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The Pantagraph from Bloomington, Illinois • Page 3

The Pantagraphi
Bloomington, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


Linebfti'irer Bros- 11 i ITTTVmi Social, FeraoMU and Baalnesa Matters-How Leave from the Live of Those who Dwell Around Us. But Win Disappeared A Election. A Panta.rapb.e Photograph of tb Coining Event To-day the second annual meeting of the Bloomtngton Jockey Club'commencet. All BANKERS. Jl'S'E SO.

1881 THURSDAT, Mr. T. Hitchcock, proprietress of tb At A telegbone exchange ha Just been er- tabllsbed at Lincoln. STANFORD, ILLINOIS. lanta Houte, 1 visiting friend lo McLean, tbi week.

will be admitted free, and a bicycle race and exhibition of all the stock enured 1 the pro. 'Squire J. D. Hogue, a respectable rest, dent of Hartsburg, Logan county, died last Mr. 8.

Elchberg, returned on Monday from HOUSE a visit to Champaign. Collection Promptly At Sunday. gramue. Many ttraogert are In the city, and the fair ground will probably be Prof. Nash, th phrenologist, lectured at the fended to.

In Champaign county Fourth of July crowded. Christian church, on Saturday evening. THE CITY. Flower very cheap at Holmes'. A'l numbers In Corallne corset open today.

J. E. Houtz A Co. Way down the price go on all kind of millinery poods at Holmes'. Closing out sale: (rood very cheap to close the season, at Holmes', A grand picnic at Stein's Grove Sunday.

JUST REMEMBER NOT TO FORGET THAT MINNIE M'KAY, THB INDIAN GIRL, WILL RIDE FRIDAY, JULY 1st, 1881. ALSO, REMEMBER NOT TO FORGET TIIAT THE Mr. Cheney wa busy all day yesterday celebrations will be held at Sidney, Tolono, Sndorus, Hensley, Mahomet, Fisher, Rsntoul STANFORD Mr. Keudall and Mis Bowyer, of Terre Haute, Indiana, have been (pending a few closing up affairs, and no leu than thirty ana uiuora. DKeoalT HaoEivai).

running horses were entared. The track is day at Mr. Ellis Song'. Papih Dioouxtu. liw-itrntft ILLINOIS.

Ml OUie Uowser left on Sunday night, to Mr. Cllnvbell, a teacher of the school In Melvln, is to teach the schools In Sibley, Ford county, this fall, assisted by Miss Marsh, Join her parents In Dakota. In good condition, and the stalls have been fixed up to accommodate all the horses. The stands were being erected yesterday by the cigar, candy aud lemonade vendor, who ABSTRACTS OF TITLE O. M.

Strong, father of C. R. of oi Muivin. thl city. I visiting here.

uuniiniuiv in ii, inn iHiuiius ui roaaieu coffee for $1 at Miller A Clirlsnian'i. A new mill, to coat aud to have a Miss Emily Beam, of Uloomingtou, 1 visit have secured privileges. The bicycle race to-day commences promptly at 2 o'clock, and ing friends nere. capacity of 2iH) barrels of flour per day, is to Detective MeClune, of Lincoln, was in L. llevan, one of our attorney here, ha AXl LOAX IIHOKKHS.

Two dlst'nct eUi of books, posted by different with our complete Judgment index, insures accuracy In making abstracts of title. J. W. COMPToN myl7 yl B. B.

Cor. Court-bouse Basement win be participated in by heron ell. JSd. be erected on the site of the old Esgle mills. Stewart and Elmer Folsom, Mr.

Holtslander gone to lowa wun an excursion party, or at uttawa. clpally made up of those who were on there the city yesterday, looking; after a "bird." Hats, hats, very cheap, at Holmes', The finishing tone work on the extensive front of the new jail was put la position having withdrawn. The race will be mile heats, best two in three, and will he the first bicycle race ever held In Central Illinois. It way to a national camp meeting, but John' Bishop Seymour Is arranging for the friend here thiuk he will pass a he has talillshtuent of an Episcopal young ladles' GREAT FREE FOR ALL will doubtless be interesting. rather a ministerial look about him.

seminary at Springfield. The Chestnut rest Miss Funk, of liloouiiiiirtou is vlsltlnir The Pantaokapu baa just turned outiome neat score sheets which can be purchased for deuce properly will be put into shape for that RESTAURANT. GBOVE STREET RESTAURANT, between Main and Center, Bloomlnirton, 111. Call In and But a souare meal for cent. myl8 y0 DAN LEY menas iiere.

purpot-e. five cents each, on tbe grand stand, imme Tne adage that "where there' a will there' a way," baa been verified here recent yesterday, To let, two nice, large, furnished rooms Inquire 808 North Gridley street, corner of North street. Special printing for the Fourth can lie dlately after the bicycle race, au exhibition John F. Strahal, formerly of Blooming- of all the horses will be made. ly.

