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Decatur Weekly Republican from Decatur, Illinois • Page 3

Decatur, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

For Christmas A Nice Overcoat or Suit makes a very accept able gift Neckwear, Mufflers and Jewelry are also inexpensive. If you are in doubt as to what to purchase, come to us and let us help you solve the problem. B. STINE CLOTHING 245-249 NORTH WATER ST. NEXT TO BRADLEY BROS.

ABEL CARPET WALL PAPER CO. Are In the Lead. Go and oee what sacrifices they are making on CARPETS, OIL CLOTH, MATTINGS, LINOLEUMS, WALL PAPEE AND WINDOW SHADES. Carloads of These Goods COMING IN, bought when the very bottom was knocked out of prices. It is their determination to liavs everybody go away happy.

Every proceaeioiC has its WILL BE FIRST TO SECURE A BARGAIN? ABEL CARPET WALL-PAPER CO. i PICK AND CHOICE $10 FOR ANY SUIT or OVERCOAT I IN OUR STORE UNTIL DECEMBER 25. It ie well known fact that we never "make two bltoe at a cherry." 5 we fee) the for heroic action we atop not to count the Mat. Such time la at band, raoh an eawejeoe) faces us, and we therefore offer SUITS AND until Dee. 38th.

ht tbe meetly of 910 for absolute unreserved piek aod choke of our etock. First to coane gets beat pkk and choice. MAIENTHAUS, 222 NORTH MAIN STREET, PnUrl. and TUMort Liberal aod LowertPriwd OCOTHINO HOUSE IN fHCTtSDAY. DECEMBER iM.

189B. LOCAL. NEWS. McKlDlsy'i ofnclal plorallty In Virginia la 10,888. What's the matter with Tout Constl patedr Casoarete will oare.

Bat The members of the Fifth and Seoonc reglmanta of the Illinois National Guard are to be at SprlogScldon January 11th tohavonpartln tbe Ing tbe Inauguration of Joba B. Tanner as governor. Jartbafote going to-tad Caaoaret aandy oatharUo. Makes you feel flue la the morning. It is wtunatefl that on tho forma that rnabo np Detevan townabtp, In TaMWell mtraly, tliere Is enough onrn at 85 cents a bnabal to make Twenty-five oants la the nwrk at wblob have deckled to let go, and all who can 111 hold crop for that price.

Tha old way of delivering compared wltb the modern telephone, illostratea tbe old tedious metb, da of "breaking coWe" compared tth their almost instantaneous cure bj One Minute Cough Cure. A. Stoner Son and Armftronr Bros, Albert Stewart died at hla home In mant ot quick consumption, aged 30. Be leaves a mother and three aleters at Bemant, a sister at Monttaello, and two sisters, Mrs. .1.

W. Layman and Mrs. F. B. Uallerne In Deoatur.

Had he lived until Christ mo i ho vrantd have married Mist Laura Jeas of Bement. YOUNG ASTRAY, Left Her and Tramped 8t. Poorly clad, alok and a stranger In a big city, Belle Brown, ot Clinton, III, tramped tbe of metropolitan St, Louis ID hunger, until ber frail body could stand tbe strain no longer, aeya tbe St Loula Obronlole. She was taken to tbe olty hospital Tuesday night, a hopeless manlao. Delusions of persecution are constantly barnsslnp ber, nnd whenever she Is approached tbo I Malniius: "You have come to kill ma; I can see tbe dagger painted at wj breast." This Is tbs second time tbe girl ibranlu tbe hospital within two weeks Ou the previous occasion she was In a complete state of physical aihaosHoo, tnd umtuilulad.

owing to daya of hunger. At that tlmo the girl said she was IB, and wr parents were poor ptiople residing In Clinton, To llgfaton their burden she do tcrmloed to leave bame, and found em- ploymeot as maid to a family pomed Sylvester, on Maple avenue In Cabanao Pltute. While there she became sick lad to seek other quarters, (the olaltned. "Than," said tbe girl, "1 found out wbatatnjstaltu I made Incoming to a big city, 1 tmtnpod about tbe town lor "Sometimes 1 slept In coal eheila nt olglit. There -were waya cf mating money offered me, but I would bare died rather than accept." OlUcor the Union atatlon, again tod bar Into tbe Institution Tuesday night.

