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The Pantagraph from Bloomington, Illinois • Page 3

The Pantagraphi
Bloomington, Illinois
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JONES SPEAKS WOMAN'S CLUB GIVES CARD TEA My Most Memorable Thanksgiving Day to the two decidedly different rrmips, the clearness with which It presents the beautiful classic nnd -lie evident appreciation of the girls in prr sentlng csgo Heights, Rvanstnn. 11; Onk I'ark, Mollne. II; UelvioVre, Kewanee, I.Mirariuc. 4, Oenesen, Highland I'ark, Car'vle, 1: Dolton, I'arl. Itiv-erslde, River Forrest, Holly.

AT ROTARY CLUB InEton malntnlne by the Bloom liy Nursery Association. Simultaneously with Its klndergar tn movement, tho 'ommuouy C'oun i il plant to plnro the night school of the city on a systematic basis tin- it, nespenss tor Miss nan iron nil Frank W. Alclrioh Mv mrtar mem. ability beyond that of an amateur pluywrlght. a paid super Former Bloomington Minister I'ler the supertlslon of The nnlv klmWirnrten In Tilnfm-'vlp t.

nrable Thanksgiving was as a boy at McLean. 1 skated upon Huirar creek on the holiday and there was COMMUNITY COUNCIL PLANS TO ESTABLISH A KINDERGARTEN SOON Thru Its campaign to establish kindergarten In connection with the public achools, the Bloomlngton-Nor-mnl Community Council expects to havn at least one kindergarten In. operation when the 1921 fall terms opens. Ffforts will be made to stimulate Interest In the movement thru the parent-teactier association of the various schools. Illinois has an enabling act which To Lecture in Lincoln, Prof.

P. C. Somervllle, head of the GIRL RESERVES PUT ON THANKSGIVING PLAY BY MISS VERNA HARRISON The high school freshmen, Tliomni Mctcalf and grade school Girl Reserves put on most creditable Thanksgiving service programs Tuesday and VVednesdny afternoon In tho Y. W. C.

A. gymnasium. Two hundred and fifty girls took part. F.ach ecrvlce progrum was opened with a march, during which each girl deposited In decorated baskets, potato! end apples. More than two bushels were turned over to the Social Service Bureau to be distributed In Thanksgiving baskets.

The whole program was In com ten-Inch Ice. Harvesters were at cutting tho congealed product. It would be difficult to Imagine ten Inches of water now In that nrrnm English literature department of the Delivered Eloquent Address On "The Pilgrim Fathers." WAS THANKSGIVING EVENT i For Benefit of School Children's Aid of Social Service Department. HISTORY OF THE MOVEMENT which la to Riven Wesleyan, will go to Lincoln tomor row morning, where he will lecture at Thanksgiving time. before the Logan County Teachers Association.

Ills subject In the morning will "The Merchant of Venbe and the Golden Rule," and In the afternoon, "Enoch Arden and Immortality." Pome time ago he made Itev. J. N. Klllntt My most mem-orable Thanksgiving was at Muhcb-tlne, twelve yean ago. Some of my congregation at one time heard authorizes hoards of education to es The meeting of the Bloomington the Woman'! Club' an Wnlnesduy Rotary Club was held In the Illinois hotel dining room Wednesday noon, remark that my favorite pie was memoration of the tercentennial Thanksgiving necessitating a change of the landing of the Pilgrims.

The from the customary Thursday gathering, dining room was appro. most Interesting feature of the two tablish kindergartens. That authority was reached by stages. The first enabling act provided for a referendum vote on the proposition. The next gave the school boards outright authority, practically every Hate has a similar law.

Three state California. Main and Texas mske It mandatory upon school boards to maintain kindergartens. In Illinois cities maintaining kindergarten nnd the number In each city follow: Chi days celebration was the putting on of "Pilgrim Days." with a prologue telling of ths first Thanksgiving, a tour to several teachers' Institutes In this section. The La Follette Club. The Ia Foette cub will meet at the home of Mrs.

