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Fayetteville Observer from Fayetteville, Tennessee • Page 3

Fayetteville, Tennessee
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

1- i i I- i I i 1 I I 1' s1. 1 'i-i if ir. A 1 FajetieVillp Observer Til IT TIS DAT, A TV UAKY 6. 1833. Countj Court-- 1 Qa last Monday til? first quarterly terra of the Ccnuty Court of tjiis (r or inserted iu the county met, and transacted the usu- orJer in which they ure hand eu in.

It 5ii cm racter oi business the attention of ftr7" 'Musi bs handed into ihaOJi: by Mjrniixg.ia insure WuL Ii. Rhea, rUS in iU phaiiman, and Esqrs. II. mi Neatly Printfil Cormauie, rid Jtjsiict's just prim eJ, on 1 fur a.le at our -f Business NoiifeJa fi'T-Tho Lisi of I rs is ntiblishcd in Quorum Court. heretofore the court, reelected C.

i Cowan Laiorencclkrg The following is from a letter, in possession of tljie Pulaski Democrat from the Cashier of that Bank. From this leLtejr it appeara that the Bank is in gciod couditioh. 'Much to ixy I learn that there is 'a. rlport in' circulation in your county, that the Lawrenceburg bath .1 i t-k i i uauii uau laueu. Lim repon is upland ltobCTt Drenuon, were elected L.

i.i 1 IV IVH Mill I 1 I I I 1 1 1 11 I Iflll 1 111! IP III ilitiipai ivuiiuuuivtij a va, in ifact. The Bank is now in abetter Randolph, was electeel condition than at any other period of revenue collector. The same tax as that of last year th Fay.ttmrilU. pWrrerl in, -coiupliarKv was levied, with the LmJge item with a law ihe LAIIOES7 Fort Ktnt "he cellar immediately jshaiy bridge' the Court determined the ize which pvid There bein- sonie felGOO that it sht'l bifour in thf newspaper havijig ers show a const til advance, find 4 lo 35 (fbh.

TEii'. irrnjr ihn n.isi wdck. sell bi onir a' mofunite anioutu ol ouJinesa becrt irrtns.icicd in ihogViKiral inarke.t, Jw uie Icacling coiion, a lair niliDbuii i AJesamjrr of bfisihess Ii'iS bui'il characterized in its history, and is ready at any mo ment tb redeem its circulation in puuiu CIRCl t.Al lo.t.CO I in the hands of the Trustee for bridge I cr the Obsei prcnt ye; printing office, for to collect no bridge money terms, kc, 'year. In apply at this office. A-c it- Mr.

Geo. It. l)jdcs is our author- to obtain subscribers to the Mayrilco'lle Olst'rtr. i In N. a fev? days, since, a horse harnessed 'to a bus-fry! purposes, alter deducting the ampant broke lodse, and commeneetl running.

to be anr-lied to builditiir the Brad-jThe frightened animal was pjocced- along, when 'jiurk, i a beloiifrins to Hon. Grove Law- out of his i master's consequence this, the in thi s(rcet. seized linos people of the county will have some and held them fast till Ire succeeded I I. ti. iirw uuii.iio.

vi uuuuiy iuui 'IU siuuuiuj; lilt; UUlaO. AlllS fAI'JUll pay this was witnessed by a large: number I spectator's, i 'per cent. less of fcjxes to year than they had last iilniifif iif, hi EonnewiiuL tluctuiuins liricji-s. Aifrii Sar ijii-in Produfo unci hfpiJriiififiif, ii AVrliifrn rales h.ive boon prutv fyll. cijusi-qm-nt upon Ateup Alw ih' )ig ai jWdyancing lcit jvi AiexaJr llUilUWUJ-l ETIE7ILL KIS A Wm at i A'lsini mrs 15 ilicsj; ariicjes i.i ti to couutrv receSpli of li-adma nrtiJr Iiavn hin upper coiiniry.

ow ng iu ih espfjiaHy (rom ih ilie fuot of no packets arriving duriii" wcet. I Ordinnry Mi.LttnJr. Sirk-i Middling i Good MiddliStr. I Middling Kmj-. J.

kpn, rutnil, Ilhms I2jfa 15c; lijhgib'-s A t. acTT ofthe PooilJIouse1 of this cou'nty, to sell mure goods this 01 i was Lurried to death on Tuesday, 21st than 3 on ever iul before, ad ver-. cm m- -A -il I 1 She was afflicted with fits, and Death- Miss MMissa Chun min. one, fell into the fire, and when discovered, ivas al- tise lmire. ihe unparalleled success -r 1.

L. 1 t)i Liiuae nieru.i;iiu.-s uiu iiiieis, uu imw uep, u.m. most consumed. goo Is hefore the public, is a lesson 1 not to be disregarded by' 1 any one CoIcv'si Lady's Book-- whoj depends upon public patronage Godey has entered upod far 1 livinn-. Tii'e best customers are year with all the freshness T--r- 1 -r an inmate A week or i.wo since, 5000 acres of land, located in Morgan county, were sold at auction iu JSew ll liahi.

