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The Pantagraph from Bloomington, Illinois • Page 1

The Pantagraphi
Bloomington, Illinois
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JL 1 To the reasonably persistent advertiser, Tantapraph "Want Ads always bring the full measure of results. INDICATIONS FOR TODAY Olsudf Wadn4r. ra I port' Jllsniees HUM; Thunder muck chnj la VOL. LXXVII. NO.


tP.y the Aseo- crated Piess.J-Two ag'd sisters lost pr notpntPf IV I JPVP1 IT! hlfP0 hV Fresno, April 3. Huggilig his favorite viulin to his heart. Max Hiichman, 60, former wealthy director lire which destroyed v. 0 lire which destroy their 1 ves in a pation In any organization which is acting with tho purpose of exciting Woodruff of the Boston Symphony Orchestra 000 Votes in Quiet Election- FOSTER CASE GOES TO THE JURY TODAY Final 'Arguments of Opposing Attorneys Made Tuesday Afternoon, Are Touching and Only Woman Juror Is in Tears Foster's Counsel Holds Up His Right to Oppose While Prosecution Asks Jury To Revere Those Who Lie in Flanders By Verdict Against Foster. the intv.M'r of their home here today, and two other sisters were burned sevetely.

The dead are: Miss Elizabeth Nicholson, 61 years old, who Moscow, April 3. (By the Associated Press.) Vicar General But-chkavitch has been executed. The flood of protest from all parts of the world against the carrying out of the death sentence apparently had no effect on the official determination, except in the commutation the population to mass agitation, non-payment of taxes, unf ulllllment i.f its duties or by any other means clearly detrimental to tho dictatorship of the working claws and the proletarian revolution, although an armed rising or an armed invasion and leader of his own orchestra, ut the Panama-Pacific. K.xpofrUjin at San Francisco, died In ta cunly hospital here today, practically friendless and In poverty. Buch-man's request was for music which hospital attaches were unable to provide.

Wins Easily in Peoria Mayor Bauman of Springfield Was Defeated by Bullard, a Reform Candidate Two of Three Klan Candidates at East St. Louis Appear to Be Defeated. died, in tho tire, and Mrs. Lucy Lindsay, S3, w.o died at a hos; tl. STATE AIMS' BLOW is not the chief aim of that organization." Only two papers, the off clal Izvestia and pravda, carried the laconic announcement of the eiecu-tlon.

that printed in the Pravda reading: "On March 31 was brought into AT HOUSE OF granted Archbishop Zepliak. Well In- tunned opinion hero is that even if the outsido governments had threatened war or severance of all diplomatic relations with Russia the authorities would have persiHted in carrying out their determination. Protests Hurt Chances. The foreign protests, in the view of close observers, injured rather than aided the cause of Monsignor But- Louis Elayloek for mayor; John C. Harris, Gjs Wylie, Harry Gowins and Louis Turley for city HERRIN WINE TRIAL effect the death sentence oir the Priest Butchkavitch.

condemned in the case of the Catholic counter Michigan to Hail Leaders of Cult Into Court to Prove It's Necessity, United States circuit court of appeals In 1920, In a deportation case, that the party was an Illegal organization. He scathingly denounced Charles E. Ruthenberg, one of Fosters co-d-feridants, who took the stand as a defense witness and referring to Woodruff Wins Peoria, April 353 prsctnets out of eighty-four In the city givn s't. Joseph. April 3.

William raster's fate will be In the hands the jury by 10 o'clock tomorrow i.i-:'iin. Tinal arguments In- his trial for trlmlnal syndicalism were completed t.iit nnd tomorrow morning at 9 Eight Witnesses Attempt to Clear Clark and Howard, Two Men on Trial, revolutionists." The paragraph in Izvest'a reads: "The sentence of the supreme court of the republic with regard to Butchkavitch, who was condemned to be shot, and whose reprieve, which had been requested was disregarded by the central executive committee, has been carried out." fur mayor: Woodruff. Republican O'Connor, Democrat 31'0i Chicago, April 3. Judge William E. Dover, running on the Democrat ticket was elected mayor of Chicago over Arthur C.

Leuder, Republican, by a plurality if 103,748, according to complete unofficial returns tonight. The vote was: liever, 3S7.1; Leuder, William A. Cunnea, Socialist, 40.S41. A Democratic city clerk and city treasurer were elerted also. While the Democratic swept the city ticket from one end to tnu other, the Republicans were not without tor complete unofficial returns on the election ill tile second congressional district to fill the' vacancy caused bv the of Representative James It.

