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The Pantagraph from Bloomington, Illinois • Page 4

The Pantagraphi
Bloomington, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


HARRIS' ADVERTISEMENTS. FIFTEEN CENTS. fkm Uwi of If un tsr thu krtvlmf) fr 15 cut Imrt at tame rait. WANTED. 1 1 ANTED A wlilnw rotnpsnlol for mj n-iu lahlu nut) iaU llnd boms.

No. DM fcsM front st. li FOR RENT inn In mirth Normal. acres of IhII'I, II h.i.,. rUli-lll.

Well. Af nsrticular. Inunireol US. L. K.

I AMC, Normal JtfSU IMiH HKNT- -A hdliw mid 4'4 acres land. J1 willilu a mill ill ne vou in ltrt KoUIB I enter St. A roU Cliaine deuer. -U)H KAI.K tH( LKT-A fruit plantation of -n', one mill' lr.nn Normal ml Wfttluii lor a home; the Iroiil handsomely ornamented with evrrirrwii or ih liiuous trees, i i fun term ol vrrim In a sun- hash i-kix. IsH liliHitiiliiuinu, III.

VIH HKNT Hie ol the flmwl anrt wni iii'ii boni' lu Noruml lor rvui cui ny BON 1 KEXT- -Sl'TlTIll IJiMKI roonia BIIU nni-iiii-ni riiiuii. ol II- OMIUKN, J' In Uuroln Him k. liqllllii ol otfli vf tilliuau dniK lore (110 II FOR SALE. TiXiK KALK-Two-alory Irmne dwrlhnif, corm'r J' of MeU-nn fttm Ji kaon wnu nniiii-, rllr, rlliTU, ftll lu nraH'lioo" ordiT. Alo oiii'-uirr dwvllliiic.

lual wunl ol aliovr, eoutftlulnit ci'llnr, ciatcra ftiid oilier miMli'ra Improve- UirlilK. 111 II lor mh or ou i-m-v Iitiii. 115 tf li. II- IIIIOW All outli ol qimrH. iXiK 8ALK 'HKAI' A romlortaliln rvaldfiirt r-IK .1..

rti-mull ItliHlltl II taken at om-e may In- bad al a liariraln. Will liot trade lor oilier property. l. II. WIIITKUKA1J, riiiK-nlx Hall liulldluu, aoiilh aide of i'ourt-hoiiKe.

1UK HALE-Houaea, low and ai re properly in aud near BliKimlnniou aud Normal, lor aale or nehaliire fr farma or Vi eaten: land, or would men liandiae. lu borU If you want to oil, liuy or exchange properly, wc are prepared lo Maim you II yon rail npoii ua. tin ANN A KL.LIS, BloomlUKlou, 111. i-yi-y tOK SAl.K-lUi lamia In Mclean county, 111.. rneiiiif In air.e Iroin forty to elk'bt buudred crea.

Prlrea low and term" eany. KM ANN A KLLIS, liloomlliKtou, 111. I.UK HALK-Uuda In Kanaaa, Neliraaka aud Iowa lor ile on lotii; lime and at very low Biturea. Aiao a larije Hal ot eaieru lanua io c.liauK for larma lu illlliola or properly lu or Uea BliHimlnKton. bU'ANN tU.IS.

J'y' liiooniiMk'iou, in. BONDS! rpilK Uiwu of Normal baa In bolida, which J. are ollered lor aale. Suiil lionda are laaued lor the terma ol 1, 8 and 10 yeaia' time, and draw per cent, lulereat per auuiiin, luien ai paiu annually. Anv pcrou wialilliu lo buy or negotiate lor auld laitida can get auch inforiiiatiou ua they want by calling on me, al uiv Horn, lu Normal, Jauuary Pith, lHNO.

j'AMIt GEO. CHAMPION, Clerk ol Council JPUBLIC SALES. -1 -fHLIC SALK-There will lw aold, at the rea- Idetice of the lule Mra. h. Al.

linker, two luilea eaat of Illoomimrlon, on the road, ou TIKSDAV, JANIAKY KNTli, ISrtl, the following properly, to-wii: Two lamily driving boraea, one Sliulller wagon, two bugglea, oue aingle barueaa, one double hiir-neaa, oue lreab milch cow. aonie hay, luiining ulenalla, and houaehoid Hint kitchen lurullure. TXRMa Cabu. W.M. Ali bAKKH, Agent j21Md-114 PHYSICIANS.

TvR. E. K. f'ROTUKKS will devote all bla time jJ to the practice ol medicine, aurgery and ob- (letnca. Ultlce ana reaiuence, io.

ra three blocks eaat oi public aquare. lie la prepared to periortn all operations lu aurgery, and toek a "pedal courae of iuatructiotia dining the paat winter, In Philadelphia, of competent in-tructora, In diseases ol eye, ear and thrum, and will erninliie eves.where there la Imperfect viaioii. to deteruiiue what lenses or spectacles should he nawd to Improve sight. a y-w JLLJ'APER AM haneiue wall tmner for ten cents per roll. Leave ordera North Main-st.

at K. Aiuuuoiiuiiu uye anop, AL. A11NEH. BEST MEAT. frfoH choice beet mutton, veiii, pork, hams, ba- Jj con, corned lieel and all kiuifa of line meats, fro to A.

J. BARNES SON, 117 South Center treei. jcioy CROCKERY. CM. J.

8: CAPKN, S13 North deal- era in all klnda of and yueens-ware, Cutlery and Plated Ware. ARCHITECT. HA. MINER, Onlcc with Bloomington Chair manufacturer of Saah, Doors, lilinds, Mouldings, Olhce aud Library Furniture. Jl-yly FURNITURE.

N. WARD, North Main-st. Best goods al lowest prices. Ji-y PHOTOCRAPHERS. HTHEN vou want good photograph, go to VV TANKEKSLEV, WW West delturson-st.

