The Gazette from Montreal, Quebec, Canada • 25
- Publication:
- The Gazettei
- Location:
- Montreal, Quebec, Canada
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 25
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
the CAirrrr itrrrtY jav ON THE SCREEN 1 MAd3umu "East ond West mix it up cnee more before the ccmercs" HAROLD WHITEHEAD SAYS: 4 v- 1 4tji tty s' A -lN SAYONARA LOEWS Fort roe rw mm ia lk: Vs-f iMHimirf lM and result good Orsl af bunglirg and grumMieg (rant behds- Onre more we ara a Japan base a n-rr films mode ia IW roumry ara binnir4 to pk up iMbht I non mat if torf-iag Hoarser ara ad ta h-re and ympaihi aith the prurtem of a roup of A meaao Aa Fora type laT ia I ii a pair of rapdiafir ir)rd fill af LV ihoatr 0 airman a private first rias mama In Udjr'rrtvf and tM up tmia aa the bank af a canal- Hi friend a majnr a bra and Ite ana of a four-star general IV prnaia'a boue ta meat bis g-rV Tb taa romances (a aa serenely until tV military steps in aa big flat IM TV result ia shattering TV private and tua wile Commit suicide and IV majnr coo-templates giving up Ilia awa people hmro IM taa Ihrt frnaaad aa Intermemag brfaeeo Amrrtraa semremra and Japanese girl ha bona changed tha Via problem seems a lillla academic from this viewpoint Of muh more interest ia tV situation tV Jirl 1 In Marriage of any kind i forbidden her It aoem ha belongs (a a troupe of dancer wV take like bum be know tiiat dancer are usually a dedicat'd ha but we never realized A went Uu far before TV perlnrmanrr turned ia by tV higtinrrd cart are ea a generally high level Marlon Brando sporting a Southern accent play's tV 'mapr with sympathy and understanding while Miiko Taka aa hi would fiancee is a sensitive artrea Almost stealing tV picture though la tv eg TV comedian Red Button and Miyothi wV I thoroughly delight ful a hia wife MY MAN GODFREY SEVEN THEATRE CHAIN A gend remake of IV eld America comedy that eriginally Marred Carole Lombard and William Powell! This lune IV Mart art June Allytoa and David Niven While Mi Ally na i aa Lombard when it comet la turning r-remrdy line Mr Niven i Just a smooth and debonair as 1 we remember Powell TV yarn about the high horn European who diguied a a butler bring comfort to a rich but uny American family baa been refurbished a lulls and hrought up to date and tV 1 result ia a very lick and entertaining -film Mr Niven sails through hi role with a minimum af effort and a maximum of charm Mia Allytoa bounce around 1 her old rule ar If and the get too much ia IV way Robert Keith doe a remarkable job at the harrsaard head of tV American household and tV sur pria of tV film is Eva Gahur wV is eicelleiit a a murb-momed blonde rharmrr without drop of snobbish Mood in her vein STOPOVER TOKYO CAPITOL Well back to old Nippon this time with IV American counter intelligence lad TV plot la a hlghly-complirotrd ere ail about cloak and dagger work with JapanVleeming capital IV kJt ground Robert Wagner ia tV hero and with his sulky features and a delivery -that fends -to -make a simple Vlio sound like an insulting remark is IV mart unbelievable sleuth and V' representative of a government we have come across 'even aa tV ocrera Working against him is Edmund wV plays Communist agent with more intensity tVa the role deserve -TV tnnrt worthy members of IV cast are the Japanese wV bring dignity and talent to their parts worthy of better 1 things Ah so BRANDO CHECKS OUT IN SAYONARA If FRANCIS GOLTMAN 1 CAL TWMtt DR SURRY BALLON KarwnCW ef lwr Krual ad twin iter irrf-v i VS- I Bernard Hvam were a la-erted irit I'd Nr 1 yni-ir djv