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Cincinnati Daily Press from Cincinnati, Ohio • Page 4

Cincinnati, Ohio
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


Wbr did they take thee from thin Ocean-grave, tl man of many sorrower the bluesea HJ been thy brother, ml each wandering war That kissed the shores of thy loved Italy A solace end a blessing i to low nmii Of the lamenting waters seemed to start ItbiD thy ottl an echo, and the too Of a more mournful mule in thy hsart. 01 therefore seek thenj.and pour forth To their deep sympathy asorrowing strain Of a I the won and irretchedneaa of earth, That strove t-) bend toy patient Bind In vnlnf Tne Oooo hoard thee, loved thee and the breast Of Nature's mighty minstrel fart the nat. English Operatives and their Wages. The London Quarterly renew, in a long artiole upon pie late itrikes in Eng. land, gives some interesting facta to show that strikea: have always injured labor, and that the only true tray to improve the condition of the laborer i by cooperative effort, industry and eoonomy.

In proof of what working-men could aooom-pliflh, the writer says: Let it not be said that tha working people oannot' save money and become capitalists if they will. Have we not the faot that the operatives of Blackburn sent not less than 30,000 out of their earnings to mantain the Preston operatives during their fruitless strike? And why should they not in ordinary times invest, tnose surplus hinds in savings banks, or in ao-operative associations, in-steal of spending it in publio hoiBes? The laboring classes do not yet know the money power which they possess. The annual wages of the working people of the country estimated, on good authority, to amount to not less than one hundred and seventy sterling. But, notwithstanding the increased remuneration paid for labor during reoent years, aiid the generally reduoea cost of Jiving, the savings of the working classes invested in savings banks have remained almost stationary, and are under eight millions. Will It be believed thatjthe annual eitruings of many families engaged in the otton mnnufnoture amount to more than iie average incomes of the clergy of Kngland? and that there are few Bulled operatives whose individual earnings do not exceed those of the great body of clerks and shopmen? When the builders lately struok.they were earning 5s.

6d. a-day, which is equal to the pay of the ensigns and lieutenants of our infantry regiments, without the cost of mass or uniform. Erectors and Jitters in the shops of London engineers receive from 35a. to 37s. a-week, or perhaps ii higher average rate of remuneration than is paid to the wholejbody of dissenting ministers.

The operatives employed ai irnn-rollers earn in ordinary times from 3s. to 15s. a-day, or equal to the pay of captains and army surgeons after ten years, servioe. When trade is brisk, the ball-furnace men of Staffhrdshiro, with their families, earn from, 300 to 400 a-year, which is a larger inoome than falls to the lot of most professional men, and yet the houses of these favored labor-era are scenes of disgusting untidiness and squalor. If working people are powerless, it is too nftcn because they are thoughtless md improvident If they are driven into biid bargains with their matters, it is mainly because thoy have not taken care tn provide a defense against destitution in their day of need, by a store of frugal savings in prosperous times.

Those who spend heir money as they earn it will always be at the meroy of others; and it is melancholy to reflect that when a time of adversity comes they are scarcely a veok ahead of actual want If the laboring classes would gain a firmer footing in the world, they must exercise eoonomy, self-denial and forethought, tho basis of all manly and truly independent character. Bbabtiful Arrangement OP Nature Nii fiiier proof of providunt legislation and benevolent design, in the arrangement of he laws of be named, shvs the Bonton Transcript, than is nf- lir inAf.liAi wIiiaU frnnwl. By a law of the physical veie, water oondense and grows heavii ''M linn as it. Ui'Coiiitia chilled at tho surface, eitilih tn the bottom under ioflu-time of cold. Whenever the tempera-i ure is not below forty degrees, the cold-t-st vator ih found at the bottom part of a vessel or stream.

Numberless good are produced by these condensations. But if this law was not modified it is plain that freezing would begin at the bottom of ponds, streams and lakes. In this case the summer's heat wonld not do away the effects of the winter air, and in process of time every northern river would become congoaled and useless for navigation, the polar waters would become solid fields of ice, and the temperature of the world suffer a disastrous change. But as if to remedy this evil, and make the skill of infinite benevolence more exquisite, and suggest to us palpably the Creator's wisdom, this is modified. We find that when water reaches a few degrees of the freezing point, instead of continuing to oondense if the cold in-creosee, it suddenly expands, even beyond its temperate destiny.

The heavy cold strata which had sunk to the bottom rise again to the eurfaoe and expand still further when they freeze, so that ice is lighter than its element and must always float. In this way, though all the beneficial results of contraction are preserved, very bad effect is Thns by the sudden reversal efa law, at certain poiDt, in favor of the interests and comfort of mankind, dangers that might prove a final barrier against commerce are averted, and the temperature of the tilobe is distributed in its present moderate alternations and healthful Dkspshatb Lovh-Makwo. Amelia, J. tuee yes, at thy command I tear us eternal firmament into a thousand figments; I'deather the stars, one bv tie, as they tumbled from the regions of neriai space, ana put tnemin my browser's pocket: I'd plnok the sun. that nri.

