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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 1

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


S. F. Personals. Seal Zstats. Tew "To-day.

Kew To-Ut THE NEWS OF TEE DAY. -f Eulerii East Oakland Lots A. multitude of Ailments. The aUments which, afflict the kidneys and hladdcr are so nnmeror.s that merely to same them would fill a space far out- i "The toewatla the backwaranesr; to the Grant fund: I i WITHIN REACH OF ALL, i Great preparations are beine. msd fat the Chataua commeneomout The new quarters of the Ataeslwrt'kcht I -Chib will Etna Soda Company- During the fairiMx wwwiths 212,853.

IimtJ The remaining property of tie Clay Street Bank is effered for the vresent at tne old prices. live minutes' walk from local station half hourly trips. The new Garfield School is in the immediate vicinity. High ground; good drainage. Secure a location before all are sold.

IJIRULH WFni WUi It Is rumored that Cleveland will Calitoruian to a judicial position ill IHah Only a Small Cash Payment Required. BALANCE OX MONTHLY INSTALLMENTS! Mtieb, interest is taken In tne races to. bi run twty at Monmouth Park aud Chicso. The fcomprroUer 05,0 Treasury thitil" that the Fidelity Btt.T books aie crookj4 by hali snlil'tJ. A woman wartille'l and sereral aasa fern were injured, durin a panic ia a I itvbburK street ear.

The Cornell Cntreraity Cfer. won the In-i tereolleRiale championship' aV (Jiinsisa-mond lake yesterday. The Indicted, cornmlwtlOTiers of the Chi-i cago County HosfiitaV elected thair 1 DfakSibf I most happy to render the follow in itatfment: I had been afilirttd with tryst epta. and (or a long tun vuflered it ponies, and bad alsomnch tronble from insomnia and tlrnwss of the throat, the result of Iysrpia. Bt chance 1 happened to drinlc bottle of Atna water, and lmind it relieved trie from the dry-sen of tbe throat.

I continued its use, And my Iryppepsi left roe. and I can now sleep as well as I ever did. I have recommended it to many of my acquaintances similarly afflicted, and they hare experienced the tame grateful results. W. EEED, 40T Battery Street.

Pan Francisco, May 17 ISS7. Mr. Bred is one of c5an Francisco's oldest and most favorably known citizens, and will take pleasure in testifying to the wonderful efficacy of the famous JCTHA MINEKAL WATERS to those who are sufficiently interested to interview him at his place of business, 4f Patter Street: i The5ewaters are now beir bottled for the Ban FYsnHsco morVet, and put up in cases of two dozen bottles, rrice, 1 per ca.e, rleliTered to any part lot San Francisco or Oaklaqd. Depots: 476 Eighth Street. Oakland 513 Montgomery Street, San FVancuco.

Twelfth Street, candidate ior aruen, Peter Hnrley defeated Thomas Hoar i-i a seventy one round prize tight near Naati-coke, oa Monday. mmission appointed by the Postmaster I General to get Information to adjust saU I aries of postoffice employes. Another complaint of railroad dissfim- 4 Ination against Walla Walla has bcsnmaJa It the Interstate Commission. At Brighton Beach the winners were 1 Rebel Fiend, Billy Cook, Younij Duke, Fer Kyle, Daily Oak, and Sam Brown, i The Canadian Pacific offers to carry th English snails for a subsidy and transport 1 Government troops and storea free. StAtes ITED lager Beer fhe healthiest, and most delicious Beer Oaatlasiel Acestcy fer Kes; astel Settle Beer.

tRAUN, S. E. cwner Eiflhth and Webster Streefs Oakland's Hotel Directory. EW 1IIHK HMl Li TTUTEI. ONTARIO.

"AH HAN.F.r F1r-t rlJM hmllj boaM. VnuWm umrt- SS-iSrb' MBH. A. II hl-H Y. Proprietor.

atTSTBS. PronriMOTw rrilE tlLIAHD, OIBARB ROIMIE, ul. 6414 isik cer. rehle-ta a.klaatea Street. pimsuit niniir hjnn Couvvuieat to all uauw Ho eMitrkltr kicuwl tuvm la CMland.

lMt Cd4 Hon of street cars. aramuiawiMioa. fur puniiim. i Proprietor. tltlTT IIOlsF.

btl market Street, piEDMOST SPBIXttS nOTEL; brcck fW.m Ktatlon kici trmins.vmy bonr; tlrfii.Dt sunnr rts nts. In stills or bnua. plMMat mad tH lf)ttilMt kmtiMle s-ptun res d. fr IrmnsMiis Ktwn- Al.ravst.csi.nly. fMilpto.r u4 uliwi w.i.r kmstettsl.

ilissrricrs vmlnic olT Mt 10lh rt- iinltiKi: krv rmailk, ud mr caatftitx tia i.n. Oakland, trm cmrslovlthln bkek (lsile. Imuiimouk I th. Louse. MKts.

f. MCOTT. prvpriMtM. i. tk.

1JTT. Pnprtattt STREET HOUSE, 1 (Mrket Street 8Utloa.) This elceant l-kck bas been reoOTated ana l.muic ui cna ncre all tbe coaTcnlencca ana conuona ox aaoKi. oitc Dd siofle. Table finrt cIam. li EAST OAKLAND.

CAX. iThirtT-BTe tnlrtiles freni Ban rranrlteo. I'ALiric UArT. t-1-erial tttetitlon to lran.iei trade, i Btreet cars to ana troaa froaa-ray ss tbe Oitir everT 20 minatea. I W.

STEPI I 0 II 413 Street, Bottling Co. brewed west of the Bocky IXounUint and bsvIt fnrnlhe4 throarttoot. Vlsltort est ESotol IHE FISEST FAMILT ITOTEI. OS TTTB 1ST Proprietor' Oakland. KtAL tSTAIb.

California." before the Doom. 7tii and Adaline. ai Minute. L. K.

BALDWIN BUTTER. Tire Extra Kcts aid Fo. lifts Mackerel, in Kita.from Iiaio Eieb Pottos, Man. Tit Isaac Eich'a Mackerel in 5 lb. Cans." JBICK and BOISTEIaESS COIDFISS Oar sn Imrartari tram th.

Bak. CENUIXE GEORGE'S CODFISH. from Boston. UtALtn IN Berkeley, Ciocn r.arpains in Utif-inef-s. residence, and Countr" FropertT on terms.

Now its ihe time to rurchaie HigginbothaM A MFTKICAJf KXriIANOK HOTEL. 4 p. CHAP.LES A WILLIAM MOST. Bates, $1 to $1 50 per (lay. i I nol2-o EKOKK Bl'YISa A PIANO SEE the old reliable.

Bradbury, BENJAMIN TBTAZ agents, 20 O'Farrell street. Kan rancifreo. oca-o BYKON MAIZT, AGENT SO JIM Kit, ami Evana Pianon, 9fi Mar ket Mrwt, S. F. A few second baud pianos at oarains.

I ecls-o EAT, DKIXK. AND! BE MERRY This you cau oo at the jool Uiws Orottu, 'Wt Feilows baUrtiing, San Francisco: J. T-IX'HAU proprietors. Klegant private and rooms. Main entrance.

Odd phots' iHiuamg. rnyj-oa I'ANCY CRACKER STORE lt0 iiarket st ml, s. F. Npecialties in holiday coxes: fl CO, and per 10 lb box; veivd free 200 fine assortment ot iMiiHi. 1 JaO-o J.

E. iA4LIRHER: UPRIGHT rianos, stricily first chvss: onenoelled for tone, tmiKb. and durability 907 Mission street, Opp. noJ-o INABE, HARRINGTON, GILBERT k. and other niiuios.

A. 7 BANCKOKT A 114 Dupont street, de8-o ADIES VISITING SAN FRAN i cif should cuU and take lnmn at STKOK'S Ul'AKEK KESTACRANT, 33 Post street, where everytlun will be fonnd first class, at riE0nable prices, and wliere nianv family facilities and ccniveniences for the tvjmforrof iudy patrons wvh-be fsmud to dis- tniKUisn it rrom otner eataminnients. LAINER'8 INfTANTANEOl'S Market aixlSl. mird; 8. K.

Cab inet. C4 and 5 per dozen. d8-o I A SQl'ERA VE COSTCMES AI.t aii country orders niled. it. .1 KTKns, bid Market-street, ban Fntncisco.

frlO-o PAPER FLOWER MATERIAL MAY facturer. A. tjOEHIUNU, 8i Mission WIEtlAM G. BAIER. AGENT for liaUett IjavIs Co.

niauos. re moved to 17 Post street. nol4-o jsan Francisco Dentists. CROOME DENTAL ASSICI ATION, Market Ktrpet. above H.

fTES Rlecialists artificial teeth from $7 per set pliirK from (1 extracting 50 cents, and witb Jo-o COI.TON PESTAL ASSOCIATION ewtatilished in Ibtiii; l'lu-lau's building, en-tranw' 8U6 Market Francisco: raa specialists. Positively ertract teeth without pain over 20,000 reft-rences. Also perform atl operations in. dentistry. DR.

CHAKI.RS JjM Kr. K. una DR. THOMAS t. UILL, DENTIST; oflu-eaud residence.

109 Market street Han Francisco. felS-O THE LEEK DENTAL OFF1CE-Teetli cleaiied, regulated or drawn' without paintKold, plutiiia, Rilver or bone tiitinirs at lowtbt rates, warranted to hist: chiiuren toeth attendtHi to promptly. I. (i. Lec-k, dentist.

iK4 slarKet street, sau ranclsco. ocy Personal. ROSSO'S COTTAGE1 AND FRENCH Kestaurant. TWeltth street, omntsite Iake Merritt, has changed hands und is now under the niaiutcemeilt I0MR.S. Vt" JAKRV; break-fust and dinner to order: foreuni and domestic wines and liquors: trivate jiiuirtments; every- titiiig in tne style at reasmiaoie prices; uin-ner lor parties et atsliort notb-e.

tlive us a call. niy2t-6a A TTFNTION DIt. LIEBIG'S FE- iisle i.iu ai.o r.uuuor: tht'V are prompt and) safe. fuii beware ot irauos. lienuilie otjtr.ineri Irom Alrw.

street. JSan Franciiioo, A A I.I A INVENTION THE Hit, AM ShPAKAlOii," a most 1U-wonJ-riiil m.Hciiin, has anu oeen placed in operation by 31 K. J. DII.I.OX Kew Broadway, Miit lresli frt)in the dr.lry 13 kiker. ami t'ne cream seimrateu by-unexampled velucitv, 10.500 rev--ohitions per minute.

