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Bangor Daily Whig and Courier from Bangor, Maine • Page 1

Bangor, Maine
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


ix mi a 00 for six monlbe, T-iE BAHGOR WEEKLY COURIER is I I I I I I A I A i 1 1 01 ihc IAILT WHIO AVD COITKIKB, i iv i i i tnmnabfy in advance i i i (. lu i 1 I tow NoO ork. ire i i A ami bubscrlplions i -on i ut loatoo. MCCDU. fallow.

i s. It Uiv7, New Yo-fe i i i i ma iij all cases bo paiJ ir aJ I i (Into t) colorcil sllus filiowa tho in ID ft i 'i itv i a pa nl A i irhcn the aubocripUuti txpirce HENRY McLAUCHLI AGhAT KOB Uprsoll Drill LAFLINRND POWDER CO. MI rcl 1 of auppl c- for 2nJ ID JD quantities ua UesircU. Front Street, Bangor. lker Furnaces.

Portable and Brick. They are very durable, economical, great) beat- era, free from dust, easily taken care of. Two Hundred IB use in this city. i Wo soil the With all tbo new improvements, warranted perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. give CITY RANE IB manufactured by Banger Foundry A Mi chine Co within W3 feet of our 1 store, and is ih eat Range manufactured in Maine.

Bepairs to all Stoves and Furnaces that COB9tan Jy on bctl at lowest prices. FRANK D. PULLEN icavl sell NOYES C( Ever shown in this city, lie baa pot in a copplclo line of toys' Underwear, Boys' Overcoats. Boys' Ulst rs, I a stylos and sizes. I i FAIsliandWINTER.

OVEb.COi.TS Mien's Ulsters XZJeefers. Jems' Business and Dress Suits of Ihe flnostgrades, if en's Drees Pauls; Men's Working Pan I Uerwcar, Neck Wear, Gluvcs and Ulttene, ibo bast line of Hosiery, and everything that and nice, cjn bo fobnd in il (Kear E. SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, TRUNKS AND VALISESJ UMBRELLAS, RU COATS, RUBBER BOOTS, RUBBER CAPS. 1 7XL1TS D. 8ER A.

G. n. Depot If oaf. X7 cfe 19 XTzoluuiso St. Jftw AND WINTER SEASON, 1879-80, Fashionable Clothing Retailing at Wholesale Prices.

Odr Slock IheXftrgcet, our Clotlilug tbe Beet, and our PTICCB Idle Lowest, by Ailly 25tj)er ioL All the latest etyles of Men's 3olte, ofjuaJ to Custom made. AD immense vaiieiy of Fall and Winter I I Overcoats and Ulitcre, from lixo cbctipest td tho Tery btBU 1 Our Youths' and Children's Department is the Best Assorted 1 in the State. I 1 Call and bo convinced that we can money oniovcry Garment bought at Plain and Sage Cheese; AT THOMPSON KELLOGO'S, oci3 cmrraB srxtssr. GUNS REPAIRED. GALVANIZED JJJON fiUTTEBS, TENTILATOBS, CHIMNEY CAPS, Wucht-a, Clocks, i else rc- Wai.

(. Icwclrj, Silver and 1 Ware, At 1 3KF BR1DOE. DR. BLAISDELL'S i i 122 French SU i on i su in occupied S. C.

i otlire noura irom 8 to 9 A. and IV i to ami 7 tn 9 SI. i HOUSE, Lewiston, ie Proprietors, formerly of tbe Franklin House, Bangor. having leased thin comniodloae Holel fofl of years, are now prepared to eniertain tbeJr old frienda and the traveling public gcnfenillyi be'iloicl 13 piL3santl BituaitJ on ihe Corner of Pine and Park nearly opposite City Building OQice, overlooking the Park: and lormingono of the moel beauUTal location ID tbe Stale. Jl leo convenient to the principal iilaces of business.

It nas al) tbe modern 'Steam Rooms, Sample lioome, EiUmrd Hall Also a Sret claei Livery 1 Stable. Carrmpce are always ia DR. J. K. LINCOft, SURO-EOTS DENTIST, OBfce.

No. 2, WlUelwright 4 Clark's Block, REMOVAL WHITING S. CLARK, Counsellor and Attorney at Law, hue removed lo Office of James 3. Rowo, at he heud Ptnlra.Jefl hand. Larra- jtt Block, Weal Market.

Sqnardl Bangor, MJ.IDS- JAMES DUNNING, BANKER ADD BROKER, i receive deposit a Backing buBineas it be old BAK. Banpor. City A. T. BARER, Cashier tf july2 Oysters 1 Oysters I ASD PICKXES, CHAS.

