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The News-Herald from Hillsboro, Ohio • Page 4

The News-Heraldi
Hillsboro, Ohio
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

LOCAL NOTICES. Local lYotlcea 10 oents per line for first insertion; 5 eents per line each subsequent insertion. Nothing inserted for leu than 25 ctt Wanted, an Experienced Cook i Apply at Highland Institute. nov2wl For Rent House on East Main Street Apply at Highland Instate. erSwl Information Wanted Of John Wesley Gains, aged about 16 years, who was in Hillsboro in September last.

His mother is now staying with her sister, Mrs. John Cline, 2 miles south of Samantha, and wishes him to come to her as soon as possible. nov2wl We oell all One Dollar Patent Mediclnea for 73 Cents Cash SETBERT A Druggists, Smith's New Building, Brown's Old Stand, Hillsboro, Ohio. nov2tf $1000 WANTED! for $3000 WORTH OF GOODS We hare about $2000 worth of Clothing, of last year' stock, slightly soiled, which we propose to sell for Half, and less than Half of their Real Talne! such as Heavy Chinoihlla Business Coats, sold at 4.00 formerly sold at Ohinohilla Overcoats for $5.00, not formerly sold at Children's Overcoats at $1.50, formerly sold at And other goods in proportion. These are Real Bargains.

Call immediately and take your choice before they are picked over. oct26tf STRAUSS FEIBEL. Town Properly for Sale. Two Story Brick House and large lot, 5 rooms and cellar, well and cistern, outhouses and stable. Well located for a business man.

Apply to oct26w4 JAMES BEECE, HiEiboro. Town Propert for Sale. One Story Frame House, and lot, 6 rooms, cellar, well and cistern, on East Walnut Street, opposite Judge Steels. See JAMES BEECE, Hillsboro, or address S. W.

CKEED, Liberty, Ind. oct26w3 $10 TO SIS SATED! How By Buying your Overcoats ofSirauas fc Fetbel, Instead of a Merchant Tailor. Their stock is larger in variety and cheaper, than ever before offered. Call and examine and see their low prices. octl9w4 Orercoatg or Extra Sizes Large and Small, To fit the largest man or smallest boy.

STKAUSS So FEIBEL. Wood Wanted. A few cords of good, dry, straight hick-wry, sugar, beech or ash wood, four feet long, will be taken on subscription for the -tiwb, ix delivered during the present month, (October. No other kinds wanted. octlOtf A Kew Addition to our Stock.

Just received a large stock of tJ Boots and Shoes, fox men, youths and boys, wUioh Ve ram afford to sell cheaper than any other house in Hillsboro. Call and see our new stock. sep28tf STBAUSS FEIBEL. IF-A-XjXj, 187S. HEW GOODS! XEW GOODS JOHN L.

WEST Has just returned from the Eastern cities where he purchased a very complete stock of Fall and Winter Dry Goods, all of which were bought low, and will be sold as cheap as they can be purchased elsewhere in this market. CARPETS A SPECIALTY. mhttemember the place High at a few doors south of the Masonic Temple. Sept 14, 1876. tfj J.

L. WEST. 1000 Bash. Potatoes Wanted. For which CASH and the highest market prioe will be paid, by sep7tf AMEN, GBEGG A CO.

For Sale or Exchange. I will sell on reasonable terms, or exchange for a smaller house, my residence on Walnut street, Hillsboro. It is a two story brick, built 3 years ago, containing 10 rooms, with good cellar under nearly the whole house. On the lot is first-rate well and cistern, also a good stable, and plenty of good bearing fruit trees of an kinds. For terms, apply to the undersigned, at the M.

4 C. E. E. Depot. p7tl E.

CARSON. To all whom Attend School. School Books, Slates, and everything wanted in the School Room. Prices as low as the lowest, and a patent Book Cover tree with each book. At DETWILER'S, au31tf Boy yonr Machine Needles, Spoolers, Oil, Ac.

at mylStf HIBBEN'S. We Make a Specially or Hamburg Embroideries. Come and see ayu ana prices. myl8tf a E. HIBBEN SON.

aaaawBHBaBBaaB Oastoria is a perfect substitute for Castor OH, wnnoox any ol Its objections, for it Is pleasant to take, and does not nauseate or gripe. For Cos- HTCDeee at any age, but especially for Soar Stomach, Wind Colic, Worms and the Disordered rw-i. Children, It is the most effective remedy in exist- ii is Harmless, it is reliable, and it is cheap. There need be no pain where Centanr Lin iment is used. Bams and Scalds are healed with- wt a scar.

Rheumatism, Sprains, and most flesh. Bone and muscle ailments can be absolutely cored. There are two kinds. The White Centanr Ltni- is for family use, the fellow for horses and One trial will convince the incredulous. octttwf A Bottom Fact.

"Mr. James C. Finney, of this village, Veil known to most of our readers, has used the Truts and Rupture Remedy only about 6 weeks, but believes be is entirely curvd of a dangerous Rupture, which has attended him from early infancy. The Trues and Remedy oost him but he places the cash value of their benefit to him at more than ten times that ram." From "The Expositor," Sturgeon Say, of June 16, 1876. The Triumph Truss and Bemedy are told at $34 Bowery, and 1315 Chest-ant St; Philadelphia.

Send 10 cents for their new book, to either office. au3yl IlILLSUOllOl OHIO. Thursday, Nov. 2. 1876.

LOCAL NOTICES. TOWN COUNTRY. Advertisements for the Niws must be handed in not later than 9 o'clock Tuesday morning. The weather is getting Hayesej again, as the Presidential election draws near. The rates of taxation in this county for 1876, will bo found on the first page of this pajier.

Go to Music Hall Saturday night, and hear Got. Hart and Capt Ben Foraker. Examine your tickets carefully, and be sure that every name is right before you vote. Don't be cheated. Look out for illegal votes.