He said she bad been about the tatloo warty day acting peculiarly. She frequented the "tnldwuy" begging everyone to eend ber home Matron Frailer took the stranger In eha'rge, "I wMt to go home before I die," la all hu would say. A JAHUAHY WEDDING. the of Peter Vre- ilFHtMtKU, iuxt ttlm HoRklai, Mores ot friends of Mr. Peter Vrc- lonburgfe, tbe pupular young lumber dealer, will be to hoar tbat nls marriage to Miei Pnscle Anne Boskins, of Oeuatur, is announced to occur Jan.

13, tbe SpringfteW News. Tho ceremony will take place at noon on but duy at tbo First Presbyterian church Dwwtur. PenhallHgoD, patter ot hat cbareh, will perform tba oeromoay. Tbe Eplaoopallaa marriage ceremony will be used. Miss Hosktnawlll be attended by Mlaiea Bartholomeiw, Hooerta, Montgomery and Hoby of Decatnr, nod Misses Jatberlne Brown and Vredenburgh of, yprlngOold Mr.

Cburtes It. Hudion, ot SprlogOcla, will act as biut man and tbe ushers will ba Messrs, T. Souther, Bobart H. Lord, Diokortnao and William W. Hmith at SprlnttOeld, and Brnoe Cnfno wetb of Dooutur.

Tbu ceremony wltl bo olluwed by a wedding breakfast and re ceptlon at tbe borne of tbe bride, nnd after ibort trip south Mr, nnd Mrs. Trooen bnrgb will be at home on West Governor trust, Tha brlde-H-ba ia the daughter of Or. S. Boat Ins, of and la- very popular in Decatnr society. Mr.

Vredenburgh Is of the Brin ot Peter TredenUnrgb andlaooe o( Spriugueld'a molt promla- ng young bustnota men. S. Backer Kcwts. Attorney J. OrsyuMda bis floa! report In the partition ttttt Friday for the division of tbe C.

Bnckoreatate, WM dtacaarited and the fee for bla aervloea in tbe oaaa fixed by Judge Vail, Tbe amount allowd waa 11000, Tbli la cneof the largest fees fliad by tae court for an attorneys eervlota In a long time. Tben was a great deal of work to be done tbeeaatfandalaTgeftmountof property waa InvolvM The estate, wblob consisted of 189 aorea south of Onkley, waa val- wd at about tSO.OOOand partoftbo ild estate of John TToolfer. There were nine original belra to the property and It has been divided between them trad toeir hairs. a B. Ttett died of ooommpMo mornlrg, Deo.

18, al bar throe nine tnllei aoath of DtJottur, aged" 9T years. 'EtxcuM tot," okjMrvfd the nmo in eUdiM, "but I am and tbatN not where livw ia" yva mind wbrM other. Jotm T. Htlw, noted four atartat for llgbtnlng toarrtagM and dtvoraet, bai beeomo mixed vp In doneftle dtfltenl again and Is Making a. divorce from bis fonrth and but wife, AHoa, laCM- filler wai arrested about two yeara ago by the equally notorious Sidney Slocum.

who then Infllotlag bla corrupt per- Peorla In bleoapaclty Chicago wneational sheet and noting a apeolal detective Be HlUtr In Chloago and took him to Bloom togttin, where be was wantpd for tJgamy. Beoarrted tbe case to toe encpreme oonrt, wtere It dealded in bis favor. Bller waa Penriafor time while the Bloom Inghra proeeedluge) were pending. Bllar's matrimonial epochs are divided folk) wai November B8, be nrat married llcry Graham in Dcoatar, dlvoroed April 14, September 9, 189S, was wedded to Ml Lfzzle Uayan at Appkten, July 10, 1899 February 24, 1884, mauled at Bloom- lagton, Mlw Grace Wash bur ne; dl vorced Ocl ST. 1806.