I.yle Hnugham. Friday, November 26. The ladles will entertain their husbands on this occasion. The last meeting of the club wai held at the home of Mrs. Minola Henderson, when a Jelly shower was given for the Falrview sanatorium.

mm noun, December 1, at 2 o'clock in their room In tli Odd Fellow' I'tiiMintr, promise to bsan nutpiclous mm. Is not to ba tot clun mum-i, rs only, and anyone wlrlilnn a i.ible may notify Mrs. McCurdy. They ul-o allied to furnish cover rnd Table will ba formed by tha ivinmltte for those wishing to play who have not Joined a table. Kn-i, rtnmnient and lea li to bu provided (r tl.oso who do not pluy.

In view of the f.ict that the Wom puinjiKin inn tnai never in my life had I been able to get enough of this pastry. That Thanksgiving everybody got busy. No less than forty pumpkin pies were sent to us, and, at last, I could truthfully say that I had enough pumpkin pie, Egbert Hawk All my Thnnksglv-Ings have been memorable, but perhaps those thut stund out most prominently In my memory were which wss followed bv a two act play prltely decorated for the Thanksgiving season and there was an unusually attractive program. Former President John D. Cunningham wai chairman of the day and he wai In rlrnmatlrlng the courtship of Mil' Standlsh.

"Pilgrim Days" wi written and staged by Miss Verna Har cago, 407: Joiict, Peoria, 20; Quln. i cy, Aurora, Belleville. rison, girls' work secretary ut the those at my grandfather's farm. There was always two turkeys and troduced by Charles F. J.

Agle, also! a past president. Unusuul "pep" featured the club singing and two numbers were given by the new Rotary quartet, composed of "Doc" Gibson, "AP Bergen, l.yle Straight nnd Hoy Atkinson. Itev. Charles Mctcalf read President Wilson's Thanksgiving such a quantity of other good things that there was no chance to leave the table hungry. Those were the gusta tory uayg nnd the present Keneiutlon has little conception of the Thanks proclamation.

Dr. Jonsi ths 8peiker, Rev. Edgar DeWltt Jones, now of an's Club In planning thli card-teal the benefit of the (School Chll- ilren'a Aid, lub-eommlttee of ths ml Kirvlce dopitrtmcnt, a bit of information us to how this uriKlnuted nnd how it function liuKlit be of Intereit. About fnur year ago theJhectors nf the Woman' Club sought a new line of endeavor for the Social Bcrv-ice di'partment, one thut would make an especial appeal and arouse a new imireat amontc the numbers, ienrn-iir; of the splendid work can led on mi suiwBHfully by the fcSchonl Chil-iln n's Aid committee of the Chicago inan's Club, It was decided by the directors to try out this name line of Detroit, and formerly pastor of the rirst Christian church, and a mem ber of the local Uotary Club, was giving dinner that mas served on the Illinois farm of my boyhood. John O.

Welch When I was a boy and assisting my father In conducting a grocery store we sold 100 dressed turkeys one TankBglving and each one brought 10 cents per pound, full dressed. I recall that a farmer from Leroy came In thirty and we paid him somethlmr like 125 In I Store closed ss i the guest of honor and speaker for the occasion. His topic was "The Pilgrim Fathers Still Dive." He was greeted with "Auld Mng Syne" when trade for the lot. lie went home well sat.sfled. 1 well remember that rain fell Incessantly the day before Thanksgiving, the roads were bot ne appeared.

He gave an eloquent description of the character of the Pilgrims and of the hardships they endured on the Massachusetts coast 300 years ago. "Thclr's was the spirit of youth," he said, "with all Its courage, buoyancy and faith. The spirit of the pioneer lives today and keeps our face toward the east toward the rialng sun." Dr. Jones described the Pilgrims as the least Purltaniral tomless and the deliveryman was swamped. I had to help deliver the hundied birds and It was some Job, believe me.

work In looming ton. A committee I was appointed to curfer wltn the llureuu of Social Service uni the a -hool authorities and get their point nf view. The plan met wltn hearty approval and close co-operation was promised. It was decided to work thru the Bureau of Social Service and Hie truant otnVer, and thu uvoid duplication of effort, the Woman Club furnishing tho gai-mont and the llureau and truant oltlcnr to Investigate and report any child kept from school because of the lack of 1 all day II 1 today i in nhcprvanr or Wm A. M.

