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Naugatuck Daily News from Naugatuck, Connecticut • Page 1

Naugatuck, Connecticut
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EBPOE1 Mklniirht 3 n. m. 29 29 a. ni. 12 noon atwrfc HafUj "A Progressive Newspaper For a Progressive Community" THE WEATHER MnreiMchiiKCHii, KliotJn Islnnd nrirl rain or loniRht ending Wednesday.

Not so cold tonight. Warmer Wcd- hoBdny, Vol. LXXI, No, 11 ESTABLISHED 1885 TUESDAY, JANUARY 14, 1947 Leased Wire Service of the United Press Price Four Centi Hears Arguments In Lewis Case Navy Jet Plane Take-Off At Air Show STKIKK SPRKADINO London The London truck iliivrr.i -trike is spreading slow- Iv thr'niiirh holding up tin- nmveinrnt of sri-Jit Imrdes of fnirt. This miirning, some four tliniixand illicit workers voted to off tl 1 fireat London piers in ii sympathy strike. The leaders of tin- dnek workers then nn aripci'l to t-'e more thilil workers ill other British jinrts In ill tin- sympathy ilrinimxlriitimi.

-oOo NOMINATK COMMISSIONKH H-ntforcl Governor McCon- fiiiRhy sent to the Senate the nomination of Colonel Elmer S. We-thersflold. to he srnto motor vehicle 4 commissioner until May 3D, 10-10. Watson would succeed John T. McCarthy.

Democrat, whom former Dvci-nnr nnymor.rl ft. L' ikk'-in tried to remove ir. favo: 1 ol' vein. -oOo UNCONSCIOUS Olil flrecnwlch. iiiii'oiiseiiiiis In i- Miming home, Mrs.

Charles Adams is r.n>*!>lt:ili-/.''d with second degree hums tu her legs Jilul hack. Her lr vever, is not re- jrurdi'd us eriticiil. I''lri-iiK'n were irnmedhvtely leurn the of the tire which caused dimmer nf about ISI.OfHI. c.Oo C'HAIUi VIOLATION Moscow The chief of the mission the U'krainc. White, charge.s that Louis viol Ued verbal agr-oe- mr-ru ami -the 1 million hy resigning from U-VRHA and returning the Unijtetl to write and lecture.

oOo TAX DKAOI.INI-: Siime lO.M.'W.lilM) of tin. tiixpnyers liavi- IMI date toinnr.rnw wllli t'nele Satn's treasury de- piirtiiit-iil. Iflth Is the fur or full piiy- inenK nf IDIti Incomes. IIuw- cvi-r, If yiw've linen pnyhig will'-- liiililini; tax If your entire ini-iiiiii- dill not i-xceed M.Oim, you nin fin-get the whole thing. SUITS WITHDRAWN I)etroit A CIO attorney says H'-JiT mmiy portal tn portal Hulls involving millions of dollars will he withdrawn from the Detroit district court.

Hi; ninny nf the suits were filed too nOo- KICUOI; Whiil has been the linn's largest portlll pay suit has IHHV IM-I-O placed in the run of (In- mill because of a liilllmi tlnlhir typographical rrriir. stenographer In typing a ugalnst the (ieor- division the Hi-ll Aircraft accidentally added Hirer to the four million claim. oOo nil.HO TO Si New Orleans Senator-elect Hillio if he wins his seat in Cuntri-SH, he will sponsor legislation for i-eseltk-ment of the American Negro in Afflcd. Krom "is hustntal hed in New Orleans, whnre he is awaiting a mouth "peralion, the Mississippian iin- "I'm the Negrors best fi'ionil, hiu some of them haven't sense enough to know It." -oOo W.AKM ANO CO II iisimlly frigid in'cl-west Is i-njoying uniisiially liiilmy weiither with tempera-. (tires reai'hin-; degrees in Clileaso, Itnt Old Man Is eiilri-nelied In Maine wlinri- tin- tlii-rniiiiiu-ters regls- ll 'f -II and an iMilnw.

Spouting it streamer of smoke from Us jet exhausts, Nnvy plums rocketed Into the Hy iiuMon The take-off was demonstrated lit the All-American Air Show In Miami, Flu. This method of jot-assisted take-off has the effect of adding two cn lne.s to the four-ensiled crnft. Untcrnu- tloniil) On -c 8) NAUGATUCK NEWS BROADCAST Today 5:45 P. M. Monday Through Friday Prom the Editorial Rooms Of The Naugatuck News Station WATR 1320 YOUR DIAL Francis Clark Reelected Chairman Of District Boy Scout Board; Hayes, Moody, Fager Remain Vice Chairmen Annual Meeting Last Night In Fire House; Banquet Planned February 13 Francis Clark was rcelccl.ed chairman of the N'nufratuck District 'Board of Boy Scouts at a rrujutinj: held in the firshousi! last niRht.