Challenge jevory man whose right to vote you have good reason to doubt Hayes is not compelled to write a letter saying that he will not approve rebel claims. Compare your tickets with the one published in this paper, and see that all the names are on it Gov. Hart, of Cleveland, and Capt Ben Foraker, of Cincinnati, will close the campaign in this with speeches at Music Hall, Saturday night It is estimated that about 50 Republicans of this county were at the Centennial at the October election. They will all be at home next Tuesday, to vote f6r Hayes. Do the soldiers who propose vot ing for Mr.

Tilden remember that he said in 1863 that he would rather see them starve than contribute one cent to their comfort in the field? howl of the Democrats against the President's South Carolina proclamation is the same that they raised when Mr. Lincoln called for 75,000 men for three months in 1861. Let there be a complete list of Republican voters at every voting place in the county, and check off the names as they vote. At 2 o'clock, look after all who have not voted, and get them to the polls. An Intelligent "Reformer." One of the young "Reformers" who has been making speeches to the Democracy in this county, was asked the other day what was meant by the "demonetization" of silver.

To which he promptly replied, "Depreciating its "And of such" is the party of "Tilden and you know of any Republican in your township or precinct -who did not vote in October, be sure and see that he does not neglect his duty next Tuesday. Remember Je a Bepublican gain of about 10 votes in each township, in order to give Hayes 300 majority in the county. We have heard of quite a number of honest, intelligent Democrats in this county, who have declared their intention not to vote for Tilden. They can't forget what the Cincinnati Enquirer said about ln'm before he was nominated, and they will refuse to "eat crow," for the sake of the party, like the editors of that paper. Next week's News will be kept back one day in order to give the result of the Presidential election.

This we shall no doubt be able to do unless the contest should be exceedingly close. In that event it might require the official vote of some State to decide whether Hayes or Tilden is to be our next President We hope somebody will bring in the returns from each township, on tue night after the election. The ballots can be counted much more quickly than at the State election, as there will be "no scratching," and the result ought to be known in ev ery township before midnight The moon will rise about half past 10 clock, according to our almanac. Mrs. Gray's Readings.

Mrs. Katherine Gray, the Dramatic Beader, Humorist and Actress, to whom we -referred last week, will give her first entertainment in Hills boro on Thursday evening, in Music Hall. From the high recommendations she has received from leading citizens of Chillicothe and Green field, as well as from the press, we feel warranted in expecting an agree-ablejentertainment, and hope the lady will be greeted by a full house. For particulars see programmes. KAXSAS PACIFIC RAILWAY The Old Pioneer Line.

Kansas, Colorado, Sam Jdan, Black Hills. Kansas City to Denver and the famous Rocky Mountain resorts. The direct route to San Jean. The only line from Kansas city to tne lilaclc Hills under one management Passes through the fertile central Kansas, and throueh the imrjortant cities. and the locations of the capital and all the great State institutions, through the finest farming and Grazing lands in America.

Millions of acres for sale rh Railway Company upon long time, and to be had free by actual settlers. Beaches Colorado, with its charmincr climata. it celebrated hot and cold medicinal springs, Magnificent scenery Perpetual Snowcapped Mountain-Summits. 14.000 fept high, Water-Falls and cascades almost continual Sunshine, cool Nights in summer. The most desirable climate for invalids, in summer and winter, in the world a sure cure for Asthma, and has a good effect upon those predisposed to pulmonary affections.

Colorado produces the best Beef and Flour has valuable Gold, Silver, copper. Lead and coal Mines; Good Hotels, Fine Roads, Good Hunting and Fishing. Pullman Palace cars and fine Dav ooachoe through to Denver without change. No ferries, transfers nor changes of cars to annoy. Jbowest rates to ail points guaranteed.

For descriptive circulars, address Genebal Passenger Agent Kansas Pacific Railway, Kansas City, or Frank Scott, Pass. Agent, Ticket Office, Grand Hotel, Cincinnati, O. apl'7tjanl 250 Majority for Hayes. Our county gave Barnes, Bepublican, a majority of 165 in October. She can easily give Hayes at least 250 majority next Tuesday.

Let every Bepublican work for this re sult and it will be accomplished. In 1868, the Bepublican majority in the county at the October election was only 23. In November, Grant's majority was 188, showing a Bepublican gain from October to November, of 175. In 1872, the Bepublican majority at the October election was 135. In November, Grant's majority was 271, showing a Bepublican gain of 136.

If we gain in the same proportion next Tuesday, Hayes' majority in the county will be over. 300! Let us make it that, if possible. The Scott Dragoons. On Thursday last the new Cavalry company, the Scott Dragoons, made their first public parade in full uniform, on foot. About 40 men were in line, and although it is but a few weeks since the company was organized, they marched and went through the drill with the precision of veterans as in fact quite a number of them are, having "seen service" during the late war.

After parading the principal streets they marched to the residence of Wm Scott, after whom the company is named, where dress parade was repeated and the following complimentary orders were read by the Adjutant: Headquarters Scott Hillsboro, Oct 26, 1876. The Commander of the Scott Dragoons (on behalf of the members) desires to make their grateful acknowl edgments to our much esteemed fellow-citizen, Mr. Wm. Scott, and his estimable lady, Mrs. Scott, for the liberal manner in which they have been pleased to contribute to aid the equipment and uniforming of the Company.

We feel especially grateful to Mrs. Scott for the beautiful Cavalry Guidon which she has been pleased to present to the Scott Dragoons. The Commandant also desires to congratulate the members of the Scott Dragoons on this their first parade, for their fine, soldierly appearance and good military discipline. M. BUCK.