YORK Nos. 17 and 18 East Market 8q. Tma AUTOMATIC COPTiNQ PENCIL. AMD I Black Lend Pencil. a full line or Lead Pencils of all grades a manufacturers prices.

CHAS. HIGHT. Ju'rs 1 3 Smith'! Block Just Received CHARLES DWINEL'S. male ff Jaatmt. 1'ENOUaCOT.

88 COUrt Of PtObftW, tCptoD Term. A 1870. Upon ibe peUlion of MjU7 widow 'ahn Doherty, jatc of bangor, Injaaid County fUDObcot, deceased, that Ibo lufeininitratlon the eatate or said deceased may be granted Uj Joshua l. Warroo, Esq of eld Bangor, OToqtiKu. That auld petitioner give public no Ucc 'A ii tMTfcnne Interested, by caiuiDfC a copy this order Uiercoi.

to 'it pnbUstied three weer rbe BuDKOr Daily WbJx al courier, a oew Rpaper puullflbed In Baiiicor. said Cotinty. citing them f) appear Court r-obate forea c.uutj, lo be ht-ld at the Probate OQlce in eai-J ISaiiXor. on tbe last Tue4ay In October next, at ten ol Uid clock la the and snow canee, ir any they tuive. wny the nrayero Falil pe itloner phoum not be granted.

JOH.T K. aouynrr. jndae. JoiOf r. PKXOJMCOT sa.

Court of Probate. September Term, A. f). 1679. Upon Iho petition of Abigail E.

Taylor, widow of Alphonfto C. Taylor, lale of Bradiord, la aal Connty of PenobKot. deceased, tht the adntliU- tratlon of the oitace of aald deoeaacd may IH granted lo William M. Darlj of aald Bradford Btep aon of deceased. UKDEEED, That uld petllionar live pnblle lice to all penosa iutenated, br caoaiDf copy mis order thereon, to tarn WMka ID tbe Bufcnr Whig Courier a pn jtlibed iniBaBgor, Mid Couty ciunirUiem lo appear a( a Court of tor Mid CooBly to keld at tbe Ome01n aald Baofor, on bwt ia October MX of clock and lupighton, Da vendor Co.

I DEALERS itiniHutlK, ail ffater PIPE Materials, AND Ot" AC. Id wootlen Gutters lined with Galvanized Iron aa usual. Also dealers in Drain and -ml attention vcn to digging and lamg drains. aprlo COKNEK EXCHANGE AND YORK STREETS, bog to lake guests to tod from tbo trulno. BOTAJL faemtl For Copy, blluULP IT HE KfNING I OJTf-V 93.0 93.0O 4 f3 PAGE OCTAVO Wi-hlCLY TAPER ig Mining News Irom tbo Gold and llncq uf America, Market Value, Dividends, eseamcntB, Ae.

Agents wanted for town 1 A. K. CHI3OLM, 1'ropricuir, 01 1'orjt. niount Hope Cemetery. 1 rbe Executive bommitteo by the Snpcrintcn dc nt, MR.

THOUA3 J. COLE, are prepared lo do ar work fhich tho proprietors ol lota in the a-r xmdB desire tojiave done a prompt and eaU "factory nianoer 1 iDl work wdt be well ezecnu-d and at the jbeapeit rates practicable, aud if parriea ebould agrfneved at the price charged or manner in ucti iJie work la done, they may refer tbe qnee ui to Lhc Executive ComraitJeo, io person will be allowed to do work In. tbe unless it IB promptly completed, and ihe mnds-leit lo emtable order and Condition, one deairona of employing ibe Supermtcn lntlo do wort, can leave retjoest for him in a tor tnax pqrpoaAat tbe drag store of Mr JOHN FATTEN, Granite uioct. Per order. GEO.

STETSON, Prob'U yjpnl 10, 1870. if Com. copy. W. BALDWIN, Successor to F.

H. COOMBS, ROOM 1, nOHAKOB DtOCT, Corner Exchange and State Streets. T. INDIA RUBBER For Infants and Invalids; llot Water Bags. Ice-TJaRs, Cuehtone, Shroung, Tobtog, bringcs Teething Binge, Kuraijic Appliances.I FOR Elastic Knee-Caps, Stockings, AU sorts of Rubber lor the Sick and Nurnery.