Mann showed chkavltch. by creating a public sentiment here against foreign interference. Monsignor Btitehkavlteh was father superior of the church of St. Catberino in l'otrograd. He held the title of prelate to hi? hjliness, granted by the pope for special services.

He was 53 years old. He came iRuthenberg's testimony on cross ex- W1H I AiA tin a.i-r,..A t.F JUUge Lnani- nu'io Lansing, April 3 State ac-Van that may result in putting the Israelite House of David out ot existence was begun in the Ingham county (Lansing) circuit court today at the instance of Gov. Alex J. Groes-beck and state Attorney General A. Dougherty.

Tho action. In the form of quo Marlon, 111., April 3 (By the Associated Press) Eight eye witnesses were called to the stand by the defense In the Herrin riots trial today from an old and wealthy family of Polish origin, altho he himself was a Russian citizen. Galtsburg. Galeshilre. 111., April 3.

Elof W. Mureen, Peoples party condidate, was elected mayor over E. P. Nelson, Socia 1st nominee by a large majority, election here today. Mr.

Mureen is a sabsman for a local wholesale house and is a former grocery clerk, lie is 31 years old and la Galesburg youngest mayor. tno American Legion, said: "The American Legion oath Is "for God and country," there in no CVu when he went on the stand here the other day. He affirmed Mr. Walsh leaped to his feet with an objection agnin referring to the fact that Ruthenberg, as did Fosier, had chosen to affirm rather than swear and his point was sustained by the court. Monsignor Butchkavitch met death before a firing squad.

in an effort to establish positive alibis for Otis Clark and Oscar Howard, two of the six defendants. Rome, April 3. (Ry the Associated Press.) Word of the execution by the soviet authorities of Monsignor Butchkavitch, it is learned reached Popo Pius yesterday, and upon hearing the news the pontiff knelt in prayer for the soul of the dead prelate. The pope was deeply grieved when informed that the sentence had been carried out, especially as the efforts made to save the vicar general had Oliver his instructions 10 me juruis. If convicted Foster faces a prison Ffntt-nre ot ten years or a $3,000 line, both, at the discretion ot the entire day today was devoted (0 the summing up by O.

L. Smith, p-mstant attorney general of Michigan and Charles Gore, prosecuting at'orncy cf Berrien county for the and Frank P- Walsh of New York' and Washington and Humphrey Gray, of Benton Harbor, Fosters lawyers. Final Arguments. Mr. Walsh in an emotional npp'eal, reached a climax when, defending Poster's right to oppose all wax.

he Claim of Treason. Constantino Butchkavitch, vicnr Morion 1). Hull. Republican, elected over irratt O'llara, Lemocrat by nearly 14,000 pluraliay. The vole wns: If there Is going to be any murder general of the Roman Catholic ing, I'll quit right now," three wit church in Russia, was sentenced to Hull, republican, 5G.3T.0: O'Ham, nesses declared mey nau neaiu warranto proceedings will compel lenders of the Benton Harbor cult to appear in court and prove to the satisfaction of tho Judge that the religious organization con-t nue to function.

The proceedings begun today were tho direct result of testimony ad Sted- The defense attorneys told the jurors In their closing plea that Foster had committed no overt act and that he had only exercised his rights of free speech and free assemblage when he went to the com death on March 26, after he and sixteen other prelates, including Clark say in a speech to a crowd of Democrat, 42.43: Seymour man, Socialist, i.9."i5. G. O. P. Wins in St.

Louis. St. Louis, April The election of the entire Republican aldermanic ticket of fifteen by majorities of 10,000 was indicated tonight on the face of incomplete unofficial returns tabulated from today's municipal election. Walter J. O.

Neun, Repub raised hopes that It might l.e possible to obtain a commutation of sentence, as in the caso of Arch duced at the recent suit In the federal Claim Thompson for Dever" The Ixuder forces had openly charged during the day that Mayor William Hale Thompson and his or court at Grand Rapids of John Hansen and his wife against Benjamin Ar hbishop Zepllak had been found guilty of opposing the soviet govern-nent. The Russian central executive committee, meeting last Thursday night to consider the appeals made in behalf of the ecclesiastics, denied clemency In the case of Monsignor Rntchkavitch, asserting that he had "used his position as a priest to carry on direct and active state of munist convention to discuss industrial matters with the delegates. Conflicts with Court Mr. Walsh compared his to the trial of Socrates for opposing the established order; to the execution of the Christians under Maracus Aurellus; read sections from the Declaration of Independ bishop Zepliak. Denies He is Executed.