Cap't. Com'dg. Co. The Democracy have been hard at work for the last two weeks, making a desperate effort to recover their losses in October and carry the county for Tilden. Our old friend Charley Shcafe was brought all the way from Tennessee to enlighten "the dark corners," as he used to do before the war, and Gen.

Morgan, the redoubt able "hero of Cumberland Gap," lent his aid at Musie Hall last Friday night la addition to these distin guished several of the smaller luminaries have been making speeches in the county, and appealing to the faithful to rally to the breach once and save "slippery Sam" from his impending doom, But it is all labor lost The people of old Highland made up their minds some time ago that Sammy is not their kind of a man, and so they are going to vote next Tuesday for that honest man, brave soldier and true patriot, Butherford B. Hayes. Wide Awake for November. In Wide Awake for November is given Part of "A Doll's Fair," in structing the boys as to the articles they may manufacture and send to the great Doll's Fair to be held in Boston in December. All toys and dolls sent to this Fair are to be dis tributed to the sick children in the hospitals throughout the country on Christmas day.

Ten prizes are to be awarded the boys, and the October and November numbers, containing the Bules and Prize-list for both girls and boys, will be sent bv the pub lishera on receipt of ten cents for each number. This number also furnishes the girls with a Pattern-sheet for a doll's entire wardrobe. The project will teach our girls much in the way of cutting and making their own clothing. Only $2.00 per annum. Edited by Ella Farman.

Publishers, D. LoTHitop 30 32 Franklin St Boston. Rupture cured in from 30 to 90 days by the use of the Triumph Truss and Tri umph Kupture Memedy, manufactured by the Triumph Truss 334 Bowery St, n. I. office 1315 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, Pa.

This Truss and Supporter took the medal at the last session of the Great American Institute Fair. Mrs. C. A. M.

Burnham, A. M. the accomplished Hernia Surgeon in charge of the Ladies' Department, will see pa tients at the Philadelphia Office, from 10 A. M. to 3 P.

M. on Aug. 3, and on alter nate Thursdays thereafter, throughout the year. Send 10 cents for their new book, to either office. au3yl Scarcity of Money.

There is no doubt but the present con. dition of all kinds of business and industry is fearfully depressed, and it behooves every family to look carefully to their ex penses. Winter is coming on, when chil dren are liable to Croup, Wboopms Couch, etc. Coughs and Colds will prevail every where, and Consumption, with other Throat and Lung disease, will carry off many. 1 nese diseases should not be neg lected.

Doctor Bills are expensive, and we would advise onr people to use Boscbee's Gebman Strcp. It never has failed. One bottle at 75 cents will keep your whole family well during the winter. Two doses will relieve any case. Sold in all towns in the United States, and by your Druggist nov2eow Trne Merit will Win.

A few years since the proprietors of Dr. Morris' Syrup of Tar, Wild Cherry and Horebonnd introduced it here. It was not puffed, but sold on its merits. Our people soon found it to be reliable, and already it has become the most staple and popular pulmonary remedy in the market. It quickly cures the worst coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis, asthma and incipient consumption.

Nothing acts so nicely in whooping cough, and it is so pleasant that children readily take it. Containing no opium, or other dangerous drug, it is as safe as it is sure. Trial size, 10 cts. large sizes, 50 cts. and One Dollar.

Sold by JAMES BROWN. Also Agents for Prof. Parkers' Pleasant Worm Syrup, which never fails. Pleasant to take, and requires no physic. Price 25 cents.

octlffeow Resolutions of Respect Bp Highland Qrangr, Xo.tft. P. 0. Russell's Station, on the death of Samuel Russell. Whereas, It has pleased an All-wise Providence to remove by death from us our highly esteemed friend, neighbor and brother, Samuel Russell and Whereas, We, his associates, neighbors, sisters and brothers, deem it a duty to give an expression to onr sentiments in relation to the afflicting dispensation.

Therefore, Resolved, That hi the death of Samuel Russell, our Order loses a worthy and useful member, society an honorable, courteous Christian and valuable citizen, the wife, a kind husband, and the children an affectionate parent. Resolved, That we tender to the family and friends of the deceased our sympathy, and that a copy of these resolutions he sent to the widow and children. P. F. JONTE, E.

G. BOATRIGHT, M. A- UKMSTON, October 23, 1876. "Solid for Tilden." Jeff Davis is Solid for Tilden The Knights of the Golden Cir- cle are Solid for Tilden. The men who watched the Dead Line are Solid for Tilden.

Every Traitor to his Country in the hour of its sorest need is Solid for Tilden. The men who hunted escaped Union prisoners with bloodhounds are Solid for Tilden. Every man who waited and watched over the Canada border to avoid the draft is Solid for Tilden. The men who tried to spread the small-pox in cities by means of infected clothing are Solid for Tilden. Every State that went into the Rebellion, and those that were kept out of it only by the bayonet, are expected to be.

Solid for Tilden. Every Rebel who tried to destroy the Union, and lost a mule, a hog or a fence rail, and expects to get paid for them, is Solid for Tilden. Every Kuklux, every White Liner, every Rifle Clubber, every midnight assassin, is Solid for Tilden. The men who burned colored Orphan Asylums in New York and engaged in draft riots are Solid for Tilden. Every man who believes in the "sacred right" of Secession believes as Tilden does, and is Solid for Tilden.

Every man who thinks the Boys in Blue committed a "trespass" when they went South to fight Rebels, is Solid for Tilden. Every Northern "doughface who hungers for a chance to again kiss the feet of his Southern masters, is Solid for Tilden. The men who stood guard over Rebel Prison Pens, while the Boys in Blue starved and rotted, are Solid for Tilden. Read and Reflect. The following bill was intr oduced by H.

