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Bangor Daily Whig and Courier from Bangor, Maine • Page 2

Bangor, Maine
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

run BOUTELU 4 e. A. POOTDJA i Ibtten aMdd to i i i i IM-- iijfor jf I The peculiar of a luo- cratlc uieeUng in Bangorare well Indicated by UK For tOTBOl B. -OF omo. For Vice President, ffttllil OF NEW YORK to Laugb- felt obliged to adapt himself lo fels audience on Tuesday evening; We copy the following extract from the close of speech published in the Democratic paper, with Ihe almpte remark Uiatlf such BLABffl IK IfflW YOU.

A Msgnineent Wf- IhbdmpleremarkUurtnf su6U pnbllotioBiAoiUdkeadaniMd "Wlioiof chaste expressions had been attributed to Courier An oppojing oews pjper, his Irlends who were not present would have been very 11 kely to- declare It a partisan nils- repress Dlation The Republican party is the great party of the paat, and 1C might as well have ib coffin ordered at once, on account of the extreme rottenness of the Inwards and because the Democrats are making tho political atmosphere excessively hot, the body can't be kept lornr And If the clergy woqM feel it their duty to give us one Democratic Sunday 1 would sug- Special w. For Electorft-at-Latre Hon. THOMAS, of Portland, lion A. rABWKLL, of Bockland nalrlct--STLVfISR LTTTXEFIELD Staavt Oalrict-- I WABREN HBBBILL fanrllt Culrut-JOEFH POSTER. fijik DtaHa-svca i ICLLIKEX SOUTH CAEOLTJA a ASMS I lie.

interest nhich would naturally be excited by the imminence of warjin Europe is diverted at this time by the serious and disgraceful disorders prevailing in States of this Union only a few years since reclaimed from the control of the rebellion The announcement at the bead of this article brings significant reminder of tlic days of '61, when the men now threatening tlie peace of that Slate and defying the laws alike of their country and humanity, were US UUV JfCUJUVTOUC CMllluajr A tvvluu ftllg- gest that they preach from the text which will be fonud in the 1st book of Samuel, 3d chapter and 20th verse, which reads as fallows "And all Israel, from Dan even nnto Beersheba knew that Samuel was established to be a prophet of Ihe Lord OBX SEBS1BLE DEMOCRAT tne New York Evening A prominent Democrat in conversation with a Republican 3 estcrdiy made some admissions about Indiana that ere evl- lently not intended for were made itbout exacting a pledge of secrecy and have gnlned a limited ctrcula ion rbis Democrat said he considered ae Indiana victory an empty in yicw of the fact that the Democrats at their last election in Indiana had a maionty of seventeen thousand and secured tbc Logisln ture They bad spent a quarter of a million of dollars in Ihc btatc, had expended OOO1LR IMON THHONSED WITH AN EN- TOtSIASTIC AUDIEKCC--OM- Of TUB GRANDEST DEMONSTRATIONS EVER MADE IN NEW TORK. the New Times The reception of Mr at the hal of the Cooper Union last evening was one of the grandest of demonstra HODS which even this city of demonstra lions has ever witnessed In every respect the andicucc was one which reflected credit upon the intelligence and patriotism of the Republicans of the Metropolis. Among those on platform were Thur M. M. sntoiAL Cofvoojj cite.

EVKMIHO, Oct. A roll and queued sfcs 20 'Per order BABX. Sec'v low Weed, Elliot William Est Cowdin, 1VW fjlllUb I I I MjIMIIvrtK Marsh, Gen Danle Sickles, General Sheridan, Willh Blakeman, Judge Fithlan, Henry Ilghlind Garnett lion iry Ilghl lerbiWk, Wllllnm A Darl- Mljmt; V4 UJIU UIIUlaBHy, Wctc erecting the batteries of treason around Fort Samter and preparing to open that assault upon the National Flag, which aroused the people of the loyaLSutes and sent the dram-beat of patriotic Indignation echoing the Mils and valleys from Mime to Minnesota It is time for Uie law-abiding people of this country to be aroused again to a full sense of the serious condition of afiairs in the Sonth and especially in the State ol bouth Carolina The attempt to ridicule the "bloody shirt" hasnad its day, and no man of intelligence any longer doubts Ihe atrocities committed by, or the openly dc- elared purposes of, the ex-Confederate leaders of the Sonth Under lead of Ihe Confederate General Hampton the njcn who formed the rebel armiea of Sonth Carolina are again in antas, organized in and dm-ions of and artillery, drilling and mustering in all parts of the State, defying all save the orders of their Confederate chiefs, who boldly declare their intention of all their energy, and the result nas tlic election of a Governor uith nhom iho parly were generally disappointed I hey bad lost the Legislature, and hjd nith Ohio, seen the Republicans gain so many Congressmen that their lujjonly the, House of Beprescntatives was threatened Unless they could do better In other Northern States, it was his opinion that the fewer of such victories they bad the belter TWEED I noils that Tweed is capchered If the iTuirauiu fjaivi uiwfc, MIIIIHIU A leaning, Charles Spc ncer, ex-Judge A Dtttenboefer, lion A lenney and many others At 7 20 Hon A Cornell called the meeting to order and nominated Clarence A Seward as Chairman Mr Seward accepted the honor In a neat speech, and after the completion of the organization by the appointment of ice Presidents and Secretaries, introduced to the audience the speaker of the evening B. H. Beale Post, NO.