total god of dey that traverses tha Mn arch of heaven such majestic splendorI'd tear him from tie sky and quench its brigbt effolgenoe in the foun tain of my eternal love for thee!" "Don't. Tir.ufl 1 1 ii rijA young man, in conversation one i to remark: am no prophet "True replied a lady pres fnt, "jso pront to yourself or anyone ens. A German's Idea of his Spouse. In the Ninth Ward. New York, lives aneooentrio butcher, by name, Herr Von! eelup.

keep a' little meat store ana often amuses his oustomers with his curious comment on matters and things in general His wife is a patient, hardworking woman, willing to tarn her hand to anything to gratify him When her husband goes out she attends the store, and can slice off a steak or carve a roast as well as her husband. Mr. Brown is a regular oustomer of Butcher yonsolap. He is a eaah ous tomer, and has an abhorrence of aooounts. One day when Brown purchased a roaBt he wm short of change just five oents.

Mrs. Vonsolup served him and he said to her: "I will take the meat home and return instantly with the five cents. Don't mark it down." "Dat bees all right, Meister Brown," replied th Butchers wife. Brown hurried home. During his ab- senos the butcher returned, and his wife returned to the house.

Presently Brown cam back and hurriedly approaohing tne butoner said: "Here is the five oents I owe you," at th sums time handing out the ooin. "Not?" asked the astonished Vonsolup. "I owe von five oents and here it is." "You makes mistakes. Mister Brown, I never trust you nut noun, replied the Duecner. no, I ows it to you.

Stnoe you have been gone I bought some meat of toe laay ana aid not nave enougn to pay ner by five oents, ana xoupuy meat ot a Judy in mine Vat in fejr tuvel do you mean Dy a at enr." "Are you crazy, manr 1 mean I purchased a roast of the woman who attends here when you are absent" "Der Voman vot soils meat here?" "Yes." 1 "Mein Cot, vat you means denj? She bees bo lady, she ish my "You are an infornal fool!" replied Brown, throwing the five-cent piece at the butcher and leaving in disgnst. "You bees anuder fool Meister Brown, to take mine frow for a lady. Hal ha! dnk bfces a good choke! A (babyless Pair. A physician and his Wife, who had no babiea, but wanted some! badly, while riding out together drovs rapidly up behind a lawyer, who, with his wife and five or six children and nurses, was driving a one-horse carriage, rather tho worse for wear. On coming up within speaking the dootor oalled out to his friend the lawyer: "Good morning, lawyer, I see you have a heavy load 'and a sorry team." "True," retorted the lawyer, "I nave; but you have a heavy team and a sorry Nominally Obedient.

A young man was frequently cautioned by his father to vote1 for "measures." not "men." Ho promised to do so; and soon after reoeived a bonus to vote lor Mr. reck, His tatber, astonished at his voting for a man whom he deemed objectionable, inquired the reason for doing so. "Barely, lather, said the youth, "you told me to vote for measures, and if Peok is not a measure, I don't know what is." Cubical Wit. The Rev. Dr.

Mason, of New York, passing up Broadway, stopped to read a theatrical placard which attracted bis attention. Cooper, the tragedian, coming along, said to him, "Good sir do ministers of the gospel read such things?" "Why not, sir," said thedocter, "ministers of the gospel have a right to know what the devil is about as well as other folks." uMfwfFT ROOIf fiAT.F! HAIIIUSON COLLINS' CENTRAL BEE-HIVE GALLERY, ear-ner of Fifth and Melalnotypo ana A mbrotypes taken camper than el.ewheie la the city, yil Colored Photograph! made uf all nlzuti, from life 10 the smallest miniature. Pictures neatly set In Lnckts, Breast-pine, ringer-rfuga and Bracelet. All work warranted, uolfi-ay A. S.

BLOOM, Artist. Gifts! Gifts! Gifts! G3 (EAT A 'NO. J8 WKRT KOnRTn.fiTIIHlIT- A 'NO. 28 WB8T FOUBTU-STRKET, next 10 ninitn a nizon'i umi, umolnnatl, Ohio. A splendid Gift worth from Ml oentt to SIM, will be given with every book for which we receive one dollar and upward at the lime of eale.

Gifte cousin! of Gold and Blrer WaiehM. I.adlee' Solid Ol id Ubaiui, splen.lld aet of Jewelry, OtieOold Bracelet, Geutu' Go Veat-chalne, and a lerfe th-riety of other artlojei of rich Jewelry, worth from JO can ti to 8X10. Ladlea anil gentlemen art retpectfollr InTlted to call aad examluo oar atoek. A. A.

KELLEY, Publisher and Gift Bookaeller, no21-tf Na. as Woet Tonrth-ttreat. WILSON, GARLIC A Forwarding and Commission MERCHANTS. DBALBKS IN LIVE AND DRE88ED llogi. Pork, Lard, Whleky.lTlonr.

Grain, Ao. 8 IBoe aorto-weat corner Sixth and Alain itreete, laelanaU, oipoilte the Gait Home. Tha. nnderalffnad haTlnff formed a nonartnenhln In tlx General Produce aud CommlHlon Bnilneaa, under the style of Wllaon, Garllck it reepeol-(ally tender their lerrloee andeoliclt thepatronafre of their blende and th pnbllo. Fartlonlar attention ld to baring and aellini Eoai.

