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The Pantagraph from Bloomington, Illinois • Page 8

The Pantagraphi
Bloomington, Illinois
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6 OANDERINE SOCIAL EVENTS Approaches Recovery, Mr. Ross, who was eo seriously Injured when the auUmotoW In which she waa riding, waa struck by a liig Four train at Danvera months ago. will be able to leave Brokaw hospital thla week and return heme. ti TVtrolt. Mich.

waa it'om-pinie! on the trip by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Snow, and her parents, Mr. and Mr. W.

I. tsmiw. The Amid Club will enjoy a pop-oora feed and taffy pull this even ng at the association rooms. The membera will aew for the ftabyFold. a Surprised by Neighbor-.

Vr and Mrs. Char lea Shaner. of Stops Hair Coming Out; Thickens. Beautifies. MRS- WOOD TO SPEAK TONIGHT Will Talk Tonight on "Nutrition" Under Auspices of Local Woman's Club.

11- I Safe Milk Boena-Costlgan Wedding. Mlsa Josephine Boore, daughtel ef Mr. and Mrs. l. I.

Boon. South Matn street, and Ivan Costi-gan. son of Will F- of Fust street, were married mornins; nt o'clock at the Holy Trinity church. F.ev. Father Vesica.

readirg the service. The attendants were Vr. and Mrs. John Wellington. Mis I.aurnte fost'gau presided at the organ, parrel! sang Promise Me" preredt'itr 'he ceremony.

Tne bride wore a navy Idua gown of canton crepe trimmoJ in grav and a corsage of sweet hesrt roses and violets. A wedding breakfast was served at the home of the groom's father immediately after the lereniotiy. ft. th ceremony Mr. and Mrs.

fuativan left Milwaukee and Kenton Harbor. T'pon their return they will make their home at For Infant. South 1'nlverslty street. Normal, were completely surprised Ilday evening when forty-five ef their neighbors assembled at Ihelr home to help them celebrate their twentieth wedding anniversary. loiter In the evening the guests and Mr.

and Mrs. Shaney went to the home of Mrs. Kate Spencer, where Rev. W. H.

Grubb made a abort talk, congratulating the bride and groom of twenty years. Mr. and Mrs. Shaney were presented with a beautiful casserole by the guests. The woods ought to be beautiful; posses are afwave erourlnar them.

At UTaJitii LECTURE OX DRAMA TODAY mms MO OOOKPNO rhe) "Food Drink" ten All Ages, 9ulca launch at Home, Office, and I fountains. Atkfo HORUOCS, 9AroirJ Imitations A Sutrrttatefj 3.1S Mast Kmpire s'reet. gan lias I'een employed as assistant at Roland's for two years. Mr. Costigan served In ilit machine gun battalion during the late war and is now associated with his f.uner in the insurance business.

Swearinger-Werner Wedding. Miss Pearl Swearinger. of Wl don. and Hariey L. Werner, of ay.

"The W.k for Health" campaign trlrgs Mrs. Ira Couid Wood, a woman if national reputation, to to promote tha welfare of chllilren. Phe will deliver a lecture this 5 at o'clock at the of Commerce rooms on 'Nutrition." The reason why not re properly rour-ifhe-1. and why some are unhealthy, weak and underweiKht, will be explained In this lecture, ilrs. Wood is a director of the llliiabtth Mc-Cormicit memorial fund and chairman cf tile child welfare coinm ttti of th G.i.cnl Federation of Wom-f ti's Oluhs.

The comnutte tills ynr 1 centeni.g on fd.iv' it'or. if ail ilii Jnn ui.d Mr. Wood i i.irflnj a very active I art in this movement. She oiiirs irul' tc- lo.r Worn. in t.

Mrs1. is 11 will ho illustrated ly lantern fliCca, II 1 S3 rents buys a bottle of "Pan-derine" at any drug store. After one application yi ran not find a particle of dandruff rr a hair, resides, every hair shous new life, vigor, brightness, mora color anj abundance. Advertisement jDeicibzifi Chocolate Candj 1 smooth, velvety chocolate completely covering a deli the of her research PCTTCD TUAM HMf ULIILI. lllttl.

UHLUlliLL; A Second Lecture on Drama. I candy center. That's what Lady Betty Puddin' I holds in store for you. Look for the silhouette of Lady Betty. It tops each.

