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The Pantagraph from Bloomington, Illinois • Page 1

The Pantagraphi
Bloomington, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

-XI 111. tkee l'f 4 I' Mf K'Ur Jwt. T-l I tl 4P. HECTIC Mattel Ce4ral 111 Hntr IUrtJ I aw Vattal. ON A riUU- a Kail if 6Vftra rioV tMVSpaptr Since ISIS SINGLE COl'Y 7 CKNTS RinOMIN-fiTON'.

ILL. SUNDAY. KKHRUAKY 3. J'AOW tA A yeah no. si.

11 SPECIAL JURY CITES 112 Citizens Discover BOS WELL AND BELL CABINET MILK STRIKE ARBITER SETS PRICE Of S2.B4 They Have Taxcsand Lvery thing tl'tata 'rt. d'a DISREGARD OF DUTY IN PA YROLL INQUIR SENTENCED-LEA VE FOR LEAVENWORTH INDICTMENTS DELAYED TO FURTHER HEARINGS Spice of the News u4, rw -4-Th II! af utf Kt fnn4 th.y at IM II) till I mf an-e'ht th 4i4T Thr thvt.t Hr Ju war liv in trv4 ltu.4'4 On llu4r4 Mnith tr' l4 4 tartr rtftw lilw af la i.i ni Thy might aa a thtt wty. a ttmri the atau. their ia a kavwlng. th.y tt4 a hr frt far Ihlag lat'a Ka that hr la tm.u.t lMrg tmn ttitt ttht a cU- mc It ba io a pridnt.

a latf 4-a rut and pnlrm maglMral. Na 4tl att ilok4 la tk tg iw.vrly a la 4 Congress Votes Its Appreciation of Captain Fried's Rescue Work ENIENCY FOR OTHERS II CASE IS REQUESTED former Attorney Begs Judge to Allow Him to Serve Terms of His Aides. nnnne, ri. rt i-ntw behind non bar Ur ih4 Art llo.w!!. frtfmr Hit I t- frey ihnmw coMmy, ri.

jtt.v HUM puni.hmant. if'er mg (ttxIH nptring itH ogthr 1 no inf Wdr, to floU'e th i hiMU-a teas. enten wee p.4 an Rosen ,4 en hi aide. Coroner -org Beit, by r4ri ju wi. Piturdsy.

Shortly eft-noon, th mm and their guir4. 1 Weittl'lt. nar htra, Let- worth AIM Cl Fin. Retldet tw year" Impr tonrnent. wis mtd a Ilea fin wit tntrc4 to yr ant dt In HB'li'y and fined Ka, other found guilty at um( lime win ntnc4 th .1 dty th March trra court her.

floswell. Bell, Iletil Byrn, fw-r chief of pollc of Johnston City i rM Pllmo, alleged W.IUmwi mty bootlegger. wr by fderi court Jurjr tt t.t ft. Loul Jan, 2S. A final p'e for leniency not for but for i1m 5lur4r th for- atalt'a attorntjr.

-If thr It jilt, ha tola Juasa am th ona ho dil It if an confidant that I am at fault S' Jhwa to 1 any fault brought nit th bO)." II uraad th Juda "haap up- r.n ahouldara" th aantancaa of and Byrn. Hit final wat ntar aa var earn to ad- iltlna tullt Talta atratian. rlor to thla tla. Boawall ilory of bla admlnlitratlon of attornar'a Afflc rar homa county oarnrd tah nam "Biooay wiuiamion. h.n torn tint warfsra ana Mrtualiy rultd by Charlla Blrr.

onr alnra cutd. Poiwn 41 mora conviction, ha than any othor atata'a attornay county. PANTAGKAPH ALL PHONES t60 Tbc Weather M0 tni ronieitr. mi.i.i eloodT. now nla tn imxtii: U4't miw la ortt t.4 tata outlook roa wii.

riMaC (jta: nbr ror rfBioo1. truant o''1 t.xpin. loeit iniTMia ieono. MulBum. 23: BliintB.

m. 1 m. Thrmoiit 11 11 B.rn 5" tnn lurii.r as run Morirtw TIMFIRATUatt ILtlWMIM. TO OCCOPy HOOVER'S TIME NEXJJEW DAYS Conferences With Leaders of Party Called at Belle Isle. LINDY TO BE HIS GUEST Ira K.

na. I tfl tn-ih4 lit -rn4 fMr. in thlt 'a F'- urdy gi th rn t.i. cffra it t' Amm ...4 tii.Kd. rrirrtmg rati-, arrihtmrte and fa.KkaJ ttr With tM la

a Ma laltd 10 bit horn on l'le If Miami lch. la wbtth bt rturtio i4iufday M. Fr.aior ml lUh, rl.alrmtn af ia ani. flntnr rtn.m!tt. Iry W.