December 11, 189-S, married Mlse A Ike MtCteUand of Chicago-- 'till married. When Mr. Bller arrived In tbe oity yesterday, eaya a Chicago paper, he consulted hie attorneys, Qb-ten ft Crooln, wbo drew up a bill for divorce, preparatory to filing ii tbli afternoon. Tbe plaintiff, from his experience In that line, rarely allotted to one man ontdldo of attorneys, showed a Keen appreciation of tbe legal pbraaealogy niid thought It wna about tbe "right thing," "lam very glad thnt this lathe begin ring ot tbe sod, "said Mr. Biter, ofl be itroked bla smooth upper lip, which has recently been deprived of that bewitching mnatacbe which baa fascinated no many oung ladies, "and it will aoon be over.

rbon perhaps I can rest easlor. Since I found that It la impossible to tnelt uiy little heait of stone with the fires of ove wblob used to thrill ne want to get out of this Tingle soon as possible. It does look, though," bo continued, trying to twirl bis nbsent mUEtuobe, "68 If I ought to be need to suoh (injioty by this dme. But Ruob Is the lite of a tonn wbo composes A MUCH MARHtfD MAN. tu THE PARK-SAWYER WtDOING.

the Home of the 1 P.TM!*, From the Ltttlljf of Frifiaj', Mies Uary Sawyer and Abner F. Pork wrM unilsd In mnrrlngo at aoon Dec. IT, at tbo borne of the bride's pitr- iUts Ur. nnd Mrs. Willtdm Sawyer, northwest of Deoatnr, la the presence of a large company ot frlenda.

Tbe hospitable farm bouee was crowded wltb neighbors and (rlenda. gueste from Deoutur, flarrurtown uod other points. Promptly at 13:90 Misa LI da Sawyer, a itor of tbe bride, begau tbe wedding uorcb OB tbo pluuo and tbe bride and groom entered tbe parlor without attendants. They were met by the minister, Rev.ObNTleg MoKeown of BarrUton, who performed tbe elmpe oerewouy wniob united the couple OB husband and wife bride wore a traveling ooetume of dark blue and oarrlnl a bouquet of How- ire, After tbe ceremony tbe guests pressed forward to offer tbelr congratalntions and best wishes for their future ot tbe bnppy couple. Tbe wedding dinner woe hen oerved and was liberally partaken of bv the 100 guests wbo were present, ilr.

and Mrs. Park received a largo number ot beautiful and ooitly presents. At 3 o'clock the bride and groom left tbe bouse amid a perfect shower of old shoos, Ice aod good wishes, and drove to tbli itty and took tbe 4 clock train for Springfield, where they will tlslt for several ddys. On tbelr return they will at once go to aouMfcwpiDg on tbe groom's aroi Dear BorrUtowD, bride Is well kuown In tbls city, here ibe went to school, She a nkoo of NrSluu Poikard She is a proitil- nont worker In the Sbamn obnrcb. Mr.

Pork la a prominent young former of Barriatown township and It aluo well known bere, Be le a eon of B. U. Park. Among those who attended from thin oity were Dr. Will Silas Packard, B.

K. Uontogmery, Bio hard Gullok, William Hall, Dr. Ira N. Baruen, B. W.

Shall, It, Crosiinan and H. and cbclr wlveiond Dr. E. W. Moore, Dr.

