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The Pantagraph from Bloomington, Illinois • Page 4

The Pantagraphi
Bloomington, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Council Notes. WANTED. TAKEN UP. HAKBN DP- A red cow, owner call on AS .1 imai InmnWUd Emerson sts. A SURE ENOUGH BOOM.

Nt Cap Full of Wind to Fill Vacant Col minis, but a Plan Materialized Into Actual Solid Ueality BUSINESS GUIDE. hrrt Um or If se until this hendmg (or 15 cents per ttiy, ur fiO centt Jr wrk. AddUiimal I ina i' I mm? rut Cah denm. 90IN0, 001XG, 0QWM. Sale at Au.tiou Toly Animal.

novel scene to-day will be the sale of a uoted speed animal at auction ot, the at sberili's sale. The beast to be offered lb this way is the gray trottinij mure Bird driven last summer by Mr. Charlie Welle, the well known horse jockey of this city. The mare is well known. She is a gray, almost white, and has a history of Importance and a record of M.

She once sold for 8,000, but of late years has not been valued so highiv. Seme time ago she passed into tne wt session of the HlgfyBros, Canton, JH. They sold her to a Chicago party, named Samuel Farr. for The note was dis counted by Mr. C.

D. Hoblit cashier of a Cton He is a brother of Mr. A. B. Hoblltt, cashier of the National State Bank of this city Armed with a judgment, the oU noTbeing paid at maturity, Mr.

Hob li Of Canton, came over to Wit citv night before last, to seek for the mare. He was accompanied Mr George BroWB, of St. Louie, who came along to identify the beast. She WSS found in Mr. Welle' possession, who had got he" from Mr.

Farr early last season, er at the Atlanta fair and several other airs in this vicinity. Mr. Wells had a la on the animal for board, Inch Mr HoWIt promptly paid, and the Sheriff took charge of i-Hiruie" and lodged her In Lander's barn To-day she will be sold at auction for what she will bring to satisfy the Judgment of Mr, Hoblit, unless Mr. Farr should put In bis appearance and satisfy all outstanding claims, which it is hardly expected that he will do. BlrdlS is fourteen years of age, and several good horsemen are of the opinion hat she COUld be worked up to as goud speed as she has ever shown, and the day was when SM kicked the dust into tha eyes of tbe best trotters on the Illinois turf.

FOlt MICK BRUTMB. The Contract for the Iliiildiiig of a Veterinary Hospital. Iiloomington is about to have what it bus long needed a horse hospital. Mr. John M.

Loving and Dr. W. T. Wilson, the well know veterinary surgson, have contracted with Mr. J.

R. White, the carpenter, for the building of a barn on Mr. Loving's property al 4M West Front street, to be fitted up expressly as a hospital barn. It will have a frontage of thirty two feet and a deptb of seventy feat, and two stories high. The upper tloor will contain a hay mow and grain Inns, and a room devoted to the compounding of medicines.

'Ihe Hist floor will contain a large office and a room for storing surgical and medical eppllaoces for treating sick beasts, and the remainder of this floor will be given up wholly to stalls, constructed with a special view to good light ventilation and cleanliness, and all tho point suggested by the latest discoveries in regard to the treatment of sick and crippled horses. Several of these will be box stalls, in which the occupants may be turned loose City water and all the modern conveniences will be supplied. The building will be put up as soon as the weather will permit, and will be opened for the reception of equine patients as early In the season as possible. The cost of the hospital will be about il.lHJU. The Story of a Seal King.

Jas. Smith, held in the county jail for larceny, has confessed. The ring which be stole was the property of Miss Mary Brack-ney, a teacher in the First Ward school. Smith had been employed to carry coal and do errands for the young lady, who lives with her mother over Mr. Stephen Smith's dry goods store.

Being asked one morning what his bill was, be said if Mrs. Bracknev would give him his breakfast, be would call it square. While she went into another room to get the meal, Smith espied a line seal ring, Worth 115, and pocketed it. This be afterward Bold to a young gentleman well-known in the city, for On confessing the theft, Smith told whom he sold the ring to. and the.

police at anea claimed it and restored it to the rightlul owner. The purchaser was innocent of any connivance In the crime, and lost but 5, of course. Smith will plead guilty to petty larceny, and receive a jail sentence, when the case is called for trial in the circuit court. -The following ware the important bills allowed: ktcLssn County Coal Company lias lol January Salaries Mayor and aldermen Csrt work fur health ortlcer Psy roil streel commissioner. Calaboose b- ,1 supply 315 Hi, 00 SO 88 47 50 isi Iaterct on cuy uow Alderman Wilson preset) ted a report on the investigation of Poliefmaii Press Butler, recommending no action.

Report adopted. The claim of Marshal Kuhn, of AJJon, for one-half the reward Offered by the city for the arrest and conviction of Devine and Williams, the murderers of Aaron Goodfcllow, Mr Bowel) was heard in Rutin's behalf. The matter WSS referred back to the Claims com-mlttee to report next week. The License committee, through Aldoriimn Vhite, reported in favor of licensing each amusemenl ball at fM) per year, or I40U fur the two halls. The average receipts par annum for five or six years past are Jmiij per year.

Alderman Wilson opposed so sweeping a reduction, and action was delayed one week. Alderman White wanted lo charge lumber and coal dealers, and all parties doing team ing and Charging for it, to take out teamster license for eueh team so used. Referred to the Judiciary committee for one waek. The In ok and-ladder company question was brought up by Mr. Keating.