Whlakr. rionr. cmiD. wo. 'Ausir unBraee win do aa moaer Aa.

their ohariea will moderate any otner toon none In the city. Aeferto tba mar- ouantaof vfiuouiuau ajvneraiiy. H. OABjSlOS t.T.BABB. nanbn 11, P.

liHAS' Hew Wholeiald fflTUVft JEWBLRY MM 16 West Fourth Street, Whera oai be had avary artiole appertalnlnt to the Baeineee tt a asaeh loe price, for CASH, than hat ever before bats offered la thle market. 1 CIV I USA OA AnSaaaforyonjnalvw. apU WM. WHITAKER, JBWBLII, So.MXJI. Lodje street.

Utwe Walnnt and Vine. Oinclnnatl. Aloodaetortmentof BIliVKBaud PLATED ABB, SPIOTAOU), kept ooneUnUy on hand. Bpeclal attention Wen to Oleaolnf and Bopelrlof aaviuo auu tnirj, n.rlli BEOG8 SMITH, No. West 4th St.

A US NOW RBOirVINO ADDITIONS TO m. their larae aanrtment of Watch, Jewelry, SUTrwareau4I)laiaond. -uau 'A flne iiMortmettt ot Flata4 Ta Se and Ontlery and Opera Utumm. ru it J. BUTUSR'S Excelsior Fluid inks.

Mannmctonr, 30 Vine St. 14 A GAED. WM." F.BEWSON.'of ih late firm of Btoek and BtllBroJiaraHa bualnnn, at their old offlee. Ho. W.

Beauinent Hiunnlo Building, Tlilrd-Itraet. He aolioita aoontlnuaneeor flie bunineiahera-tofore to liberally beatowedon the old firm. ne2tnm THE OYSTER TRADE, fAUI FRESH CAM YSTEiBS. COVR Mf OYSTERS.W Spiced Oysters. PIUKI.KD Y8T fflflB SUBSOBIBia IB.

VOW EKOKIV-SL I NO DAILY, by tha Adami Cxpreat, MALT. BY'8 world-renowned Balhhaor i Freth Can, Keg and Shell Oysters. -m- Tnth. Hermerlcally-aaaled OOVS), BFIOKO VICMtUD OYSTKBS. EOBERT ORB, Agent W-tf Ttowit.

11 Weet riflhrtrmt FBB3H OYSTERS. OAVAGNA'S Oyster Importing Houso. NO. 31 WEST FIFTH-STREET. TIIS SUBSCRIBER IS NOW RBOSIV-l'HQ daily, par Izvreaa, hia aplendld Oyatara.

Havln tt oomnleted arranMmanta in baltlmore. on Harln ootnpl the meet axtenalra aoale, I will at atl times durint tbeaeaaon be prepared to furnleh my frlonde, "ana the net of mauklud," wltb the moat DILIOtOOS BI VALVES Imported to the Queen City. None but the very beet imported. Great Inducement, offered at mt imporung-Donne. nfirtln tt Order glolioltwl and prontptiy auttprnmptiynuea.

xermnoanti. PBTKK CAVAtlNA, Sole Iniporterann Proprietor, aepldt OYSTERS. TODD'S OLD STAND. TSxTO. 10 fllXXH-BTREET.

I AM RECEIV-lf I HO dally, ETH'S Celebrated MAMMOTH OYSTERS which 1 am eelling at unprecedented low prloea b.y eaae or doznn. Da)era and Famllle wanting a very large, ireen ureter, will pieaee eena their order. Attached to thle eetabllahment ia a nioe, quiet, reepectable Saloon, where yon can hare vje'we vmwvu wvir v.iv. auu eurvvu uf a eiea lanaausenormajuuer. unargo.

leutiianatany otner piaee. iociui niiun THOS. SMITH'S BALTIMOHE SUPERIOR OLD PLANTATION 0et P'J Syenraore-itreet, oppoalts the National Theater. E. C.

BOOKING, Agent. ALSO I)i-efiied Viah and Game: freeh and aweet nutter, ueiivcrea at an noun, iroe oi onarge, laemj Fine, Tat, Freah Oiiibu, TODD'S Magnum Bonuini, at hie Wholesale and Betail Oya-terliouae, 253 253 258 253 253 WALNUT.STii.EBT. no firth door above Slxih. went ilde. J.

FARROW SON'S -riELEBKATED BALTIMORE OYSTERS, pre el (Jompany, in whole and half eane. All Oyster sold warranted fresh and of th very beet quality. J. B. OWUNU8, receivea aaiiy or uia aqidi aiz- Asrent.

no. 27 min-atreei, pet. juaiu and B. The trade eftppuea on the most liberal terma. ooatflra BIEDIOAL AND DENTAL.

ESPECIALLY TREATS DI8EA8ES OF THE SKIN, BHSOMATI8M, DISEASES 01 WOM.KN, and such Onronlo oomplainti aa may be beneatted hi the Ilygyento and Atmopathlo aystem of hie office. Vapor, Sulphur, Iodine. Arsenic, mercury, Tur kish, Busslan and Electro-Uhemlcal Baths, a DIs pensary of Medicine, and every manner of Electric and Magnetlo Apparatus. MU. S7 WEST 8KVENTD.BTBEIT.