W. A. Baruea, Anna Packard, Miss M. Newman and others. WAR REMINISCENCES.

Shiridu Bull-- ml Milwaukee. A visit from Norman 3. Bull, of the circuit oonrt for Crawford county, reminded me of a worlnoldautwell worth ttlilnR. Attbebnttlaof the Wilderueas, 1894, Sergeant Bull wai shut the 'BOB, ballet passlnr from one oheek to the other, tearing off bis upper jaw, or so nearly that It hong by a brittle thread, as It were. He walked off Cetd and due time brungbt up at Washlagon wapltal, remaining tbere until September, or four months, when he returned to regiment for A sliver plate had been udjnated to take tbe place of tbe upper jaw.

bnt tt waa p. Infnl and worked but poorly. Captain Thomas later the lieutenant colonel, waa eoBoiMadiDg the regiment, and be anld to Bnllt "For tbe love of all that's good, Sergeant Bull, are yon back here fort" "Oh, I to go on doty. oap. tain Then a happy thought'stroek tbe "Lock would yon tike to be division eommlMarr Ton would have plenty ot time there to eaofc your hard tewd and to eook pancakes." Canyoa) get It for nwr" "i 11 Then UaptadD Ketr ndootap to brtaade and to bnainaaa to oat oT ttw qnea Can you get bint In ooantaatty at division heaJqoartenl" aqntnted, after bit faablon when question that be takee deep later.

eat In oomea before bhn, and said always called Colonel Ken "Tom" when be didn't oall him "Obkk Sergeant Bailie good at tbo old regiment ever bad Few- men would nave oome back in eondl- tlun. I think you ought to recommend blm for a oommUsloo. Be will get along way with bto rations If we oan Ueve blm from caitrldfe-teailog." That atternoon a totter left campaigned by Captain Thomas Kerr, commanding tbe regiment, requesting that Sergeant Norman S. Bull be oommlealoned a tenant. Two or three weeks later tbe cotntDtuton came and served tbe beJ tw Bun, aa an officer.

He waa wounded Hatch' er's Ban In February and again at Gravelly Ron the last day of March. Be was five times, and three of the wonnda were niious oma. Tboae In bla face made blm a great aufferer for elghwen yean and required BO much attention, BO nuch medical skill, that It used np nearly every thing he had. It cost the lieutenant something to keep Old Glory in the breeze, but be says that If be "had a thousand lives he'd rather see them laid down than see that Sag come down In dtagntoe." The last time General Phil Sheridan waa in Milwaukee," Bob Howard, tbo newspaper man," was when tho Army of the Cumberland held its annual reunion tbere In iSas A banquet WM given tbe association at tbe National Borne. General SberMan presided.

In his opening speech be was pnuled for words, but after a fasbfou he managed to stammer out something that but few beard and lets understood, 1 waa reporting tbe event lor tbe Sentinel and bad taken down everything Sberldan just spoke It When be got through be come around to me, and said: "Look Mr. Reporter, do yon want to pleaso me?" Deed Ido, Then plsoee don't print any of that d--slnA of mine. Juatmakeupa nice speech for Howard made np a dainty little speech for the commander of tbe American nrmy whlcb greatly pleased him. A few years later, when bo was; on duty at Washington, Bo ward'a duties frequent- took him to headquarters and fie ways met a heatty welcome. The first time hu called Sheridan "Ob yes, I remember yon.

5Tou are tho man who mode that nice speech for me In Milwaukee." On several occasions be introduced Howard to bis (Mends as tbe author of tbe beet speech be ever A. Wat- TOMS ID tho Chicago Times-Herald. LAKE CITY SENSATION. Singular of A. B.

Lynn, the School Sullivan NOWB; The usually quiet til- age ot Lake City was thrown into a high state ot excitement Monday by tbe an- nuunceroent that A. Lynn, principal of tbe schools, bad unexpectedly town and wae then on bla way to California. Be taught school Friday os usual and Saturday stated that he was going to Bethany to visit relatlvea; instead of tbla be took train for St. Lonla where be mailed a letter to his brother at Bethany stating he was on hie way to California and did nut expect to rvtnrn. Be gave no reason for bis strange action and the pec pleat Lake as well aa his tt lends throughout tbe oonnty are at a lots to oe- count for hia sadden peart are.