It is likely that outfit will be ordered purchased next week. A Debuuehed Husband. A son of a prominent and honored man, among the founders of Bloomington, who has long been addicted to his cups, inter-ipersed with short spells of reform, is now groveling before the shrine of Bacchus. Ibis said to be abusive to his family, and his Wife is compelled to hide her jewelry In her bosom, too kt ei ber husband from currying them lo the pawn shoo. Il is not unlikely that a separation and divorce will follow, Ml mallei' of necessity.

Of Local Interest. The committee of Ways and Means has decided to put several classes of articles now taxed for Internal revenue on the free list. Among theso are bauk checks and patent medicines, It will be remembered that Mr. Stevenson, our retiring Congressman, msde a strong speech agaiimt the abolition of the bank check tax, and also gavo his reasons therefor In a published interview in the Pan-TAOBAPH some -Weeks ago. Ur.

Wakefield, of this city, last winter argued before the Ways and Means committee the necessity for abolishing the tax on patent medicines. Mothers! Are yon disturbed st night snd broken oi your test by a sick child, snffbrlnr and crying wliu the excruciating pain of cutting teeth If so, go once and get bottle of MBS. WIN SLOWS SOOTHINti SYKL'P. it will relieve tbe poor little sufferer immediately depend upon It Il re is no mistake about it. There Is not a mother un earth who has ever it who will not tell you at ouce that it will regulate the bowels, and jivs rest to the mother, and rebel and health to tli Child, operating like magic.

It Is nerlectly safe lu ase iu all cases, and pleasant to the taste, and Ii the prescription ol one of the oldest and best male physicians and nurses in the United States. Sold everywhere. 25 cents a bott le. ASTROLINK SNOW-WHITE BURNING OIL. II will bum without smoke or smell, does nut char i bo wick, iiini for brilliancy of light basuever been excelled.

If you wan) sue 8ne burning oil Inquire for the Astrollin WHO KS ALU AND RETAIL VIKNT, W. MARMON. 3-It also can be ob'sined ol the following gro eery men Fred. Walkon, rink 4 tTbltUsr, li. W.


FIRST APPEARANCE OF 6ILMOBE A vii os i HUMPTY DUMPTY AND DOUBLE SPECIALTY TROUPE, Including the lireat, the only, the original American GRIMAL I (ALFRED F. M1A0O); jennle llinco, champion scarl long and dance and skipping rope dancer; Prof. 'John White and his troupe ol trained Aubray and Dashwsy, expert gymnasts; Millie Laura Mlffco in the wender-nil balancing tritpese act Eddie Manning, Lancashire chin dancer: Allie Smith, jig and reel danctir; Leon Whettony, the greatest animal impersonator living, Introducing bis baby elephant, living alligator and monkey and others ol equal merit, together with Prof. Gray's military brass baud and orchestra. MATINEE nt 2:10 Adults, 25c children, lfe.

POITLAK PRICES 85 and 86 cents. No extra charge lor reserved seats. Seats lor sale at 1 E. Fell's. Doors open at performance begins at 8.

rt st JUBLEli II A 1. 1.. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 0, 1881. Rev. Conn Haney Will deliver his celebrated lecture, entitled IRELAND AND IRISHMEN Under the auspices of the THOMAS DAVW CLLB, of this city.

Doors open at 7, Lecture to begin at 8 o'clock. Admission to all parts of the house, 25 cents. )IKLEV HALL ONE NTGHT ONLY TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 8iH, 1881. RETURN (BY SPECIAL DESIRE) OF THE FAMOUS COMEDIAN, MR. ROLAND REED Supported by the Charming Artiste, MISS ALICE HASTINGS, and tbe Original Great Com-pany, in tis entirety, that recontly appearnd In i.1"" city, creating such com neutol approval, fepestiBg their unprecedented success, by Augustiu Dulv'i 1 1 his widely known and highly-appreciated ssodsra comedy, of AN ARABIAN NIGHT.

This maguiflcent troupe are now on their triumphal reiuru tour, repeating Ihe cities in whicli they recemlv appeared, previous to their opeiiin-at the Grand Opera House iu Chicago, aud Eastern cities to follow. For particular see couriers. This will he tne only opportunity this season to enjoy this tno best comedy and company before the public. Reserved seats are now ou sale, without extr charge, al Maxwell 4-1 I Frank Bobltt, fu Jacob Funk A B. Hobit President.

1 1 V.Pres't. II Cashier. ATIONAL STATED ANK, rANTliD A girl to do general hOUMwork call at st. tver W'Aated-a good German boy, about it ysara old Apldy to msniita'clutiiig depart-ment ol Pantagraph, from 8 to s. 30 a.

m. to-day. flit rTTANTBD TO RENT -A Isrgr, roomy, coin- fortable house, Coavsnlently situated, with a. ttianv as (lie In I royms, lor a permanent aim ever) way first class tenant. Call at Williams Burr or Bunn's bank.


We Mean wnat We Say. That Kaloon'a BotlS Weed Balsam has no equal for COUgbs, colds, croup and all diaeases ol the lungs, kulnevs and bladder, and, to make our ward good, warrant every bottle, Ask your drugglat for it, or call at the rectory, No. 888 Enat Bloomlngton, in. C. B.

castlk co. dl r48 WANTED. rno BUTE a feW good grade Norman stallions, I trom three to the years of age; also some horses, weighing from ten to lilteeti hundred poiied-, and some inula. II. D.

STONE, 8-818 At Allin'a Barn, Blooniington. 8. Sealed proposals will be received until February (8, tssl, al 1 o'clock p. lor the wrought and cast iron work, also lor the carpenter work, plus-taring, painting and glazing lor the McLean County Jail, at Bloomlngton. Illinois.