London. April 3. (By the Assn. dated Press.) A dispatch to the Times from Riga dated Tuesday men, many of them armea, wno nau taken forty-eight non-union workers from tho mine of the Southern Illinois Coal Company. "For God's sake don't do it, the United Mine Workers won't stand for murder," Clark wag quoted as telling members of the crowd who were urging that tho prisoners be taken out and killed.

"To wipe out the breed." Claim They Led McDowell Away Witnesses for the state previously- Purnell. head of the House ot Uavui. The suit, begun to coiled JS0 000 the lican, defeated Dwight D. Curry, Democrat for president of the board of alderman, the principal offics contested. Hansells claimed was due them for brought tears to me eyes oi airs.

Minerva Olson, the only woman on ti jury, as he described his own filings' hen his son marched away in 1917- Mr. Smith reached an equally dramatic climax this afternoon, when, dosing a two hours peroration, he to the iury from Lieut. Colonel piuperty turned over to the cult nnd for labor performed by them ana ence and the ritings of Thomas Jef members of their fam'ly took a sensational turn when witnesses for the ganization had swung to the support cf Judge Liever, Mayor Thompson having withdrawn from the mayoralty race previous to the previous February primary when ami-Thompson forces udopted a coalition ticket headed bv Leuder. While Mayor Thompson personally took no active part in the campaign Leauder forces pointed tonight as proof of their charges to the vote in the second ward where the majority of voters are negroes and which In lm been one of the ferson on the inherent right of revolution, and cited the opposition of treason. The committee at the same time commuted to ten years imprisonment the death sentence Imposed on the archbishop.

News that Monsignor Butchkavitch would have to pay the ex plaintiffs declared on the witness inn MeCree's war time poem "Jn stand that acts ot immorality nau ganders Fields. had Identified Clark as having made the speech urging the killing of the prisoners while an unidentified man pleaded for their lives In the very been practiced by Purnell. The ver frota failing hands wo "To you still is SPANISH CABINET BREAK PREVENTED Madrid, April 3. (By the Associated Press.) The king today expressed confidence in the ministry of the marquis of Alchucemas. when the resignation of the cabinet was tendered him.

In consequence of this the ministry remains in power, with the exception of the minister of Wendell Phillips to the 3lave trat-fic at a time when it was a strongly intrenched Institution. Mr. Gray asserted the prosecution had attempted to prejudice the jury bv nuestioninir Ruthenberg about his dict in tho Hansel case awaited. treme penalty created a stir in many lands. A request made by the Roman words attributed to Clarfc by me defense witnesses.

Clnrk and Howard it was charged by the state, then inarched on with strongest Thompson wards in the city. Here Dever was given 8,1169 and Leuder 3,714. opposition to the American I.fgion savs: "The soviet government denies that Vicar General Butchkavitch has been shot. It says the execution ban been The times prints the foregoing beneath the announcement from Moscow that the prelate was executed Saturday. Kditorally the Times alludes to the dispatch from its Riga correspondent and expresses the hope that the fate of Vicar General Butchkavitch will not long remain a question of such grave doubt as that of Archbishop Benjamin, of Petrograd, regarding whom it says no definite Information has been received since he was con-Idemned to death In 1922 for interfer-jing with the Beizure of church surcs.

and declared there were hnnln wrones in tho capitalistic kjs- the crowd and Its prisoners to aiouj crossing where they took C. K. Mc- Catholics of Moscow for permission to bury Vicar General Butchkavitch according to the of the church has not yet been answered by the soviet authorities. Russian Law. Springfield.

tem which Foster had a right to point out. finance, Jose Manuel Pedregal. IViwf 1. crlnn ea superiniennent oi Earlier in the day the premier Klansmen Gather at Atlanta, to Argue Controversy Atlanta, April 3. Ku Klux Klansmen from nil sections of the country were reported enroute hero tonight as William J.

Simmons, the mine who was unable to keep up the pace, from the line nnd led him conferred with the king for two Springfield, 111., April 3. S. A. Bullard, Coalition candidate for mayor, was elected today by a majority of 3,411 over Charles T. Baumann.

incumbent and candidate of the Sullivan Republican organization which has controlled Sangamon county throw "The torch, be yours to hold It h'gh. "If ye break faith with us who die, "We shall not sleep, tho poppies blow "In Flanders fields." "You have not kept faith," Mr. Smith declared, "with those who lie beneath the crosses In Flanders fields unless you register by your verdict vour determination to defend our American government and American institutions from Wililam Z. Foster and any one else who advocated violent revolution as a means of overthrowing them." For Opposing Legion. The attorney general denied the defense claim that the communist party had been driven inder ground by persecution and cited decision of the to the spot where nis Dony to iuuhu shortly afterward.