9u bush- flish- fJl Lird vi llfjCUUcll 12ldperfc. S-i. Lons, Mo ibiOed 10 185d 15 to 30c i-r duz- Nil r. county, yoric for $175, cash, I I 1 .1 i A- II .11 I 1 hnr ho inl it lax hev want oi vouin aunou'ni no nas coinpieieu arrival ui luntif supplies, us success IfMirtiirr tluufi.aj ll.a tnnrrc an.L ltd imi.u beiore tney leave nome, aim mese -iu-jeai wwj jjh. From South America.

i Tlie leuer will show E.inhquakes Wars are all calamities; ihey have 10 provide in thai quafier ol ihe world. Diseases incidental lo uut iVn: climate, alsa find iLp.V. wsjr i ifr-'re as wil! be seen by the remedy ihey seek rlor protectinn. To Dr. i rAi.p.RAtso; A tJ i I vj I.

A t.u i I i U'fcft II I i. time iracUlCIUICl'1'll Iti Tl rtTrt I rt 1 my utu 'oniviur sUinmeiit ol Clierrv recioral lo our Slid ardor' lne wholeifjmntity and a press- ing deinantl fir murp, which must await. iliei Lard. rT 1 I are the ones who invariably loik This has been njuch in the newfpapejrj to sc where the within the last year, in the. article is to Li faund.

improved character Jnnhis jNew Work on )Iuc Throurrh- the ot I I i I Wm. Gin.ii.vM, of Coluipbia, and formerly of this place, we are put fn i ii work on mtic w'hich he hasrecentlv illu3tra- cf tho! reading matter, the Nttencss and beauty ofr th tions; and -it is now decide lh' one of flirt li.niknmocf iinl i in, Uf. niofiit All II "A UliJW i UAVJJV MWVoAUl magazines For the Fayetttville ybserver. Candidate for Floater. published.

iud lis on sale at differ- u'iTrV aW Jut points, i 'Our musical talents are1 in all human probability, the nofsufliciehtlv cii-nndod to1 venture I)ele wiU be dl on AuSust as to iU legitimate merits, tolcct the mcmbcrf nstituting the next ueneral Assembly ot len- nflccrirt woiih? hri nfonsprl rn fipe Hip Capt. WjiP. of Pulaski, used in connection with the 4 station of Floater, cf 'this District. Ijj Jhs connection with the editorial de partment of the Pulaski Democrat, an opinion touching thegnnind work oT but our knowledge of the ni iu mr the assurance tliat the note took is that it purports to luyi Xo. 1 mus nl work, containn 28 i piges'iies imd ly printed on tine paper, i i fhap IirtfrcstinTalk Iu reading over Mr, advertisement of lie propos' sell ail advan'ce an quent uolorieiy, has excelled any medicine pver used in thrs coqutry.

Mt-stofour rem edies here are imported from England, and some them are rich and valuably but no product of licall skill from thai or any other rjoarter evr won so Iu II the con- hilenceot our popu.atiou as this beautiful tlfAil jflinil ill t-rillli I The anicle has atincied particular alien lni" lion anions ur most distinguished citizens, AKfV from he laci tliat General President of the Republic, and the highest officer in i ilia tela mid niiro.l rif a fitivm an, I I us ntT-tli'on of the lunffs, by its use. He itlltiws usio fend his name, and wishes to add the acknonuedgiiiems ol graiituoe lor his relief. We have the honor in be, sir, very respectfully, yiur obedient servams, I Caruos Ac.viREz Co 75c to fl 25; Old Rve, 7.U Dried i ues oi hois loiuers asKing a niaterial advahc inlv 18c but lormH prici'8 liUISVlLLEf lV se 9ic- r1 shoulders it whisk vl. oid 3) tu rk -Whisky floini 'fealo of 3 bbls R'' Whisliv 20'c! ss Pork It 50 i.i jfk salt; 7o Immsl prune.

9fculOo.i Joseph I.OIifl CSiaries lleiirv le i "rlosstiniss ti lnies B4iniPl VV ribin and XI iss In 1 4 ud 4 this county, rjn, Chi Idress. 1 1 i 3 CI I i ss Susan ton Idress ountv 30 WM. rjn Thursday, fiih Mr. William Eaks pStl)RGE. Iliil.rts VilIiaji CThabtree land Miss NanJy to hv M.irii I Riichati.i miss Ilriahl sr LUand VV Hell JasT B.ixier, Burjre jJohn Diilev II Brown! mr Palo" Bifiji John Bnsv Cornelius Barkhas Louis BirierjJaob Blair mr Ann Bevt-I inr, th- iii Burry Cornelius fev Bt-n ne it II the PJsi Tenjt January 1, IIC: I Kinls'A rri Uoji'i 1 Ijoc'her 3 ICH 'Commons I ICrawfJrd CM J--Common toj Iciiiiice Cieineftts Bi-nj lUiziniy F.

