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The Pulaski Citizen from Pulaski, Tennessee • Page 2

Pulaski, Tennessee
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

9 VOL. 18 i i i in cr CITIZS1T. Tfo Vufaski (Citizen. AV. McCOllD, Editor an.l Manager THURSDAY, JULY 20, 1870.

SCHEDULE, if. D. G. S. li Decatur IMvis'n liOINUSOL'TII, Mail ami Express II a.

m. v. Fri'ijrlit 2 :20 p. m. Thiou'li Krt'x'it m.

TU A INS NORTH. Mail anil Express -1 a. m. Expn-sa 4 p. m.

Ix. al 8:40 a. M. Through Freight 7 v. m.

ick I'oiru'roy opposes Tiltlen. One term of Hayes wonlil make the third term ol Cranli-stii Chi catto Times. The woman's crusade against drinking -saloons lias been resumed in Cincinnati. Tl.c House Saturday voted pen sions to Gen. Caster's wife and parents, $50 each.

Republican opposition to Granl-ism is every where manifesting itself ia favor of Tildeu. The Courier Journal says the present republican ticket was conceived in Cin. and brought forth in iniquity Kmcrson Etheridgo has announced himself as an independent candidate from the MompliiH (Tenn.) district, for Congress. We suppose the Memphis Avalanche speaks b' the card when it Hays: Emerson Ellieridge is for Hayes and Wheeler." Uobert Liuc.olnjfmly surving son of the late l'resident Lincoln will, it i reported, stump Illinois for the Democratic National ticket. Hayes, who promises not to he greedy and do like Oliver Twist, if elected President, is already sorr uiX his third term as Governor of Ohio.

Seventy five out of the ninety-live colored members in the Lower House of the South Carolina Legis Lit re cannot, read nor write. I'oor South Carolina! It wouldn't be a very ditlicult task to defeat 1 1. aye alone; but, when re enforced by the Administration and the whisky rings, he becomes more formidable. The Shell'3'ville GazetU presents Hon. Edmund Cooper as the choice Of the people of Bedford for the nomination for Democratic Elector from that Congressional District.

ftov. Tdden has returned from Saratoga to A I Luny, being called 1)3' pressure of official business. It will be several weeks before he can devote ati3' attention to his letter of acceptance. In compromising on the sundry civil appropration bill, the Senate receded to the extent of about 1,000,000, to which the House adds Tne amount appro printed is 815,800,000. Judge David Davis, of the Supreme bench, having failed to manipulate, the St.

Louis Convention to Kecure the nomination for himself, is now opposed to the nominee. It makes but little difference. As ('rant has shown a disposition for bayonet rule in the Union, so lias Hayes shown it in Ohio. And this is what Hayes means when he says "peace depends upon the supremacy of the law" in the South. Gov.

Hayes in his letter of acceptance: "What the South needs is peace, and peace depends upon the supremacy ot the law." This is a nice little hint, designed to pave the way for military rule in the South on election day. Gov. Hayes' talk about the school system is nothing but empty dema-gogisiu. The school system is in no dangin-, as everybody knows, lint this sort of hypocriiy helped him into the Governorship of Ohio last year, and now he wants it to cany him into the Presidency. Gen.

Grant counts among his vtiemies the friends of llristow, ami is removing them from office as fast as the regular routine of this small business will allow. Tilden will have something to nay, before a great while, as to the tenure of the offices which these appointees are l'dl in ur- Obscure men like Gov. Il.iye-, when put forward as a candidate by party that is on its last legs, are somewhat dangerous. Their verv obscurity often gives them strength. Many a time the favorite horse in the race is beaten by a scrub.

Our Democratic friends must be up and doing. General Penuypatker has relieved Gen. McDowell in the command the Southern Department. Gen. Pennypacker, it is stated, is the youngest Major General in the army.

He has been stationed at Nashville for some time, and made many friends among the citizens of that place. It is not our purpose to do Gov. Hayes or his party injustice. We want to light through this campaign with fairness to every one interests are involved in it. Gov.

IIaes is not a man of national reputation like our Tilden; but whatever of good in kim that 111x3-come to our knowledge shall not be withheld from our readers. The names of Tilden and Hendricks men without fear, without reproach, in whom there is no guile; hoiust in private life, honest in public service, men of true grit and undoubted ability they stand as a tower of Btrcngth a triumphal column of integrity UJ power, of di mty und vicUiiy. lEx uuvillo Sun. A neatly-bound volume entitled 'General Grant's Mo3t Noted Speeches" has just been put on sale. It sells well that is, it "sells" everybody who opens it expecting to find other than blank leaves.

It is needless to why the leaves are all blank. If the indorsement of Grant in the Cincinnati platform does not drive the best men ot the Republican parly to the support of it will be surprising. Reform will not consist in keeping Grant's appointees in place, and the only way to have a thorough change in this respect is to elect the Democratic candidate for l'resident. The Philadelphia Press continues to be grievous- tormented with communications from parties signing themselves "Tilden Republicans," who want their reasons for adhering to Tilden printed. This the Press declines to do, and says: "We have no space to spare for the purpose of helping the Confederate Democracy into power." Gov.

Hayes saj'9 he stands by his record on the currency question. What that record is, there are few, outside of his own State, that know; but eveiy day brings to light some part of it, and it will not be long before every newspaper reader will become perfectly conversant with it. Will the people of the country think more of him when they know more ot his record? We- shall soon see. The dispatches represent President Grant as being morose and surly on account of the coolness with which he is treated by his par- t- and in a critical state of health, both in bod 3' and mind, caused by excessive dissipation. He drinks and smokes constantly, and f'-ars are entertained that in his present morose state of mind he will indulge more and more, and fi nally surrender to the grim monster before the summer is over.