Jlus, as la generally known, 1 a temper TAKES PLACE SATURDAY, JULY 2d, 1881. ance town, aud the boys who have a hanker Mr. Cheney has further shown Lis gener- ton, and recently a salesman In Linn A Scrugg's dry goods store. In Decatur, has ing for something stronger than the fluid ous spirit by Inviting Mrs. Ohr and tne or secured at the Pantagkaph otlice cheaper than elsewhere.

started a dry goods aud notion store for him pnans of the Orpbaus' Home to be preseuton from the public well, are bothered to get it, self In Decatur. Dr. 8. James had some tine wine of his own the Fourth. They will be admitted free, and Mr.

Cheney desires that all of them shall B. F. HOOPES, Wholesale and Retail Grocer, and Proprietor Bloomington Steam Coffee. Bplce. Hominy and Feed Mllla.

Headquarters fur tresh roasted eof-lees and all kinda of (round feed. Noa. 106 and 107 West North-at. This forenoon we will close out a lot of make stored In the cellar under Jlawn The Wabash is the name of a West' dry good store, and recently, on go come. All arrangements are perfected, ana no doubt the entire meeting will be a grand new paper published at Sibley, Ford county, AND DON'T FORGET TO REMEMBER THAT THE ing down to examine a bowl or his bust, he corded piques at 5c per yard, worth 10c.

J. K. Houtz it Co. Dr. Hill has leased his block, comer of found the cask empty, and after careful ex oi UOUI tE joiiusoii.

llio Jlt.Hil.idht is a success. It Is to be hoped that the citizens. amlnation he fouud the boys had been remov rcllcx of railroad news along the Hues of the one and all, will attend and show their ap. Front and East, to Dr. Hooper, for a term of A.

L. HATHAWAY. great Wabash rallroud. I. r.

FANOAKI. lug the iron grate on the outside at night, aud hud succeeded in getting away with his best preclatlon or this enterprise. QUERY. Thirty wells have been bored, dug aud BICYCLE MuESJHc FOOT RACES Pancake Hathaway, wine. bricked ou Hiram Sibley's Burr Oaks farm Central Lodge A.

O. U. of this cltv. Is the. Fourth of Jnly a National Holiday, oeia toeir semi annual election on Tuesday during the pant eight mouths, and two augers Ii evening, ana the followiug persons were AND ALL THE GOOD THINGS live years, from July 1st.

Urcen peas, new tomatoes, huckleberries, red rasp erries, California plum and pears this morning at Miller Chrlauian's. On Saturday morning at 8 o'clock betrln our great summer sale of dry good. atch for the bargains. J. Houtz Co.

Mrs. Sarah Hulllnger, wife of Mr. Jeremiah Hullinifer, on South Boone street, Is reported as being in a serious condition with are kept busily at work and wl.l remain busy the year out, unless the farms are supplied Or Is It Not? To the Editor-1 elected: W. H. Mason, W.

C. C. Holilit, Foreman; S. H. Noider, Overseer; T.

1). Tut lie lore inui nine. tie, Financier; J. M. Shlply, Receiver; A.J.

This question Is timely, from the fact that in some of our dailies la the suggestion that TAKE PLACE JULY 4th, 1881. The Muttoon Coal Company ha expetid- Randolph, Warden; P. West, Guide. AND BROKERS, NO. til NORTIT MAIN-ST.

(opposite Courthouse), BLOOM INOTON, ILL. Representing- old and reliable companies, unsur tbe sum of in linking a abaft to the places of business be kept open on the DAS' VERS. depth of -tiM feet They expect to reach a Fourth a day free to everybody to spend as LECAL. paying vein at a depth of tUHl feet, and will Burglar Unsuccessful Out lor Religions their patriotism may prompt. passed in me elementa oi saiety ana reiiarumy.

Unlimited facilities for placing large or small iaes on the most favorable terms. Losses promptly paid trom this office. Correspondence solicited. continue their efforts to Dud coal until that Yes. This is a strictly utilitarian age- depth Is reached.

Meetings-Church Courtesy Children' Sunday. utility and money. Make money Is the ar While playing with three other little gument, no matter whose rights aro invaded. Burglar tried to enter the residence of Ira girls, on Tuesday, at Mt. Puluskl, In the elevator of McFarlln Jt AVood, Eva, a five-year- Abbott Tuesday night, but were discovered or at what sacrifice.