MM IVan-L Be 1 1 i'ltaien Joiiii VI Lin in VlcCleilaiJ i low Ji Viarehou-i 2 iAJc-jjUfB Mi! ef C. Vlaiqi.esis jers Sa loS Farm! orris a i Fat- abeth bal do oes hri 1 1 ii Martha iur LI in i. bn 2 CHERRY PECTORAL Tor cbe Cure of COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSEXESS, EUO-MIIITIS, -iTHOOPIXG-COlCa, CE01P, ASTID COXSDIPT gill IS teu.c, iiir4(u A (i tlie roi.fideiice Cl whir ll St-IJ. ui Jails to rd tlleris lhal can be deiied sujierii-iiiy cvtr eveij kind, ioo apparent to DIELLSS OCD; 1 i I-Iit'JVC tl! coit i do Merrr.i.s Jo i Beaunfui Cot.iip.Par:im.tiin 4 prfi-i! loil st Superb dr, A ju ras i IJi mbaz'iii co lcc.le anu D.iuiHfck Diess M.ign:ci in ll liir fci.d Rich blk Gn d' iioi ne ml Brocade ia Watered iSilks. all rotors.

1 heae iuro rent irlr.el.; nrisii. i Match W.J. I lu rv Ciemerids ni npj lll! -aner II on rocher Ji.rinjr Kpot'hran james Coltl R.ibt tft'le Jainies Col ten fniss 1M ('lark Jlns Ciark Jlbn li ismu)f I Dennis iPiiimaii Dale mrs EI sabel Dj-aper Jimes Davidson! Geo Deforl iVtn Daily Wm II'g! Sand I os A -i lis I its 1 1 to a AD 0.. I lie com rn unity i lerl in an a iize the hap 'irst hen once irird, llier int-d-lC of of.

the faint at ii 1 will be sold dive us a call- i most beautiful 'n'-e-. miY CHEAP. Lad Goodrich; i sunn. 81 ANDSOM ass.Timeni of Wosb. n.

1.0 jj eiiji'lov lor uie uiiiesMtii; ana al- i leitiioiis pulmonary organs, hirh aie' in.ridel.t lt cii mate. Am! in ti.o! Tiitbei, Cc es.aje olis-iva- I (Crle SUA WLS mine uiira if illf loi.ger hc-italfc what 10 Oct. 2S. 1552. James or tn f.N'a'ii Join Co Ho niii; A C-arsk nitztmiy l.i 10 cur climate, nuil iioloalv 10 1 he 'lurlmid anaeks upon ihe lungsV hui Urrtlie 1 1.

Ji 1 i I I lit iii'imri iniiciirr 111 i i.u Ul a. 1 1 1 or 1 .1. 1 nu iui itii.itut 11 13 (ilras aiitsi ano saiesi nit iliciiif cui be obtained. should u-itIi. hi it .,..1 1 who have used if, never, will.

lad ihe opinion of ih toliowmg gentle- mtf who will be recognized in the various seiltion of country here thf-y are lorate.I i pails and alias merchants tl ihe first class anil of the highest character as the oldest anil f.i.ost eStfiniive Wholesale -ah-rs in I Mid icine. tvilh an itfru iu-h it.i .1 I 1 1 1 it at 01 HuiLii luTit ritritft. 1 1 Ire-re Is auv Value in the jiidjriupni n( fXi.f-rLenve see 'Whit Certificate. Ve the u.ideisignd, iiob-sale lj)ni22i-t A I. J9 Iin.t-re.

Ttik'-ri Cioth a rp -1 Mi r.oonntrii. buchasas bkavcbs'. is! David Hike Vf Green. Drab and Fanci Coai BLANKETS. 11-0.

oradie. a.iiJie and Aegro Blankets, fi snie KCOPBICI, CCBlI BEAVtlia. IlitoJa nl mrs Marv mi's INna- )Tio The MarketsLatest I'ates. tiie district of only of a ceit, clear, I trusfl 11- liimself the nrinsithe reedtit iunddiis signal j.bility jdi the stump deiitial canv out as the most suitable for that statibn williin the Siss, tmineiitly point him individual bounds of is now ss will do eople the As the field Capt. ChamlA ionor and the 1 Wed on Presi- ns 1 Nashville.

Tho wenther bscn vniinhle this week alternately 1 rr-1 and warm; lairanu raiay. i lie honvy rains have brought up ihe river to a higher poti than it has reuchrd sinco the winter of I8C0 iter .1 AL S. II I I I Inlihis county, 29th bv Kcv. Th, s. 1 r-v I a.

WAviri S. Uuchanan and Mts. i 1 1 1 1 l'T i 'Fuller -1 mm i n-! P.U.... I i i 1 Fn'gnam h.i A i v-3S6aS Ford Us-Elisab I I ip'iKD. rr ii vy ululof fever, Labax i Mr.