Kltchell My most notable of all the Puritans and declared thnt Thanksgiving was as a boy. I wenn for their time they were remarkably liberal tnlnded. out hunting with "Jack" Welch, now city commissioner. While we were out the Evans block on North Main ine meeting ciosea wttn tne notary salute to Dr. Jones and the singing of "America." indent clothing.

Children and their needs very Mrs. Gertrude Bock DOWM GO PI SCES! is Claimed By Death I tli 11 street was destroyed by fire. During the trip the pair of us vat upon fence with a cun between us. One, I don't remember which, dropppd the gun and It was discharged, the load passing between the two of us. It was a narrow escape for both.

We never sat on a fence thereafter car rying a loaded gun. When we reached home the folks joshed us for being away when the big fire was in progress and missing the Bight. It was a disappointment to both of us, dear to the hearts of women, and when the work for the sch3ol children was put before the members of the club they took hold very eagerly and earnestly and many pledged themselves to help carry on tho work. During the first year one all-day meetin.T was held each month at the club rooms, with luncheon served at noon. During the intervening weekj, Mrs.

Gertrude Bock, wife of As sistant City Clerk Herman Bock, tiled at 6:30 p. m. yesterday at St. Joseph's hospital. Death was caused fen WnM by typhoH fever.

She had been 111 pjj an) but we were thankful that we es three weeks. Rhe was 80 years old. Mrs. Bock was born In Bloomington April 16. 1890.

She was a daugh caped Injury from the falling gun. lib rpatiirpc rnr Hnrl'nr anH ter of Mr. and Mrs. Jabei Skelton. She married Herman Bock October 11, 1913.

Besides her husband and parents, she leaves a son, Stanley, U'L- I s- sk a frkW HnKA tk v4M I i nnd a sister. Mrs. Claud Carlock, wife dCC UUl CLU 111 Ulld UdUCl lUlUUHUW of Deputy County Clerk Claud Car- Si nm I.umn Burr My most memorable Thanksgiving was back in Connecticut when, as a boy, we had the real old-fashioned New England dinners. My brother, Hudson, was teaching school In the country and became snowbound. He could not come home and the rest of us enjoyed the good things and felt sorry for Hudson.

We usually looked for heavy snowfall In New England tn November and It wai not unusual tor that period. lock, Mr. Bock was widely known In the lirH year, afternoon meetings were held at tho homes of 'be members, and the sewing combined with a cup of tea at tho close uf the afternoon helped to bring the members closer together and created a wider portability and acquaintanceship. The garments made have always been dark outing flannel bloomers pnd one piece petticoats. As fast as the garments are completed they are taken to ths Bureau of Social and put upon the shelves reserved for the Woman's Club, to be given out as the need arises.

It Is not ottcn that new garments find their way to the rooms of the llurc-au of Social SerV" ice, and Mrs. Seymour ttnd Ilrs. fry have often expressed their dvllght ut having such clean, "comfy" clothing -if i Bloomington. She was a member of DOWN DOWN DOWN What Better News Could We Offer for Thanksgiving Day? Closed Today But Open Tomorrow COME "TRY TO GET IN." ARMY GOODS HDQRS. Mall Order Promptly nd Carefully Filled If Accompanied, by P.

O. Money Order. Look For The Big Red Signs Wholesale and Retail. 113-115 SOUTH -MAIN STREET Kevstone chanter No. 617.

O. B. and First hrlstlan church. The Bock home Is at SOS South Western ave nue. Funeral arrangements had not Snl I I John Becker The Thanksgivings that are no more, those when we could so up town and get a Tom and been mads last nleht.

To Give a Dinner. Mr. and Mrs. J. W.

Peott will en I Jerry and a turkey lunch, those are tertain Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Staley and sons, Paul, and Cordon, who are law students at the Wesleyan, and the most memorable and stand out by reason of the facthot there can be no more of them.

Those were the days, tho good old Thanksgiving days, now but a misty memory. I I c. t-f. c. I I lilss daughter Miss Lucile, at Thanksgiv ing dinner.

Are to Attend Conference. A. to hand to a shivering, illy clad little kiddle, and the Joy of the kiddle In the possession of the clothing has many times been pathetic in the extreme. It Is needless to expect children to attend school tind good work with shivering and empty stomachs. It is the aim and the pleasure of the School Children's Aid to help supply this warm clothing.