Prices reduced to suit the times. myl-y JOKJINDINC A MOS KEMP does all kinds of book binding, Xjl and mauulactures blank books, at 16 North Ceuter-st. myl'i-y MUSIC. of all no iug, ly iu is in Is AT ml nfllll THrT I tcexpt yourluvltatlou Wneu 1 think bout my lady nashluu orb, For she ld "Tha sUmuieul't lalse" 1.. lit iamII'" "A sorry utfiir you will cut with lluly Mr.

or And It does seem Ilk romauriug I i I hoiild thluk ol darn ing A lt tv uot tumittMi, for twenty yer or UlQ-i Hut l'nt very siir that you Wlih irraea mill null 1110 through. Aud all oiue loikt with uvy a they ur were CI led before. I sure, Ml Villa, 1 ue'eri an nil I'M'l's plat on earth; Hut, just this lime, 1 11 llp In rhyuiu My simple user, "Yelli. I'm "off" on rhytne Tain iu my Ilu Hut lieu II comes lo datirlligl You'll and I'm "had," 1 in just the lad For g-ood, square, solid prsiuing. With such Case, 111 such place, I'll do the best I ran.

If "by the wall My lale should lall, I II I I never rhyme again. One year lu four-TIs Ih'sI uo more We take the ladles' places Ami lu I he dam With stalely nranie, e'll lutriMliicn new grace. Ho, Just at eight, I v.111 await My gnllaut escort's pleasure; To woo thu muse (II nimble Iiihi, To trip I he dainty measure. Ycaks When the gallant Julius Cu-ssr Tisik III" caluudar lu haud He wou the grail Hide of all The ladleslu the laud.

Hut, had I been Roman lu those glorious day old, Instead ol one poor leap year There would be three or lour. I've asked my ma- She answered ea. I'll be there If I cau, To leap to the home ol Jesse Fell, Or any oilier man. A steady, round trot Is my natural pare, Nol leaping or prancing, No Mining or dancing; Hut 1 can piny cards with very good grace, Aud I love thu sight of merry lac; And I'll ask Mrs. F-, aud ilshedou't hatever she says, any way, I'll go.

When I gazed on your note with allutittou pro Ion ml. My heart 'gainst my sides did vehemently pound. Iu gratefiilsurprlse. as the subject advanced, I got up and giggled and capered and danced: And 1 thauked the sweet muse, that, this yer "oiih in four." The ladles Normal had taken the "IliKir" Aud will thrill the glad sir with their festival Joys, Just to gladden the hearts of the good little boys. Am I going: louneii Al me uea oi me tio.

To the hush-house ol Normal, wun otners, i And Ihe-'ce, with "Leap" aud a whoop and Weil descend ou the home of J. W. Fell. With pleasure I will take the "leap," If you will trv the secret keep; For, If my wife should "tumble to it," I'm afraid that we would rue it. The music bv Browning and Steele, and the management of Frank Bateman, together gave to the party the ease and perfection that always attend these gentlemen'8 ministration.

It was a carnival of fun and lolity tbrougn- out, and the young ladie of Normal may rest assured that, in allthe States of this blessed Union, no happier, merrier or more con. tented party of young people ere tripped the light fantastic. JANUARY WANTS. A Brief Session of the City Council Held Last Evening. The City Council meeting last night was so thin that the published proceedings will hardly make black marks on white paper.

It is the most astonishing thing In the world that it 'take thirteen able bodied men to go through the motions. If there has ever been a session before without some committee "begging leave to report" the records are lost, and the youngest Inhabitant will never live to see another. Alderman Evans, chairman of Finance com mittee, presented the following DILLS, which were allowed: John W. Evans S74 69 Maxwell Co 17 97 M. L.

Moore 10 50 City Engineer reported on drainage of South Lee street, recommending that a ten inch tile be put In from the bridge on the south slough seventy feet south. PETITIONS. Petition of William H. Temple, stating that be Is unable to pay the taxes on his homestead on account of falling health, loss of property, and incapaciated from these causes from earning anything, and having an accumulated tax of over $900 on his home. stead, asks the City Council to make a rebate of the city tax.

Referred to General improve ments with power to act. Petition of John Eddy et setting forth that the asphaltum work ou West Washington street is a nuisance, and petitioners want the Council to interfere. Referred to Board of Health. William Holmes petitioned to be allowed to take some dirt from Loehr street, at the crossing of the B. W.

railway. Referred to Streets and Alleys. Alderman Moore stated that Mr. Clark, on West Front street, was assessed for sewer on South slough, while Gus. Schlegle across the street, was assessed 4.35, and wants the matter referred to a committee.

Goes to General Improvements. Mrs. G. II. Read petitions to sell without license a book, being an exposition of liquor laws, witu decisions ot the supreme Court, Granted.

Alderman Maddux brought forward the fact that certain streets were obstructed by trees, and moved that they be taken out at no ex pense to the city. So ordered. HESOI.trTIONS. Alderman Seibert That the Street Com missioner put down crossing on west side of Cranmer street at the sewer, and open up approaches to the sewer. Adopted.

1 he City Attorney was instructed to notify Haefer McGregor to defend in the case of Laura Schroder vs. the City of Bloomlngton. ine iouucu liicu aujourueu. Georgia Minstrel. Callender'8 famous Georgia minstrels ap- pear at the Opera House this evening in in a choice and well selected programme of songs, dances, farces, The company is one one of the oldest minstrel combinations on the road, and upon their previous visits to mis cuy nave always oeen greeted by large uu auinceiaitvc auuicuces.

ine COtnilftliV no doubt will be greeted by a good house tuis evcuiug. A Complete Surprise. There was a surprise party at the home Mr. G. Freese, last evening, the party consisting of the old German citizens of the city.

The evening was spent in dancing and social enjoyment. This was the largest gathering German people at a private residence that has occurcd in this city for some time, and it was also a complete surprise on Mr. Freese. The English Orator. -Rev.

W. B. Affleck called on us this fore noon. He appears to be a pleasant gentle. man, socially, and is as full of talk as any Scotch-Englishman can be.

He seems to be man of fair ability, but should drop the Key. ana don tne stripes of tbe funny man of circus, or the paint and bones of the minstrel endman. JCurtka Journal. We think that the Journal is somewhat "off in it opinion of Mr. Affleck.

The English orator is a man of sreat ahilllv nd influence in the pulpit draws better than salary of any funny man in the circus nr Tuer you Bud your, J. Pall. 6 to. the Keet, tory leei au The children' meeting announced for tomorrow afternoon, will be potHned, aud Mr. M.

L. Well, of Springfield, Vlce.pre.!. dent of the Illluoli Woman's Christian Tern, iterance Union, will iflve the address Wushlngtonlan Hall, at 3:43 o'eltx iitiject. "What Klud of a Busliie?" Mr. Well 1 an earnest and ellliicut temperance worker and a pleasing speaker.