The cream is put-in air lifcht Klass ami delivered to all parts at 25 cents-perpmt. The rfiiilc, pure and "sweet, is sold ati 10 cents per gaWun. All are invited to call at, from 1 to 2 p. Mj. ap22 CHAMBER ISl ITS AND MATTRESS, 9and uui 1158 Broadway KVAS A HELLO K.

1 au'JS-o PHAIttESKVASS'S IAIKY, FRUIT Vale. Pure milk delivered daiLv to all parts of Oakland; orders mailed to Oakland postomce promptly attended to. mr.i-o EH ItlTKA FAPEK COMPANY, MAX ila, straw, and all kinds of paper, eut all sires; stationer, patier all sizes. It. 6AKD A Il5 Wasbinirton st.

Iy31 EMPOKII'M. NO. 4S3 11 Twelfth street, near ilroadwav: com plete assortment of household goods of all descriptions will be sold at auction prices; special carotins inMriets. bed lountres.aud parlor sets call before purchasing JO HE, ELECTRICITY SATIRE'S remedy. This curative airent is preiared from an oil hich flows from the rocks iu Texas: so biphly magnetic in its properties that this force is readily imparted to steel immersed for a short lime in the crude oil.

properly Ufced it makes the lame walk, the blind sVe. the deaf hear; MAKES THE HAIR UKOW ON BALD HEAltS: cures cancers, tumors- carbuncles, old sores, rheumatism, lime dis eases in allidiseates of the human system. MRS. 8. F.

PI. ATT, sole ajrent for Koiithwn California. Office honrs, 10 to 12 a. '2 to 4. 7 to 8 r.

1 1 13 Broadway, room 21. je8-ria OHN CLARK. 867 HBOADWAT. the reliable watchmaker and iewpipr. watelcleaneijl: clocks 75 cents up tms pat In, 10 cents work warranteil.

M9 JOSEPH BAVLEStSON HAVE THE largest outlit of honsemoviiu? niutfriMl in Ihe city we do work 20 per cent cheaper, and guarantee it as represented. Reaideni-e and ousiuess.o, tiyoia street, myiso SIGHTS AXnrLATIIES OF THE silver Links. 1'UuiSf. neitd ultlrpwi fn this Office. i mvl4-o VOTIC-E-MY-sVII'E, MAGGIE GO- SlEj hainir hit me June loth.

I wtn not be responsible for anv dchta her qn or after June 28, 1887. June W.GRAY. 1167 WlSHivr.rnv 1. ftreet. tiakluhd anencv th Rotary Shuttle Hew ine Machines, the llirhtt swift runnuii; machine in the world; zvuuHiucnes per minute.

Jel-o CPAMSH LESSONS GIVEN BY A competent lady at 1H7 73 terms and particrdarsapply to MISS J. VAL LEJiO. i-i- I UUK19-0 Bl'Y OR Kelt. FrHvrrrHK: call at 11158 Broadway. RYAN ME-i-- LOR, autM W.

MORGAN, CITY SURVEYOR and EiiL'ineer: room 7. titv Hall. teenth and Wasbington streets, Oakland, cal. Oflicial survey tof loU, sewerigre systems devised, ranees surveyed, maps and estmiatcs made. iv5 11 ILL 'C.

R. PLEASE eallat thiaioraceand receive simwi TJM. brOtver-s dairyI UURE milk: tine naxture Mrwl hiuRhu MiTk delivered in and Oakland, mr-14 Medical. AT I)R. HALL'S, 42B KEARNY Kin Francisco, diseases to males treated successfully.

fel-o DKfr SA TON "VA. Tl'lKl WAvrf. factures her own niMUfin. ikIhi imrwit Of roots and ticrbn. harkn nntl flitwurc i.

iih nA akrholic adulterations, whk-h medicine cures. an uiaeases: once, 474 street re-ideni-i anuuunie ior she, isi3 rvinth street, near eiurrsireei gallon: etnee lioun) Irum 9 A. M. to 12 2 till r. ami atniirht from 7 till a p.

every Sunday afternoon from 2 till i tall DRr, CV C. O'DONSELI nrpirf residence. 704 Mirwt. Awtniy, san raw-iwo; uint-e Hours, 10 a m. to 4 p.

and 7 to p. M. Fartir-ularatteatipn ifuiu iw uiwtwwb ui wviiifu hiiu cmiuren. 1 IAAV OX. CHINESE PIfVST XJ C14 eamt of wonif and children, arid all private fifrfA; nitHiicuies careiuiiy pre-parwl; 01 Utster street, Oakland; otlloe u'inri, 10 jvl Educational.

niORGK A T.I.KX TV WT Clitioiiist aitd jJrHJitatit Ktitdcr. Thrirftuirh und Pracikai Instruction invert in Headine. Rwitintr. Citstnre, Voice Buildup and Mtut'e Iw- jort merit. Terms moderat.

Address Winsor uouse, ana Oakland; busi- nef9 hours 9 io 10 a. 5 lo 7 P. i. Wednes- oays and Saturdays 9 to 10 a. m.

cnty. mylJ Tk I.ESDAMF.S MFf OfTOVn Jb t.F!, jk fnbvre's French ciasseH, established 1876, A-io r.iewiiii'Bi., ufiwe'n jiu'kwq ana AiKe: 2 60 a month for beginners advanced pu pils: conversation arid irraninifircnmhineflr nri- vate k'sKons; also piano lesKOtm by Miidanie Lelt-bvre. late nuDll of Profoisuir William k'n. Musical. DP.

Hl'GHES (MVSICAI- DIREC- tor Hocietv i. tearher of furm. ation and cultivaiion of the voice; residence Augum Bireti, citrner urusu. iea WE ABE 1 ALAMEDA COUNTY agents for the Knabk IiAXotnhe lat est Rneet music im cents, l.

jOtiiulli A CO. 1115 Washington street. e7-3a II. Kinross. rnniTTOR vuorai oocaeiy "iri iresnytenan (Jhoir voral lejwont wnnio, llfH Hrorvtway.

129 Notaries Public. I BKOwJiEi (SUCCESSOR TO W. K. Notarv Puhlin ah rM. veyancer; wing, Mortaf, and all jwiJ-m wrriuiiy urawn 4aa mm street, wiauiMwwffaypa aaniiigtou, Oakland, 1 ieiu-ea.

462 Eianih street Steamship and Bailroad Agents TeOTICETO TRAVELERS IF YOU 1. 'rr; ln8 E1, call at Overland Ticket tiffloe, Chicago Alton Railroad, 8 New Montgomery street. Palace Hnul Sun cisco, and you can obtain the very lowest rates VVUllfl XJISk LaAHJ.kM MAfAUV A pent reiv LaundrieB. lACSDRY-FOR LACES from 1228 Broad, way to. 1370 Broadwav apl92y Vanted MigcellaneoHB.

TO RENT A CALIORAFH: PER Wputh. Address c. HUa office. Jyllwx E. BARNARD, REAL ESTATE A cent.

488 Ninth street. Oakland. nrTer. lor saie tne louowinir rare oarains In Contra Costa county, adjoining the town of Walnut Creek. 18 miles from Oakland, '10 miles from Martinex, 285 acres acres ender cultivation irood buildings; water piped to the same from living sprinirs of pure water, witb the crop and entire ontrit of fariniDK implements, borses, cows, hogs, etc, etc 1'rice, $0,000.

Also 100 seres, a ranch adjoining; the above, devoted to raising hay; crop goes with the place; good small house, bam. and family orchard and vineyard. Price $0000. je-The above two places are vulnabte for speculative purposes to divide up into suburban town lots. Also the "Oak Orove" orchard ranch ot iKiiario valley, 228 acres: the band-wmest place in the country 140 acres in orchard' vineyard, over 100 acres level land, balance gentle slope.

Price. JO ,000. i Furnished Booms. TES1RABLE SUNNiY ROOMS TO -1A 1 let: Pleasantly located. Dartlvi furnished awl ouly two minutes' walk from eiible or hors cars.

Apply onpreniLes. 528 18th st. jel-o J'LEGANTLIT Fl'RNISHED ROOMS i to let, sunny, single, and eu suite moderate charges: good ventilation; modern home comforts; apply 1116 Broadway, or at Uolden Kagle Mouse, ban Pablo avenue, between sixteenth and Seventeenth streets. HANDSOMELY Fl'KMSIIED OR' uiifurnishei suite of sunn corner rooms also, a flat of five rooms and bath. Address mill astro jeT-o.

TN A DESIRABLE LOCATION, A- neatly furnished rooms for rei at reasonable rates; convenient to both local trains. Ap ply at X5H Seventh street. jv5-l ONE BACK PARLOR AND A Sl'NNV bedroom to let with good board; pure well water; rich milk borne comforts: good grounds; 10 minutes' ride- in Telegraph avenue cars fjom narrow gauge on Thirteenth street. Address 2235 Elm street, cor. Sl'NNY ELEG-AnTLY FUKSISHED-; rooms: en suite or single: all modern com venlenees: near Broadway stations Central pacific and narrow gauge railroads parks and tine residences-: lurge yard tilled with flowers: ose of piano aud organ.