In the three years the committee jjjjj vtoomrtgions Leasing iij umos neviierj iinji JSrlckson My most memor-Thunksglvlng? Well, the one Hobart Last and Janvier Wetzel able that will go to Springfield Friday to at- I never forgot was tn 1803 Open Till 7:30 P. M. Saturday Till 10 P. when I Durehased a thlrtv-two cound I tend the Older Boys' conference, as aft 1 mm tuikey of a dealer on West Locust Delegate irom ino cecona church. They will remain over Sun street and paid him S4 lor It.

It nnpimipnpnpni nimpnidnianfei ifcj im im ika ca ucii yi ncu ui ua ucjj ucu uu ik urii ikd urii day. (was full dressed. He was so pleased to unload It upon me that he gave has been at work 4l4 new garment have been turned over to tho Uurtau Ofie NewWiitc MAZDAfamf) me a cigar in appreciation of my purchase. That bird was a beauty. It was the chief attraction of our Thanksgiving dinner, and that meal has never been forgotten by myself of Social Service.

In addition to the outing flannel garments, blouses made from halt worn men's shirts, aprons and little dresses made frjm materials eiven bv cluo memuurs have nor any member of my family. Now try to buy a thirty-two pound turkey and see what it would cost. Be sure to attend the Jack Leach It was In Manilla In 1901 that I experienced my most also been furnished neydy school children. A shoe fund has been allowed each year, and In tho neighborhood of fifty pairs of shoe have been furnished when shocp to Ml have been lacking at the Bureau of Social Service. The committee wants to ever stand ready to meet the need whin tha call comes, but to do this there must be memorable Thanksgiving.

I did not know that there was such a bird as a VTVAI turkey in the Philippines and when Thanksgiving dinner was served at the Oriente hotel I was amazed when the menu presented roast turkey. And It. was delicious, too. Tho Englishman who was proprietor paid a delicate tribute to the American holiday money and It was to augment tho amount available from tae. club treasury that the card-lea was Dlanned.

It Is interesting to note in passing by serving turkey lor us ana it was that all during tho war the Social Service department was the only one Ihut functioned, and the School Chil certainly npnreclated. I naa my mcmorv of that day strenthened by a terrific earthquake shortly afterwards, the most destructive in the history ot the Islands. in progress at the now T. J. Cox I remember one Thanks giving where we dined, the hostess dren's Aid was most active.

Much Red Cross work was rtono the Woman's Club but the members did not forget the children In our mid3t; their need3 were looked after just as faithfully as before or since tha war. The Woman's Club is pledged to do its utmost In the great work of Americanization, one phase of which was a voung. Inexnerlenced house. wife, and nrovlded only two small Centennial Christian ChurcK Comer of Grove St and Willard Ave. tame ducks for a narty of twelve.

One of the guests was asked to do nill the carving who always nan me reputation of being a bountiful helDer. Bv the time tne nrst ouch was served to the three guests the remaining nine guests gasped. Use your thinker. Go to Peoria. Thanksgiving service: is the School Children's Ala.

uy assisting the Bureau of Social Service to meet the need for proper clothing the club is making it-possible for every child, even the poorest, to have an education, and education makes for good Americans and good citizenship. The future depends upon the children of today, and it Is obvious that they must he clothed, fed and prcperly cared for that they may make the most of their opportunities. REVIVAL OPENS AT THE STANFORD PRESBYTERIAN Miss Maude Garr and Mr. M. Pnirh have eone to Peoria to spend Thanksgiving with Mr.

and Mrs. wil Ham Swalm. WILL RADIUM AT LAST OPEN THE DOOR OF Evangelistic meetings will begin at the Stanford Presbyterian church Friday nfternoon. November 26. Dr.

When you see these new 50 watt lamps lighted you will buy enough of them to change the character of all the lighting in your home, office or store. These EDISON MAZDA LAMPS are the latest achievement of MAZDA Service. They illuminate with a new brilliance, softened and gratefully mellowed by their tipless, white bulbs. See them lighted at K. R.