He bad taught tbe Lake City school terms and ranked as one of the foreinoat teachers ID the county, taking nn active part in the annual Boeroingl? well satisfied with tbe pro- trcMbe wluYinaklntf In protest ton. lebod ezpertaooed eonttderablo tronble a dementia nay, having two wives aod five children. It la told that merchants at LovlngtoD and Lnko City had small accounts against blm that they were rooking an effort to collect. ILL ONLY A WEEK. DoMh of t.

B. Nowltu lit Au.Ho From the Dally at Thursday. On Wedneedny, Deo. MM, John B. Nowllnot West King street, tbla city, died at ttw residence ot ber SOD-ID-law, Clarence Emery, In Austin township.

She bad gone to Austin to attend ber dnngh- ter In ap Illness. Tbe daughter died Wednesday, Dee. one week before tbe death of her mother Mrs No wit look a cold in the way to her daughter's, sad developed In an illness that finally caused ber death. Mrs. Nowlln husband and five children, two daughters and tbrveaone.

Tbe funeral will be held at the Ridge onapel aft noon Saturday. Tbe servtcm will be conducted by tbo Rev. Mr, Bat- field tbe U. oburob, of which Mrs Nowltawas member. Tbe Interment will be at tbe Uldge ohnpel burying ground near tt 1 obnrcb.

Mrs. Nowlln bod boat of wbo will with the nwrnbersof family nyurtilnK her death. Mr. and Mrs. Nowlln bad bat recently moved to tar train Austin township.

POLEN SENT UP FOR UFE. nwtth Clinton From the Datnr ot Friday. Tbe trial at Rdward Poltn for toe pi or derot bis yeans; wife ber.BMitber'at Clinton last 1 Harrb. waa concluded jury and Jndpe Hetdman lantavmlng at Clinton, At 8 o'eloek tbla morning the Jury In with A Ttrolct, tlmt UM denth would be InfUcted. but tbe jorv found tbait tbe drhndaut be couOned In tbe pen Itratlary fnr life, Krt ot tbe time In nil CHRISTIAN CHURCH HISTORY.

Kswwm DsciatM ft CfcriM. Workiof Tbomaa and Alexander Campbell," waa the ennject ot an able paper by Rev. J. P- read batore tbe Pwrla Ministerial asecchv Hon. Rev.

MoKnlght gave some of the most salient points essential torn tboronab understanding ot tbe movement and mission of the Christian oburob otherwise knownaatbeDlaclplegofChrist. Thomas Campbell, tbe rather of Alexander Camp ball, waa a Roman Catbolk. but having given special study to tbe bible be re Bounced bla faltb and affiliated with the Not.fwHDg at home hers bemuse ot the lack, aa be considered It, o( life, ha Joined tbe church of the Cove nevntera, but tter-r visit pleased etvon In this chunk- because ot the dlvl alona and party spirit he found to pintail there, and be began advocating the doe trine now of fundamental of too Obrlstan church--the union at the oh lid ren of God. ComlBg to America and finding people ot all oreeda located In bit perish, trat bav Ing no church of the'r own, he felt a sympathy fur them and offered them oil, regardless of denominational difference, to enjoj with him tbo Lord's communion. For thta he WAS censured by the Preaby tery, and though released from tbli by tbe synod, he resigned from tbe synod and began Independent work tn tbe And in private houses.

Atone meeting be showed forth tbe manifold evils resulting from In tbo church and the principle WM adopted the script- ores apeak, we speak, and where tbe sorlpturea are aitant, we are silent." Ibis religions movement, colled "Coinp- bell lam," took concrete form IntbeChls tlan Association cf Washington, which adapted a verbose doaunwnt known as a declaration and address." Ateiandsr Campbell waajbern September 18, 1788, a tulle tram tbe anolent'and ocoe beautiful. Shanes caetie. His moth- ar, a deeply plans 'woman, seconded bia 'atber's efforts in givlne; Alexander A careful mornl religious training. Bis father was man ot lovulleat personal character. He taught bla ton every evening some passages of the- holy writ? nnd every Sunday evening held a review of tbat acquired dcring theweuk.