Plans and peclflcatloni can be seen al II. A. Miner's architect office. The Building Committee reserves the right to relet any und ullbidt. A.

BROKAW, JtJ id Chairman Building Committee. AI'TOMATIC You nitiv find me at 107 South Center Ht Wber I have Hovoral of these planters! In regular working condition, on exhibition or for aale. Parties dtiHirlnsr to purchase planters for the cominft Hoason will give me your order as soon an postsible, for tho demand la large and constantly ncroassinK. This planter does away with rope wire or boy dropper. W.

H. HAWORTH, 107 S. Bloomintfton. ill. CARD.

Having made arrangements with DR. D. S. DYSON to take charge of the prescription depart menl wf my buslneee, be will lie ready to servo the public with accuracy, skill and dispatch 1 1. DI NS, Druggist.

Ve have 'list received our new stock of jewelry Silverware Including the latest patterns of Gents' and Ladies Gold Watches and Chains Diamond Rings and Mela, all ol hich will be sold cheap lor cash. Call and see ns. I. DUNN CO, dl! 8m opposite the Post-office. Lumber, GRAIN -AND- COAL.

I. Ft. KRUM, auPl-v H-J) B. Grove Hloomington, 111. EAMBURGH EMBROIDERIES.

Romanesque Designs. Exquisite Workmanship. IHLiy on enilcr couulcr, lo-lnj the Imported etylee in Iltiin Lniliroideries. Thin nlh r-in. lor Ilrinitj ol Uosi-n.

4 i il- anil IVrleel ion ol loth iiikI my ottering made heretofore. MODERATE PRICES. MODERATE PRICES. MODERATE PRICES. DECATUR AND SPRINGFIELD INFIRMARY.

DR. M. BRANDON, I DR. BRANDON, Decatnr, 111 1 211 south Finh-st I oiiUdlM, III They gWe icrial attcnttuii to ihe TREATMENT OF THE EYE EAR. All inquiry by mall promptly Hnmi Call ruMrt't cither place.

u'-tim Comuass Corn Planter Fitzwilliam Sons FITZWILLIAM SONS. IIloomlnKton, January 17, 1881. Jl FEBRUARY 8, 1W1, THE CITY. Service'-as unittl to -morrow in the Tree CoDffrefatlonal (Unitarian) church. Subjact, ut "The Uay uf Judgment." Thera is nmsenm running In full Must In a vat-ant 6tore-room on North Main ftruet, Which draws well.

The performances behind the curtain are neither belter or worse thau hOWl of this class. The Sunday school missionary concert for February will be held at Grace M. K. church i northeast corner Main ami Locust) to morrow evening, beKinninK at 7 o'clock, sharp. A very full and entertaining pro gramme has been prepared.

All are invited. ome. Miss leanlt I.oban, the cestumer, will arrive In Bloomlngton this evening with costumes for the Mnnnerchor ball, on Monday night, which she will display in her rooms over the St. Klmo restaurant. Interested par tiss should see her as soon us possible, and obtain tlrst choice.

The management of the Indiana, IIloomlnKton Western road have fully decided upon expending a handsome sum ot money this vear in cutting down grades on the line. It It yearly becoming more apparent that roads Which have light grades are operated on a much smaller per cent Ol the gross earn ings than are Ihe roads which have heavy grades. Kor this reason the Chicago Al ton is devoting its energies to levelling its lines. The Lake Erie dk Western has been making very free with the streets of Fiunkfurt, and on Thursday the working force of the road was arrested in a body by the city marshal for obstructing a highway, and lie ties and iron removed from the street by a force of, extra police. Hundreds of people gathered around the scene of operations, and public sentiment is very pronounced against the Lake Erie road for tho outrageous proceedings.

For some time certain small boys have obtained free admission to the shows the Opera House by entering the old Democratic headquarters, in the rear of Mr. John T. 1.U-liard's law office, and looking through a win dow in th room, which commanded a view of the stage. Messrs. Tlllotson it Fell blocked that little game by barricading the window in such a manner as to shut oil" tho view.

The ghostly halls of the Democracy are no longer haunted by the small boy in consequence of this strategy. A railroad company has been organized Under the name of the l'coria A Pekln Hail-road Company. The company proposes to operate upon a system similar to that of the Ihlcago A Western Railroad Company, do all the busihsss between Pekln and l'coria, and the switching at both points for the following roads: Tho Indiana, BlOOBSlngton Western, the Peoria, Decatur dt Evaneville, the 1'eoria, Pekln fc Jacksonville, and the Wabash. The four lines named are parties to the contract, and arrangements will bo made by hich the Illinois Midland and the P. 8.

W. will co operate with them. AMUSEMENTS. HL'MITY DUMFTT. Gilmore A Mlaco's mammoth "Humpty Dumpty" company at the Opera House this afternoon and evening.

The troupe is spoken of In the highest terms wherever they have appeared. The RalamaaOO Gazette says: "The performance was all very superior, and gave tho very best satisfaction. The trained dugs were a whole show In themselves, and the horizontal bar performance was fine; the ballad-dancing excellent, and Miaco as Humpty Dumpty kept the audience in a perfect uproar." The Detroit Free 'mi speaks in flattering terms of the show, as follows: "The action is rapid, tho fun is spirited, Alfred F. Miaco is a very amusing clown and tbr. remaining neonle are In the riirht places.