Reclect'etl as wci-c: John Hnyes. William H. 'Moody and Arthur I-'agor. Clifford Teuplu was nominatRd to the cxccutivn of the Mat- tatucl; Council of Boy Scouts for C. AKT1IUK FAG KM Vice-Clialrmau iqipriintainit as for the district.

William was nominated iistiistaut- commissKjncr. I'JIucLod as members a.t larjrc for thn NuiiBatunk flistricit board were: Dr. Paul M. Elliot, Horace N. Grover.

John W. Milton B. Frederick C. Montrose, all of Naiijjfituek. ancl Ralph VV.

Tucker find Ralph E. Upntfht. both of Beacon Falls. Re-elected as members at larfrt 1 were: Harold K. Chittendeti.

William M. Chittnndnn. William Das-- ison. Grunt. John M.

Hiiimick, Kenneth E. Johnson. William R. Moody, Robert Shepherd. Philip Walker, Hundreds Witness Bishop SherrilFs Installation Washington.

Jan, i-l A Mii.JiachiiseLts maa is bcinsr In- slalli-il today as the iclln hishoji af th" Prytestfint Episcopal Church rf the United of persons will watch tin- Ritrht nevcrend Henry, Kr.ox Sherrill he participates in the inst.illation rites. The coremonic." will he carried fiom Washington to f'nc RdJHconl St. John's ancl St. Mary's chapels hy a public address system.

Ri.ihop Shorrill was elected hy Ihe lO'lR genera! conventiin of the Protestant Church. He is tho first presiding required by resign his His successor in tho Bay State is nr. Norman B. Nash of Paul's school New Hampshire.

Harris -Whittdmore, all of Nau- pituck. Chairman of the nominating committee was John W. Hayus, 1-Tiilip Walker, financial chairman, reported that contributions to the Boy Scouts to date totaled S2.220.S3. Activities Clifford district commissioner, reported the -following Scent activities for the past year: Fall and spring party, lost child hunt, "compass hike, clothing drive, and he reported also thnt tho district -has par- ticipited in a council cook-oree and Scout round-up 'at the Waterbury Armoiy, Robert Shepherd, chairman of the advancement reported for t-he year ended, that '17 Scouts had advanced. to the rank of second Scout, 1:5 To the rank of first, oljss Scout and that 71 Merit radios had been awarded Scouts-.

Boy Scout membership was reported to tDtal a figure of KM, a of 10 over tho previous Ertw.frd field oxecutivn, in his report for Ifl-lti, said that Cub Pack tvid and Cub 7 organized. Also or-1 ir-iiii-ed were Troop 15 and Sea Scout Ship 1. Troop was disbanded tlurins the year due to the fact thai families of many of the boys of that troup moved out of tho bnroufrh. Mr.

Butler also reported th'jt ore NfUiKaiiick troop attended Camr Matt-ituck the year, troop functioned under its leadership instead of that, a camp. The troop also did a own cooking. Awjrrlecl training certificates at Troop Camp were t'hc Boy Scoutcrs: Frcy Pray, TrODp Scoutmastur; Francis Troop Robert Shepherd, Troop and William Magchau, assistant commissioner, Als3 awarded Boy Scoutcrs were 14' certificates for p.nrtioip-ilion in round, table discussions. Banquet Pkinnod A round t-iblc rliscussion fcllow- od the hoard meeting. The dis- ctirsion concerned plans for the Father and Son banquet to be held Fe-li.

13 at St. Michael's church. Dimes Drive Gets Started Tomorrow Local Quota In Annual Infantile Paralysis Campaign Set At $2,500 local youths have been assigned the job of distributing March of Dimes containers to NauK.ituck a Beacon Falis John Malgari Sails Friday For Italy Contractor To Visit Relatives. In Borutta, Province John Malgari, general mason and contractor, 167 Gorman street, will sail Friday from the port of New York for Italy- where he plans to visit for two 'months. Mr.

Malgari, who has not been in his native land for 10 years, will visit brothers and sisters in Borutta in the province of Saasari. Sunday evening he was guest of honor at a farewell party given by his daughters, Mrs. Phil Enamait and Mrs. Nicky Andersen. Among the guests present were: Mr.

and Mrs. Aldo Sylvcstrinc, -Mr. and Mrs. John Enamait, Mr. and Mrs.

Fred Enamait, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Finscl. Mr. and Mrs.