In teach- ng bis son Thomas Campbell was punctual, methodical, not axiiating. but appealing to bla bwirt and oaneiclenoe. Tbomns Campbell became vary uneasy, when be found his association bad really added still another party to tbe numerous ones 01 latlng. Therefore bo tried to form union wltb the Presbyterians, but aa these dkl not unite wltb Indivldusl congregations ot sects, tbelr membership ap- jlkation was relented. Be gained admission, however, to the Redstone Baptist nssocmtlon, but this union was on tbo whole a Ihen it was decided to form an Independent obnrob.

This mawtlaltxed May 4, 1810, and was called tbe first Cbnrob of tbe Christian association, of which, by tbe way, tbe Bev. J. W. Eeripey, well known In Petrla, now a pastor. When, in 181S, Alexander Campbell's Drat child was born, the matter of Infant baptism tint canw up for more thorough consideration.

Consistent with tbe prln olples of bis began to west- ain what tbe scriptures had to aay upon this topic. Finding nothing there, as be understood It, ho concluded Infant baptism to bo un-ecrlptural, and drew the ttttber conclusion that tbe only -valid baptism is Immersion of the lo bald a debate wltb tbe Rev. McCalla, a Presoyturlan In Ken- iuuky; another with Bfabop on be Infallibility of tbe oburob of Hone." and still another wltb the agnostic Robert Owen on tbe "Truth ot Christianity." At Lexington, be debated wltb be Rev. N. Rtoe, a Preetoyterlan, on 'Baptism, on Works of tbe Bojy Spirit, and ot Human Creeds as tbe Terms at Jnlon and Communion." This debate eighteen days and Its proceeds, COT! erhig almost 1000 pages, is a repostory at and arguroeita of the disclpbs.

His great alru was a simple apostolic oborob.with no cburob dlssonttona or corruption, but having the bible 04 Its creed and Mia spiritual onion of alt Christiana. A preacher, be was self-posieaaed, and bia tones olenr as a silver bei). Bis power was derived not from graceful gesture or flowery language, nor from elaborate, allowing descriptions. Nor tnim merely topical argumen atinn, bnt from bia singular faculty of and ennwcttng acts, producing novel striking oimblna- tlons of real truths, atd of evolving the irrand fundamental principle of things. Tbntralttof bis mind were exhibited In a rare manner in bla pnblla Bis chief works were "The Christian Baptist," "KomlKBlon of Sin," "The Christian System." "Unmoiri of Campbell" and "Baptism." Theecntrsl thought cf bla waa "Jeeoe, tbe Son of God." XttKlt.

F. H. Bufos to ZeritdB Burntv toto 3 and 4, block in Blue Zerilda F. tn K. P.

Ward, lotou Barry Plsk, A. Flak, snb division ot part of lot 10. In 16, 9 cast, MOO, lUlloda Madden to A. C. O.

lots aud biock I. Bodge- addition tn ArgenU, 4MOO. Thomas A. Prltchett to ley, undivided bolt ot gins' addition, mlW, J. J.

K. Orloelade. as tbe resoH an dentonWedMsaa7 dleit TJUtawCltr on Friday. Mr. OrtmMe WM teeeUeg coraabredOarandgM UibartevagntlB, the maenlneiyejMl tt eoMH be obecked his forekm KM MBf hadt way to tbe elbow.

Dr. VadaMo Bttkawr, waasanuDcnedamdwttbthoiaaiatinaeet Dr. Hamilton tbe avm WM iwt below the elbow. be WM getting nkely till Vrttey morning when they beeanae aJamei wad summoned tbo attending pbjeiefcw. iMt be conH do nothing.