Vicar General Butohkavitch was found guiltv and executed as a violator ot article 62 of the criminal code, which provides tho death penalty or imprisonment for "partici- TRAIL AUTOMOBILES TO SEIZE LIQUOR Mr. Gray, who is a banner ana corporation lawyer of Benton Harbor came Into conflict wth the court when he told the jUfy that Foster was being tried for Ms opinions and declared "you can't imprison an Idea." "I will charge the Jury now." Judge White interrupted, "that this defendant is not under trial for opinions or beliefs that he held but because he Is alged to have advocated political Industrial reform the manner set forth by the statute." founder of the order, exerted the temporary control over the organi Lexington. April 3. Taking Brundage Assailed zation given him by the Fulton pcrlor court early today In appoint News of the Day in Illinois Towns By Small for Move Probi rroDinp; Urbana, April J. University of in or jury, Tliinttin MpnntH voted to abolish the hours today, presumably concerning the cabinet crisis.

After the conference the premier informed correspondents thut complete harmony prevailed In the cabinet relative ta the Moroccan policy and that any reasons there might have been foe the resignation of the war minister had been removed. HAS NO TIME TO BE AWARDED MEDAL' Kansas City. April 3 Mayor Frank Ciomwell. police commissioner Opinstln. chief of police Vassar and a few other gathered at police headquarters here lo bestow upon George i.

McConkey. grocer and former Tesas cow boy, a gold medal, "awarded by the metropolitan police department, Kansas City, for meritorious service" in the ktiling of two bandits. But the object ot thm bestowal was missing. E. L.

Winn, police board secretary, called on the telephone for McConkey. "I haven't time to come to police cognizance of dissenting rulings by Kentucky federal Judges on the question of tutomoMle searching without a warrant, prohibition agents late today, ttailed a machine more than thirty miles to make arrests and seize sixty gallons of moonshine whisky. Federal prohibition agents first observed an automobile occupied by B. F. Dunn of Paris, and J.

W. Baxter of Lexington in Nelson county, within the western district of Kentucky and under the jurisdiction of Judge Walter Evans. Recently Judge Evans politics for eight years. The complete vote was: Bullard 13.3S5 Baumann 9.9 it Bullar was backed by a coalition, which. Baumann supporters alleged, was being used by Governor Len Small to gain control of ths city's political machinery.

Baumann was the candidate of the Sullivan Republican organization which is opposed to the state administration. In his campaign Mr. Bullard pledged himself to rid Springfield of bootleggers and vice. Judging by practically complete returns he will have three of the four commissioners supporting him in the council. East St.

Louis. East Pt. Louis. 111.. April 3 (By the Associated Press.) One of the throe candidates for commissioner.

Springfield, 111., April 3. (By the honor Bjstem for examinations, at a Associated Press.) Condemnation of meeting held last night. The ruling the alleged tactics of Attorney Gen- came as a result of a recomruendu- eral Brundage for "using disreputable tion from the members ot the stu- testimony to destrov and disgrace in- dent honor commission after that nocent men" is contained in a state- body had become convinced that stu- ment made public by Governor Small dents will not report instances of Former Postoffice Employes Suspected in St. Louis Robbery St. Louis, April 3.

Three men, said to be former postoffice employes todav in comment on the indictment ciujuiub. The former Proctor system, In i.oih that ncents must obtain a searcn Gardner Decides to Quit International Joint Commission Washington, April 3. Announcement of the resignation from the international Joint commission of former Senator Obadiah Gardner of Maine. Its chairman, was made today after Its semi-annual session. The announcement was made by Mr.

Gardner. His resignation is effective April 15 and It is understood that the vacancy on the American section of the commission which has ing Dr. 1-red U. Johnson ot fcan Antonio, Texas, as chief of staff and placing him in actual charge of the Imperial palace. The Atlanta Constitution will publish tomorrow that within the last 48 hours It has been reliably informed that approximately 6,000 klansmen have gathered here to lend their influence and support to Simmons In his move against Dr.