An- of Itirhmntid. Va: W't A llrt. nttlunal r.tninl!!wom. kentutkt: Charts lUrr. I of I nlon "lty.

Ga. f.fldnt 'ha Frm. t'nlnn. and John Ha)t lUmmoM Wi.hirgtnn. Fvr Jt'd-n.

n.rr.'i on of th i.p. t.rm KllBIIiln of J4rXry.M-Jl 'rm rarf M. will rfC-mmmd r- of Wll.i.m J.filln us twa'ary of aarlrqUnf Ha wli: urt thit lctmn on th ground il. Jard.r hn a captb-e Lm. lal and It fvord hy mtny farm Irad.ra.

niih Ander-on th n-it chief etut! It eiP'i't'd ta dicu.t th polClral tlluation In Virginia, II tt thoroughly familiar with conill-ilont In bit and It ipct4 to gl Hoover verbal Informttloa at to the party outlook th'r. Invito Lindbergh. Mr llert. who. at a xlc thtlr- m.n of the Iiepubllcan national committee, btd charg of woman work In the Jatt campaign, hat an-nounced that th teekt no appointment althouth bar nam bat bn m.ntlcneJ fr th pot of citar) th Intei li.r.

rol. Charl A. Llndlrgh. who I in Miami to ann th air mall aerv- ii ta CrlmohtL Pinsma, llonnty. alto will a ul of Fun di y.

imrlnc a call Fattir.1y at Felle I-le. Ilarrelt epred th View that the farm relief plan would 1 a cou.ln-' to th Mc- Narv-llaucrn bill with th quall- iitlon fee eliminated and wlih a revolving fund of about three hun- million dollara provided from ih. ir.nrv to assist farmer-con trolled corporaUont in marktling crops. Jury Convicts Ohio Official of Bribery rh i UP) Uert r.hli mimtm treasurer. convicted Saturday night by a fed eral court Jury of conspiracy to vio-jlate the national prohibition lawt and attempted bribery.

Ha was found guilty on all 10 counts oi me indictment. The verdict wtt brought in tt 11:43 just nours u-r the Jury took the cane. It was announced that four ballots wer taken. Judne Hough tald he would defer that Buckky'a I19.0(V bond undrr which he hat been at liberty, will aland. ved th verdict In alienee.

Conviction of all 10 counu r.rri.i maximum sentence of 28 ycare in the federal penitentiary and a maximum nne or :f.uuu. Coolidge Back in Washington Washington, Feb. Coolidge returned to nlzht tfteraquick trip to Florida for tht dedication of the Mountain Lakt tanciuary mU singing tower. TO Cost to Chicago Consumers to Remam Unchanged by Verd.ct. TIME CLAUSE INCLUDED Oh if.

I tV-Tha ailk prf la le Chle krkl a vailed Palutdsy a'f ha a Conf.r.rv arwtiKart arH a rl af 4 tmr hundr4ht I ba PI4 ttlry friwa Tie PrJte wit nHrprtHwita btw the II de-mantel th f.tmn tn4 Ih 4 prli ef l. Tt r.w pt al'l 1 eer-le until Ih n4 of Mirrh, undr d- rendered ht It Clt4 L. Kin. Philadelphia, aihll.f miii th t'rU bfua hr d.irn.. wreral ak tfi wl.n Ictd.rt fhli-ata 4- Ml, Th re'all prl't Cl I.I net la flerted la A'l Oty.