T. Riddle, Representative from the Fourth District of Tennessee, February 2S, 1S76. It was read twice, referred to the Committee on the Judiciary, ordered to be printed, and can be taken up and passed whenever the Democracy gets full control of the same branches of the Government: 'A BILL. Directing cqmpeTlsation to be allow ed for the use and occupation of property the" United Staes Army during the late war. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Mepresentatives of the United states of America tn ton gress assembled, That the Secretary of ar be, and is hereby, authorized to allow reasonable compensation to ALL CITIZENS of the United States FOB THE USE and occupation of THEIB PBOPEBTI BY THE UNITED STATES Abmt, or any part thereof, during tne late cmi war, in tne same man ner and under the same regultions as condensation is now allowed for quartern as te stores used by said Army: Provided, however, That the affidavit of the claimant, support ed by the competant testimony of any reputed citizen bHALIi BE SUFFICIENT PROOF TO S- I XllUi AUL OF THE USE AND OF SUCH PTOPEBTY BY SAID AfiMT.

But is not the intention of this act to limit the parties to the amount of proof herein specified but other an ttdditonal testimony may be taken to establish the fact of the use and oc cupation and the rental value of the property occupied. Dr. A. B. Jones, a prominent physician at Portsmouth, died suddenly of rheumatism of the heart at his residence in that city on the 15th insL He was a native of this place, and resided here previous to his removal to Portsmouth, some 25 years ago.

The only States which thus far have elected members to the next Congress are Maine, Vermont, Ohio and Indiana. At present they are represented by twenty Republicans and twenty-one Democrats; in the next House they will have thirty Re- pulbicans and eleven Democrats. This is good a beginning. Marriages. Marriage Notices inserted free.

A responsible name mnst accompany all notices sent by mail. BUTLER GALL On the Sith at th Presbyterian Parsonage, and by the ltev. W. J. McSurelv.

William E. Butler and Miss Sarah f. Gall, both of this county. GALL MILLER Also at the aam time anil place, and by the same. George II.

Gall and Miss mnijr miner, uuiu OI LUIS COUnty. KN'EEDLER BRIDWET T. A Fil.w. House, on the sth bv Kev. I).

Whi tmpr. Xfp J. T. Kneedler. of the vicinity of East Monroe, to Miss MaryC.

Bridwell, of Leesburg. WELTY JOSTE -On the tilth at ihft rm- mence ol tne brine's parents, near Russell's Station, by R-v. W. N. Maxcv.

Mr. Aleiander 8. Welty and Miss Emma E. Jonte. SANDERS On Thursdav morning Oct.

I87, at the residence of the bride's mother, Leesburg, by Rev. A. D. Raleigh, Mr. David Sanders to Miss Armilda Johnson.

F0UCII TEBOE At the rmir1n nf th. bnde's father, Oct. 1878, by Rev. i. II.

Middle-ton, Mr. Arthur Fonch to Miss Mary Teboe, all of Dodsonville, Highland O. Deaths. Notices of Deaths inserted free. Obituary re marks charged for at the rate of 5 cents per line of words.

BERING In Lvnchbnrir. Ort. 17. 1S7R. William, onlv son of Mai-jr J.

A. Berinir. amxi it months and 22 days. STANDFORTH In Russell's Station. October 14, 187, of Diphtheria, Lizzie Elma, daughter of Wesley and Sarah Standforth, aged three ears.

"Farewell my child but not farewell Forever We shall meet When sounds Creation's dooming knell Before the judgment seat; And I shall know thy little face Amid the world's assembled race." Deaths. ELMA O. DAKER. New Advertisements. for sjle or I will sell, on reasonable terms, or exchange for Real Estate in Clinton, Highland or adjoining Counties, Ohio, or for a Slock of Goods, a lot of valuable Lands situated in the Counties of White, Van Huren, and Cumberland, Middle Tennessee.

The Lands are well watered and well timbered oil good, equal to that oOeither of the above-named counties in Ohio, and adapted to the growth of all crops grown io Ohio, and the cotton and tobacco of the South. The best and most uniform climate in tlie Cnited States. For terras, call on or address me at the Post Office in New Vienna, Ohio. JOHN A. BLACKBURN.

Geoboe E. Babhow, Agent. no2v4 Estate of Isaac Bennett, dee'd. OTICE is hereby given, that the subscriber has i been duly appointed and qualified as Executor of the last will and testament of Isaac Bennett, deceased, late of Highland county, Ohio. Dated October 23, 1878.

novSwS CAMPBELL BENNETT. TIMES FOR HOLDING COURT rOH THE YEAR 1877, Fifth Judicial District of Ohio IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, That the Courts of Common and District Courts for the year 1877, shall begin in theseveral Counties of the ruin juntciai Lnstrlcr 01 cue state 01 uuio, at tne times following, to-wit COURT OF COMMON PLEAS: riBST SUBDIVISION. Adams County January 9th, May 1st, September I8th. Clermont CotntTT January 23d, May ISth, October lfith. Brown County February 20th, June Sth, November 13th.

SECOND SUBDIVISION. HiGHXANd County January ICth, May Sth, October 16th. Ross County January 30th, May 15th, October 30th. Fayette County February 20th, June 5th, November 13th. THIBD SUBDIVISION.

Franrxin County January 9th, April 17th, September 11th. FOURTH SUBDIVISION. Madison County-ber lsth. January 9th, May 1st, Octo- Pickaway County February 6th, November i3th. DISTRICT COURTS.

May 29tb, Madison April 3d. Franklin April 6th. Pickaway April 16th. Fayette April 20th. Adams September 4th.

Brown September 8th. Clermont-reptember 17th. Highland September 21st. Buss September i-ith. Ordered, that the times for holding the Conrts in the Fifth Judicial District be published for four consecutive weeks, by the several Clerks in the several Counties.


VANMETER, TUOMAS M. LEWIS, Judges. In Witness Whereof, have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court, this 27th day of October, A. D. 1876.