Iwihoi was tu esrvt a be had ta cate a chtat Mf to hroorw a nsfl im-M or oviw M-ntreal -o Pro i a a w- riWcn jwCny wevid fcjne heeo a in tV eid af r- XENCS AN ALERT YOUNG at Mwurea! Hi 1 Si vi re: le ewe ti irei ip ij TV keiied 01 TV I'rriwe Ot tjetiro VmJ Xrivw There an articlo enlt'ed -Tea or TVre t': I think w( int-f ou Mm Uniimar Invert ha and A a hw bad that erene Tb- IM uw ir a tMeretnc puhiiraiim lif the PrSrtant Shoni of th -n't lire TV few par ar nie a written fiai! Jonro I rector of L'ewwary Fdva-atk Rubrsyind Indana and whie yea rav rot agree with all she ha to say tvre-are reaey potjait fa tk-it rtpv tV (say wnr Nwl teathtr Mr-jrt Ti mm' to mu- THE ONLY CANADIAN DANCING at Coent Gardra and tV oriy Canadian from Lit side ta tV Reval Pailet Mvnreoer Margar Sterner A gret Hhiervrt' Since n'iie and bail4 -are mi rWy A nut survrsi dancer Mialied mrne fmm tV are of I until L-ft here at 1J year to rnormue in England after being chda to idy with' the Sadteri Bell Imiled -tn fwrtmea mer-ter nf tve Sailer hffli at a great boniC and Margarri Mercier will he sera wh (he Royal her fi't solo performance with the troupe this coming wn-k in her hume town DR BRAM ROSE Oih-I AilrrgiM of the Rmal Vklorio Nw and ITofeor at McGill I nierify to o(fexNY nmed drainr who woo violinist of distinction in hi roltcge day hirg an an hrtra that was great demand- Dr Ruse ha kept his Interest tn musk'bpd one fee him regularly with Mr Rnte the Montreal Scmphony Concert WHAT HAS BECOME OP PRANCES TV Montreal soprano wV married Murray Adakin was d'rorerd by the lote Harold Eustace Key popular choir direilur and organist who was a muK teacher-at the Montreal High St-bisd For Girls fur mer 1 years Mr Key wax instrumental mi- promoting 'rme James' mtisK-al career od when he sang at IV Banff Spring liisel -Sunday Concrj-i iri ihe summer they led to future rncaiienteni acre Canada Bell known in Montreal Mi Janie miii at-msny rhurch and c)ub event hud Vrame a leading radia singer allrr her marrie to member' he Admkia family of muMcuns- Nt THE STUDY OP LAW was gKroi up favor of music by J' Archie Etienne A BMus-A MuhviMcGilD fier 'on year in tV Faculty of Law Mr Etienne i one of tV vrry active directors of inutru mental music iBetrthill High on tho staff of IV Protestant Board Another well known director of Instrumental musk mount High Morley Calvert was alu tV director of tV Songster Brigade of IV Sal at inn Army for a number of yewr Both these interesting personalities will guest speakers at the pevt anwion of TV Piano (lime I Amadeus Group For- Scope 1 L'J" 'r V' BWor coming to these- shares IV AmadiC first American its first concert tour during Big they left IV iikNatvt it imutjH cnncrrl halls cheering IV viit- jlV 1ASJ-5S season tho Amadeus 4rilg pyW On in first Quartet scheduled for aa appear- American tour-tV Amadeus cir at McGill's Redatb Hall outsinly conqiHtod: rave reviews Thursday Jan 23 at 130 pmTrom the ernle and mnt emhu- -was well-konwa to chamber music! ia si ie comments from listeners and lover in America through its managrr notable recordings of major quartet TV Amadeus now records ex works tor HMW Deutsche Graft- datively for His Voice mophea and Westminster Records and their disc an available here l'nfortunatelyJtiany Europeanon IV Angel label -artiste to live optoj -Thursday night' concert 4a tpon-the- promise of tVir recordings sored by SCOFE Commitlea of Therefore a aceptical group coma McGiB Lniwesdy Its Season MSO In Henry VIII Cornelia Otia Skinner I one of small part in his New York com- -the few American actresses who Pny- After that