A MMtlstlnn ef I I. renteMnllng prndurett nd d.l'er qul'y. wat I ''n l'h I King Ihiouahoul th dv Rr'e- nti'he rf tt. dl.irih-i'nt n-s-l. comment on t'e ruMrg ln l)er.

fell Bianager of Pur. Milk whoMi ni.mhr tganlt'd the ipre4 ntliu. at th terdict but rtd thit ftrmert would b'd by it. Both partle ltd agrd In ad vanr to accept Ir. King decision it Anal.

rr Klrg cen.ur.d "political pub llrhy teekett" In a ititemtnt ac companying his finding. Roched by Facta. Thit decl'lon I htv reached In th light of market fart ard with the con.lderatloa of market frta only." be eald. 1 raailte manic flection aoon take place, and t. aldermen of avn ih city of I'hliiio might be expected to take the tidt af orderly procodur tnd Itw and order In a ra tuch at thla, rtthr than trv to raplti: It for personal political gain." The new prlc att ordered to be- cume effective from Jtn.

I. I'rtvlout tgreementt to buy only from antra bert of the Pur Milk anclttion tnd to rnn.lder th quettlon of non- emlier. not liter thin May I wert approved. Expert Defends Radio Commission Action Waahlngton. Fab.

S. The opinion that tha Universal Wlrtlets comptny of Buffalo could do tech nically all It claimed with tha 40 thort wave lengths recently grant ed It by the federal rad commli- tlon wit expressed Saturday by Lieut, Commander T. M. Cnven. nivy rtdlo expert, before the houee merchant marine committee.

Craven tpoke at technical adviser of tha radio commlatlon. The houie committee waa considering the bill to continue life of the commission, and waived crost-elimination of Crivent. Th htar- Ing la to be resumed Monday. Senator Fess Urges Cruiser Time Limit Wtshlngton, Ftb. I.

The administration wa confronted with a last minute attack from itt own nnkt Saturday at the tenatt concluded a week of extended debate at mm on tha bill for construction oi j. cruisers and one aircraft carrier. In. ona of tha last tpeecbes he- fore the tenatt proceedt to ait-cussion under limited debate next week. Senator Fess, Ohio, one of President Coolidge'! itaunchest supporters, called for adoption of the bill with retention of It! time limit clause.

I GotaAeg Sets His Ska.ow aa Raas Wroag Da-fctiaa Pl.lea Th rr1hg ram t.i' out af s'l bie tt Pur.tat imi Ptlf4 4 wen tMtp'f 4f e.4 fi4 that ba rin- ta th mtt 4 rec' nt't4 ef nna'ng Into i 4a. w.e4 frtin4hg 4.e tnirta e'f a 'rt ta the at in. Pt.rvnt'y tritrf I -( Hary i.u 4- rchr, if'! him Krait bit ting t'l t'HT 4-t tinr la epidern'e ef Hiking Ih graundhC d-f rtl4 i gia anltet IM inlmil. PROHIBITION LEADS Question Arises of Local. Federal Enforcement Un dcr Appropriation.

Sty Willi Hartl It: tm TW r'J TM t-li I TTtshuigfan. fb. The nfion: cipli at thit ard ttiU And. prohibiten ebwrur'nc all other Inplee: tnd It bcom to draw torn gnral and fundtmanttl eoncliitinn from th dhtt In eongre.t over th rflpo4 IT4 of idd tionil federal money for prohibition enforcement. The true nub of the derate it ih prop' division of re.pon.lblllty fop rohlbltlnn nforcmnt th federi! government nd our local tuthorltl.t throughout th country.

r.tstntlal efl th whole mttttrineludlng th t4 witlbon dotltr new propoaed tp-propiiltlon It th testimony ra- eently given by Pr. Jmt A. Dorm held ef th federtl buret pre- hlhltlon. rr. pninn ha ttlfled bfc the appropriations committee ef th hua of rsrentitlvi thit If tht federi! government thotild enter In tn th loctl policing of tht country for Ih enforcement ef the national prohibition liwi.

thi innuil cott to th federal government would torn 100 million dollar. It Ii minlfett thit th 14 mCTion dolltr ntw propotd appropriation If designed to further local po licing, would ba a Jocular and rldie-ulout turn to throw Into an enter prise to tremendously vttL Arrive at Turning Paint. We an-lv then at a critical and basic turning point In tha develop ment In tha hlttory of th eenth amendment In practice. The idmlnlttrativ authorltta of the federal government from th whit house down ar determined not to undertake purely local responslblll- for whst might be called "home infractions" of the eignteenm mendment and the Volstead law. They ire determined that (he "con- current i lorai authorities by tha elghteentn amendment for the enforcement of national prohibition ahall ba exr cited by the local authorltlet and shall be regarded by them not mere i.