Don't fall to hear her. The Best Oyster. If you buy oytor to-day jfet them of Evan Brothers, the firm that ihlpt them dl. rect from the packer In Baltimore. A fresh oyster lay clear over a tale one for delicacy of flavor, you know.

DANVKH8. Mr. Strlmple, of Twin Grove, la vlaltlng her parent lu thl placo for a few day. A reunion of the Crist family occurred Frl. day at the residence of Mr.

Crist, who recently married Mr. Phllo Washburn. About twenty were present, among whom were Mr. Nat hen Crist and wife, of Carthage, Mo. Nate wa married a few day since to a lady in Hamilton, Ohio.

After remaining In Dan. a few dttv, they will start for their new home in Missouri, where Nate ha a large sheep ranch. Dick" hit rented the Hoag property, stated iu Friday' paper. The btme will ha nicely refitted, and Mr. Kauwtn say he la going to try aud make a real home-like hotel oul of II.

Mr. John Gunnell ha rented hi farm to a geiillemiin by the name of Nahl, of Stanford, who will take possession about March 1. Mr. Gunnell will sell hi personal etlecta about February get married, and go to Col. orado.

To.duv Dun vers will be full of business, on account of the bccf-shooting mutch. A horse buyer from the hastern State I In town buying horse weighing from XAm to pounds. Mr. John Pianiiu a youngest uuiigiiier ws rt'lMirtcd as being dangerously ill yesterday. Misses Allle and Minnie Hodge gave a sup-tier to a few of their friends Friday evening, among whom was Mis Lou K.

Smith, of Caaeyvllle, Ky. The Pantaokaimi ha a larger tirculat lou than both the Aiir and t'owrtrrat this place. Subscribe for It with the potmater. Mothers! Are you disturbed at ulght and broken of your est by a lick child, sum-ring and crying with the excruciating paiu of cutting teeth? If to, go tt once and get botuo or inomw HOOTHINO BY KUP. It will relieve the poor little sufferer Immediately depend upon it; there Is no mistake about It.

There Is out a mother on earth who has ever u.eil it who will not tell yon at once that It will regulate tbe bowels, aud give est to the mother, aud relief Mid health to the child, operating like magic. It is perfectly safe to use lu all cases, aud pleasant to the taste, and I the prcscnpllou ol one of the oldest and beat fe male physicians and nurse In the United Mates. Bold everywhere. 85 cents bottle. GOO (HIOSS Fancy Toilet Soaps Offered until further notice at retail, In quantities of half dozen and upwards, at wholesale prices.


HAL I. ONE NIGHT ONLY SATURDAY, JAN-ARY 24TH. THE KIJJOS OF MINSTRELSY, IVIIIv.M Brass Band and Boston Quartette. Twenty-two FlrMt-ClaHN Performers Benefit Performance Tendered Mr. William Erersole EVERYTHING NEW! NOTHING OLD! See our street parade, listen to our band, and judge for yourselves.

Admission as usual. Maxwell's. Seats can be secured at WM. KVERSOLE, Advance Agent. )rEUA HOUSE.

ONE NIGHT ONLY SATURDAY. JAN UARY 24TH. Reappearance of the Old Favorites, Calender's Georgia Minstrels The representative colored troupe of the world. SJO COLORED ARTISTS 20. 4 1 GREAT END MEN 1 4.

fi COMEDIANS B. 4 I SONG AND DANCE ARTISTS I 4. GEORGIA SIXTETTE 6. The celebrated cornet band. mno-nirlentlv uni formed.

Popular Prices Admission. 50 cents (Including reserved seat); gallery, 35 cents. Seats now on sale at Capen's. Jilfemember the time and place. Doors open at 7 o'clock.

LaiifhtHr hpcrins at. 8 o'clock. C1IAH. CALl.ENIIEIi. Mauaeer.

Fnui). D. Foss, Business Manager. jM PItANK Li. 13TJVV.

GENERAL 113 N. Center-st Bloomlngton, 111. Representing THE LIVERPOOL. LONDON GLOBE, the largest Ins in the world. THE SCOTTISH COMMKRCfAL.

nn of the best English company represented In America. 'THE TRAD Its' INSURANCE CO. Its record speaks for itse'lf. Orders by Edison Telephone promptly attended nl2-m "THE CELEBRATf- give uumeuiate relief. Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Malaria, DipbtberlaJ Pneumonia.

Sore Throat, Lumbairo. Lame Rsr Spraina, Bolls, Piles, Humors of Illinois. Bunions and 8onneH of 6kin and Scaln. Krost Biles, Bu Disease. "Sapa is or Scalds, and all Inflimmi- ule" will save 1IX.

Do not ne- ut uuv nonie. Full nWlrulara. flcatn. in bur IllumlDsW circulars, sent free, No rtek to trying i rn.r.m.i appihaUun by mtrr. money refunded.

I cenu and i rr bottle. Sold by all dnuwtsta. -NLKLGKRRyVcOMTANY. riom, Broadwu. Kew York.

Fire Insurance Agen i GLYCERINE LOTION find a radical cure for M- KMIIANUK-Valuable farm lu Will couU' ill HIlMlltllllL'ltin. O. U.HAlUUH. Mi KXl IIAN(iK-An HO acre lario hlielliy COIIUtV. for ft llllllMI UU ll "I IIIOOIIIIHH' riMl KXi'IIASiKA residence of 7 nanus, In 1 uurih iiBrl ol city, lor taruiiuK inn iu Kansas or Nebraska, u.

iiAiwua. no KXl'IIANUK-) im flue farming- land In Khiiui, lor lauds lu Normal, 1M I own or TnlAMIna. u.h.imihiiih. ri lit KXCIIAMiK-lliy iimiMTty for Und lu lUtua loiiiily, U.U IIAKKIM. rno KXl'llANuK-Yftitulilt! niy fur li Imiil lu low.

U. U. IIAUKIS. lull ktl Vallmlili. Urin lu llila roiililv.

tiptl np. at r. u. u- uahiii-. MH( bAl.K-Krm of tri'i, lli roimiy: U.