3V. S. HAR.L.OW, INTO. 4 tcptglj FiLL STOCK 1 OF CARPETINGS, We lanie porcbaacra to examine Oiir Large and Varied Assonment In all tbe NEW DESIGNS AND 8HAD1NG8 of tbe leamm. VERY FINE STOCK- i i mm, hi i.i IIMMINGi GOODS TO MITCH.

HOLLOW WARE. as In the largest Markets. No. 7 Main Street. New Operas.

Jalea. PEARL WEBB, Real Estate Brokers, Auctioneers AMD Insurance JOHNS.ZIMBALL^SON, AUCTIONEERS, 128 Exchange Street. I Julyia lyr GO TO BOOTS SHOES. ETorty "Variety, Tor Wleece Boye and You Lba, at lowest HI A A A Kul Button, DoBtln tlio market WidLba tram A lo I 00. Tho bet" tVeoch Kid Button and Side Boots lor (100.

Latest Styles in Stiff Soft Hats. timbrel I Hood abborloenl. Itcintmbir th it it no roub to cliow uud oudtomorB ehai) bj bulled ot A. CURTIS', 2 Kenduskeag Bridge. peptlU I For Sale at a Bargain.

A convenient house, pleasantly located. Also, farms and a Shiogto iliJl. Enquire of M28 H. L. MITCHELL.

FRESH CAPRERA CHEESE BAY RUM. New lot juBt landed ex brig "Gco. From St. Croix. This is tbe fianie as lob frorn same poit VERY SUPERIOR that usually found in iho mniket.

ID' lots to mil at Bangor Edge Tool iro now getting out a largo lot of'tbo wcll-knowr I PEAVEY HAND-HADE 'AXES, irtil arc selling at very low prl-ca, ami all per- one in want of Axes arc invited to uilli ftl oor liop before purcliaaing elsewhere. BANGOB EDGE TOOL i 57 EXCHANGE STItEET, C. A. J. n.IE,\VEY Proprietors.

6etU6 1m WM. E. MANN, CITY DRUG STORE. seprcs "pr nn TIP IT in FLOR DE ALIi. A New Brand of Cigars.

Belter than any heretofore sold in range of 5 ceot goods. I Received, tnd offered at maker's price. A SPECIALLY good hing. WM. E.

MANN, CITY DRUG STORE. sopra GREAT REDUCTION atnte is on every bottle of the Worcestershire Sauce. It imparte tho most doltcious taste and zeat to EXTRACT LBTTEafrom MED1OAL GEN TLBUAN at Mad ra.6 to his brotke at WOKCE3THB Ult y- 185L "Telli-EAAPEB, a i that Ibeii Snuce la fflffhly ce teemed In India, ft lfl in my opinion, tbo mOAl a6 welt as tbe mosi wholesome Sauce thftt ift made." Sold and need thioughoot tho world. TRAVELKRS AND TOIJBISTS FIND GREAT BENEFIT IS HAVING A BOTTLE WITH Til CM AOEtrrs FOB A PERRINS, 90 Cfllcft flace 1 ifitart, VKW TORK. 24 MAIN STREET, have JDBt received a full assortment of goode adapted to the wanta of (be season, conelfltlny pan of a 'A UK AN I I I i lo Mur- Witli Kelllei.

uthly vitol ft lly w-irmiib. 1 frailhiiF iiiUlniDg For viile at a Hllglit Ailvance )r tlm r.inmnnl] Warp. For hf W. H.JPRITCHARD, 13O Strcul. qtl Icura In ointB Forms.

RHUBARB WINE-SIX YEARS-OLD. ITAULIC' RHU nr ILi wty Ui a urrs: Shi. nit UNI 1 -ink ii --u- -iiiylil 1 1. -fkiiir 1 .1 1 IN in i 1 1 i -I i KliX .11 lil il ww A A i li-i -i. Rnxi Ii I furi V- ii- ri WM.

i fur a prnr Doctor of Alcantara. Kiriun-rr i 1 1 1 ra, niiw l-r'-'-f il, LI.I- p-j-'iliir i with. i. llir 1 i-f al 1 i-artit Bells of Corneville. ii fvtv rna-ly) hi piinwsii This.

Uu- "I UT" r-l UIK 1 1 in airwrll wiirtl. liv iw wlio hiTe rnlsiiM fi- M. iviiWuiil aro -j'kiliK IL fur waii nspj Merling Silver Ware, ik. ii iil r.nii- -4 HJIK -in A NICK VARIMTY (IV JKWKI.RY I'lori-iil Inv mill ItmuitliH, Mowalr, TiinpioiHO innl Jtoiniui nr rr.n::as HVrifes ac I II turn. for Alan a'wajs muoiBbri Uip miUml wwilf.

kurpi you naMal as In musical malMi. (irna ur 7 IWIM or DiliiUTtrVMk anJ oosu bill in- OLIVBK DIT80N BoLlon. Anow Zuol. Mtlllm, RldgM Olhir l.firt Cotdi. JtXTBACTB OF BOBF, milrlft ffmrl ft Iff flllrtcl ft Jliflmt.