II. W. Evans, Imperial wizard, and other Imperial officers of Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. The break between Simmons, who holds the rank of imperial emperor in the klan, and the imperial wizard, occurred last week when Simmons announced that he would found and sponsor an organization for women whose policies and purposes would he along the same line as those of the klan. The Imperial wizard Issued a proclamation forbidding klansmen to espouse such an organization.

Tho coup d'etat of Simmons, the Constitution, will publish, seemed complete today ns Chief of Staff Johnson took charge of the imperial palace. Dr. Johnson commissioned warrant In order to stop and search machines In an effort to obtain evidence of Illegal transportation of of one of the members of the Jury which acquitted him at Waukegau last year. "What a deplorable condition exists," Governor Small's statement says, "when men of unimpeachable character are summoned and com which members of the faculty remain In the rooms during examinations will bo put In force at the coming semester examinations. The honor system has been in force at Illinois for four years.

said to have been supported by the Ku Klux Klan was elected and the headquarters," the irrocer announced. liquor. The agents trailed the mn-hlne occupied by Dunn and Baxter to a point near Harrodsburg, thirty miles inside the territory under the Jurisdiction pelled to sit on a Jury and try a case and then, after giving an honest I Galesburg, April 3. Warren verdict based on the evidence are Holmes, foreman of a manufacturing hounded and persecuted, lose their company at Galva, 111., fell into a vat ot Judge A. M.

J. Cor'iran. wno nas held agents may search an tutomo- of green paint while at work Mon Jobs, theii families are repeatedly blle when reasonable taisis that the prohibition law is being violated. other two defeated in the local municipal election today, according to the complete unofficial vote tabulated tonight. Ralph Cook, an attorney was the successful candidate of the alleged klan He led the list of eight candidates for commissioner, four of whom were chosen tinder the commission form of government.

The Rev. William R. Evans nnd August ARCTIC EXPLORER HELD FOR FRAUD Fort Worth April 3. Dr. Frederick A.

Cook, former Arctic explorer and now an extensive oil promoter surrendered to federal authorities this afternoon. He is charged with usinir the mails to defraud in his oil promotions. Cook was in Smackover when he heard of the charge, and hurried here. Cook furnished J25.000 bond and was day. The paint in the vat was ten feet deep and Mr.

Holmes went entirely under, before employes rescued him. Because he had presence of mind visited by so-called detectives who are sometimes of the most vicious element; and then finally are indicted on evidence thus obta'ned thru the powerful influences of the attorney The fleeing macntne was nautu, the officials declared, after a com mand to halt had been ignored and one of the federal men had leaped to the running board and forced the enough to keep his eyes nnd mouth general and the Chicago triuune rep several members of the order, who are known to be friendly with Sim resenting the great profiteering in- closed, he was not seriously Injured were arrested late today by detectives on suspicion in connection w-ith the daring holdup and robbery ot an armored mail truck here yesterC it was announced tonight by police. The names of the men, who are be. lng held incommunicado, have not been revealed. The authorities t-aid tho men were not known in police circles, but they formerly were employed at the local postoffice.

Postoffice inspectors, who, in a partial check up of the registered mail obtained by the bandits when they escaped with nine pouches, placed the loot at approximately in negotiable bonds, announced it would be several days before the checking up Is completed. HOLDS PUBLIC OFFICE FOR F0RTY-TW0 YEARS White Bear, April 3. After forty-two consecutive years ns treasurer of White Bear, Harry K. Getty this afternoon turned over the city books to his successor, Ross Miller, and retired to private life. When White Bear wna incorporated as a village Mr.

Getty was elected the first treasurer. At the last election Mr. Getty decided to give his full time to his mercantile business and was not a altho he suffered a nervous shock. terests. M.

Ecgmann who were the other two members of the alleged klan "slate" polled the lowest vote of any of the candidates. The vote for commissioner, with all of the 1 precincts In the city re Chicago. April 3. Declaring that the statement issued in Springfield driver to stop the car. Arraigned before United States Commissioner AV.

8. Lawwill In Dan-ville, Baxter who drove the car was held in bail ot $2,000 on charges of possessing and transporting liquor and an equal amount for resisting an oofflcer. Dunn's ball wns fixed at jurisdiction over American-Canadian boundary waters will be Wled by the appointment of former Senator Charles E. Townsend of Michigan. There have teen frequent reports that Mr.

Gardner would retire but until late today no confirmation that the resignation had been submitted and had been accepted by President Harding was obtainable. Mr. Gardner served nearly ten years on the commission, most of the time as chairman, and during its important investigations of the St. Lawrence and other boundary water questions. He was appointed ty President Wilson but after several years his resignation was requested.

