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The Pantagraph from Bloomington, Illinois • Page 2

The Pantagraphi
Bloomington, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

tkrfa II 4tl kk Pf tt l4ii.1l I J. IM HAILKOAD TIMB TAIiLBS. Chiiiti a aiausi m. Hi THEf DID IT. TIIK MAKKKTS.

rMNANDSlO.K aaiaii af 1 1 leaf I 44,,, 4a mttamm I I ts Bt 4 k4i. l.t. I uUi kiki i I. unsil.n ti.i a(a laHilH tl 4 I. kai, I a.

ai tk t' jta a t-t. I 4tM IVim4I I I kl I 'I'144C4 I ft itrwti I sa aa.1 buM Mabwrol It) I'plf la bkI rnJ ImMub i 1 Irrs. ok kaf wii, win In Mia Bf4B. tiwa aw aouaa. fal iw la uuf anaw, kiutkr.

MamkB M. Hmb ta duat-t bb4 apB l4J Hat ba BiktUrl Ui tvUal akaf ht rM Bl lb aniikUfti4biirutfaitf aul k'i ui Mt-iiua afasn. ll a Mi mi- bol I Br b. a-a. m.

Ilajttai, a bbl, f. a i.MBva raiwiH- Btmt-I4a, Mt-praab. ba f- I tt lb k.Hikl I 4la 44.A atAI" 1. Oaaa-a I a UMaa-b. a 14 aaa-bu I.

tt u- P. auki. a atv tia. Do a. Bk'l, at Ti-MBtul'atiao, Caf fuwa.

fit i ltaiaf kTt.M its44 4m, I'trt, a lueatJ. VtKM fikayti), leas). .4 aa-l a-'4a W. S. McCREA Commission Merchants, 41 Oaf 42 8otr4 af Tr4t, CHICACO, ILL.

Iatl In f.ltur nf llraln, IVnvtalotiB Will tea In fitrmaa Mif.tttall.rtl ttl a.tlleal.rt4. Ct-rrsat Mirlavt4ra awlti'll! MARK PURE TEA. A Delicious Beverage. Drink this laa ealy.

ll ta lh 1 10 HUT JkkDI Laur. pifktd from Ik bt aata jou and ruaranttsrd atluli pur ask raa traa al adu loraiious or txtlorinf taaiur. fa psekM ar karmatH-ally aaaltd aod arraaird lull wlat Tb quality avT ratirsv ll I mote aooBomlcst la Ibaa tk 4)Wr prak. Oflfa'il Occ'dental Tn L'l'd Bisk 07.4. It Bkrllkf Hip.

law Task, far (a by urooara. Titfs nils Tbayrpilr.shlblMifi-4l.ahlh. I rum tirtta af warb al lulatd BtMli, Uriah araiaoiiralB Malarial Hegions, lln.l Tall-" Fill the toa.1 arali.l rlarll4lr al lerrd lb al It rliifc IwaallU. Try Them Tairly. A litarn HswHt.

ftnr Mml. irnit ill iruU. 60LD EVERYWHERE. ARDOUR'S I'kUCUIUTEU STAR BONELESS BACON will lb. tnr.41 fa.tiaiina, 4nd a or.f thfta win, wti.l thn iie.r lit.

markcl att. r.l" iuiits.i,a.iriiis...rth,.ir 111 BTAB Mal0. Ttir.i tnrttt. ir nnnawt in fn. liurlani ir 4n.nt.a.

Ibat 4H4SII I II. I- i.l in in, A'l- Lt'LkAl ATUll fLi ltiAt. M.E'hiifj'i lupnted Sjriiji Afarhmfn. (Patent Pending). Highly recommended by leading Physicians, for any and all Female Wcaltnesies.

FurSi'j by of 601 North Ctcler-it LETTER PRESSES and STANDS All Sizes; Grades, and Styles. Prices the Lowest. Printers, liltnnaraphrra. K.nirravera, "'ank-Uook Makers, ami times k'urulsbera. biyiok-eveiToB.

III. ALLAN LINE OCEAN STEAMERS HhlA-T-r PasMtjcto and from Britain and B.url. I T- ail part ot turop Liverpool tL 7r thn Most of all. 4BB4tt.1Jajmot fl I ll iIrvb. Oiacow to itonton, to i.iwv pool to and from Bnltimon.

Thirty Sleomcru, eni'Hwior. AcooiuinoiJtitioDfl unnuri'awtii. Weekly sailinqs. A 0.. fien.

Wrrt. Ag't. C-f. Sundfil. j.u,.,-r.

Ui J.a tk.Hf Ht hirairo. Ill A GOOD BINDING FOR CKXT.S,iiitallc for IlARrf R's I ATI ANTIC, ST. NlCH (IAS ft ml all lroks of simil.u size in inclic. Thii binding ha; Leather Hack and Corners. lapei Sulcs and NEAT AND SUBSTANTIAL, In addilion to we have slylci suitalde for all books.

Binding of Art Works EPECIAItTTT. Von cinnnt nllnrd In nlloir your Marja'inra, 1 aw, ntlirr bonks to nnhonntt. lroti a PANTAGRAPH STATIONERY CO PrtnUrs, tlthegraphar, 8UUoar. fJLOOMINQTONi ILL. 7 filial I Bia Um UUt.

Tart a ill 1 )04assaa U.I a ta I fsltt W4J art L- li 1 1 4, -14 mum tiz- a knantaivl t4.Mtt 444. Mtm I aittt.ta.44 fsa a-ft. 4 Bay laaiklistt rill Bl fatal! aJ i.lt4uan la tak. ua.Wlullf ilMin, atlall It; and lltasl dytai, ft-uMiiatittra, lid.lir, lk.f'11 14.4 4a lt4 Hint lrtlianuik aa Itla4alukilia ajrsvi.4 lt l-il14 -la. M4r4 Mttt 1 momom co tit tt a r.

LEOAL. )rtar. atlrar STATk lr II lttjair-a nikiuif luurl ul M.Lraa ixiaaij. 1 IH U4I 111. I'4 B.

i. Hill' B4 f. I r.rti..i uif it krat "I Mni.f llt.ish.f lal la kMnl.4, llta 14. N.ilH if k.rl.y ia la fotl. Ik B.

J. ad Bl' frelur. at .141 aril ailiBt kat m4 oal af Ik I ik ol Ik I'sualf iwtifl M.IBB.llk.ulluriafaid HMttt 4111 uf ..4 mu aM.r4.u, l-ur kuadra. kia a vnly raiita. ktilr M.

irid ui Ik Bk.nt ar Hi "uoiF to it.ul atiklk! Ik li lll.f4 I axia 4in la aai linuBif Ctmrt. (Sua. ua.t Ikf mmim B. i M'ilrank ff.C. Hi.wr.

farlii.ra, Iw an IB iwrl Ml e.utilr on Ik krl far ol Ik Bfll lna lkruf. la t4 k.i a.o al Ik IVrtirt kjuat IB 4 4 muair na ii tks.0NU ajuMiar Tl1 "oari Uf Aiui'kr nakr. air aarrial bail and 4 to kail artliia. will 4lnl I l4til ul ik i4 uni Bud Ik Brarty al-la'ktk Ia44lialy Ik i. Bilk aui.

Hr. 1 ah rial, ixruiy. I liT ll ruBvaa. ainu trin Mahtam ia rMAacaar balb -iaief Mvl-n I'uuniy-a. la lb lir Ctiuri "I 4i iiunif uti-ik v.

tar Wood Hu. r-utilw" ura'i kriy ivb ikal. Ib aufj nan, ol a 4rr roi.rt-d tin Ik lik lay or rt iu iKa fttii liurt. In lb atx-v nlil'i U4. I.