Andy Srtlanardi, Mr. and Mrs. Al Enamait, Mr. and Mrs. John E.

Ena- maic, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Nori. George Sbrccca. Peter Meegan, James Salanardi, Miss Miss Judy Finsel, Miss Rose Sbrocca, Miss Carol Ann Sylvestrine.

Out-of-town guests were Ml-, and Mrs. A. Andersen, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R'issu, Peter Signer.

Louis Scano, Paul Pischedda, all of Wa- terbury; Mr. and Mrs. Peter An; derscn of Watertowh; Sam Cuc- curcdda and Joseph Tiravcra, both 1 Bristoi. Hospitalized Attorney General Says Strike Near National Disaster This own tho I its THE REV, PAUL F. KEATING.

pastor of St. Francis' church, who Is a medical patient at St. Mary's hospital, Wutnrhiiry. HP Is under treatment for a condition. Hospital authorities today report the pastor's condition as "improving" and "much better today." BOY M.

-JOIINSOX Treasurer stores for the annual campaign which starts tomorrow. Postmaster Frank T. Croon, local drive chairman announced today. Containers will br. distributed this afternoon, Postmaster Green said, provided weather conditions permit.

Roy M. Johnson, trust officer at l-he Naugatuck National bank, has accepted the position of treasurer, postmaster Green announced. Supt. of Schools Harold E. Chittenden will be in chnrge of collections' in schools and Ralph Pasho in charge jf theaters.

John and Torn Egan are in charge of publicity. Mrs. Chester will handle the drive in Beacon Falls, Youths who will distribute con- kiinors are: Arthur Lawrence, Philip Alan Gabrielson, Robert'Halloren, Harold Peterson, Carlson Blomberg. The local quota is $2,500. Plan To Bui Three Offices In Hobson Block Plans for redecorating the iri- lerior of the Hobson block on Church street, svilh work to commence in the near future, were discussed ycstcrd-iy at the quarterly merlins of the building fund committee of St.

Michael's Episcopal church. T'he construction of three offices on the third floor is planned, and the lobby, and hallways will bo re- decoratcci. What is known as Pythian hall also will be redone in keeping with other renovations. Mcrnbirs of the copry.iittoe the Uev. Winfred B.

Langhorst, ox-omcio; C. B. Tuttle, chairman; Frederick D. Nawrath, L. S.

Andrew. Harold P. E-ildwin. Wi Ilium Nohle, J.r., George Wood. NillKilllli'k I 1 11117 nraiitlflll 1'iir'lii UN ri-'ld.

SIT II "I NiiUBlllllek lliillvr) Aiilu SAFES CRACKED Safe crackers have been active in Connecticut. State police report that nearly $3,000 has been takon in jobs at New Haven. New London, and Old i Welfare Department Reports $26,717 Expenditures A total of remains (if the 535.S27 appropriation of the Public dciVir.lment for the fiscal year, according to a report by Superintendent of Welfare Leo Scully. The report dated at the end of December was to have been submitted at a meeting of the board of public welfare last night, but due to lack of a quorum the session was not held. Expenditures to Dec.

31, 19-16 were $26.717.86. The itemized report is as follows: Outside poor, $7,387.82: hospitals. children in homes. brook home. administration.

$7.775.92. The social division report for DeiBmber presented Ny Kf M. Brennan'is: Office visits, 52; home visits, -16; new cases, two; reopened, four; closed cases, one; aid dependent children cases on hand, five; new applications Old Age Assistance, one; Aid Age Assistance cases on hand, 96; cases at end of month, 153. Bonus, Rent Control Legislation Filed In General Assembly Hartford, Jan. 14 The General Assembly is back in session today, for its first full work day since it was organized last Wednesday.

avalanche of bills estimated to re.ich 2,100 during the next few started. Foremost are several administration-sponsored proposals, calling for payment of a veterans' bonus, a state rent control act, and an emergency rental housing program for ex-sorviccmon. The bonus may cost the state $50,000,000 when, and if, up a payment scale ranging from one to three him-1 drcd dollars. depending upon, lenglu of service. However, there is no provision for financing the bonus.

I This ancle. snys Republican i House Leader George C. Conway, depends upon solution of the state's financial program. The stale rent control act sets up a commission to carry on when the federal controls are lifted, li would allow increases up to 10 per I cent for proven good reasons, bu: the controls would not apply to new homes. And the emergency housing bili only i L-liat the state pay the local taxes for five years on all new homes rented by servicemen, with tho un- 1 derstandinpr that the rents would I be reduced so that the veterans would obtain tho full support of i the savings.