4-wmce hairs It A. H. to anl-ff R. 8. NEWTON, M.

D. Offlao, 90 West 8eventh Strwt, irrn vtis aid aaoi. 1M O. JG. NEWTON, M.

D. Oirion He. 90 Weet street, between Vine and lUoe. Bedidenok-Ho. Heventh street, he A.

ltoX( M.t ttn P. M. 7 WM. M. HUNTER.

DENTIST, nos flO Vlne.street. J. TA FT, (Bnooessor to Enowlton A Tart.) DENTIST. No. S0 Weal Fourth 81., beju Walnnt 6V VI ee CINCINNATI, OHIO.

aep2t PURE AIR! Ife7 Mode of Ventilation! Cstll nnd i One of PATENT He iting and Ventilating Furnaces, Inoreratloaat CHAMBERLAIN OOi'S 6 tor Ware-roomi, Not. 61 And 6S Vine-it. a wye Coal Cooking Stove. A WADDED TBS SILVBB UIDjLLf ATTBaV- STATE FAIR, Held ZanoevlUe, October, 1890. 1 MANUFACTURED BT 0 BAMPLE AND BALE-ROOMB.

(Seoond doot Below ci ATI. OIIIO. fnoBoml Book Binding; IN ALL ITS BIJANCHK8, NO. 8 BAST ronrtb-street, between oiiinatl. Re-binding In erery style.

UneltBookt neat, ly and durably bound. 0. 'JitorPiU. rirWliul IBERLA1N MISCELLANEOUS. 930.

1 $30. $30. $30. IMrty-iollarDouWdlocktllflfl' FMILT SBWING M1CH1NBS BSODB1U) BY BKOIMT LITTKB8 PATjTHT. fanHIb MAOHINB r.

HAS 1 BEEN PRO JL HomotU by all competent Juderea.whe hare aeen It. to be tna heat auu moat deelrable Tarn. Uy Sewing Maoblna oyer introduced, reaardlea fyrloe. It will aew alt kiiHla or lamuy gooaa, mm ine yery micaoet to tneyery oneetiaarioa maue, ana njee ail amae oi inreu. irom no.

a to xh mil mmmit mm iab mf tmmi nli.fil.lHA. Hud for a niraular. or nail aiid mm It in ODaratlon. Onoa early application, State aud Oonnty BUhtamay be eeenred. Anenergetlo penonoan make a fortune In abort dine.

Aganta wauteu in all nntoia territory. II. (J. BVRTMAN. He le and exotueire aen for the United State.

SkpHfuit SB Wee(lfonrth-atrett01noinaall. Day's Medal Jobber. W.T. D. DAY MannfMtnrers and Dealers In PRINTING PRESSES, (BOTH HABD AND POWKB.) And ell kinds ot Printing ninterlnla, Noo.

7a, 179 nnn 177 weal Beooaa-oiroet, 1 L. CINCINNATI, OHIO. ESPZOIAL ATTENTION 18 OALLED to onr MEDAL JOBDEB. Within the laet eignteen montnewe bare lutrodnoea teem Into rour- satisfaction to the parties purchasing. The power I appueu iu tuv cenier oi me piaten consequently tnere Is no possibility of tte springing from any amonntof presiure.

The motion li so tranimitted to It aa to cause a dwnll on the mint nf nnnt.r.t with the form, tneorlnr A PEBFEOI IMPBIS8I0H at nign rate 01 speea. Printers la want of the BEST JOBBER ahonld not purchase elsewhere without airing this an examination. Thoy are etrong, durable and rapid, and are WABRANTKD to gire the most entire satis-action. nos MADAMB ELLIS, M. HAS FOUNP at last Just what the Ladles have lengneedeO.

and looked for in vain, the Btorlne Elixir. The Uterine Kllxlr Is warranted to oure all dls-eaeos of a Uterine Mature; Inflammation of the Womb, the Kidneys, the Ovaries, and the Urethra Prolapsus or Falling of the 'Womb, Painful llenstrn ation, Oblorosis, Amenorrhea; In fact, a perfect enre is gaarrantoed by tbe use of from two to five bottles of the Elixir, of any dlaeaso whatever of the Generative and Urinary Organs, of male or female, no matter of how longstanding. Price St per Bottle. Madame ELLla calls particular attention to the following Card of one of the most prominent Crag, gists of Oinclnnatl. "To th Puslio a no the linits re PiRTiocLAa.