44 H. rkl'lln. M4itrlnik4iiarrir ik H. Ur) ouair. ani, al Ik kur olf la Ik furrouuB, lkPAT, TH TWiJTT mi' HTM DAT t.ti..

al IB rltlllB imV Ol I a Him.outift.'B, la Mid lotri-40oiiriiy. it. ki.ttttfl ana trl t.4ilr. tk fu. main drwrlbrd rr4l t-4141.

tin and train la la fsianty of MoUaa and or li tnoaa. to will U.l auial-ra ta and ihrtwili. bin tk rl ka 14, of Ik fnnkwMI iiuarlrr 0'tar-ir ik of aartma Ikiriy fnur in. in inwnaairi laaaiy ikrrt'4i Burl riirlkr ai4i of La Bubjvcl 1st lllty of rlrmr.llnB TBKMf Uf BBl.a riral la 1IAH.T PABTAOBArk OB Monday, July I. laaa.

pHM.M,.St Maflvr in Oianwry of Mi l-an l.iuuty, I.L A. IHiuLav.UQB p.alnani a aullcimr. i ti i niiFii.Lt.-" --1 I'tirbua and Barak A. C-irbua, kia all. i.i.

I latiia ttl.l ln fi'lF I ii a naw on Ikilllk day of A prl A. li. arriain nr iruai, --SS nf Mortwt4. pa. 1MB tfc ktrwl" a Mtl.lrl tO Prof 111 -tlH Ilruro Bohrrr.

allrulli, and ki4 tuiMaor in truat, in lorll-d tituftid in iftkcounty of M. Ln and Hint ol I llnoia. loan: L-itf numhrr Itm H. and lhri.f,ln b.ot'k nunit--r tkirty-oti'. In A.un.

Oridiry Prluati Addition loth clly of Boominaton. Baid (wnfryanr wm B14.I 'HH'Ut lb P4ymnt of an indmrd-oraa of no IhouMind dm arl il.i"'i. aa ahiiwn by on orrtain proiiiiawiry not or bond, bs arnif vrn data wiin lt Irual did. for fluu, payab to lh order of Lsiui II. lulirrr.

and faun du four ar from data, lib inlrrMl ihrrron al I lir rator IV pr cent arr annua, pyah arinl anou4 ly, at art riahl couimra atlMhrd It aaid bond, pafah. oo ih IUk of April and Oeuiberof racayi-ar; "wmaaaa. Said tru dd thai In caof dlu.l in tk pannonl of priBtipal. noi or any pari Ihrroof, at lh Um and tm and In tb manntr ihrrrln anv flrf. tbon, on app'trallon of th It ho di aaid tKind, wlikaal tru4ti4jnr bi In Irual.

shail to4V lb riatu to fil taid prriuitra in lliBi4nnr prrcrib apply tb proocadaut ucb taif at ihrr a ipatiBidi "wnr.Mraa. nrfaull ha4 hn tnad IB th parmrnt nf the a Id tl and aaid Inrai ho.ilrr Da rp.M4i uf arrtnlM ao il. and lb procrtxlf app.lrd at i.r imii ded: "wHtnaaa, Tti whol amount of laid d.tiitKluiaa on lb 2Sik day nf Juiy, iw. If tblrtn hundred and and klty ctDia ill.tWa i. lirtidt attornry a and tb oollf of tbie and ti tHiiM, Th taid trutt deed provldrt that Ineaa or ai-ain, rftu.m to -from the county or fiat of aaid Oyor 11 Un.

I. of atud ItonrrT, turn oounty and atat. aha I b. and la appoint -d, tuccrtanrlBtruat with Ilk power anil authority aa lh ald parly of the aecond part hereby baa in and about tb inanaircment or laid trutt eatate. and the aaid premlana ahall tie-onni vetoed intb laid Jocatbao H.

Howell, tbe new truetoei and WMfKaaa, IheaaidOeira nohrcrladead Now, thi'refor. by virtue of the powpr -n me vetr4. at trulto aforeeald, and In oom- pilano wiin me lerrna iam Win otlrr th premlae aunv dracirilied at mnA hti hiiSd.r. ror pun no aair. ii- u't.

caah in hand, at theeouth door of thetourt-bouae. In BicomlrJf ton, McLean county, lal- n0'wBDNB8DAT, JULY tSm. A. D. at 10 olo" In the rorenoon of taid day, with all tbe rmhtt and equity of redemption, and all homeatead rlfhtaof the tad Joaepbul K.

Corbut ana oarau i-corona. he.rtand asalynt therein, and will execute ana at ltr mo laid tale a deed or deasli of oonvei ance IB fee of the premitet told. Dated at tJioomlna-ton, I linoil.lhll lit day rJUD8lA U-JONATHAN H.HOWW.U 3td gucoeaaor In Trutt. Health is Wealth. D.

C. WaBT't "BRVt Ann Rhaib Tkbat mT, a guaranteed apeciflc ror yslerla. Dla-alticsa. Convulalont, rut. Norvom Neuraitria.

Heailfhe, Nervout I'rostraiton eaiised bi the uae or a cohol or tonacyo, wtteiu t. Mental Depreaalon. Boftenln of the nra'r resultlnir In Inaaulty and leadlm to mianry decay and death, remature Hid Aire, Barren nosa, IrOUt of power In either tel. Involuntary Loaael and Spermatorrhooa caused by overexertion of the brain, leif-aiiuse or ovor-ln-duiirenoe. Bach box oontalns one month'i treatment.

11.00 a box, or tlx lioxot for 16.00 lent by mall prepaid on receipt of price. WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES To ouro any oaae. With each order receives by ua for tit boxes, accompanied wlthkh.ofi, we will tend Ihe purchaser our written iriiar antee to refund the money If the treatment does not effort a'cure. Our guarantees Issued only by H. H.

GREEN, Sale Agent Dru and Jewelry Store, northwest corner Oourt-houae square, Bloomfnirton, IU. IP WEAK LIEN Bnfforincfrnm thenlTectaof youthful errora, early decay, wafttincwiMknofia, will twDtl aTaltiable treatise (innlM) eonUlning foil partlcalara for bonia cure. FREE of lJrge. A ai'leudlil meiUcal work ah on Id bo read by erery nun wbo ta nerrona an4 deblUUtod. Addroaa, Frof.

Ft FOWL, Boodiu. Conn ORUNECENNESS Or tbe Liquor UuliU PoalllTelj 4 airetf bf AdmtaMtrrlDS Dr. flnlne' OoldeD erta- ii- given inftfupof 'ffee ur tea withoai the irrr if the pernon tnkl'iK tt: In ah-')ntpl JmrMU'riji, will efTi-n a ptrri.tinent ami itpcMl7 cure, wlifthor thn piitlent in m-irBte Urtiikr or nn ic'ih'-lic wrt" iu Tb'ti-Biindi- nf driiukiinla have bt'ii outilo tempnite riTtn wbo littt UKpn (ii'I'lpn In tlietr roff'-e their aniiwleilei'. and li-Jiijr bPlit'Te Thi-f rtrli-irslTtST of thWrowii rrr will. IT NKVKtt KAll.S The Jtire Wit tl ItlO hpaJClflR.

tt B.Q otter tupoiibiiitT for tho tiquur apuex'e tu vMtet fTHl HAI.K BT WM. W. MARMON, lilt N. Mala Blreel. nir.w I Ill DOCTOR a DACC'oi U.U.nUOO PEORIA ILL.

i-f ITT7. Ti.T.-.l -I ati.l i.ew liiMi o' ntisticiiie; ita rrailuat wilh the eiierli ir i la riinnant jirai tice of marly tliirty veer far Cnitrtr, tumnrt, IJtee'9. Catmrr ar filta NERVOUS M.ii.1'-. I nu ntel mi-t t. ii'iparari'lfil nn t-." all ir 'ItiHl a rTHHtli BLOOD SKIN :i.ri.