L. Ii. ngd 17 v. a. 1.

tiarner ljiice Gasaw.vimrs 1 1 1'iepareo 10 ao a 1 Kin 1.1 ol rpairm for cash, by the t' v.E Tidd j.oinlcemenl, with the'fJct service to permit his namb to come of Lelreneial prices; nbtainl Jrt- nnr f-irtri' t' fur flu; ii bu lit niO- 1 -vn 1 tin l- 1 1 I. ducts ol iM ir larms, iritis us 10 pope; for continuation of lht pilsc at before them for a seat in the 1 1 ttfi 1 r.roacuins L.eirisiaiure. v.vnaf ice e- )e, prosperous tunes-during which hoie not to be furgutten by li and emrrons public. We ho 0 i 1 while iSfntjxml isMellii 1 iron ehd and our faincrs arc rbaiuiifr rJeli reward for ir labor, those in Fir peranee, bro bhaw and IS ap- sav LINCOLN. fhe Faye'tevilli Observer.

Tribute of Respect. At a regular meeting of Lynch Divisidn, No. I2G, Sens of Tem thors A. betlifi, Ihos. B.

i Parks having been pr" iipiioiuted a committee lo dralt rcso rears loi the (i.s.yvrjwm send ane. luLicns expressive ui.s sense small sum due, and its friends gcjic-ithis Diyldpn, with regard to tho rally will exert themselves in giv death of pur much beloved and high i csieciiicu vj. iu. vbav inn natter a mure ireueiai iitiu wmci circulation thajn it has yet attained. We return ous friends ly and paid if as to those w'J thanks who have the oh have rep lied reccjnt i co re, as irted a in her of new names to our List i td the nun er- tinue to furnish the village jn Tennesseo.

Fonn, made the lollowing report which was unanimously adopted iWitraiMS. rhvitli ia 'abroad in our land, yea, even in our very midsj, ell and has claimed for its victim oujj mJ beloved brother, Charles McKinnev from Lfverpool nre i inclined to huv -unii! and panics isred ey come! to hand. The receipts of Cditjm this woek, amou'tlt- ttlHtd vp. nsi 15 3 last Vtvk 1st S-piu'njbcr, J5.il4G i i I i it lUo saiue daic jast Ta lllll DEBT yjiu ne I -j A i.iiust hv ini -old i oil to bl 1 bales, offa 'Fatal receipts since bales, cgainst C000 vcar. i Cffee.

-JS'cw crdp Rio- loiQ! Ic ficmanu lair Flour. 'Jfliere ish fair-demnhd for Fot supplies are abundant. Cincinnati 4 new; Tennesseo 841 0. new Suzar. There is steady demand fpr Sugar, and tha stock is somewhat lurH Sales new crop at 4(a6 by the hlid; higher by the bbl.

Molasses. 31 pal. Barrel Sa't at 40c bush; coarseSi 60, fine 61 65 to I 85. I niaiMifacllinii'r Persons wishinu in'his heretofore in procure any ol I Davis' Vvl'san I Daniel Tlios David A IE Easilaivo dr Edtnonflsjin flenr Eldri lob James Edmonton EUis jithli Enoch JV II Ellis ik Manila jlV tVavh hi iss Eiisa I i 12 I jcisl. ii PeikjiisI) Ml roncr MVrlr i Phi i Palikfel itVkk P-M P.IU I i onti i ir a 6rwpod Pheby Caro- (line i.

n. i 4, i vrulllef coruiaiiy cuoifiif-jni ir 10 II 1 j. i- i Hon tf L'ltnsa mis- Ann St Milt jn.issMary il.ibt Pryirj Wii) tor's Sarah 111 Rddif BePj-Kaoh John Uhea1 Wm Rohelts Cavtd 2 William I ill Sofomon 'taiirij Wm IjSiona Imiis Margaret Spirer Sexier! Edward Solpmion miss Sarah mm Ihe Sjti3 quested ol DreM Brocade Black and F.incv ioiss are parncularly re call and examine onr stuk'i: comprising ress SiTks; 9 1 d. d-. Cash meres, Merinoe.

A tie rear vnriety A Ipaccas, Cohurgs. and Thibet Omhams. prints, c. I'he loods are very beautiful, and iaVni2 been lon-r ai-luainted with Atw onim cannot umo riease in style. Cheriv Pectoral, hereby ceriifv our bel-nf ilitw P'Ce Ii Ihe and most remedy tori iJUAlfUiN te Iinoiiary Comp.aints ever olf-reil to the Ariieiirai.

People. And we w.mld. from out j. knowledge its con p-'siiron and evtf nviv Ei.t tl 19 A 4Tiw na i rwt te at" flSt'-lted as worthy the ir best confidence, and Ii ihe linn conviction, that will Jo lor I rhoir relief nl! thai uipJh ran l.i i i ti onitsuaw, co na.Mon, Amss. Uetse Culsoii, Baltimore.

Md. La I St Inzraham. B.mor, Me, Haivilaud. llairall St Charleston, S. Jacob Farrand, Detroit.