Mr. Tyner, the new Postmaster General, was one of Gov, lines' wannest anil most influential supporters in the Cincinnati Convention, and it looks as if the recent Cabinet changes were in the interest of Hayes. It is Hayes intention, you know, to perpetuate Grant-im. Grant is determined that his enemies shall be removed from office and his friends put in, Hayes has so plain- promised that they shall remain in oflice. Gov.

Tilden is a live man and a practical reformer. His record is known throughout the length and breadth of the land. He makes no promises to be broken. By his works do we know him. He is the man who broke up the Tweed ring in New York city; he is the man who smashed the Canal ring in the great State of New York; he is the man who reduced the taxes of that State, in two years, from to $8,000,000 just one half.

This is the manner of man that the people of the L'nited States want for their Chief Magistrate. Gov. Hayes, in his letter ot acceptance, substantially' announces that he will continue the role of Grantism. In language not to be misunderstood by those who know what is what, he tells the country that he does not intend to make any changes in the civil service, except for notoriously flagrant cause. He will of course regard all of Grant's appointees as "altogether lovely" until convicted of high crimes and misdemeanors, and will continue them in office.

lie wants "the officer secure in his Do the people want things to remain just as they are now? Do Ihey want better or worse times? News from General Crook's camp to 1113- 12 was received at Cheyenne Saturday. Crook had received a dispatch from Terry confirming 'lister's fate. The camp had been tired into every night lately. Two hundred Snake Indians had joined Crook, but he was waiting for the Fifth cavalry or for Ute Indians be fore resuming offensive operations. Twent 3--live men of Comoany Second cavalry, were surrounded by Indians, and had to abandon their horses.

It is said that General Gibbon's reserve force was met by victorious Sous dressed in General Custer's men's clothes, and mounted on their horses, firing into the soldiers. Judge Hoadly, of Cincinnati, President of the Tilden ratification meeting in that city, spoke in the most respectful terms of Gov. Hayes, but he clearly pointed out that while the Republican jiarty might be changing its conductors, it was not changing tracks or trains in the nomination of the man of; pliable weakness, pledged to Grant ism I13' the convention thatnomina- ted him. Theroeonld be f. in this sort 'of change.

The best interests of the country call for the harmonious support of the action of the Su Louis convention, which looks to reform in the administra lion of the government In his letter of acceptance, Gov. Hayes that the resolutions of the Cincinnati Convention, which nominated him, are "in accord with his views." Here is one of the res olutioiis: "The National Administration merits commendation for its honor able work in the management ol domestic and foreign affairs, and President Grant deserves the con tinned and hearty gratitude of the American people for his patriotism and eminent services in war and peace." Will the people of the South will the people of the United States indorse this resolution ly voting for Hayes? Grant to each new apppointee to oflice: "I do not ask, are you capable, are j-ou honest? for capability is a thing with which this Adminis- rati on has little or nothing to do, i and as for honesty, the less j-ou have to do with that the better it will be for you. All I ask of 3011 is that von will labor diligently in the interests of the party, and, 1111 like Rristow, Jewell and Pratt, will carefully avoid a too faithful discharge of 3Tour official duties. And remember, above all things, that the officer of mine who touches the whisky ring, save in way of darkness, touches death." In the course of the investigation by the Committee on the Real P2s tate Pools Saturday it seems that Serjeant-at-Arms Ord way's accounts appeai. C'apt.

Blackford, of the Capital police, who went South as deput3- sergeant-at-ai ms for the Louisiana investigating committee, and who disbursed money on the trip, produced his account ot the items paid out while awa3', which he turned over to Ordway on his return. The chairman of the committee had before him, during the examination, the voucher put in by Ordwa3' of the same expenditures, anl nearl3' eveiy item in the voucher had been raised several dollars higher than the account turned in bv lilackford. Gov. Hayes has not the courage to oppose the Grant administration. He is afraid that he would be defeated if he did.

Well, he might just as well have denounced the present administration, for all the good that it will do him or his party. He pledges himself to a continuation of the Grant policy; and, more than that, promises not to listen to the counsel of members of Congress as to the removal of an3' of Grant's appointees. How would the members of Congress like to have this their most pi ceioui privilege taken away from them? Gov. Hayes is very much mistaken if he thinks that Congressmen will be happy to throw their dearest privilege at his feet. They will spare no etfort to retain a privilege which no former administration has denied them.

In vulgar parlance, Gov. Hayes has "put his foot in it." We have alluded in this number of our paper to some of the broken pledges of Gov. Hayes. Perhaps some of our readers ma3' want proof of he assertions we make in this regard. These pledges were notorious in Ohio at the time the3' were made, and the fact that the3- were broken was made equally notorious by the Cincinnati papers.

In 1S72 Hayes promised Win. E. Davis that he would not be a candidate for Congress in the Second District of Ohio. But Ha3'cs was nominated through arrangements made with his friends and friends of the Grant idministration, and he accepted the nomination with as much as he accepted the nomina tion for the Presidency. He defeated, just as he should have been, by Gen.

Banning. And in Haves promised Judge Taft, who is now a member of Grant's Cabinet, thut he would not be a candidate for the Governorship of Ohio. But he was nominated, because he could be made a tool of, and accepted the nomination. lie was elected through the help of hypocrisy, demagogism and clii-caner3'. In other words, his blarney about the public school system elected him, and defeated William Allen, who was and who is too hon est to stoop to such little things.