iil i "jniji. an rrnim- r. t. i n.alrrnt' i ia.ll. 4U.I fn.n, 11, sl.

in Iti.tir: Hit InlrT 1 t4.Ui.u Nerv.nit lv: mi lMU (. tndt lsaw lour ai bat a W- r.u.iy IB r'il22 II I lulu. it I. MtsMtrlf UraM.1 ara. taa a lb afawa BMI float MMMMia4j B4ay.

la body had aiaiatW But abotit cdtl ana 1411 b-aia. lut- la Omaik Ba I al lb IKM 14 a a-aai-d. WiM it4 iwiM ai.4 IW i.i.if I.W aMi4s a aa a Bin MW a4 Willi alllp-l tkllt bin utMaJl BB4 a ra.B.H BMiala kbjal ark. kk ii(r nualbt4uklaBiili.kal iaiul IlidiJ ratt4iaaaol. atlaiklb 41,1 aoB4 1 arias' rroptaal lb atek fpp.Mil If Mi.

a la VMta uotoa. Wda'lt wakikk r.4lw.a1 mM af l. k4 km. i t'nliua ll ol-1 1 I Ml V. It II 4 aUMir III t.BI- I ul 10 Mat iyhadi.

II n.i,JulllBaiilrarwr 1 fc i.d nl a k4 trcB 114 IB lr lui.n.i. Il.iutita lnwa, I Bill l.i-i iliaa a ui aa boui. -Tbla Cottudrlab MplBlltl bH BitttM-k alt tn anmil of lb baa) -tinf lh. 1.11 4tMnlh B.l'ifuf lit alt rk tb wvll In lib's hat ba doc-ulH br il baa -s latpssc I to CbMO by kl of Mate, and at II ihrnuah lnr.l albMbai Ht 1,1 lilt lu I'll b- inaa e-t Ui'l 'ir rwntlnkltna I ait an'" out 'i4 4 -ior- ablrli tv- MoKHiti till I Mmltr Am a. -Whrn lh A Mtwea bi.

l.kl Ilia il Mam krd Will a atirtsta, 1 iu.pM Uii will by raiui pubiw library, a k'Tai o.riil bktlPk ba eomvMid lh Tbm'iawlilbkUrd up rtpn'ally tut tb etmiB and cooufuet olllepubli. ralur auaida wdi ee-rupi Uf Ibim B4 at a aiamr. Tblk am Iran In la( Kwaa utrt Linn A aUirr aaeant Bui la all pruMbil. li ih iib.w nail- ln imint nr youna aja. akw-h will irpl lip by DUtlfitwa mrn.

rn win f'M- liluul In Ui Keili.loiia. Vt nrii ou bw a but area of ctaaa 10 ml It la raptelally narrnary lo bt (iu aoon aa any uf ll la la pro-r eoodllion. vtbrraiM mil portion of it will at bvrriy r'p I poo lb whol llirr la ator dangs of itai-a ant rluT bWi( I'll alandluk loo look than of balnc rut loo early. Cbriniral aiiaiialaarroiatoprortthatrra rul dur lug th srd forming piriud make amr nutriUoua bay than cut when in bloom, kul fie a iiniala that bar lo do tb ratine pro-fer lb lattr. Timoihy ha oern known lu tlK-rraa in wnghl Iti.lB lo 4Jp-rcrtll duru aim ll wm In wui, put ui part of tniagain In w.

igM may beolltet by a luu In titiillty II left UieJina loo loug. ll la calUluly leu pa. alamo. ll la kcnsiui in muuk bi aupp-ia thkt hay nnnl be dry n. nicUW b-fur bring put into ineu.u.

It la a f.d plan, aiUi a pro'iHi lol la weaihar, Went 1 r-11 the aiieiuoon aa Biui bay ran al rr.d. raked aud abirrd aaar th toliow-Ir gUtr. V. wouid prrfr putliiik In hay grren to bav a ram fall upon ll. II wr.i packed doau lo rar Hdr lb air aa much aa pni we hat never lallrd lo have bay no buttled in come out all right in Ih weather la th obstacle lh haymaker has Hi roulend with, and with all his foresight II will aoiuetlniea get ahead of him.

-Make hay whii lh ami ahin it rood advice, and ir in sun nor noi amr when you are ready II Isb-ller to wa know of a food deal of bay that was not rut untd Sep'eiubef of last year, and id many ea-ca mere aeemeo ut oe no nrip nn It but there are faroiera who are noted for hay in any aina 01 a aranon. Webatean-n men mow all day 111 the rain Ihoiit knowing but trial ll would keep g'it on storming for a week. Hay rul under ueh la al roiwt certain In be ruined. Another miatak Is to think that a whol held of grass must cut at It Is better lo hav a piw o( a day led for liltl than to leave bay out over night, fur there is no telling iiit a day may bring forth In the way ul Weather.

Wait until It has cleared (ft. knd then do a'l tou ran before tl.e next ra come. Don't mow In the rain, thinking that you ran make vour bay wlo-u II doe clear 09. for you will probably only surrsud in turning out a poor article of bedding. The man wlni commeticea baying in time can affoid to wait tor the 01 1.

jrlunities. Hof Haul. start more fall p'ga than you can r.v,' good rare through the winter. -Hroeders of fancy pigs are sanguine that their trade will continue to be good. Have a constant supply of pure, fresh water for swine if possible, but arrange tl.e drinking troughs so that they ran get only their uiouths-not their feet -into tliein.

I. arm hng houses, as a tuie. kre unsat isfactory. They bring too many hogs together, increasing the liability lo diea. The larger the buildlugj the more difficult it is to keep them properly uisiuieciru.

If there kre no shade tree In th hog pasture artificial shade sfiouni be proviueu. rnnstrurted sheds answer the pur- well, hot tl.ev should be built to turn driving wind and rainstorms. Tnese sheds should not be allowed to become dusty and filthy. -Urowers of porkers kre hopeful that they will naveagooQ corn crop, uuu- mi, re to out well fatted pigs on the maiket, and they are hopeful that they win ire arhanrn at the good prices that have prevailed fur ayear past before an abundant corn crop knocks the bottom clear out A cheap and convenient way to supply the hogs wiin charcoal is 10 oura meeoiu cobs mat about the feeding places and aoout the Darn, r.aae or ue iiirin In a Dlle. burn till well charred then extinguish the lire.

Sprinkle salt over the heap, and it will ba a pleasure to see how the hogs will relish this cheap neutral- uer of gases. U0I1SE SOllAl'S. -Change of feed occasionally serves ss You will pay the penalty If you do not proviou 11 ueia IOI JOUl iiuirca. wee sponge uwi will prevent ycur horses from having sun- siroaes. The hordes that are best able to stand hard strains are those which work steadily iltti ill t.hi, week.

Thirty minutes spent in cleaning up a team in evening may mean an hour gam in time inn next nay. What percentage of your resources in, if 111 tnveHTMt In horsey Do you it might be right interesting to find out. 'I'l, a nnr nir.rvnrllllrt WrfltrllPd CSb and cart horses of l.ondo have at last found good friends who are willing 10 work for them in order to lighten their unhappy lot, and with this objeel In view a home of i.rus iiti(rtil. tl whirh needy cabmen, costermongers, can send their horses ror a weeg or two graai. I orde- to raise funds for the society which nt ti.ia hiii.ittnf.

unrtr. h4lln are IIASiiinKrvi mm given wuich are attended by the most fash ionable society people. Block Ooiiip- -A tola! of 1 1" live cattle and 3.il6 quarters of beef were exported irom nos. tjiii In4t wel. An Kngllsh authority estimates that from 81.5 00O.UO0 10 aie lose au 1 1 1.