31dTeuth street. my9-o TO LET Fl'RNISHED A VERY DE-sirahle room, in house with large garden surroundings: 618 Twelfth street, between Grove and Jefferson. jyl-lwx TO RENT A Fl'RNISHED ROOM J- to iwoennemen: wnn or -without board. inquire at ai)d Urush. 20 Seventh street, between Castro JC301WX TO LET -r AT 603 FOI RTEKNTII street: sunnv bedrmjni: nleHsent RitTTonn.l- in, most desirable locality; suitahle for getttienian or lady nocbildren.

je'JSMj TO LET FURNISHED ROOMS: souiii front private family 564 Fitteentii street. Tsi LET SrXXV FIT ItNISSITKTl single rooms, with or without board, at reasonable rates. Call at Welter's Hotel, cor. Tw elfth and Franklin streets, Oakland. I le7-la TO LET-ROOMS SUITABLE FOR J.

onicttor living rooms. In upper story of numiing norxnwest corner Ol ejlttn ana rmiaowav; rent very moderate: applv to J. w. Real Estate Agent, 958 Broadway. ap29-o rro I ft LET A PLEASANT.

S1NXV. front room, nicelv furnished: verv lKalioli convenient to local train and street cars; apply at 1607 Eighth street, corner 1'emlTa. Booms and Boarding. "UK1VATE ROARDIN HOUSE. 574 A Thirtef-nlh street, Siuiity Ywims (single or en with all modern conveniences for family or BUigfe gentleman.

Table boarders o.irtH:. i jeiK-o Sitriations female, SITIATIOX WANTED BY KE- Kictuble girl to do housework in a private f. mily also a young nirl of 14- to take care of rnucren ana maKerterseirumL l'lese-all at tb4 twentieth street, near jy6-lwx A EXPERIENCED GIHL WISHES asiruation in titd Antfrit-aii famiiv eenral housework or second work ia a good h)k will do small washing; good reference. leUFecall for Uvu. week1 aL' Vlvpnth street, room jro-lwx A "WOMAN OF EXrEHIENCE would like work by thedav: cookintr.

and washing olanketsoy a new process a GERMAN C.I III. WISHES A SIT- Vmttiou in a small American htmilv. Vtt at address 1080 East' Fitteentii street. crrner lwemy-secona 1jt.1t (Jakianu. ieS-lwx A GERMAN OIK I.

WISHES ASIT- uatiun at cook hi a German familv, ail at 1113 Uriiatfway. room 11. J.VsVStT A JAPANESE GIRL WANTS A SIT- uation as cook and to do ariieral nis ork has worked out before. Call at or address pus AUce street, Oakland. jvo-l wx A YOUNG GIRL WISHES A SITCA- tion in a tirivate familv to do Cfiit ntl hoursework.

Call to the corner o( Thirtv-tifth uuu orove sireeis, uaKianu. jyi-iwx COMPETENT WISHES a situation to work by the dav is a irood washer and ironer; also for house cleaning. Apply at Willow street. je.u-iw. CITUATION WANTED TO WAIT kj on taoie.

or to do hoiiHC A-ork in a resurn t- iie woman. Aauress 1 tit bill lit 86it Broadway. SITUATION WANTED BY A RE-ypectable. middle aired Amcricafi woman. who is perfwtly Address Iluiibe- Keeper, tciB umce.

jyti-lwx WANTED-BY A MIDDLE AGED German woman, a situation for un-tairn liKlit housework. Call 1729 Willlaia street. West Oakland. jytr-lwi ANTED BY A DRF.SSM VKEI fci.eititt-ments bvlhe dav iji Aii- piy 10 or auuiess 1D30 Atit'iiue sirwl. jya-iwx A SITUATION TO DO serund work or housework in private family: reference Ki vcn.

or mil st corner Lauiiioell anti Taylor strH-ts, Wei uaKlani. -IrMsi ANTED SITUATION AS DAY governess to children under ls vesrs: English, elementary French, pencil drawing. ar.u on rauiiwiE; gooa reierences. tail address 1 KA ilfc-K. 4U4 Ast Tenth street.

corner Eighth avenue, Oakland. Je3tf-1 wx "U'ANTKD A SITUATION 15Y A "I resticciable eirl to do Kcneriil housework In a small family or eookingiRood references if required. I'lease call at. loil street. wwi iinKmn'i.

lemale Help Wanted. "WANTED TWO AIM'llENTICKS I to learn dressniakine and a first rbts Apply at 514 Tentb. street, between asninmon una lay, ANTED A Glltl TO IIOWUITK sew um. Call at 7bU Ulow street. West viuKiar.a.

le.iu-lwx VAJiTED-A YOL.Nf, OIHL TO DO liKlit housework: bo wasiiinir. Annlv at 722 Myrtle street. "IVANTKD-A YOtNG fllllL 15 OK 'I 16 years of aire to take care of twj cbildren. Apply at lld Washington stroct. I Je-JH-lw AME1) AN INTELLItiENT laoy lor lldt work steady emiilovineiit to begin at I per rray.

Call between 5 and 8 F. at h.wlitn street. Uakland. e'J0-o Situations Male, i. ArAMED-VOlXG G1KL TO AS- i Hist wuii riativ a lew hours durtnK the day Apply at room Tuhbs Hotel.

jy-lw WANTED AN" EXPERIENCED 'I man wants work bv the dav at house clcaninir, cariiet beating, and laying carpets and Address WINK, box 119. i-moiiiie, outuiuu. Jia-iwi A JAPANESE BOY WATS a stt- iv uaiion as first clans sarcleiier, address SO'J Alice street. Apply to or jys-lwx U'AMEB-'T'OSITION AS SAI.ES- In a Jewelery, stationer'. or I'ncy-pocdsstoreor asTan assistant in an olliceof any inu salary no ojileel at ureselll oesi or reler- ences; lurfee experience A.

B. thii otlice. Mala Help Wanted. lV'ASTtl)-A CVUSUKK IT man. Iriqiiireat this onicej I'KESS- 3M ANTED, AN ENERGETIC YOUNG man well educated, to citmltfv for sal aried ptrsition us oUector and vacittr in an oid estafrushert bouse.

with tnf rma- as to previous employment T. fl. pi( this. otni-e. e2-o Lost and Poundi IOFNl-A I'IKSE CONTAINING fdiuH amount of money, tmner have tame by 1210 Kotirtw-nih stroel.

acu paying ior uiia Jiuiiee. je.o-lwj OST- ON SAN VAULO XJ near 1 werttveixili liver colored, pohct'-r doc A regard will be paid fr t.fe retoru to Meyer, 869 03T-A riSE NEAR THK COK- XJ ner of and Ciuv ttreeu on Jiilv 4ih; contair.e-J about fl5 in dcin and papers valuible to the oyner. Keturii the -to lHt i RIbl'xe office ana receive reward. SO KKHAIU) LOST IN THE of the tltff Hall a amail Itnssian leather purse Containing' 'J0 in koIJ and a little silver. The tinder vuil receive to ware py leaving at this offlce.

)yS-lTi 1IEWARD, 20 LOST, A LADY'S IV watch and chain and locket, with initials E. on the road to Brooklyni around the old Alameda road into Oakland. Call at 1168 epster Birevt, and receive reward, jytt-lw LOST POCKET KNIFE; OWNER'S name engraved on Finder leave at 956 Broadway, and receive reward. Bestaurants. f'KANU CENTRAL, COFFEE PAR.

Vj lors, 469 Seventh street; everything neat apd clean the table supplied with the best the market affords, at reasonable rates. Drop in and see us. BISIMOKSON A LLLmNTHAI JeSHa OAKLAND RESTAURANT, 916 Broailwav. has lust been newlv HMiwl The proprietors wish to announce to the public that thev have opened their new restaurant, and are prepared to furnish tbe best of meals at uie ion est prices, frivate rooms Ior ladies. JeU3o UP, RESTAURANT, 457 SEVENTH street, near 11 r.

iuil u-u Smh servedin any style, at ail hours; priuate rooms for ladies; table supplied with evervthlnar tha market affords. J. j. MABCOVICH A Bakeries. fIW YORK BAKERY.

8 BROAD y. German, French. SAilk ul Amerl liHIMBHI ILOYD A PRATT, REAL ESTATE i dealers, 459 Ninth street, Oakland. UtfTKflA Hotel: completely luUu barns, lanre lot: situated in one of me roost tnnvinar towns or Alameoa county: very profitable place, offered for less than it ts i worts, tree LLOYD PRATT for particulars. Cjl 'TCft Cottaite, 5 rooms: good barn.

CI-Ioo chicken house, well and primp corner lot. 60x130. $150 casb, balance oa ee-y installments. tje OO 1 1 A A Elent residence of 1 rooms, ii.uuU and all modern conveniences. Fine barn, carriage liouseu carriage drive, sume-watks and aiilewalks, choice shrubbery, etc Large comer lot, very cuitrally located, and In one of tbe best neighborhoods, in Oakland.

Ous oi uie moet beautirul plaoea in Oakland. 25,000" i Fins Investment property. In. come 10 per cent per annum net. Situated In a neighborhood thut is Krow- ln In Taluerery rapidly.

Will bear the Closest Uivestifiatlon. 1 Q'lj A A nice place. 4 acres, land 4 miles iTJOcJUU from Oakland Postomce; rlne elevation trarrlookinK Oakland, the bay, and Jan Francisco 3 acres cultivated land, 300 fruit trees in bearing aood of 5 rooms hard finfeti; 1 Uorse, 75 chickens, 1 oufory, and 1 sinBleJiarness: farmlnc tools to with uie nlace: abundance of spring water piped to the house anq narn. 'TTPR SALE BY H. J.

BI'A Vt) A CO a. fc77 was 1 asmncion si reel. 1 OA A Lodging bouse. Central location -i nnebusiness. CCnfl Branch bakery and rest uisjit; good CCUU stand an trade.