Gov. I accepts the nomination "with gratitude." We all remember how Gen. Grant accepted when nominated for the first term. There was much said about it at the time, by the press and the people of both parties, and there were bnt few who agreed that he showed any sort of del'teaey in his mariner of acceptance. "Gratitude is not just the word that Gov.

Hayes should have employed. It would have seemed more in place if he had expressed a sense of public responsibility rather than of personal obligation to his party. But this exhibition of bad taste on his part need excite no wonder; tor he is known (where ever he is known) to be as selfish as Grant himself. He endorses Grant, and would follow in Grant's footsteps, if elected. The government would be made to serve, as Carl Schurz says, "as a milch cow" for his relatives and favorites.

The country ha been degraded under Grant's administration by such improprieties not to say outrages in appointments as were never heard of under any former administration. This is one of the abuses which the public want an a cnangc end of. 1 in this regard. But what are his promises worth? They are not worth the breath that utters them, or the ink that chronicles them; and they serve only to tickle the risible of those wljo know him. He once solemnly promised not to be a candidate for Congress, but disregarded his promise and became a candidate.

Anil onl3' last 3-ear he promised not to be a candidate for the Governorship of Ohio; but he broke his pledge. His promise not to accept the Presidency a second time is worth about as much as any other of his promises. He never held more than one office to which he did not ride over broken pledges. This is not the manner of man that the people of the United States want for their Chief Magistrate. Kentucky offers "a full regiment, com posed exclusively of ex-Cuiifcd crates, to avengft Custer." Ilon.

Dorsey B. Thomas is a little inconsistent on the finance question. He is opposed to any attempt to pay the State debt, upon the ground that we are. unable. lie makes a bugaboo of it, and says to a Memphis interviewer that the bi.ndhold ers would have to tax us at least SO cents on the hundred dollars for tins purpose.

But in the same breath, he says in answer to a question, that 20 cents will be sufficient for State expenses. Now Mr. Thomas, thou jewel of consistency, why is it neces.saiy to raise the tax to SO cents in order to get a little surplus to pay the interest upon our bonds, if cents is sufficient Cor State purposes? Nobody wants to pay the whole debt at once, 1101 even any portion of it hot. We only want to meet the interest in good faith now, and wait for better times to provide a sinking fund foi liquidation of the principle. But re pmiiators like Thomas would frighten the people with an iSO cents bugaboo in ol der to defeat an hon est eilort to save the State credit and honor, while he wculd soothe them with a 20 cent humbug for selfish promotion.

The Columbia Times is a new candidate for public favor. It made its first appearance last week, and is a neatly printed quarto. It ilies the bloody shirt party at its mast-head, though. We hardly think a republican paper can prosper in Columbia, though the editors, Messrs. A.

M. Hughes, and W. N. Hughes, are veiy clever and popular gentle men we believe in Mauiy, their native couiit3'. We entertain none but the very kindliest feelings to ward the Messrs.

Hughes person and hope they may make fortune and tame, but not the success of the radical partv. UNIEIS FALSE COLORS. A Colored Man Who Has successfully Passed as a Woman for Twenty-s-even Years. Frances Thompson (colored) better known as -'Aunt Crutchie," who foi the past twent3--seven years has gone about this city in female garb, was arrested -esterda3-, and alter medical examination was pronounced a member of the male sex. The quartette of medical experts who worked upon the case also discovered that the dusk' Thompson's lower limbs were as crooked as a young dogwood tree or a ram's horn.

This deformit- served as an excuse foi the pretended female cripple to promenade the streets on crutches. Thompson is well known to the people of this cit3" as a low minded criminal of the most revolting character. The recorder im posed a fine of $7Q upon the prisoner. Not being to pay the line a lot of male toggery was put upon the impecunious Thompson, and he was sent out on the chain gang to work the streets. An immense crowd of curious idling people collected about to see the changed lis: nre of the thick lipped, foul mouthed scamp, and finding it impossible to drive them off, Thompson was sent to the lock up again.

Known then as Miss Frances Thompson, this person testified before the Washington Congressional Committee to have been outraged a number of times during the Memphis riots soon after the war. Her evidence ap pears at length in the oflicial report. It is just probable Mr. Thompson lied. McT)iptin Avalanche On the tlth of August the democratic pam- of Tennessee will in convention assembled nominate its candidate for Governor.

Who the man will be no one can now fore tell, although indications point most strongl' to the rcnoinination of Gov. I'orter. However, it may, in its wisdom, name some other man. To sa- that Gov. Porter has given general satisfaction would hardl-tell the true tale, but that he has done the best his capacities allowed him none need deny, lie has been honest, faithful, and industrious, and we suppose an old party usage would give him an endorsement, but if it should not, Gov.

Porter can cert ui I nut rniniiliin Tn tho i 1 i.ji, 1 past it has been usual and ivi.n binding and expected, that every member of a part- should sustain and endorse his party and its administration of affairs, if it has been honestly and faithfully performed. Two years ago when Gov. Porter canvassed the State, he allowed Mr. Mayn3rd, every day, to assail his party and its record of administration, and never did he attempt to give one word in its defense. P.y his personal attacks upon Mr.

Mav-nard, and for him, the fortunate alr-itation of the civil rights (uestion, he was elected by a large majority, but he cannot expect, under such circumstances, to hear a very cordial defense of his administration made by his party, when he was the first to set the example of iiitirin" all others save himself. We have no grudge on th it score, having no personal grievances effected thereby, but as well wishers of principles. precedents an.l success, we regretted to see such a selfish course adopted by one win alone by party had been advanced. Gov. Porter may find it, ere the election in November next, an unpleasant attitude to be in, an.