1 1.. hv warbles in hides. lVklng Is almost identical In volume with the same tune last year, tbe dillerence being io.uuu ueau, 111 iavm ui The Chicago market has bson over stocked with Texas catlls for the past few weeks, aud the poorer grades are almost un ntlahle. The 1'ennsylvanla company reduces rates on cattle from Chicago to New iork Irom 25c to per cwt. on hogs from Ml tO li.53.

American live cattle are selling at Ue estimated oressed weigne ior u. lish markets, and dressed beef Is command Ino- 11 -A big story Is going the rounds of a lnounoacre ranch to be bought in ew Mexiro and stockeo wiin sjo.uuu uaiuv. 4 Is not likely to materiali. Week before last the receipts of calves 1 fttiirairo. amounted to 11 '155 head, the heaviest run for one week since September, when the consignments for one week amounted to 4 head.

K-c'Ip's for June at Chicago foot up 17.1 4'l cattle. 401, iOU nogs "no against 17i, ins cattle, 41s hogs, and sheep received In the corresponding ol 1S7. The railroads are once more engaged In a merrv war of freight rates on dreesed l.vo la-t th" rate wasentlo in rrwl. Chicago to New tort. 'IB nbi'iai wa Wool and dairy products were also materially reduced, Hon ford Acid Fkoapkatt.

li you are nervous, an! cannot slei try it -VAilihtai II'. ai af Ariaaa.Hb. ll a.i. kwl ki. ta.kv-4 al -e-ai 4) -I tall-la.

Ill ai ba4 i4.iU4 MaatUf al pa la. .11, A. bm.I IMiaad. I I. atr4Ualif natlrtuM bu i 4sn4'4 awiMHiatl Ibal b4MUl 4.

aftfaM bar aa Mr aut Blira Wral IK'll l4 Mwy Will aaUa l'aruU. 1 1- Mill ala Bip u. bt-ada ul lo ual. I Ut I sir ai4 a4 "I Maiiuu4 luiMal by f'-aat 1 My a t-tuallf 4i4UB.t4t liawil.y ataadoaa. -J.

Ii kr. af (-katapataa. lit a al IrotUB b-af ll-a lat I K'luuav al l'al. 1 au4 iain.M4l iihi loiwama fc Hiu-4 suae. iiiU'ui.

ati. la la In a. A sal brvaa, I'M It.bty. luaiad l-i lut l-u. 4a'ta aiaarll a war of lb laip-MlBMratd pur.

an lain- aniilnii ul bmlrf and i-l lb 'an Ibal nbl lm-t-in, ai i4iy btuil-l and 4itiaia U. ta.wiieirts ul ll. piwlark lb bab ul atukUi by II 4'ii'a ba B-aatalwaa lu aiak a 4-ridrd difl-Vfbca la toH4vu uf ll Puller JotiB I'l'tr. who llrr Bh.Hl kail butm ul '4 --lll, lb rotaaiodif aa raiii bain IB Ileal and al lh rs-un'y. Th baia newa'J lri anl aai-ul igiiif kxit al bay aud Bl lewtl aai bMdofrslll.

Ml. Tiirlai-rnp- laia.1, Bird la abualn lb p- ul Miti'toiiiu-id lb adtaiiia ul lipn -A antairrlfua lif H) Mid lu a iBipiinltd a all leave, Iui4rr. It la un a girat B'n ul lhr. any a ay II hai it aern bf of uuf falBiel tin bat In train a tb B.allrr. Irr tlluaUd a aboil ditlanr fruw llleti4 ol lb leaf, and I ared entttwit.

II .1 trad if al Of', but bf lusting th hugrt al.i a lb Irsl It 1 aa kicaWat. 1 alto wr farajr la Illinois iiy ur laeti'y ttuuaagj. aril bow Ibal ty buehrl ol (rain U' bi Biarkel aut kl put Into a Mr. I'atetil ilunipt and aorfeen elrvab rt bat rhaiKed Unarutlui btaai-n aa aa nl al un Bioti I at n.a II laid la nod a. ka miifktoUka atirtlrieni run lo ial.1 A fill giain aarka hat si a UtiBg nf in put 10 linnma.

yet la lh far aesl lb aim aiwai rr. la,Uliui aacka fo Una p.irpoir, -Mm out uf im. If bol or. fata fa am si arknuwlrdge tnia year llial lllli avtl In greal alnl lit rn erop ol Central IUIim.i. Il-wt ra'na fiMlnwrd br ht-y raina aidrd Iberurnrlrld to aurl.

an anl even lo laa brlotid Ibeir caps -Ity in largeni iua thai hav bn laid. 1 nt rattled oU lb water. iMiwrfrr, Bid Ban I tb on. well many aerrauf ua'a. AU In all tndatt HI hr nn rai over, and lnm now on tt farmers will asld lo tbrlr mink until tvtiy act la aril U.d.

Th live atnrk tvitm bu alrurk llll'iols. ana our tui'-i ruwi w. Biakir.g preparation for lb gnulltmr lining. Fanners aa rul have larg-ly r- -It atirtHi inrir uutu tn u. rterpl Ihr niiMl pinioning tperiuirtia hav I.

I lit MtUl takro ailvanlag ul lb utiprrcedeiiUd low p-H-uf purr alnrk knd made pnrrhaa-a ul animals uf rood bretdiuc and pmntabl ii taiiiir. Tber ha brvi brlor Una -a-on bisrn anrh au a-tiv aud deit-ruiinrd effort 00 lb pari ol farmer, aud tpit tally ll.etUrk brerdrrsol l.liool. lo drive out irrnb atork. What Hat I Ot at Iks Takl. -Mrer ninkeclgar4 while eating aour.

-Never make a pun kt the tW I4r any-here rlaa). -Never tmtrk the lips or the children while eating. -Never uick four Iwlh or nuarrrl at tb Utile. Until should be plekesi lulbebiik yard. Never fasten your napkin around yotr neck.

It Is now lo wear a collar there. Never P'lt your elbiw on Ihr Ub'e. If a lots lo ke. 11, put II lu ye or porker. Never rematk I Hash Wdn'day is here when the rre quelle ara Us ing aervrd.

Never scran four plat or tilt It to ot- tain the last drop of anything It contains. The dishwasher Is paid to do Never stretch jour feet under theta'de so as to touch Iho-ti uf your Vi4B fta. He may bate corns which object bi familiarity. -Never drum with your fingers on the table. You ran make 111.

noit by beating a tattoo on your plate with your kmle. Never pot your knife in your mo iih. If there Is nut room on lb table lor It balance It on the shoulder of tbe person text to you. Nf wearry fruit or bonbons away from the table. If you want something suhiian-tial for a late lunch sequester lurkey drum stick In your Inside pocket ALL SORTS.

-Land In New York city Is so dear thai It does not pay capitalists to build hi-saaes for rental. Manr houses that sell will not bring a year reut We accidentally overheard the following dialogue on the street esterday why don't ton stop Ciat disgusting hawking and Smith. How You know I am martyr to catarrh. J. -Do 1 did.

1 bad the disease la Its worst form but 1 am well now. S. What did you do for J. -1 used Dr. Sage's Catarrh K'nely.

It cured me and it will cure you. S. I've beard of It and by Jove, I'll try You'll find It In all ths drug stores In town. In the editorial wasie basket, like summer hotel, there's plenty of room the top. I am performing the last sad write," murmured the lawyer as he drew up the sick man's wilL The government Is trying lobster culture on the Fac fi: coast.

The jrst Atlantic Installment has been anchored at Santa Cru. Stonebraker's cough syrup, one of the oldest and most rellableet lor whooping cough, colds and bronchial troubles. Try It and be convinced. W. W.

Marmon. It Is astonishing how people will go out of their way to be disagreeable If they think there Is a laugh to bj got by doing so. A parrot that prays has been found In Philadelphia. It Is pleasant to know that something pious has been found In that terrible city. Devil among rats, price 10 ennt.