The second act is devoteu to speciauu-A, among the best seen upon the Detroit stage in several years. Aubrey and Dashaway do a brilliant horizontal bar act. l.aura Miaco performs startling feats upon the trapeze. Jennie Miaco's scarf-song, with dance, is admirable. A troupe of educated dogs delight the children, and Alfred Miaco docs wonders ou stilts." Kemember, at tho Opera House this evening, and matinee at Admission, twenty-five and thirty-live cents; reserved seats secured at Fell's drug store.

"an a a i a NIGHT." This famous comedy, with the now famous comedian, Mr. Roland Ueed, in the leading role, will be presented on Tuesday, February 8th, at Durley Hall. The play was presented here not long since with marked success, snd many of the theater golne people will remember some of the leading characters, who are still with the troupe. The play is a pleasing burlesque of the highest order, and is received everywhere with great favor and satisfaction, The Gilmore-Miaco Humpty Dumpty company, who play here tonight, were wrecked on the P. A S.

W. railroad, near Mlnonk, on Thursday, but were uninjured. PERSONAL, Judge Reeves' joungest child is dangerously ill. Mr. Crane, of Kankakee, is in town on business.

Mr. Charles Radbourne has gone to Hot Springs, Ark. Mr. August Winich, ol Pekln, Is In the city, the guest of Mr. Louis' Lowentraut.

Judge and Mrs. Benjamin gava a dinner party to a few of their intimate friends yesterday. Mrs. Walter Stoutz, of St. Louis, arrived in tho city, and will visit a few weeks with her parents.

Conductor Chas. Blessing, of the C. it went to Atlanta on yesterday to attend the bedside of his father, who is Lot expected to live. Mrs. May McGregor bus been unexpectedly called home to Chicago, and will leave OU Monday.

She had expected to remain some time longer. Miss Laura Chamberlain, daughter of the well known druggist, T. Chamberlain, of St. Louis, is visiting her cousin, Clara McCoy, for a few dajs. Dr.

E. Stevens, of Knnsas City, is in the city, and is stopping at Wait's Hotel. He is here on visit of pleasure and recreation, and will stay some weeks. Mrs. J.

Lennon, wife of the West Washington street grocer, left Chicago for Joliet yesterday, where she will visit friends and relatives, and then return to this city. Miss Sailie Anderson returned home yesterday from Wilmington, accompanied by her friend, Miss Llssie Baker, of that place, with hom she lias been visiting for the past two weeks. Conductor Frank Smith and Rev. Gene Schneider were warmly congratulated yesterday by friends, who rejoiced to have heard through 'the personal column of the that the former rae happily mated and that the latter had turned from the error of his ways. Mr.

Dick Spurgln, formerly of the Dm2y Mail, but now a compositor on the Daily In-tir Ockm, of Chicago, has been visiting in the city fur a few days, but returned to Chicago yes erday. Mr. Spurgln wag offered a ease on the Bloomlngton Lulletin, but refused to accept it. Dick anted a foremausbip. Mr.

H. D. Spencer arrived home ester day from New Orleans, having had a very-pleasant and invigorating trip through the South. He repoits that his mother, who went with him, and Is visiting ber son in Texas, is much better, ber eyes having nearly entirely recovered from their atfection. NORMAL.

A I oy baby at John Herman's, of Normal. A eirl baby is a late at tiilbert Framley's. BATURPAT, LOST. A Masonic gold pin, compass and sijr.arc, between the Post oittce anil n. Main st.

Datura to BAKER and NMtV a liberal reward 1 4 tit 1 OUT Check on National Bank ol Blooming-I Ion, dated an nary Vfi or Wth, 1881, tor one hundred and eighty and St HKi i $lao. SI dollars, payable to Michael Zimmerman or bearer, signed B. J. Forbes a Co. All perrons are cautioned against buying said check, as payment on same has been stopped VALENTINE NAFFZIG invert, 111., Psbrnary 8d, ishi.

FOR RENT. 1 ioH RENT A Mfi-SCrS Inrm 7 miles weat of I town Inqulrs ol Bad s. fl-nt RENT Two houses ol 8a rooms ea "'11 located. 011 OB MRS. PLAGti JlStl WATER! lr, BARREL load ol city wuter, delivered to I an nart ol citv.

Leave orders at No. Engine house or Street ear stables II A LAW FOR SALE. lOR SALE -One ol the tieat restanranta til Centra) Illinois for sale at a bargain, Inqnlrt st the Pantagraph office, or apply to R- B. vi IL BON, Fairbnry, III. 1 "oi; sai I'iitv Improved farmi In Mont gomery county, Kansas.

For particulars ad. drees, with tta np, JAB. v. WILLIS, Cheiryvsle, Kansas, JlMm 'OK SALE CHEAP The old Frankebetger i p. i I'eiitir ami Madison.

A 'E DaMANGE, 818 North Center st. CfWR BALB BALE The valuable properly, consisting two lota, Not. 810 and Ul Bast ew buildings, in perfect condition i suitable with new buildings, In perteel condition i suital lor small hotel, rciaurant, boarding house, salo i i. i i te so, i a rcmuuum Ml res. For further particulars address DR.

KOPF. 15I0 East rJioomington III. jlS-8m ') ACRBB adjoining the water works For tale, OU II Make I residence i roperty in the city in part payment From no to 110 acres, within two miles ol the citv, at a bargain. Two 40 acre tracts, on North Main 01 aale cheap. SWANN A BLssIP)- I 'till SALE Houses and lota, in various parts Jj of the city, at prices from foOO and upward! also vacant ana business jots; also acre property adjoining the of Which we will sell on long time, or cheap for cash.