II. IIAKIIIn. MH A I.K Krm in Drv Urtivv. 7 nillr from I J.1 Hie cily; IWiiiurairu. u.

II. iiAKiun. HALK-Krm of Wil at'rr lnr ft taiioiion the ut rallnd; u. iiauhib. lt)K HALK ftcre larm lu Towmidii: u.

II. II AUK IS. l.OK SAI.K-A farm ol SMO ai-ri', oue noiira drive Iroui the city; lu fwry Im.kalit. o. II.

liAiuus. 1 'UH KAI.K-Tlie MH'luti farm, one mile awl ol.hecl.y.coutauiluglir, VH SALE- Karnx ol i and 40ai ri ar tin- rlly. O. II. JIAHKIS.

lull HAI.K -Mevi'tal Wiairii fiirni III I be east narl ol thl wiuiily. cbeaii. O. II. IIAKHIS.

MiH SAI.K-Karm ol 71 aud (heap. cre clime to the city (I. 11 llAKKIn. Mil 8 A I.K New bualneaa houde, ci'iilral lixa- lion, worm Ill II ait af II. U.

II. IIAHHIS. l.oH hAI.K-t heap, a Mlalneaa lot on North Maui at. U. II.

1IAKKIS. 1 Mill 8Al.K-t heap, a new alory reaiileme ou Kaal Jelleraou at. look al una. U. II IIAUKIS.

I HAI.K-t'orner lot and new nouae In norlheaal part ol cily. v.n i. HAUiu. iil( HAI.K At fm. Ulce collaire bullae, live riHinia and veranda cellar, wen aim ciaieru; eulial location.

I'. iiAiimn. SVll will buy 11 Eaal North at. J1 O. 11.

HAHKIS. Mill SAI.K-Va-cant realdeuce Iota and coltaet Hi ilbly payiuenta. llArtltin. AliK NAI.K A line hi Irk naldellee. t).

U. 11 A It It in. SAI.K-Nlce 5roiiu bullae, wlih rornur lot; $iam. O. 11.

IIAKKlS. REAL ESTATE. lllinoia Karma. nr AC1IKS. well Improved, III Chenoa town- ahlp, 4 miles lrom Cnenoa.

I'rli Sel; umilil take nart trade lu Iowa or Kanaaa lauil. SJU acres, with privilege of 40, hauled li mllea norlh ol llevworth and 1U mllea lrom city small bullae, large orchard of chine) fruit, 1411 rods oi hedge fence, fl.uoo; take pan tiaue. Ha) acre nrai-ciaas larm, one ol lue neai imoroveu in this county; extra well leneeu, an varieuea oi fruits needed lu great abundance; one mile from Ml ot loll t'lU 140 acres, mllea of city, mile of atallon; well fenced baa a good -i atory house. 1 he larm la everv acre in tlrat-claas condition. 110.

KiO acres, well improveu, lying in i.aniiaie lownablp, not lar lrom me new i. i ranroan; good buildliigs aud oiil-biilldinga, well leuced, nleiilv lrulL 100 bearltiL' anule trees. la i' acrea, auiollllllg normal eorpoiuie iiiuiia. hiiuse. jMxIO.

one alorv: baru. iixii: two crlba bearing apple trees auu mniiiuauce smuii iruu. Price, ftliu. mi acres in Dine iiuriy nnpioveu. i nce, t4 acres, within 5 miles oi the Court bullae; tin der llrst class cultivation; new house, 8 rooms, 1 loot ui.

brick cellar: barn, cnlia, well lenceil Price. 1-15. Must be taken soon. Purchaser can have use ot so acres more adjoining, which tbe uer baa rented lor the coming season lor gram rent. There are 40 acres ol lull plowing, incu will be thrown n.

l-jl acres lu Woodford county. Vi miles lrom IlloomliiL'ton: irood buildings and fencing: divided into 5 tlelda; orchard and plenty small hull acres under plow, li meadow, 4:1 pasture. Price, onlv iM. aim aeries, wen uiiuroveo, ia nines iroui niuuni lugton, 4'i lrom alulion; new house; two or chards; divided Into ti tlelda. Price, will lake part trade In Missouri 4' acres in wale townani i mues iroui cuy alory house, ltixtti und llixlS; -i wells auu cistern.

liii acrea, well improved, in Ariowsuniu township. eo acres, wiiuiu mile oi rauua suuiou: new house and barn. Ouly an acre. acres, iluely Improved Si nearly uew a story dwellings; large naru, enns, granary; largu orchard of choice Irtilt: well lenceil and subdivided with plank; located 11 mllea from the Court-house and close to station. Must sell inside ol nuuuys, and will L'ive a Iiuil'iiIii.

Call eurlr tild acres, wnu good iiiinrovemunis, an in one body, and located wilbln 7 miles of the Court house. Sell ul a baigiiin. or will hike part trade. likO acres, well improved, lying 7 miles northeast the city. (Hi.

l.r7 acres, well improved, lying in money ureea township, miles lrom Lexington, SO acres lu lJowns lowusuip luiriniprovciiieuis; gmid land. $:. no acrea in jNormai lownsnip; nrst-ciasa uiuo; huildiiiL's: close to Normal. SO acrea, well Improved, good bouse, harn, lenc- orcnuru, ic, in normui lowusuip, nines lrom the Court-house. acres, well lintiroved, lying i miles irom the Normal Lulversilv.

SW. acres, within si miles ol the court-house, tine- Improved. Sell at a bargain, and take part pay city property. 'iVt acres, a very nice little farm, good improvements, ouly 4 miles lrom the Coiirt-housu. HO acres, finely Improved.

In Lawudalo, 7 miles from Lexington, close to school and church. The farm has a good H-siory bouse, linrii, orchard, and well lenced. $35 per acre, or would take a bouse northeast part of city lu part pay. SMO acres well Improved. In lllue Mound; well located with reference to chinch and school, aud under uh excellent state of cultivation; a houses, with necessary out-buildings )i orchards and an abundance of small fruit.

Can have HO or Hit). Price, $37.50. 240 acres, well improved, lying 8 miles from Ilooneston. This is a first-class nralrle farm, and can be bought at a great bargain it taken willilu HO days. Price lor that time, an acre, with $1,500 down, und balance ou 5 years' time, at 7 per cent, interest.

90 acres, well Improved, In Normal township good house, barn, cribs, fencing, aud abuudauceol fruit. Price, $45. 170-acre larm, with moderate in Empire township, al $27.50 an acre. si acres in ates townsnip, wun moderate im provements; Bniall house, good orchard, and enced. $30, on time.