JJIJXAA Ixit 62xlOU: honse 9 rooms, barn 'tr UoUU and tank beautiful home r.eap. tenth stieet nr Market. 4I (AAA-l-ot lOOxlSOCor hi subdivisions tiTUVVU Peralta between Seventh aud Kieltth streets: ran't hnSnM. n. residence.

i AAA Businesa property, center ot TJvr.WV city, part cash; longtime, low Interest, present rent $41 per month, aud can be Increased by improving. fcf 11 11 1 acres, mostly in hearing fruit. Ciuvu bouse rooms, ulentv water. cl.ip home, near Fruit Vale. lf I Willi Lot 75x133, on Magnolia street.

Clw" near Fourteenth, good investment. A lso 500 lots eacb. in lleaudrv and Mclee tracts, from '-'50 upwards. aiso rancnes ror sale or 10 trade lor city property, at from 4800 to Itiu.OOO. nouses 10 rent and rents collected.

JWNOTAKY PI BLIC. DOS J'OR SALE BY W. W. It LOW, REAL l-'vTtite A lid Vir.lh HhuI S1 Allt BKKKtLKY A line' acre lot: V-LVW near the Nevada C'tJ AAA Fine quarter block. 100x150.

cor tS Oyjyjyj tier Alice and Seventh ntreela. oiv. posltiliilAza: Us-al railroad station oiie.block dis-1 laid business proierty. OA A lots in the iilascork tract, on San Pablo Jyf p.venue; low prices aiHi easy terms. 1 O.A story and half house, tive rooms: nthimes.

etc. lot'JSxlOO; iivr-tle and Twentviifhth alreeta: 2 ntoeka from cable cars. lI 8 acres rich land in the f.s,t lulls. cioUU Piedmont: weli ailanted lor fruit and vegetables; water the year round. WITI 111-l-ni JO, on the west sine ot UW Market street, near Tuenty-rirst.

GjFAA Lot north side Parkei! COUU street. Berkeley, nea Hwiutit Way' station; splendid view of Oakland slope and ban Francisco lroiierty for sule In all parts of Oakland and vicinity. Loans negotiated. jivai rmtic Atui biiu SyPo 454 mill street. L'OOTHILL LANDS FOR SALE: A gold several large aud small tracts of land In the foothills, between Piedmont and Mills Colleae.

at reasonable nrirsst and uimn easy terms, it. C. IsiA.S A 111., l.slle Muth street. Oakland. MONEY TO LOAN IN LARGE amounts, upon real estate in Oakland aud San Fram-tsco.

at 4 ler cent. A'Mress J. s. Knliih street, tuum 4. Jyl-lwx "ANTE1.

FOR SPOT provisl and uniuipnive'l land i'i Krau- cisco, Iraklaial. or Alamtsla. Mate exse-t ation, street. nuinlMT. and nut answer unless vol! lllffil iiiid give baruaili.

Agents need not answer. by letter only. J. YMAN, strtel; Sar Francisco. ie7-la INEYARD FOR A RES of hue valley land, w.ilun uriarter nf the Wina Springs, near sn 35 acres in.

bearing m-rv 5 year old; 19 acres year old: houie. b-ATn. and everj thing cunplete; ever aoo t.nrmg fruit; an abundance of water. Apply 1 J. K.

'PtKAXTA, Warm Springs, Alamadu c-muty. Dressmaking. ir.tSTKD-ENCACKH KXTS WITH I families. Ijv ihi.nniuliiv p.vniuiun (tressniaker. Call or xldiess 638 FHirieeutli 5irei.

MISS L. It. KOSS.FASIIIONAItLK dressmaker, loot Broadway, ruoin 16. iip-ttairs: mylisli suits made for S5 und upwaril; a perfect til jy--lo Al liS. S.

SKS, FASHIONABLE i'i. dressmaker. Stall I'uldn mviiiiA suits made for 5 and unwards: iurfnt guaranteul. k-lo i llim. VI VI I1K WtV TEI ikut'ca i'l and cloak maker; suits iiuulefroiuf.i.

7 and up; cutting and titling l.alsomilliiiery, mumping. and embroldvrv work toordrr "i seventh an-JO MISS. M. K. INGRAM, llltK-iS-makereitvliTih nuuh from ax nsur.u 973 Washington room.

0 upstairs, be- mcTU.SlltUNIU lllUJ. aP9 STVLISn'st ITS ritO.WPTLY MAfK at rrasoiianle rates: neriecr Hi; cut: ttrnl systemuiuglii tliose wishing learn can Lring their dressea wjii! thoui; work al ways done when promised; 703.llarr1s.jn st. i )el J-tl SOMKTHIXO NEW KALE'S TAI-lor Svateui bf Cutting and HKiTiil taunlit those wishing to learn can bring their dreuft with them: stylish dressmaking In all iu bri.ncl.isi; rail at 1203 Hroiulway. mrl9-tla i Oakland A. (UhMVALL, iircadway.

DENTIST, lOlitf ii BI RNKTTE DENTAL by L'r. Burni lie in tiakland in lur.t, first lti the field on. KasiiTn price's fur Iientistry lias niovisiliito laskieaud coiiini.dir'.insuuurtMn,. ue have In our einploy the weli knnwa Dr. isun, on crown ami os.oge ork all work done at 50 per ct.

less than in other first class oflicea. Murnette Ivntal o.ltKI4 liroadway, Kcor. Tenth, oer First National ltank. Jell GH. KKIKCHBAIM, OFFICE 85s ltnslwav0H.r of Seventh, tak-lbhd.

otlice hours, 11. aud 1 to 5 r. tail Me DI I. IK OFFICE 1153 Broadway, rooms U8 and 29. aul7 s.

1. TATE, IKNTIST-864 WASH- lliKton street. Oakland, fal. Iithce hours 9 a. M.

to r. 7 to r. m. Itooms I and 19 Oriental block. nrl9 E.

KllOOKS, DENTIST. Suc cessor lo A. Ix Kevre. 1155 Kroadwi- Dortliweat tumei of Thirteenth and Broadway, Physicians. BIKDH IK.

Hi I'OW'KLL OF-hceand residfia-e 14((H i.r. ivn rhteehth street, one block west of han Pablo avenue. Iloum. 9 to 11 a. 5 to r.

M.riitf days, 9 to 111 A. m. Telephone MM. uirly BARBER, K. ANM KEsJ-idence.

1135 Hromlwav. corner i'lurusitli street: honri 2 to A aud 7 to 8 r. tele mvl3 liALUWIN, IwOKEHT O. FHVHI- J- ciau and tsnrKctiii. ollice llarter oiiiwftr iw ihi i.m rsan 1'alilo avenue, Oakland, llona from 1J lo 12 a.

a to 4 e. and 7 to 8 evenlne. mr5 BLOOU, DK. W. ICE AM) ri-sideui'e.

I5S street, crni of Seventh, Oakland; oftlce hours. 9 to 10 i 1 to 4. and to 8 r. u. telephone 4iMi.

apl 3 riKIMEM, W. V. M. lll Sllll. VI and olhce.

fc54 Hruad way. corner Seventh street, 15 and 16; otlii-e hours, 9 to 10 and 1 to A r. m. lelephune '--5. Homoeopathic Physicians.

pOXIIKAII. Vy LlnMluay 1 1 T. C. Ol IK lOltH i hours. 8 a -riii w.

i 1 and to 7 'H. H. Ketiuenee. eTl t.i.T:.-,inh street, between L'asiru and Urovc stieets. J.

IOI1H Si. and 1 Li! telephone 6. Hesldeace 312 FotirteenUi street; telephone ICS. i 1IST)ON, UK. CAHOI.TNE ltoQiisiIathisl; l.ffl.

and ri slih-nce. '209 Itroadr.nv: hours. to IU i iioX and 7 i. 8 m. Telephone 156.

del ProfeBsiocal Cards. MRS. J. A. II.

ADAMS, M. II. H. It. i hrivltati ts'ieltllst.

cradiuileid' ti.e Maasa- chuselts Meuipliysk-al oiieue. rUrdon: Teacher and I n-clltioui-r. Iteskleni-e aid otli-ie, 5rM hevetiteenlh street, 1L CusiiiiiK. 1', K. assistant 1'ractitloinT.

Jel At lift. A. THOMPSON, MAGNETIC treatiueni all kinds or hours frcm 10 a. u. to 1.

an from '1 to 4 P.M.; Jlouse, rvoui IS, l.Si Hroad-wy. i IR. M. 1). WILSON.

OFFICE i-ni residence, "tbit l'hiru-enth street: Porrs. I to A. to 4 P. special treatment of cancers, bU4 Twelfth st Horseshoerg, MARTIN RYAN, THE PIONEER horseshoer of Oakland located Kti9 CUy street, near Kiirhthl, has bad twenty-six years' In the business; be surely Is the man to do yonr shoeing; try him. n-o T.

GIBBS, PRACTICAL HORSE. .11 shoer, 658 Franklin street, bet. Ninth and Tenth streets, Oakland. work war- rantea nrst class. Jel-o WHEN YOrK HORSES NEED 1 1 take them to Robert uilmore.

268 Twelfth street, between Harrison and Alioe, here they will be shod In a rirst class manner; none but first class mechanics employed. 12o Lodge Meetings. LIVE OAK LODGE, NO. 61, F. AND A.

meets every Friday evening at. Masonic Temple Ia8-u rVKDER- OF CHOSEN FRIENDS Vl. A. RHaU; Oak Leaf, 156, first and third Wednesdays; Unity, 179, second aud fourth Wednesdays: every fifth Wednesdiv councils onite Id social; all members of the order Invited to attend council meetings, dels OAKLAND COUNCIL, NO. 12, R.

A meHh the third Tharaday In each month p. Masonic Temple. 18-o THE SCOTTISH RITE BODIES OF Freemasonry meet every Monday evenlrur at Masonic Temple. Breihren of the Rite oor- many mviiea. ocii-o San Fablo Avenne.