SWANN A Ellis east side ol snuare. aul8 II Uolt SALE A nice four-arre lot on the weal side oi white Oak road, doe weat of the Chicago Alton railroad shops. Also, lots alne and ten, In the twelfth addition to Normal, containing marly lour acres each; joining the Soldiers' Orphans' Home grounds, on Beech-st. AIo, three one-tore lota on the soul li side of Dale al Normal, a abort distance west ol Normal niveisit grounds. Also, the two McCambrldge housea, on Fourth.

st Normal, two minutes' walk from C. A. and Illinois Central station Each bouse has seven rooms. Tin- property is in good condition, and will he sold low WM II WHITE HEAD, Attorney at 1 Center St, Bloomlngton, 111. jl ti IiOR SALE lim acres improved, laud In Mc Lean county at I 00 per acre.

10 aim lot west ol Normal. acres south ol Leroy. HO-acre lu, proved farm, ho-acre Improved farm. IliO acres nort Ii of and near Towauda; two good I tes and other tmprovementa. Price, $ns per comi'Ton i co.

710H SALE -CHEAP House and lot No. 908 Jj In Phoenix addition 61x181 feet, south trout; lour rooms ami basement kitchen. A bargain. WM. II WHITEHEAD, attorney at law, Center over Bunn's Bunk.

jl7-tl lioit sale OH TRADE Plantation ol 4U acres in Misst-sippi; good corn and cotton land: 880 acres improved. J. W. COMPTON 00. nlti-y4 IOK 1 pM SALE Four line residences in the best luirls ol the cilv.

at pricea laiiL'iug Loin $4,600. 11 BROW office over Bunn's FOR SALE- I oiler my entire stock of groceries and store llxtures for sale at a bargain. A rare chance lor a man to go Into a business al ready established and having an excellent trade. Location one of the heat ihe city. Satisfactory reasons for selling.

Terms reasonable Address C. M. CAMP, :117 Center Bloomlngton, ill. euS7-tS8 LMdl SALE-A two story house, with buck ad-Jj dition, containing, In all, eleven rooms, pis pipe and fixtures all through the house, together with three hall acre lots, well supplied with fruit of various kinds stable on the premises, about 18x88: with com shed and other outbuildings necessary for convenience. To appreciate the conveniences of ihe premises, call and examine them.

Price, $5,000. Terms, one-third cash, the balance In one, two and three years, with 8 per cent interest. B. C. RCSUMORB, P.


ltOleet South $8 per foot, 100 feel Street Car line, per loot. 60 leel per loot. BO leel Soutll Clinton, $t) per loot. 6 leel East Woodard, ill per foot. 180 leet East Mulberry, 17 per toot.

160 feel East Chestnut, per foot. Ho feel North Center, per loot. 60 (eel Street ar line. Jlo per loot. 50 feet North East.

lo per loot. 68 teei North Prairie, 810 per foot. 80 leet West Urine, $10 per foot. Pi feel East Douglas, Jit per toot. 86 feet East Douglas, $11 per foot.

Loii sale Lots with tmprovementa, for which no la made beyond value of ground i fio feet North Mason at with cottage, $8. 86 leet South Grove, with cottage, fin. Ml leet South Main, Willi coitllL'e, JUL 60 el West Jefferson, with cottage. $11, 180 leel Easi Urine, witli cottage, $11 60 leet Noilh McLean, with cottage, $16. 0.

It. HARRIS. 1or BALE Beautiful home on North Main J' street, Fine 8-story residence, East Locust at. New and nicely built dwelling, north part city. Large grounds, with g-atory larm house and brick liarji, cheap.

Fine 8-story residence, large grounds, beautiful location, neat Franklin Park: must be sold. Nice 8-Story residence and corner lot, East Grovc-st. Neat cottage. Water-it. Two story dwelUAg.

Darn and large lot, near Union Depot, tor a lillle money A few good houses near the business ceutor. Call tor location and prices, jl O. B. HARRIS. IN.

LAWMAN'S .4 I Office Midi D. Miller, No. I iisliin" ton-alt, bOlt SALE A good brick business building on South Main st. A good brick business building on the north side of he square. A good brick business building on the east side id the sguare.

A good brick business building on the west side ol the square. Three good brick business buildings on Front-st choice location. Some of the above properly will net 8 per cent, on investment, besides givtng, purchaser the ud vantage of the expected rise in leal estate. 7 OH BALB Tacant business lots on Front-st X1 Vacant business lots on Center st. Vacant business lot on East Woodard st hiOR SALE Residences on Mulberry Residences on East Locust st.

Realdeni es on South Evans-st. Residences on North Pr.iirie st. Residences on East Olive st. Bteeidenoes on South Water-st. Residences on BoUth Oak st.

Residences on Bast Jefferson -st. Kesldenees on Washicgton st. If you wish to buy a residence stutc price ai location, and we think we can sail you. ACRUS li. miles ironi Farmer City, so acres 18 miles east of Bloomlngton.

so ai res Kansas land to trade lor dwi Hit 400 acres miles soutli ot Towanda. 88 acres miles from sttpomlngton. phi acres fi miles south of Farmer City. acres miles southw est of 111 lomtngton. SJ acres iu Pettis county.

Missouri, font miles trom Sedalia. aoacresncar Hudson, improved timber farm, 88X8 180 a'-res ctii trad" i in Wilson county, Kansas. Si) acres 'i milna trom Hudson. "I TOC wiah to buy a house, sell house buy or 1 aell a fsrui, tall and see me. OlOy I.N.