Apply to WAl.KKft Ip the use of Printed Stationery by having: It bound in the (OUR OWN PATENT.) All Printed Stationery secured at the Pantagraph Office will be bound In this device free of charge. (No. 1 Style Cover.) It ia the simplest, neatest and most effectual device for securing: and preserving office stationery and blanks ever introduced. We recognize the wants of our customers, and will gladly show the advantages and economy of having stationery bound in the Pantagraph Cheap Binder, which only needs to be seen to be appreciated. Samples of work and prices furnished application, PANTAGRAPH JOB PRINTING OFFICE, SAVE PER CENT.

Paitpi tag Binder it. No. lSrttl, and at the three and to of of sold, of Ceo. hard pairs bed, oil 1 aud jars, MKiifc) MACKEREL. WE PUT ON If today till) choicest brought tu'tlili lily.

lll mackerel I'VOT AI.DU1UI lilto. UURTICK BROTHERS" CE.LKURATED canned frill ra fr superior lo ny oihi-r hrauda In the inniki't. we have sample nouns oi mi Lin, I. mi 1.111111111011. which show what I In' Irull la.

II you wmil any lor spin lal no aslous dou'l buy Mliy oilier. I pi uvwi mn pun-. A LI ll I II 1IKOH. I ALDRICU BROTHERS WOULD CALL Ihc alli'iillou of nil lo Ihi'lr tork of iilf mill Iniii ilr, luy mm lull lo Irt uli frull, vi-iJi Ac, Ac NEW MAPLE BUOAR AND BY KUP AT AI.IIKIi II KENNEDY'S CRACKERS IN ALL VA' KlKTIKS, no Jumly wlt'liralwl rwrywl.i ki'iil rniiiaiilly on liana ny yvi.i'iiu iwm.i. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS.

IS THE BEST AND ONLY PURE YEAST CHIHIIOLM BROTHERS. NO KM A TAXES. 1 will lie III the "lore ofCbliiniail A Smith, Nor mal, on Wednesday and Tbiirilnv, and al Trea- uivr' offli e. In oiirl boiie, on rialiirdnyo, to re ceive laxi I'ay early and nave roala. .1 Klio.w HI Colleelor for Normal Tnwmhli.

Piti! IF VOi; WANT YOI II hoiiae iialnled, or ral Llinlned In Ural tlaa tvle, and at the loweat irliea. lie anre and call in II. S. I i hr.II, vil iliHir weal of I. ('.

1 1 in mi aireel car It. N.iruia alao eriilulnir, Iiil' and 'lianer' All worn Kiiuianieeii io L'lveaallaliMlloli. Iinywi EVERGREEN CITY BusincssCollcgc, Itoyce Block, oiilheast corner Main and Front- Uloouiliigtoii, III. A lit, 1AM IIAKKIt. Proprietors.

Thorough and Practical. Seud lor circular. A OOOI) STOCK AND AHSOKT.M BNT OK DRY AMI LUMBER. All Klnda of Hard, Holt aud Blacksmith's COAL. Ulgheat Cash Price Paid for all Kinds ot A VT yj a VxVi SANGAMON HIVER AND BAHCLAY COAL.

Brandies at Arrowsmlli and LHIF, 111. I. K1MJ3I, suH-y (0 K. drove Bloomlngton, 111. Holiday Goods Folev'j Gold Perm.

Pencils and Tooth picks, Bible and Testaments, Photo and Autoirrnph Albums, Albertype Knffrav- ltiKrs, Fancy Wrltlnpr Papers, Juvenile woveis Him Btanaara worKs, rocitei Books, Cutlery, and best assortment of Vlsltinir. Christmas. New Years and Birth day Cards to be tound in the city; also Dairies or ltiao, n. tstiicijua, No. 404 North Ma-m-st.

Frank 1IhUi, uaooh Vlce-I'rest. A. B. 11JB1JT, president uasuier. National State Bank, OF BLOOMINQTON ILU NO.

211 EAST SIDE SQUARE, Capital Paid In $10CJ0C. Docs a General Banking DIRECTORS Jacob Funk. T. Vanordslmni Frank Uobllt, V. C.

Aldrich. R. F. Bvana. LaFn- ettu Funk, A.

B. ilnlilit. ji-yi-y FUNK LACEH IT Lo no HUmuuu. we mean BRADNER'S HONEY BALSAM isnc humbug, but the safest and most reli- able remedy for Coughs, Colds, FM Vatic, Whooping Cough, Croup, tec. Trj Only 59 cents a bottle.

Frepareu only by FUNK LACKEY DISPENSING DRUGGISTS, 110 W. WaSulngtoHt, Blooming, 111. m4-y-wy ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF Real Estate. Bv virtue of an order and decree of thu Countv Court of McLean county, Illinois, made on the pe nnon oi i no iiimursiKUca, Major vv. racaard, administrator ol the estate of Isaac H.

McCltiu, deceased, lor leave to sell the real estate of said deceased, at the Jumittry term, A. D. 1HH0, of said court, -to-wit: ou the nineteenth day of January, I shall, on HATl'IUMY, THE TWENTV-FI KHT DAY OK FEliKl'AHY NEXT, between the hours ot teu o'clock iu the forenoon lour o'clock lu the afternoon of said day, Bell public sale, at the south door ol the Courthouse, in the city of blooininutou, in said county, real estate described as follows, to wit The two-story brick building, or block, containing store rooms, situate on lots eleven (11) and twelve (12), of the subdivision ol lots 4. 5. 7.

S. Hi, In block Dtt. in K. 11. Fell's first addition the city of liloomiimton also lot oue (1), of the nonuwusi quarter oi me uonueasi quarter ol section ten (HI), iu township twenty-three Ci) north, rane two (2) east of tlio third principal meridian, containing five (5) acres, (subject to the dower the widow, Jennie McClttn, therein), in McLean county, Illinois, ou the following terms, to-wit: One-third cash in hand, one-third in six months, and one-third in twelve mouths, with interest ai six percent, per annum on the deferred payments; the purchaser to give approved personal security, aud a mortgage on the premises lo secure the payment of the unpaid balance purchuse money.

Dated this lHlh day of Juutiurr, A. I). I8H0. M. PACKARD, Administrator of the Estate oi Isaac B.