In Uir DIUJII i.r WIIJ.IAM II. JIUAInillli. NulkV UM r-niUi Jf if ml wUlw uw aulr uic'llaiikninl 1.0011 In Uniior, wl, URII.M JO A. Mr.

l-Mlaui: llanl'i. JOIlfc fAiHIIlY, FRESH CAPRERA CHEESE; j- sTUn BBOBITBD Al? feat For Rent. A convenient tenoment, centrally located Enquire at 252 PAEK STEE15T. If House and lot OD corner of West Broad way and Cedar Street. If desired will tako for rent, E.

U. NASH. leeptao Kent. Iwogood etoree on Main etrcet Apply IK ISAIAH septl? I For JRent. Several fmall tenements good condition.

Bent low. Apply to i scptl9 I A. L. SIMPSON. Kent.

A gooil tenement, pleasantly eitnaled. In. qnlre at 55 Lime St. tf acpJO For Rent. Tenement No.

Union Slrcol. newly pnpcred and painted. fur. fcnace, gajj and Holly water. Kniiuiro of K2i tf P.

i House for Sale. This property is dcsljablc, in a good lo- cality and will le sold at a very low lljrurc. tiiaL CIIAHLES N. II ERSEY, Jonc2l tf No, 4 Mam Street. FVxr- Re lit.

flQjnll tenement in pitl repair onJef- A Iferson atreet. Enquire of W. Will TON, Henduekeag Avenue. Ptent. The property on Washington Street form crly known as the "Wall IMnce Jlooso In tULfitUioroagb repair with Iloliy Wiiter.

(ioorl table anil la-go garden. About one acre of land on tbe i.rams*.s. Will be let on reasonable terms applied for boon. Knqniraqf i D.F octO if Mam atreet. BREWER BRICK CO.

i bavo Removed tbeir office to S3 Exchange St. tpnis are still in ingor and arc B'lll Dry Goods at Low Prices. 33 A I STREET, t'ic placo to find them and they me giv ng BOtnc ent viice in Fall and Winter Goods. 4 3 Main Street if you mil (o Lu your right und Uic.ip. SAMUEL B.

STONE CO. ocl6 3m IP OF mmm m. JLUCTU8 HOBBAKU, IOK SALE Bl efts OO. Eddy's Refrigerators arc the best, we hare wile of them for Bangor. Albo, Coo Cull and eeo thcoi at P.

DICKEY STORE- jNotice of Assignee of His Appointment. At Danger, ID tbe County of ronobficot and SLito of Mai DO, ihe secjiiJ day ol Scomber, A. 1S70 The undcreignod hereby givee of his ap- ointment a ASblgoce or Hiram carbelo o( Ban Lneuid County ot Penobscot. an insolvent lebtor. who has been decJejred an inBOlvont upon bmowD petiiion by ibo Court of Ineolrenc) lor laid County of Pcnoberot I BcpM ALL wiAhlng to make money in Wall ehonld with the undersigned.

'Wrjto for explanfttory I culare. sent Irco by uirKiiNP rn Ban reaDi rofcerB 0 confidence- of their patrons. Kvemng Pott. A A BENSON'S CAPCINE POROUS PLASTERS naye recelrcd tbeigEeateatnqmbeFbf nnqnos. Uonably reliable cndoreementa that any ox- utnial remedy ever received from physicians, druggists, the press and the pabljo.

praise ibem aa a great Improvement on the ordinary porous plasters and all other external rome i Ki-r Jflfd'fl, Dinatr. i. i i r.n--.:i-f S.i-i -i-uir-ilv. i HV mruliiil.i i -I "i i Jin. Ir-i THE FACTS FULLY SUSTAINED.

One Unbroken Cbatn of Evidence and Testimony. Convicting and Convincing Facts SET FORTH IN PLAIN WORDS WITH NAMES. I wmihl not far $500 bo luck where I was two weekaago, when I commenced the use of DB. C. BfcNSON'8 CtLEBY A-ND ClIAMOMILE TILLS.

My sufferings, which were intense, flrom Neuralgia and Headache, had completely broken me low but ihcee piUs have entirely cored mo. In Oecd, I feel like another man. For ftirlher mfor mrttlon call at my rcsldanco, 113 Warrenton street, cornet of Eliot C. C. FISK.