Biccar. formerly of Chicago, Tonight at 7:45 Miss Norma Brown, Speaker Special music: THE GREAT UNKNOWN if mil Kick and wint to Get Well and now of Bloomington, will have charge of thn nervicea. A rally lor women Keep" Well, writs for literature that tells How will be given Friday nfternoon at 2:30, for children Saturday afternoon at 2:30. for the voune people Sunday fllld Wny mis ainwffll unKmiwn mm hil sew element brings relief to to many suf' f-nra fmm r.nnRtiuatlon. Rtieumatlam.

Bel- atlca. Gout. IeurltIJ. iveuraipa, joerroua afternoon at 2:30. and a feature oi the Sunday services will be a rally for men hlrh will be held Sunday Prostration, Blip Blood Pressura and diseases of ths Stomach, Heart, Lungs, Liter, Kldneya and other ailments, lou wear Dec- n.n'l KariLn.Art vo HOiar fflO (Uy anu nieni, morning at 0:30.

Services will bP held Sunday evening tt 7:30. Rev. H. B. Wooding of Normal, will assist receiving- the Hadto-Actire Kav continuously ntA vmip ivfttem.

rnui ni a neadiiy rircuo- tlon, overcoming tlirowlng off immtruiM and restorinc the tissues and In the meetings. Funeral of Thomas Riley, Bloomington Normal Ry. Light-Co. nerves to a normal condition and ths next thing Tea know you are getting well. nn a tt nmnoaltlon.

You sra thor ViJ v. 0r fct. 0 An sy- -rSa. LS 'f: The funeral service of Thomas Rilev wn held Wednesday morning oughlr satisfied it Is helping you before the apnlianee Is yours. Nothing to do but wear at 9 o'clock from the residence of his At Your Service yiolin, cello and chimes trio Mr.

Ward Miss Gilmore Mr. Marshall it No trouble or expense, and the moat won fM about U(e aDDlianee is that tt hi sister, Mrs. Peter Kelly, at .15 West Locust street, from the St. Fat- sold so reasonable that It Is within ths reach nf all. heth rtrk and Door.

rick's Catholic church at 9:30. Rev. RIDLEY, HUDSON M. J. O'Callairhan celebrated requiem BLOOMINGTON NORMAL MORTON TREMONT No matter how bad your ailment, or how lnno atandinc.

we will be pleased to hare you high mass. Miss Laura Alexander MEADOWS EL PASO LEXINGTON CllENOA "ang a olo. The pallbearer were KAPPA try It at our rlak. For full Information write today not tomorrow. Radium Appliance 14(1 Bradbury Los Angeles, Calif.

Patrick Wn'sh. Patrick Twomey, Advertisement. Sore Throat Prudence Your medicine shelf is not well stocked An offering will be received both of foodstuffs and money for the Colored Children's Home. Michael O'Neil, John! LI Browning and Joseph Nevin. Inter-' ment was In the St.

Mary's cemetery. Father O'Callaghan had charg of the service at the grave. Danver Couple Wed. Alma Anderson and Benjamin Hln-shaw, both of Danvers, were married In Bloomington Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock by Justice A. F.

at bis parlors on North Main street. brkk' la iUn-ter of Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson of Tanvers, and tho groom is a son of Mrs. Anna Hinshaw of Danvers.

without a bottle of TONSILINE, for you don't know what moment it may ba needed to relieve a sudden case of Bore Throat. Relieving Sore Throat is TON-SILINE'S spocisl mission. It is made for that alvertiecd for thr.t sold for that one purposf. TONSILINE is the Isat-ional Sore Throat Eemedy. It is sold in THE GIANT HEATER FOR STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING SYSTEMS, HOT AIR FURNACES AND STOVES Takes the Place of Coal Put a GIANT HEATER In Your Furnace ana Eliminate Work and Dirt and Enjoy Comfort, See Demonstration 223 East Front Street Come, let us give thanks unto the Lord every fctate in the Union.

lou will need TONSILINE one of tliese dars. or some Dicrht when The couple were attended Miss Emma Anderson nnd Miss Anna Raeuber c.t Danvers. is tho drug atora is clorcu better hr.vJ a tattb raiy it hox.9 To re Cr'rl in One Cay f-J Ft a rue ror rrm frae ran Traan yoa mcft. aad COc Lljsrital Size, $1.09. TnUa LVXAVi 'V-IO tWi.

The senuiss 4Mn tba sisnntors cf W. Groi. iuc.

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