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The Pantagraph from Bloomington, Illinois • Page 12

The Pantagraphi
Bloomington, Illinois
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12 THE DAILY rANTAGRAPH, BLOOMINGTON, WEDNESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 4, 1922. Return From Motor Trip. WILL STAGE CAMPAIGN SPANISH WAR VETERANS COMB SAGE TEA IN HAIR TO DARKEN IT HONOR "DADDY" LOEHR of 607 North have iPturned TO BURN CHINCH BUGS Void County farm ISurtau roid County tarm Bureau HOLDER Value of Farm Bureau Discussed at Stanford Institute; Elect Officers The Paragraph's Agricultural Department. The James C. Haibont ramp.

No. 88. nn A Full Stock Of Cutlery. Tools For Every Purpose. ulnna i 1 1 1 1 ...1 Snanish War veterans, nehl i eh e.ii i la rousinc meetin at their bull Jt's Grandmother! Rec'pe to Keep Her Locks Dark, Glossy, Beautiful.

ait it nil. aeoording lo T. Swaim, farm adviser. Tho Cuuntv Inisht, nt which initiatory work was idone, follow in? hich Frederick Wil-I helm, otherwise "Had" I.oehr, was guest of honor, be havintr reached Negroes art Freed. Luther Crowder, Charles Round-tree and Krnest Anderson, all colored, the first two charged with drunkenness and the other with assault, were freed yesterday afternoon Jjy the police.

Hureau is to cu-oprruio on this pio- 1 .1 11. ini-til-a nn.l 'f irm Imrnii thru l.iu l.crt comings of the Farm r.urraii Ration, was responsible lor the bloc ot'JO' 1 be lo bur" tlle bis sixty-second birthday and bis old 1'be old lime mixture cf Pic? Tea nd Sulphur for gr.iv. streaked and fal-J hair is pnd- important part of tiie Jro- ami Helps support it. n.cir winter qunr- Tlierc were about fifty and tors 111 tne eres and weeds aloni? two or three times that number of '''nee rows, railroads, timbers ard women attending the day's event in i ln as'e places. Kvery female lie farmers institute at 1 i in Corbin Hardware The First Cost Is The Last Cost Quality and design that will let you realize jnomer 5 rei lyv, aim imus ni'- iiuum t.imord yosiri day.

1 Ho failure ol i0 V. S. tirain Growers. Incorpo- using it to t'ic-r a good, Manfonl. Ad excellent dinner mru in winter Is re- sponsible for in the neighborhood fi'0 color, nimn in wiiMiiif.

i u-a era lit-in in in ithiin tl.o organization which served by the home bureau unit. The officers elected to represent AUln township in the farm age pension. Fast Commander Islie J. Snyder was toastmaster and called on the following members of the company, of "Dad was ertswhile Judgo William Ooff, of Normal; M. J.

Mu-Kinncy, national delegate; Will lod-dard, of Lexington, and Regimental Color Sergeant William II. Witty. Each of these romrades broiumt laughs and cheers in their anecdotes. The Serpents will have a "blowout" next Sunday in honor of "Dad's" elevation as Orand Patto of Illinois. ainuib were 10 sccurt; au outhful nrprararce is of tli groat- vantages in the mat kctii.g of their bureau were: lark Kerhaw, picsi- ret advantage, i pup- 1,1 '''c nenuerson, vice-president; Nowadsvs thoneh.

we don't hnvelKiain. and which was strongly sup and whieli was strongly v. c. Kauiman, secretary, and Aithur lleinig, governor. "Cascarets" 10c Best Bowel Laxative When Bilious, Constipated the foublcscme task cf c-i'luring l'-v county larm the Page and the mussy mixing the I'l'incijuil cause fc-r criticism home.

All stores foil the farm bureau, i'atmcrs reajytonse r-rodurt. Improved hv'weie urpnl t.y tl.cir farm bureau the addition 'f other ingredients to ir'un ro'r and now 011 tiiat ho lirain Uiowers Ijas tailed to called veths Sage and Sulphur makc KOlH, ln Us promiStS lo markct Compound. It is very popular, be- it8 nraiU-is to an ad-cause nonody ran iliiMi.vr it has 'vantage ovtr the old system the bu-been applied. Simply moisten your 'can comes in lor criticism, comb or a soft hrus'u with it, and: When called upon to answer these draw this through voar hair, taking criticisms Harrison Fuhinkopf, tmiii i ty adviser, said that the farm bureaus your idea ana satisfaction. Costs No More Than Inferior Makes The materials from which you may select at this store are practically unlimited.