TO killed In one night Sold by all druggls W. W. Marmon, wholesale agent The fellow who tells the truth with deliberate. 6ure-fo'otod caution isn't believed half so often as the man who can He with graceful volubility. -It has b'en quite warm In St.

l.ouls for a day or two, but thank heaven, It has been fearfully hot In Chicago during the same period. Smell's champion rnt poison never falls. Sold by all druggists. Try It W. W.

Marmon. wholesale agent, Bloomlngton, lit There is one place in Veutura county. where there are 6.C00 acres planted with beans. It is anticipated that the government exhibits at the Cincinnati exposition will cover 40.000 eiiuare feet of space. Father J.

0. Veneman, Catholic priest at Miles City, Montana, says: 'T most cheerfully recommend Cole's Carbolisalve as the most erticlent remedy In the market for healing purposes. 1 have used it on numbers and always with the most beneficial results, and many a poor fellow who was eased by It has blessed and no doubt prayed the Lord for your success. 1 have advised many to use Hand all pronounce it unsurpassed. For sale by ail druggists.

A Minnesota editor makes the distressing announcement that there is a scarcity of 8I00 bills. When such a thing as this happens It is always the editor's profession that sutlers first Stop It- Stop whalV Stop the toothache with "Conner's Stop It" For sale by all drug gists. Price 15 cents. A Misslssipl woman fell Into amllldam, and when she was rescued a ten pound catfish was entangled In her wire bustle. Her husband wanted to set her again Cut she would not consent Advica to Molhsrs.

Mrs. Winslow's soothing syrup should always bo used for chlldreu toetning. It sooths tbe child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cure wind colic, and Is the best remedy for diarrbeea. Twenty-live cent a bottle. The world moves, even In England.

Word comes from the little Island that the London 4t Manchester railway has decided, in deferens to the prejudices of its Amer-ean istomers," to Institute the system of 1 hocking baggage. Lockoat for Cholara., D. Aug. 4.

11 Having made frequent use of ,1. A C. Maguire's benne plant, 1 consider it an almost Infallible snec'he tor cholera, diar-rfo t. dysrntery, llux, aud can recommend It as urh. S.

II. Loxu. Colonel I'. S. Chief Top.

F-uglnve rs. IB "rakaaf aUtaat. ttatauMM ia 1 1 TW f-ll-4j M. rS-e4 14 M. 4.l1ttlitMl BUM- ba k-4.

IW. IM-. Bl B. a aa la 4kv a I- at aa I ia I aa at. ba Mkkr-kta I au-4 .1 41 N' f.

I tM aik-4 mm 1 .1 1 lu-MtlM af ta 1 a-uiMt ai-ii-ea Si aM 4 a aia a tmt a---4 bote, kli-wtaia dul" i-t4a 444Vai 44iai tv.ri akra li.ajtv kl-Miu-a ott full apt.iuy kaajMjk UMM at auuf. la wn m.a.a fu-4 aa osafur a t'4- Itiui, mlt IM l7i I mt fnMk. II. ji 1 1 a. til taitt MJ ail ka I a4 at TV.

kt "Saai.iif.lla, Tka atarkrl aa II tu a rtak ak-a x. (1 1. UiKa-a. 4 at UU IW aart 1. ij, r.

iat. Au4. li. IM a.a-4 tkai-s4i wk. Ju 11 I 4 aui.

t. o.t-e in a.arb.4 Mtr. I.liami aaaapaui. Bimiit ilkta pNubT HJua-ki ai Si V. i---rr.

ll4li' 't. lu a.afb-4 4.uil M. W4l 4 a.u.. un." 4 a4 al rrtaa. I'sOlM IM atarMt aa kit a 4j lutak ark ft Caiiaaot Ju W.

--ri a sra-i rta it-jitii wr taiaai kai IM to IM Ma. tir a 444Ui aiOBUI a. aaia ul a.u-4, i -s i.wbra a -4 HHi raa4 rail. IM ta.i.I 41 111 prl. I- Ikat natur 4i.

la rearipn taaJ k4 ol binaural 1 'ui4wiii4 ar tk t. Hiatst, au Brr, k.T4V.ii okl. Naoin, aTilia, I 1 'Xo. Ik B.ata.1 (all ati aa4 prwif od kayim ti. aku aHiprakk, Mix- A rrte Hn.

A rnr. Ho, Af. Irl 14 If 4 ai a in vi 1 'i ITi a nf i roj -t ut km mi 1.1 k-i ui k.j l. a .1 I 1 4 I k-i i i SI HI kiaj riH. kail' AUD AJMHIUTkU UffT, 1:1 lit l-l A tk It Hi In la I1 It HIII'-TM frrsb rnit ar k4-Tb (oiMiwin 4nta lh 44441 baliv Irian.

tf eairrits.k i un iaoni-4. kt 1 43 p-r liai pound Ik uialkol aa Allvt, bl (rada It Uklk Idf luxk. kt. Leit'it. Ju.y le.

i-A-n-l tTh risak reorlBUI wer lajukrad. ri iBoti' ktvy nam tuvra, a.nai mti rairlogoud oaut ssrvr. vtiaj iiui tiMit. i- 1 1 1, r- to orim. 4.4 1 11 aurkra ao4 Iradvra.

fair (uo4.4.4u 1 Biarart nui.t HiHik-ia Ire. rei.i wr It-aj krad. Ba I'buie ky B04 tiuUb.ra 4i "li pa. amg. nrdluai lo aBoii-, f-is til (ra, ordinary lo best Tb Blrkl wa lauy.

r(i Lif l-atk laxkat Cbio anna Taw July 111. uit.t Mmwiduv evil. ablDBBent. I'ai. priei rang4 iroot k.i VrBVi ror lUtbli lur Uliii-o rmi aw-Utu Mar- Sl Arm.

CATIL Bone ahtpmenia. nun. iu rnr btevva. fiWaASgl; coa and in, aid, i-i -i: aucara. IJSu uM Taa aioara, (1 Tlv aiarket mm Maker.

krntkp-Hillvt muttonl. VI 4a.i Trf. BIS. f-SlO 1': f4lrru laiuu. It 11 Jl.

Th uaraet wa tlei-dy. 414 ai. haw aa July lu kt 1 -01 Mai al I lo I si hi onl, iMtioau I pr otnitu oin ai Ill4 psrorul offre4. J4U aiiaisni UltL Actual rausi H.r. ror amy days: It ror insiaiik.

Mar- a-a aiiir. lluvernuianl buuas were dull aaa atvaay. HiLWarass, Ju In WHBAT-Ki. 1 red, eaab. Cihn-ko.

a. l'ATS-No. 3 waly. ig KV- N0.1. tTJ. s.ctij. FUtlK-klJilJuiy. Ci0isri. Ju lo.

r4, PI 1,0. CO KM-KO. OATS No. Kt -No. 3, Jo f(iKK-H 25 LAKI)-K WHlBKy-klll Livianx July I WHAT-No.

i red western iprlnr. SaSsid pcrcenbv; do. winter, 114 84 per rentai. t'llll-K II. CiiKN-NeaT mlied weftern, spot IS lid per cental.

Ma tons. July 10. WHRAT-l'Dgraded red. S7s4iic; No. red, SM-sito eievaeor, wjiuisjo muai, u- CUKM-Cngraded, No.

Ve t. o. Auguat o.oaing at ia. OATU tt4tern muted, JtaHSJi do white. TuRK-Mota, 0 d.

LARD Western ateain spot 18 4 Bl'THSH-Weatern. I13AU. gijosj Western, KTHOLIIUM-Unlled, fiat ST. tocis, July lo TOVOsto cash, WHO Au 'eXJllN-flo 47c cash, 4Sc asked August. uA'lh-Nj i mixed, Jio casb, Siyto Au-gust.

t'OSK-Msaa, 114.25 LAiiii- 17 0. t.lHKf-k: 14.. MlMNCAPOLIS, July 11. WHKAT-IU aiore no. dbi.j, 8: VC July, Auguat 8IH0.