a "concurrent power" but at "concurrent duty." (Continued Page S-A, Cel. 3.) Steamer Refloated London. Feb. Brltlih Garthcaatla. which went rrnund early Frldty off Aldeburgh Suffolk, wai refloated by tugt late Saturday.

it mar n. Cliwat kwaat fcawava. that aa a4 4 Ue vt iw.twti4 lt n4. 4 a l' pav tfl 4 Arrwed-Na'r. t-iii-a thatging Vii wuh unlawful itaa iMi.iiirik.

iM wn'awftil e4 -utln w.e a4 la eiffuil ba. frf It rll. It lr.r w.t ubh.h4 fa-ui4 law. hut la a aa.p- ruevtut It anixt aatr- la rawiu. a.

4n' chtn4 lhr 4i4at knaw a t'l'g boul It Ta rrat4 th til-l r4 t.r -r4 li itm who. th.y r. la ht awnr af a rJ ai in vridaL fiih.r It tltinft at Matwelit tii.e. Dog Cone? Not Tel. Fir man Says, Reaching for Pnlmolor Chkf rh.

I The r. a tald "duff on" tr th fir tt II d. wellt hot h.r wit bcau. nf th I lr qutMtle ef th fore.t Pfk pti'motor. a na tnoor'rg In II whl! th wat mt.

An mlr p-il from tt opn gn! ind it flia tn th litir room. Iii.m.o P-it It out. but I lor com by tmok. Tg goneT" Inquired a trc-litnr i. a flrimin rirrl'd -ore out.

-Not let." tald Tire Ctp'aln Ijtrt- The pulmotor auid worked bi.f an bour after which flora lil to tit up ar.d ecntch. REPUBLICANS REJECT SALT CREEK REPORT Walsh to Go Before Senate With Denunciation of Work and Donovan. Wuhlngten, Feb. (T)-Repub-Ilcint of th temtt lindt commute Haturdiy rejected a report by Senator Walth, Democrit. Montana, cenrjrlng Interior and Ju.ttc department! for their minner ofhin-dllrg renewal of tha Slnclilr Salt Creek Royalty oil contract Penttor Walth, tupported by th Democrat, Immedlite'y announced would go before the senile next week and ask It to past Judgment on the report.

The report contain! icvere language respecting th course pur-tued by Hubert Work, former tec-retaryot Interior, and of William J. Donovan, astlatant attorney general The contract, orglmlly let lnl2! hy Albert B. Fall, then aecretaryof Interior, waa renewed last January by Work. It waa cancelled latt October. Senator Glenn.

nilnoli. who hid prepared a report upholding th administration, withdrew this upon defeat of the Walsh proposition. Bridegroom Confesses Slaying Wife Wat 'Double Crotting Kind' He Tellt Miami Police. Miami. Fit- Feb.

I. HV-Chrlt-tophtr E. Cullen. I. confetaed to police officers here Saturday night that ht had killed hit bridt ef five days with a rifle In Boston.

After a day of questioning as he lay In a local hospital aufferlng serious wounds tuitained when he fell from a freight train bar. Cul len told police officer of the killing hli wife Jan. 21. "She wi on of thos double crosslna- kind. I had a callbrf rifle handy," pollc quoted Cullen a laying.

George Miller of 101 Ranch Killed When Auto Overturns Ponca City. Feb. U.R) I CoL George I Miller, 48, one of the owner of th "101" ranch, waa killed early Saturday when bit auto mobile skidded on tha mow and Ice and overturned on th highway wett of here. Colonel Miller wat return ing to the ranch alone from Ponca City when the accident occurred. Inqnest Is Continued Chlcatfo.

Feb. S. 4JTh-Inquest Into the mytterious death Friday ef Mrs. Selma A. Burnham, wealthy wiaow, wa continued until Feb.

1. following a coroner! inquest Saturday at which It waa charged that Edward T. Riley, her business partner, had given bef liniment which she drank, thinking It liquor. Meanwhile, vital na ex- organs oi uiw wuiu.u animcu. Deficit in Funds Announced; to Resume Action March.