she played johj in vorioua pcudisiton ia tV has carried a family stardom into njrM suuM Vr own generation Daughter of Mjs SkinrH1 thq decided that' Otia Skinner dwtinguished Mar Hondary role gisve ambitious of tV theatre she not only has giri scant artistic -or monetary perpetuated her father'! name lut satisfaction Therefore she pre- ka 'a J- lichi a herself profesionalIjr in a also has kept a in light as two- fpw char3r(rr k(nrh her thirds of her own tuine own authorship! Tlu-y had an in-' Miss -Skinner wiH presenl her mediate popularity anil so took" famous The Wive of Henry VIII her on tV firt of many tours of at Her Majesty's Theatre on-Sun- Ijnrted Stolesr Canada and day wtthmalinVening forma nces In- additioft will do hff tV several of her- noted character standard 'play- form could be sketches adapted to her solo re- Growing up in a homeirewnt-L SV Wrote Hor Miss Skinner ww more or less on the Hudson and by pkyinc predestined lor IV staged After established VISITORS TO OURTOWN If most of the residents of Montreal era going about with short tempers -mumbling about snow' ond slush there ara-a couple of visitors to our city vfca ora just delighted with the whole thing They art AdrieiWorker and Jack Cardiff produrer and director respectively of a new thriller with Montreal back' Intent Ta Kill -hlr Worker and Mr Cardiff are imtowa thin week to' SYMPHONY PIGURESi-Igor Markevdch conductor and masieal adviser la tV Montreal Symphony Orchestra and Alexander Brott concert-master of -tV orchestra and founder -dir rotor of tV SicGill Chamber Musk- Society will participate in IV second half of IV orchestra's season which begins on Tuesday and RIMA'JESm preliminary education at tV Bald monotkama both a design win School ond Bryn Mawr "j-! aS wenA-to-ParisoJear ciaical iJedllfidarJBLtVlPJateau HaJLl acting at IV Comedit lecture at the Sorbonne and IV study ef 'mndera acting in Jaciiues rnd ployed it for aeawin in New Copeau'a Theatre du Vieux Colom-- bierfurther prepared her for an To years ago shei showed New invasion of tV theatre ork-M well a London and Publier lather preparing to' star row yltiouL ia Iba Bloud and Sand led her across IV threshold of tV lyumtht both tVdramaik snd ikt TV aecond half of tho Montreal uary Events Symphony Mth iea profnwional thea(re by giving hrr mue rmi son will open on Tueitday and Hednwtday ovenings at 1:90 In Plateau Skinner a solo range 5na MBIuit km isnr iikevitirh advisee af the or Hall when Igor Martevitrh musical adviser of tV orchestra returns SUNDAY ONLY 245 pm Jonuory 19th 830 pm: Cornelia Otis saner written fnr her by Khy 0 a program af works by Handel Beethoven Stravinsky Swft pud recreated la her Pcr-jiIKj Bloch TV distinguished conductor-will also lead the orchestra formonce the vannus women Pijn a special non-suhscriptlSa conceit on Wednesday Jan 33 Yhil rhooao locations for background filming for tV 'alary ond they- weru hoping far just ouch a thing os a nico damp bliuard -to ivo them plenty of ptmosphere 4' They agree that Montreal turn lots af atmosphere on its i ewn but apparently no movie camera would ever believe a Canadian winter wdhout snow Mr Worker a director of Zook Productions a British producing outfit and Mr Cardiff is a cameraman (he phot1 graphed such films classics as Africa Queen and War And Peace who is taking his first fling at direction Mr Worker previously produced such films as Rod Beret llell Below Zero and The Naked Earth Twentieth Century-Fox Is releasing tV last named film as well as Uw up and coming production k- nfwKTaKHtwittTtor itktUMrd 'Tudd'and-Betsy Drake -and