JSEAL. H0UGH, Clerk of Highland Common Pleas. novVwt fiOnil A YEAR. AGENTS WANTED-9 m9fW9 Owing to the wonderful success of onr great SO Book Combination, we have been induced to enlarge it, and now offer a grand Combination Prospectus representing 150 DISTINCT BOOKS wanted everywhere. It is the biggest thing ever tried.

Sales made from this when all other nooks fail. Also Agents Wanted on onr Magnificent Family Bibles. Superior to all others, and our complete Bible Encyclopedia, with 30U0 Superb Illustrations, also AGENTS WASTED for the 8TOBT of CHARLEY ROSS, Written by his Father. These Books beat the World; send for circulars, INGRAM SMITH, 731 Walnut Street. Philadelphia.

noviwTi Administrators Notice. HE undersiened has this day hcen appoiuted I and qualified as Administrator of the Estate of James W. Terry, lata of Highland County. deceased. THOMAS J.

TERRY. October 19, ISTff. oct26w3 Administrator' Notics. HE nndersigned have this day been appointed 1 Administrators of the Estate of John Haigh, late of ilrlilaiid county, Ohio, deceased. October 21, 1876.

jJ03 HAIGfT, oclMwS" GKORliK HAIGH. PITTSULRU, PA. The most complete institution in the United States for i he thorough practical education of young and middle-aged men. tF-gtudents received at any time.jrj Address, for circulars containing full particulars, oct26niijw4co J. V.

bULXU, A. frincipai. Administrator's Notice. fHE undersiened has this day been appointed and qualified as Administrator of the estate ot Mary A. vv ooamansee, laie oi iiigniana coumy, deceased.

u. a. nuuujiancca. Sept. 25, 1S76.

octl9w3 WALNUT STREET HOUSE, Bet. Sixth Seventh Cincinnati, 0 This Hniuu. Is convenient) and centrallv located. to inferior to Bone. Table unsurpassed.

Baths mi Rarhar shnn. Billiard Parlor, and Telegraph Office attached. Best flrst-clnsa house in the city at the low rate of $2.80 PER DAY. aepitt THE LATEST AND BEST! PEERLESS NEW IMPROVED PATENT TODD STOVE, WITH FOOT EE5T CU BOTH SEES. MICA WIMlOiVS, SWING HEARTH, AN1 CHINA IK.V.

riuoi in cmutnietsa tilt It is given ti gnsteit niiitisg tsiaet of uy ttore suds. PORTABLE LINIKGS. Flue and ripe on tit hack. Ko more meeting of Collar or JMxno on Sheet Iron, WARRANTED TO DRAW. The Like was Never Known Before.

we tend the Cincinnati Weekly Mtnr, a fine eicht pefl, folty-eiKbt columu paper, iudeprml'-nt in politico, and frrtmuUol (f'ol reading mutter, for ftt.OO per year. It is lh target paper iu the I nited States forthrmrmev. Each BiibSerilr will rerrivp a copy of tn beautiful mgraring 'THE POOR, THE POOB flAN'S IKIEil." MC, 24x34 tnche a ptfture (hat would prace any drawing room in the tana, also 8nd to each alcnfrn- a copy of theSJUtr lllnatrated Aim none. 23f.extr mnt be pent for par kino mud mailing preniiunis. Special inducements to atruU.

To any person dirinj? to fret up acluh, we will imd i aum pie copy of the picture aud a canvassers ontnt.on receipt of 2tcu. Specimen copr of the paper rem. Jlena Tor one before an haerl bl for any other. THE ATA ft, X30 Walnut Cincinnati, O. OLD PAPERS For i3tlG AT THIS OFFICE, at50 cents a hundred.

Storekeepers will lealie a savine marlAtl njrjty using them as wrapping pape- A Card or Circular Is what everv man needs who wants to extend his business, and he can get either printed at the lowest prices and in the beat style at the BJOVEMBE3R. 1, GRAND Millinery PLEASE CALL AND EXAMINE OUK STOCK I JpSf MI. I I I RFASPFCTFrLT.TannnnTiceatohis oM enstomers and ttm Lmlie epnranrT of HiffManjJ and adjoining that he will opr-n on the alxive dav, the finest and largest etock of g.xxi3 above line, ever openwl in llille'joro, including all the latest styles of Hats, Bonnets, Ribbons, Flowers, Peathsrs and Trimmings Generally. Also A. Lino Of LADIES' CLOAKS! Of the most Fashionable Styles and Best Materials, LADIES AND MISSES' GL0VE3, HOSIERY, NECKWEAR, MRS.

ORR will always "be in attendance to wait on the LaJiea. Call and examine onr goods. Satisfaction warranted in qoality and prices. SSFJtemember the Place, Masonic Temple, corner of High and Beech Streets, Hillsboro, Ohio. oct2G DRY GOODS FOR FALL AND -WINTER.

HA-YNES NORTHEAST CORNER HIGH MAIN STS. These goods were selected in person from the NEW YORK MARKET, and are the best ever brought to this place. They are to be sold 33t beyond comparison of prices elsewhere. We invite the attention of the Ladies to onr SILK DRESS GOODS, BLACK AND BROWN ALPACAS, CASHMERES AND BEAVER CLOAKS. The attention of Gentlemen is directed to onr II ATS, which are of the latest and most desirable shades.

Also to oar ItOO I'S .4 Ik Mil OK, which cannot fail to snit Thankfnl for the liberal patronage heretofore extended, we respectfully so licit a continuance of the same. octoj B. BARRETT Pittsburg, Pa. WATCHES, JEWELRY, LOCKS, SILVI.KH tltE, Plated Ware, Gold and Silver Chains. Uold and Silver Spectacles, Watchmakers' Tools, Materials, and every description of goods sold by the trade.