Jtstt boors elapsed riom till ale dwttt otcwfeaX Orv Win. Bamesj WM sent lor Mir boorafter hto death, Mr. Gllnnsafc About 40 yeara eld and and tbrea ohlHwn. He wMavwyiav. dbatrtooeand reepested OttaMi wUI be aadty mtassd oy Me Dr.

QlWore kaa latter I ftev. R. Stephen In whkb be utabea eos rooted tbe statement that be wadBooev owning tho brother Her. Miller having been Insane. mistaken and staca iBfermee) that It was the brotber'e who waa In.

sane and he haa the luforMttoi from 3 member of tbe family. There waa BO. At to. ton. Dee.

ItrVW Ban ttsj, BM hr. insane ana tbe Impntetlosi ot resented. Mr. Stepbens rBqMtta Mr. QU- morotomake statement tu hi gregatton at Graee H.

B. ckvrtt next Sunday and say that he WM aktrteB wbenheconveyM the tbo brother. The same eonobamtleav oomea tram other relatives to IM facts, It Is known that Ber. Oeorge Miller a natural death ID Kansas. urtoi at UM From tbe Dally ot TtnttMty.

George IX Stonker and BMeJeB- son were married at taxi nlgbt at tke, Flrtt M. K. ohureb by IX Howe. Mr. Blanker faj ofark beit groeory on West KOa Thetrido'a kome te ID CllntMM4 she- baa been visiting her brother MM thfe.

city. Both young people many friends to wish then. well, neywero- by Mr. and Mrs. JeMen, Mfc Jepson being a brother el tbe bride, Mm Jepson, wbo WM fommtyMKe) Stouter, being a sMer of groora.

Ur. and Mrs. Stanker vtenk to housekeeping at once In a boaee olteajdj nrttlahed at West ttoe. The readem of this wil bt pteteed to tbat there isi tt one dreaded disease that sciekce baa- been able to euro in atl ito stages, and tbattaCitarrb. Hall'a Catmrrh Cure It tbe only positive cure) know,) to the medical fraternity.

CftUirh being constitutional dieeswe, atitutioDal treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure io taken internally, acting dirwsUy upon the blood aod mucous earfacee or tbe system, thereby defraying the Foundation of tbe disease, and giving- tbe patient strength by building; up constitution and assisbnir nature) in dome; its work, The much faith itk ita curative powers tbat they offer One Bund red for toy case it fails to cure. Send for Mt of teat intents le. Address P. J.

CHEMBV Toledo, O. Sold by all 70c. Hall's Famib Pills are the beat Sold by Tbe farm Joet below tbe county bridge lately by Dr. Walts ana trades! to W. F.

Busker, waa sold yesterday by Mr, Btuber for $11,000 to Prankllr and Bngb i Baker wbo are in possession. John E. Patterson onKocMd the deal, Tbe reran embtaeee IBB acres and good realdmceaad outbuUdlDgit, Tbe Baker brothers will raise stock and carry en tbe dairy boat- new. Or. J.

C. Bishop, ot Agnew, saye: have utcd Poky'e and Tar in three very severe cases ot poea- monm the pMt montb, with good suite" Howler Drug and Supply Co. and N. t. Krone.

Helen Spooner, aged years, died of dipbtbrrte ac MMmgnt 1 baraday at Monad. P. D. Spooner, the father, and tbe oldest sou, are down wltb the mmm disease at tbe family bone. Mrs.

Sarah Rkkettf, a nurse from Ka of C. M. and B. li. Spconer, is attending tbe afflicted fainlly.

Scaly eruptions on tbe bead, chapped tands and lips, cute, brnisee, waaMa, burns, are widely cored by DeWitt't Wlcb Hazel Salve. It ie at present the article moat used for nilea, and it alway cures them. A. J. Stoner Son ArmetronR Bros The Macon county FarmerV will be held February 10 exhibit will be held in co' the institute.

Absolutely pure, and invariably of One Minute Mis in cnlds, e- Children take and it Son and Dip' shl.

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