AleClun, Deceased. jsJU-td ADMINISTRATORS' SALE. The nnderstncd, administrators ol the estate of Bohrer, deceased, will sell at the lale residence of said decedent, situated at 105 East Mulberry street (secoud houee east of Scott Miller's irroeery store), ou iSATTKDA JANUARY TIIIKTY-FIRfiT, 1S80, ciimiueiiciug at 10 o'clock a. the following property, to-wit: The entire household goods, consisting in part of 1 parlor carpet (Ingrain), 1 round table, 1 Ingrain carpet (sitting room), 1 haircloth set lurullure (7 pleceB), 6 cane-seat chairs, 1 coal stove, 1 common table, 1 old clock, etauds, paper rack, 1 lot of table and bed linen, 2 lace curtains aud fixtures, 1 lot of bed cloth-lug, 1 trunk, 1 common bedstead, 3 common look-in glasses, 2 stove zincs, 1 rag carpet, 1 lounge 1 Hand, bowl aud pitcher, 1 stair carpet aud cloth. 1 bed.

bedstead aud beddiug (buck room), bed. bedstead aud beddiug (front room), common chairs, 1 carpet i upstairs room), 1 cook stove fixtiues, 3 smoothing irons, 1 lot of tinware, 2 tables in kitchen, 1 kitchen sate, 1 old bedsieail, 5 commou cliairs, 1 stepladder. 1 lot ot disbes, glass Ac, 1 rag carpet, 1 clothea wringer, brass kettles, wash tubs, wash boards and clothes lines, 1 shovel and rake, 1 lot ul coal, aud other articles. Thkms Cash. K.

C. BOHRER, LOUIS 11. BullREK, Admiuielrator. J. II.

KiHKr-ATiuck, Auctiouver. j4Md I I I I his at Ue a ill, her for low iuc the oue An Kvciiinif Almmloiieu io me aow miI nte Sw ay of ttie Fair Sex. Th Leap Vrar I'arly at lh Homa of Mia Kniiiia lltirr and That at the Uealdene of th Mlawa IVII. Thu Party at Mi Koinia Bnrr'a. For uiuny years there hat not beeu (fathering In our city which lias been the scene of much tun and frolic, yet to complete and elegant lu all Ita details, aa the "Leap Year party" glveu by the members of thu Cooking Club last evening at the home of Mist Kniiiia Burr.

The club composed of the following young ladles: Miss Emma Burr, Mis Belle Eunk, Miss Lucy Orme, Mis May Moore, Miss Bernle Orme, Ml Or L. Wal'oti, una Mis J.otuse U'l'Miin: and everything, that could possibly ciihunce the pleasure of the hours or cause the time to pas pleasantly lor inose present, was dune by these young ladle with ease and grace which wa charming. The programme oi uuiucs, consisting oi fourteen numbers, was comixwed of the choicest HPlcctiolis, and the music being by Messrs. Ilohinanu und Hustings, with Mr. El).

Kspcy a prompter, was It unexception able. The litdlit took the part usual for the gen- tlcmcii, milking the engagements for the dunces, walling on thu member of thu sterner sex, paying the most poiitu attention possible in muiiy ol me mile grace ami act of cotirlesy.giviiig the gentlemen many Idea for their future conduct, hich It would be pleiiMint to see them follow. The toilets of thu ladle present were charming, every device of woman' Ingenuity being added Ut the beauties of form and feature hich nature had so lavishly bestowed upon them. Of course It 1 impossible to mention In this brief article all the toilet present, as there were about eventy-tlve truest there. The chief Interest ceutered upon the gentlemen.

We give a few of their toilet: Mr. Kairbank, of Owen, ITxley a lull und LTiiccful brunette, was elegantly at tired In a durk costume, cut entrain, trimmed with one-priced clothing, at manufacturer' uncos. Mr. Minn A. use worea sinaiiig costume of Daii.t and Wkeki.v Pantaukapiin, cut bins, edged with I'antaokapu Cheap II tiding; price, fi-'- C.

C. Vt heeler, a tall brunette, wore au ele gant suit, of bluck and white, of real estate mortgages, with knife pleating. Ornaments, coupons (cancelled). He was much looked up to by the ladies. Mr.

wucox, a peine ana graceful blonde, wore a dark stilt, trimmed with check. His hair was worn in long braids. Mr. Ed. Maxwell worea beautiful costume of figured wall paper, deml-traine, rolled.

Mr. James ltrooks, snort costume, pension certificates, fluted. Ornaments, Ulackatonca, Mr. (ieorge Ilanna, a winsome blonde. wore a light suit of one dollar greenbacks, folded: ornaments, "oroad acre." J.

8. Caiien. one of tbe most graceful blonde present, short suit, plutes, cup and suueers; ornaments, iamuy jars. Mr. Clint.

Soper, iron gray suit, Ruttan trimmings. John D. Robinson, brilliant costume, cut flowers, hair dressed hb'h. I. U.

Smith was captivating, in a dark suit, leather goods; ornaments, Ircncti kip, in flounce. Line. Weldon. a bright and witty little creature, wore an attractive suit of special Dlendlngs; ornaments, oriels. W.

W. Wilcox wore one of the most at. tractive costumes of the evening.belng a com bination of tea and coffee colors, trimmed with B. T. Babbitt' best.

Ornaments, Vera flours. He was the belle of the evening. Theron Fell, a tall blonde, wore a bright smile and a waxed mustache. Costume cut en traine. Orniments, blackberry balsams.

Mr. Myers, of Chicago, with R. O. Dunn wore a figured suit, with express mule truin, ornamented here and there with commerciul reports. Steve McWhorter, snort suit, pleated skirts.

trimmed with options. Ornaments, margins, puts and calls, spruys of wheat aud oats lu green and gold. u. w. Murtna wore an attractive combina tion suit of duodecimo and tissue; ornaments, agates, diumonds and brilliant.

This was a nonpareil costumejrelleyed by Webster' un abridged. Lew is Iiams wore an elegant combination suit; tint "Rock of Ages," trimmed with moire antique; jewelry, old gold, Etruscan ueriod. uuuiey omitu, a ueucate anu cnarming brunette, wore a short vvamsutta suit, em broldered witli twist, teetn wutte. C. W.

Sleeper, saddle colored suit, high standing horse collar, ornament traces of gold. Henry u. apencer, oriiuani costume of subpoena-colored legal cap fringed with pleas cut bias. Ornaments, blaekstones. llulr dressed in water waves.

Frank Bunn, combination suit of school bonds, promissory notes. Ornaments, In surance blotters. Besides there were present Mrs. Duncan Funk, Mr. and Mrs.