Our businessmen, whose patriotism, whose sense of right and justice, and driven away. STATE OF ILLINOIS, McLesn In tbe McLean Circuit Court, ths Septsmber term, A. U. 1881. Manlia Burgwln vs.

Thomas W. Burgwln. Divorce. Allldavlt having been Bled In ths office of th Circuit Clerk of said county, satisfactorily showing that said delvndant, Thomas W. Burgwln, nut president of tha btate of Illinois, an4 subpoena having been issued against htm, return sols on the fourth Monday In September, A.

D. 1881. Now, therefore, notice la hereby given to yon, the said Thomas W. Burgwln. that the above entitled suH Is now pending In tne McLean Circuit old daughter ol Mcholas Hclmler, fell upon go hand in nana, cannot surety encourage such a spirit of avarice that Infringes upon Rev.

M. M. Longley held au out-door meet consumption. Every business man should be represented by special printing on the Fourth. At the Pantaorafu offke you can secure the best work at lowest prices.

If you intend to make a show in the Fourth of July procession, see to it that you leave your printing at the Pantaqraph establishment to be done. Mr. Lazell, of El Paso, yesterday accepted a position in the barber shop of Messrs. Miller Heinman, under the post-olHee. Mr.

Lazell took immediate possession of a chair. Dr. Everest, formerly of Normal, and of Eureka College, now president of Asbury University. will occupy the BROKERS. Gold and sliver watches, clocks, musical Instruments of every description.

Agents for the celebrated Automatic Cf pyiLg Pencil. We keep none but tne best aid latest styles ol jewelry. Prices arc as ow as wholesale bouses. Olve us a call and get prices. Watch work done in the best ot e.v'e Satisfaction guaranteed.

the drag belt and was carried into the sl.eller. rights given a century ago to every Amerl Ing in Mr. Win. Westcott's orchard, last Sub- Nothing but a mas of toiu-up humanity re. mains.

can, irrespective of nationality or color. Let places of business be closed, and employes bath, preaching to an attentive congregation. He holds another service In two weeks, In the An amusing strike took place among the claim their rights, ana one ana all enjoy tula Fourth of July, as it closes tne flrst half ceu same place. employes of the Streator House, In Strcator, Court, and that uuleas you shall be and appear be- i at i v. i.

l. No. 218 West sign ot balls and watches, Ac. dl y49 lore said court ou the flrst day of tbe next term It being made known at a meeting of the on luesday. I he force of waiter boys.

the Court-house la thureol, to be holden at HloomlWtnn. on the Baptist church that the Congregational bouse white, refused to work any longer under the tury in the mstory of our evergreen city. Laborer. A Plea for a Holiday for the Workers. To the Editor.

Ploominoton, June 29, 1881. I was closed for repairs, the church, by vote, head waiter, Henry Stanley, colorej; hence sent to the Congregational church au offer of pulpit of Elder Van Buskirk, of the Christian at dinner hour the proprietor, Maj. Ruggles, tbelr bouse for evening service, to which the PAINTING requested the chambermaids and laundry bECOM MONDAY OF SEPTEMBER, A. D. 181, and plead, answer or demur to said bill, th same will he taken as conlessed stralnst you, and a decree rendered according to the prayer thereof.

Dated at Blootniugton, this glut day of A. D. 1881. J. C.

McFARLAND, Clerk. Ib J. Bt-ooiiriiLn, Complainant's Attorney. je4w Congregational pastor seut a note of thanks, and it wa read in the Baptist house Sabbath a. m.

As the invitation and thanks were girls to go to the dining room to help out, which they refused to do so long as voting Will you kindle allow us to une your space to express our feeling upon the proposed meutioned at the Congregational service, evl arrangement In regard to keeping (tores Btanley was there. The Major immediately told them to go to the dining room or quit BAILEY PLUMB, deut pleasure at such courtesy was mani church, next Sunday. The twenty-first annual fair of the Atlanta Union Central Agricultural Society will be held at Atlanta, 111., September 5. t), 7, 8 and 9. For particulars, address J.

P. Uierony-mus, secretary, Atlanta, 111. Prof. E. Currier, formerly professor at the Wesleyan, was married yesterday at Pana to Mis Allie McCoy, of that place, a very fashionable young lady, well known open upon "The Fourth." We desire to cele wuiK, wtiere upon tney an quit, and the fested.

Major who weighs about 300 pounds and brate as extensively as any class. We have By the energy of the ladles of the Congre MASTER PAINTER, HO. 404 NORTH EAST-ST, TRUSTEE'S William N. Burrr aud Marunret Berrv. his Wit, ol the young Stanley did most of the waitln upon guests.