Indeed your CELEUV AND CHAMOMILE PILLS arc worth their weight In t-olJ, as some 01 your customers have said. I have been a great sufferer ith headache for over "0 and nothing ever ul me any permanent good until I got hold of LLEET AND 4.KAMOMILL VlLLS, und they have acted like a ohatm, and I tako great pleasure ifa recommending thcm-lo my frenda. IlCAjrn, 7 Ot.e I also reftr to Uio fJllovving well known pcrtiins ho h.i\e uaed my pills ihcmsolvcc or in (heir imihes b. M. PnTTENUILI, 10 State street, W.

VAN WAGENEN, 117 Summer street, UNITED STATES 1'AYMASTER at Navy Yard, A KESNEDY, rrackcr manufacturer, Cam- and miny otbere Int. d'. W. BENSON, Dnar Sir-- Enclosed flml SO, for which plcaee send me six bosce of your CI.LEUI A CHASIOBIILE PILLS Befort I began Ukmgyour pi)le I couU not get a decent night'b lor wtcka together, Lint now I Bleep splcn lully. They arc the betftmcJicince in iho world "or Ncn-ouenc 6.

Itcbpcctfully yoitra, A. B. CKAGILL, Aneoma, Conn. Ttn. BENSON, who adTcrueefl hia CBLEHY AND CIIAMOMILI; PILLS in thid paper, for cure ol HeadHehc, Neuralgia, Ncrvouencsa anil Indigos lion, la reliable gentlemen and an eminent prac Cittoner of ttumhng, and any moneys sent urn "bj mail or otlienviee, will be lioocsU; ap licd, and all orders promptly tilled, 13 Dr.

Ben eon pcn-onally superintends Dm cnt re business The entire press throughout tbe land ore mdora- ig his medicine Weekly Blade Dn. C. W. BENSON'S AXU CIIAMOMII PILLS are prepared to cure Headaches, Neuralgia, Nervousness anil IndigOBtiou, and will cure aoy case, no how obatinate it may be, or either 5k Ncryous or i lleudachc, or Ncin ilgt.i, Nervou-nesa or Slocitleasnces Priced) cents a box, 2.50, sent posUlroe toany addrcbs. Sold by all wholesale and retail druggists.

Depot No 100 North Eutaw et Baltimore. Md Boston office, No Hamilton, opp Park bl OfTice, No. 6, Hamilton Place, Boston. 10--lawlr. If "STo-u.

axe Troubled illi or VKY GUTTERS, try tho They arc put on in IIIA cily and vicmitv by the lavcniur a a a to give eailt-facliOD A. W. Ofe-OROW, 1 Nw 19 George btroet. octs Iw ingor, ile Jersey SfBBt.Polaloes. Wo are ret GIVIHR dai'y from C.

C. Butler, extra ii? sicftt t'tttatoft, pai I td direct from iht, ficlilt where i aijda greatJy to t'io keeping inn- tie-- Wurrcntcd the in the 1'. HALL CO. ocM PROVERBS. "Sour Btomach, lunlbrcutli, and headache cured by Hop Bitters.

"Study Hop Bittcisboolvs.usc tho medicine, be healthy and happy. "When life isadnit; and you hive loet all hope, try Hop Bitten KidoCy and tro.iWc is univer- flal, and the o-ily pjfe and suro remedy is tlop Bittcts--rely on it." "Hop do uotcxhatrtand destroy, but iX'slo-ca and iiinkcs Apic, jaundice, Hop rtmovea cosily." 'Boils, Piirpicfl.Fn cklcs, Rough Skin, Moud llo Bitters cure. "Innrtivc Kidneys and Urinary Orrane cause tbo wotst of diseases, and HopTBit- tcrs cures them ell Mo-o Iirilth, and joy in Hop Bitters than ia all other rcmccucs." Hop Cough Cure and Pain Relief is the best, pon BALE nr A LI, PRICICIVTS. prontson 20 days invcBtmcnt Paul, August 1 oportional reiuriie every week on Stock Op 9HO, 830, 9100. Official Renortfl nod Circulars free.

Addrcse, r. rOTTEB I I I A CO. Baoherp. eepti ly S5 Wall N. T.

Harper's I 1879. 1LLC8T11ATED. Th NOTICES OF THE PKES8. Weekly remain welly at tho head Ulna orary quality, tbo leau- Spriogfleld Eepubli- XDO reman a trated papers by ite flne Utorary quality, tbo leau- ty ofiu lypeand wooOcuta. Sprio 1.