I if he should need the of his democratic brethren to help him defend a verv weak administration, he should notgrum bit? if he failed to get it. It seems to have been a principle ic Tennessee politics for some years past to never allow any man to become ioo popular, ami the consequence has been that no sooner than one man began to be a little bit more pu-lar another, then attacks were either openly or covertly made against him by his own party friends, and thus forced down in public esteem. Such a policy is bound to be ruinous, and as soon as an example is made under the rule, the better it will be for ll MurfreetLoro Seta. 2 liiishels of wheat best quality left to our credit at the Pulaski Milis, Dishoghn's Mill, Samuel's Mill or Abernathy Jc Craig's Mill, will pa- for the Citizen one -ear. None but the best is to be received hy millers at this price; but farmers may pay for the Citizkn in other grades of wheat at the market prire.

Gen. IX'mlniauN MurIer-r. Rome l-Jnly 141 to the Atlanta Constitution. IIa3'wood Grant, colored, i was hanged here to-day. con that he killed Gen.

Thomas C. Hind- man." at Helena, Arkansas, on the night of the iAi of September, ISoS. It will be remembered that Gen. Hindman, while smoking in the library of his residence, was shot by some unknown part 3-throngh the window, the contents of the weapon l' dging in his neck, causing death in eight hours after. No clue to the murderer was ever found.

Gen. John Pope, the greatest military commander of the age, as he will tell yoii himself, declares it is his belief that ''the best inter ests of the country are involved in the elect ion of Haves." "Gen. John Pope" will be 1 eniem-bered as the Federal chieftain ho. during his campaig.i in Wi st Yir ginia, used to head his lies to Mr. Lincoln with "Head-quarters in the -Idle," and was generally commented on as "the fool who didn't know his head-quarters from his hind quarters." We have always, hi therto, deemed this an ignominious slander upon John Pope," but his endorsement of Haves convinces us that, after all.

the General was correct as to the exact location of his "head-quarters." Krwxville Uncle IViliy McKee ami Constan-ti no McGuiie, crooked whisky prisoners of the United States Government in the St. Louis courty jail, not only have luxurious apartments assigned them and 'eveiy luxuiy in the wa3 of food, but are allowed to step across the street, to the nearest whisky shop and take as main-square drinks as they please. President Grant nas given special orders as to tin; liquor pi ivilies of his old friends. lie know v. hat they want under the circumstances.

C'nu rie i ni a I "Give me one, because I do not mean to ask for is more applicable to children scheming for sugar plums, or to swains suing for kisses, than to grown men seeking the presidency. Mr. Hayes is weak to puerility. Brooklyn igle. We are gratified to lea in that the rumor to the effect that Hon.

Dorsey li. Thomas proposed to make an independent race for Governor-is without foundation in fact. In a letter to the editor of the Age, this city, dated July 0th, he explic illy says that he intends to submit his claims to the August invention. Knoxville Tribune. Nevertheless, Mr.

Thomas is an i ml pen den ca id at e. Air. Stouyliton lSuelian nan's cabinet very bitterly last night. This is rough 011 Gen. Dix and Joe Holt anil the lamented Stanton, who were members of that august Hotly until Its dissolution to say nothing of lieu Sutler and s-enatoi Logan, anil other dou hie-! raced Democrats ot that era, who now sit in tho high places of the Iifpublican nartj'.

U'orld. The president fully recognizes the fact that the success of his party in the present campaign depends upon an abundant supply of funds; that an abundant supply of funds depends upon the reorganization of the whisk3- ring, and that the reorganization of the whisky riiio-depends upon the removal of its ene-eniies from office. Hence. Jewell. Pratt, Yaryan and Clark have all gone to meet P.risto w.

Courier-Jour. A young man coming in from Pulaski ono day last week said that between that place and Cornersvilie he met fifty wagons loaded with wheat, corn, bacon, itc, bound for Pu laski. Lewislurg Gazette. The Shakesperian Reader has tauuht ail the children in the land that Julius LiPsar died 7(VJ 15. It was the 7ot)th year of Rome but only 12 C.

was born in the year 100 ami was slain 011 l-'th 12. according to Plutarch. It is strange that such an oversight should have thus far escaped teachers and the public. Georgia promises a 100,000 ma- for the St. Louis ticket.

MARTIN COLLEGE THE next session of this Collect for yourn? ladies begins Monday, Sept. 1876, Prof. Casey and aecompliiOie.1 wife hlentitied with the Faculty. This is a home school a thorough school, a permanent school, an endowed school, a school on ''liris tian principles, hut in no wise sectarian. Let all our people patronize it.

For cata-losiues apply to tf K. II. eivf.i:s portraits: portraits: Ilayp Jt Vlie-elcr. Tildm Hendricks To any person who to act as our aujtiosen uie rresiaential 1 ortrails, we will furnish, prepaiil, by mail, a pair of cither for cent, both pair fcr 1, with terms to agents. Xow is the time to take the aaen-cy an 1 make money.

Send money bv P. U. dor or iciristered letter. Address SOCTH-KRX PICTURE Lock Box 137, Cleveland, Tenn. july-2u-lt WHEAT WAA'TED "tTTE are in the market for ail pood mer-iV chantable Wheat, in (rood condition, delivered at our or at any station on tho Railroad, in car load lots.

jun-iy-2m HILLtfe EALLENTINE. Chancery Sale of Land, Elizabeth A. Pitts et als, vs. William E. Lancaster et als PURSUANT to a decree of the Chancery Court foi tiiits county in the above cause, 1 will sell, w- 1 r.