LAWMAN Real Estate Conn SPECIAL NOTICES. 1AKK, river and ocean Ircsa fleh to-day ut AL-J 1)RI IIHOS. WE offer a few brand! of choice Bellcflowet and Northern Spy apples, this morning. ALDRli ii BKOb itTK expect to receive to dai i oad extra Yv Mb Lust, apples, contai, ug a Urge Dam-bar of tin' moft dwdrab'e varieties Don't full to sec il, cm ALDRICII Blti "VERT Okoioe Sweet elder ai ALDR1CH BBOH A VEIiYclmli lot Jersey weal potatoes lor tall morning at ALDRICII ANNOUNCEMENTS. Kor Township Collector.

f-EN. RISER is announced ne candidate for JD the office of Collector ol Boomington town-ablp. subject to the decision of the Republican couvcutton. COOD MORNINC. -votNG business al leal expense limn other XJ concerns, and buying lor each, are the reas-una 1 can tall good goods cheap i ash.

School nd blank books, slat lo'u rv, albums, new stock ol wall paper anil shades, 4c 4c. Headquarter! 3 i .1 i i 1 1 i lor vuicuiiiies iy STElN's, 41" North Main-st. CICARS. rpKY the "Siime aa Laat" cigar For aale al QBO. BLUNT'S i gar store, 308 West Front at.

You will never regn I it. Jl-J HONEY. "CHOICE extracted and comb honey for aale ij. ui.i fi CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. A LSO all kinds of Jobbing dune neatly and nromntlv.

Work warranted. Oim- me I call. A. Hi ERLY, 8U B. North at nlliy DYEING AND CLEAN I NC.

LOWEST price, beat work, the old reliable Bloomington Steam Dye ill North Main-st. and iTotl Sou Main-st. B. Ml Mini. LAM).

CRECORY Fi.ORl..TS. A7 1NTKR-BLOOMINU PLAN I Fall Bulbs, Hyacinths, Tulips, Lilies, Out Flowers and Floral Decorations. Ureenhousei on Bail Grove-ft. mjlly STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS OF family groups, residences, Ac, taken on short notice, and all klndi of photographing lone by 0. Ul southeast corner Center and Wsshington-sts.

nUU HEATING STOVES. rpHlT ST 1 STKR BASK BUHNEH hat ear failed to give satisfaction, It la readily controlled, and la a inoat nnerlul beater. Its beanv is unequalled by any. Kor aale by BOL DER, MILNLTi CO. nii.Vy SMOKERS' ARTICLES.

A WHOLESALE. I'ipca, bowls, cuar ami J. cigarette-holders, sterna, bitta, reeds, Ac Ac. A full line. Call and examine at II.

A. NICHOLS', 104 North Main it. m38-j MUSIC. MISS E. A.

liuwAHii, ti achei ol piano, organ, vocal cultars, guitar, painting and drawing, Mo. 408 Bast North-st. jl-y PROF. BETTER, teacher ol vocal and instrumental music. Rooms in Minerva Block, BH North Maiu-at.

Specialties: solo ringing and piano playing. tnS8-y PHYSICIAN. JM. miller, Physician and Surgeon Spe cial attention given to diseases ot the spine and orthopaedic surgery. Office, 113 Front op poaite post office.

n8 HALLETT, M. 1., Bomeon thic Phyalcian i trtttiecszt- rtttce nurn-A aHif. 5 to 7 p. Sundays, 1 :80 to 8 in. jui-y SPECIAL NOTICE.

PUILI1' RYAN, 407 call and see Ins tin. N. st invites all to line ol heating and cooking trivia Tbe lor liard coal anil the Ar gaud" for soft coal are the very beat made, and ahonld- be seen by all desiring lo pun tmse. 01 cook stoves the "Omaha" and "Pullman" are lar auperior to any In the market mlM-yU WALL PAPER. I HAVE a loll assortment ol wall paper and window shades.

Be sure und see my stock before K. SHIELDS, 404 North Maln-at. tl-vin-v JAM banging wall paper cheap. Leave orders at Theron Veil's drug ston or at No. 4ln North up stairs.

AL. MINER. m24-ly TAILORING. TP TOT want a suit ol Bret class clonics, cut tti the latest fashion and made out of the best quality ol goods, do not fail to visit MEY'EKd MARTENS, Merchant Tailors, at their store, No. 110 South Main st.

They will treat you politely, guarantee a UL. suio-y MARSLE WORKS. YrELCOME B. MOORE, importer and mann- VV fcctnrer of marble and granite monuments. All werk warranted.

Large monuments, eithei In marble or granite, a specialty. Oflli and work-, 11 weat Bloomlngton, LI Come and look at my stock before you order. mySi 8m STEAMSHIP TICKETS. LOW rates now given for paa'age trom Europe ttf Bloomingto'u WM., Agent.

Je9-y PASSAGE TICKETS to and trom Europe al the lowest rates, and lore in exchange. C. HBN'N'ECKE, a-ent, lib Nort Ii Main-st. JlT-dm BUCCIES AND WAGONS. JO'NEIL.

Bugfles and prlng wagoni made and repaired. Best material used. All work warranted. No. xHIT E.

Front-st. Jy8-y CICARS. AT N'OAII ARK you will always and me very best cigars on the market; also all kinds of tobacco. nils ARCHITECT. HA.

y'NEK, Office with Bloomlngton Chair manufacturer ol Sash, Blinds, Mouldings, Office and Library Furniture. Jl-yly FURNITURE. N. WARD, I3 North Main st. I lowest prices.

Best goods at NP. PERRY, dea ur in new and second hat, furniture, itovea, crockery, glasiware and notlona, No. 317 North street, Bloomingtoi II. mtw-vli FOR TRADE. TjOH TRADE OH SALE Fiim resiib nee prop-X" erty, worth $10,000, In st part ol Blooming ton.

