss Helen Pur- whole "shontlir match," and knew Surprino Party. And it enmo tn pass that on Sunday lnil, June 'Jit, there arrived the IHUli anniversary of the hirtli of Comrade Wash Dolllson, hut he moved along fn Ills usual peaceful walk in life, and had not particularly noticed the arrival, lie and his good wife were invited down to their daughter's, Mrs, Frank lCittsiuillcr and upon step-liluir into the parlor, saw the Bachelor IVlnlcIs Mies Clarn Qiiinn entertained the Bachelor Maids Cl'ib laet Thursday evening.

Till-Heiny Fort Wuyiie Nev; Amid beautiful surroundinge, enhanced by the presence of fair flowers and fair niaide, and rendered more impreesive by an assemblage of over two -hundred relatives and friends, was solemnized at half past 0 o'clock this morning at Kt. Paul's Catholic church, the maniage ceremony oT alias Edith It. of Fort Wayne, and Mr. John Nicholas Till, of Logan, O. Miss lleiny is the daughter of Mr.

and Mis. Nicholas lleiny, of 118 East Wayne street. The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Till, of Logan, and is superintendent of Lite Junction City Clay Product coitpany, of that city.

The Rev. John H. Oechtering officiated at the ceremony. The bride wore Brussels net over white organda, with tiimmings of lace. A tulle veil, caught to the hair by a cluster of swansonia, adorned her head.

She carried a white prayer hook. The maid of honor was a sister of he br.ide, Miss Nora lleiny. She was gowned in French lawn with Valenciennes lace insertions and tiimmings. A wreath of sweet' peas Was around her head and she Gained a bouquet of the same. Miss Maiy Till, of a sister of the groom, was bridesmaid.

She also wore French lawn, with pink roses in her hair, and a bouquet of them in her hands. The beauty of the scene was increased by the palms and ferns in which the altar and s-iiictiiary were banked. The (lower girls were Miss Carlie Schilling and Miss Marie Reiiiehnrfc, nieces of the -bride. Miss Schilling was dressed in white anil pink and Alias Heine-hart in white and blue. F.ach carried a large basket tilled with roses, carnations and sweet peas.

The Ushers were Messrs, Kilwaid Derheiuier, George Deiuinger and Othnur ileinj'. J. N. Sinn- and Lawrence Heiny were boat men. Over two hundred invitations to the wedding were sent to the friends and relatives of the bride and groom.

After the ceremony a delight! ol wedding breakfast wai served to about twenty-live guests at the bride's residence. Tlio dining room Was handsomely decorated in green and te krinkl i streamers, and a large bell hung over the table. Misses Gertrude and Maitha Kueoht, Louise Truut Hell, of Logan, took place at ho home of the brid, yesterday. The ceremony was performed at four o'clock, in ho west room of the Puraell home, bv Rev. Wilson, pastor of the Preebyterinn church, The bride wore simple gown of white lawn, and cart led a bouquet of white roses.

There was no music, and only the immediate relatives of the bride, and a few intimate friends were present. The ilium wne tastefully "decorated witli white lillies and' carnatioiie, the dmire and windows being festooned with greeny The dining room, where a wedding dinner was pr-rved after the coiemony, was beautifully furnished with aweet pens, and sin i lax on the tabic, Misses Raima Floyd and Stella StrenU weie in charge of this room. Besides these, the only guests present were Miss Nell Mc-Manigal of Logan, Mr. Annie Shaw and Mrs. Fannie Work, of Lancaster, Mr.

and Mrs. George Kversole, of Huntington, W. Vi-, and Mr. Lewis Puisell, of Columbus. Mr.

and Mrs. Roads left on the evening train for and after a few days in that city, will go to their future home in Hills-lioro. Mr. Bonds is cashier of the IUIIsboro Nati' mil Bunk. Iiis bride is one of Logan's most popular and accomplished young ladies and will be mi-sed from tile sociul circles uf this city.

Fail fax -Randolph Of the happy and well appointed weddings ol this popular month of June, none were more pleasingly celebrated than that of Dr. H. Reginald Fairfax, of Richmond, Va to Miss Nell Virginia Randolph, at the home of the brides brother and sister, Mr, and Mrs. Iletny Scliall in Logan Wednesday at 11 o'clock, Rev. Wolfe, of Richmond, a cloBe friend of the groom, outdated.

The pietly and impressive ring oeiemouy was used and the pio-giaui was most perfect. The bride was dressed in embroidered French batiste, carrying a shower liquet of brides loses. The decoration color BJiienie oi tno pretty Homo was green and while, the bride and gr om standing at the foot of a huge bank of daises and ferns. The maid of honor was Miss Avery Raudolp' Meter to the biide. She was tastefully diessed in pink silk, carrying pink loses.