Mk h. T. II. McAlhster, Louisville, K. Franci St Walton, St.

Louis, lo. Jos. Tucker, Volute. Ala. Th --odure A.

Peck, Vt. Haviland, Riley St A 'uiia, Ga. Isaac D. James. Trenton, i.

Jj J. M. Tuwiiser.d, PilL-bnr, CI. rk III. I E.

K. (Jay, Iiiirlin-rion. lu.wa. M. A.

Siauton Son, Va. Ed Birnursi, ilmiii lion. Helaivare. Joi Gilbert ist Philadelphia, Pa. iZ.

J) St W. II. Oilman, asbinirion, I) l. i tig at st e.o., i. Utleans.

tson. Wall St Ft Wat tie. In. C. Uirhn.ond San Francisco.

Cal and Forwarding ad aVje.ts, siikr.Bmiti.fc. W. E. Corker of Public Square, JlIST RtCEIVEO i 50 bas Super Rio COFFEE, iu no iagujra do 5 do Javii do For ealc at prices and carries EVAfVi 8t CC.MMhNGM. Oct.

2I.lb52. Shelbyville.TeDn. Delias! 'Scl I 1 ihiBlirlord i hi 'I I jSmitli Imlll Sin St so tl'HK sub Jewelry new brick lne; ru die 1 isom nf mnkain tnit.i yvl i -i. i i i is ri ana tiie tow iouiris oi me cuy nave o'-eo iaij subiim-rged sevenii lavs. Business since our last1 has been: qujie jUvclrv are reo Jested to all i dull, owing principally to the occurrence of; Januaiy 0, I S53.

E. M. RIA'GO the Christmas holnlavs. Ml v. It IIIIILIMl.

all tlie week, and pfic-s unsettled. In die absence of operations to any great extent, we run" make no floatations of nricr-a a I'iJv rru. i Tiiimi; in n't'inr-4, ii hu iiuwi'vtri. Imve letin madtrui uiETc. -Later dat Hi firm Last Xb ar.r,.

criber has removed th nld.nlj, sooiii isl corntjr e. on be lot occupied bly belore tlie re tt Ii eithir i notifi-d. seit.e ay the 1st not ea-jse sutprtse oflllcElroy Ac C'rau iford IIu ice but One! pf.i:hi$a indebted: to th note or account, an that unless th saiiie i of FeJrnnry, it a Constable's tce i. iue(i. Mr.

cnvwronni is i-renami? ill ve lo Texas, add the business jhI 0. iU. IJ tt i-nt. me IS due. ley soon promjiseji II ndl pay whali I we, or purchase cehes it lakes the cash.

sald-4 aciion. Jamjiarv 15.1. ARD. i Sides Candles. Tallow 12jc; Star Sperm 45c.

Whisky. Rectified 16 to 1 8c Bacon. Hams lOjc; Shoulders 8jc 9c; hog round 9c. Lard. Feathers.

35o. Beeswax. 18ta-20c. (iinseng. Ctirn Meal.

40c-bush. Corn. Si 50 to S2 bbl. Irish 40p bnsh weet Potatoes, 30c i That th eat; may understanding, or be; ii i upplepsat)) feelings, 1 make this Public An iKbiiucement, thai and alttr tins; day anupry isij tj-roceries to persui i a jreilit. If jul purchase front me.

yoil ust Urini the (Usir no all he pleased sell to all in this wat, hul must beg to he extused It.oui sellin on timet January 6, MIAPARD i Crawford, therefore: 1 That in the death of! forts of this sort bring us under list-; hiothev Crawford a bright star has ing obligations, will provb allien from the temperance horizon, surety that Lincoln county, will don- the churth of Christ at Lynchburg Das lost a laun.iui uuu uevuicu wui- Craham's Tho spirited editor of this pop Magazine, has entered upon the hew' men vcar with renewed enerirv. I Air: per her. ani society a good citizen. if 'Rcsjfcedy That we hereby tender Uo the jvidow and family of our de-, censed brother, our sincare sympathy laT: i Imranvai anU-COuuoieuuo iu men xiu uctwiv: Resole? J. That in testimony of the the January ijumber is upon ouf and esteem we entertained for ble, filled with choice of 1 nture, and adorned wfith splendita gravings.

Persons scribe lor this work, should now with the hew ye: uish the January number to any son who wishes to make up a ter- brother Crawford, we wear the usual of monrninsr for thirty days. Resolved, That a copy of thefore-J ifroinf? n'rocecdinffs bo signed by our -iu a and a. ana lorwarueu ni Corn i ifMns; (landv'; New Orleans. LaJ Mess Pork idull at Kf'ssesj; 17i.J..FIour85io8S 10 f-bbli-55(0)60-1 Bacon sides 8fSD9 10 keg Jliifl012-t--tireen round, 8" hiskey dull at 20 Molasses 22. ifiai ngar, Cjrushid Sugar; Gjilderi Syrupy Molasses; lllour Skit; Ln'rd laiKin 1 i vjniiuies; Sila; I New YoHK.