CAl chocolate filled cup. Try Lady Betty Puddin' today. Thoueands Have Discovered Dr. Edwards' Oliva Tablets Are a Harmlesa Substitute. Graoe Ar.lngton Owen will the aeeond hctuie of a s.rfs if kcturea on tt." "In.

una" at meetins 'f the Woman's C.11O rn Wfdi.e.-day, Novimbc-r 113, In the art room of the library. Miss Own will talk on "American Producer," and brook, wera marr.ed 111 Peoria Saturday at the of the Fitst M. K. church. The weidirg is he culmination of remsnre two vears ago when Mr.

Werner was a mtietst at hospi'al. Miss Swearnajer nursed lnm thru htssick-ness. Mrs. Werner Is the daughter of Mr. ar.d Mrs.

James Sweanrgtr, prominent farmers near Weldon, and is a graduate mime from okuw hospital Mr. Werner Is only eon of Mr. and Mrs. p. p.

Werner and has lived all his life on a farm northeast of Saybruok, which he has been managing for the past two years and where the new homo will te made. Wedding at Mission. Th marriage of Miss Isabella Passwater, of this city, and C'oltn bus of Heyworth, will take place this evening at the Home isweet I City Mission at 7 o'clock. Rev. J.

W. will officiate, reading ring ceremony. Ferns, palm, flowers and American flags wtil be used In decorating the mission. Miss Pearl Augspurger Married. Miss Pearl Augspurger, of thla will lllust'jte lu-r talk with a "pup pet Kliow." Sli.a cwen will talking at l.

't chv k. .3. Benefit Card Party. A benefit card party for the schorl The Bridal Bouquet The making of this sacred bouquet, whose memory is so long cherished, should only be entrusted to trustworthy hands. We have made Bridal Bouquets for years, and know how they will be perfect if made by us.

A. Washburn Sons 318 North Main Street. children's aid, under Use of PAUL F. BEICH COMPANY BLOOMTNGTON CHICAGO 1 'MMh Dr. Edwards' Olive TaMefs the jubstltute for calomel are a mild but sure laxative, and their effect on the liver Is almost instantaneous.

These little Oiive colored tablets are the result of lr. Edwards' determination not to treat liver and bowel complaints with calomel. The pleasant little tablets do the good that calomel does, but have no bad after effects. They don't Injure the teeth like strong liquids or calomel. Tliev take of to-uhl ami quirk'? eomvt U.

Why cure ti lller at the eltMse of tlie tcitir talo.ini plays tiaoc with tt.e (rums. 1 strong liquids. It Is beft to lake rakimel. Let Dr. idwards' Ollra TaWcla take 1 plae.

Hodaches, "dullness" asd that laiy feel-lnf come from ciistiintl'm and a duordnred tne Woman a luu. Will be held on Wednesday afttrnuon, Xoveir.Ler in. in their club rooms in the odd Fellows' hall. Unterlainuient will be provided for those who do not play cards. Reservations for tables are coining In ami the club Is planning lifer.

Talte ur. fcowaru uioa mui.i. "rn you feel "1PE5" and hea'T TheT clear'' clouded train and "perk up" tht spirits. 15c aod 30c. Advertisement.

eaaja eas for a record tireakimr crowd. New Alpha Camm Chapter Installed. Alpha Qanim sorority announce tha installation of a Fsl Chapter at the. t'niversity of Alabama, nt Tuscaloosa, the Installation services being held Friday, November 13. This is the second Alpha Camm Chnpter to be installed this fall, C'hl Chapter having been recently Insta'led at the Michigan agricultural college.

Art Studio Opening. Mrs. Frank r.allinger, of Pesrla. who resided at White Plncn, ploom-Ington, for a number of years, la piving a studio opening at her residence, 214 North Glen Oak avenue, afternoons and evenings, fr.m November 25 to the 30th, inclusive. Mrs.

lialllnger Is an artist of exceptional ability. Her work in in II, water color and china. The latter Is exquisitely nnd delicately done In design and finish. City, and I.loyd Mishler, of Stanford, were married In Decatur November 10 by Rev. Mr.

Henry, of the christian church. They will make their home at 605 West Miller street Social Bnefe. Sfra. John Henderson irlll fce hostess to the members of the Pleasant Hour Club at her home, 101 South State street, Wednesday afternoon from 2 to 6. A good time is anticipated.

The Ladies' Aid of Trinity Lutheran church will give a supper at tha church for membera Thursday evening. Y. W. A. Heme.