A cousin of the bride, Miss Mabel H'lthhiin, of played the MeiidelshonnH wedtiiug uiaich. The groomsman was Mr Chester Dudley, of Godfrey, W. Va. Mr. Randolph, father of the biide, "gave away" the daughter to her After the wedding a most tluhorate' wed- in minute that tno-o rnscallj children had put up a job r.n them.

All their children and grand children w.ore present and the families of Mr. DolliHon'a brothers'. They raised the "Indian whoop," and captured ihtm bodily, and made the victim sit in the big leather locker and hold I he handtoine new bible, birthday piesents from he "kids." Many fiiende oiled during tiie day and wished Wasli many 3'ears of peaceful and life, down the -path with hie good wife. A splendid supper wuh served. Those present were Mr.

and Mrs. John T. Vorliees, Misses Donna and Ruby Mao and Master Ralph Vorliees, of PleiiHantville, Mr. jind Mrs. L.

Brooke, little Ma: ion and Dmotliy and Master Donald Brooke, of Pleasantville, Miss Madge Dollison of Columbus, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. R. Bishop and sons Austin and Frederick, Miss Ruth Bishop, Mr.

and Frank Kitts-inillcr and baby Ruth, iMr. and Mrs. R. O. DolliFon of Lancaster, Mr.

And L. G. Dollison and son Paul, nnd-Mr. II. Dollison of Logan, brothers of Mr.

F. W. Dollison. His only sister, Mrs Jane Hutchison, of f'oalton, was unable to attend, because of aick- I1F98. Mr.

C'hne, Larimer, of Murray City, was witli his family in Logan over Sunday! Mr. Arthur MeCowu, of Gibiaoii-vllle, was visiting rehtiVes In Lo-gnu Saturday. Miss Julia Kinder Is spending her vacation in Vinton county wiih relatives. JMr. Hbjuh Finney, of Cincinnati is yialllug Itia parents Dr, and' Mrs.

Finney. Miss Joe. Chancy, of Murray City, la the gliost of Logan relatives it lid friends. Mr. Tom Triinnier, of Oiland, wiih circulating among friends in Logan, Sat rd 113'.

Mr. and Mrs. Bray and daughter, Nell, were business visitors to Columbus last week. Airs. John Dixon, of MImiicsoU MJ.jiJb.Lfo is the present gtieet of her brother, Mr, Will Lehman.

iMr. and Mrs. Steve Hartley spent Sunday with relatlvts ami friends in Luioustor. LOCAL NEW Mrs. Mike McBride is spending the week with relatives in Columbus.

airs. Joseph Hier, of Colunibue, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Finley Kitchen. Mr.

Samuel Ileinlein, of Hue, visited li is sister Mrs. J. M. Bray, of this city, Saturday. Miss Myrtle Mills, of Maryevil'e, ppent last Tueedtiy.Hi Logan, the guest of Mre.

Tda'Mathias. Mr. Charles Lytle has greatly improved his property on "The Heights" with cement walk. Mrs. M.

A. Ball is the guest of her da lghter, Mrs. Amy Harden, at New Plymouth, thi" week, Messrs. Tom Perry and Will Parks, of Carbonhill, were in Logan, Wednesday, on business. Mrs.

Win. Welch and daughter 8. pent last Sunday- with relatives and ftiendfr at New Plymouth. Miss Sterling, of Columbus, was the guest Sunday of Airs. Clarence Oreweiller, on '-Tho Heights." Mr, Arthur Clark, of Union Fiti'iincc, spout several hours in Logan last Saturday, Mr and Mrs.

Frank Satere, of Zaneaville, are spending the week Willi relatives in this city. Mr. and Mrs. Fniniett Wilson, of Lancaster, were visitors to Logan tile llrst part of this week. Messrs, Uwou McGrady and Win.

Moore, of Glblsouville, were v'sitors to Logan laet Tuesday. .1 aiessrs. dailies umaoj nun Burton, of New Straltsville, wete business visitors here Saturday. SEED! FEES WO Mr. David Bryan, of Greendale, was in Logan on business Saturday.

Mr. Tim Wliitcraft was a business visitor at Columbus, 'Satur day, Mr. Poy DeMdey, of Athens, spent Sunday and Monday in Logan. Mr. and Mrs.

Harry Fitzgerald are guest of relatives in Elk Fork, Ohio. Mrs. Norton and Mis. Reynolds, of New York, are the guests of Mrs. G.