Judge-ships The minor court judgesliips, usually a highly controversial pro- may slide through -'his scs- sion with minimum of debate. Most of tho judgeships are hold by 1 Republicans. Those serving interim appointments until Febru.iry 12 may, it is understood, bo con- i tinued in ofllce until t'he first of I July when the new full two-year 1 terms begin. No Accidents Here Despite Icy Highways Conditions Ideal For Skating- As Rain Freezes On Streets, Sidewalks A light rain beginning about o'clock this morning caused bor- oughites a great deal of trouble by freezing as it fell and forming a film of ice over streets and sidewalks. Workers were absent from plants and children wondered is school "was to be held (it was) and Naugatuck streets were empty of traffic as few auto drivers or pedestrians cared to risk Tender or limb on the slippery surface.

No accidents were reported to tho local police department up to a. m. although there were numerous traffic jams throughout Naugatuck. Conditions were ideal for street skating. Traffic on tho state highways wns movinj; "very slowly" according to State Police at Bethany barracks, but no traffic bottle necks had been reported, to that State Police advise drivers not to use their cars if it is not necessary to do so.

Tho bus lines were unable, to keep any schedules. It was reported that C. R. and L. busses were unable to get through the Plaits Mill section.

A mnn loft Wolcott at 6 this morning look two hours getting'to Naugatuck. Chemical Co. Ashes Six crews were dispatched by the Street Department at 0 a. m. to spread cinders, ashes, and ij.ind mixed with salt, throughout the borough according to Harold Murtha, superintendent.

The ashes arc donated by the Naugatuck Chemical Company. Supt. of Schools Harold K. Chit- tcndcn thnt school attendance "not too bad' this morning. Precipitation for the 21-hour period ending at o'clock this morning mensured .10 inches, according to the Naugatuck Water Company.

The weatherman says the tern- pe.rature should rise during the doy and melt the ir.n. Rain is predicted for tomorrow Rev. Lucas Accepts Call To Oswego Pastor Of Immanuel Lutheran Church Since 1934 Submits Resignation The Rev. Hnrold Lucas submitted his resignation as pastor of the Immanuel Lutheran church at a meeting of flic congregation last night in the church hill, to become effective Jan. 31.

He is accepting Mrs. Mary McLeod, Borough Native, Dies In Derby Mrs. M'iry A. McLcod, a native ot Nnugatuck, and wife of Thomas M. McLeod, 59 Smith street.

Derby, I died yesterday morning at the Griffin 'hospital, Derby, Sne taken ill last Friday. Born In the borough, she was the daughter of the late Roger and Anastasia (Leary) O'Donnell. i Besides her husband she Is vivcd by a daughter, Frances; two sisters, Mrs. John Conlon and' Mrs. John Currier, both of NaugH- tuck; a brother.

John E. O'Don-; nell o.f N.augatuck, and several nieces and nephews, Funerafl services will be held Thursday morning from the Colwell Funeral Home, Derby. Burial will be in Mount St. Peter's Cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home tonight and tomorrow afternoon and evening.

Arvid W. Johnson, Former Resident, i Killed In Accident Arvid W. Johnson, formerly nf Na.ugntuck. was killed in an automobile accident Saturday in Washington. D.

according to a report rrr.eivnd by local police, He is the son nf Mrs. Anna 17 Highland clrrlc. who is snid to be visiting her daughter. Mrs. Frank Johnson, in New Brunswick, N.

J. Details of the accident and funeral arrangements arc incomplete. Beacon Falls Firemen Dance January 18 Members of the Beacon Falls fire department, who have not made returns for the dance to be held Saturday evening. Jan. 18, are requested to do so on or before Thursday, Jan.

16. Returns may be made to Albert Mennillo or Harold Benz. The dance scheduled from 9 to 1 o'clock in Recreation hall, is being sponsored by the department. Music will be furnished by Jock Hcovens and his orchestra. REV.

IIAROI-D LfCAS a cnll tn the pMslorate of St. M-it- ihrw's Lutheran church, (Dswego. N. Y. The Rev.

his sorvud as the local church since hi? ordination. Aug. 1, 193-1. He crime directly to the church after grnduating from the Hartwick Scminnry, Brooklyn. and wns ordainori in the church by Dr Snmiif.l TroKlor, president of tho United Luthcrjn Synod of Now York.

No one hns been named to succeed him yet, the Rev. Lucns said Ibis morning, should regular minister be appointed by the time his resignation becomes effective, the church will be. served by supplied ministers until a successor is named. OMlccrs for the coming year were elected at the meeting. Charles Vngt wns elected president: John Vagt, treasurer: Henry Radwick, secretary; Waller Schiman, financial secretary: Clarence Litke, assistant financial secretary.