N. SS'SG to 5 62 Tr pork 818 bbl at Lard heavy only. Cincisjtati, D. Flour S4 40. in kees 1 Kalil i- -Cheese 9c are lower, 6 50 to 6 75- Bulk meat dulU Lird Hogs! r.

We wilUfur- i wi.low of our deceased brother, and per- ub, Constablr- We have 'heretofore inadvertently omitted to $tate, that oii the 20th James o. UW was constable fori the Fay ettc.yille district, vice HV TormnaH, resigned to the editors of the FuyetieviUe 0b-server, with request that tho same be published in the next number of their valuable p.i per. I x-i s- mvrrn XX7- VY. It. IvUVV j.

T. J. Shaw, R. SM Lvnchburg, Dec.24, -'52. Pi P.7 Lincoln Journal and' Ten- nc6seo Organ, will please copy.

r.i- 1 win. t. i I me urs. will be r.L..e oh Nashville pr ces for rash, when a sufil .1 Jniianiiti .4 taken atone to iron S45 bbl- -Cor; Meal 810 half adfance on Nashville pr ii 3U rr- .1 DDI- wanieu aw tj u. 00 1 pL3 hereiolore.

on timel to pckctua! Wheat in request at Cio 10c ffi- -j'-Corn JeALERSi mJari by punctual dealers, sue 5c 2r B. Potatoes o'aoc cr IB lJn-1 Js pay on the day they promise, and not ions 8 to 10c 1'crk fci4 1 cr Dbl 1 1 '4. ot lb moothb ihereattei. 1 am unaersiooa 22fS25c Butter 45 January 6. IB53.

SHAl'AKU. 1 1 ol SC. IA It to Ot-'C lo- 10 up tfk riM Rif a 90 'to 25c IB aedns 7C UVU LiWH Dried Apples 120 Lined A IBLACK UOG.about 4 months p.l, 9.301? Cheese 12 to U-Ja. 15c fc----Honey 25c IB. 1 Chattak.ioga.Temn.

Tha stale of the; weathe'rf during the r'al eek has prevented this office. nnerniiona. WILLIAM January 6, 1653 Groceries I Hvt 15 sunt ppZ'M Rest Rid Cflee; HjrwvVni Sugar, 'dilfereut grader; Uo do Window Glass; Putty; Indigo; Coppeias; Poder- Lea.1; Shot-, I White Lead; Red Lead; i'eoetian Red; Spanish Brown; Prussiarj Rlu-; (-Chroinej Yellowj Stci will he sold ivery cheap ring il. along. IH fSHAPARI.

I HIVE 4 LARGE lASOP.TMERT fTennesocr Iron, whir Id alihree Tiiunba of a cerj filE'noJni And.ew firav dij I 3ry mi's AC hn A Crahani-tmss 1 Al i jor.n Liicy lall II Man Isaac -miss Augusta Mr John mrs Mar-garet or lamiV 3 i Corneu9 Alexander Pe terson Col -Louis Adison AVahin2ton John Hooker Hunter Haves Mender flanks I Hudson; I Had llailey tin u-aiij Ha mm flawellj Ma wan! Ilenuerfi Mae irpk ins dal I Ifavma I Jatricnl iiigginK vans James; Jiirdarl iSm'jtli 11 uiilh iSiniffiiflJ I jirnmLlph l.Sikes Jlawell iSexioii John John iSuiamerlord JTuclcer James Weslev 2 I urne jTurlke I'lujin I James oes Irs A' I Ii HenrJ 'Z ladles Cietoen loibS niren If ami I Johnson James Konnrf Kenmrin Ivinied 1 iss I'atsi Rinea A 1 A eedhai oil 'I Ullsi Bel Uan' s.n i 1 V'aiicej Jacob 4 1 I Wiisht Jame Ct hVahsdn, Wm A i iWd.dfc Thos or ftildi Xowtoii1 I Wright Jesi.e Woods jVVilltalii and Siret Wt h' 2 IWd-di-n RoM L-ir 0 jW.l.dlJ-ibn II I I .1 nl OS iVVjjlia'tns mrs 1 i arrfn Ueii IWoodaM Isaac VVit'V Land lev Wnwht James and Smith Wljitri Wm Miles i I I' iYahn Travis A C. HOLM AN, P.iM. Lei-is St Ames. Tallahassee. FlonJa.

III. 'IVna. Chji-on Duer. Little Rock, Ark. Sjijler.

Glade Lexington, Misa. IS. U. Lahaide, Galveston, Texai. Ciijis.

Dyer, Providence, I. I. Josi M. Turner, Savannah, Ga. Wilde, Eckstein Sc.

Cincinnati. Ohio. 1 Wiih such insurances, anditii-m such men, no iktronger proof can be adduced, excejn lhal famul in idTecis upon Prepared and sold Ly A C. AjYF.R. j- Drugsist and Chemist, weJJ.