PT. COX, GENERAL DEALER IN Hay, Oram. Feed, Coal, and Wood. Prices aa low as the lowest. Corner Thirteenth stna-1 and Ban I-abio ayenus, ocO-a limits of this article, finfllce that they are both obstinate and, danje'rous.

Totheirprevention Hostetter' Ktoaia-h Bitters is well aiapted. rho etifaulus which it lends to the action of the kidneys when they are lethargic, serves to eonnteract a tendency in them to lapse, firet. into a state of oernicions inactivity. JiJid afterwards into oneof positive organic wuicn soou iesirovs ineir aeucaie tfitesuuients, poisons the blood, and causes 'th. A double purnose Is served by r-Ei depurent.

It promotes activity of the puneys, ana expels impurities from the ilood which have no natural channel of utlet, except those orifan s. Constipation, biUmit-nt'i-s, fever an'd agHie, rheumatism and dj-spepsia, are also remedied b.v this of thorough action and wide ror Sail. Flewri fine. larto. and fast sailboats nt Ben Ton Boat House, Lake Merrtit.

50 cents per hour. fishing tackle, ammunition, and campers' outfits at Pierce Co's. i The and $25 harness on the roast. Oakland Harness Shop, 1317 Broadway and 131S Telegraph avenue. BECOKD'hnnd harness, all kindscheap, at C.O.Evans's, 1317 Broadway aud 1318 Telegraph avenue.

Sfbisg Beds called repaired and returned same day. West's Furniture House, 473 Twelfth street. Pierce Co. keep the brand garden hose. The very best.

Try it. Take your "checks for baggage to Yhitney Co's Express, Eighth and Franklin. -t Th finest 5 stock of harnesses Fanner's, 424 Eleventh street. at Don'tUcisraSlck! But nyer--Ivowas English Itemedy for S-ea Siciiness, a positive preventive and cure L. R.

Ellert, druggist, southwest corasr camorma ana Ji.earny, ban Francisco. Dos't go to Crane Price's, 1004 Broadway, unless" you watftxto save money buying hardware and general supplies. manufacturing Jeweler. W. 8.

tiracktle has onened a new Jewelry store at 1016 where ne manufactures Insjown lewelrv. and also carries a fine line, of watches and Silverware. Repairing of all kinds done, ana warranted mooel work, at merates. Hakpwaee of all kinds sold lower than any other house in Oakland by Crane Price, 1004 Broadway, room 2. The T.

B. P. Seats the world, them. G. IS.

Driving Glove Al. J. Keller keeps See Them! See Thent! A fine lot of Ian d.lstprs direct from the East; also, wool and plush robes at vaKiaim narness snop. The ilerrimau are the best. ills, Co's Extracts Hammocks at Pierce Co's.

Largtpt stock of whips in town, BEEBY'S 1058 Broadway. at Notice. Knights aud Ladies of the Silver Links, please address to this office. BHakd-m ade harnesses Irom $1) np at rmuier xiaruess rmponunr, il raev- enm streei. ZrsFAJrriEL and Choice Clarets Watson Co's, 474 Elerenth street.

at Central Overland Ticket Off Ice Best rates and accommodations by the "Short Eonte," for all points East. Apply at Whitney's Express Agency cxx xruauway. ueajj ateauier rates vo ana irom irans-Auanuc ports. Flower and Feather. Mrs.

M. E. Hillier wishes to inform the ladies ol Uakland that she will open the Slower fend i'eather Store, 1203 Broadway, Where she will carry everything new in the line of millinery at Hokesty and faii dealing alway ont ahead in the end. M. M.

Bridges, coal dealer, corner Sixth and Washington, has never lost a good customer end retains all the old ones tha. were rood, and they have stayed right by nim ever since he first commenced business, xiver three years ago, and new customers coming in every day. ADVICE TO MOTHERS. Mrs. WrKSLOWS SOOTHTSG BYHnFrjoi always ne usea tor iMiLUKr.

It SOOTHES the CUILD. 1FTEXS th-! f.UMM. sllsys all pnin. Cl'KE WIXD COLIC, and the HEST RE-WEDT for HIARKHtEA. TWEN.

IX-iMVJiCEiXSAliOri'LE. Whitney Co's' Express Office lioved to Eighth and Franklin. re Brisk "CYCL0XE" COFFEE for health. For sale by all grocers. Mew ana stjrlisb IlacK.

The inth Street Stables have just purchased a new stylish hack, witha splendid span of horses, and wish to cater to the patronage of those who de sire a nrst-ciass turnout for parties, weddings, funerals. Connections made at depots. TiiLErHO.N IS 93. K. GLOVER, Proprietor Pest assortment of at 'W atson Co's.

California Wines jnissi 71. Taylor Has inst received some of most stylish hats latest shapes of French millinery at lowest pncesJ Miss lavlor wonid like to see her oid 1 friends and patrons at the Bahd-boi; 1171 Broadway, near Fourteenth street. Ask vonr grocer for CYCLOJTE' CO FEE, as it is the best. HUNT' RIME BEST KidneyLiver liledicine SUVKU TO FAIL? BUST'S REMEDY baa saved from lin gering disease and death hnndreda who have been given up by physicians todie. HINT'S REMEDY cares all Diseases of the Kidneys, Bladder, Urinary Or gans, Dropsy, Gravel, Diabetes and Incontinence and Retention of Urine.

HUNT'S REMEDY encourages sleep, creates an appetite, braces up th system, and renewed health is the result HUNT'S REMEDY cores pain in the Side, Back or Loins, General Debility, Female Diseases, Disturbed Bleep, Loss of Appetite and Bright' 8 HUNT'S KE3IEDI quickly indncea the Liver to healthy action, removing the causes that produce. Bilious Headache, Dyspep sia, Soar Stomach, Costiveness, Piles, etc By the ns of HUNT'S REMEDY the Stomach and Wwels will speedily regain their strength, and the blood will be perfectly purified. HUNT'S EEMEDI is purely vegetable, and meets a want never before furnished to the public, sad the utmost reliance may be placed to it HUNT'S REMEDY is prepared ex pressly for the above diseases, and has never been known to fail. One trial willveonvlnce you. For sale by all Drngjfists.

Send for Pamphlet to HUNTS REMEDY VrovUesse. Lowest AW 4V 1103 Broad Eastern I way, Corner mceB. Oakland. J. E.

DAVIS. D. n. 7 Jtmerli Instructor In Indiaosoohs Dental Colleg Yon need not so totheChvfor ibuvnrk lew prices. We can thow you work which can not be excelled in Ran FrurwH.

ether klnrtof (Ming. Gold Crowns, Bridgewsrk muiitr i-iaies. nont goaranteeo. Architects. aptia uuimuil a NKWLON, AKCRT.

yV tect, aml fcaniiary Engineer, 1804 Broad- 5Er K. a -1 TV COODYEAR'S RUBBER HOSE BELTING AND PACKING An the Beat that can be mad of Rubber. GOODYEAR RUBBER CO H. Pxasb, 8. M.

Bcktov, Atenla. 677 Bad 679Xsrket Street, Kaa Fra arise BTTY Boston Belting Co Bt5l GARDENHOSE. Host Durable Hose in the World. J. W.

GIRYIN CO 24 California Street, HA JISCO WHY DRINK UNHEALTHY WATER. When fer I se el Atkin's Co's Tank Filters Vliirh yon cmn pnt In your tank and ft will fllifr nil th wn.eryoa rpmvr alt Ira-puritifiind iclvr you 5trcl4ratKaCrreliinic? i'all aiil f-xauiioe our Fillers aotl at the sauii lime our DINNER SETS. rrintctl Pinner ts. 1W $16 50 J. Maildock tkms Dinner a new iuare shape, 1J pieces.

22 50 White China Ihnner Mets, a new WiiaTe shape, 122 pieces S7 00 Pfctirateii China Liinncr Sets, in courses, ljs pieces 45 00 A'lueni an China Uinncr.Sets, de- irated, I(A! pieces 25 00 Otir Kew Decorated Stock Pattern, 11 Al lUt MAkt I AS YUU Wlbm ALSO VISIT orR mc ROOBI. a ami mi Hi Ai OYf AIN UUi 14, 16, 18 Post Street, Kaa Fraarhwo, Cat. DRINK" Rosbach Water. XATTKE'S OWN Ccoling and Refreshing Drink. Bottled at tie Springs, Homburg, Germany.

B1UCHT, SriBkLIN. aid EFFI RVEM EXT. A deliciotw and fefrehinir bevernt. excellent alone, ard most ialatable with wine or vpiril. for persons with rheumatic leiideti-cim.

1 be trade und fiauilies supplied by JOHN SAULNIER SOLE AGENTS, 607 and COS Front Street. Kaa Fraarlsre. NEW 1 Real Estate Office, J.SiG, Gordon Co, V4 STREET, T. Coraer Broadnaj, Oaklaaa. Fine line of Kes-itlenre, Business, anil County Property for bale.

Houses to Kent. Rents collected. Insurance. Loans negotiated, Tartie having houses to rent and property for sale will find it to their interest to give us a call. aTsplendid Business Opportunity IN CONFQrENI-E OP THE BIT)TEN death of William Fisher, late proprietor uf FISHER'S Athletic Baseball Headquarters S58 WASHINGTON STREET, The entire business, stork In trade, fixtures and tease are ofTereii FIt SALE.

This pint Is one of Uie best eftlaMished booses in Oakland, acd duitiK a fine businew. Apply to II. A. 1.1'TTRELU Attorney f.r the estate lllhun lslier, draml, 'JiJ Brtiailway, rooms 6 and 7. Oakland.

C. tt. MILLER'S Tonsorial Parlor, 454 Eighth Street. ear Erosdmy, 0tVIaa4. (HocccsKcr Ui Henry Menkes.) First claswwoik of ererr Depot for the UAMiHL KF LitAIilCATolt.