12, 0. A. B. (Tburedor) evening nil 71 o'elock Bull SB oruienwcio eray Conlade will oomebe fore UK EncMumMnt. octmtin CBABLE8 CLAItE, Adjutant DDR GAS BILLS, OS Of Guaranteed, Lucy's Mmaijc Gas On ovary Evening Tito accomplleed Beadcr Elocutionist Mrs.

Lizzie Baston Fuller an Entertainment of select Reelings and BecltoUona at OITY HALL, THURSDAY EVE, Oct. 19Ui, For the benefit or Uio Ladles' Crusade ap- ponit a few or tho many favorable opinions or Ihe She la a new but already a favorite eloenUonIM and renders Jicr tjclecliona In a charming manner JSottott TVoiwectof She cannot fill lo nlcnue Lumarlt. 1'rof Elocution Boston, To Lizzie Burton uller Tbanke for tho pleasant voice that lent te to Oct. 13. Com copy ut nb V.

I 1 I 'I have now to present lo thought, uicomj him bom you all cime to heir, and ho, I And winning ror mjl rhyme a praise due haply to ence I have the pleasure of 1 the bugler's brealh until the horn repeau toyouHoo J-tmcsG Blalne hlsmelodiea Ihc appcanuce of the Spc-ikcr is tlic signal for a most enthusiastic and tu inultuous rccettion Men cheered until they were hoarse, women waved their handkerchief-: nnd for full five minutes the UIIM. 13 tile Dimocracy uv Jtoo ork ever, permit him a come off uv a ship alive they are ideots Bercifnl Heavlns' the idei uv hlz hem brot back lo tell wot he knows uv nu '6, with Tllden as a reform indldate' Wben- a Dimocratic statesman gits thro with stcalin he ought, for the sake nv his survivors to be immejitly killed Ihe brmjiu air resounded with the continuous applause When the noise of his welcome had sufficiently subsided, Mr Blaine ad vanccd to the front of the pUtform and spoke for an hour and a half His expos ure of the meanness, duplicity, and false --etcnses of the Democratic Confederate was telling nas received with thunders of applause from tbc entire assemblage His tribute to the courage of Ihe Republican Senate In resisting the ar rojrant demands of the ex-Rebel Represen- lalives called forth a renewed tempest of while bis description of the ser- Tickets of admittance i. Uelnd door aliojit Bugbeets. Duren and Falil U. Sei eSbi' KBlcrtl lnmc commences quarter before soitocllS enterng, we is escription of the servile submission of the Northern Democratic majority to the Southern Democratic minority was a masterpiece of sarcasm ano indignation Hie peroration In which he pointed the argument for protection to the Southern blacks by quoting Edmund fiurke's appeal the impeachment of Warren Hastings.