Tho house at present Is without a our friends visiting us to whom we desire to devote a little time. Our families have gational church, which is not easily estimated their house of worship, which bad clerk, waiters, chambermaids or laundry cluinis upon us for amusement, which we been in the hands of paperers last week, was county -of Cumberland and biate of 1111 LOIS, by their cruln deed ol trust, dated beputmhw ao, A D. laVft, duly recorded in Book aol Deeds, can not overlook. We want our national boll gins. ready for occupancy, and the little folks bad the first use for the annual children's meet here; daughter of a leading merchant of that place.

duv without engendering any feelings upon page 14a, In tha Recorder's office ot Cumber and PAINTING, GILDING, GRAINING, GLAZING, MAKBLINO, CALCIMINING, Ac. ar-DONK TO ORDER-DONE TO ORDER4EJ THE PRESENT CASH VALUE Mrs. Maltie of Richard Davis, the part of our employers. Should the stores county, Illinois, did convey to Corydon Weed, aa It affords in much plessure to call attention to ing. The relitting of the church made It trustee, ana to bis successors in trust, in follow The assessor's books are beginning to keep open for half a day Monday, one-half of very attractive.

The tables and stands full a farmer living a mile from Springfield, while walking from home to her fathers, half a our new line ol baby carriages. '1 Hey combine beauty, style and comfort In a higher degree than ing described premises, suuatea in mm couniy our class will be ooiiired to lose our pare in of pot flowers and bouquets, the former from Cumberland aud ttiate oi Illinois, to-wlt: The come in from ail over the county, the assessments beng generally completed. The law Is that they must all be returned to tho the day's enjoyment, who hope our employers ever ueroro. experience in iiantuing aineieni makes, and a careful study of the wauta ol the Airs, ueacan vvastiburu and tne children mile away, was accosted by a negro, who will give us this day without having to oe noilbeast quarter of the northwest quarter of seo-llon lourteen (14), ud ths sontbwwt quarter of the souti west auaitar. and the west lliun (16) had beeu In ambush, and who made improper personally arked.

Yours, Clkkks. seated in front of a very large congregation, all made a scene delightful aud inspiring. The pastor used the text, "I have come into county clerk's office by July 1st, which is next Friday. proposals. Frightened, she ran until ex OUR COUNTRY SCHOOLS.

ao es of ths southeast quarter ot ths southwest quarter of section eleven (11), all In township ten (10) north, range eight (8) ast of th third princi trade, enables ns to shew a stock unsurpassed lor quality and variety. Every carriage warranted. Prices moderate. FREELAND my garden," and for forty minutes the chil The Pantauraph establishment employs LIFE INSOBANGE POLICIES haustid, end fell fainting on the road. The negro followed hallooing to her to stop, but dren gave most earnest attention.

The sing A Pleasant Gathering In a District School. failed to come up with her. He again dlsap ing of gospel songs was truly Inspiring, Mr. pal meridian, cou prising va acres oi lano, which conveyance was made to secure tb payment of ludebtedneaa of tnuO. as shown by oo (eared In the underbrush.

Mrs. Davis is In Friday, June 24th, was the last day of certain promissory note of eight huudr, dollar, more workmen than all the other printing and binding establishments combined, and with the latest and best selected assortment of material and fastest presses, will make better prices than any other bouse. Tbey had at Heyworth on last Monday a delicate situation, and her death is expected. Henry Finer, formerly a waiter at the school in district No. 4, known as the Grant Arthur Abbott, a former teacher au long time a pupil, now a member of a quartette choir in Chicago, giving assistance.

The meeting was one long to be remembered. 216 N. Center-si, Bloomington, 111. bearing even dale wun said trus-. aea, pa awe the order of VV'iliUm U.

hesrdsley. and falling dae school, and an examination aud literary ex Commercial Hotel, Nashville, and William Our Illustrated Catalogue to any January 1, lt80, with interest thereon, altar ma Ltley, a shoemaker at Springtleld, were ar. address. turity, at tne rate oi eignt ptr cent, per annum, Davahle semi-annually aud HEYWORTH. night the severest rain storm of the seasou.

rested. Mrs. Duvis recognized L'tley as the COI-LKCTKD BY WE H. WHITEHEAD, Attorney-at-Law, BLOOM INGTON, through an organization possessing large experience in collecting such claims, and possessing the best insurance talent. Collections promptly made of disputed death claims, claims for dividends, and the values of lapsed and surrendered policies, and of policies In force, jelfi-tfsrt guilty party, having previously minutely do.

ercises were to be the programme of the day. The patrons and friends came, and brought baskets of provisions of all sotts, and by the hour of noon the house, which Is large and It was accompanied by more than the usual amount of thunder and lightning, and did Minor VIsitorM Young Thieves Various scribed bim. Ulley and were jailed. considerable damage to the growing corn Mentioning)). ureal excitement prevails, and it Is not Improbable they will be lynched.