President Harding later had a vacancy to fill and called upon Mr. Gardner for further service. COPPER TELLS STORY OF INDIAN COMMERCE today by Governor Len Small, "was too ridiculous to answer," Attorney Belleville, April 3. Maiprs Rush B. Lincoln and John D.

Reardon, of the army air service yesterday afternoon made a flight from Scott field here to Piano, a distance of 228 miles In a free balloon. Tho flight is sldered unusual, as ordinarily flights of this nature average about 100 General Brundage tonight declined mons to till the various offices ar.d to carry on the routine Dr. Evans has been imperial wizard since the k'anvocation here lust year, that time It was announced that S-immons, who held that office would become emperor and would be In charge of the ritualistic and philosophical affairs of the order. Hearing for permanent injunction will be he'd here Saturday. In addition to Dr.

Evans, the petition named as respondents several to comment. porting follows: Ralph ink John T. Connors, M. P. Murray M.

J. Whalen Arthur O'Leary Fred Leber August M. Egemnnn Rev. W. R.

Evnn .10.003 9.S17 9.411 9914 .59 8.073 miles, it was said. The officers left here at 3:10 p. m. and word of the exact landing time has not been re ceived. The officers are from Fort I local banks and officials of tho klan, EXCAVATOR OF TUT IS CRITICALLY ILL Cairo.

April 3. (By the Associated Press.) The Earl of Carnarvon Is making what Is regarded by the attending physicians as a wonderful fight for life. Although he took a sudden change for the worse today, and his condition was regarded as critical, he showed some Improvement tonight. Mors People "Eating Out" Chicago. April 3.

The number of persons who eat In public restaurants and dining hulls is increasing, according to J. D. Mills, Ohio, president before the convention of national restaurant association hers Leavenworth, but came here Savage, chief of staff, and H. C. M.

M. Stephens, incumbent candi Brown for a required semi-annual balloon I Montgomery. H. K. Indicted Small Trial Juror Presents Bond Waukegan, 111., April 3 John B.

Fields, of Anlioch. indicted juror In tho Small Jury fixing Investigation surrendertd himself to Sheriff b'dwln Ahlstrom this morning. He brought William Hildebrand, Antioch merchant to sign his bond for when arraigned before Judge Claire Edwards. Fields retained as his counsel Alex Harwood, Tom Akers, T. J.

McKin- flight. date for mayor, was re-elected over William The vote was: Stephens 17.35 Veach M73 candidate for re-election. Report Rebellion $1,000 on charges ot possessing transporting liquor. HEAVY SNOW COVERS NORTHERN MICHIGAN Escanabn. April 3 With snow drifts eight feet deep in places and approximately eight inches of snow having fallen in the last 2i hours, Escanaba and the entire upper Michigan peninsula found itself confronted with more snow than at any time this winter.

In addition to the snow a drizzling April shower has coated several streets with a thick layer of ice. which Monday caused a temporary tieup on internrban service between Esoanaha and Gladstone. According to traction offic'als the ice coating caused the most serious damage to the servio In six years. Railroad representatives today indicated that all traffic between Escanaba and Saulte St. Marie had been tied up due to the sleet and snow.

Midland Official Held. Sioux Falls. S. April 3. Ben I.

Danville. Danville, April 3. Thurmnn F. Shouse, alderman, Methodist minister and superintendent of a cemetery, today defeated Claude P. Madden, present mayor by about 600 votes.

Chicago, April 3. A rmall seven-year-old boy trudged down the plut-, form of the Jnion station hers todav with a heavy suitcase, be-! ginning tho second lap of a 4 500 mile journey he is making alone. The boy is Russell Roberts who left his grandparents jn Ruffalo, N. to Join his father, J. Roberts In Honolulu.

Tucked away In the suitcase were a baseball and glovs. ander F. Beaublen, who was associate icy. Establishment of homes far In South Russia Berne. Switzerland, April 3.

(By the Associated Press.) A serious peasant rebellion against the soviet 1 1 C.mth counsel with C. C. LcForgec, who defended Governor Small st the trial. Tho name of Judge Edwards, ap ther frJm business centers, shortage of domestic help and abandonment non and N. N.

Furney. Krupp Officials Protest Firing on German Workmen Essen, April 3 A protest against the French troops firing on German workmen has been filed with General Degoutte by the Krupp officials nnd the Essen Chamber of Commerce and other German organizations. The prot asserts that tho troops were never endangered and points out that none of the French was injured. of the lunch pail he gave as reasons) pearing with eighteen other witnesses tor the Increase. A resolution wa on the back of the indictments returned yesterday by the grand Jury, jovernment nas Droncn um nccordinir to advices received Quipcy.