1 CHWCS' PATEN1 Aiuiikl 1 1. 'In OK I1IK I.AKK l-it 1 1. 'In "b-ffciiirr I.AI»Y il. i -I i I I.IH I-. i i- -i -il-.

i L. i i l-vn L.I .1 i. i .1 I. i.iln it 1 1 1 1" Hi. HM iili- Mriil 1 1 'I MM.I'l II i liMHTI: 1 'AH "1 wii.

"ill IH ri! -in- i i i-h i' i-n pll 1 rioK Ui B.I I I IB Lid 1 III U- 1 1 Aim Vc; t.v. in nl t-ri -I fllELAKK nn -n liv tl lin'i'i-cl'ir' vi.linn:, f-r C. L-I A romp inNNl f-o it mr MITVI an-L i Tvrnty V.r:::::.M. ml boiler Isr-f Uicwrft- hM (. lii'ili rnrli iniuMn '-In-l l.ig.will bmrn by 1 MISS CLARA F.JOY, tin- ml --VI III LTjuncrpnpll J.

tASIi. n.i'bm. i.rrt (tir wlOntl Ibeelpresi urinal JI ur Muiln, bll i i i HKl III IA imvlrr i (him 'HptU JLuwiltir liLock. iltir i U0. "Wanted.

HAKI-EH BIU1TIIBIL'-. New Y-rk. Nollet of Anigneo of Mil Appolntmfiit, 1 ffl 1 i YOLUME XEYI--NCMBEB 244. lady, In a neighboring towi, fiftee For one tl For ono For one For ono EJC For )ml For hal For hal Eac For one Eac two iuaertione three times In tbo Daily one week rf 'a continuance iqoai time qnai throe timoB iquaj C.ODO week weel'B continuance mar three times 's continuance qu qai wed pi DOUBL ordi Is not ep tciall otbcrwi Advc: matter, vu A ipal Co has be wns fo and co S.I, keeper erance sprmj? as In Erne re Oa it fcrcd don't The OQ the rapidly ruins.,.-,^ a civil term the Lewlbton Munic- rt, Friday, a suit between sisters tlig feature of the day.

The suit monjcy loaned. The truJ was long whojengaged one of his teams last and went ofl-vvith it. The doctor h( ard frotn June 2Jd, Mr. lliipks that, he has gone to Cana- the earn. A reward has been of- apprehension.

Mr. Emerson expect to see his team again Aroontook. inicd says the work of rebuilding urnl district ID Houlton is going forward. New stores and dwell- 't king the place of unsightly nlly 3 6: giil Procur examn been man over. lying wagon horse attemp steppe certair eiable Som barqu-, board ent seache the bun A mo state lowing Lo.

Butler, Bradat the Ho torncy bee, county Frid, hired a on a nessed er, an the clc he ma 1 knock been i drove limpet wero onedr Th creed Mau of the of eev fast ac- H. ton me iw 2 00 75 1 OJ Ifl SPECIAL HOTICE8. for first per square for continuance. COLfatuf ABVEUTiSBKENTa inserted al tbc i ato ol "Special Notices." 'crtli iments oontinnod three a week irda price, two tiroes a week, one ball Inn third price. where the Unie of Insertion be continuccf red.

out advertising muat be paid (or in eom4nto under the head of "BuBincne No per line, each eohd per line lor leaded. ITATE NEWS. tlDU Emi bus all rson, an Auburn liver heard nothing from a ssib, De ros: lay a tlOD vcn rowi flic ji: tbe seat as tnblo r. Sev- At it ijortland Packing Company's sbop at Cum erland Mills, 390,000 cans of corn llave b( JD packet! llie present season. The.

tews ays Mr. and Mrs. Me- scrve LOT ell Centre, recently celebrated tlieir Iden weddiug, with tbeir children, and bother sisters friends, to tbe numbe of 6 xty-two. The Seba Lake route steamers have ceased ig lor the seasou. Croo liver Grange have a fair in Stuart, 1 Hal Bolster's Mills, next Wednesday together with a baby show, foot and tu ra es, etc.

Frid ev( nmg, Mr. C. J. Robinson, bo iivcs Ip De waa walking out, and ig the foot bridge over the a horse a u. Deling in the ditch, aisiancc he returned, on it was found the lea in had in there the darkness, the out and tbe wagon tipped an, wbo was dead dximk, was Bottom of tlio ditch, with tbe resting across his neck.