and oats. The house of James Cooper, west commodious, was filled to Its utmost capac Mr. Charles Leeper, of Fort Worth, Texas, ity. Tables were constructed, and both old Whbreas, bald trust deed provides that In ease of dclault in payment of principal note or Interest coupons, or auy ol them, or any part thereof, at the tlmu and place aud In the manner specified therein, or delauli In payment ol taxes or assessment levied sualnat salt! vrenilses, or himich of kny OI the coveuants contained in said trust aeeC, then the whole of said Indebtedness may be declared due and payable, and, on the application of the legal holder or said note, the said trustee, or hi successor in trust, shall have tbe right to (ell the said Divinises In ths manner therein prescribed. and his sister, Miss Maggie Lecpcr, of Doca- aud young enjoyed a luxurious din Miles E.

Harper, of near Leroy, cele of there, wa struck with lightning near the flue, and the shingles torn off the roof for a space of ten feet long and seven feet wide. If followed the flue to the bottom, so damaging It so that it will have to be replaced with a new one. ner. The afternoon was devoted to recitations, declamation and singing, all of tur, 111., were here on a short visit. They both left here on last Monday evening for brated the 25th birthday on Monday.

Illinois Wesleran Uilrersitf, Bloomington, III. Lumber, which showed careful training and prepara A little son of Jos. Taylor, near Leroy, their respective homes. tion, and reflect great credit on the teacher. The fln-t Incorporated Business Co'lege the flrst fell from a fence and broke his arm.

W. H. 0luvee, who went to Ohio, lus The large new mill house at Opdyke.Ill., Miss A. E. Henry, who is known as one of Business college autnonr.en to grauuaie siuiicuib and confer diplomas the flrst business college In In which Mr.

H. Reiser has just commenced the most popular and efficient teachers of the week, returned home last Tuesday evening. snd apply ths proceeds of such sale a therein specified; and Whiuias, Hald trust deed further provide that In case of the death or Inability of the said Corydon ,1 1 1 -J UJIlll.m HchI.U, Ik. lllonmlnt'toii. tic course oi stuny emorarea me county.

Mrs. Dr. McFarland returned on Tuesday, boolts of five heavy Chicago business bouses, IHE CONTRAST to place the machinery, was struck by lightning Monday, and badly damaged, the fluid tearing heavy oak timbers into fine splinters. We are glad the directors have engaged her knowledge of which Is worth to the business stu GRAIN ber father, Mr. Dunn, accompanying ber dent more llisn the tuition for the entire course.

for the ensuing year, and also that she has consented to slay when she bad urgent offers home from ber five weeks' visit to her old IFhtle other linking J'owdtrs Krlucttc Short-Hand is tatmht by its author. It ha Just been compared in New York by llrowu's PhoLOL'rauiilc Monthly with U4 other sys homestead in Indiana. are laravlu lnftrraleil with in other places. Kcspectiully, M. Frt.

-AND Our assessor has closed bis books, and la bight men were at, worK at tne lime, ana an were knocked down by the shock. They had hoisted a heavy machine up through the hatchways in the floors, landed it safely, let go of the ropes aud stepped away from the hatchway just In time to save themselves Alum and other hurtful drugs, tems, and shown to he the briefest and simplest WU, 11 1 11 lllll.ul uu bbbw legal holder of said note, shall hare the option ot substituting any other person In bis stead, and the acts and doings of said party ao substituted shall he as effectual aud binding as if done by said Corydon Weed: snd uehsas, Maid Corydon Weed departed this life on or about November ltd, A. D. 1878, th holder of said note has therefore appointed the undersigned, Hudson Burr, to act in his stead: and uieucas, Default bas been made in payment of said principal note and the Interest due thereon through assessing the township. system before tne puniic.

experts in ii are in ao- Delightful Decorating. A couple ol small boys Here nave in uie uiand. Pend for circulars. mi-eoa-iy Tho decorators had a delightful time last week stolen three revolvers from the store of Stevenson Bros. Monday evening they were yesterday in the grand jury room, preparing from being knocked down by the shock through four high stories and a heavy machine to fall upon them.

Luckily no one placed in the calaboose, and two revolvers COAL. I. Ii. KRUM, decorations for the Fourth. The room is In were recovered, but the third one they sold for a mere triile to a young man of this place sustained any Injury mure than bruises, caused by falling against some pieces of Jantiaiy 1, 18H1, and by reason of such default said William C.