1 1.: 't-nouseaoor in uie town ol ulaski at puolic sale, on a creilit of months with interest from the I tiay 01 sale una tree lrom the Couity of re demption, 110 AGUES Gr. W. McGrevv TXlI.L continue the Tannine, flarness-V Making and Saddling Cnsiuesa at tht old stand, and opes to succeed better than i heratolore. lie is thankful for past patron- mga and hopes to merit a continuance. He proposes finally to ray everything he owes.

and any little oniatandinir Personal that can be paid out cf bis business wiil yvtu no to umiimi win 1.9 raid. once, though of cpurse he would not HU; waUd audtarw takn DOly O. W. JUCOKEW. "ai1 present occnpie.1 l.y upon uie land out I the purchase iuou.

is -is 1 1 Mrs.t. A. Plt-s, situated ia the county of paid. June -7, 1-7-5. III tiianCerV at PuiaSkl., state Jof Tennessee, adjoining the ,1. B.fTAi'Y CAM 1 II" IMTT- 1 lands of Harbard L. Harwell et als. lar. JL-Nb l.L 1.1..-, 1 chaser required to eifecute note with approv- I Nance, fomrlnmaat, vs.

li. il., ed secnr.ty, and a hen will be retained open XT Tl v- o'-hers, detecuants. the land until the purchase monev is pabf I I this cai.e it appcanntf to the satisiV- julyio-ul J. iJ.

KTACV" C. wrra tK-n th Clerk and Master irom an Lviinville Academy Male and "Fesnale. W. CAMPBELL. Mrs.

HELEN WALK EK. 1st Miss MOLLIE WAGSTAFr SaJ The 5tli Session of this school will Monday, Aus. 7th, 1876, Full Aeuilijmie Discipline et.rk-t without severity. per stsinn, O.iuir.irent fee, IJoupI, jut month, t'J 00 For Circulars an1 reiV renees, tiEO. W.

CAM PHELL. nil Lymiviile, 'i'. nri. Insolvent Notice. HAVINCi snsrjeate'l the insolvency of the of Mrs.

Phrely York, to the County Court of OiVs connly, notice is hereby irivento nil persons hvldinir eimms ayuinst itm to file them, duly on before the 13th of January, 1577, with the CI. rk of ai.l Court for pro rata payment or thuv will be barred. Those who owe the ure required to immediately. A. 1).

BCL1-, iu'l vl 3-41 dm in istratnr. EDUCATEYOOE DAMHTEE3 liu.sliville, Tenn- 1)AHKNTS iiaviiiir daughters to send off the l.t of tptfrnlHT next will not find a sehoul of hiirht-r eludutio or mure c-itrei'iil family traiiru than WAHD'S SEMINARY in heakhy and huuutit'ul city of Xashvillu. from putruus many ol them eminent itu-ii iu a'-mor-l every Southern and sev-iria! Nortiitrii States be riven. lint eic-V'-n years of success is its best tetimonial. Xext session cpeiia September 4.

For catalogue, address julxo 4t 1k. W. E. YAlii. W.

K. WESB, A. if. 4. M.

WKKB, A. M. Culleoka Institute, Jtlatiry Tenn. SCHOOL, with complete and J- Commercial Departments, niters the same liberal advantages to those panriits who de-sin; a thurouirn training for their sons under wholesome moral and intellectual s. It is entitled to prize scholar annually, free ot' tv.itinn, to the" Academic Department of the Vanderbiit hi-name to appear in the annua! announcement.

The next session opens 7'h. For circulars, references and testimonials, address. W. li. ev J.

M. I'u'ieoka T. mi. SHEEIFF3 SALE. 1)Y virtue of a vei.di ex.

issued to ice from i the Circuit Cur! of Giles countv, in favor of .1 S. vs. W. II. Lun'er and T.

Campjed. I will for cash, to the highest bid.icr, at the door in the tuwn of Pulaski, On the D.iv of July, 65 ST-liiO acres of land, lyirur in the nth civil district of Giles county, bounded on the north by I. Ifose, south by V. P. Wood, ea-t by Geo.

Cameron, west by.J. M. Carter. Levied on and will be sold "the roperty 1 W. ii.

Lanier to said exoeiias. 11. A. MITCHELL, bHEBIPFS SALE. BY virtue of five vendi ex.

in my hands, issued to mo from Ci.cuit Court i-I Giles county, three in favor of P.aurh, Dickinson tV. ig-ainst I. Ii. Trotter, and two in favor of Bland Brown, col'd, usrainst I. R.

Trotter. I will sell the blithest, bidder at the Court-houe door in the town Pulaski. On the 221 Day of 1S70, for cash, the following tract of land in tha 1st district of Giles county, Tenn hounded nortli bv Elk iiiver. ea.t I.v'a lot State line, west by Jno. Davis, containing -IT Levied on a the- property of I.

K. Trott. r. and wil: be sold to satisfv aid vendi tx- pen asses, jaly.l This June lo. IST'i.


BY virliio of a vend! exponas lto 1110 from the Circuit Conrt of Giles county in favor of J. A. Kichardson vs. T. A.

Fosr, I will sell for cash to the highest bidder, at the Court-house door in Pulaski, On Saturday, July 1870, all the interest thai tho said T. A. b'axg lias in two tracts af hind in (ril.s countv, to-it: U1.0 oi'ubontT'i acres "on creek, in tl Oth civil district of Giles unity, bounded north by Kellnm. south hv Anthony, west by Koherta, east by Anthony, and all his interest iu the other tract of about ISO ACRES, in said county and State on the iaM er-ck or waters thereof in said district. on the north by Roberts, south by Anttonv, east by smith tit Gordon, west by both tracts levied on aa lie property 01' ho tho same heir-.

an undivided interest as his property beln the one seventh in 'X'tli tracts, ami will ba sold to satisfy said vendi exponas. K. A. MITCHELL, sVneiiif. SHERIFFS SALE.