Cringe, lr-C'tg Ch cag s.n -a'f tr: he al P' ptui- rh're till tfa tru. e. tta tHtea afa a-t'tiitg 1 at iHw.r dn't" a4 i -r- a rtnaiirtH" th Janiiaty grant J'T P.luHar tmrti i't r.p-rft lo Chief Ju.i'i Join J. I.i iivta ef th cr t. cart.

Th grind Jury. hiM tpec al ldr B. lrr ii.r.'.iei rl'y nl coun'y lgninmr.t. no lal.ct. hut lepori.

i an iip" 4.f ril IMkII I bo-4 fund ef Ih and rm. thit John A. pwer.o. eon'inu tfce In. itry of ti and po-he department th 1 IMt tl.r tha i be nf, every, ind lil pertont foufilta havt engaged la ny criminal tc-tivity In th cctiJuct of tfi ta vital and tljunctt of lo cat govtrnment." tear sitter.

Memhert of the tta-e leg iture whose nimei were on the payroll! of the tanltary di'UlctarsJ who te.tifled before the grand Jury that they did no tk for the money lhy received wr tcithlni'y In th report at "i-rc fe-tlontl po lilcur ef a low orler." Tbt J-jry xp'ilnd tbit It b4 uncovered the tan.tary district lr. regularlret toe lit to Itt In. vettlgiUuo, but rcjmari(3'l that all district employe iced un der civil tervlc. txcert when high, ly labor I andthil Iher be eattbllah.J a unified health, tanltary. rn itlonil ir.4 governmental agency In th rnetro.

poltua dlatrlrt with view merger ef th tanlttry district w.ta tha city government. Ote Net Mine Word. Regarding It Inquiry Into chirget of poilr ccnnlvinc with gambling and vice, th Jury reported that open gambling and prost.tutlon In 1127 whtn Mayor Thompson first took offlc could not hv fiear-Ithed without poilct connivance and that reportt of luch condition! brought no action from the police, but It ld thit such condition now are only "sporidla" although It recommended further Investlgi tlon of th pollc department At for conduct cf tht tanltary district, the grand Jury did not mine word. It charged that th trustee, with ona exception, wer 'appallingly Ignfunt of any of th affair of th district, excepting patronage." thit contract for th same kind or work wer awirdei to th same contractor who "long hive been active In local poUtlce." and that a policy was adopted of withholding plant tnd specifications when bids were cilled for, thereby mlnlml.lnr th. nf rnm ipetltiv bidding for work.

Th Jury declared payroll! hd been padded "ibundtntly." Swinton Indicated mother tpeclal Investigating body will be called in March to continue the inquiry. A legislative committee -named to look Into the matter of legislators' nt me on the district payrolls decided Frldty to await the outcome of Season's Inquiry before taking action. Booth Urged to Retire Archbishop ef Canterbury Stnd Note to talvatienitt Leader. London, Feb. S.

IP) Th per-senility of Riron Davidson, retired archbishop of Canterbury, entered the Salvation Army situation Saturday when It became known that the aged prelate had aent a letter to General Brarawell Booth suggesting that retirement would ba a good way out of th general' difficulties. It wa at first reported that Baron Davidson might be made a mediator In the dispute, but both International army headquarter tnd headquarters of th American delegation disclaimed knowledge of any tuch move. Tha family of General Booth de clined to comment, a did Baron Davidson. Marshal Foch Has Good Day Parlt. Feb.

1. Marshal Ferd inand Foch, who had a second set back Friday night in hit fight against illness, had a nelatlvely "good day" although anxiety about him, which hit increased during the past three diyt, haa not lessened. aa MM pad ia 1 'r a tr a' 'aaa 1-A AhmmI aM a' Ki.t IWMHt war 1M4. K. M).

Da! taa'-'' ra rH, od OH pubii Wf ifl. fata 1-A -9 pit'tal taka ay "At Vtt a (t d' ata I fa a aa raoar. tn a tay far aH Paaa 1-A kmt wnil mi attata pawan'at o'-a-trikutad i M. C. A.

at A tata't Attornay J.K Of Ptm 7 t-pH taMtMian 0d Blum-'d. Cxxata i far tr.l Pa Uiraty "aal ad CaakitviM ar nnr ta tanior and jii'r d.i.n a Ka Mclaan tawoty baaattba'l tawr. iiamant at Mtmarial Paaa 1-C Odall. Paint, and Catt-wrth in th tnal vifan th Livrnattan taunty turnmnt Pasa Z-C MORGAN, YOUNG GIVE VIEWS ON REPARAT Exoerts Sail for Europe; Plan to Commercialize Small Part of Debt. By IH-rir I'rarwin.