Beardi-ley, the legal holder ot said note, has declared the whole ol said indebtedness to be now due and psysble, snd has applied to the northeast corner of the building, and Is one of the coolest rooms in the city. Those who said that be bought it in Hlootnington but on notice on Tuesday morning that it who attended yesterday were treated to lem bave said premises sold ana lie proceeds mp was known that he had it. the revol plied according to the provisions of said trust onade, and the same will be given to day to 20 B. Flnnmlneton, 111. WEST Si HE ITEMS.

ver was back In the store again. Au exam anl3-y deed; and all those who work. All ladies and gentle pie should be made of some of these boys by Wueiieas, The wnole or saia inaeoieaness, on Warm- degree yesterday, aud still Bending them to the reform school at fontlac men who will, are requested to meet at 9:80 this morning and help decorate. Don't wait and It might teach them a lesson. the flrst day or July, A.

D. 1881, amounts to the sum ot eight hundred and sixty-four dollaja, not includlne attorney lees and costs of this proceed going up. for a further invitation. Come all who will. W.

B. Probasco ships 375,000 bushels cf SA YBROOOK. Norman Horses. ing, provided lor In said trust deed. Now, theretore, by virtue of the power In ma vested, as trustee by appointment, and in eompi" 03 ILLfMEYOOFAT Rev.

Hoffman The Comet de La Tnlfy A dispatch has been received from Dillon ance with the terms ot said trust deed, I will offjc corn East this week. P. W. Connor, cashier in the freight bouse, was overcome with heat yesterday. Engine No.

31 took thirteen loaded pas The Crop. the premises above described at public sale, to I A in France, stating tbey would ship ulKlieni Ulftuur, jur wji unuu, -vw ANDCURE DYSPEPSIA, LIVER their horses from London on July loth, and Rev. H. O. Hoffman lectured before tho of the Cumberland County Bank, in Neoga, Cum COMPLAINT, AND ALL DIS would land at Boston.

Y. M. C. Association on Monday evening berland county-llllnois, on -rm ir senger coaches to Chicago on No. 3, Monday night, making regular running time the en.

tire distance. EASES CAUSED BY tuiJAi, lux. us i isA i vi mjuii a. n. lnrii.

Mr. George Stubblefleld will atart for Subject "The age In which we live." Proposals For Iron Bridge. Sealed proposals will be received by the Com missioners of Highways ol ilie town ol Randolph, McLean county, Illinois, until noon July 2d, 1881, for the erection ol an iron brldire, complete, over the Klckapoo, two miles west ol Heyworth, on the Heyworih and McLean road; said bridge to be eighty feet in length, with roadway fourteen leet in the clear, to be supposed by stone abutments. Plans and specifications can be seen at the office ol the County Surveyor, at Bloomiugton, Illinois. Separate bids will be received for stone work or lor Iron work, or for both.

Successlul bidder will be required to give bonds for faith ml completion of work. Bridge to be finished by October 1st, 1881. Payments to be made on monthly estimates as work progresses. Commissioners reserve the right to reject nny or all WM. F.

DAMS, G. tl. CLARK, JOHN O.DAVIS, Commissioners of Highways cf Randolph Tp. France next week for a lot of Normans. He Esaulre Thompson, of Arruwsmith, is In at the hour of two o'clock In the afternoon of said day, with ail right and equity of redemption and all homestead rights of tbe said William M.

town. will bring several for Mr. Geo. Hanna, who is arranging his land near Hudson for a stock Berry aud Margaret Berry, their heir ana Magus Mr. R.

Newman was In atfenuance upon farm. David Vandolah, of Lexington, also Mr. Keating ran off the track with tho director's car, at East St. Louis, Tuesday. His engine was partly turned over, but not disabled.

No one was Injured. A tramp was killed at Alton Tuesday night. A whisky bottle was found by bim, has been kept unchanged in all its original ptiritu and strength. The best evidence of its safety therein, and will execute and deliver to th pur-haaer ornnrchasers at said sale a deed or deeds of bis father's funeral Tuesday. talks of going to France soon with Mr.

Hodg conveyance lu fee of the premises Sold. Creed McDanlels Is talking of taking In son, of El Paso. Mr. V. Is a large breeder of the Hot Springs, Ark.

He thinks the trip and effectiveness is the fact of its Dated June 1st, loot. HUDSON BFHR, Jefl-td Successor In Trust and Trustee. will benellt bis Health. having received the highest testi horses, having now line thirty broodmares. He intends to have the pure Norman.

Litigation Over a Small Sam. There Is too much Iteration of the Panta which indicates that be was drunk, and, it is supposed, fell in trying to board the train. Two hundred and eighty-four through monials from the most eminent graph 8 fathering of mat comet. Jim Ballard Arhogast discovered it on the night Communications addressed to J. O.