BV virtue of two vendi exponas issued to me from tile Circuit Court of Giles county, in favor of M. M. Xar.ce vs. II. U. J. C. Anthony vs. 11.

TJ. I will ell tor to the highest bidder at the Court-house door in the town of Pulaski, On the Day of July, l.sTtl, all the interest tl at tno said H. has in tw.j tracts of iar.d Giles county, to-w-it: One tract of about 7n acres a Lich-land creek, in the tith civil district, of sail county, bounded north by Kellnm, south by Anthony, and all his interest in the tract of about ISO ACRES, in said county and St.ite, on said creek or tho waters in said di-rrict, i on the north by Roberts, by Anthony, cast bv Sniitb j. Gnrd-n, wc-t by Ant lion v. Lovie 1 upon and will be sold 11s" the nndiivi lcd in-tere-t of the said defendant to satisfy said ven.ii exponas.

R. A. MITCliF.LL, SHEEIFFS SALE. BY virtue ot a in my hands. in the c'ircnit ol O.ies ct.e.ity, in i.v against h.

Ii.jlt. sell at the Conrt-h. Pulaski, ames Letter Mary A. Holt, I will i-e door ill tte to-vn ol On Suturtiav. Jmv 2.1, ISTfl.

to tint highest bidder for ca-h, the foilowina to 1 1 ir 111 civil Uistrict No. 1 of (iiles -flinty, bounded oU tho norh by (i. Mcrreli. on east by John Oir 1 Ten, on the south by Salliu and Mary add ox ami 011 tne west oy Lucy uar-Jner. contain- iii'r 1 Mint 300 ACBES.

Levied oa as the property of defendants and will be sold to sati-fy said vendi exponas. This June l.ith. julyti-t-l K. A. MITCHELL.

Phcriir. ciiA ncebYajli: OK VALUABLE LAD. P.lis A. Cailc. hn'r, vs.

A. .1 Waj.Ira;.. iJURSCANTtcM d.sreeot' Court for Giles county, cause, 1 will sell, the Cnanccry in the above Oil We.ln.-stlav, July ISTti, At public sale to the highest bidder on the premises, cn a credit ol ar.d i's with interest from day of and free from the equity of redemption, the tract ot land nvntton 1 in picadm sifiated in v.l district of U.les county, en the waters 01 Lvno creek. nin th-j lands Jane Cotm-ton. Daid Hal Iruo.

eron aud Muulm down, 66 ACRES. 1 1 urriaser win required to execute notes with (footl security and a wii: be retained FIRE INSURANCE AGENT, KEI'IiESENTS Til UIQ 6 1 1 cl I ft TO Asseti NIAGARA CF NEW YCRK CITY. AND THJtl A 1 1M tiT-Uii LEVINE, WITH A. KOLSEY a THE white norsE. 6') N.

C'ollc-ije, two doors below the Square Xanltville, Tenn. T7ILL always ho 1 ap py to see his Giles county friends and sell them cheap Tail and see rue wi! hoat fail. marM ly TTE ARE CFFERIX OTJK PNTIRE stock of Milliner jFancy Goods consisting of HATS, EOmSXTS, Flowc-s, Ribbons, new shadef; Ties and Scarfs. Real Hair, New Styles Curls, Raehings. Coliar? and Cutfs.

Corsets, Faniers, Fans, Eern and Cashmere Laeo.s and Nets, At Cost for CASES, The sale will continue ONLY A FEW DAYS. Our patrous ar earnestly solicited come fo ward at once ufai settle their aecor.nts. maj-l-tf MISSES M. F. KAMI'.

Ha rfja ins. IJa rra in.s: Bargains'. Bargains. I Bargains. Bargains.

Bargains. Bargains. Bargains. Ba rga ins. Dress Boots, Goods.

Shoes, Latest 1 frits, k. 0 IC Lowest 'Hiri 1 1 Xotions, Clothing, etc. BARGAINS. BARGAINS. 1 BARGAINS.) BARGAINS.


Oiies county. Tenn. Wiil rosarao exercises Ancu-t 1S7-5. C. S.

CLARIC, with ample assistance iu the Literary Department. Miss Klla Nelson. Tea. her of Sf Mrs. E.

J. lieaty, in charifo of ilr.ardir.i Department. of Insti notion: The usual Academic and with Lan'uaL'c-s. This School otfi-r many ad to th.c public. Parents dt 1 a healthy and retired neighborhood, surr.

by pood from the evil influences and ex- pensc ot tno city, would do well to inquire of our schocl. lur aim is to muk" horout-h an.l at the same time care bestowed upon the training of the pupils. Koar.l can be obtained at the school or in tr.e at ten to twelvu doi- lar-. por month- I pof further ad-iress C. CLAI1K, Or Dr.

J. L. Mil EI.L, Pres't Board Trust. es, jittl5-4m Tenn.

County Court at Pnlaski. JL'XE P. II Ezeil et als, vs. Mark ilpehanan et uis, IN "this cause it af' anci to the ot the Clerk P. Car iner, H.

Hosi.ari.l-, and his wilej IHsOands. are residct'ts of the' iutir.essec, so the fir lir.ary of this Court cannot bo served on hiui. On motion it is therefore ordered that publication be made for tour weeks in in in the a newspaper i iu the town of Puiaski, in said state. the said defendant t. be and appear on the first day of tho r.f3tl terra of ci'tto t)e tor the county of it, Court-house ia the lt M01, ay Auirust next, and answer complainants bi'i or the same will be takeii for as I then" and set for hear.

r. 7 ex rar-e. ii. H. AVMKTT (hits Co.