F9 ITllkoit Braadr, aa4 Wlthoat Headicae. TIIB BEST WINE rOBDn.lEBU, -BANQUETS AD PARTIES F. T. HALL, House and Carriage Painter, WMteniBg aad Paper Hanging; Satisfaction guaranteed In every raw. Fair and reasonable prices and the best of work and material.

Office ThlrteenU Street, bet wwa Franllin and rTebster. Restdence. 1 256 Alice Street. EmploTment Offices. il US.

C. A.EADS A BO NINTH street, sucoesHors to Miss Seymour, recommend their Employment Bureau to furnish first class belp of all nationalities, with good references; call or address before going elsewhere: orders bymaii attended to promptly la city andcountry. Xiress making combined. my 17- TOTRE LADIES AND GENTLEMEN of Oakland MKS. ELF'EN has remored froia S63 Washington street, ts 2xl etockton street, Kan Francwco, where she Is now better prepared fill to your orders for ail kinds of help Orders will be promptly filled.

ocl5-o County Eeal Estate. THOMAS C. ARMSTRONG, REAL Kaate Agency. Uaywards, bas property In all portions of Alameda county; don't nego tiste wiilwiu conjuring with. T.

C. Armwroiig, fiaywardj nyrit 'G()IJl(liSEAL, rti ii 1 tioiDiBpooisanQMoes mmmm Pore! Delicate! Dry! E. A. HERON, 422 OAKLAND HA Tor Sale. (iVHflfl -Bl S1SESSIS OAKLAND: CioUUi nest, easily, conducted, wll e- tsblished, profitable, with all cash trade constantly increasing, and capable of much anrler intcUeKent manarenieiit; caters to best cl of people; flill routine can be learned in a week; owner has otUer and larger intereFts tliat reonire his tiine.

Fullest par- lieulhrs given. Address F. this otlice. joo-o A BAKGAIS-FOR SALE-tOt SOX l'J5: new house. 9 rooms: balh; stationary tobs modern rruprovemeDts stable chicken yard; Filbert street, near Sixteenth; 700O: parties soirnr Kat: make aa oiTer.

'A ply to U. J. ilcA VO A 677 Washington street. A GKKAT BAKGAIT CO ACRK9 IX a lMuuliiul tract for suixlividimr. within one mile of city limits of Oakland; a irood ifi-.

vestment, only 100 nerascre. O. t'. LtKiAN Heal Ageuls. 4t3l street.

FOR SALE-A TOl'XG IIOKSE. perfVctiy gentle; a irood traveler: iuelud- ine lutrnesft and A oolv at. 101 Twelfth street, corner of. Linden, between Uie hours ot and 7 P. ij5-lw I'OK SALE A FEIIT 9TAM).

COK- A per of Centrul aveune aud Webster street. AlnnieiUl. 'eptuue Oardens. Price jeiO-lwx FOR SALE TWENTY-SEVEN Fl'LL furnilied rooms in the Areata lloue. l'j'4 an Paolo avenue, or particulars, apply to above address.

rOB SALE A HOKSE POWER: can be seen corner Third and Filliert sis. Inquire of v. I. HHIIHiMAN. le'J8-la "COR SALE A VALT'ARLE IXVEN.

tioii; is of interest to harness makers 1 UOO per cent profit an article that is needed bv every one uiIlRa vehicle; here is a chance fo an enterprising man. Fox patliculars. address a. 1 kihi'nk onice. SALE WOOD AM) COAL.

bu. oii.ines: esiaDiisiifHi ia vears: win sold clfeu) on accouut of retiring from business. Address Box i. this office. JelM-o XT'Olt SALE IX EAST OAKLANI-A six room house, nicely paucred, with hiifti basement, burn, and chicken house: 4 hIs well fenced, iiieludine corner: dozen fruit tre4 and small fruits; ntr.u new Baptist CtilM-ee: a nice home and vt-rv cheap; cost about will sell for i'JSt'O.

Further information by apply ing to the cwm r. J. J. ANN AN, wall paper Ltre, 1 iuj i.ui casi MUKiari. jell-la VOK SALE A BLACK ltl-GGV A horse, varrantwl kind and eenile: will drive single or'double, or will go under the sa'l- ue; worm.

ioo; price hu. liuiuire southwest corner Orchard and Webster streets. Oak land. Jel-n FOR SALE -HORSES AM) FRESH cows ICr cavh. or on the installment niau: Cows to rent by tuv tnonlb.

Apply at (Seventh ano a ut-e streets, liaKlam. nc 1 TpOR SALE -A YOl'XO FAMILY J. norse sounoana centle: been nseil bv lady for the past two mouths iu and alound faKlaml: also a bugy pha-ton in gcnsl csndi- tion; a bargain. Inquire of W. A.

KKN'NKY, uuuer, uuer street, itaKiana. my lu-o VOR SALE AT A HAKCAIX-AN A' upright piano, new from tiie factory. For particulars apply at onice. le5-o OI)GI0 HOFSE OF ABOI 30 JJ rooms, well furnislietl: verv centrally 1 rated, aud doing a fine. tayiug business; sutis- n-ciory reasons ior selling, inquire at this omce.

teiy MILK RANCH' FOR SALE-HAS eight milkers; good horse aud wagon; forty-two A 1 customers in Oakland cows are Jersey, Durham, and Holsipin: can clear 150- per mouth. Address Alllk Ranch. Tkihi-ne omce. Jy5-lwx Houses to Bent. THKEE ROOMS AND RATH TO let.

uiiniriiisiwtl; no children: in a like house and locality. Apply at Perulata stresr. lyx-xwx TIOI SKTO RENT AND FOR SALE. Li Apply to DK. AiI.

ML.URITT. Alaihson no5 TO LET AN 8 ROOM, TWO.STORY cottage house, miern improvements: jvin Pablo avt nucr rpiit -'5 month. Apply c. A. KL1NKNL.K, 3L'0 Francisco.

tsansome street. San ap-y-o TO LET-FIVE ROOM COTTAtlP: A mcxlern improvements: rent l(15tir 10 v. a. azu oanson.e st. Houses Wanted.

ANTED TO KRM-FIVE ROOM. Ill-use or more, witti a fpv u-ns i.r lunj state mil particulars and lowest rem. AiUlress 1. 1 KlHl (jlIU'C. Jj -lwx H'AMKB-A COTTAIil'.

OF FIVE minis. Auurv-ss vwi 1 AUJS, tills otlke. jclH-u Business Notices. AS I HATE JtST KETIKNEI) iroin Af-w tort: ii.v nntr t.n ahspnee, i wish to Inform my former patrons und the public in general that I will make suits I.U...H. jtrwini tuui 111 UlKsP Sll from as upwards sivlish and perlect Bt.

1 11. WlUK, 1171 Beventli street, Adeli iss Adflina Mill Kill, JVS lWX fttflorv. tfOULliWest corner Third Fil.ert btreels; residence over storeroom; h11 aiimri vi pmiu ana KiteDea nirmture, itmnu- im-iurea ana constantly on liann, at Linen K.tes, Hch as wurdrobts, ciiiObnler, meat oaiei. lanes, eic. jeS-oa FLKMING'8 M'liSEliY-FLORISTS, Se-tlme and urr-ers men.

Floml lep(jt. in.riiitd.Hi vomer -Minn ana weoster street: lmet of riowerfi. best of hnimiinta m.ruuuery, iuuihh ana Iran irw-s. ftiirt kmm 41,1 ajiKinns; every aeblfc'U for weddings, parties, imirnuc, ri PRO- lewionni machine work uoneoiau mmw; general joboin ami blacic- rsinititirie niout-ls made fur pateni. 60 5: 1 11 Bireei, -ie7- MKS.

HAGI (NEKUNMCOMBK for lUiifiv veara teaclier or nnwu Thi itome rcnool of the late Miss H. N. niu. returned to okin.iui niiu in iiirunrru 10 r-If I no and HiniiiK lesssns at ner restaence. rVutliwit cor- nr ii arm roirte'ntn street.

Jyr-Ia M. CASEY, TETERISAKY SI K- treoit. and uraditute of Hie ltnv.l vir. inary oiler of London: all kinds of" horsediw- eases treated with surcesB; Lorses shod In' com petent men 111 first clam mamier. 4.1m l-.

en 111 ii reei, near isroaaway. apJl VOTlfE TO THE ri'BLIC-I HAVE 1 this day sold all uiy TiKtit. title, ami inter est in my carriage triiumiiii; bnsini-sa at H68 Kleventh street to my son. viiiwii-s ai-iiui mr wmmi i most llilly ask the KOOd Will of all mv old etistom.r. Uifln Lt.1 ALllAliU.

UAKU.VD. Jll 1- JtJOi. ly'J-lw Q. L. fn HARM'M A DEALERS 1 fruits aud iiriHluce, bacon, ham., KMuvr hiiu Kaiue. noiesaie anu retail coins uenvereil Lri-nilitlv to anv imrt nfih city free of charge: X'iHi Broadway, Oakland, s. UEALEIt IN SASH. aoors, minds, and Klass. 1173 Han aentir.

near Btreet. A larKe consianiiy on nana, r-suniatesicivr'n for clazinir. or winnow screens a specialty, hoaiHsit uuuarm who. myltl CTKSOfilt APIIEK AM) TYPE-' writer All kinds of lcaal work. husineA correspondence and copyinK proinptlv.

aix-j- rati ly and neatly done: shorthand reporting and typewiitiiiK a specialty. AtolHceof Mct- can oi ivieicHiiAltornevs al law, room 45, No. 8t)9 JJrosilway, Oakland: hours. 9 a. m.

to 5 JMlhS A- I ASK, stenographer. jaU-c TAHrA'MEN TO LEA SE AT i-ruil ale. -j acres uuiil: corraU. cabin; eoi supply: rent Apply to BF.M;UICT t'APKLL, 457 iiiiin street.

le.tu-iwx THE ONLYISHAXCH IN OAKLAND ot John F. Snow's leaiiinir and Iiveiiu? nuries, i.o riroauivay. oeiween- rouneeairi and lineenth streets. Speclalt made of cur tains, from 75 cent to $1 25 per pair. All kinds oi wora uuiie ai cneuesi rates.

myo-a J. SMITH. VIEW PITOTOfl- ileefir.iimnt. Interior iews a specialty: all work finished In nrst ciass style, orders left at W. W.