LARGE FRESH STOCK Iowbst Knr roa And (nality of Uod uuarauteea, Fall and Winter Trade, 1ST.) Woousals Exclusively. oci2tim2jwico JOYFUL NEWS! PATENT FKET SAW. "fc i -t Liatlie, Circular Saw, Boring Machine, Drilling Machine, Polishing Machine, Grinding Machine, Screw Cutting Machine, to fees CO For Men and Women of ETcry Profession and Trade. For Boys and Girls in every Home, and for Amateurs and Artisans jzverytcnere. A MACHINE SHOP, A CARPEXTER-S SBOP, A TURNER'S SHOP.

A MANUFACTORY, ALL IIST OZlnTIE, COST WHEELS I I tWFor Pamphlet send stamp and address EPHRAIM BROWN, Lowell, Mass. sepTyl OPENING OF Fancy Goods A. HAlJNfca nmsooro, v. York Psicu, 6J Flfl ll A fen lie. SECOND FLOOR.

PRISM HAL ELECTION. SHERIFF'S PROCLAMATION Sheriff's Orrtce, Hishlkd Uillsbobo, Oct. 12, 1SI. To the Qualified Elector of Highland Comtg, O. -1.

ii' Gh.Mff TTicrhlttnrl rnnntv. I i. r. i. i i.i- l'iiuiu Ohio, do hereby proclaim and make known that the First Tuesday after the First Monday in ioeem-ber, 1ST, being the Serenlti Day or Said Month, Is by law appointed the day on which the qualified Electors of Highland connty shall meet in their respective Townships, at the usual phxes designated for holding Electious, between the hoars of o'clock A.

and 6 o'clock P. and proceed to vote for tweuly-two electors of President and vice President of the United States. Id testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my kaiid and this day of seal. October, A. D.

1876. W. C. NEWELL, Sheriff Highland County, Ohio. October IN ew IJ'irm S.J.SPEES.

G. W. BARRERE, Jr. SPEES BARRERE. i ,1 Urt Tlrnrr Rtnrft of HeniT Khoatles, lormeriv invneu will keep on hands Pure Drags.

Patent Medicines, Dye-stuffs, Oils, Glas Fntty. Choice Soaps, Perfumery and Toilet Articles. Medicinal snd Mc-ehanical pnrposes. Pnre I win- for Sacramental nni poses, and every thing in our line. Barrere has thoroiia'ily qualified himself as Pharmaceutist, and Dr.

M. J. Spee has been for years 0isi.eii8lnK mruiciue, qualified to judge of and place before the Prysiciaus aud Public Prescriptions carefully put np at all honrs of the Aav and nuriit. UillsDoro, reo. it, feblitf KRAMER HOUSE, O.

Bill PHILIP KRAMER, Proprietor. S. RAVENSCROFT, Clerk. Nearest Hotel to tin Depot- ACCOMMODATIONS FIRST-CLASS, AT MOD-erats rates. For reference, ask Commercial Travelers.

First-class Livery and Feed Stable connected with the House. Equal to the best and Printing, cheap as the cheapest, at Kwi Orricx. is taken Internally, and Positively Cures Rhenma-tism. Gont, Nenrstirta and Lumbago, VSold by Wholesale and Retail Drnggists everywhere. Send tor circular to 1IELPHENST.NE ft BENTLEY, oct.tyl llrnggiste, Washington, D.

Administrator's Sale. pursuance of an order of the Probate Conrt of Highland county, unio, 1 will oner lor sale at public auction, On Thursday, November 16, 1876, at 1 o'clock P. M. of said day, npon the premises, the following described Real Estate, situated In the Township of Union, county of Highland and State of Ohio, and described as follows, to-wit BLginning at a stone, standing one pole north of a hnnPT locust in a branch, corucr to R. J.

Waters' Survey No. 6024, in the center of the Lynchburg 1 .1 QA .1 roau mence wmi emu o. ucg. is. poles to a stone thence S.

SO deg. E. 14 7-10 poles to a stone, corner to Andrew McKinley's, now Frank Alexander's, lot of six acres; thence S. 58 poles to a stone thence W. no poles to a stone, in the line of John Michael's thence with Hart's line and line of said John Michael's N.

2 poles to the place of beainning containing twenty-two (23) acres, more or lees. Annraised St SUn.llO. Terms of Sale One-third cash In hand, one-third in six months, and one-third in twelve months from day of sale, with interest. Deferred payments to be secured by mortgage npon the prem ises sold. THOMAS 3H1MUOMEKI, Admr.

ribonis non of Est -te of William W. Hart, dee'd. Isma Tkoth. Att'y. oclw4 mated' A RELIABLE PARTY to tjikc the exclusive agency tnr the sftle of nn nrticle in the erocery line.

Something that hiis never been introduced in this district, and sells rapidly. Any young man may make lrom 2.uw to so.miu annaany. Amitcwi enclosing staino fnranewtr. BLOSSOM, LYDECKER ft oct26mlJwco 147 Keade N. Y.

BOOTS SHOES CASH IS KING! And tiroe ar hard, we all know, but by bay- JAC0I5 SCIIILLY, yoa wil! simrely Save Money! as he has his gX)dt down to the very Lowest Cask Trices If yon bny your Fall aud Winter work for the Cash, yon will save Cash. SIGN OF GOLDEN SK0E, High St. next door (o Hibben's, hillsboro, o. u21m4 1846. lhirfj-Srcond Year.