Court. fiavit to (nil tbat ti.e dct. ndant. W. G.

is non-resident of the ute of Tennesi-te. so that the ordinary ot this t'ourt cannot be served on him. 1 tn motion it is therefore ord. -red fiat nb-1. cation t-e made tor four weeks in succession in tl Puiaski Citizen, a cawspafs-r pebhshed ir.

the town puiaski, in sai.i fiate, re(4-itr-ir the said det't to be ar.d appear on the first day cf ho r.ext tenn cf the Chancer Conrt. to 1 tor eourity at b. I ZtL? the san.u wilt Utakcu eond on jiACY, V. M. Ff is is-o 1 fTi v.

TC Jliller, Ikugii HKALKBS IS Bky Soods li Groceries, H. Side Square. Summer S.Iks. Gidi-e Uriliiaiitie. Doubiewidth A'pteea, Moli air Lustres.

Tamisv; Cloth, Muck 1 ercfele and Irish Dross Linens. French muslins, Linen Lawns also a splendid assortment of Hosiery, Fans and Parasols, Ecru Ties and. "Laces, irAMIlURCr EDGIXCTS, Etc. AXD Gent's Furnishing Good SUITS OF ALL STYLES PRICES. A splendid assortment of SJiiits dud Collars.

tsiAtii 4 til Every one warranted. HATS, HATS, All the styles. For Gents and Ladies. Ths Grocery Department, 1 full stocked, with all the Xeecnstt ries J- Luxuries of and ill sell them very CHEAT FOll CASH. Highest price paid for Country Produce.

ILLEK, BAUGII CO. iGoin, Goiiijr 7 Wholesale a Retail At Prices to suit the Tinier COOKING STOVES, TINWAJtE, House Cools, Hardware, Uueeiisware, China and Glassware, "Wood aad "7iIlow ware. Country Hollow-ware. Mli 8f? La.aii kUnh ft tisiU of evyj-y kind. Trace Chains, Bridies, Collars.

I also keep a small stock of C3r ioo. All cf which I will sell low down, and give Six vial DISCO L'lYT to Dealers, All kinds of Tin, Coper Wert, Tin and Slato Roorir.r, Galvanized Iron Cornice work, Guttennar and Spouting, acd All Kinds of JOB "WORK done. Satisfaction irnarautoed or money refunded. Call and sc-. No tronble to show I have the tiiiost Tin Workman that ever was in rnlaski.

T. 1 Pulasti, Tenn. marJ3-til Giles NATIONAL Bank Of TEXX. CAPITAL HANS ACTS A GENERAL EX JL thansje ami BANKING BUSINESS DKALS IN Gsll, Silver, EsnJs ani Steels DIUKCTORS SOLt. E.


WlI.liES, Jr. ClULDKICSS. P. H. F.ZKI.i., I D.


kOSH. Prc.sitlent. JAS. tC.I.I.r:,I, V. Prosr.

fir. F. E-jvixg. S. E.

F. Ass't iisliit-r jan27-l- O. A. POFK. Da.

i. o. eoKiioit POPE, Sc GORDOfJ, 3k DEALKnH fN muMi kiilj TIE "Wiues, Brandies Whiskies for Me.lieal purposes. The 1-cst Head and Oils, Paints, Putty, fihiss. soups, Dye stutfs, Crushes, Cigars.

art.ishes i.ud stationery PtL-VSKI TIvNN J. A. TV. K. I.ACV.

Swimptcr Lacy, IS 1 DrjALERS Pa.rts. Oils. Arc. Toilet Articles, iiite i'crfuiocry, Hair Br Com bs. Wines ar.d Whislsev for Medicinal pr.rpoi-e Also a lull ar.d con.

line of a i -tf. SL PTEii I.ACY. IRON FOUNDRY IN CONNECTION wrru uy CS-XINT SHOP, I HAVE put. in operation an Iron Koandrr and am repaied t.j km is A CT rn 'r r- OVfeTJL iS short notice. Cast Serap iron want.

u' dred. SbEUnVS A DOLUR I tor the CITIZEN Six F.lonths.Thiswill carry you through the exciting Campaign ofl theCentennial year. ELECTION lOTIci; I WILL open and hold an election ,1 diaerelit voting ffronnda of Gilie, coni" On Thursday, Aug. 3,1, lS7c, lor tho pnrpos-o of elcctinir a Sherman 1 tee for said conn ty and the Mamstraws' eah district allowed by law. au, stable for each district which two Constables wil: be elected.

ar.d,-,n Schorl Laector for etu.h district Tie ft lowinjr named persona will open and Wj election in each of tho districts. sle, xirs judires and clerks: lr 1st district M. P. -2nd. J.

cm beli 3rd. .1 no. (iooeh; 4th, Jus a. rcn; Sth.Jno. C.

Pnrvear; ith, ,1 monds; 7th, li. A. ilitcheiUSth. 'v 't' yth.Chas. O.

Bull; loth. Sra'l Shcrreil ul' M. F. Marks: lath. li.

K. West; ticks; 11th. I). K. Horn; 15th, W.

don, lth, H. R. Lane; T. 'uu, monds; 1-th, Jos. Lindsay; li 1 derson; i-'th.

,1. L. "barnes. Receivers will foiward returns to rue at Puiaski ituniediately after the voiu, counted. R.