We, the undersigned, aro not In tho habit of giving tor name to Patent Uedlclnee; bnt knowing well th ady Phyaloian, and thetnedioine called the Uterine Elixir, we cheerfully recommend it to all females suffering from Female Dleeaws of any kind; It is purely vegetable, and in no case can do Injury; wt say to all try, and our word for it. you will find relief. f. t. HILX, Drnegiet, aeplT Corner of fifth and Jtaoe-streeta," MADAMB ELLIS'S SPANISH 8IMU-LATH) ft CODOH AKD I.1VKR BALSAM crures, without fall, pains In tbe Breast, Back, Side or Limbs: Coughs, Oolds, Hoarseneas, Dlffl.

culty of Breathing, Headache, Flatulency, Heart-bnrn, Chronic Bhenmatlsm, Billions Chollc.Oramp Chollo, Griping Paina of the Bowels, Dullneea, Stupor, Iuaotlvity, Lota of Appetite, and in Painful Menstruation it ia a certain oure, and gives immediate relief. In any of tbe above disease! It will give relief in twenty minutes, and a permanent core by the nee ef two bottles. Only SO cents per brittle-so cheap that every person can get it. N. B.

For eale by F. D. HILL, Drnsglst, corner of Baoe and Fifth-streets: J. D. PARK, corner of fourth and Walnut: StIRR, ECKSTEIN corner Tine and Fourth; JOHN DIOKBuM, corner of John and Sixth; PAUL.

BEINLEIN, comer el uigntn ana rreeman. Also, fcUWABi) suabUjASI 1 iuruHr 01 mum auurui: auu maojuue ELLIS, l4 West Bixth-street. sep27-ay HALL'S PATENT. THE MOSTRELI ABLE FIRE AND BUBOLAB PBOOF 8AFE8. They bave given murv ncisiMi.iua man any otner now in We Oder a reward of ONH THOUSAND DOL LARS to any persou that can, np to tbe present time, nhow a single instance wherein they have failed to preserve their oontenta.

viih uirr k.uAnM .11 MAmui.iAM being the beet Fire Proof, Burglar Proof, or Fire and Burglar Proof now made; and are willing to teat with any establishment, in the Union, and tbe party failing first, to forfeit to the other, the earn We are prepared to furnish a better Safe, and at less ooet.than any other manufacturer In the United States. eoona-nand Safes of other makers, also on band. WernannrlAillv InvllAfhamnhlln u.ll Ine onr stock before pnrchaalng elsewhere. UA.UHUL1J A ajU-vt Hoe, IS and 17 East Columbia street. Wi B.

SODDB, W. II. odds ooNonnTn Fire and llmalai' Prool yv. Corner of Vine Second fttrcete. This Is tha most relUbla mtB AND Rniint.A PBUOr 8AFE that made In the United Btataa.

and la warranted perfectly free from damp. Oan be sold at lower and Is of better workmanship than oan be found elsewhere We have large assortment on band, and are determined to sell at prices that oannot Tall to pleat. Old; Sale Taken In embenge. BICOOND-HAND BAFHW tl-ways en hand at etrem.y low prices. t7X FRESH PISH' SALT-WATER AND LAKE FISH TOZER'S EASTERN FISH DEPOT, No.

90A Vlee-aui bet. Fifth end Sixth. MR. TOZBR BKG8 XO ANNODNCfl that be has established a regular depot for the sale of all kinds of Fish, fresh from Msw York also Lake Fish from Cleveland and Handmky; together with Olamsand Oysters in the shell, Lon. tiers, Crabs, Eels (alivel, and all kinds of seasonable Oame and Oan Oyster.

Be will fnraiah the aliove. named articles OHBAPBB THAN ANT OTHEB PLAUX IN TBI CITT. Family order promptly attended to and eent home free of eharge. Please SADDLE, TEUJMK HARNESS MANUFACTORY, 103 Itlaln.etreet, three door above KEEP ON 1 AND AND MAKE TO ORDER all ods of Ron Trappings, In the beet and most substantial mann.r. Also, a large aneort- Sent of floras Blaal sts, Whips, Carpet and leather us, Bridle BiU.

Baffalo Bobee, Valise (the real sole-leather), Hall Trunks. Sponge, and a Urge aa-sortment belonging to thia line. I will sell ae low as th lowest, D. 8. CAEEICZ.

note-ay FRANKLIN TYPE AND STEREOTYPE FOUtfpBT, B. ALLISON, gaperlnUudmt- rrfntinc ttaterlal of nfT Ind. lrvinetree(' rfsS INSURANCE. STATE A IT THO BIT Incorporated 1819. Charter Perpetual WT Agency established In Olndunarl In ltfltf, antedating all present local Insurano Companies and Agenolea In the Insurance bnslnses In this city.

83 years constant auty ner, oommnea wita weaitn, ex. and liberality, especially com' mend the JETS A Insurance OomsanT to the farora ble natronaim nf tills eommnnllsr atandlne aolltanr and alone, the sole survivor and living pioneer of uuoionati underwriter. 01 ibjo, Losaea yejd ia Cincinnati durlas past Fire ears. 7. Cash 00,000.

(ABSOLUTK AND DNIMPA1BKD.J WITH A SURPLUS OI' 80. Ana the prestige or year success and ex-peejenoe, IMVIBTMIHTfl Of Over $100,000 In Ohio 8ccurllls. iipmnnu ne ens. man. liiaana Save been paid by thatna lusurance Uompanyln Fire and Inland Navliii Ion.