'77. THE IIOMK JOUKNAL, Enlarged and Improved. "Tte Best Literary and Society Taper in America." Its leading departments comprise Editorials on topics of fresh interest; Brilliant and Portraitures of American Life; Editorial Reviews of new eYents in the world of Balles-Lettres, Painting, Sculpture, Science, Music, and the Drama; Original Essays; Ample Excerpts from the best European Writers; Spicy Letter from Correspondents in all the great Capitals of the World The First Look at New Books and racy accounts of sayings, happenings and doings in the Bean Monde embracing the very freshest matters of interest in this country and in Europe the whole completely mirroring the wit and wisdom, the humor and pathos, the sews and sparkling gossip of the times. SUBSCRIPTION. Subscribers will receive Tbi Hons Jocbsai.

free of postage. Tna Koxs JorBjrAL alone, one copy, 1 ...13 copies, one year, $6 copies, one year, ft TERMS FOR CLUBS Thb Run Jocbkal and any it periodical (either Harper's Magazine, Harper's Weekly, Harper's Bazar, Atlantic Monthly, Scribner's Monthly, The Galaxy, Lippincott's Magazine, Appleton's Journal, Frank Leslie's Ladies Journal, Frank Les lie's Illustrated Newspaper, Blackwood's Magazine, Westminster Review, or any of the English Quarterlies republished here) will be sent for the full price being $7. St. Nicholas for W- full rates S.00. Littell's Living Age for $3.75 fnll price, $11.

Subscriptions will take date immediately, or at any rime subscribers prefer. Address the proprie tors and publishers. MORRIS PHILLIPS octlDwl No 3 Park Place, New York. Highland Co. Piobate Court.

HE following named Executors, Administra- tors and Guardians have filed their accounts In this Conrt for settlement, since July 22, 1876, to-wit Geo. W. Lefever, Executor of Nancy E. Miller Lewis George, Execntor of Jesse George John Hulitr, Exerntor of Maria Ounlap, John A. Trimble, Jr.) Execntora of as.

M. Trim- and jno. A. rmith.i me; Charles Spi ker, Executor of Mary Clark; Kuel lieesoo, Auministrator ot Mary lmptin E. R.

Pierson, Administrator bonU non ot J. E. Jackson E. II. Miller, Administrator of Rachel Jones; Alfred Roberts.

Administrator of Monroe Jordan James Campbell, Adm'r of Samnel Howard Beuj. lonard, Admr ot 1 nos. Buchanan 11. M. Huggins, Adm'r dt bonis non ot John W.

Bell; William Wilson. Adm'r of John Robison Daniel Butters and I John Butters, Admrsof Daniel Zinc, Geo. Carlisle, Guardian of E. B. Kelly's heirs John Hnlitt, Guardian of John H.

Dewitt; cnssi K. inaney, uuaraiao 01 e. inaney ana Robert L. Chaney William Vance, Guardian of Anna StiHwell Andrew Tavlor. Guardian ol Wesley W.

Tudor Margaret Fellers, Guardian of the minor heira of Sam'l Fellers; Robert Elwood, Guardian of the heirs of George Elwood; Ruel Beeson, Onardian of Emma Irwin All of which have been continued for publication, exceptions and final hearing till Monday, the 13th day of November, A. 1. ltflii. ucc 1 1, iaa. j.

1. pyn 1 ita, octl9w3 Probate Judge. Ezaminaticns of Teachers. rgHE Board of School Kxaininers of Highland county give notice, that examinatloDS of Ap plicants for Certificate will take place in the Hi Inborn Union School boildiue on the flrst Saturday of every month, and on the third Saturday of February, March, April, August, September and October. 1 ne csanuoauon ree prescriDea ny law ou cts, Rv order of the Board.

aiiUyl U. 8. DOGGETT, Clerk. Glascock Bro. ARE SELLING THE CHAMPION Reaping Mowing Machines, yar.

diver, Union and Brown Corn, Planter, 1DF1KCI CULTJliTOR, Imperial, Oliver and Chilled DOUBLE SHOVELS, Buckeye Wheat Drill. A FULL LINK OF HARDWARE, Low to Cash! "OLD RELIABLE" HARDWARE HOUSE Corner Main and Short HILLSBORO, OHIO. apJTtf THE OLD RELIABLE MEAT MARKET. I wonld inform the public that I have purchased the interest of my father in the late firm of O. J.

KCKLEY SON, aud that I will continue the bnines at the old Ptand, and will be at all times sniplied with the choicest of FRESH and CURED MEATS the market atfords, snca as BEEF, TEAL, MOITON, LAMB, PORK, and OEO. T. PAVIS "STAR" BRAND OF SUGAR-CURED IIAMS, the best in the country. Price us Low aw ilie Lowest. COME AND PEE ME.

jtf T- t'- ECKLET. AGENTS CIS A. DAY hir large life-like Steel Eneravincs the Presidential I annulate, sen irapidlr. Send for cirrnlar. N.

I. Knirravine? 3fi Wall Street, jitoa 3236, Y. Y. eV'wS BAYLIES Great Mercantile Colleee, Keokuk, Iowa, on the Mississippi. Prof.

Wm. II. Miller, General Man-aeer. Nineteenth year. Ahont Sixty dollars pay all expenses, for Membership, Board and Station-err.

Bookkeepers, Penmen. Reporters, Operator, Architects, surveyors ana icaciicr. iutitvugu? Btted. English branches free. Free lectures by Eminent Orators.

Free Festivsls with Brass Band In College Hall. Free fnrnisbcd rooms tor eell-boardiuir. Teleffraphing free. Short-hand writing free. Good boarding clubs, aud family board.

Railroad fare deducted, immense oosin iu Keokuk. So vacation. Address Bsylies College, Keokuk, Iowa. Slate where yon saw this adver tisement. Handbills! Handbills! From the smallest the largest neatlv nrinted on short notice.

Prices are very ow from it per l'HK) np. Cars' at the 14KWS wpiHtf Everv Business Man Needs something in the way of Job Printing. We need scarcely add that yon can get your Printk' dons to the best advantage at the New Enterprise! 13 A VI NO at-enred the service of Mr. Moee Wilev. a tburoogbly practical Tin Copper.