Tbe finding quietly, hot if he had leave the ditch, he must have and crushed the man. It a narrow capc iraua a mis- deall time ago an Italian sailor on board Ocein Ft stole a hair ie at 600, Iroui Sirs. Coombs' a The vessel "Callinioie. where ih-j city marshal the tello.v's i and recovered wl. lie smila seiv-iut girl gave it le successful cand.dates for cerd ut the List election aie the iowjlomColiegcgraduates Joseph i(i5 ID the henate; Moses Al 4Ci, 1'rof, S.

J. Young, '50, O. pet, C. in H. Heath, "72, County At- ttuhebcc Sctli S.

Larra- Kdgiater of Deeds, tuinbtrl ind al crnoon, sailofrs at Portland started out On Green Mrtct incy uuhar- liorso, and one uf them, en- gro store, i i a custom promptly by a matr to his assistance ne cheap ttilk, jnd was igau down. A try oi police ing eed, they harnessed i i and rcuk-neck pace through Lm- reotJ All but one of the fellows the carriage. Two ot them turfed by the police, as well as tbe ing (the team. i* ajsh've uivotces de- the last teiui ot coint. Son, at work on the upper part River i have a ntyt- ive men lit vvork.

They arc their contract. one of the West Farming- char tsi has erected the past season buiildihg for preserving eggs, and me in stock over 5000 dozen oi buying all be can get and pay- eggs, i od is i i i I Frar Hupsev of Albion, in this State, a yonng man 20, was hilled Wednesday by tho premlilure discharge of a gun which he wai loading, the ramrod entering base tbelnoac and coming out ac the back irt oil the heaJ, killing him i VanDavia found an English cent of the time of George dated 1773, while digging potatoes bis field in Sidney. I It BOX. Capt. E.

T. Amebury, of, Rockport, bas rare of gold com, which he found Island. Westla- ilil 1 it l'i Wu i -in i i .1 'hi i i- 'i I i.ur 'I i -i-l- i Irli i i I'- I-. Th-i- i i in- I'i in If: I Hi- i 'I n-n. 'ii-l Mr i iiiiH 'li Si'H- Mr.

M. llwfiT.i-i i rf.i-Hlk-11 i I I I HI i I Mr.J.iiHr I il. l- -irr I i I Vt. l'ij-i iii-l l-rm-i-l It'll I. Tl 111 lay.

ji ii nru in JU.I tin- sh Al 11 r. S. rniiy IT en J- wcra wilrnLly niit lain P.LI- ThA owner fe.fl Un oili-retl iwu U. arRl runld nf it, IT IK for U. arRl runld for IW ihe city A lady WM on ID ago Uut Jtriwllp a i it IB only five Inches.

years A. daughter of the late Vfm. Miller of Wesley, aged about years, was so severely burned about the head and shoulders last Tuesday evening, b'ythebreakin" of a kerosene lamp, that itt is doubtful she recovers. Xork. The Union and Journal gays several in- stabces of a second crop di roses on the same bushes have been reported in Biddc- lord.

Mrs. Joseph Gooch Clucked second growth roses in her garden on Monday, At a of the Birfdcfora Cadets hfld on 'lucsday evening-. Itbe following ofllcers were elected. L. II.

Kendall; First C. S. Hamilton; Second George L. Strout. I The Times says Mrs.

Mary A. Marston ol liicldeford, aged 70 years and 5 month" died Thursday. That mormug she arose is usual, but after dinner (complained beicg unwclf and assisted bed, when elic soon passed intoj a deep sleep from winch she never awoh.e. gr A WOBDERFUL EsdAPE. i I UMLll OROUNU.

Last Friday, at noon, a well at ibe i caved in the bottoln after it had reached a deplb of one hun'dred and sixteen leet William pelves, a work- an, under about feet of sand Ins weh had leached thc'IdqHh ot one andred feet when a stratuuJof loose white ind was reached, wh ch curbing An upright curbing sections ur feet long was Cutting i i ie fouith section the took i 8 i i in the lower section not finished, and pinniug Selves ih solid and nearly to armp.ts. dt was instantly followed by the lliree above, bich were crushed in to the centre, leav- i vacuum there On feeing it start Selves had instinctively raised a section ot the curbing over his lipad, bending back- face up, with Ins arm lupportmg tin of curbing stretched over his heat) lu ibis position the sand setdcd about him, completely binding him, except h.s head ind ode arm, Incti he co ild move ac that imc. The section ot curbing which ho id raised above his head created an open space, which lor a short time communicated with open spice thioughl the centre of tho made com ug together ol tho made tbe barrel-like cupbir. 0 As soon as possible a Bagpipe, for the purpose of pumping i was in- "erted through ttie openiug-j-btlveb, who hen had one arm ac libcriyl placir.g it ab i a i mouth as (he board-, i pcnrit. Soon ufcerl this was ac- tho ettlcJJsOii(3 1 'nro, the space under the loard, which soou filled bo'close as to prison fie arm hat had at hborij tn this sitution, plan ly derjicted by hiiii- seii in sepurchral tones turough the air iubc and Uy a a i a cop ot t'ie well, Selves, then ait hou-sj witl out food, ind cramped and chilicd by (the cold said he would hold on to liie i thorc were brave hearts enough above lum to i take his!, i lull well tlie danger of those who might atte'mpl it hasiih The task was to froba thirteen to eighteen feet of saud irom tlie bottom ot a well one hundred and ten feel deep, by put- 'ing in new curbing while out tbe oand and debris oi ihc old curbing, and to do it all so carefully as not tjo fill the little space above Ince.