it wiQ tell tV story af aa attempted political murder ia a Montreal hospital Mr Worker- Mr Cardiff with Actor Todd ia tow will be back ia two week'a time to film some more background foot-- age TV main studio work will bo dent ia London HOLDOVERS AND OTHERS AI IV Alouette Arwend'TV "y- World la Day the French version of tV Mike Todd -production Ihe Sovdn Wondara Of TV World A tour of Some of this wonder spots with Cinerama ---At tha Palace Until They Soil a wartime film starring" Jean Simmon and Paul At tV PrinccM Daughtoe Of Dr JochyH Hid Cyclop -At the Avenue Brothers In Law fine BrRiah IrTyed on 1VWWH nd wcionri cow-ert billed aa TV Portrait of IV bring vassee of Toulouse-Lautrec organized under the auspices of the Junior Committee of the Orchestra Although she wuojtiriom aj and Wednesday wld of her own Miss Skmner wjj be j0achim pfii- limf Beethoven symphony in A niajor whkh the 'Apotheosis nf the Seventh aro nvram rom mriiav iww un to Brood Way (or a full season THE WIVES OF HENRY Vlll 1' f-1' f- '-Vs-- and ether sketches fvX Seals Available at alf Prices Ma Orckn so si lit aL kIMMI Livo Otcli VI SJSO 2d Ist lI SO-Il 1941 as stoF of Guy Bolton1 Jk'ry and Ginger a Canadian musical comedy w-ill open at-M(tyM iiau ou imirs-l lh lay Feb Produced byMcGiu Sg ft reHlf JS Later In' thie concerts In dnd Hsvsna vhch will conduct I niton Heth hY rwived wide nedanq Ip jutkeription concert for tV space Ytorio tV journalut Guermanles events of tV Vit HaU on to an editorial to Le Figaro one guest conductors season Mr Marke-tm three pairs of end the three Spring Goto TV will Thomas University's Red ohi wnue jBWsy-Wtoderm this all-si udent revue 10" more and that Bruno Walter has gang SchneiderhaiLJrMdmist Leon- featuto II original songs and hrfTvinr Ivor of taken a long deserved rent Marke- tyne Price aopraao-Mauren Far- bright mixture of Canadian Mirejgmfarg Majnr Barbara 1M become one of tV most rester cortralto Nicolai Gedda woof music and comedy C0Bductan W- -ffiiTiSSSitEH Cl iiTiL 1 JohM -nd wiU open with tV ConcCTtoOiwCipiro de MassenK wUl per ftotvliid FawtishTiaTU to Her VatPstvVCr0M0 hajer Op No form Berthovena Ninth Symphony the Hiin(M he Jollowed by tV under Mr Markmitch at the cloo- Mviuvlimina MTuTBarterito ta biwn Svertimehte from Ute Vllet TV tog pair of concerts of the season IV Montreal Repertory Theatre continuing Its production ef MajoriQyj g( ty and Ginger ptovtog in an Intimate show Fairy's Kiss by Stravinsky- The April and It imaglnotion has been Jirected by Donaldjfof the two most expendable! providing tVmagk and hewelLtf his-M McGiUjndjaiU be held ewer to run from nert Tuesday to SaturdayCjno1jant he will be blasted to jv toil A fklfi' i MS' Minim Wy 4VHNUIVYBRI IN hWr row WIN svmww first VU of tV Ispectol non-subscription concert on fin nu nr si Htm euro un sqmb an aai um I JwTiB MIIKO TAKA 1 'm 37 TTrsTifi to MRTs Closse St taitding tV nwoa TV show will run until I- career elude tV program orchers will play for tV Wednesday January Wh at 130 SSn ISSStSi iwim Majnr Barbara af Shaw's finer plays and one that to likely c- to' it was termed by a local drama critic deals amongst many ether themeo-wiih what Shaw considered worst ef our I Crimea1: poverty Barbara I'ndershaft is 1 1 shelter Her 'fatheira Andrew a wealthy arms manu- to her ideal ef aleviating tuffer-: I ing bodily and Spiritual through bo U- Miss Gordon Atktnsou and: Heine herself! tleiden of the -provide professional direction and chore graphy Other principal roles will taken by Liane Marshall -Judy Tarlo Chrti Doboon and Herbert StoTLuh sSoS rollubora- Voic" th