(Cr' i i-' 1h lMU TH t.Mf rWlflH Wathlnrton. h. with th of 0rn Voiiob and J. I. Mortan fur Kurop Stturday.

th arnrral vlr on rvilnn hlch thry hold and which thy with rre.ldrnt and Hrrrrtary or Stata KeMoet htv bacoma known h.r.. ThMa View. It It rmphltlira by friend, art til! In a mott tinea both Amrric.n czprrtt want to krrp entirely open mlndi until they htv thorouch.y examined tha economic cond.tlon. of Europe flret hand tnd until they hava txchanged trlew with their European colleague. irnwever th aeneral opinion whlch Mr.

Tounf and Mr. Morgan can be tald to hold at present regarding reparation revision can ba sketched broadly at follow: rirt. there can be no whole's ir commercialisation of th German war debt at pre.ent. Two factor. m.L.

thla mnat Imnofl.lble. Ofr- minv line not want to commer- clallr. all of her debt it thl time and the United State. In whlcn market tha bond would have to ne floated. I not ready to absorb a large bond tale.

Ctrmany Wantt Inttallmtnit normanv doe not wtnt to com mercialize her total debt at pret- ent for an obvloii reason. Once her railway and Industrial bona ire old to individual citlzent of the United States. Great Britain, franc and other countries. It will be Impossible to scale her debt any lower, tinea the individual holders would not conceivably their couoont or re duce their capital invested. long as Germany owes money It Is much easier to reduce her total debt than It would be if the had to.

deal with tevcra. individual bondholders scattered throughout the world. United States bankera moreovn are not yet confident enough of (Continued on Pagt 8-A, Col. 7.) Texan Offers $25,000 Prize for Ocean Flight From Rome Rome, Feb. Col.

William E. Easterwood or uauas. who baa offered a $25,000 prize for nAtlantle fllEht. had a long Interview with officials at the ministry of aeronautics Saturday. At th request of th ministry he threw open th competition to all countries on condition that the flight ba started from Rome.

Passengers Injured Toledo. Ohio. Feb. n.r. nt a motor bus were In jured Saturday by flying glass In a collision between trie ous parked truck.

H. L. Clancy. Jaroea- town. and Peter nausnion.

cago. auffered minor facia) bra- I Ndvy and Slipping Bofd Official. AIo Laud Seamen of S. America. Vt.liirg?n, tf Admlf- and intwetietion far the hto- i.m di.p 4 In th raua of th etew of lh rlotldt from the Atlanile en Jan.

ii were at- tr.Ml to Capt. filed af ih Amrira Faiurday by both bnuM of ti l.y d-peitment and thipplrg boaid. Tie adopted a retolullun tendertrg the "thanke and arpra-ciatlon of tt; cnngra.t of tha CM-txl to offlcrt and crew of th Am.rirt "for th heroic cmdiK-t shown and noble erlr rendered In th retcu" Th bou ptuaed to listen to iorg R- Ftobba. rpr-enttlv from fried borne district of vor-ctr. Matts, pralt th fett of the captain.

Prtttntta ittlttmtn. CaMaln fried wat presented to tha senate by Vice President Dew amid loud acclamation. On the houe tide he wta Ttd hy Representative Tlleon of Connecticut. Republican floor leader, aid accompanied Mm icionlly to seat lo the gtllery. PtoM.t, In hie adilreaa, referrtd to fried Petit-itinalan tncestry and eald th cap tain had glvn proof of having 'the and In bit velnt tht trut biooa of the Vikings Hoover Is Awarded Engineering Medal Nw Tork.

Feb. I 4V-Preil-tent-Klect Herbert Hoover hit been awarded tha John Frlti medal. It was announced Saturday by tha American Initltute of mining and metallurgical engineers. Presentation. It It hoped, will be made during the annual Institute meeting here Feb.

ll-SJ. but If the pte.ldent-eiect cinnot amntt to ba here It will take place InWaih-Ington after tht Inauguration. Tha John Frlti medal, established in 1902, la a Joint award of four American engineering aocletlea civil, electrical, mining and. me chanical. It Is awarded annually Vatican Negotiations With Italy Continue noma, Feb.