T. J. Cox, Mrs. Henry Frevost, Mr. and Mrs.

W. K. Dodson, Misses Clara Funk, smith, Lutie Mayers, Cora Cox, Kate Washburn, the Misses Ward, Gertie and Manie Dodson, Mamie Williams, Miss i'carson uanviue), ueorgie Jackman. Libbie Shernierhorn, Alice Harpole, Hattie Hurr, Miss ilriggs, Ida kelson uurtington. Mary Matthews, Betta Marquis, Miss Mc Gregor of Chicago, Misses Longstrech, Lettie of McLean, Miss McDougall, Annie Richardson, Cora Cox, flattie Morehouse, Nellie Withers, Belle Hamilton of Farmer City, Leila White, Hattie Hodges, Miss Jennie Davis, Carroll.

ton, Clara Funk, and Messrs. H. N. Woods. VV illium A.

Gardner, Frank Johnson. Luke Miller, C. V. Holder, Charles Maxwell, Melvin Dodson, Howard Smith, Roe Barnes, Jerome Capen, Harry Bunn, Jonn crego, a. W.

Soper, Steve. Morehouse and Walter Burr. At the Home of the Misses Fell. The music of the dunce resounded last evening at the cosy home of Mr. Jesse W.

Fell, of Normal, and the merry peals of laughter told of the happiness within. Many and many a pleasant party has been held within those walls iu days gone by, but, we venture to say, none happier, none jollier than tbe Leap year party of last night. It was none of your prosaic affairs, done up a haphazard jingle Of the English tongue, out a riiytnnuc assemDiy, to wnicb noue were admitted who had not lisped in numbers from their earliest attempts at spoken language. The gallant ladies who iilanned the party designed that none but true children of song should trip the merry dance. So it was that they stipulated that the guest should be invited In verse, and that none but those singed by the poetic tire snouia join witli tueui in tne merry dance.

lie iormuia ol tne invitation, was tne follow, ing: "In this year but one in four While the ladies have the floor, anuary Mirth and music will be heard, Will yon with me from the Normal Hotel Leap to the residence of Jesse Fell Among the replies were the following: The Fair invites! aud you may bet I Her invitation I'll accept; But I must tell you in advance, My Quaker foot it ill not dance. A thousand times I have lamented, That Fox ud Peun were so demented, As to proscribe, what, all can see, With half an eye is poetry If not in words, in what Is better, In motion, life, spiiit, letter. Yes; it I could, I'd skip aud prance In all the ecstasy of dance. But hat's the use my education Wag so neglected I'd scare the nation! So, good-bVe dance, it's not for me, As you and all can plainly see. But what cf that 1 shall propose To play a game ot dominoes; And if perchance, you're so inclined, Will play game af mind with mind; Holding to each other view The things or Hie, both old and uw.

The ups and downs, tbe weal aud woe That follow man where'er be gue. 1 end. of of a the his the JAXUAKV iA. 1NH0. Willi: CITY.

T1IK SKvTvoAL HI APT. Which Will I I'oiiiBirin fd HMn tit Kuyaltjr Xtcnml. A lA NTAdKA I'll ll'IHirllT liuld brief hi ti rvlew with Mia.ia. Hunfur it Miliri'Kor yeaterduy, mid amcrtalned from tlieac jfriitle lorn thai tliey would be ready to (ftltik their new coal abaft aft noil ua tliey could Becure the royalty under thu land of the follow Ink named jiartlea: Dr. Sflinaler, C.

Wukutlt'ld, Wllllum Kucker, W. I'arke, mid tliu party owiiInk the Hell iruierty, liulmllnif ollirr the Kiitlt other lumla, of which they could not Inforni reporter ho the owners are. Tlieac euien Ktittud Unit they mean bualneaa. and that tliey Intend to tru Ihruuirb wlih their and fiirniah Hie cotiauinera of li 1m city with part of their fuel by next full. They want to link their alutft a ueur the city Ma they can, and think that Dr.

Si broiler lot Hear the llloolulNirliiU roiK I'tnK I hit I otiipuiiy would be a lmimI iociulon. Tlieae partlca atute that they will not have to dik' ao deep by fifty fuel ua the Mcl.enn Cmuitv oul Company, and that the coul in of better ouulUy, aa him been atated by tiiltiera who work lu ine Hloominirioii aluul. Theae Keiillcinuil are men of conalderable capital, and are perfectly ablo to put a ahuft down without thu help of any otitaldura, and whatever they tin dertuke him alwuya turned out tirolitubly. Peverul liualnuai men were Interviewed In re L'uril to hut lliev llioiiL'lil of Llila new enter. priau, und tliey all atuted that It would be a KixkI lliltiif for the illy; tliuL It would irive emiiloj iiient to a Iniuiy litborini; men.

beaidea It would tirolmbly reduce the price of coul, and they Imped that Meaari. Ili nfer iV: Mcoreuur would puah their new ahuft for. ward aa toon aa ponailile. TltlFLKlt A FFEVT10XS. Miutglf Whttlen Suet John O'Neil for Hitik of riiuii lr, thr Dumav'es Uhl at -There la tiotlilnif like the law of and ull those who tliliiK they have been outraged or In any way 111 treated Keticrully re sort to Home lawyer to lay before their le(ul udvlacr the atory of their wronira and stiller.

IIL'H. I lit' PA NT AO KA Pit llllldt! mt'Iltioll short time ug-o that Macule Wlialcn had made compluint ugulnst Dr. J. Little and upon the churire of having pro. duccd an abortion upon her person.

Both Parlies were arrested, tried and aid it led. The gill now conies In und brings a suit for I) re Hill of promise, alleging that Nell made promises of marriage, after win ning licr love. Thc'wcddiiig day was a sweet renin to tier, but lorgot all aixitit it, and went aatruy like a lost lamb. Maggie thinks she ought to have ut lcaat for having her affections tumiiercd with. The cuse is likely to be compromised, but ho defendant Is full of tight, mid will iiiuke a stroti); defense ugulnst the allegations of the complainant.

iiilependence Patent Flour Again in Market, We are juat lu receipt of a cur loud of this celebrated brand of Hour. To those who have used It, it needs no reuommendutioii; to ull who have not, we say, don't full to try it at j. Altlriclt Brothers, agents. i'EKSONAIi. Mrs.

Lowrey, of Fanner City, is visiting Alra. t). rreedtuun. lion. Duve T.