Whether you wish a mortise, lock or any other article of Builder's Hardware, you wii make a mistake if you make your purchase before you have inspected our lines. Also our attractive prices will interest you. II, WD bugs by the end of the ear. The railroads will be to hum all weeds and trasses on their ground and farmeis will be asked to do lhe same. Fosters suggestive of the various campaigns conducted during the war will he pluced in conspicuous places all over the county.

The chinch bug menace has grown to alarming proportions during the past year in Ford county. A year ago hardly anyone believed there were any chinch bugs in the county in sutlicient numbers to injure (he crops. They were found in alarming numbers in some localities when the small grain was cut ar.d that farmers have been inspecting their corn fields they are in all localities in suuieient numbers to indicate that a general infestation will occur next year unless an active campaign is waged against them. EVERINGHAM'S ADDRESS. A., of llutsonville. Craw lord county, spoke to the farmers' institute at tajxington Monday night and at Stanford Tuesday. Jle is a larmer himself, an I. A. A.

speaker and a Chautauqua lecturer. He is the chief speaker in a series of institutes in McLean county this week and is giving a jopular address dealing with the economic conditions of tho country from the farmer's standpoint. He is a real orator and Chicago, Oct. 3. The marble statue by the French sculptor Auguste Rodin, has been bought by Martin A.

Ryerson and installed as a loan to the Art Institute of Chicago. Lorado Taft, tho Chicago sculptor, termed it a "great sculptural thought." "A truly potential mother of the race." he said in describing "she stands 'bent beneath her shame, apparently in horror of herself, fierce in attitude, sullen in exn-egion." Rodin made the statute in 1S81. To clean out your bowels without cramping or overacting, take Cascarets. Sick headache, biliousness, gases, indigestion, sour, upset stomach, and all such distress gone by morning. Nicest physic on earth for grown-ups and children.

10c a box. Taste like candy. Adv. "''c. i iiuiiu- market in me naa mil mir oriiamzalion as was eviiltneed what delights the with 'by tli fact that a majority of the mj Sulphur Com-; new board of directors of the S.

it is putting it unite conservatively to say that lie greatly attracts and pleases Ins audie.lce wherever be "tt'yeth's Sago pound is ho besides l.rowers, selected at the recent hair niter a few tfanization meetinir, are presidents igoes. That was truly the case at plications, it also that soft I cuooi Alonday night HOLDER irnu nit: piouit jiiivo many exiiies- A Little Better Quality, Save the lustje and appearance of abundance at ion of the L. A Little Less Price, Save the Diffsrtnce. ilrain Growers, sions of their satisfaction and an- wnicn so uiliac'ivi Adv. will eventually lead to a farm- proval.

It is a real treat and verv Difference. ffiWMf, ois' grain marketing system that will imucli worth while to bear Mr. Kver- ibe worth while ingnam. 'lhe following are a I'anta-grapher's notes of the first part of his Grocer Thankful The Value Received. The value received by farm bureau WISE WOMEN A famous medical man of ancient times states regarding his wriLlues that they were hut a collection of knowledge obtained from tho "Wise Women." Do you realize that in those times ho women and not tho men.

knew -bout the healing properties ot medicinal plants, roots and herbs? From api-ecu ai Lexington: farmers oiiKhl to tet toe-ether CUTTING SOYS AT NIGHT PREVENTS SOME LOSS Last spring a lot of publicity was given to tho growing of soybeans. In considering lhe merits of the new crop some of the problems which presented themselves in handling this crop were also discussed. A number of the farmers who seeded beans are just now experiencing one I wn .1... frequently, tanners and their wives and others of the communitv: we mo living so rapidlly that we are not "I had been sick nearly iil years 'dollars a year they pay for dues was with stomach trouble and was One man doubted slowly starving to death as everv- 'whether members receive this much thing I ate caused terrible gas questioned riain they received fifteen cents uiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii: I Healthful Tonsils Help the Voice 1 Very plainly and at the start speaker made it known that no meas- the earliest times, women bad a Knowledge of tho treatment of dis bir.ent. A.