Bisks acoented taepasiau yeata, at terms consistent wltb eolvency and fair proflta. XepeoialactenUon given to lnuranoa of Dwellings and Oontenta, for terma of 1 to ny Application made to any duly Agent pnomptly attended to. By strict attention to a legitimate thlaUoninanvia enabled to offer both Indemnity for the past and seoniityfor mo suture, iicmissneawitnout aeiay oy ao, 11, uni'fsii, Agent, no, 40 Alain street. A. T.

I'ATO-J, AsslsUnt Agent. H. K. LINO Kf, Agent 171 Tine street. J.J.


2 Front-street, between Jlain and Ryoamore. This Company is taking Klre, Inland and Marin Blake at curront rates of premium. jjoswjs tuir if aujuntmi anu promptly paia. DIRECTORS: 1' Kckert, Ball. 8 Pomeroy, William Glenn, 0 Wliitoher, 0 Mann.

Bobert Atitchnil, Oomslock, LQKSioue, Iiobt Buciianau, 0 0 aiisw, UeoHtali, Wm Bellew, Seth Kvans, TaaBe, -David Gibson, Bracbman, Olaham, II Olearwater, Xhoe ICIIiott. 1. b. uitt.Kn.r, rrestdent. BTarnrwMnnnit, Secretary.

nos Fire and Marine Insurance. Citizens Insurance Company, OF CINCINNATI, OHIO. MB.EUTOK8: William Wood, Isaac O. Oopelen, James Uunnlnghani, Sydney 8. ((lark, i Andrew Erkenbrocber.

Joseph Boaklrt, Geo. W. Bishop, Wm.Flelier, George H. Dixon. 1 ISA AU (I.

COrELEN, President. QteO. OorxttN, Hecretarj A.M. ROSS, Surveyor. Is nrenared to issue Poltctea on Klre and Marine Blaks.

on favorable terms. Quire No. a Wit Third. street, Trust Oo. Building.

nonbfm National Insurance ClaeloDBtl, Ohio. (Office South-west for. Main and rront-atreeta.) MarLnt), Inland Transportation and xire XU8S8 TAKEN AT CUKUHNT HATBH. uiRKnrrinsi! Jobn Burgoyne, Smith. Wm Hepwortb, OLu Moore, Robert Moore, II Keouhelmer, Hmlth.

A wiBdemer. ThoaUnv. Boss. Tho. BIsks.

Henry fills. M. 0. UBHKB, Heo'y. JiO.

BTJKOUVNK, Pres, noehftn P. A.8paiOMAit, Surveyor. Cinolniiati Insurance Company ESTABLISHED IN 1829. OAPITAli S15O.000. OFFICE 4 FRONT-STREET.

IN-SDititS against Loss and Damase by Fire: also: Perils of tbe Sea and Inland navigation. ntREnrnnjii 1 Jno.W si well. Allen Oolller. William Reeor. Jobn Kills, Janus Luptou, Obaa.W Bowland, vonn uuuiey, janies rarer, aoneid, 1) Woodrow.

BMW Tavlor. A 8 IVInalnw. I OS Williams, McBlrney, Bowman 0 Baker, juuh w. tiAiwYf ALL, rresiaent, Wilmams, Secretary. nog F1KB AND SIAK.INB.

Eagle Insurance Company, OF CINCINNATI. J-W. GAKKISON, President." S. W. BEEDEB, Secretary DiniCTona Henrv KosalerJ Anthonv Fv Wm.

Wood, J. W. Garrison, Samuel 11. 1'aft, George W. Towuley.

Smith Bette. auavnioBH j. 11. Lawaerana David Baker, dosay 'win) uo toes jm eilBjsod miii noi3idi ti(j)-nuinioo pa AOj-tuaiieA -jog 'j 00 'wflV. 'M.

aiou pue seaiJuw eiqniM "ov 'Suniea UloioKuiiIoa 'saeHaej Jnoiiseuitjaejt )nuig -ua uiu jepua pus jeadu qoq (Plioi issopietuai i-mr NOTII 0N0UIS NI da illd 'S3ZI8 11 4sinMP00tI pnti tjjoo KOOIIAIi! ROOFIIVCr! rilHK UU1; ALT liLASTIC ME. JL TALLIO BOOFINU" I offered to the pnbllo as the beet and cheapest Metal Roof now nsed, it merits tested by an experieno of year In tbiaclty and vicinity. Applied to flat or steep, old or new buildings. No solder nsed fastened securely without exposure to the action of the elements. I Prepared sheets, boxed for shipment to any part of tbe United States, can be applied by any one wltb ordinary mechanical skill.

Ordersnromptly fllled. CALDWELL A (JO. U3 West Second street. PATENT MACHINE-MADE PAPER BAGS, for Grocers, Druggists, Tea Dealers and others, made from extra anality of Wrapping, Ua nlUaand White Tea Paper. No.