Qu'ncy, April 3 The hottest municipal election ever held In Quincy took place here today when William B. Smiley, Republican," de Chlcatro," April S. A campaign to has raised the question of his ellgi bllity in presiding over the trial of 1" OI feated Philip J. O'Hrlen. Democrat, by the Ukraine representatives here.

Regular pitched battles are proceed. Ing between the peasants and soviet forces In the region of Chltomir and Rakitno. The soviet leaders have sent urgent appeals for the dispatch vitt-vj niuuiun iiioiMiiuu iiQ iPKenn- present ncumbent, for mayor by a majorty of 2,227. A total of more ary characters of the United States was started today by leaders of tho than 16000 votes were cast. Express Derailed; Several Injured East St.

Louis. 111., April 3. Bits of copper found In pre-hlstoric mounds near here are "corrobora-t ve evidence that the mound builders had commercial relations with (he tribes bordering Lake Superior," according to Warren K. Moorehead. archaelORlst, who a conducting the excavations under direction of the i nlverslty of Illinois.

Several Imperfect skeletons also were found In the laBt several days, Dr. Moorehead said. W. E. Meyers, of the Smithsonian Institution, and Clinton Cowan, of r0 aMistlns Dr- JIoore-Dr.

Moorhead said he eventually "opes to enter Monk's mound, the argest of the group, which he believes holds the secrets of culture of the mound builders. EUGENE V. DEBS IS INVITED TO RUSSIA Moscow, April 8. The executive committee of Russian trade unions bs decided to Invite Eugene I V. hs and other American liberal trade unionists to Russia to study economic conditions here.

Beaten After Fourth Term. Lacrosse, April 8. A. Bentley, completing- his fourth term mayor here was defeated for rejection today by Alderman A. J.

of Infantry and artlbery. i Illinois Daughters of 1813. The move was suggested at a meeting of the society yesterday. Salinger, former vice-prlesldent Rockford. Rockford.

April 3. J. Herman of the now bankrupt Midland Pack- Hallstrom, labor legion candidute was WIFE BROKER FOUND DEAD San Francisco, April 3. Mrs. Esther Grant, said to be the wife of a Chicago broker, was found dead West Palm Beach, April 3 "eierences to Georgs Washington The second section of the Keywest an 'old John Hancock as a express, carrying Pullman cars from smuggler" and Andrew-Jackson ns adopted assuring the federal depart ment of health the association's cooperation in the raising ot restaurants to a higher standard.

".3 Chaplin Movis Censortd Mason City. Iowa, April Thai part of Charley Chaplin's latest release tho Pilgrim" in which the comedian playing tho role of a preacher, makes sport of saying grace at the table is missing today from the production at tho Palace theatre here. Vlte-l by a delegation from the Protestant Preachers Association and later by a representative of the Ku K'ux Klan, Manager Ralph Ravensoroft deleted almost a rourth of the film. rv-t Bandit Dies Coffeyvllle, April Albert Connor, notorious Kansas and Oklahoma outlaw, died in the hospital here this morning from bullet wounds received in an attempted robbery hero March 24. In her room in a hotel nere tooay Ing Comi any of Sioux City, taken Into custody In New Orleans today by federal officers, according to word received by the United States District Attorney S.

W. Clark. Salinger was to have appeared today for arraignment before Judge James D. Elliott on a charge of using the Florida to New York was reported de- maecorous parties In the railed late tonight near Kelsey City. White House were criticized by seven miles north of here.

Several speakers. They charged the excerpls Police ssv that Mrs. Grant Friends declared persons are reported injured ine-y reierred to were prop-ignnda hut she had said repeatedly she inionaen to lessen the glory of his toric characters. mnnM commit suicide when her re mails to defraud. He la under $15,000 sources were exhausted, rather than re-elected mayor over Ldward A.

Wettergren here todav by a uiity of 3.600. The Rev. George T. Udell, running Independent received but a scattering complimentary vote. Hallstrom failed to carry control of the city council altho five labor legion aldermen were elected today giving him seven out a total of sixteen.

Freeport. Freeport, 111.. April A. N. Steph-an today was re-elected mayor, defeating Fred W.