Wilderness to whirhof tV WaUi and will offer KimhrwhTshe M1 Joachim siQ perform IV soluvtficty of orchestral selections hy Ow Umts WenYomg and P1- lerondhalf Mr Marke-ifamous composers which Vvs been taffi ta" krU jatsvm'jMHKni her work to a Salvation Army facturer whose religion a place tor cannons and la RN shatters bis Beliel to tV value ef her work by shewing that charity depend -tocaurvivaIon the profits made on I A brijeht and mo3 i She hail a fine true- singing Diana Fish and Ronald Kinafnan attractive-young vty eslleH Fnid voice and she cob line aU a song play Barbara and Andrew rurrMiv t-Kurmine tv v-that a full ralur shaft to thia MRT ofiloMW charming the heedayi performer Horsey picture 1 Cafe of IV tjuirf mumble or their delivery to so full of gimmicka it to sfleo fnt'time wo have difficult to know just what they of seeing end are getting at 1 Mosierand judging This to not tha case with Miss sV was received Master Shaw's satire -John Hempstead Walter Wakefield Erie Husky and Ritz-Carhoo Hotel Joan Watts appear as characters to Barbara's Wert Ham shelter Frank Fontana whe appeared an CBCTVa Perspective as tV leading player to School tor Stage last Sunday to Barbara's fiance William Robert Fournier to her brother Pat Galloway her sister and Lauto Turenna her This to tV had Iba pleasure hearing Misa from the way opening night at it definitely she to heard from TVfint thing audience jbout Abram Chasins A meric aa pian- composer and critic wV a peaks an Tho Place nf Music and Musicians to tV Nuclear Age at kloyso Hall aa Tuesday Jan ft at I give Ids lecture IV auspices af Ihe McGill Faculty of Music as arranged by Dr-EDra SV respecta Uw work a songwriter has dona aa bis lyrics much as as actor would respect a play 11 nos lt sometimes the elegant rnto be Uw last time around tows that strikes the Misa Mouer to herjarither -workman deserves Uw complete sck of arlf-conscinui- i honor It ls not tV touN ness 1 That to Uw way should ba to SV to absolutely easy and 1 taxed an stage end this feeling 1st Miss Moster has chosen her communiratMl to her listeners and repertory well though puts them at their ease aa well1 SV has selected only those SV has a 'very charming and numbers sV knows are worth reviewing Uw Bristol Old recent revival of Major TYcwto write: was himself factory of a prompter ef conscience eluridatar of social conduct Ballon- TV event ia free and thcjfianca public la Invited to attend Jdr Chasins is described as being among tV mort versatile figures in contemporary Ho baa won fame as pianist com poser teacher and author His Career as pianist extended from IK7 until 1M7 when he retired bum tV cqnrcrt Platform During this Si-year period he recorded extgnHvely and appeared la recital and as soloist with leading arches aa throughout Europe and America Is Dorbora thought laa and and much theatre Major Street local an armoury agaiart despair pleasant stage personality aa wrltwhilo putting aver ugh Uw result SV could coax a smil- and a that her show twinkle out af IV mort jaded flight club goer This to often more Pianist John Galliot and Uw important ia a cabaret artist than Paul Notar group dors their nsual Swung talent-hut Miss Mnsior excellent job ef IV RCfompanK baa ft and mort thaa'ber fair mrnL share af talent tow dullness He to still very a farre ia-Uw modern MRTS production e( Barbara In Uw Closse a mgnrousdemmd for Shaw aa the "'l i- -4 iweiMui'Aniiw i iWKHke vtav '1 MUI HMa wiana- 1 1 1 'k Vu-' rj A i 1k won tTMV'aVkCI'AM I iwwauti taOWoOta sooi imwWOii loot.
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