I Wrapphiaanl Manilla: Siiu.ikio No, 2 XsVMONo. SrNt.lMMI No. No. I auo.ooiiNo. 10 I joo.oooNo, auo.ouo No.

is aw.ootNe. 18 J00.U10 No. 20 WOJMOMo. no. I wniie lea npS No.

a llOO.OOU UNO. The above are put up in packages of WO bags each. We are manufacturing from sixty to seventy-five thousand Bags per day MXON ft GHATFHL'D, Paper Bag Manufacturers, i And Wholesale Paper Tiealera, X23 77 and 7 Walnnt-street. RIBBONS, FLOWERS: Feathers and Winter Millinery, Of evory description, which I am selling at a stnsl advance on New Tork prices, wholesale and retail J. VTEUB, no4 IB4 riftb-street.

bet. Base and Elm. OANDY! OANDI tflneeiasor to Mufcturer and Wholesale Dealen FINK MB PLAIN CMDIES 40 MAIN BTBBBT. CINCINNATI my.1T HENRY DAVID, HaBufactojer and Whelesals Dealer la Sonne, Frfamery Fne Oooda, No. 278 MAIN-STREETJ BCT WHEN BIXTHAN (3KYBNTII bt calling And JLe examining my Stock will find thatl am aelllng lower than any other house in Jh eirf 1 RAILROADS.

Change of 14, 1859. Change of 14, 1859. CHICAGO, Great Western and North-western Great Western and North-western LINE. AND CINCINNATI, LAFAYETTE AND CHICAGO SHORT-LINE RAILROADS. The Shertett Itente between OtBclaaatl and C'bioaae.

Three PaMengerTTainsleaveOinclnaall dally, from ii the foot of MiliandFrontstreets. i5 A. Mall arrives at tndlanapell at 1J: P. Chicago at 10:30 1'. U.

This train -oonneola with all night tralua out of Ohloago tor the West and North-west) connect at Indianapolis wltb trains for Torre Baute; also with Pern, trains for-Pern, Logansport, fort Wnyne and Toledo. -J-' itli49 Hante anil Lay fayette Ao. oonimiHiatlflu errtvea at Indlanapolid at P.M., maklug direot connections at iniflansnolls with La- layette tmlns for llwattir, prlugBeld.Baples, Quln-oy, Hannibal and St j.m.pti. JPs jBxpsim arriveeat Indianapolis M- making clew oonjieotions at Chicago with all mornlug trains out ot Chicago. Bleeping cars are attached te all tne ntglil trains on this line, and run through to Chicago without change of oars.

This Is exclusively a Western and North-western route, and with feverable and reliable arrangement with all connect ins o'ls thioiighont the entire West) guarantees nnusiial care and the amplest ao-oonunodatioustothepatroueot tlilt line. The Company's exclusive Telegraph Line Is used when neotssary, to govern the movement of train, and Lpughrldge'e celebrated Patent Brakes, are at' tached to all piiescnger Iralne, by wlilch I hey cahh. perfectly controlled; beeidee all the other modern Improvements necessary for the comfort aud safety of passengers, the managers of this road have liberally provided. Smoking-car on thisline. srBosnreyon a re In the right tioketolMoe before yon purchase yonr tickets, and ask for tlokeU via Lawrencehnrgandlndlaiiapolia.

Faro the aama as liv checked tbrongh. i nuun TioKiTTB, gooJ nntli nteil, ean be ob talnedatthe ticket nfflriu. north-westoorner Broadway and Front; No. 1 Bnr- V. aiuui-atreei uonae, and at Denot ofdue.

f.xit nf Milt nn ir. allnecessary inft rtnation may Se bad, Omnlbusos ms to and frow aach train, and will call for nMsengerj at nil boUlj and all part ot tbe eity, bi leaving address at elt i office. -if W. H. L.

NOBLB, nol Oeaeral Tloket NOVEMBER 14, 1859. Cincinnati, Hamilton Dayton RAILROAD 1-1 1 tp. I'll CIX DAILY TRAINS LEAVE THE fJ Hixth-atreet Denot. Trains run through to Oleveland, To. lodoaud lndiauapolis without ohan of cam.

A Tl 17 VUlf L'uu mil 1 lu Blch u.ond. Latarette, Ch icaso, and all viuimeoi. uioomouu wun u. and forOxlord, 7i.l A. fll.

Tit AIN-For Dayton, Springfield, close connections with all trafus leaving Chicago th sumo evening. Abo eonnecM at Urbaka ron (Jo- toast's; at Bellefontalne with B. and 1. R. Kast and West; at forest with Pituburg, Ifort Wayne and Chicago jUilroad East and Weeti at Clyde with 1 Ckve and and Toledo llailroad trains fr Cleveland onwiterandlttanf.e.

III in. Dolftwuro fur Dunkirk, BhQhIo, Boston, Neir Hue for Pltteburgh, Philadelphia, Baltimore; and aU i 'i40 Hamilton. Blohmond, Indianapolis, Terre Hants and tialut Louia: connects at Hamilton for Oxford, Ao. ni. TKA.lN-for Dayton, Springfield, vnwiuuiaine.

uima, ioieao, Detroit, (Jhlcago. and alipoints in Canada. Oojnectsat Bellefontalne with B. and I. It.