In which justice niu demanded for the suffering Hindoo, was spoken vu niiicu IIK unuxiu cu ivi ilinuOO, Has SDOkcn backuvlwce'diza UepublikiD trick It with Ihe utmost effect, and was received iz taUnamcan advjnl igc of our reform accordingly The scene when Mr Elaine candidate Ef illyum Itez stubbs of biz left the rostrum was a repetition of bw check-book about hi? person, fildcn al welcome It generally conceded-that lost man subverting the will of conceded in ijonty of.citizeus by organized intimlda tion and outrage He uuhcsitatufgly declare that the persecution and massacre citizens in South Carolina ani in other States by the ineu lately ni the ar lines of rebellion has beeu more dlsjrrace- lul to this ation than the black blavery And the skepticism andhpatliy ol the ortbcrn people arclarjclj Mblc for the continuance of systematic butchery of Citizens, which the iliona Government should long since have sup- presstd and avenged with a hand The Governor of South Carolina has lin illy been forced by the arrog-mcc md blooJthirstmess of the lusurrection in that State, to call upon the General Goiem- inent for aid in preserving the peace 1 He has tried every expedient to avoid collision but the effort has failed arid the bt-ilc has been turned into an armed I camp in defiance of all authority bv leaderis who obtained their rank in the service of re- b-lhon and hive renounced the lost cause I The issue could not have been made in auy other Southern State where its iniinus would have been so plain Gov Cham btrhin has carried conservatism to its ex treme and bis course has been emphatic 1) indorsed by the white liners of the Stale They do not pretend tint they have any grievances against him to redress, but In answer to Irtdens call fer a "solid South they have frankly de-olared that thy will not submit to an election in the colored men eiercise the right ol suf fragc conferred by the Constitution-, and We heard a good deal about the organization of the' boys in blue' in the North since the canvass commenced -What if some ol the men who carried muskets in the ranks of the Southern army tterc to organize a few companies of mgray" Whit a bowl nonldgo up all over tho North --New Orleans The bos In blue in the orth are not organized as armed bodies but -implv as cocialcd as lo political support to tin.principles for nlneh Ihej went into buttle a lew ears ago On the other hand not only' i but hundreds of companies of boj 1 1 jrraj arc orginlzed in the Southern States, armed rciol vers and breech loading rides and creat- It nas generally the meeting was one of the most memora blc In the aonaU of New 1 ork politic" OUTSIDE MEETINGS The spacious square in front of Cooper Institute was Illled by thousands of cntjm- slasllc listeners to the speeches made In favor of the Republican National and State ticket? A mammoth stand three times as large as those ordinarily erected for out side meetings, extended along the space on the south side of the square, and handsomely docorated with flags, streamers and Chinese lanterns Uhc square was brilliantly Illuminated by making it as brizht as mkl-dai grand display of flreuorka added llo the immense demonstration Addressed ere made by lion Uuteherjnd Onions I Onions I of Onlonii in One order will on MONDAY and will ha Bold Irom the car at the cs.vrn^i. DEPOT, in lota to DDK. M3AT I 8nocU4 Mrs, I. W. COOMBS Will bo prepare 1 tosbow Fall and Winter Styles MILLINERY, Saturday, Oct.

14th. i The'Twenly-ninth Annual Sestion Will lien In TVESDAV, j.t A.M,, November 14, 1876, and cloning on Fri.lny Even'gr, Nov. 17. UiiJcr tbc dlrcclion or Bttltu $1 ScaeonTal. ir.v-.

Merob TicWctfl Couccrtd D. DENTIST. Office No 2 1-2 Strickland's Block, BrUft, ilnlsteicd when desired an I all work octll Tuesday, Oct. C. W.

F-TTZZUT MExlllblt 9 'IN BY TELE -ark BANGOR (600 and FOB BALE AT FARMERS NATIONAL BANK. eaj Brown. Navy 7 --r Cardinal and qiack Cakhrneres IMiANNK.LS C'TT mr Shawls, unc! Specialties In Domestics JOSEPH FJ SIOW Sule of Creen, manJiD PATTffl 4 mi Oealre to call your attention lo tlic FOIIO for October. (Just received) containing choice Hone Vocal and Instrumental Miiaic Aleo lo Uio met that they have a larce of NLW and Sl-COND OEOANS for PATTEN WHEBLDEN, so Masonic Block In i i i i bclobrr Mli "aynes Mr I ,1101 a PIliBbnrv of i Dimu. Mass, Ocl ISlh.