DAMES'g I nrRnway. JeH-l 1 Searchers of Records. DC RAY SMITH, SEARCHER OF Records and Conveyancer, Alameda coun ty. liuice.r.c. 45 Mnlh street, bet.

Broadwav anu aamiigion, viaKiana. y-o G. W. TW'KEAND, SEARCHER OP xiecvrus ior Aiameua countv. iienerMe.

816 Thirteenth street, near Market street. ofiices, southeast corner Fourth and Broadway, UUIMIIU. OTOCKEK A SCHRAMM (SrrcKA. sore to Lawrie (Schramm 1. Searchers of jxecorus ior Aiameaa county, street (Blake A Motrin Oakland, Cal.

Es- taoiiiinea lbta. iaZ East Oakland. CIGARS ANI TOBACCO-A1WAIS siop at P. RADCLIFFE'S and have a Hood smoke BadclifTe's "Favorite" cigar and White Labor brands; the best of smoking tobacco kept; don't forget him; 637 East Twelfth street. t- nos-o EAST OAKLAND BREWERY, COR-ner Eighth avenue and Twelfth street.

East Oak land the best steam beer on the coast. K. KiJStiljiiNBKRO. Jyl-la Constables, c. C.

CALVERT, CONSTABLE OF Brooklvn townshln: residence, comer j. ourteemo. street aoa Ten lb avenue. Eve Oak- a a 1. BLOCK.

Seal Estate. JjAKG AlffS IN REAL STATE. Cf fl A A Hons 5 rooms and lot 25x104.5 GilvW blocks from station? S11H1 ouh. balance easy installmenta. -cnoice residence lot; 50x110; fine neicbborhood terms If desired S1750-S -New cottaire 4 rooms, bath and rooms, oatn ana sh, balance pay- -t I tlv Dantrv: fllOO raHh.

bIanne nsv. able easy instalments. WTPiV lot -38x115: 2-storr hou', 6 rooms, bath, nsntrv. and all rool- ern conveniences; stable and Karden: 3 blocks rrom station a banraln. Q-KAAA to UlSO.OOO-Sevenil nieces fine tffOylll' business property choice Investments; full particulars given.

fpeeLil attention given to the purchase and sale of Kal Kitate. Parties seeking hemes, income ol'bUSlness umnerlv eillier for trii liiviwojenl ir stiecuiation, will be Ainiimej list 01 aesiraoie places uion application to J. 11.31A1 Retl Estate Brokers, 470 Ninth, cor. liroadway ia I 'OR SALE IITJACKSOV, VANDEK-CJK Si KLVIN. 458 Ninth street.

ill 7fifl SOxlOO.on Twenty sixth street, tJJ near rian Pablo avenue: chenn. No. 84 Si 5lls'- at JnnctUm of Snn l-ov 1'ablo avenue and t'htstmit stmot. barguln. No.

7.1. Cjl 'AA Cottage of 5 rooms; I OUv centrally located, la Ea-clieap. i-'SxlOO: East Oak laud; i 1 fl rottare or rooms: lot 50x CLiOo 1O0: Linden, near piod netghborhood. No. 141.

two story hnnse of 8 rooms, withbatli. bum. Mr wor.h $3000. So.J4'i OQ! A Nearly new cottage of 5 rooms. si oin, Ks, lot aoxlUH; Adeline, near Kighteenth street.

No. 130. i. li SJJ tn lift Oood two story honse ofS mnms oiIUU biHh.gas. Henteil for iivr niumn.

uu AirKham, near Tenth et. Annrgaln. No. aid. OJ Ofl-r'ot 60xlOO-a gwort ness property in Last Oakland.

No. l'J7 JARGAINS IN REAL ESTATE. LA Aores, han Hnninn Vnllev, Contra Cosla county all fi'nced and enmsfewed liousc rooms, large oarn.z good iprlnqs. Acres, 11 mllos rrom Oakland, In Pleasant JC alley: small house and barn: 17o fruit lre-, 3 years old; ltirll. ll and Winter NVIlii iiarsauii t.erman prunes; lulance in barley; 01 uie crop goes with iilas e.

ITice 15uo. Acrrsadjnlitlng the above: small hmo. 4 tftj icosl barn anil ti-iitdiuirs-fine water; fine fruit and vmevars will' Incliute 1 span worili HK): 1 w.o:i doHoo imrness; nil liif 1 rowj 3 hogs and 3 duzeu cliicXcus. rive rov. QOA Acres only 10 miles from Oakland, in Taylor valley; house, barns, ery nnesi ot innt and vine- aru lanu acr.T now In fruit.

Price 1 A mile from goisl town: IS miles trtmi liaKland: rich uiii sell' a whole. in as acre tracts: rl-ie ning stream throiiijh the place. Price 100 per OO Acres near Santa Rosa: "all level, fenced ami crosrencel acres in on-hard. 3 acres in vineyard; house of 5 rooms, hmre mm, i mcn nouses, gooa well, tank and tank- House; fine place for Uie money. Price 3000 One of the finest residence properties in Oakland: cable caiSt nam near II, uoiiFe of 1 i large rooms, and a very wld3 hall marble mantli-t and grutesin all the room; is uemeo.

un inrousn witn not water pilies: all modern fo.mrovtmentu. lUPv i.ur.. and carriage home: line prronhds': nice lawn: ornamental and fruit trees in nbuuilitiicc: Oils is thehest tiarirain in Oakland; must be seen to ue appreciated, rrice T.J. l'KARCE 4(0 Tenth street.

1 A COOT) HANTES. 10(H) EACH; pr A only SKMI down 'O ner VIUOO Corner 011 nriru'ioMl tinA iiKoliusiiiess comer, 7xl20. 100O L01 50xl'27 at Ilwiirht stnllno A "(m i irini, oiiM'K, iinni-nesiuence corner, 'JOOx 13S. 11100 Two corners. tear 100x100.

10M) Ten lots. 1 1 100 Fine corner. 1 Is) 1 1 (Ml one htoett fro HMM) Comer. 170x134. floiK) Lot lo4xl3ti.

on Main avenue. $1(MRI Comer lot. 150x15. Btr berore the rise. 11.

MrirviTiivv Jel6-o Herkeley station; Berkeley. Attorneys. CAMl'KL I5FLL M'KEE Jll AT- torucj at Law. 957 Uwmlii-ai" okIiuid. .11.

O. DODGE, ATTOItNE AT LAW. ty Broadway, rooms 30 and al, Dclgcr Block. XlJVr AKI KOJtlNSON, ATTOR- ney ior I'liono AuniiniKt rator. unit'.

Kroaaway, rooms 6 and 0t Oakland. Tele- "TKKIEKICK Ei WHITVVV A i' tor missioner of Alameda county, 957 iJrowlway, I'KED L. BI'TtOS, ATTORNEY AT law aud Notary Public, 809 Broadway, VKAK BJ OGDEN, ATTOKNKY and fonnseltor at und GEO; W. LANGAN ATTORVFY and C'oitUNelor at Liveruiore, AUe- sHl, Olll.K K. IK I1KLIA, ATTOK- ney at Ijiw.

ourt iluuse, ruoiu 3. teie- lihone 19, Oakland. TIEM.Y mi.LER, ATTOKXEY AT 'Brmuu, v. ui. inV-T-O II.

C. FIltKBAl'Gflj ATTOIINEY AT Law. California atrpot.ri.nn A Sun Francio. LaL PraulLa in all tlu nuirta uue. iur4-4a I.J.

E- MrELRATn. ATTORNEY AT ju itiaKe-Moiiii DuildJOK, cor. Broadway and Oakland apl J. C. PlI NKETT.

ATTOI1NKT AT law-, northeast corner Hroadwav and sev. enin street, rooms and o.oakuuid, Cal. Je7 J. A. KOIUN90N.

600 MONTOOM- ery Btreet. rooms and 4 San Francises. H. C. McPlKK.

R. Vi.vr, Assistant Dlst. Attv. 'PIKE A NO YES, ATTORNEYS und Counselors at fjiw. street, room l.l, sstn rancisco, 1 al.

Af C. CHAPMAN. ATTORNEY AT 111 Law. Sti'J Broadwav. Oakland, rimnia U11U ox.

IOItROTV A STRATTON, ATTOTt- JIA- nevs at Law. H'JA AlouU-omerv street. Man i raiii'isii. r.iuranie. .1.

nullH ov.o. tv. KV.r.T. A. A.

MOORK. I OOIIE A ltEET, SOUTHEAST COR I' A Ninth and Broadwav. ETC A LP ANT METCALF, 99 'J. lirnailway. Ivs.nis 44 to 4ii.

onklaiMl. AJTF.R 315 CALIFORNIA sireei. risinis ana 7. Kranclscj. XK ANI RTCnKTSON.

ROOMS -l tt. P. and 10, 45tf Ltettth street. Oaklaii'L M. ATTORNEY at iw, lroadway, rooms 1 and a.

Oakland, lal. jej KA.HEnJIAM, 05 Koouis 17 and 18. 1 BROADWAY. TnOS. E.

fiKAIIKK, ATTORN KY ai mw. ronuis anil sl', llnsiJwav. i-oruer oeeiuu sireei, oaaianu, ieiy JAS. W.