C. Kvei ingham, tiie speaker of the afternoon, was called I was reduced to 115 pounds. A iii es or our government must bo for any class against the whole: ihut friend advised me to take Mayr'slupon to answer this, lie said that of the hrst ohstac es to the success, fill harvesting of this crop. Ksps-cially is this true where the beans are beins; harvested for seed. To there is no room here for rarl cn Hum anarchism or anything: that isn't fully American in spirit.

get a cood matured soybean it is necessary that it be allowed to reach a full state of maturity. ease and of tho healing merit of roots and herbs. Lydia E. rjnkham's Vegetable Compound was originated by a wo man, Lydia E. I'inkham, and is now known and praised by women ot all ages.

It is prepared from roots and herbs having medicinal action of great value in he treatment (f troublei women so often ha e. Adv wonuertui Kcmedy about 4 months farm bureau has to be used in ago, which I did and now weigh 151 order to benefit from it. "it is like and can cat anvthing. I am'1 wagon," he said. "If you pay $1M very thankful for Mavr's Wonder- agon and let it stand out in i.

i. the barnyard without ever using it ful Remedv. It removes the ca-your monPV wiM wasted. Kverv tarrhal mucous from the intestinal harm bureau member who has had trsct. and allays the inflammation his flock of chickens culled by the which causes practically all stoin-'farm adviser has received many ach, liver and intestinal ailments, times the value of bis membership.

including appendicitis. One v's 7 of limestone as directed by the farm will convince or money refunded at artviser has received several times D. D. Moore druggist, and drug- the value of bis dues." Rists everywhere. Adv.

Who is responsible for the farm i- ilbloc? Who is bank of it? This The greater number of everlasting question was put to Mr. Fahrnkopf flowers are natives of Africa. jand he replied by saying that every Healthful tonsils help to give resonance and tone to both the slnglus and the speaking voice, There is nothing in life more1 pleasing than tho human voice when it is of good quality and strength, it is a big asset to the 5 man or woman in any walk of life. Voice impairment is the usual result of the too popular tonsils operation, i an operation which is seldom or 5 never necessary where chiropractic is given a fair opportunity to show 5 what it can do. When tonsils are diseased and weak, it i3 due to pressure of spinal bones on spinal nerves at the spinal nerve exit between spinal joints.

The chiropractor readily detects the nature of tho disordered spinal alignment and by adjustments of Just the right force and direction restores correct position. This frees the spinal nerves. Diseased tonsils become healthful when this pressure on spinal nerves is re- During the last coupie of weeks we have been having hot and dry weather for this time of the year. As a result reports are coming from all sections that tho beans are practically harvesting themselves. They are popping out to an a'arming degree.

One of the men up from Moultrie county says that they have had the same trouble down there. Some of our men around Lexington "and Cooksvllle have endeavored to get around this by cuttins at night. The farmer has had to do everything else out of the ordinary, so it seems that this is one more job added to the schedule of the season. Often times cutting early of a morning will help eliminate a treat part ot the loss. HARR1SOX FAHRNKOPF, Farm Adviser.

rie recounted that arter the war this nation went on a drunk of extravagant spending; and that now we are passing thru a Tirefcetly natural reaction. The farmer woke up one morning to find that his products were half-price; he ceased buying because he had nothing to buy with but that it would be a very "foolish thing to continue this attitude for lack of confidence; be said that the time was hero for the farmer to do business with his neighbors as be was able and to ceaso worrying fretting will not get us anywhere. must stop worrying about the things we cannot control and go to work and control the things we can. Nearly all these points were set off with striking or humorous stories winch brought hearty response from the audience. Tho great lesson to industry is to get back to tho good old-fashioned idea, of an honest day's service for an honest day's pay.