Mrs Elua erkiqa fonnerl) of Bangnr ated tl I Beaver A conrcnloQt cadoD. at a GREAT REDUCTION! BERCJMANN'S Burl Zep fforsteJs, iZTOXTX Ing a reign of tenor by their outrages upon citizens Bui i Southerner never could underhand the right of free opimon at the North tlocs not siand on Ihc -inic as the proocnptloii of Itepuh nnd bulclnrj of negroes in tin South I aflorded intense pleasure to the ejhtor of the Commercial to quote editorial from theIseiv lloiij, bich tlut piper, while ittcmpting lo parr the Herculean blows which Mr Blame 13 deilmg to Its party conceile to urn the leading po moo among the Hepub- hcansof the Union andileclarcj that he isthconVj prominent Republican who his held his own Ihc voting Republicans MIICC this campaign began -J he copying of that editorial must hue been slip of Isoon after Mr HidUle concluded, the in iioiinccnient was mat that JUr liluln would in a few moments be ready to a dressthe immense crowd of people tha had by this tune assembled, and as tha gentleman appenreO on tho platform he ivas greeted with cheer after cheer 1 greatest enthusiasm was manifested, am tire Chairman oice could scarce!) heard as he introduced the orator of th cloning Mr Blaine spoke briefly ex his icgret at being unable to nd dress, them at greater length nnd bid them cordnl good night, after which he retired rom Ihe platform vociferous ao muse 1.1_ i IS(il) 18 Cents Ounce. ALL COLORS. Jacol Htei-n At Uo. BANOOB AGENCY OF THE Grand Trunk Railway FAKES TO CAMFOKNIA --AMDALL POINTS WEST, Less than by any oUier route The Grand Trunk Railway haa ateel rails from Portland to Dettoll.and baa elegant Pullman lor and Sleeping Car.

on all Ihrougu trauis mil Kenery along Uie route Is ibe Knout In Uie World Also tickets via Boston and New Tork Central WAINWRIGHT. Oen l-aaa I Montreal TALLMAN, New Eng I'ass. Afrt, Bonon that without regard to majorities, the ex-Confederate whites of South Cirohna, are determined to rule it, By the Eternal! God'" The Intervention of the UuttcJ States Government has been called for uonei too soon, and we are glad to gee that! the I resident manifests his characteristic firmness and energy, in commanding the insurgent "ride clnbs" and "sabre I battalions to disperse within three days I The action of the rebel leaders Iwlll be watched with interest, as not only tbc Administration but the loyal beo- Plc of tho whole country are The Boston Post prints the And shouted "We vcgollnalnna Itutall Uie gains for Blue Jeans And tliat wlial ihe mniler iih Hano.ii would suggest a modification, The Democrats flung oot their banner Vndwhiilied IVevegotlndianu! But Bic Coogrexionnl gams Were Jt ep a tna inicd SBXTOt A A CALUJVS and Maine 1 he editor of the irdmer uu been misled quoting a statement that "the of no Maine poet has found a pUce' in VMmtiers of en- contains flnc poem by Eliza beth Akers Allen, and i very beautiful one by Anna Bo iiton Averill, of Alton loeiierous up he took his departure tlic Till. I I I I tl OUT i till lilt C1TV I 111! i I A LfVDLK IFrom Uie 1 Tribnne It thought on the cvcmn ol last month when Col spoke in Coop- ci Institute that not another person could hive got into the hall, but it wis shown list night that if cipacity not tested on lint occasion At 0 45 clock the vi- cuilty of the building was crowded minutes after the doors had been thrown open the room filled ind 7 JO clock tbc hall, the lobbies, the corridors and the IWm8 Wero Iltcr Picked aisles ar.d all further attempts in hearing distance of the sneaker became hopeless And still the miltl tude surrounded the Institute on the out side each individual hoping that he might fortUDate on Prove the old adage, that there Is always room for one more and long after the speaker of the 2, ed his 8ubject thc to the building were thronged with merTto whom it seemed to be a snfflcieut reason for remaining that Mr. Blalne was Jnthe audience waV Dress Making.

Mal'lnVit 1 0 "1" ro for l)rc NO. 3, SOaiEUSET STUKET, Mon.toy.0ct.10th M. Agent, No. 9 Central Street, Bangor. 1 1 diwCin NOTICE.

to trust anvonoon 1 CaiiLuu ol oil of ltd Summers signel by him, as any bill coo mil 1 fell an order or such i not bo unl I by IU Company llj onlcr ol Die Exccntuc Commillee A i IS; rr murer MADEMOISELLE BOURDON At Bed-Rock Prices! ADAMS receive 1 the bctt line of Fancy Silk Ties, Collars, Cuffs AND SHIRTS, Eteroccnmtlie cltr. with a full of beuti lined and uuluied CASTOR, AKH 2miN Aloo the laical No cities In Men'e, 1 onUi Boys nnd Children i son am nit Hats, UMBRELLAS, C. Cnll and aee tlic IVE FALL STYLE French Stiff Felt Hat, Winch to are Mannfari ring No. 5 Eenduskeag Bridge. MONDAY, OCT.