Tt'ARFOBD. WALTER IIABKIN0TOS IVAKFORI) A HARRINGTON, 057 Itroadway, riKuus 'ja and jy 1 Builders. riAMERON A M'lHPHt n. CUV. tractors and builders, rUS Myrtle and in jiguieeiiui sireeis.

auo G. A. KIRK, CARPENTER builder, shop 408 Tenth street. AND B. WHITE, RFILDER, HAS BE- 1 moved from 417 Thirteenth street to ft-'J street, between Kan Pablo and Tele graph avenues, where be will be pleased to see an ins ytu ixienus anu patrons.

mr z-io M'CARTYA ALLEN, CARPENTERS, builders, and general jobbers. Shop Sou u'rieeiiiu sireei. jas B. K. 1UIS.

WILLIAM M'ulTT. MS. JORDAN. CARPENTER AND Contractor, 3t0 Twelfth street. Joh- ping promptly attended l.

H. WILSON. CARPENTER ANTS builder: stores and olUces fitted un: lob bing promptly attended to and wood work of every description made to order. Hnop. 468 lenin street, -between Broadway and Wash ington.

T. VEITCH. CONTRACTOR AND TT Builder. Office 30ii, 304, and 304 eiun mreeu anil Stores To Let. KES TO LET ON SAN PABLO avenue, between Sixteenth and Keven- enth streets Ui be let to a responsible ten- at a moderate rate.

Annlv at 409 Twelfth jyi-iwi rfO LET-NOTICE TO BARBERS a naroer snop estaniLshea ror nve years, witb fine bathtubs; to rent at a reasonable priee: part or whole of store: under Bartlett House, oeveina sirei'i, near nroauway. Apply to J. sauusuimiuiHiui nrtet, jey-xrr Professor M. Grinclly and a newspaper a baloon ascension from Fort-land, lit-, on Tuesday and landed In Caaco 1 x'i I ftorelirn. Sir Draramond WoHThas bceirordered to England.

Beandry A the jewelers ol Montreal, ltave tailed. The prisoners In the Sehnaeacle muddle are still on trial. tnMror WlUiam made a brilliant prog ress through Ems. BirT. Johnston's colt Friar Balsam won the July stakes at Newmarket.

A banquet was held by Americans in erague in honor of the Fourth. The French Chamber of Deputies raised the duty oa alcohol to 70 francs per The Honse of Commons debated the propriety ol the arrest of Hiss Cass by the police. An Infernal marhinoras fonnd in the Canadian Pacific ticket oitice at Ottawa on Honda) night. Harrington has made an elaborate reply to Gladstone's recent statements regarding the home rule question. The y'knch Chamber of Deputies has adoptoCthe clause of the Army oill.rovid-"ing for three years' service.

BoBTier, the Minister of Finance and Premier of France, has proposed a budget to the Chamber of Deputies. The explosion? of a dynamite" shell Jaivgia, HunRary, killed twenty-seven men and injured forty-efght others. The British Government was defeated in the Common last night on a question arising from the action of the London poliee In arresting a respectable woman as an improper character. Pacific Slope. A fr(thtful TaUroad accident sear Spokane Falls, Wash.

The proprietors the Victoria Standard Will be punished for contempt of court. Wipis BlackweU (colored) was fatally stibtied in, the audomen at Lordsburg, S. Mix. Ex-Mayor Kalloch of San Francisco was to have delivered an oration at Whatcom, "Wash. Steps are being taxon to irrigate and reclaim a tract of 100,000 acres near Bakera- K.

Sy iller, Tormerly of San Francisco, was fatally injured by a runaway at Los Angeles. Canals are beimr. projected through Kern Count? to irrigate and redeem lands in the Citnbelfc-- has withdrawn i'ts'ac--4ion for criminal libel against the Vietoria teng Timet. 8npervisor Burns of San Francisco met with a painful accident while out riding in Shasta county. The party who went from Portland to bnrn red fire on the summit of Mount Hood on the Fourth accomplished trieir purpose.

'reported that land grabbers hired Rive a terrible beatin? to Cbrles settler who was locating a i-tinch nmeut land in Warner valley. feg-. LTVEBMOEE TIXEYAEDS. The CreMlB U'lat Cellar -Grapes Draaplns- rraoa Vinee. ifrermore Herald; The Crellin wine cellar oa the Ruby Hfll Tlneyard ir going np rapidly and will be.

the largest in livennore valley The building li of brick, and will be substantial and first class in every respect. We uji-derstand that the Messrs. Creilla are poh- luenng tne aavisaointy ot engaging in Thermuirifactereof must, in which event they will be large purchasers of grapes. The business ie in its infancy, bat from its nature cannot but prove paying nd we certainly hope they will engage in it. An examination of the vineyards dnriug the past week disclosed the fact that there will be considerable, injury tolhe grape erop of this valley by the dropping of the berries.

There is but little dropping as yet, but on some varieties a portion of the berriee on a bunch are continuing torow, while others have stopped. These stunted berries will not be perfected and will- generally drop. Inefced, in some places, a sharp stroke against the main stalk will a howerof these berries already. Thetrou- ble seems mostapparenton the longpruned varieties, and is believed by good -authority to be caused largely by the density of the foliage, and the consequent sweltering in hot weather. How much these difficulties will cut down the crop it is as yet too early to vesture an opinion.

Are we not expecting too- much of our Tlneyards? We plant them generally ou light land, worn out for wheat, and expect them to begin bearing the third year, and continue increasing the crop- till they produce from four to six tonser acre. We never pick oti'a bunch, end a few berries drop we consider it a calamity. Now, la-this valley the vine is very fruitful, and today 4 and 5 year old vines are, staggering beneath loads of from thirty to a hundred bunches of grapes. A fruit tree thus encumbered, though with eight times the space from which to draw sustenance, would be relieved of folly half the load: by the careful grower. Why not pursue tip came course with the vine? It is a willing horse, and willingly bears beavy burdeu; but can it always do so? And is not tUis tunting of a portion of the fruit a protes ou the part of the vine against the burden we allow it to bear? A VALUABLE MISTAKE I Br 'Whleli a man Nettea Over an Heal Estate.

St. Paul Pioneer Press. In real estate office the other day I heard a gentleman relating the experience of an IStMterri friend of his wno many years ago, lor a bad debt of $20,000, was compelled to accept West-, ern land of the estimated value of He paid constantly increasing taxes upon the land for a number of years without going to see it. Onedavhis agent telegraphed him asking what he would take lor the which had finally come to be far within the corporate limits of Chicago. The owner figured that; taxes and interest, the land had cost him $30,000, and more ia a joke than anything else, not dreaming that the offer would be accepted, wrote a telegram saving that he would take $50,000 cash for the property.

He sent the message by the office boy to the telegraph office, where the clerk insisted that the sum be spelled' vui ui uic message, ne "onice boy rewrote it, -and by mistake Wrote $500,000 instead of $50,000. In an hour back eame the reply. "Offor of half a million dollars accepted. Make-deed and come on and get certified check." The man jroade the office boy a handsome present for his clerical error, and gave Bis Id time debtor $25,000 with which to reestablish himself in business. Arssna the Mabog-anr.

"Yes," said Miss Breezy of Chicago, "it is a pleasure to dine at the "Wahashes. Mrs. Wabash is naturally hospitable, and aside from the general excellence, evervthing is served Jn a way that is positively delightful to a Tierson of cultured tastes. And her soups are delicious. Whv, do you know," went on the young lady, "that last evening I was served to soup three times, and could easily have gone one more." Oltacr Daties win Prevent.

1 Concord school philosopher (to Manager Boston Baseball Club-Ioes k. -your excellent team play on the 13th of July? Manager Yes, sir; I believe there is a game down for that date. Philosopher I am very sorry, Our echool opena on the 13th, and we would like exceedingly tobave the Honorable Jdr. Kelly present. lTaca janslc.

"I am passionately fond of music," said Miss Breezy to her escort at the fTra, encoring vigoronsly; "althouch -1 sing very little just then the singer 1 appeared in ponse to tixvmfr ra Bnd jfiss Breezy ledT jr -Oh! I dos.ope it wifl be 'White A woman who eonnti her children to the umher of twenty eight has beu pen- ty the Mexican tovernuient. K. AV. Corner Our very latest is a lino Hold on 1 in The on yh's of By are for "NVe have introduced a nevj-scheme to bring the very latest styles of Neckwear; "before the ublic from ten to fcjurteen days advance of our slow-going but otherwise esteemetTcompetitors. show-case in our doorway Market street is devoted exclusively to NECKWE.VR.

season we have displayed confined novelties at intervals about a week with splendid success. Our styles are always fresh and odd, and as-soon as something new comes along tho existing display, no matter hTT popular, has to give place ta-it. these means tastv dresse being educated to look to us the newest neck in tne new style long leeks and our-in-hanls, six different shades, COc Price SEE THE CELEBRATED "COLD" AKD SILVER" SHIRTS. ilCO tloz. Fancj', four-in-hand Scarfs, light and 23 1 CO doz.

Fancy, four-in-hand Scarfs, 1 ipht and dark 50 i doz. ancy, four-in-hand Scarfs, light and dark 7 50 doz. Fancy, four-in-hand Scarfs, light and dark 1 10 doz. Faricy, Scarfs, Fisk, Clark 75 doz. Fancy, four-in-hand Scarfs, Fisk, Clark CO doz.

Fancy, four-hi-hand Scarfs, Fisk Clark CO doz. Fancy, four-in-hand Scarfs, Fisk, Clark 50 doz. Men's Cotton Bathing Suits of Satin-Chenille Neckwear. a 00 7o 1 00 1.25 50 00 oa 2 00 3 50 pieces) Bathing Suits. 1 VQ Market Streot, ICO doz.

Men's Cotton (1 piece) Bathing JSuits ICO doz. Men's Cotton (2 pieces) Bathing 50 doz. Men's "Wool (2 pieces', Bathinc Suits ICO doz. Boys' Cotton (1 piece) Bathing 1 CO ICO doz. Boys'jCotton (2 pieces) Bathing 1 00 on ,1 rin irt i-i 0 doz.

i-adies' ool (2 J. FLA11 924 to 928.

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