Littler, of Snrinirfteld, was lu tbe city yesterday. Hon. Jumes E. Hill, mayor of Lincoln, was lu tne cuy yesterday. Dr.

8. C. Wilson, who has been 111. for some time, la able to be out again. Mr.

Jumes Huberts und wife, of Shirley, are in ine cuy visiting Mr. Andy Kuines. Mrs. Tom. Wagner, of Chleuiro, brother of Mrs.

c. r. Memtnun, la visitinir In this city. Mrs. Wilkins Harrlaon, of Brown's Grove.

is contiiiud to her home witli a severe spell of sickuesa. Mr. L. II. Snyder and Mr.

P. B. Groes beck, of Chenoa, were iu the city yosterduy on business. -Mrs. Jackson Stukel, of Washlne-ton, 111., formerly of Normal, is lu the city for a few days ou business.

Mr. Frank McFee Is the happy father of a new Ill-pound boy, who made his anpearunce luat Wednesday uijilit. Miss Belle Gunnell returned from Chi cago yesterday, where she has been for some tune, visiting relatives. Mr. Will Gllman is ut Hey worth, and will remain for several days.

lie will start for the West about February 1st. Mrs. Kate Sayre, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Chus. Wineg.irduer, bus returned to Her old Home, in Pittsburg, reun.

Mr. "Bob" Woodurd, of the C. A. rail road, rejoices in the arrival of a twelve-pound girl, who made her appearuuee ou Wednes day lust. and surgeon, of Chicago, was in the citv ves- terduv.

visitinir his old friend and classmate. Dr. Stein. Police Oflleer Stacy Tantum is suffering iroui a very severe attack ot rneu mutism. having been unuule to attend to bis duties for several days.

-Miss Lottie Keck arrived yesterday from Davenport, Iowa, and will take tbe manage ment of the Bloominiftou ollice during the absence ot Mrs. Dr. Keck. Mr. Willis Steele, who has been 111 at Des Moines, Iowa, for some time, contined to home with a severe spell of sickness, is now able to be out again.

Mr. George B. Wells, a prominent real estate and loan agent of Chicago, was in the city yesterday. Mr. Wells has ariout JDOU loaned out lu mis county on real estate security.

-Mr. Peter Whitmer yesterday received a telegram irom Shirley, stating that Miss Muttie IJoolittle, who is his ward, was Ivinc the point of death. Mr. Whitmer left the city on the afternoon train for Shirley. Mr.

John W. Maloue, a prominent busi ness man of Milwaukee, was in the city yesterday. Mr. Aiuioue minus tnat cloom. itigtou is one of the tlnest-lookiug cities that lias visited during tits travels in Illinois.

NORMAL. Mr. Trimmer, son-in-law of Mr. Jesse Druley, Is in town, on a brief visit. S.

N. Judd, of Monroe, purchased two-year-old stallion from E. Dillon iv; Co. yesterday. Rev.

Mrs. Knowlton Is lying dangerously and very little hopes are entertained for recovery. Mr. Jason Clingman. of Freetiort.

111.. who has been visitinir Mr. Dave. Law. re turned home yesterday.

The Illinois Central company are selline round trip tickets to New Orlean aud return. Mardi Uras visitors, at $30. This is a very rate. The entertainment of the M. E.

church was a splendid success, last evening-, the at tendance being large, and all present enjoyed piugiauiuie, parwcuiany ine jug-breaking," by Prof. Stetson, which brouyiit down the house. The recitation bv Miss Parker, "I Have Drank My LastGlasa." van received with the most hearty applause. Mrs. M.

L. Wells, of Springfield. State organizer and lecturer of the W. C. T.

L. ill speak on the subject of temperance in M. E. church of Normal Saturday even, ing, JanurAv 24. at 7 o'clock.

Mrs. Well is of llliu.Vs' most earnest workers; is an attractive spAaker, aud a rare treat Is ex-P' ted. AduiWiun free. All are iuvited. 8ATLKDAY.

in if i 1 I 4a. it i hi i 4. I "A Ij (1 A aaw 1m' ISS K. A. HOWARD, teacher of piano, organ, vocal culture, uuitar.

naintinu and drawing. No. 403 East Nortn-at. jl-y, TWO SETS OF BOOKS, posted by difl'erent clerks, insures correctness in making abstracts. I.

W. COMPTON 4 CO. office southeast corner of Courthouse basement. jl-yl-y WE MAKE Abstracts of Title lo all lands aud town lots in McLean county, Illinois, lrom the old Larrimore Davis Abstract Books; also make loan on real estate security at the lowest rat of interest, aud do all kinds oi conveyancing. Offlce in the old Larrimore office, northwest corner Court-nouse basement, Bloomingtuu, 111.

TILLOTSON FELL, Proprietors. FINANCIAL. CJJ-TTiTifwTreTuTr D-L ZlKJKJ Official reports fkkk. Like profits weekly on stock options ol $10 to Address T. Fatter Wight Bankers, 35 N.

V. MONtT TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN In all sumsrurreut rates aud moderate comuiisiions. Jl-yl-y K. S.

AtelNTYKE CO. MONEY TO LOAN-Iu large or small sums, at 8 per cent, interest. TILLOTSON FELL, Northwest comer Court-house Basement. myau-tf rONEY TO LOAN On real estate securily, v. J.TJ.

ai lowest, raies oi interest ana coinniissjuus. aM-tf WILLIAMS BUKlt. ATTORNEYS WILLIAM a. WHITEHEAD, ATTOIiNEY at Law, South of Conn House Bloiuniugton, 111. Bpecial utlenttou given to collections and lo aettlemeutol estates.

WALTEK M. HATCH, Attorney at Law and Solicitor in Chancery. Will practice in McLean and adjoining counties, in the Appellate und Knoreme Courts ol the Stale, and in the Lulled Mate Courts at Springfield. Will procure Letters patent at short notice, ana solicit inr Pensious. Office, 114 N.

Bloomingtou, 111. oily II rpilOMAS F. TIPTON, Attorney-at-law and J. Solicitor in Chancery, Bloomingimi will urftctive In the several courts of Central llliiuiiR in the Appellate Court and in the Supreme Court ol the Slate, and in the Circuit aud District Courts ol the Culteo btaies, ai npriugueiu auu cuicago. Office over tbe Poet-office.

iv30-lv THE PLACE To liny freah Koasted Coffeee, Pure Ground Spiceft aud Baking Powder is at HooDes Fruit House Grocery. 1.

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