3Oth, 187O, 0 c.lock, 1 on Uie premisrK MOUSE LOT, 1 11 mlle Itlver llridle. on the Uivor Hoa I A 10 1 011 of ihe late Wm II Held A STANLI-Y I PK.tKL trsttua, Cloths and Suitable fur Salw. PEARL WEBB, Kcal Estate Brokers, Auctioneers AND GENERAL INSURANCE AGENTS, 24 west MarketSojiare Cnre taken or lit ,1 KMatc und Voice Negotiated 1 ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. Cloths, STEVENS. N- octi; ilouse for Rent.

Court GRAND EDWARD LEAVITT, couiussioR mm mmi No 13 Central St. fleets i' CDt i'" A-I "mm Foi- Rent. Uas taken Itoo DAVIS, TAILOR, lrllciilAr alle clQUiing Sewing Machine For Sale. No. 74 Mam St a Eeaidcnce No 1 George St (ASSIGNEE'S SALE 01 MARBLE STOCK, Sockets, Bases, A I i I Ii, THE CENTRAL STREET Auction Room 01 I place for i i 1 1 LOItSTOM- A l1AU coin I I I a ru of Marlilc melt I I I I 1101 iu-ses Tor Rent.

7 Ilouscf one 1) rcn bl, lor rc I Oto foi i ci I I I Jtt or ool bj llic Agci t. ocii ir A. HILL, Fire Biiies For AUo one or our Hand Engines, NO. 3, AND TIGER NO. 6.

City of Bangor. The Joint Standing Committee of th uj lt uui preeeoieu as above Kdnpon until the aocceedlng month Dance Notice. AC 1D 1 VN I I OP 0 for Soclal a 0 ft irhool on Wednesday folloiVMi oc JOIlh 1HTITIN East Maine Conference Fflriiitiire, Cawb 4 AUCTION, 1l" I i mA. 'i 1 jonlfln, IT I I fc 1 tu CeutrcTablo i fcxtehmon i les. Work nn I Toilet labl MI rOrS Clot LH IU lvlr.n.l I I Rent.

'f fonr rooma i t. 10 WALTtU I til in be supposed ospectally to anDeal I manyol Ihe front seaU were ladies coming amazed and indignant at the revival of the irplnt and the acts of reoel- I0n n1tll States was crushed after a and bloody war ihemagnanunityofthepatr.ouc cituens tal bwn alread objected to all the strain it will bear His.he i MaUWere CCnpledby ITPnrrnl ur.iii.1^ ocullj- Steam FHre Engines Oct. 12 general result of the Prcs dential lam favor of the Republican can the average rate of 80 to --I-" JU Orton FOR THE CENTENNIAL. flBKAI IN PABE. Commencuiir Sept Sou, ni2nVi, t0rI of Ill6 II torn- lor cnulosue adllrcea Ihe Principal in Gto TlrA no.

nn I Toilet rors Clo.1.8 lie Uuailii, I Cba Mnlrei-e I -in i i a i lu fin in I Wo l-n Wire i i I a er boiibL ,,0. I 13. AUCTIONEEU, I UDLC 1 H-rkcr ol oil jnnel Moil-hint, No 8, Foster It Bragg's Block, I'lCKKBJNG SQIMKt Banker Mar prices via Sound 'Other Station. In LroporWon N. C.

DOWNING Ims removed Jan pjciure Store to No 6O ST ly hie cuetomere wltli iifS Ho aleo ban a nice liae or' UCe STAWONEBY for the LADIES. AUCTION. "Bure'S out 140 Republlcaus and 143 Democrats as the Edwin ipylog seats npou (lie were THE BIGHTS OF AIL MUST Portland. Sep. 1Mh 187a 8 achusctts, two contemn'hSfn'r." 1 W6re 4 the four In Indiana and hi Oh )e IfItllo- sal honest, I hone 0 11 number of MR.

CHARIE8 FIAMANT, Prof, of ftench Languag. and Ifterafure; ons given at of pnpiu, OTIS CILMORE, nd Counsellor at No. Hammond ptrect. BBS) were ol taming an instruction that should never h. General Sherman renielllblml fortrAHan K- I 6rD fillllnw "McrtDan, prC- Burke ut tnbonal of the Bntish TRENCHls PIPBS And Drains, POO BT Ortw, left at A K.

Hindoo inludtoTand stand! promlnent 0 there representing more I taf-MlbieTGf whttiftK for a eentory, he said to that 2-2 515 wh plurality rore the W.F.SHAW Will hMSckool or vi ma near is Impossible to be most SAWDUST For banking for salo at 75 cto. per load I Preserving Pears, THOMPSON KELLOGG, MISS M. E. BEYNOIDS, HALL. CUTTING A2SD FITTING 1 0 of OO01 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1O 1 8 Brooran, ic 4c Shaker Knit Wool Socks, 4 I BOSTOI BUTTON ffll 8.