No 1 nortbern, soc caan, piujuij. taah, juiy. ivite nrntuoi. KteiUK Fatenis, a.a 10 sblp, oar lout, i 9 a rt mivti a.oewit.v. 111 1 ts4s Uirv.

July 10. WHBAT-No. sort, 710 bid CJKN-No. 411 cash. OA1B No.

2, lilobldcesh Fsorla Markais. PariHiA. July 10 tr.i). hlnmniila nonn si ti wwie, Light otTurlngi and fair demand for good nulling samples, which are rather rearce; commen 10 poor am" a.j. itJT.

0 mi, BhlnmAnl. ft 41 tUtUt HWrll, Market Brm, with active demand at the slight shading of values Uoted, though this uiaraet atui anove any oioernu hibi.uiib.u..j lng ail trial laonereu at "4 ll l.n Kn mlT.r1 HlgD tnixeu, iihi nun. 7 Bejeoled, lo cara I n). oral IIA 1 0 u.r"." Clterluira light and demand good, but holders moatiyasklng abovo vlawa of Buyers-iltKio asked and IKsiO bid for good No. li fbilo on traca oiner granua smt'ij.

V. Kin Miatri. r. iwrl traelr liitao. No.

li while, a cars track, iiJc. No. 2 ml en. 1 rar iraut, jiu. Ihinrn.nll nnnil BIB-hwciiiw, aiirt Mrtii iu.

market dull al nominal prlces-about 51c for BABLBr Kocelpts, nono: shipments, nono. Mallluir twui i uiwvu tie comma In and any rail Inn reported, benco values here are entirely noml- none: shipments, Market Ortn HIKhwInes, (1.14 H'h-pronf spirits, kl.lli BLOVM1NU1VN MAHKETD Ulohuisotos, July 10. ITbese markets are carefully revlsod dally. oeiMMisflioii mkn'b i-Btejic. BnTTKB Country, Slow dairy, Wi: creamery, ISO.

Boos 13K0, Pofi.TBV-Por Old, 6c; spring chickens, pcrW, fa.5avl.zS. ur.rviintrv. 7n: oaclterr refined. 8S4o. LtMons-Kanoy, ami sue, in: choloe, aeo alio, obolce, iajo aise, kTW; ranoy.auu Bizn.f7.iai.

URAHciaa-Kohdl, 2UD site, OS; Imperials, fs.WI. BAitaieAS-ll fiuSM 00 per bunch. ti. Vnu per bbl. Nkw ToiAioaa-Per bu, l.ou; per bbl.

1 'i. TimaToas-Per bu. box, 507fie. Nr.w imo Per per Ct ct iB4-l'r o. Bna'ss War.

per bu. bor, fine. ftaBBAOB N.a. per oral. tl doi 7'ms y.jr.eMii Ve.inw crook, per Ilin llsar-Per Iu4i.

CHKHt44-l'er 34-it case, ll-2ij per bu. drawer, I 7,. Hi.rws Wl.d oo4p. per hn. biv.

per l-it eaf. 1 1 JS: -l-ot rate fl-'fl. KtaraERHies-B ack, per 24-qU case, Hi aeiiiRtta Per rar, I'lieHts-rer si bu. box, leOUc; eraiok, I 4 IB. lufUt M'NM, i or IT MK Mirrnn i 1 rkf AtiKAfM.

Il. tit Jl l-V H. A attM.tH-i.1 mUt il lb f-BifMUoi l.attul In linJHI'4, Mr. H' I' It, I,. Walla 4 i lo al Wabiaa, teal tr.lHui-t.) II ninth I'lurea-u Ithr limn tul'i uu anli tt- Hi kn n.t ul II al lla'a.

la Mr, Ilui-t li I'po'Mxl 1. I hi IIM Kill Ml tain Im.iu Indiana tuVti Bf Blli'l llw in. In hlt. It l. tlll Hi I Hitl IIh-mi tut-aitNiale pnetilatl la III I.rll.

IHfiOBrBiiMii tlu .1 a ll.c.i Bud Win Ul III BltBg 1 1 Utr 1Wllr Hi Uw IB. tliiati tl lil of out reunify and ll. K'Ufhia In It! I mB.nand n' Um. lu tliotBrr band Wi. I )' l'i MiaUi nbiM aiii alu lo th tiirtuoiial ana ft mi lb'" ram.

At i ri ti i itit fit Imnt Ii Huw hi trhta Hi-art in li 4' 'I'm "I tni4'Ur Imiiwl 11. irr-n hro bullJiti hit in lmi anti-ilia In runlifcUif Hi ibuim'F tin. llwtiMiii ha Ira si li iu aid th worBt'O In Up Uti ll.fH Urlli IB UlhU-ir4 ru, ii-Ui c. I lil brluti' Ui pir .1,1 tuarl.d kit Ink Uw BtrrhmK I'l ai.d lien. Uammm bav- Inn til II.

mulitf oUfroulJ Bollm p.rtili.ini.d In II kitrutid Ui. Hut betn it (In- fiitruian Ui tuakfiiuttliftiky-toll 'il imy wutkiuatl lflvrd I my C'l't I' aailuhlto. b. In trptt flur Imioraiil Hid malic l.rO. larn-ri mi kday Mtouuti lor ai Utmrii mm." bl IB lbi l.thl ii.iknirii lull IwlcBoutfC u-MkrinlMa hmM or.iy imuirtJ hiw tboii Am.itii Iiiiiim It in lu bl wuttlir lir Hi lbutni r'B-M 'in Kn'lil.

o( l.b I'l bJ lilirnr in liul iniil. A r'rnutiv i.l filler, lu Mul. WkilrO un at udi-r. Tb Kriirral did Dul iuli up In I wild KUlllllK mil. i.

ii i.i lil in to uiH'l lilm; knd and but I In M.atd. Olid 'Jlt ra'. tS lii-n. HatitMia bad braid him tiirmuli. a lu 111 urn" ol inrnorary.

It i.i tbitur uv wa twr tinif. but. a iii a li could, would thumb but Miaiv and what bJiiki iimiii 1:1111. ltl alter this. that he bail huiili ii i and H.l Ui KhIkIiUi l-'J (Ol- all inuinfl lif k.i liirni lil pnvklr library ii.

in hm in ol lutftivt and valuis i ii in lin the imor. and lu all rtliir i bantu a. In-ii. Ilarrlwm bai Ti-r tikrii a t'loiuiiiiir. lurUi-jiiiribulir liberally hi tioianl iimni y.