Stockwell by a piu-rality of Both ran on a nonpartisan ticket. bond. Mr. Clark moved this after noon that Salinger's bond be for Strike Protsst Berlin, April 3 (Ry the Associated Press) The emp'oyes of the Krupp plant at Essen, it Is announced here began today a twenty-four hour strike in protest against the French action of last Saturday in firing on a crowd of Krupp employes resulting In eleven deaths and a Si-ore seriously wounded. There are about 64 men employed at the plant.

Hardings See an 1 Exhibition Game Augusta, April 3. President Harding put one over on most of tho other baseball fans of the country by slipping out to Warren park here to see an exhibition game between the Detroit Atryencans and the Toronto club of the International League. The chief executive was accompanied by Mrs. Harding, who seemed felted and moved that a bench war accept employment. Lewis Retains Title, Chicago, April 3.

Ed "Strangler1 Twi. bmvvweifrrt wrestling cham A 1 if rant be issued for his arrest. Tud're Elliott snnounced that he would give his decision on the motion tomorrow The Keywest express is operated by the Florida East Coast railway. Lausanne Parley Resumed April 15 London, April 3 The Lausanne conference will probably be resumed April 15, In accordance with the Turkish proposal. Lord Curzon, head of the previous British delegation Will not participate.

Sir Horace Rumbold, British commissioner In Constantinople taking his place. ninn Trnn the third fall and his afternoon. vtth Renato Gardlnl, Italian verohota. With one precinct missing Say Decsased Bridegroom Insane. heavyweight champion here tonight after three minutes and twenty second of wrestling.

He applied five Jerseyville, 111., April 3. More than BULGARIANS BEING DRIVEN FROM THRACE Sofia, Bulearla. April 3. (Bv the Associated Press.) A new re gn of terror exists In western Thrace, where the Greek nrmv Is driving out the Bulgarian population. Is Is asserted In statements issued bv the Bulgarian government, which has sent a note of protest to the a'l'es.

Rsscua Crew. New York. April 3. Capt. Cluelt and the crew of s'x of the British schooner Rita M.

Cluett were rescued early today from the distressed vessel, which was set on fire ebotit 3t0 miles south of Cape Race, the 'ciioionaa a lead of 200 votes. TEMPERATURES Department Index hoarftni-lta In succession and then four months after his death. George L. Feycrn bend's marriage to Mrs. Dallas, Texas.

Dallas, April 3 Early returns from the city election today indicated that all candidates on the Democratic pinned GardinI to the mat with a fly Iva Orf. divorcee, yesterday was an T.OWMt WirhMt Mniidny TuMrtay. Nifflit. nulled by the circuit court on grounds ing headlock. Lenino'i Condition 8atifaeiory.

Psg 1S Taks Man for Slsying 2 Years Age. of insanity. Feyerabend. a farmer, OS 1.2 K3 died November 23, last, and relatives Moscow. April Premier lu to enjoy the game as much as her the annullment proceed pine's condition was pro Chicago, April 3.

r.alph Galuccl, wanted In connection with ths slaying of his cousin, Genoro Ar'ano in 11. was arrested at St, Luke's hos 7 P.M. (14 4 tl 74. UT H2 4 US 43 Ings to prevent his bride from getting nouncefl satisfactory tonight. There S3 4A S3 IS 3 S3 41 4 3 S3 C1 14 4 husband who Is a hay ball tan and used to own stock In a club at Marlon, O.

They went to the game accompanied by half dozen other ticket had been elected and that all charter amendments and bond propositions had carried. The citizens' association, presenting a rival ticket, has asserted that the Democratic ticket was In reality the Ku Klux Klan ticket. The Democratic cindi-d-ues, unofficial returns from 12 out of ii precincts showed, were leading 0n 80 ave.fal' j. Thty were; hie estate, valued at $20,000. He and rad been no development of the ca Tork VkmnrillK nli iirm Frtndico nmpn "oati Agriculture Court Normal Railroad Home and Soe'ety P-jorts Wesleyan Wg; Side if" i-Jri-e-'-A-'1-'- 74 7 54 f2 4 0 Mrs.

Orf were msrrlert of pital here today when he visited Ms tarrhal conaitlon of the left lung. 2 year old son, who Is seriously ill accrdinc to the ntlend'ng physi 1H20. It was testified be had been In several sanitariums for mentaj Galluccl bad twice been furitlv cians, who reported his temperature President Fillmore reported mrnibeis or trir party as guests In a radiogram to the United Slates of former .1. Landis, Uibh com-shlpplpg board, I niUsloner ot baseball. 3 ns 60 "itrsstoienU llroru justice since the flaying, as puis JOS Fx.

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