I. Ernesto Pa- celll, lawyer who hat been playing a prominent ptrt In negotlationi for settlement of the Roman question. it still busily engaged In carrying on tha delicate It wat leaned Saturday that Slg nor Pacelll, whose brother It pipal nuncio to, Berlin, hat an Interview with Pope Plue tvery morning. sometlmei at early at eight o'clock. Then he hit long conferencei with Monsignor Borgonginl Duca.

tecre-tary for extraordinary affalrt at the Vatican, "Principles of Mining." On toward the end of this volum he discusses labor unions." The gist oi wnai he sayt about them is: "At corporation! have grown, so h.vo tha labor unions. In general, they are normal and proper antidotes for unlimited capiuwau rhni unions usually pass through two phases. First, the inertia of tha unorganized labor Is too often stirred only by deroogoglc means. Lack or oaianc in wi leaders often make for Injustice demands As time goei on, men become educated In regard to Af their emDlovers. wh.n thl ttaee arrivea.

disappear! In favor of negotiation on economic principles, and the unions achieve their greatest re.i gains. Given a union with leaden (Continued on Pigt S-A, Col. 1.) li an. rn N'h 1 5 It 20 14 4 S2 to 1 34 1 It 0 i BO Bit. um Mf lork JJTiU Droit 80 0ta UltMPOUt Hl frtwUeo WlUprf 'Who's Ability to Negotiate Tactfully Displayed in His Mining Enterprises By William Hard.

tOHht. IM. fa Th P.nUfMHi.) You May Not Know' It- BIT Hie Bible tells a story which can be ai Interwting at the moit popular nTel or njlcrf story. It Is recofjnlzed as the greatest work of literature but have you-ever looked at It In the light of popular CRITICS tay that tn "The Gnphlc Bible" Lewis Browne ht brought out the romantic snd Interesting sides of this freit work. Someone has tald that It Is as Interesting as Island" start readlnir "The Graphic Bible" today.

Th first installment was published In list Sunday' rantagrapb and the raiid one Is found on yege 3-B today. It. Unt too Ute to besln. UXIVEKSlTr Hlsh school wins the McLean county founts-nient. defeating Hey worth.

32 to 17! Turn to the sports section pages 1. 2 and 3-C. for full Information on games in the McLean county tournament as well ss other tourneys. Scores of correspondents UirwiRhout Centrsl Illinois as well as a num-her of staff correspondents enabl The Psntagnph to giv th fullest coverape on sporting events. IN going fhroiich today's' Pantagrsph don't miss these high-spots: Karl K.

Kitchen's sparkling column "Up and Down Broadway." "The Day reviews of current books on the Music, Books and Art page; an interesting srray of local feature stories on page 1-D. Today'i Pintigraph Ptoa. Agrieultura Auto and Road Nawt .6, 7, 8-C Blooiriinaton Faaturat 1-D Bruca Barton J-A Bulletin Board Cantral Illinois Nawa 2- Church 8rvica Motor Tour Clattifiad 7 Coming Farm Saltt -D Crottword Pul Dam Fathion J'" Editorial Graphie Bibl Homa" and Community Information Sarvlca 6-A Junior Pantapraph 2-D, 3-D Kathltan Norria 8B Latter to tha Editor 8-A Markatt and Financial -D Mutie, Book and Art B-B Naw by Wira 1-A. -A Normal 'A Radio Programa Railroad 7A Raciptt Socitty 1i 2, S-B Sport 1. 2, 3-C Short Story 4- Tailing tha World "Who'i Hoovarr 1-A Will Rogtra flr.r contracts with trade-union were In Australia-He did business In that tightly unionized country fn virtually every successive year from 1898 to 1907 He j.

in that country for him- self and for his employers and his clients. He never nao there. It is further literally true that in the course of IS years aa a mnlover In coun tries numbering at least JO and ex hibiting employes wno varu highest civilization to the lowest savagery he never tiaa a strike -anywhere. iei not have allowed his employes to fv.r ha made money run u'ui shall accora- ana pmu ingly now quote as they were when he was In the dusty thick of the employer-em ploye conflict. la 1909 published a volurn on tlona.


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