Also two splendid burincss lots In Bloom, lngton, worth and JI.SOO. Would trade lor No. 1 McLean county farm. WM 11. WHITE HEAD, Attorney at Law, Bloomlngton, 111 am-tt34 MONfcT TO LOAN.

TONE TO LOAN At levaaj per cent, inter- i.VX ei eat, paid once a vear. Loan may be paid in lnatallmenta. J. V. COMPTON office Southeast corner Court house basement.

nlS-y4 MONEY TO LOAN In sums of $500 to at 7 per cent, interest, on tirst-class real estate security. SLADE liADLEY, north weat corner of Main and ft'erson sts. nSO-U MONEY TO LOAN At seven percent OO Ural class security. It. s.

MoINTYHE, Baal Estate and Loan Broker, irley Hail Build-lug, Bloomlngton. 1 jrl-y MONEY TO LOAN 1 ey on hand to loan at sc en per cent crest. tS-j ft. OATEN, on. 111.

MONEY TO LI AN In lart-e small -urns, at lowest rate of interest. T1LLOTSON FELL, Northwest comer Court-hous Basement. wf ATTORNEYS. in i.M As i i In Chancel minlngton. 111., will practice lu the several i i i the Appellate Co arts and in the Supreme Court the fjtmte, and in the Cln Courts ol the t'nltod SUies, at 8pi.

wi'n an 1 I ag Offioooverths Poet-office. ly3o-ly Minor's Model Mechanical Mansion. -Bloomlngton Is soon to have another factory of importance. The Paktabaph alluded some time ago to the fact that the Bloomlngton Furniture Manufacturing Com pany needed the sbop-room occupied by their tenant. Mr.

H. A. Miner, the architect and builder, and that the latter would soon va cate. Mr Miner, for his own convenience, had found it imperative that he should have more shop room. Accordingly, month ago according the public records, he rogh of Mr Walt Uog'-rs and others the Allm lot, Wag just north of the organ factory and east of the ity I across the street.

The lot purchased is 60 feet front and 16 ''Miliar contemplates the erection of a hop 00 feet square, the building occupying the entire width the lot In prder gt through to the rear with teams, a driveway will be made through the building on the Urst floor Si ng the south side. TBISBOF will be built of brick, it, the most manner, with a tin or grav.l roof, WU have a basement, ground floor and upp. 'tory. The front will be of glaselnj th. stile of modern store fronts.

The office, which win be large and convenient Kran.ed.wlH be the tipper floor and will be entered by stairway Inside. The engine-room will rebuilt In the rear of the maui JnuMtaf on with the basement, ttwll be twenty feet lauare. with a brick smokestack seventy feet high, which will run up from the rear or the et Bine room. The rear yard will be COT-and wTth shedding to protect lumber, being seasoned, from the sun and storms. THE I1A3KMENT will be a novel and very important feature of the shop.

It will be eight feet high reaching several feet above the street grade so as to admit plenty Of light, through the numerous windows, and, in It, ull the machinery will be placed The three stories ill all be alike in thts-that each will constitute one Urge room, with no obstructions in It except six columns or pillars for the support of the building. ID the center A STAIUWAY ANIJ Kl-EVATOlt will run up from basement to attic, and over these will be an elevated skylight in the roof, which will admit floods of light into tbe Center of the building. The machinery will bo driven by a twenty live horse-power engine, supplied with steam by a thirty live korse-power boiler. New machinery will be introduced extensively, In addition to the Complete OUtfll now owned by-Mr. Miner.

An exhaust fan will take away-all dust and shavings, conveying them to tbe engine room. Over the latter will be built a dry-bouse, with modern Improvements. The shop ill be UKATKD 11T for which 1 lie exhaust steam from the engine will be utilized, as is done in many of the large factories in leading cities everywhere. The basement will be eight feot, ami the other stories will be twelve feet each, in bight. The estimated cost is from 16,000 to 1 ...111 nn.

II, i i 1 KbotlS for COI1- UIJU 11 Mill uiiu renlence and size and in all its equipments and arrangements to be found anywhere. MR. miner's BUSINESS has growi like that of most successful business men, from small beginning. In after having acquitted himself with credit as foreman for the old Bloomlngton Manufacturing Company, Mr. Miner and Mr.

Robert Greenlee started a little shop together on Douglas stieet, under the tirm name of Greenlee Miner. Subsequently the senior partner withdrew and Mr. Miner ran the business alone. In 1S73 the present Furniture Manufacturing aw imflwsrt, ana iur. Kinvi rented a part of ti building and power, and manufactured sash, doors, blinds, and office furniture.

About this time he opened an architect's office, and, (hiding the work pressing him In this liue, be look a young German named Miller out of bis shop and taught him to use the pencil instead of tho saw. Mr. George H. Millor for it was none other than the accomplished draughtsman of to-day proved an apt scholar, and rapidly grow to bo a master of his art. Mr.

Miner has for years been accorded a leading position among the best architects of the State, and has furnished the plans for a vast number of Important public and private buildings in Bloomlngton and elsevjhere. It shows nerve and a confidence in the future growth of this city and surrounding country, when a man in his situation, who is in a position to know all about the advertised lethargy of this community as regards its building interests, feels justified in making a mors of such importance and expense, it tells better than a 400-page volume could do, that one man, at least, and he, who of all ojliers, is brought face to face with any dis couraging features that may be seen, believes that Bloomlngton is going to go ahead. It shows thai the surface indications are false and the tidal wave of returning prosperity is beginning to be felt strongly iu business circles. In relating, yesterday, to a very prominent business man and banker of this city, Mr. Miner's plans, venlured the opinion that the.

latter was on the right track, and that he was making a prudent and, no doubt, profitable move. The new building will be commenced in a few weeks, and it will be pushed through to completion in May if it can possibly be done. Special Not lee To all Saloon-keepers, Teamsters, Hack-men, Draymen, and all others who are required by the ordinances of the city to have license: You are hereby notified to call without delay at the office of tbe city clerk and procure your license. The city Elector has so many special assessment at present to look after, that it Is impossible for him to call on individuals for their license dues. All persons requiring license who shall be without the same on the I Ot day of the present month, will be prosecuted as provided by ordinance.