Mas. I -'d by DIE-ME'R'' LVAjPTON. Fay lenville. johi. 7.

i F- 'FX-i "6 Ti vi.Ss vl'ii FAVF.TTEVILlE, I iy 0o-Stniri, jiilass, l'ci'liiiucry. Soup, Oil, SurMal Iih-triiiu4iir, I'ancy I.OOIi TO VOLIt ilXTCBOT! Com folio wrs of and the pi fdic g-nrallt, Diemeb HlMPTOv's I 111,1. 'you wrll ijnd a silnidt amort went i' ri -h and 'jinitiiiic Jlcdiciiirs, select ed Witili creat carj- in tiie Eastern markets Special attention given to hiking; Physician Call nml exa nine out sloes and I-LOUIS. Just and Fa cll-.

50 Indiana FLOUR; 25 do Nashville Cuy Mills. CUM. MINGS. Oct. 21.

I $52. ohelbyviile. Tenn. lUO. A t.b'K i.oTalw4yt.

on hand ff jQ and at Letter terms than can te deli -Jr ered from fffash ville. by CUM MINGS Oct.2l.IKa. Shelbyviile.Tenn. TOIMCCO. 'Ill 1 I 1 1 11 i jui j.

01 ous 1 received and lor ml by lOTTfJs ojr TOE iiidsj, 1st reci EVA3V3 fi CUM MINGS. (jjg I CIG AI5. a Can be jhaj. jhn. 10 (W) Day- IS.

Melee CiRhrsJ and jl 5,000 Cuba Sun Just leceiieil and lorfsale bv ces, qia a ad jhju sii.tll be so. I pri Hi nro nit A pd 10. it et.ev,.!,.. with 1 '-i-i. 1 1 i.

va.ia UCt. Kl, tis.s. CUMMINGS. he I. by IOO tic of N.ILS,of sizes im 1 brands.

In, 7 Oct altf by Nil tHe. Tei.n. UROEi 5jfj3 constandv i FV Oji 51, ISsV i.ct of the abyve onjband. by NS k. CIJMMINGS.

,1 Shelby ville.Tei.n. do: do AS Dtjefciing and EC.) Breakj'a: of all ki tain fieil will iii a convknie.nt iaiailv Ilrsj- 'inmg ihe twn of Fay th ihe lot ot "round On I whijrh hotise slrids, being lb" same thai ihe subscriber ol Samuel E. Gil-I 2." at les. For pail cuiatr on Hit premises to i JOHN T. MORGAN j' June 21.

IS.V2 if -r King (fhatis; (ifnlre- Uiiiing art.l Tablet: nlain Bmeaus. Watdrohes ids, unges, Kugar Chests, Cu'i irnuiitty who heads, do Stc, We can and intereit to. ca if dished, as tine Furniture complete stjic A and fot UN I 1 1 (k have opened a "Wapcrooin in FAVfcTTEviM.g.'r 1 norfi-fisf -corn'- the Vull I.u, itvtf' mtl ipri sorts and qualilofs of- "3Iaccv 5:, af Si- row ll a5 Pulverized Sail; Ilice; Painifd BuckeiaJ do 1 lob-; Log Chains; Fifiii Chain-; Breast Chains; Trace Chairjs; Coll'irs; Indigo and Mud Pepper aaJ pici A; (I'ulphur; j.Molasse.; it'oiif. ciionarie Paiuls and iif; uastings -1 i 1 1 iTurpentiiifl; hoes and Doora; Uiegar; Varnishes; t'owdr; Lead: iShof; IvVindowGlass. Ejireaus audi Tables, Parlor SHiS OF TIlK utuVket Street, four Joorp fruin Brnadi-ag.

NASHVILLE, TENX, holesald nnd'IJctail Dealers in Donicsilic irardwareland 1 1 Soaps-', ThtVe'. tlamed tbeiher with a ere. a I' hi any others SoV leSiouslO iiiontmn. flwayi onanii, either by wholesale or retail, ai tbe lwel markel priri, bV. I 1 e.

VM.V fc- E. the Sq'tarf c.mrt;T Mi IH KRCII.ANTS: Far mt-1 8 Ca rite 11 te rs. I smubis and the iradVitsfrmiir for will ft it it il.eir I and exainine- full' and iof Good-! of thi jttosT Hio.vABL sTvi.cs. and on as I BEASd wher I Ilrai he jof-a! i led he I i ve 'ask i i Ddceiibei -r- BtE thrms; as can; be obi allied any- llamtnej-eil ironi. and CaiUjoc ail kinds We will a few days, a fibe 1 I Juft lor t.h4 accommodation ol the pu'i Armtfage Mouse Hole A uvils? AVa.

a sulmlv ol ready made oiiJ liox ices nliiiliiipsfuni! si7 i A cull is soli'c-. 20 (ioits Gras re purihasing. AjFi'ial 1 ivliat jhear ckson's Mill and CroM Cut Saws; uiivuni rn 1 roill 1.1 irt I inCLfSl 1 1 Lock woo Drawing' Knives, r-iifliUji'in Darrel rRGFJ A. B. KNOTT CO.