Vlsg Kieth, secretary of the T. W. C. expects to leave Wednesday for St. Jaouls to spend Thanksgiving.

Miss Vera Snow, president, returned yestsrday from a motor trip Rheumatism for Years Left Him Helpless and Unable to Work-Cured Mr. Jimes TT. Allen suffered for years with In the Era 0 "New House Keeping" Famous Hi-Oven Combination Married Fifty Years '1 rtmmaUsn. V.iny times this terrible ulseaie left Llm helpless Mid linaWe lo work. He finally d-rldnt, a'trr yar of eesss-leaa atvidy, that no one ran be free from rheumatism m-ttl the act undated Impurities commonly called uric a'ld depisiu, were diasolred in the Joints and muscles and expelled from the body.

With this Idea In mind he eonsuhed rih1-rians, mads experiments and finally compounded a prescription thai qulrkly and completely banished every elen and symptom of rheumattam from Ins gvsiem. Be freely gave his d's-nvrry to others who took It, with what niU'ht be niarvploiig success. After years of ursine he tlrritled to lot sufferers eveiywla-rp kr.uw bis dis-coTery through the ucwipapfra. Shorthoie I'rug fttore has been appointed acrot for Allenrhu la this slctnny with the under -B'andlnf that he will freelr return the purchase money on the Drat two Iwttles la all who stats they received no Iwnodt. Ad.

fist. Range Saves and Pays This Wonderful New Cooker, Baker, and Room? Warmer is the "Big Hit" of Our Newly-Opened Model Stove Department! 1 Ml 'ft rr --V- ss ws5 Think what an economy it would be It 70m could heat a couple of your living rooms and do all tho family cooking and baking at the same time with one stove I That is what people everywhere are doing with the Buck'a Hi-Oven Range, the wonderful, apace-aavlng range which we are now demonstrating to a tremendously Interested public. Come In! Eee for yourself! No obligation to buy! High oven, located on top of the range Instead of la base, places entire oven contents In plain Tlew eame site and constraottoi is ovens ot Buck's regular site ranges. Buck'a Hi-Oven Range heats up most quickly. Holds heat from 8 to hours after fire it out Operates on a surprisingly small amount et fuel.

Starts giving satisfaction tbe minute avee on the Job. The Sanitary Porcelain Enameled finish does away with store blackening. Bares hours et dtrty work arary week. See tt ence, Get Nerve Force from Nuxated Iron It will strengthen your ntrves and Increase your rigor and endurance, often in two weeki' time. It contains the principal chemical constituent of active ltvtne nerve force Id a form which most Dearly resembles that In the brain and aerre cells of man.

also contains erranlc Iron like tha lrn la your blood, and like the Iron la spinach, lentil? and apples. Organic Iron enriches the blood snd plenty of rich red blood means more nerve force, so that Xuxated Iron not only feeds what might be termed artificial nerve force to the aerve cella, but It stmulates the blood to manufacture a greatly Increased supply of new nerve force. Get a bottle of rVuxated Iron today, asd If within two weeks' time you do pot feel that has tncreased your nerve fores, and made you feel better and stronger, la every way, your money will be refunded. Bold by all drugplats. Advertisement.

No Stooping, Bending or Back-Breaking! Burns Coal, Wood or Gas! MR. AND MRS. CAT 8TEWART. Visit the Model Stove Deoartment 1 Atlanta. Mrs.

Stewart was 70 years I old March 31, this year. I Mr. and Mrs. Stewart nre mem-1 bers of the Grace M. K.

church and Mr. Stewart also is a member of the Modern Woodmen lodge, No. 110, and the William T. Sherman Post, No. 1 146.

G. A. R. Both are well and active. A Store Store that Is second to none as to completeness and modern dlsnlar om plete showing ot black and enameled cook stoves, combination and gas ranaea Exclusive representation of the famous "Bucks" and "Quick Meal" Stoves and Ran awe "Ensenberger'a Own" our big selling special "Florence" Oil heaters and rook stores gas plates laundry stoves, etc Basement 100 per cent Union Made Every part ot making a Buck's Stove Is handled by Union Labor, from the raw pig iron to hauling the finished product to the depot.