Slate and Galvanized Iron Worker, we tw dost prepared to d- nil kiD'ls of work la that iine, at tlitr eUurtest notice. We cau furniti. Galvanized Iron Window and Door Caps, Iron Cornice and II rack 19, AT CITY PRICES. We wffl make Staling, Tin Rocfing5peBtiog A STECIALTT. Bring on yonr Jobs and (rive as a chance.

SHAW KIANHASD, niLLscono, onio. mylStf Pine, Poplar, Oak, ASH, WALNUT, ALL KLN'DS OF LUXBEK AT THB NEW-PIsANING MILL. Thoroughly Dry, Sash, Doors, IS II nds, Transoms, Flooringr AND Weatherboarding of usual sizes, constantly on hand, of OUR OWN MAKE, OUT OF Clear Pino as cheap aa Poplar. We are prepared to take contracts for any kind of MILL WOKK, for furnishing any or all lumber for Baildings of any kind or to contract for any buildings. We make PLA.MXG AND MATCHING a specialty.

All kinds of Hill Work promptly attended to. Give ns ealL USTER, AUSTIN jultf Hillsboro, Obio. The above Implements, with a full stock ot AR Djy A RET GREATLY REDUCED PRICES FOB CASH AT RED ANVIL HARBWARE STORE. KIBLER HEEH0N. May 18, lfTd.

mylStf THE TRICBPfl TBCSS ffl. X. 334 Bowerr, Y. and 1313 Chestnut St, Phila, Pa. To whom was awarded TnEPEIMIOM MEDAL.

Best Elastic Truss and Supporter, At the great American Institute Fair last 1 Cure Rupture in from 30 to SO days, and offer $1,000 for a case they cannot core. TThey employ a first-class Lady Surgeon, (an accomplished Graduate in medicine aud in the arts, M. aod A. Terms moderate. Cores guaranteed.

The usual discount to Patrons of Hushmndry. Examinations free. Orders filled by mail or express. Send tea cents for descriptive book fn DR. W.

H. BURNHAM. General Superintendent at Phiia. Office, or to Prof. W.

H. BURNHAM, M. Chief Surgeon, 33t Bowery, N. Y. anHyl M.

C. and D. C. Railroad. JTew Time Table.

Commenting Sunday, rpt. 3, IS76. GOING EAST, 1 imitMt Chit and Cin. Express. Hillsboro v.

VvnMM Armm. St. Lonis Express. II) 15 PS 11 30 IS 03A oo Wait 3 30pm lyrreland 1 31 10 34 4 St 8 18 LTllchhnrg. 4S Russell's 10 OS New Vienna.

8 e4 N. Lexinitton 0 a Leesbnre 15 )Sr Chillicothe. ..11 05 Hsmden 12 S3 A lh.n. Sll II 09 5 44 9 08 11 42 37 11 4S 11 15 11 OS 11 35 14M" 12 50 44 11 1 111 3 13 (B 8 48 Cin. Express.

10 45P 11 OS A 1" 43 7 07 11 1 SSraiarSM 1 4 3 88 30 Arl'arkersb'g 3 05 ir imffP lis. 4 H. Past Line. Exp. Ace Psrkerabnrg.

3 45 a 11 0" Athena 1 lira Hsmden 8 .13 Chillicothe. 50 ..11 Lee-bar? 11 N. Lerinstonll Jl New Vienna. 11 12 23 Ft Iceland 1 1 20 38 5 00a 4 31 SM" 4 50 21 4 2S 5 05 30 5 3C 7 25 (10 07 7 15 1 Kl 1 40 -1 31 -t 51 3 14 4 14" 4 43 -8 Ar Cincinnati mncnnwi xr CINCINNATI. 15 A.

3 15 Russell's 33 Lmchbnrg 48 Westboro 7 00 Blanchester 15 8 07 3 15 4 00 4 00 4 10 so 7 15 Nora. Goine t. ra imt i. l. Limited Ex press (No.

104) and Cincinnati Express (No Stop ai lireenciMi, dihw.i not at lntermeiiiate tlnina East. Cincinnati Exnress (No. 109) will stop at all ststions. Limited Express (No. iii) sua r.

inai will iinn IayiS St. LOUIS r.xpre I 7.1 laud. and Chiilicothe, bnt not at intermediate stations. AccomnvUtion trains stop at all stations. There will he two pnssenei-r trains each way on Snndar.

Nos. awl l'J3 going East, aud Nos. 104 and I li eoine West. SCIOTO YALLEY RAILWAY. Time Table 2, Atije.

14, 'TS. i Afatin lsvtiHi rnlnmhiii at 26 A. vU nrrlille at 8:41, ston at t'08 ana si 1 Acrammoriaiion) leaves Colnmhns at 1 A. ar-riveTScbcleville at 11:07 P. at Kingston at Zv 'M, snd at Chillicothe at 1 P.

M. No. (Express) leaves at 4:40 P. arrives at Circleville at :1. at Kingston at 4:44, and at ChuV licothe at 7:15 P.

M. GOINU NORTH. No. 2 (Express) leaves ChiV. at A.

arrives at Kineston at at Circleville st Is-1. and at Colnmhns st 8:40 A. M. No. 4 (Accommodation) leaves Chillicothe at A arrives at Kingston at at Cireleville at 12:18 P.

and at Columbus at S5 P. M. No. 6 (Mail) leaves Chillicothe at 3:21 P. arrives st Kingston at at Circleville at 4: and at Co- luliibos at 5:33 P.

M. Hr-xrains on the M. C. R. R.

make close rhiiiimtha with trsiua for Colombua and intermediate poinst. The Valley Koaa connects si voiannws wn net-work of roads at that point, leading in all directions. GiiOHGIS D. CBAPMAB, ueneru amw-r. J.

B. PET Srrpt. C-'U.

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