II ban wi nird to fl at a ttu. should, that II i.t imt by jTutrwioW. but by wurku that in. in ut be Ju.Iif I. Tfc fact liiat he ba I im in on-, bia way mak a shuw of hi'in-it in tb eun.lltiKii of tho-w lw l.irtui Im.

hasfobli'ii hmix-lf to Ktv-l'n; what be rould. and to his own ai the name time, ha led IU care-b 44 and maorurati" Jude ol human natur to siytlia. hewasan nelmlve, cold man. Hut tin' wurld can stand a cood deal of Juitt i i viu4lvi.ir4 and i )ldu-s a4 lien. II union IL He tivei ten illar bills rt'i-r than hubIiwi and unilro to the poor, and, for in latH man, he ha words ol i-yiiipathy, BcmuiinnU'il by deed tatlicr than deuiaxoKml 'tump upeeehe.

irh a man 14 the bi'4t type uf th Aoierl" em li, ami l.n charn will ba the hitler nppriciated the more It becomes known to trio people. He has nU-adlly urown In favor frum thn day of hU nonil-nation, aud will continue to, as we lirmly believe, until he takm the highest aeat of hoirir Hie popl can confer upon him. I.AM) UHAKT VortFEllCHES. The lain Thjinas A. Ilndrii Vs, of l'ldiaim, wa.4 of th ecneral Undolbcn In and 1 under the of Jjniei liuchanan.

lie male a report aa cnmmissloner, to the secretary of the Interior which throws some Iik ht on the question of land grants to railroad That report Is to be found In the cxecutivedocuuint8, Vol 1, 1'arll. l-'iT liases and Tne 'ollowlnit Is an ex-Unci from the report: luncr nnd since the year 1-jO Kracts of Ifave l.cca made to ten itatot and one territory, 'o alJ tliem in the cmtruction of rallrnadi, of an extent 'part eiilmatci) ut .4. res-Then iollows a table In which Is shown the i i i.uuib.-r of acres that were granted tmucu thedaitsof the laws, uilleaot road tnii ether particulars. 'JO, Illinois recolved i acres for two ronds, of CTO miles' Missouri and Arkansas each received in IVli ne.uly the name amount for three roads, i somethint! over 500 miles. Micl.iean KOt 4, 1:5,000 acres.

June (or svt roads of 1 075 miles. Iowa got 4 acres, May 15, 1V6, for 1 jur rods of 1.125 miles. Ah.btma got ovr 000,000 acros for twelve roaiis during and InW, of miles. KitiMla got over acres for four roitdsaud Miunetota territory 4.4IC,C00 acres fur six roads of 1,150 miles. Kvcry acre of this vast area of upwards ot twenty-lout millions was granted between lijO and IK'iO when the democrnts controlled bath houses of congress aud the whole riliuinistratiou.

Tiie iU mociats now seek to evade the fon these figures by faying that these gran's ere made to states and not to private corporations, but this is no answer. It Is the merest juggling with words. Asa matter of fuel, an the report of Hendricks shows, they were made ftr the benefit of tho railroads, and no one at lliit timuor since has seriously disputed It. Tin land was given for the railroads exclusively and the statute stated that It should not be ustd tor any other purpose. It was in 11 a grant to corporations by enugress and was intendul so to be.

As Judge Taylor, of OXo, declared in a recent spetch in the house, the states became naked trustees and had no more duties than were exacted of naked trustees with title in canes, and were bDund to convey the lands to any railroad company claiming under the grant. It furthermore appears from the official order of Secriitkry Lamar of May 'ii, 17, canceling a long list of land grants, that twenty-seven ol them were grants that were made b-foie lstjl and twenty-three of them while Thomas A. Hendricks was land TI 1 ilcnineraK lu other words, are claim-ici in lv im giving back to the people the lauds they took from them aud gave to the illroaeis prior to lv.l. iiat fills is not all nor the worst The tiiord shows that In no instance did a measure looking to th" restriction of these unearned grants originate with a democrat It was a republican in each Instance who introduce! the bill fur the. forfeitureof the grant.

democratic aim of credit on land grant forfeiture itiestion rests. In Ui-t. on about as slim a foundation ai their cla'm that they hare relormed the evil t.t vice. It Is the shallowest of d.rua aud will deceive no Intelligent votvr. I l.t 1 i'l, di Kmc, auoicau the Methodist ebui stulb, wake tills lrtt.4t -r Ji 1.11 a at I lif laa.

l.i L.b,ii4 liritw, kt lllinttt uattiral ti.ia BitavN I Mn I iaa. I'4 I I 4i. i'a4 rait b.i a rit.iki I. rni. ti.

Bo. Bl, frt-lul. I Nil II frt 14 ab,klal I Pttai fa. Mu Ii. f'ai If 444.

Mu l.ktp, Nu. 14 t4 1 atalff a fatatia. Iillitai 1 Utlaltrt4 taaifk. I Bat. Co.

fatal a p'M f. haa aaa fXr -ikl. I il a If tH Ha. rr I 8i aJB.rrikl. I pa urka, Indtana sv aaiai it.

aniati av. I xtia a trv tin I BitUai Hi' I ai ka. i Bo i lirM 4 ait. -ka I .4 -tPa I In, 4' ItlBtl ku I fl.

If II 4 fill lift I an. INnli Bit It In Ka ItiyitM 1... It a. lawt Bi u.kvaa I aaa Mria vtttitrn ta4riaail I B4 fitea- laavaa N.t.k,l'a-a I I I Iw aa ku.1. let I Sitl't fit.

Nri. tt, frelf kl 14 4B4. It. ltil 4 ke tk IrX Ikll I it-it f. gtepl i.t.ilaf tf)ttrt ll4ttt Tu-4y, Ikuraatr a) u4r l.tiri ua Bjtrdataaay 4.

4 kr.tay ed I 41 f. 1 k-a taa u.a win tarry ttaaoaor. TMC CHICAGO A NonfM-WCSTCnN TAKCJ HANK WITH THE CtST 1AILWAY3 OF TMC VOHLD. IT i f-lTllACK Of Wkkl UALUASILU STCCL PCNCTIiATCS CtNTfC3 OF POPULATION IN EIGHT 8TATCS AND IrraniTAflira IT! ntvijri 14 4. I C0ACMC5AN0 PALACE u.


I I BHltl. lita. i iitjii. HOTEUORLEANS tlTUATCOON SOUTH SH0RB Lake Will bo under th pcraonal auptsrviaioa of H. L.

LELRND, and will beopm forth r. cr pticu of irueata, uua lirat lu aub yai. Vititor will find THE ORLEHNS la flrat clatsa in all of ita appointmenta, bln well Buiiplled with it aa, hot Bnd cold water bath, etectrio bnlla and all modern im-provementa, a team laundry, billiard balla, poaiUvely fre from annoyance by moaquito. Round tfrip Exclusion T'icets will be placed on aale at the commencement of the touriat aeaaon by the BurliiiKton, Cedar Rapid It Northern Hallway and all connecting- line, at low rate, to the following: point in Iowa and Mumeaota: Spirit Lake, Iown; Albert Lea, Waterviile, Mmn-eapolia, 8t. Paul, Lake Minnetonka, White "lear Lake and Dnluth, Minneaota; Clear ike, Iowa; Lako Superior pouiU; Yellowstone Park and point in Colorado.

Writ for "A Breeiy Beach; or Spirit Lake inthe the General Ticket and Ptttutenwer Airent, Cedar Rapida, Iowa, for Hotel Katea to H. L. LELRND, Spirit Lake, Iowa. C.J. IVES, J.

E.HANNEGAN, hial. todlria ISnfs. Cta'ITukttul Put trial ISCHIMIGS! i. hhai.tH and desire Corot that combines ease, comfort, durability and Is at the same time porfoct thapc and oloto flttlnir. ask your merchant for DR.

SCHILLING'S HEALTH PRESERV ING UUKbtl. ft nilPVf REFUNDED tf not entirell ttl.r 1 Lir.u ruiii.rnetiirT. For tale by deal MUfta.1 era generally. SCHILLING CORSET CO. DETROIT, MICH.

361 263 Franklin Chloago CAMPAIGN GOODS ATti.oorn I its- tlllV OI'TI'ITa, with nrlll taellrt mid rull Infnmmtli.n ainrat ontanlalni and clrllllnB Man-bin I IflHS. ll.l.iMTitsTi";ii i G. SPALDING 1 lot MrailUon i llll 1 r. tt CURED A ASTHMA CMR lnPt.n.lTr.H-wf4a n- 1 -Df-t1ll4tt4. mft fht ptickal I-iirttlftW nii rr- mm Piii.