Rely on Cuticura To Clecr Away Skin Troubles Soap toclcanir. Ointment to ooth Jtlrtnn to row-(Wr. 2bc. Sample! cf OsUcvrfc. CtpB.

X.kfeldM. Uui Sealbac Shingles The Genasco shingle is artistically made without sacrificing durability. The natural-colored particles of slate, imbedded in genuine asphalt, make an attractive roof and will add greatly to the value of your property. The "tealbac" feature of Genasco shingles keeps them evenly in place and prevents curling. Let us show you this superior shingle.

Parker The Universal Chiropractors' Association national campaign to make Chiropractic known to tho world is appearing in the following October magazines: Red Book. Metropolitan. Roycrofter. Cosmopolitan. Radio News-Judge.

Life. Mothers Short Stories. And the news stand group consisting ot Smart Set. Ace High. Black Mask.

Live Stories. Telling Tales. Action Stories. Saucy Stories. Breezy Stories.

Snappy Stories. Young's. i I I The Everyday Store for Everybody. lUtigcrKIramgstott (foil DALE AND DRY GROVE EXHIBIT POSTPONED, SICKNESS. Mrs.

S. C. Beeler of the arrange ments committee telephoned the 1 cNe4ArmxxAke4r For the Good of All. Mr. Kvcringham believed that the organization of business and of labor were necessary and helpful, and be wanted agriculture organized as well; it was Just as necessary; and he wanted the Pantagraph yesterday that the Dale and lry Grove Farm and Homo exhibit, announced to take place Bros.

PHONE 44 moved. School Doctors Said to Operate "Mlm Eva Kimble while attendtnf rtiool nan examined by a conmilttoe of phyRli-Lans and wan tulii that alio had enlarged ton.i'.s and would have tn be operated ution. She tried what chiropractic would do, and in three weeks was pronounced well, and lws 2 hid no trouble since." Chiropractic Re- n-nroli Bureau case report. Statement c. YOUR APPOINTMENT for health Today next Saturday, October 7, ehas been postponed indefinitely, becauso ot some eickness in the neighborhood where it was to be held.

It is not known as yet whether the sickness is of a nature to endanger the public health, but it was deemed nd-visablo not to gather the people in that locality at this time. The date of the exhibit cannot be announced definitely. 01 an incHc organizations to have a burning desire and unity of eftort for the good of all. It is necessary for our selfish interest to be submerged in the good of all. He believed that in the right of labor to strike, but he said no man or organization bus the right to sav, "I'll not work and nobody else shall." It is neither right nor bint ihni can be made by telephoning 654.

All Sill- jln this country should suffer cold or i redavstemanlehtoV I i BHliijR'i, 4 1 Called to Ohio. 1 -j Offer ui- ouier otsaclvnntages to satisly the whim of a few hundred I refresUngrestandabrtehtY I At I t) OF IV'mi Mrs. r. H. Dwinnell and sister, of ihonsand people.

Instead of lockouts West Monroe street, have been called I tomorrow la the work of rfl I i iFil IVM ilW IXUI Natural Color JAP PONGEE to Loraine, on account of the serious illness of their sister. tablets. Namra'8 Remedy keeps fl I 5 1 1 body functions regular, Improves 1 Jytf ojgl a irtArjT i I gpPU ta, jreliev es constipation. 1 DR. A.

T. SPATH LICENSED CHIROPRACTOR Over Ten Years In Bloomington. Graduate Universal Chiropractor College "THE SCHOOL OF QUALITY" Rooms 307-308 Livingston Office Building. In Decatur Yesterday and boycotts, on tho same basis as war. there sh 1 bo co-operation, and not competition.

In the present way of settling the ndustrlal differences capital suffers, labor baa untold waste and misery and the public always pays the bill We need enthroned in the heart an Charles Silvers, state Inspector for tho Veterans of loreicn Wars, spent yesterday in Decatur, inspecting the post there. Corner Main and Washington Sts. Phones: Office 654. Home 497. nniiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir; 97c Meeting Is Postponed 33 inches wide regular $1.25 grade at, per yard The meeting of Grunt Progressive Circle, to have been held Thursday evening, has been postponed until i Oct.