Coupled i tb ti the app ill ng er tiicn of a fiesli i ol the now more i i tl -in the lor ibove made hy ol sand hung the Inndied Jccoof el'iy wall, with no'suppnir hut own us loundaliou I vauJ Uciiig 1 In the ta of diecour ippincnls tbin 1 i brave hearts etiou? i toand to work i i and ncv "-licking. foi a tin ae on iturdav mornn-r, when foi a Lime lurt'icr a tl suicide by re uon ot iho vir.g in of small ire ot llie tl-iv precaiit.ors wcie auvised, aiicl the almost hopeless on to pricticil con- cliiMon at O'ieo c.ock I i nwrn- a Ir tncl'y hai'U the p'airk a-id brusl'C'l tho sand Iroui ihe ftice of tl.i' nearly uncor.K ous man. lie had retained bi- mind peifeclly up to i i a lew tno- uieniis bt.loic, the i i hands iibove Intn. in spucjitf iheir tan- id ao oiaturbed the pand as to cover nis face anJ to nuerrupt l) of from luc lube, lie reti to to'isuuus- i.css in a few n.ometit 1 ai bis a released, the work lapidly on, he hirc- 11 helping inatLr ally. I At i A a i i a i Ins UK a ut rat ion, bclvcs pepped Iroui the uiouih of die A i jrravt 1 1 was received 11 die a i i i lus wife amid tlic jot the throng who hid so jtmrcd' suspense JO Di TLCT roisos The au- mjr casualty inch cammed ivib to a siek-roori the other day have been avoided if the eminent jurist hau paid as a'tcndon to tbc tmall as to large things of life.

TliC poison i and the mnouious kind differ in one uctilar is too easy ofjremembntnte to be ovci looked by any onojwlio eriough interested the brilliant-uncd leaves of a to care for gatherft.g them the leaves ol the former grow in clusters of three and those of the in somebody in a. juvenile story-book, every child should be taught to associate the five leaves nil a cluster i the flrtgers on the human hutid, and givcu to uoilersland that when tihcse numbers agree they can be brought into co tit act with perfect safety. It may spare our rfad- ers no little suffering to beaV tins point in mind during their October rambles Jlcrald. I Capt. Oilman F.

Hodgdon's house 1.1 Boothbay waa burned Saturday night. Loss $3,000, insured. Harper's Magazine NOTICES OK THE 1'ttKSS. Harper's Magazine IB Iho Am ricnn Magazine Literature ind in xrt--Bbelon Tr tvfl 1 Tbo moat Monthly in I ie world --1 i Observer. foi loi ihc roui'g, a II in an excellent light to Uic routine, a BO LouUvltle Courier Journal.

No oihur Mo tiily ibe world can show so bril- a i a lietof contxibulors, nor does any iXimiBh rcaucre with eo real a varictjj and 6O aoperior aqnallt of literature Watchman, Boston. Tbe volumes of tbo Magazine Numbers for June and Decernb When no timo is specified, it wi begin wlthl the of eacb year. ihattbe Bnbscnbcr wiflhea to wit rcnt Number. HARCER'S 1 PERIOD! ILVBPKK'S One BABPEE'3 WEEKLY, HARPER'S 7 rbe THREE pnblicationB, one Any TWO, ona year, SIX enbecrlptlonB, one yer, TeimB for clnbe Pttt lo alt or Canada. A Complete Set or Hwptrt 1 Volomel.

In neatotolh binding, -mil be erpnSS CALS. tar, 4 LO ion IT, 10 3 00 00 I on application (n Ou I NEWSPAPER!.

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