John Dawson, City Collector. The Fifteenth Amendment. On tbe 80th inst. the Fieedmon of this city will celebrate the ratification of the Fifteenth Constitutional Amendment in a becoming manner. At a public meeting held on last evening at the A.

M. church there was a good a' tendance. Col. Isbcll presided and Mr. J.

II. Moscly was chosen secretary. A committee of srrsnsrementi wan chosen, to consist of the following members: Mr. Richard Blue, chairman, and Messrs. Robert Savage, W.

M. Wlrjfleld, Dennis Jackson, Clark F. Downs and J. H. Moscly.

The programme ill embrace a day parade and a gathering for speeches in a public hall. A New Grocery. Messrs. G. Bunn ci Co recently of Dan-vers, will open out to day, in the room 111 West Front street, recently occupied by Roush Sons, a complete new stock of staple and fancy groceries, and respectfully solicit a share of the trade.

They intend to keep up with the times, and Will have all that the market affords, at current pricea. Mr. Thomas Butler, long with Aldrlcb will assist the gentlemanly In waiting upon customers, and will he glad to see all his old friends. The public will And it will pay to call and fee tbe new Arm. Police Doings.

Jack Duff was tried yesterday before Esq. Zaik Lawrence, and was discharged. The fatuier, wboss name is James TThlUkeg ton, and lives south of the city, was very drunk, ans) gave Jack a $10 bill to that they aaljcbt take a hack ride to a kouee ot fragile reputation. The two fellows were both too drunk to know what they were about, and the court daeided that it was a case of mutual embeazlement, and that whisky was the real thief lteekman's Predicament. Rev.

J- V. Beekman, pastor of the Christian church at Arinington, who, as the Pan TIOBAFB related, was arrested, charged with assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill bis wife, was taken before 'Squire Mur-dock, at Miuier, and held under $5(0 bail for his appearance at the next term of the court. Rev. Beekman claims that it is jealously on the part of his wife, who is jealous of the servant girl, also denies that he attempted to threaten her or take her life. As he crossed the threshold where the- hsavy cell door was swung on Its creaking binges for bis admittance, it was then that he wilted.

Tears rolled down his cheeks, and were beyond his control. He was very uncommuna-tive yesterday morning, and realized his position keenly. The Wesleyan Board of trustees met last evening at the law office of Mr. H. G.

Reeves. The gathering was for the purpose of bearing the exact condition of the subscription 1 ist to the mortgage debt. The meeting was largely attended, and Dr. Adams was highly complimented for bis unexpected success as a debt-raiser. There fire still more funds needed, but so much has been done that the success of the effort is assured, and tho first payment will now be made on tho bonded debt.

This payment will probably b8 $10,000, which will so reduce the debt that the holders of the mortgages will consent, to grant further time on the balance till the time subscriptions come due. About of the was raised in Blooming ton and vicinity. Royal Proclamation by the Ma inierehor. We, Lucifer Carnival, sovereign of all fools, command all loyal subjects who are holding invitations to do homage as is meet and fitting to us, in honor of our triumphant entry into the celestial city of Blooniington, ou Monday, the 7th day of February, A. D.

1881 that is to say, on the seventh day of the second moon of the seven thousandth year of our reign as sovereign of all fools" We vouchsafe unto our loyal and faithful subjects that our entree will excel everything that has ever been witnessed stnee funis were born. Her Royal Highness Princess Carni val, besides numberless Baronesses, Duchesses, Countesses, witches, hags, John Kelly, Sarah Bernhardt and many others, will accompany us. Signed Carnival Rax. Social Events. Perhaps the happiest of all happy meetings of the Alsatian dancing club took place last evening at the home of Miss Nettie Mc-Curdy.

About fifteen couples of the liveliest young people of Bloomlngton were present, and tne chords of jollity and merriment were all sounded. Among the guests of the club were Miss Roberts, of Pekin; Miss Ida Houston, of Champaign Miss May McGregor, of Chicago; Miss Hattie Hodge and Miss Jennie Davis, ol Cari-ollton. On Monday evening the members of the Halcyon club will bold a meeting to perfect arrangement, for a grand social gathering, to be given iu the Ashley House parlors about the 17th inst. by the club. it will be the social event of the season, and is looked forward to by society people with pleasurable anticipations.

The arrangements will be as complete as it is possible for them to be, and will insure a joyous evening to those who are so fortunate as to be bidden. The Knights of Pythias had their regular fortnightly sociable last evening at their ball, imd the affair was, as usual, very pleasant! The attendance was not so large as it some times has been, but the party was none the less a happy one. Miss Hoake, of Kansas City, was among the dancers. She is the guest of Miss "Ella Dick. OF BLOOMINGTON, ILL.

NO, 211 1. EAST SIDE SQDAPi Capital Paid In DOES A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. DIRECTORS: Jacob Funk, I. Vsnordstand, Frank Hoblit, C. C.

Aldrich, R. F. Evans, Layette Funk, si -4m 16 A. B. Hoblit..

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