Buck's Stoves are vigorously endorsed by the National Federation of Labor, "Bucks" Sunbeam Don't Suffer With Pitos MsHaMsHsMstTjevansHHsaaMewaaaM wmmmmmimmmammmmmm egJar Hot Blast' Heater rfeiP When PeramiJ Pile Suppositoriaa Bring Blessed Relief from the) Distress of Itching, Painful, Protruding Piles. Send for Free Trial Flrat try them, than tell your friends that Pyramid Pile Suppositories bring blessed relief in the prl- Yo narrow I Alright IQ mild, vegetable laxative to Iff relieve Constipation and Bill- 1 outness and keep the digestiva and, elinaiaalive functions normal, i forotPr aa JUNIOR- 5a I t-itila Wi II I ttJaV One-third the retro- I I V-ora yZ lar dose. Made of El p5w same Insrediente, a mtr iMQ CBn(iy coated, a a For cblldres and aduHe. Rug Special this Week Only! Extra Heavy Quality; Axminster Rugs Sfr. and Mr.

O. A. T. Stewart, of 710 South Main street. Normal, Were married fifty years ago yesterday.

A small company of relatives wVs entertained at dinner at homo last night In celebration their golden wedding anniversary In Lincoln, November 21, 1871, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart were married. They lived In Lawndale until the following spring and then moved to Hioomlngton, March IS, 1S72, living here until seven years ago, when they moved to their present home In Normal. They are tbe parents of six children.

Grand T. Stewart, who died In li)17; Mrs. Zetta 1,. Ross, of Shawnee, Okia Adna V. Stewart, living at the family home; Mrs l'earl Mundy, of St.

Charles, Frank i). Stewart, who died In infancy, and Lester F. Stewart, of Washington, V. C. Mr.

Stewart, who was 77 yesrs old the second day of last January, is a veteran of the civil war, serving four yeurs and eleven months as a member of Company E. 26th Illinois Infantry He was field scout for Sherman on his march to the sea and went with him on his campaign against the Indians at the close of the civil war For twenty-five years Mr Stewart waa employed by tho C. A. railroad, serving fifteen years aa wrecking foreman. He helped remove the great Chatsworth wreck, which occurred In 1SS7.

For eighteen months he was employed by ne Santa Fe railroad In Texas, In he purchased the Waters Woodford medicine manufacturing business, which he has conducted for the past thirty-one years, traveling most of the time. Mr. Stewart was born In Danby county. New York, and was tbe son of Mr. and Mrs.

C. F. Stewart. The family moved to Chicago In 181484, where C. V.

Stewart, his father, became editor of the Chicago Tribune in 1849 Hud under Long John Wentworfh. Mrs. Stewart waa formerly Esther V. Snook, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

John Snook. She was born at Portland Jay county, Indiana. Her parents moved to Illinois and became prominent in farming near Burns Any Kind of Fuel, Including Slack! requires minimum attention and fewest firings holds fire for 48 hours. Satisfying in every way. Fully guaranteed.

And now offered with remarkably attractive prices. These heaters give more heat on less fuel than any other heaters made) keep your floors heated your home comfortable and clean all due to Buck'a patented Hot Blast Ring the ring that supplies more heated air to the fuel surface than any other and to other equally well known economy and labor saving features. Demonstrations are going on continually in our store. We are showing the public just what these heaters do and why they do it Join the Interested on-lookers. Do It size 9 by 12 feet.

Only 6 Patterns to select from. $44.75 MOORE'S DRUG STORE MOTHER CRAY'S SWEET POWDERS FOR CHILDREN, A Certain Kehef foe Fevtrlftmeas. ronsttpatloa Deadaehe Siomarb Trniihl-s I Exchange nsenberaers 'J I mi i n.ctrn. S' COMPLETE HOME FURNISHERS Payments can be extended under our new plan without extra In-terest Our exchange department accepts osed furniture In trade. Liberty Bonds TraaeklarK 7- "rJ orraa op aw mll toWtlnMnonrs Ataudrutgisu.

no, Address alOHErt GRAY Cu7Le Roy, N. Y. your used furniture that has aerred its purpose for something new and more fitting. Liberal allowances made. vacy of your own home from Itching, bleeding or protruding piles, hemorrhoids and such rectal troubles.

Get a too box today of any druggist, A single box baa often been sufficient. You can have a free trial package by sending name and address to Pyramid Drug tit Pyraa WEST SIDE SQUARE. BLOOMINGTON'S POPULAR PEICED HOME FURNISHERS Pantagraph Want Ads Bring Best Results.

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