ON 30 DAYS' TRIAL. THIS Nil- 'WOrTl ci ICTiP. TRUSS M--4 I IW 4 will" ttatl Hi" "ie VnVr" ini4tinajiit the f.nier. -I 4w.unrj UIB ft I a ll 1 61 4 1 A I 1.1 dml dmlaiattua. tbrle 1 i.ii.

auilutlla lulo In lb a-ulli Uiki iiir m. laUa III1 llimk b. I. walrd. la Ui fa.

ufU aMiU II xrma Hiai.r thai any imhHi boalil kk lulUirl 11 Um irpubsirao of at pininl. Bid 11 stiua bf Ihaai Bill tltii4 lu lll'. Itkt IJtBli ffBk Hrf a ti bailut ihMB a w. C.miumiin va tl.K ahaairf ul bt frvm a r. Me-itatit mmXtm -apf hruiutn 4-" if "I II IM l.if. wt ka fu.i lk av-Mia law rib ira BBfiy nkl In at 1 4 aien 4fBiaaiikaitMiU.ialkaiik,ii, cawp alia kar I 1 4m l.r akil iu -nit a. rr( ibixi a taai b.i ul b' nkl lo aolt ai.4 lu kat Iknr Tkal a 'k'' nkiaai" t. ani 4 IH4.44. 4wW lkt BOW Of lk BnulkrfB BtBlrB i i.rk a IHmk lea. a4 Ikal IM IM nttlia uf 'u-k liniiBdaih'B w.nai ma an4 tnmn iBIl-B.

Wr.rtlif Mi llbeltl Br I.l Uib durlna- II ampiB ul bt t'-H' lb tin pi I. a t- lb pi a er ui du and Ihry Bid oaii rt It 1 1 lb lawlul nnjmity in Hbri "abJ br and hinl ar biardand ll:) abould ar pai'r that condone fraud lb ballol tma in tlx Niutti aba I rt aupixifl ourl-i. A taatti aia.l lld fiaudiluuld nrib Biadaoiid by lb ft -4 ial nhu and lair pia. Mr. I.hky.

ol Ma li, ill rtrd an ainerd-im nt to the Mills ll a th tarifl.on utar. fulllbk lb duly duB lo II rr Imtead uf toil m.l, ah-r lha oil1 lsvi IL li aurp.rtina that awmdairnt Mr. UaD. of IVnn-yliania. utid that Ui pirrnt duty waa pr cent ard that a trdurlKin as by lb liiily BUindmrnt-)ul or.r-half -would leduc the tevriiu I kwi.iau llei alhsl oB ti lb tact that fr nait had be 11 raii.iolly advicalrd by th drmurraU when.

If wboi duty cm sail was paid by th consumer. II would amount lo I cnt for vry man, woman and child in lb mntry. Hut If tb Dinglry iii'iidmeiit wue adupltdit would tiuouul to a fating I ') cetiU lo etery man, wi Biai ai I he anirna-iiimiI a at dileali4l and the ilemo. rata sund eouimllled lo fire alt, a as at dirt, and to taiedaugar, a a.utlirrn product uor eon-trolled by Irii4li atd lb ptic of which la last Kelllng bryoud th fiactt el the pour nian. AHHUM IIOMIC.

-The Mlnrrik fl'mfi has atatttd a dally mtiluin. -lien. John M. 1 aimer wlifieak at lb 1'iper Clly fair In The republicans of Mt l'uluki n.te 1 putting up a pule l'i ll long. Th school ciuua of monk linni-ates that th town has 'J ') Inhabitants.

C. Herrln.of l.ntille, had two steers killed by lightning on Mouday. icoolaa liomnjersbach, of D.catur, Is ererlink four hot houses c.nting (1ai. Muiurl lionehain, of Ureana, has more than lifty d.lfctent kinds of holljlue kk of l'ekui. Is sulf rlnax from a tore foot punctured by au Iron rake.

A kindergarten will be can ltd on In the high 11 looi a. 1'vintiac during the auiu ner. -IVhtiac, of laying sidewalk, Is foolish, putting down southern pin. Klder Hit, tor two Joirs pastor oi the Christian churcb, at Clinton, moves to Sullivan this week. Father O'Donaid.

of the church of l'ekln. Is holdintr uiUsion fervlcis kt Manllo for one wetk. iitvi. Kegley knd Uelap'anc, evangelists, have begun a 1 imp meeting In Monument park. Mason City.

-Sam Kjlo, of Havana, cikims to possess the epaulets worn by Wm. llnry Harrison at the battle of Tippecanoe, Hccatur bui a Dewly ll-dgid cltvsn named Nagushenskl and there Is a preacher in Vermilion county named Kiracole. tieorge S. Hustln, an old and respected cltiz-n of I'eorik, was on Monday tmiced In the county court knd adjudged lusane. -Capt H.

Langhans was nominated on Monday at Danville by the union labor party for congrets for the Fifteenth district -C. K. Selby, of Wllliamsville, Intends moving to about the brst of September and engaging; In the study of law. -A little boy of Mr. Keubf Davis, near Mason City, fell from a bay niow and one tlceof a pitchfork passed crosswise through bis upper lip.

It Is claimed that a tcbt me was on foot to g.ibble op the Peoria water works by the National Tube of Chicago, bnt that It was nipped the bud. On the evening of the Fourth a descending skyrocket stick struct the porch at Mrs. Stommel's home at Decatur and went through au inch plank. -Cieorge Hibbard, au old aud much respected businees man ot Danville, cilcl of hemorrhage of the lungs Sunday night. He was born in Euglaud iu lsio.

Fisher, who was committed to jail Thursday morning for a murderous assault npon his wife, was taken to Champaign lor the purpose ot securing bill, lie was unsuccessful ami was returned to Jail. Fred Cawrey, formerly an engineer on the lllinis Central and a son of Mr. John Cawrey, of Clinton, broke his leg the other day by jumping on nis engine en iuo l'aul road. H-The estate ot W. D.

Angeil, of UJell, was sold at master's sale, and attracted a lurira nimtier nf bidders. The land sold at un Kverae of uer acre. The sale amounted to over WW. Keport says Mr. J.

Jouei will resume control of the iSpriugiiild- Saturday and that Its recent publisher, U. M. Shaw, lu connection with Mr. Frank Hud-sou, will commence the publicttfon of a new prohibition paper. Two hundred and forty-two cises-5 sos bottles -of baer were received at Canton from I'eorla the evening of the Fourth of July.

One bottle for every man, woman and child in the city. And yet-Cniton Is a prohibition town. PcUii fust. l'ony Davenport is making good use of the back pension of over 8-1 000 which he received from the government. He has Invested $1000 in a good home in this clly.

having bought the mdy properly, east of the Illinois Central track aud he has ali bought au eighty acre farm. -Clinton fubiif. Mr. aud Mrs. John Oakcsandson.

ho have been In Decatur spending their vacation, will leave on the tilst for Mcl'her-son, where they will be joined by their company and open the season in their new play, -Sweet Acorns." Mr. Oaken, who is a product of Decatur, is a qirte successful theatrical manager. liuliard llullard, of Spriugliijld, have received the contract for furnlshlpg the plans fcr the new 87.500 bink bulM ng to be for (lorin. Dawson A at lie citur. They are also completing ans for an elegant ti 000 fraini residence v.

W. N. McEiroy, In Sprlngheid. -Cncle l'hll Claik, of Clinton, basin his possession a contract to which many of the old time contractors on the Illinois Central were parties. Hn says he lost S10 too In the work lor the 1 'Hunts Central.

They are all deait. He alone of the seven signers Is today alive. The Instrument bears the date of December 1.5, Is battery A started from Danville for the encampment at Camp on Sunday morning overland with ixty-even men. their gun-iand camp muipage, drawn by from lilty to slxiy horet. Tttey attended religious services in Falrmouut on Sunday afternoon.

It will take three or lour days to reach their destination by easy stages. I F.metl rUner, foruie-rly of Clinton, I lias been appointed deputy auditor of Da-.

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