VTIBi-1 ITI loV.ob- Vt.nrr.arid- Sole, D.9.,!blI' She. Gtinsj bestl rec.ved "J' -rpeois 1 fealecHdap, ai wholesale or retail. THOMSON SMBUCH A A N. Dfcfhhe.i 21. IS52 nnv extentive comiTierciai uucmuum 10S6 hale cotton nrrived daring the week kr'nf no sales durins tho last few i -1 Hogs.

market shows nn advance of fully ic since our lost. A loi of 100 was purchased at 5j, and nanu, 6J; Healthy and advancing market. Fyetteille erown tor Ins ase, part erevnoun was lost on xidavj 24th ull ihls place, for the recovery of which iberal reward Will he given, by appicatiin January 6, IS.W. ta-jHAT the Jcui has tbia iKOTICE PAISTJCULAKtr ol GILL RUSSED.L day (UfC OlsiJ neen uiasoiv It mutual corisent. llmse indebted to firmj mot cpjnie lorward make paymf ujl.

Jan. 6 immediately A. S. BOONE Urifi as I'M StcI Cotton kjh-ainsla large vnriety 1 usei 'Collars 1 ii Nov hse tr' wax. Hnd 0ci IU CAft.

assorted Sizes, uriiuH t. 1 I II 1 i Udimn iiors, urn 9. 185: I (iJ; A' ta. kVi Tnc mifiicritier rest.eellul! infoTihO I thai he a roonrir. XZ2 TKiWirt'i hri'ik bailing.

Nonh East oP ihe iJiuarp. FAYKTIEVLLLE, ij whre he whit on! Lidiea bd4. Gentlemen who may isb LlKnse taisen py ins BI A0TIPC "A Jin. IHIMITAttl.B 10 parr.t, fcbi'ldrj-n, ij and sell ihV Tenn'es-ee? RollVd and i 0 PT; tune, a tnosij i i PCUFECT UfXtlKEPOBTniT which can be obtained in 00 jfther way. When we call fb mind uncertainty of life, the ordinary ihougli soinetimts painful separation of familiei and ftiends, togethev with the ravages of wnej it beconiea a mattei of unich fnterei impoitaoee 10 ecure the -feature! of loved ones at before "d- ath, distance ..0 tjiic lapse tiin readers, it inijioitiblt: trr Havin2 taken lessons of Mr.

F. N. I Table Kn.ivfe various, I pofki-l A- Adze; Daguenean ArliU in Weateru luinisbed himteH' with ia-aiinerior catlieia and irnplemenis. the tb 15 sets -Bronzed Polished Sreel head Shovels, and'! Tr.s. a-sonerioi catlieit and irnph 'i HORTON Ucnber flaitera he will 10 give Dec.

0. 16j3J lhe mfitt atifti aatisfaciioo. 1 FSTISA I This I AdijMwho- are always iude is Taeen. on bv, Ameii'ca Stone, in matters c'f tate. are" especially: mvyed to 1.

a 71 ir ij ir 11 utr jilh Hoe luat 1st jA4fI' oi.K.rf'iii Hii.rlrvt w' i-all inifiiraina hia work 'and snecimrns Als.i. Vfi. A i rik-tv rsen. hf dilferen sizes I Hamefe. Co Lis nose, both hind WT.X'11-1! kept.cuostaotly pn 1 11I feed white, about 8 Feir pldj valuetf.

01 $75. Nashville. Dec 1 8.12 St' Northern Leatlieri I I I I I1BS slip 4ofinL'rii onto u'-oi 3 do2j. French Call I do 18. Shclbyville ana Fnyerteville i Turnpike Road.

.1 1 4 a rneeuns ihe Directors of the Prices 'very moderale If. U4 HILL. allow 14 TjllOMSON BUCHANAN. Wm. II 41a meeuns ol the Uirecturs of the For sa 1- 1 "ueiiioncu noanai llB.l I OH SO.H, Arril2y do heavy kips.for aalf by 0 RW .1 v-r: the Beard that' a caU be mUde -on th! (subscribers of- sfotjk ini said Road foi'the1 Chemicals rureM St HAMPTO.t lint A.

I ISarter. i first instalmenl of their re'unectite snbsciim 1 1 will take in exthange for Goods, 1 tiotis on the" nsst day of next, to te wood Brown Jeani, white and striped i paid into- tire hands of Ihe Tieasurer, L. Featfieis, Homespun. Rocks, Bees- jSTo, who is auihorized to relceipt fur ihe. 1 1 t3Ta AIco- Bacon.

Liard and Flnur. I Isamf 1 fee. 16. -I $52. W.

vy. Gil MhoRKsi-SecV. holsi MtilciMt.lor sale by DIEM Ell St HAMPTON. Paints and Oil L. Pie-.

AINTS Itnd OILS of all kinds. f.l 'A pril 25. 1' 1 1 .5 3 "fx 1 I- 1 4 i i "I 4.

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