10. raids 1VIUUCU 11U9C -slightly imperfect mca ot service. Not the standard of how many acres, of the amount of money in bank, of politi-h "Ending, but we shoii have the great object of benevolent service and happiness to we down the path of life. With the organization of business and the organization of labor, now we have seen the growth of the movement to organize agriculture Some people whoso Interests are otherwise don't want agriculture organized and perhaps they are be' Others are Blark only SSffllKtf afTP? I The news of what women (j 1 I 8,1 ovef Central Illinois nra rl IR El JoInK individually and thru II Cut Artery In Foot. Taul Draper.

912 West Division, Hose at, per all sizes 75c pair is nt Brokavv hospital, as the result of severing an artery in his foot II I. II thelr organizations Is to be I E(lll vOnthlrdth.ra- I II found daily in th Home. Cbih III 15c 15c Delay a Day! IVJSM I n1 Community tepartment, I I fWTeES' thn I It is for both town and coun- I I ArjtPr I coated. For chii- I try women. Are you reading I PSffTri'rrl drB mai dulu- I it? It not, you miss some- while cutting wood with nn ax.

Funeral of "Billie" Hamlow. Tho funeral services of "Billia Hamlow were held yesterday after. Cotton Challies 36 inches wide floral and Persian patterns just the thing for comfort covers 22c value at, V- "emendoiiB power 1 1 the farmers would have if organized, It is fundamentally and cconom-g ically unsound, the Idea that the noon from tho Blooming Grove tmng. II III G. F.

HAFFNER Ill church at 2:30 o'clock. Rex. Walter 1 viMiiti mx Iin Hiur Hohensteln was in charge of the services. Misses Anna Gerth And enable price, for ituV and ho will fail lf Mea n'y and COATS Paulino Rittmiller sang. Tho pall III bearers wero Albert Hanover, Carl, 1L itmtmmmH.fmm I The coal shortage is beinfj felt everywhere even now, and it is only a matter of a short time before the situation will become acute.

We are advising all our" personal friends to order their coal TODAY. A day or two from now may see de liveries tighter and prices higher. rt otto and Kdward Hamlow. Inter Ml III ment was made in the Blooming i linrini i Men's Overalls Steifels shadow, stripes cut full with elastic suspenders EXTRA, EACH mo inevitably swing over' it must be in accord with what 'the public accepts as reasonable You say organized labor has put up the th yes" for a wrurlwdnd foV" rep," wninwina for the over-waire it ham exacted and tho under servfcVit hal urove cemetery. a Chicago, Oct.

S. The committee 99c to enforce the Landis Award which has undertaken the instruction of recruits for the building trades, will offer a course in blue print reading ana tno elements of mechanical drawing, in connection with the regular trado courses, according to C. L. Bailey, educational director for tiie committee. The committee re II ports a large number of applicants 1 II tor tno instruction.

THREE SWINE BREEDERS IN NOVEL AGREEMENT Phipps. Zable and Wikowsky. of Cooksvllle, are three swine breeders who have an unusual agreement among themselves which is of great mutual advantage. They are not partners in the strict eenso of that term becauso their resources are not pooled or Jointly owned. They started ralsinir biir v.

ti 401 SOUTH CENTER ST. PHONE 252 or IS BLOOMINGTON, ILLINOIS Three-piece genuine flame back MOIIAIR Overstuffed Suite, regular $3G0 value, price You cannot afford to be without one of these Army Blankets. All wool. Cost the government around $10. Our price, 7C only vuilu Our Great Sale Dress Goods and Silks Continues With Renewed Vigor.

30,000 Yards At Savings Averaging 25 to 40 Per Cent See Our Windows. Election Notice 3-Piece Walnut Bedroom Suite dresser, Led, ehif- $69,00 45-ineh Golden Oak Buffet, plenty of drawer room for cn na hone Just two years ago this fall. At the state fair this year thcr had the grand champion Poland China sow. That ia an exceptional record for breeders in tliu business Just two years. One of these three breeders owned that grand champion sow but you nould have to be on the insldo to know which one it was.