C. Weitzell, this week. Mr. Lowell Kelly, of the T. came to Logan Friday night and spent Sunday at Union Furnace.

MIts Katharine Yontz is spending a week with her grandparents, 31 r. and Mrs. Kellar, of Lancaster. The Logan and Canal Winchester teams will be the attraction at the ball park, next Sundajr afternoon. Mrs.

W. II. Hickman, of Newark, has returned to tier home after a visit in Li gan of several weekp. Mr. and ftlrs.

W. F. Redid: vis-ited relatives at Hue, Ohio, this week. Mr. and Mrs.

C. E. Brehm spent severa.l days of last week in Columbus. Miss Kate Drtiigherty, of New UraitNviHe, visitMl 111 Logan laBt Fiiday. Mr, and Mrs.

Ed. Kelley and family spent last Sunday at Union Fninace. man and Catharine Kircbnor aa-jdiiiR bieakfubt wae served. They sisteit in the timing room, 1 hie afternoon a reception to a largo number of invited gueats was held at the home betwet the houra of 2 and Mr. and Mra.

Till will "'leave at 7: 15 this evening for an extended eastern trip. They will vieit Washington, Baltimore, the Jumest.iwu exposition, New Yoik, Charleston and other places. Af ter July 15th they will he at home on Eist Hunter strtet in Logan, 0. Mr. Till, t'ie gro mi, has four unolea living in Allen county, Mesaii.

Henry, Joseph, Freiluriuk and George Till. GueotM frou; out of town who attended the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Till, Misa Alary Till, Air. Joseph Shorr, of Logan, Mia.

Mdry Till, of Shelby, Mr, and Mrs. Thorpe, Mr, and Mrs. Treiup and P. Weishroi), of BliiU'ton; Hendricks, of Grand Rapids; Mr. and Mrs, Casper, Mr.

and Mrs, C. Hendricks, Miss Luuia Heudrloks, Mr. and Mrs. H. Huston, Mre, J.

Martin and Mirs Clara Martin, of Huntington, and Mr. Edward bhorr, of Lafayette, Wuio certainly blessed with the bhower of hearty congratulations and well wishing, and remembered splendidly with rare pieces of out glass, hand-painted china, bilvtti- W'uio, linens and laces. They left for the East on a wedding tilpaud will beat home in Me diums, after July 17. The yuenfw, other than the immediate household, woie Mr, and Mrs. Randolph, Mrs! Vita DoVore of Lotigtitreth, Mis.

Ida Jewett mid Karl Jmvett of NeUouville, and Mrs Ida B. Mathiau, Dr. Faifax (01110s well recommended as an honored degneiideut of pno nt the "First Families" of Viigiuiu, ai his hrido hails originally from the Southern dime, but has gainud many admiring in her slay in Logan and Mrs, Roy Comly has returned from a visit with her people (11 Columbus, Just received a line line of Morse'H Candies. These are se lect. You should see them.

Bort fc Mr. Jim Savoy, of Cnrninp, spent laBt Friday in Logan with Ida parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Savey. Mrs.

II. C. Hyson and Mrs. .7. Pfeiirer were the guests last week of Mr.

and Mrs. W. B. Golden at Atheiip. Mr.

J. F. Druckemiller, District Superintendent of tho Bell Tele-phono Co was a visitor to Logan last evening. Mrs. Oi 0111 well Walker and children are visiting in Asliville this week.

Miss Mary liiggs, of New Plymouth, io vlalting her grandparents', Mr. nnd airs. J. W. Price.

Miee Mae Wagner, of Columbus, was the Bit inlay guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Rohrer on tile Heights. Mr. and Mre.

Frank Judy and Mr. and Mra. Jacob Savey were Visitors to Lancaster last Sunday. Aliases Emma Leorone and Clara Ucker were the gueBte of relatives and frieinU in Lancaster last Snn- iy. Miss Mary C.

Wagner of 87 Neal Avenue, Columbus, is the guest of Mrs. Mike AlcBride this week. Mr. and Mia. Clayton Ficke'll and daughter, Helen, are visiting friends nt Columbus and Cleveland.

The Misses Aland and Essie Wagner, of Baltimore, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George L. Biosser. Mr.

James O'Neill, of Delaware, spent one day-last week in Logan, the guest of Airs. D. M. Soliday. Miss Sallie WiUon, of Ahtrray City, spent several days of last week witli relatives and friends in tliis city.

Mrs. Ambrose Kessfer, after a week's visi't with her sister, airs. Jesse Rohrer, returned home Sun day Archie Harsh, of ftlarion, Ohio, visited relatives and friends in Logan and vicinity several days of laet week. Mr George Trimmer, one of Ward's most active young business men, was a business visitor in our city Saturday. Airs.