East and West. I a (' i 'xaaxv rorieve- Donl'rk, Buffalo, Boaton, few York, and all Eastern cities. Also, oonneots a asHlaprri a I ii Tn i i leaving umolnnatl at 11:50 P. leayeedally xxotrr Saiumats. All other trains leave dally kxoxpt bcarAre; or lurtner Xlckete, apply at th aiumv dituuh, nnnr rail anu ftrueu.

way; Ho. 168 Walnut-street, near Gibson House: at the new Ticket Office, on the went side of Vine-treot. betweenlPostofflce and Hornet House: at the Walnnt-street Honasjor at th Slxth-atreet Depot. LITTLE MIAMI AND COLUMBUS AND XENIA RAILROAD. Three Trains JDaily.

l'wo Tbrough Expiem Trilna. IRST TRAIN-DAY EXPRESS AT 10 -m. a. ta.i oouuecui via vuiumuua anu uieveianai via Columbus, BteubenvHle and Pittsburg; via wiiiuiuus. vremuue iuii tsuurgi via uoium-bos and fiellalr (Wheeling).

Also, lor KprlngfleHI. This train stops between Clnolnnati and at all the principal stationa. HKCONIf TH AIN-Coiumbna Aocommodatlon at 4i4l P. M. This train stops at all stations be-tueeu (lincinuatl and OolumbtiK, and 1'lnduuatl and Springfield; i THIRD THAlN-Nlght Express at 1 li30 P.

couuectsvla Colambus and Uellalr (Wlieullng)! via tloluinbus, Urostline and Pittsburg; via Columbus Bteubenville and Pittsburg; via Columbus and Cleveland. Thl Train stops at Loveland, Morrow, Xenla end London. BLKEP1NQ 0AK8 ON THIS TBAIN. avgrTbe Day Kxprea rnns through Cleveland, Wheeling and Pittsburg, via gteabenvllle, wltboni change of oars. The NIGHT IXt'KEDfl Train leaving Cincinnati at Jli30 P.

runs daily, except 8ATUKDAYH. The other Trains rnn daily, exoert 8UNBAT8. For all information, and Through Tickets to Bos. ton, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washing. toni Buffalo, Niagara Falls, 1 PitbiburK.

Wheelinc. and all I'unaira, uieveiaon, the Sastern olacea. apply at the Walnnt Htre Htreet House. No. 4 Bur- net in onse.

south-east corner of Broadaavand Froat streets, ana at ine unatern iNtpot. Trains run by Cnlumbns time, which ia ssven mln- ate faster tban Cincinnati lime. J. DtJBAND, Bun't. SOmntbnsei oallhrjasaengors by leaving direotiom the Ticket Offloe.

colt Commencing Dec. 4, 1859. OHIO AND MISSISSIPPI RAILROAD Cincinnati and St. Louis. THROUGH WITHOUT OHANGK OP 0AB8.

Two Daily Train lor Vlnoennea, Cairo and 0t. iOiiIs, at 1:30 A. and 1M P. At, Three Daily Trains for Louisville, at 7: A.M., 1:00 P. aud P.

M.l One Train ior Kvenavilie at 7:30 P.M. Tbe Trains connect at Bt. lenia for all points to Kansas and Nebraska, Hannibal, Qulncy and Keokuk; at Ht. Louis and Cairo for Memphis, Vloksblig, raphes and New Orleans. One Tbrongh Train on Hnnday at BcTtiBNiHo Past Line Leave Xast fit.

Louis, puuunj. AVuimi, a vitv n. amviDg at UlDOin-natt at U)M P. M. exraxa TaAja Leaves Kast St.

Louis dally at tif.0 P. arriving at Cincinnati at 8:25 A. M. vou THKonnn To all points West and South, please apply at the uuum, naiuni'BiN I auuse, DClween DIXID and Beventh-etreetn. No.

1 Burnet Bnuan. nnrner nfR. nnrth-weet oorusr of front and Broadway, Bpeaosr WyseOflloe, and atth Depot, corner Front and Mill. ttfWUf. W.

H. CI.SMHirli'.Gen'I.Biiperintendent. j)mnlbnseeoaU tot aassengers, ocx Cincinnati, Richmond Cincinnati, Richmond INDIANAPOLIS RAILROAD. rouflrh' Route fop IWMC HAOTB. mi uuiDi liArAVrrT, CHICAGO, lOBArlBf DafBII FOBT A TNI OolArfllrfo8 eonneotlons for allother WesUrnand North-wester Klnta.

This Train also connects at Klohmond with aolnnatl and Ohloaso Beads, for Anderson, Koho. lu" Tdoint oa Vyabash Vall.y nM0 BT. LOUIHMOnT KXl-nltSH Tha above Trains makl oiose counectlont at Indianapolis, Lafayotteand Cbl ring Selena, Uulucy, i'rutrle da Cblen, Fana. Peoria. Punleith.Baclne, Decatnr, Bloetalngton, Jollet, La Salle, Bt.

Paul, and all town and cities In the North trong'h Tickets give tad Baggage checked lor further Information and Through Tiokti Ely to corner ot Pront and iroedway; Jfe. ltv Walnut street, near fourth; at MnUiaat coiner Of rourth and Tlaa or at theoUthtfeD 0B1()W Snixrfateaiient! Omnlbw wiu rail tor passeng by Waving their aane at either of the Tlckot Off W.B.TillTH, Agent,.

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