That win For the October Bricfe Community Silver 50-Yesr Guarantee. We carry four open stock patterns in this grade COMMUNITY SILVER to choose from the Patrician tho Sheraton Adam the (Jrosvenor. Teaspoons, CO 7C per set 6 vvwif 3 Tablo Spoons, per set 6 lOU Salad Forks, 07 nn per set 6 s' vJU Butter Spreaders, CC DD per set 6 ODiUU Cold Meat Forks, 4 each 1 1 1 3 Gravy Ladle, 0 Kfl each Vi3U I'lckle Forks, 4 r( each I i3U Jam Spoon, fM Of each I ia.3 Hollow Handln Knlve and Forks to match C17 Cf) set 6 of each I i3" Jewelry Shop. dishes and linens, larpc bevel A large assortment of Table Lamps. We have several tiiai ning w.U help all three ot them ln $19.75 plate mirror, an exceptional value $9.75 neir mics peoauso they all hol.T their sales together.

1nt dandies, complete at 1 HI I Braud new 2-liole Laundry htove, No. 8 lids, larpe fire- "how their stuck at tho faira together. for this arrangement was made after dinner one Sunday two years ago this Kdgar Phipps and F-arl ZuhUs are brothera-in-law of Ed. Wikowsky. Phipps and Zab'e went to Indiana and bought a bred sow from one of the Poland breeders there, payln pot.

Price, one day only $5.95 There are no "high" or "low" spots in the cylinder's walls when we regrlnd tho cylinder block, for our equipment produces a Mirror Smooth True Cylinder Bore. That is square with Its base. Have us regrlnd tho worn or scored cylinder block, it means New Hygienic Feather Rl. lows, size 17x24, worlh twice the price. ffl QC Per pair yliJu Buck's Combination Range' 4-burner gas, 4-burner coal gas and coal oven, a wonderful labor saver flQ0 Oft and ipOuiOU $1.00 Nainsook Slipover 7 Gowns I Neatly embroidered and lace trimmed.

WHEREAS, The Board of Election Commissioners of th'e City of Bloouiingtou has selected judges and clerks of election to fi'l vacancies, and has applied to tho County Court of McLean county, for confirmation and appointment of the same. THEREFORE, Public notice is hereby given that the said County Court has entered an order of record that cause be shown, if any -exist, against the confirmation of tho persons hereafter named on or before the opening of court at 9 o'clock a. on the 5th day of October, A. D. 1922.

Precinct No. 2, Carl A. Freese, of 506 E. Graham Republican Clerk Precinct No. 6, Otto C.

Lohse, of 907 N. Mason Republican Clerk; Precinct No. 19, John II. Staley, of 1016 E. Olive Democratic Clerk Precinct No.

25, Thomas P. McCS of 620 E. Locust Democratic Clerk Precinct No. 26, E. W.

Sutherland, of 406 E. Monroe St, Republican Judge; Precinct N-29, Mrs. Eva Henry, of 509 S. Evans Republican Clerk. Chas.

F. J. Agle, Walter Ritchie, John M. Tuohy, Chas. B.

Ives, Board of Election Commissioners. Chief Clerk. Dated this 3d da'y of October, A. 1922. 12xl3V Axminstcr Hup, best quality.

A real bar. gam for anyone who tan $44,50 oougnt an exceptional boar at the Wrlgley sale in Wisconsin for $S00. Wikowsky got a good sow ot tho same sale. The three have kept adding animals to their herds and txehange breeding but do not tool their herds or Jointly own any animals, in the Jolit sales each man pays his portion of the expenses and take the new, a better block than a "green" one. Our Free Dressmaking School Now In full operation under the Nelll.

Plerey. lt'a not too Xo Tin of th first rls.s this mornin. li. 1 Bt Shhis animals In the showa they Lj I split the expenses and winning in MODERN GRINDING CO. 218 WESY MONROE STREET PHONE 3080-X, ll in.

I' Deentur. HI. Tim Illinois Central road has instituted nn Inlet-urban Lj tervice between Decatur and Mm. wwiycr nnicninn iieH i Buy of Stern's Pay aa you earn Pictorial Review Patterns. r- ear.

The 504-506 NORTH MAIN STREET Sole Agents For White Rotary Sewing Machines. PANTAGRAPH WANT ADS BRING RESULTS.

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