Pancake and daughter, of Aft. Sterling, spent several days of last week with Mr. and Air. Silverthorne. AlwnyH enrry llto Inrgpsl and best varieties of FIELD SEEDS on the maricol.

Nnw's the limn In plant your MILLET SEED, BUCKWHEAT AMD ALFALFA CLOVER SEED, Place your order with me; Call up on phone and give me your order for feed. The-stock will relish it. Solo Afjont, for INTERNATIONAL STOCK AND POULTRY FOODS. Got your Poultry Supplies from me and your Ohielcens will crow about it. Hold your WOOL for me and will not Hefice you, only by paying the highest price.

Then you can make a clean rweep by buying the best DUST ABSORBENT on the market. i TRY I I. STIERS 1 Both Phones. Logan, Ohio. Alise Mary Kessler left Saturday evening for Lancaster, wiieio she will visit her brother, Mr.

John Kessler, for a couple of weeks. The Misses Mabel BloEaei- andji Aland lleynoulds left Tuesday evening for Circleville to attend as delegates tn the V. P. C. IF, Mr.

Tom Bell, the leading ton-sorial nrtist of Murray, tho 0110 who shaves yoi while you wait, was ringing mound among Logan friends Sundnj'. Mr. Ed Rochester and family left Tuesday morning for Chi-c go, where they expect to spend the summer, i Heir luldress is 03i2 Adams street. wmmmMmtM If You're Going to Buy a Thin SUIT Miss Laura Kodgers, of Jack-eon, spent the early part of the week with Aliss Until Sweeney, She will return homo tn-daj- accompanied by Miss Judge O. W.

II. Wiiglit was a visitor to Murray Cify Monday and Tuesday of this week. He has been euiplnj-ed aa Ci I3' Solicitor of that place for a nix months term. Miss Rote Anderson is spending her vacation witli her mother in I aucaster. Mis, Maiy Biatlon was the Run-day guest of if.

Emily Lyle, at McArthiir. Dr. Rauiiells was the guest of his mother at MnArthur lat Thursday, Mr. Fred Bailey, of ueur Ropk-hiidge, was a Logan vieitor last Saturday. Good meals and lunch at Oat-ley's Central Hotel, opposite city building.

1 Mrs, Wm. Lloyd and children have gone on a visit with relatives in In laua. Ahsn Francis Barker, of Columbus, who has been visiting relatives here for a week has returned to her hoinr. Mr. Joseph Lehman, of Fairfield county, was the guest of his fcister, Airs.

John Cohagan, a few days last week. Mies Olive Silvbithorne, of Lancaster, was an over Sunduy visitor with her parents, gopt. and Alts. Bilverthorno. Mies Addie O'Neill, of Columbus, is visiting in Logan this week, the guest of liar sister, Mrs.

D. M. Soliday. Air. T.

S. Webb (our own Tom) jb spending his vacation with hie patents, Air. and Mrs. Tom Webb, of our city. C.

C. Hansel has resigned iiis position as engineer at the yards at Drakes and will possibly lo cated id Logan. Mr. ThosT Trimmer, of Wash-ington township, one of Hocking's active farmers, was a Saturday visitor in Logan. Ah s.

Dave Wylle, of Gibison-ville, spent several days of last week in Logan, the guest of AHss Kate Krishbaiim. The ladies of tlio Home Mission ary Sooietj' will give a tea nt the home of Mis. W. J. Lanning, Friday evening, June 28.

Ice cream and cake will he served. All are invited. Misses Clara Winners, of Bell-aire, Ohio, and Alice Coilkel and Kent Heakell and Joe AIcGunnigle, of Junction City, were visitois to Logan last Sunday, the of Aiiss Giace Green. 38 St 38 3585 SI For liof weather, dont' imagine that "anything will do." You want assurance of quality a good deal mo're in thin, unlined clothes, than in the heavier goods. There's where F.

BLASIUS SON all-wool, excellent quality clothes comes in. The thin suits Ave sell Iceep shape and looks dressy and fog stylish long alter the cheap stufT hangs like a rag, Have the quality; it really costs less than it's worth. 3S I F. BLASIUS HON. r) KMWMWCl AlifcB Nellie Bray left Monday for Athens, where she will attend the bummer teim at the Ohio University.

The Ahfceee Clara and Afargaret Kellar and Alias ScaiiUu, of Lancaster, aro house guests Mis, Chas Vontz. Mr. Charles Kleinsohmldt, wl.o is working at Junction Oity, spent Sunday with his family on Gleu-view Heights, Mr. and Aira, Chailie Disbeunet, of Columbus, who have been visit ing relatives in Logan and vicinity, lave returned home. Alien Florence Bright, who has been attending the Oherlin College, ut Oberlin, Ohio, la home for her summer vacation.