A. MITCill "lv Supreme Court Sale! B. W. Mast.n's Ex'r. et als, vs.

K. P. VcVlil-lion, at a s. PURSUANT to a decree of the Honorable tho Supreme Conrt of Tennessee, rendered at it January Term, 1S76, in the above entitled cause, I will sell at public outcry tha highest and best bidder at the Courthouse dorr in the town of Pulaski, On ThurstUy, July 20th, 1S70, the followinir descrilted tracts, or parcels of land, lyinsiu the Itjth Civil District of tiiK county, coutalniu toirether 167 ACRES. 1st Tract, bounded on tho north by James L- McMillion, on the cast bv Kolvrt IV rutliers, south by the 'lands of D.

11. west by the lands of Shadrack Kellum, the same on which defendant McMillion, re-eided in 2nd Tract adjoina the above and is-bomid-ed nortli bv the lands of Kichard Harwell, east by U. M. Foilis. aontii by David Kin-iaid and west by said beinir the same purchased by defendant McMilliou at a sale by the Clerk and Master of the CWanccry Court at Pulanki.

TEKMs OF SALE. Credit of 6 aud VI months. The purchaser or purchasers will be required to execute notes with pood anJ approved security, beaiini; interest from dm and liens retained. Sale subject to redemption. Nashville.


John 8. Wilks, et als, s. George N. McGrew, and others. PURSUANT to a decree of tho Chancery Conrt for Giles county at iu Febraurr the above styled cause, I will seil On Saturday, July 22il, 187G, at public sale to the highest bidder at tha door in I'uiaski, on credit un-till the 1st of January, and 1st of Jan-nary, willi inteieat from 'laUl aud free trom tlie equity of redemption, the town lot in tho town of Pulaski, contiguous to arj north of the Tennessee House, lrontinir -0 fat 4 inches and runniiiir back lrtii feet, an.l on which there is a small Brick Store lboiw.

Purchaser required to execute notes with pood personal securi ty and a lien will re-tained'on the property until the purchase money is paid. inn. -2-ld .1. R. STACY.

C. V. J. 13. VOSS Sc ANU'I1ALX IX ST A TLB a FAXCY GfiOCERlES I ii II UUU.1UU Ul UUi Solicited ar, carefnlly filled.

South East iFlautt'a) Corner, TF.XX. apr-2o-tf J. M. NEILL Druggistsl Apothecaries IttAL IT Paints and Oils, Dye Stuffs, Fririov "Wines, L.iqiiors Cigars. AND 1 LAMI.K 8TDOK OF GARDEN SEEDS of All Kinfls, I'earcy's Ofil Stand, S.

W. COR. ITELIC ISQUARK, rnlaski, Tenn. To Ministers, Lawvers and Old Men. 7 YOU have a wak voice, nubject to hoarse ness, ana a tnroat orten sore; it yot.

nave weak it you have weak back; if you are troubled with constipation or piios. prolapBns ani. or Hernia: if continue! spcakinif. sinzinir. riding or futiirtes or exhausts ou.

your ab-iominai muscles have relaxed, an.l you need upholding. Il you will enclose me a throe cent stamp, the effectual remedy will bo poiutod out, and information how to obtain it with or withotit mouey. Fo: prolapsus nteri, woman's weakness, an intaiiibie cure. Addrr-ss J. GRAVES.

Editor cf "The Baptist," Memphis.Tenr.. Liavinir sutfered, I cornpassinnau the suif, in. l'loo have airea.iy been relieved, nil-ly WOOL CARDING 1 1 1 11 111 Tf! IU 1 .14111 llkl T8 NOW FCI.LY PCEPAKEDTO CARD 1 ail descriptions of Wool lor Moury or Toll. Our f.Vif. will take on ai 1 he JJun, no matter bow numerous, if all the areas is washed cIckb Joct of the wool, without extra charge.

We f.imish till. We purchase Wool. Weexchanire our make of 1 cell nits, Thread, Linsaj, all wooi Jeans, Yarn, tor woo! at market prUt aprt'l-flin SAM OUli, AjrenL a i To th WorUiti- We can far-nisn'vou employ ment at hich yuu can inak vfcrv lare pay, in your own localities, without being away from home tVer tii'ht. Agents wanted in evry town and cnunty to take sul-scrit-t rs for the Centennial K'sorJ, the lurs--3st ptibiicatiim in the Ccit-d Mate l-i res. Eicpantiv l.iuatrate'i; Terms only fi per year.

The llecorJ tie-voted to w'natover is of interest tutuiw tftl with the Centennial year. The Great Exhibition tit Pl.iladeli hia is fui'y detail. Everybody wants it. The wtiole pet t'le leei irreut mtcrosiin tiicir Country's Centennial Lirtbday. aud want know all about it.

Aa patriotic crayon premium picture is prw.nted tree to each schscrioer. It is eiititle.1. In remembrance tho One Hundredth Anniversary of the 1 el the l'nited States." Sixa 5J by 3j inch. s. Any ono van become a utv-fiii tor but show the paper and picture and ofsubst rilers are easily 06-tained erv rare.

There ia no businesa that wid pay like this at present. We hive many ucnt ihu are maa.nir as rnn as dollar l-cr dav and 1. warJs. Now Is t'-a time; don't Uemembcr it co's outh -ins to jiive the business a trial. Hend forcir- u.ars, sampie eopy 01 paper, 10 1 1.

are sent free to a.i who apply; do it l-day. Comp.ete out rtt free to thoawho d.5i-iteto emrawo. ariners ami an i and daughters make the veiy Ijc-t or squills. A '1' tress TliK CEMfcNNIAL KtCKU, Portlaad, Jiaiue..

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