Also. Emil Schiman elected Missions Treasurer; Miss Ethel Schisiinn. superintendent of Sunday school, arid the following were elected church councilors: Luschcnal, Albert Krnmpelz, Joy Schlesingcr, Charles Schrul. Rudolph Litke. Ojeda Council Plans Tournament In Anscnia Ojeda Council, Knights of Columbus, will hold a regular ing this evening at 7:30 o'clock.

The meeting has been moved up one half hour from regular starting time, Anthony Chiulli. publicity chairman nf the council announced this morning, because it is intended to finish regular business in hurry and leave for Ansonin where local council members will pla.y a return match with the Ansonia. K. of The first match played between the two groups at Naugaluck resulted in a one-point win for the local KnighLs Final arrangements for the formation of the Kaccy study group will be made at the regular business session, Mr. Chiulli snid.

Four Objectives Outlined; Government Seeks No Interference With ized Rights Of Labor Washington, Jan. General Tom Glark has told the Supreme Court that the United Mine Workers and John L. Lewis "do not yet seem to neal- ze that their recent coal strike "fell little short of causinR national disaster." Clark took, personal command ot the government's maltlc against Lewis and the United. Mine Workers in connection with last November's 17-day coal strike. He delivered the opening Rovorn- mcnt arguments before the high court, which will decide whether Lewis and the UMW were correctly -tincd three and one-half million dollars refusing to ohry a court order to call otr the strike.

The government, Clark said, not ask this court to establish any principle wnich would imcrfcro with the recognized rights of labor." Clurk said the government has four objectives in it-f court battle. First, to uphold its right and authority to operate facilities seized lor war purposes under temporary law. Second, to vindicate the power of the federal courts to issue temporary reslrainiriR orders to prevent 'irreparable injury the people of the. nation. Third to prohibit Interference with the sovereign functions of the United Fourth, to protect the jurisdiction of the courts to decide questions of law and.

fact pending final judicial examination. Before the day is over, laJ)or nni-m- probibly will have a pretty good idea of where they will stand legally 0:1 several important issues. The Supreme Court the Con- the secretary of labor arc expected to hive n. say in the matter. The highest court in the land has tackled the government's casn a-'iinst John Lewis and his United Mino Workers, to decide whether they wore correctly held in contempt for carrying out the November COH! strike.

The of law involved hero is highly significant for all unions but especially for the miners, because of the heavy fine levied against them. Kent on making the lines stick, the IM.S assigned its No. 3 Hwycr. Attorney General Tom Clark, to nrguc its case. Labor Secretary has called a news conference in his ofllee for 3:30 this afternoon.

But far there's no hint as to The lobor chief will tell the rc- porters. But ovon before that -session. Michigan Republican Clare Hoff- Otto mal1 will face his House colleagues to discuss portal-to-portal suits and other labor bills. Other Labor In Detroit, a CIO attorney rc- venls that a sizeable number of "hasty" portal-to-portal back pay suits'involving, millions dollars will be withdrawn from tlic Fcd- District Court there. And in Buffalo, what first appeared to be i one of the largest back pny suits is now buck In the run-of-the-mill bracket.

An error of about foul- billion dollars been uncovered. Jt seems that Bel) Aircraft workers nro asking: four mil'ion not four billion as the complaint first The United Stoclworkcra are expected to file formal strike notices today ngainst some 50 basic stool companies in preparation for opening new wage negotiations In PiUsbvirq-h Thursday, A tentative agreement for a 12- nnd-a-half cent hourly pay boost is being voted on by A'F of upholsterers at the strike-bound Kroehlcr plant in Chicago. XKW CONTRACT Al New Britain, union a yd management of the Stanley Works arc expected to sign a new contract this afternoon. The contract provides that the wage question can be reopened if the cost of living shows a marked rise or decrease. enrol Illlng 1o d(l wiftl ynnr Itiklr fif IIH'KS iimillta- KhorK nnri rtnirtnhi-r your itlvrr nil yrnr round, lllckn, I4S Bunk Robert A.

House Enlists In Army Robert A. House, son of Mrs. Elna House, 37 Bccbc street, has volunteered for three year enlistment in the Regular "Army and hns been accepted. It announced by Lieutenant Edward Augustynowskl, commanding officer of the Watcrbury recruiting station. Pvt.

HOUKC is now at Ft. Dix, N. awaiting assignment to Army Air Force unit. qimllly l.lqnon, SIKH- riRHT Hi Ihr Clly nn nrMn 1'rmnitt llvrry, aiiywhMY In (own. Trl.


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