Messrs. (Jims. Wiiglit, Jno. Ucker, Jno. F.

White and son, Alex, and Scott Braddock drove to Lancaster' in Air. Wiight's auto mobile last Sunday nfteruoon, returning in the evening. Mrs. II. Price, of Madison county, and Airs, J.

M. Mount, of our city, are in attendance at the bedside of their mother, Mrs. Nanoy Moore, of Vinton. Mis. Aloora is in lier.SiUh year and the chances for her recoveiy is very slim.

Airs. Lewis MoGill tpeut last Sunday with relatives and friends In Rodihridge, Mr. and Airs. Sllverthorne left Monday morning for a ten days this county us a teacher. The trip to Cedar Point.

Air. and Airs, Jesse Conley left Saturday for Athens, They will remain for several days visiting relatives and friends. "God-speed" of many friends go with them. Air. and Airs.

Geo. Williamson and daughter, Feme, are spending the wtek with relatives and friends at Laurelville. Mr. Oliver Tripp, returned to lis home in Okahoma after a few Mrs. Jno.

F. White was the Sill- Waek" ln day guest of Airs, George (ities, of Athens, Mr. K. K. Miles takes a trip to mr.

uau uiiaveover, ui mo- ronieroy to-day, me arst lor one Arthur, was a visitor to Logan year. Ho lias recovered Ills ilea last Thursday. almost completely. MIes Wilhelmina Deishley, of Canton, is spending her vacation with her parents, Air. and Airs, John Deishley, in this city, Mr, Clint, J.

Wright is now the p'riHsessor of an automobile, having recently puidiased the one formerly owned by Jno, Ucker, airs. Luke Lehman and daugh ter, Aiiss Daisy, of the capltol oily, are the guests of Mrs. Leah Biosser for a couple of weeks, Mr. Stanley Uysell and family, of Rutland, Meigs county, were the last weeks guests of Air, and Airs, Grant Hynoll, in the west end, Mr. Adam Sohaal, of Orlaud, was a visitor to Logan last Monday, while in the olty he made the Democrat Sentinel a Airs.

Ilamer, for a long lime a resident of Logan, but now lesid-ing at Canal Winchester, spoilt several days ot last week, and this with relatives and frimids in L'lgan. Airs. Hauler is H'J years old, but is still hale and hearty, and enjoyed very much meeting her old acquaintances, loall. pleasant We learn that Aliss Clara Nune maker goes this year to teach in the Coltimbiis schools, While wo oongratnlato her 011 a good position, it is with regret that we lose her from our sojiools of Hooking whore she has faithfully taught years; being well known as a pleasant, estimable lady and one of our most supcestfiil teachers. nroiiii'tlr oWalneil luall rountrtea, or NO FEE.

TRAUg-MAiiKS, lue.U9 una Cumitf his reiiu-Iwwi. M-iul Hti-leli, Mwtel ui I'lioto, tor fta vi'ui ut I'HiKunMiiiii, ALU IIUblNIbS S1HI01LV cum iuimtial. i-atm ywccica WiufcawuLu iuvmiuitt uhoulii have our hand. IfOOk ((II I low to mttiitQ Miiviiiiaiiuu, neiu iieu io Buy SWIFT CO. 501 Bavonlli Washliiuton, D.

0.1 B. LYON Physician and Surgeon Special Attention to Diseases of the 13ye and Fitting of Glasses. Logan, Ohio Both Phones School Tenohors, Notice. I'ake Ward, tifDyersbnrg, writes: "This is to certify that I hnvo used Orino Laxa-tivo Fruit Syrup for dironja constipation, and it has proven, without a dtiulit, to be a thorough, practical remedy for this trouble and it is with pleasure I ojl'er my conscientious refereuce." U-tt and Co. Tho Hoard of Kdueation of Ward Township, Hooking County, Ohio, will meet ut Jobs Junction, op Saturday, July IB, ut 1 o'clock, -for tho purpoeo of electing a Superintendent for our schools for the (intulug year.

Send all applica tions or inquiries to the clerk at CarbonhiH, Ohio. 5,20,1 Tn. 11. Pahuy, Clerk, Coon Reichlev, the nestor of the lUmtoii Township bar, uoaom-panied by his wife and youngest, Pat Hen, passed through Logan Saturday on tlielr way for a c.nple of days visit with his Perry county relatives. 41 ud A MfUMi aA a ummiimiwmmimk.

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