DAVIS, the vhemisis in United States, Yesterday Mrs. Mary J. Mayers, of Ells MALARIA. These Bitters not only give an appetite, but with It power to digest the food taken. Tbey make yon eat and at the same time enab'e you to get the good out of what you have eaten.

With their use dyspepsia disappears, the liver accretes Its proper amount of bllo, and the bowels move regularly in consequence. Carter' Liver Bitters also break up Chilis and Fever and Sreveut their return, and are a complete annate to all Malarial polson.yetentirely free from Ouinliie. thickened syrupy dose. Mo cheap whiskey und worthless roots. No food nonsense; but a really medicinal bittors, every drop of which la of value and will do someone good.

Sold In large pint bottles at One Dollar per bottle. Prepared only by CARTER MEDICINE (Mtkar, of Cartn'i LlUla Llnr Mil, 5 A 87 Park l'lace, Now York City. For Sale by W. W. Marmon.

Hevworth. 111. of the 21st as he sat with his girl. It will DECATUR AND SPRINGFIELD jel4-td-2t24 June ISth, 1881. hereafter be known as "La Comet de Arbo worth, commenced a suit in replevin before who have analyzed it, from its introduction, to the present time.

gast de la Tutty." passengers came out of St. Louis on tram No. 3, Monday night. H. F.

Moulton had charge of the train. Not bad for a hot night. Passenger traffic is demanding cars. The two new ones finished yesterday will be put In immediate service. These coaches reflect A.

T. Lawrenco, justice, against George W. (J wing to tne extreme warm weainer many There are no powders that bear of our citizens took their yearly bath lust Curry, constable of Ellsworth, to replevy some household goods sbe had loaded In a car 11 SOFT COAL tiiftier chemical tents, nor any evening. INFIRMARY. to ship to Indiana, her future home.

Mr. Our farmers have been unable to work that show so good results by the Curry had levied ou the goods with a writ of TEST OF THE OVEN. great credit on Messrs. Fagerburg and Town, send. A man was found dead at Bridge Junction yesterday by an engineer on a passenger their corn owing to the recent heavy rain.

The crops are looking fine and a large harvest Is anticipated. TT attachment for (J, which sbe says she does not owe. (Constable A. T. Lawrence went, to Ellsworth last evening to take charge of the It is a pure Fruit Acid Baking Saybrook will do ner snare toward tne sol Powder.

Made bit DB M. diers' meeting? Most of the soldiers In this BRANDON, Decatur, 111. train. From appearance he had been dead some time, and bad probably fallen from a preceding train. DB.

BRANDON, 211 South Flrth-et SoriMllelil, III. part of the county have signified their Inten STEELE PRICE, tion of participating. goods. The case will be vigorously contested The Old Timers' Dinner. The Invitation to dinner on the Fourth, extended by Mrs.

Palm, has not been definitely stated. It applies to those of the old Clilcago, 111., and St. Louis, They give special attention to the Fifth Anniversary of Their Marriage. Oelng to the Show This Evening? At the Opera House to-night Canfleld, Manufacturer of Lupulin Yeast TREATMENT OP THE EYE 4 EAR. WE KEEP CONSTANTLY in stock a larye line of envelopes, all shades and weights.

Buying direct trom manufacturers EnYBlopes On yesterJay Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hcover celebrated their fifth wedding anniversary, Gems, Dr. Price' Spnclal Flavoring Extract, 'and Dr.

Price's Uniqnn Perfumes. Alllnqolrybv mall promptly answered. Call address at either place. oSS-sia pinoneers heads of families who were here 55 years ago. The dinner will be promptly we are able to sell at lower prices than other douses In Illinois.

Pantaraph Bstabmsbm't. which will be July 4, and owing to the celel ration on that day, the day was recognized a Booker Lament's Humpty Dumpty company will commence a four nights'- engagement. To those who saw the show on the occasion of its recent visit it needs no com. mendatiin. It Is one of the best as well as at iuo'ciock, at tne residence or Mrs.

Patst, on wasningron, corner oi uridley. i ne few days prematurely. A great many of their friends from around Covel Joined with their dinner will doubtless be a most interesting STABS AND ST.RIPES. THE MCLEAN CO. GOAL CO.

Are now mining two veins of coal, both ot superior quality as compared with other bitnmluous coal, but different as to each other. In this case we are prepared to suit the most particular cub tomer, as either one or the other vein ts to give satisfaction. We also keep a snpply of hard coal, of the best quality, at lowest market price. Office, 106 East Washlngton-st (Eagle Block.) J. STEVENSOU, Secretary social event.