PRESCOTT, AUCTIONEER GENERAL APPRAISER E. B. PATTEN, ktabaiL ud Aoetionnr (Neit WheelwrlgM 4 Clark BlocL all a lies I I LadiCb Lb lor tl 0.1 tl 25 I CtL at hw II TON STOItt at only Boston Button Store, nice Wool i i Men a Unilcni(car It low trices, at the nu TON BUTTOS STOIU A Dine of Din ILUflj AND CUFFS received 11 tiic BOSTON buTTON STORE. FURNISHING GOODS UMBRELLAS, c. Qome In An I look nt our New nn I DMinblc linen of ft-TA 11 SraciAi.rr 1IOT i'Ji "hort notice.

want," said a Flor- Then he picked BeruU. nought direct from tho, a nl.Icli thill sell at the PRICES. Notice lite flgureH, lint DON'T tOltl LaJkss Sertj. CooUi, Kid o-U Men Hip MEN AND BOrS CALF BOOTS ofalHInO. MISSES 4ND CHILDBEN'S BOOTS Of every variety RUBBERS ANO RUBBER BOOTS, AC 0 Uo I not been OedgMted as WEDNESDAY.

OCT. 18TH. Adults 0ft SHIE OR EXCHANGE TfideawlllaniifMnjres, Made on Uw ER PATEBTLAST. Gear. IrandinlBg TWO HTJJTTON linn, i PATAI.

A CJIrl i "I IK Ocl of 4 ouductor Ojgootl while riding Hi i Ion stnh.1 Ion kill 1 i hir FIIOH Uollill. II i i Otl I- lUblc on i dedtrojed U) lire 11-I insurance Oilier lii ucrt itu rnon 3 I A Oil 1 S-irgcnt Palmer of on )tstenhy, anj i anil Hie lurui ul burns and shpd by lire afternoon A hay two humlroj bu hcls com all llic i tool- Most of (lie fun ijjcJ state oi 8-J 000 Supposed mccndi ir uon ponr A Get. IS 1 laic Hon I- I Sniuli itkiiikil (he i i i i MS I Ojr.E!STIC THE INDIANA The Official The Ktato OVER 12,000 INDEPENl '1 lie lc mot rail I i tlnui a Mnjorltj ou ami i i i i i.oisr, vi i HI: KCI IV III Inn ill the 1 III Ul Mi itli Oth 7th Sth Illl lOih llih Ulh 1 Iih Mil 4n.r^*- INN 1 1 1 lu IJml tmgt oiuj 1 ii. th lullou nig i i ti 1 ill i 1 l.h klull ir 1 11. nn III in II inlor tc 1 jlhln- I- in II II 1 IUK i Dtinoeril I i i llic Indi etiilr JJ I.I 4th oth 7th 91 lOlh i Ulli Litli 1 Dtiuoontic minority, error of votes i the above footing of Demoera winch IM probably made in the one of thc Di-tneU En 1 i i A I Oct 13 qti on thc Stirc ticket hole number Williams Uem received Harrison, Hep Harrington Ind illmuis majority oVer Ihc largest ludeucndcnt vo for iewsoii candiJttc for 1 ofbtate 15,940 II Ihe I-egishturc tands as fo House-- Itepiiblicans 63, DC Independents senate-- 25 Independent 2 will be seen by the above Williams has a plurality of lepubhcan candidate the DC In an actual inmorit) tlic vo State ticket a unjorltj agaiust the Demoincy known that the bulk of the I nas draw iroiu the Rcpul the Dcmocritic dunces for pcir slun ff SAVANVA.H Oct f) Health olllcer FJJS tho decrca' tality shows an earlp epidemic hut ahSntcltlj rcturniup until noinicd lug, it froiu safe I present.

Oct IS of CI arniet Illf companies of Infmtry left Vorf Boston and other taste" UIh In proclain IJ troops CHABLESTOV, Oct IS. All aho a Asma armed citizens from CharlcMon 8 1 13 fearln wthdrawn their homes wllllic received to-night tbataco bla to 1P arftm thcir wa froi The h05 cauMS lclent Proclafiatlin "Xdteoient and Imlc comment V9mv. Ni-M'SPAPFRl Ni-M'SPAPFRl.

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