A Shut Down and Changes and Enlargement The chair factory closed for It annual shut-down on Tuesday. It will be stopped a funniest organisations now before the public. Canfleld and Booker are the great originals of all the acrobatic song and dance men, and the La moot trio of acrobats have never been surpassed in Bloomington for skill, grace and They work an Irresistibly funny pantomime, entitled "The Frolics of Koko," carrying a full brass band and orchestra, and a number of performers with good spe. cialties. How Richard' Parr' Foot Got Cut Mr.

Richard Parr, living In 8tout' Grove, week or ten days. Mr. Miner will begin moving out to day Into hi rew building, and U. S. FLAGS.

hopes to get in this week. He will start up as soon as be can get his machinery arranged. NO HARNESS. NO SPRINGS. NO RUBBER.

friends in the city, and at noon ealled upon them with baskets filled with the delicacies of the season, numerous presents. There were about fifty present, and a very pleasant time was bad. The following Is a partial list of the many valuable and useful presents given tbem. Table and folding rocker, Messrs. R.

R. Campbell, Geo. Rust, D. Hullett, W. Rogers, W.

H. Rogers, D. Stubblefleld, and Mrs. Harriet Eolow and Mrs. E.

Blair; a set of chairs, Mrs. 8. J. Hoover and Mr. W.

H. Newton; work basket, Mr. and Mrs. Sher-blne; xephyr wreath, Mis Nettle Rogers; picture frame, Mr. Arthur Rogers; plated butterdish, Mr.

and Mrs. Edward and w. H. Cut'ing; Brltarnia teapot, Mrs. Dr.

Hoover and Mrs. L. E. Randolph; pillow-shams, embroidered. Miss Msggie Rogers; embroidered Dillow-sbams and bed-spread, rs.

J. A. Rog The ckair company will occupy the shop ANEW SUSPENDER. cat upon the fence talking with a neighbor THE about the political situation at. Albany, hay.

ing left his scythe lying upon the ground be- FITZ WILLI AM SONS mm space be vacates with machinery of It own. Fourth of July Celebration. A full attendance Is requested of the members of the general committee for the Fourth of July celebration at the office of 8Uveneon Ewlng at nine o'clock Friday morning. The chairman of each of the other committees is requested to be present. A.

E. Stevenson, chairman General committee. Ha Si neath bim. Richard made some remark which did not coincide with the view of his Less strain when stooping than when standing- Bee one fij tigs ana you wui vunw. For sale by neighbor, whereupon the neighbor hurled a large stone at him, causing a hasty retreat, In which be came in contact with the scythe, ers; Majolica water picber, Mr.

S. A. Rogers; Majolica cream pitcher, Mr. Wm. I.

Newton; handsome writing desk, Mr. M. Matern; towels, Mis Adda Jackson; money, Miss Ad Piper; patent acalp raiser, Mr. L. E.

Randolph; set of plate, cup and saucers. GAM EELDMAN, One-Price Clothiers and Oeuta' Furnishers. which made a wound about three inches long and one deep In the ball of the right foot. Ore-Price Clothiers and Gents Furnishers. Now have on sale a large consignment of Flags, which will be sold at moderate prices.

Over 2,500 United States Flags, mounted on sticks, ranging in size rrom the small toy to a large-size three by five feet, suitable for exterior house decorations. Also Large American Ensigns, regulation sizes, in bunting, sewed and first-class in every way, ranging from 10 to 19 feet in length. Dealers snpplied at wholesale rates. Decorating Prints, in Na dOS North Cente street. Maln-st.

and goblets, Mr. T. A. Roger. US and '114 It.

aMm Notice to Bloomlngtoa Batchers. The butcher of Bloomington are re Try Carter' Little Nerve Pill for any Those person who do not need Iron, but who are troubled with nervousness and dyspepsia, will find In Carter' Little Nerve Pill a most desirable article. Tbey are mostly used In combination with Carter' Little Liver Pills, and In this way ofter exert a most magical effect Take Just one pill of each kind Immediately after eating, and you will be free from Indigestion end dyspepsia. In vial, at 25 cent. Sold by all druggUU.

Fox sale by W. W. Marmon. quested to meet at the market of Tho, Erwln case of nervousness, sleeplessness, weak stomach, lndigestien, dyspepsia, relief is suae. The only nerve medicine for the price in market, la vial at 25 cent.

For cafe by TAGS WE HAVE A STOCK OF ISo.O 0 tags, assorted sices, which we will put at lower prices than ever before offered Call or send for price an ample. FANTAOBAPH. Thursday evening at 8 o'clock, to make ar. rangement a ahall seem necessary for appearing In parade opon the 4th of July. Order committee of arrangement.

tional Colors, in great variety, by the yard. BLOOMINGTON, UJl, JUNE 25, 1881. W. W. Marmon..

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